HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-20, Page 14iteelMtratteeeseseelterVereseseeeseeeeeerstreeeteeMeeteMrsellys
Page 14 September 20, 1962
Lucan • •
and district news
Phone. 12.74e5,5 gorresPeeslent; .Miss ;Woe Abbott
etaggisat geetliMg.
Local. lady
marks 91
Mee, Michael Holden, one of
Lucan's oldest residents, cele-
brate' her 91st birthday last
Tuesday at the home of her
daughter' and son in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, John Smibert of :Fmk'
Among .her many letters,
cards and gifts were a copy of
the Little Bible ." from her
soh, Ed Holden of WAllacetown
and a birthday Peke from a.
neighbor, Mrs- Don Black.
Though she had no party or
family gathering this year Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Holden of pros.
pest Hill were birthday callers,
Mrs, holden, the former.
Jemina Near, daughter of the
late Mr, and Mrs. George Near
(with the exception of the last
three years in Lucan) has spent
her entire life in West Nissouri,
In 1889 she married Michael
Bolden at the home of her sis-
ter, with the Rev, D, Perrie
efficiating, Jest before Mr. Hol-
den's death the couple celebrat-
ed. their 50th wedding anniver-
Mrs, Holden has four sons
and one daughter, Gordon of
Thorndale, Roy of Prospect
Hill, Mervin of London, Ed-
ward of Wallacetown anti Mary
(Mr. John Smibert) of. Lucan,
Mrs, Holden is still able to
assist her daughte rwith the
house-work and looks and acts
more like a person of 60 than
one of 90.
55 years
Happenings in
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sher-
rill were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Sherritt of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson
and family attended Zion West
anniversary and were guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chittick
of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man McNaughton of Stratford
spent Saturday evening with
With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom-
Mrs. Gertie Thomson and
Mrs. Myrtle Brown are spend-
ing a week or so at Royal
Paul. Parkinson had his ton-
sits removed at St. Marys
Memorial Hospital on Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang-
ford and family were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Salmon of Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dann and
family of Hyde Park spent Sun.
day with Mr. and Mrs, Ken-
neth Parkinson.
Mrs. Lottie Jones spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Joe Bryan of Granton.
Mr. and "Mm's. Claire Sisson
spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred ?etch of Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs, Morley Waugh
of London spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac'
Mr, arid Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop-
er, Very), And Jeanette, Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Oakes of Lake-
side were Sunday evening vis-
itors of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth
Facey of Weliburn and Miss
Edna Facey of Pidon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills
and family were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Evelyn Mills of Sea-
Me, Cod! Moseey is a patient
In St. ,Joseph's Hospital, Lo.n •
don, after a severe heart at-
. . . Keith O'Neil
RATE 5.25
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With over seventy years' experience
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Established in Sarnia in, 1889, led have
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Seed ragas, aortae ofileett !owl, Nireliet
Aotiiils—Watietelieoh Siroihroe
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If You're TIRED
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take Dodd's nine, Pills. Dodd's hells
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Dmitri Kid* Pills now. Look for the
blue box with the red hand at all drug
teentera,You can depend on Dodd's.so
Tuesday, September 11, was
a happy occasion for Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Coleman of George
St., Lucan, for on that day g
they celebrated their fifty-fifth
wedding anniversary,
The bride, the former Norma
Dickins, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dickins
of Market St., Lucan, was born
on concession 4, Biddulp h,
about four miles north of Luc-
an. The groom is the son of the
late Samuel and Sarah Coleman
of Cavan County, Ireland. He
came to Canada in 1906, a year
prior to his marriage in St.
Paul's Church, Kirkton, Sept.
11, 1907, by the Rev. George
Their attendants were the
bride's sister, Ma, now Mrs.
Harold .Dickins of Rochester
and the late Reginald Hodgins.
With the exception of six
years spent in the West, the
couple have lived all their mar-
ried lives in and around Lucan,
and the past 45 years in their
present home on George St.
Mr, Coleman retired five years
ago. At that time he was an
employee of the Stanley Hard-
ware, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman have
one daughter, Mrs. W. W. Gar-
ret of. Concession 16, London
Township, one granddaughter
Mrs. Don Meraggart of the
Oakridge High School staff and
one grandson, Jack Garrett, an
employee of the Huron & Erie,
Market Branch, London.
Last Tuesday Mrs. Garrett
and Mrs, McTaggart staged a
family dinner at. the Embassy
Dining Lounge, London, fol-
lowed by an evening of cards
at the home of the latter, where
gifts, telegrams and cards
were displayed. The bride wore
a large corsage of pink carna-
tions and ribbon and the groom,
a white carnation, gifts from
their grandson.
Among the many congratula-
tory messages were a framed
scroll from the Government of
Ontario, sent by John Yaremko,
provincial secretary at the re-
quest of Hon. William A. Stew-
art, member of the Provincial
Legislature, wires from Hon.
John Diefenbaker, Prime Minis-
ter of Ontario,, Hon. and Mrs.
H. A, Thomas, MP, for Mid-
dlesex West, Hon. Campbell. E.
Millar, MP for Middlesex East.
Hon, and Mrs. William A Stew-
art, Minister of Agriculture.
Daring the lunch Jack Dick-
ins, on behalf of all present,
again congratulated Mr. and
Mrs. Coleman and hoped they.
Would be spared to eelebrate
their 60th anniversary, He also
thanked Mr, and Mrs. Garrett
and Mr, anti Mrs. MeTaggart
and Jack for their hospitality.
Dances, bingo
planned by club
The Lucan Lions Club held
its opening fall meeting in the
Anglican Church basement last
Monday with the new president,
Lions Elmer Mosurinjohn in the
chair who postponed the story of
his trip to Nice, France, until
Lion Bill Allen of London who
sprang a surprise on the mem-
bers by being married in Aug-
ust was present and will con.
time as bulletin editor
The club still has a number
of first aid kits and first aid
Woke for sale,
The first dance of the season
will be held at the community
centre, September 28, The Club
hAs already booked the Core-
ritheity Centre for a New Veers'
The annual turkey bingo will
also he held at the Community
Centre, October 3, (Many will
win a Thanksgiving dinner that
night,) A cointnittee composed
of Messrs Clerence 'Tasks:tie attending Teachers' Cellege this at the Arena commencing at Among the
guesta were Tv:
,year and Graham, eelie spent 8 p.m. All interested persons end Mrs. W. Stanley of Alex Young,— Don tenting and CM1i'80') arid small son .rce —0 . e _ ..0 ., e,
the Summer On the boate to are ievited to attend. 2 Denfield, Mr, and Mrs. George. Les Woodward were named to mained over for a longer visit 4, ll"40.. ,ric!,,p2 ri.,e7eryb est, a tie a
HaWaii, wi"I be attending CArld. Roller skating for thi s season Adams and faintly Of Bier and k, th ' With her sister and faultlY. bothered by baskesherg, Perinea noth.
,nrert-out taming, and may he ma e e necessary arrange y
and Mts. Ernest Rote eponse to this venture Could family of APPM*
r. and:airs. erne Towers and Men u eiti 6 eg a Ottawa, has tome to A close, The re-
The TAN- Club will he visi-
tors at the CFPVEll program Stinday attended the 25th Wed- have been a little More eneour- The bride and groom are bah
Life v
Fast", Deteber 9., ding anniversary of Mr, and egirig. Members of the London Life ,,.
Mrs. Peter Wygeria at Irievtied. Will any persons Whe are in- Insurance Co, The former work- Personal 'toils
Instead of the *null silver ptee. terested in the .fertriation of me- ed for a nurithee of Years in the Me. and Mee. David glover
eiliatintia, Mr. arid ,Mrs. WY- '.eat anal groups, such as arts reeridene branch before going to of Manitoulin Island spent a
grie Were presented With two and crafts square and folk Toronto, five years ago. She has f ew 'days With Mr. and M rs. Ron
Platte tickets to Varientivet to dancing, music, drama or arty never taken her membership SqUire.
visit Mete eon and tlthigliter-itis other special interests, please away from the. Lunn United Mt. Alui Mrs. Robert Lens
law Arid baby gratideon. ceetact me at the. arena 227-4221 Chureh which She, Attended reg- ratter' were Sunday "guests At
Mrs Tettsertee (TOM") Culbert Or at my reeidenee 20.4823, Wetly until eoing to Torentti, the teeter-Ye
Mrs,'.13), Stanley
lormer .resident
The funeral service of the
late Mrs. Bernard Stanley was
held at the Ratzbechtel Funeral
Home, Kitehener, August 25
will interment in Memory Gar.
Beides her husband. Mrs.
Stanley is survived by her
father, Mr. Smith,
Before moving to Kitchener,
about 20 yerrs ago, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley lived on Beech
St., Lucan, where Mr. R. K,
Montgomery now lives, Mr.
Stanley was born and raised in
Lucan and for a number of
years has been an employee of
the Unemployment Insurance
%About five years ago he was
transferred from the Kitchener
branch. to Lindsay. Mrs. Stan-
Idy, who had been in poor health
for some time, died in Lindsay
explorers' graduation
,Mrs. Charles Sovereign, see-
ehd vice - president, w s in
charge of 'the devotions and also
read a missionary story at the
Explorers' graduation exercises
at the United Church school-
room last Monday evening.
:Margaret Sach, assisted by
Irene Donaldson conducted the
graduation of Patsy Bradley,
Norma Davis, Marilyn Hearn,
Helen Lewis and Nancy Park to
Louise Cochrane, CG-1T vice-
president, Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ington, and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins welcomed the graduates.
Ilene Donaldson, with Mrs. G.
W. Sach at the piano, led in
se missionary sing-song.
UCW members served re-
New teacher
area resident
Lucan Public School has one
new staff member this fall.
Keith O'Neil succeeds Douglas
Corsaut (who is now a mem-
ber of the London teachng staff)
as grade 6 and 7 teacher.
Mr. O'Neil is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Toe O'Neil who lives
about two miles south of Lucan,
He is a graduate of the Coursey
Public School, Medway High
School and the London Teach-
ers' College,
He is a member of Holy Trin-
ity Anglican Church, a past
Jr. and Sr. choir member and
also a member of the Lucan
Jr. Farmers.
has been promoted to the pho-
tography department of the
CFPL-TV news room and will
not be assisting in Romper
Room this year.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Young and
family of Mitchell and Mrs.
Margaret Young and sister Miss
Jacqueline St. Marie of. London
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Freeman and fam-
Mr. Harold Butler Sr. and
Mrs. Margaret Malott have re-
turned from a 10-day plane trip
to Halifax, Montreal and To-
ronto. While at Halifax they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dor-
sey at Dartmouth, N,S,, at Mon-
treal, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Seeley
and at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Moran.
Lucan's new post office will
be closed Saturday afternoon,
Sept. 22 for moving to the new
building. As yet no postmaster
has been appointed.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott
and Linda were Saturday over-
night guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Eizenga of St. Thomas
and Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Mitch,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Ruttle of Kincardine were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James Bawtenheimer of Sar-
Mrs. Alma Price is holiday-
ing with Col. and Mrs. W, H.
Price of Toronto. During her
absence Mrs. Morris Murdy of
Kitchener will be in charge
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and
children, of Goderich, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mrs. Wiliam Haskett returned
home on Sunday after spending
five weeks with her sister, Mts,
0. C. Lillie and family of Bir-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
have returned from a week's
Matte' trip clown the St. Law-
rence to the 1,()00 Islands, 01.
tawa and Algonquin Park,
Mr. Norman Carter, Lucan'S
new recreation director and his
family, moved from Belleville
on Saturday into the house ve.
Wed by Mr. Norman Mali
beicht of Kehl St. The latter
has moved oil to a farm five
miles south of Lrcan,
While activity at present is at
a low ebb, due mainly to rend-
vetions at the arena, things will
soon be starting to roll. Teen
Town has a very important
dance coming tip this Friday
and is looking for a record turn-
out. It is hoped that other at.
tivities in this group will soon
be on the way,
On Thursday, Sept. 20 a meet.
ing of the Shamrock Minor
Hockey Association will be held
Exchange vows
in Sarnia church
An altar, banked with has-
]sets of large mums and ahaata
daisies formed the setting in
the Canon Davis Memorial
Church, Sarnia, on Saturday
afternoon, Sept. 8, for the mar-
riage of .F, Jeanne Scarrow and
C. David Sadlier, Rev. W,
Jones, assisted by the Rev, R,
S, Fellows officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Dr, and Mrs. G, R. Sparrow,
RR 1 Camlachie and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Sadlier of Sarnia,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose an or-
iginal gown of pure silk peau
de sole taffeta, imported from
Italy. The full length costume
was cut on princess lines, with
sweeping train, French import-
ed satin beads and pearls, in a
rose motif, separated front
panels, continuing from the
middle of the bodice to the petal-
shaped hem-line, Her full length
veil was caught to two hand-
made roses of the same mate-
rial. She carried a large white
orchid with stephanotis and trail-
ing ivy.
Miss Sally Hardy of Ottawa,
as maid of honor and Miss
Barbara Collier of Stratford,
Miss Virgina Adams of Toronto,
Miss Patricia Watson and Miss
Kathleen McCutcheon of Sarnia,
as bridesmaids, wore gowns of
ice blue peau de sole, featuring
a tulip skirt with coat-type front
opening and large covered but-
tons. White gardenias, ivy and
stephanotis were fastened on
muffs of the same material as
their dresses.
Terry Biehn, Sarnia, was best
man and the ushers were Wil-
liam Robinson, Belleville, David
Ross, Sudbury, J'. Ross Millar,
Toronto, and William Scarrow,
Camlachie, Wedding music was
played by J. S. France.
At a reception held at the
Sarnia Riding Club, the bride's
mother received in a taupe
sheath dress of pure silk im-
ported French chiffon, with
side drape and matching acces-
sories. She was assisted by the
groom's mother in pure silk
beige and turquoise sheath with
silk organza overskirt a n d
matching accessories.
For a honeymoon trip, the
bride donned a suit of raw silk
in eggshell yellow, with printed
silk blouse and brown acces-
The groom is a grandson of,
the late Dr. Fred Sadlier, who
spent his early life in Lucan,
while his father was station
agent here,
Trip to Jamaica
follows nuptials
Knox United Church, Agin-
court, was the setting for the
marriage of Marion Jean Stan-
ley and Andrew J. Elder at 3
p.m, Saturday, Sept, 8 when the
Rev, E. M. Cook of Lucan, as-
sisted by the Agincourt pastor,
the Rev. J. W. Stinson united
the couple in wedlock.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert J. Stan-
ley of RR 2 Denfield and the
groom is the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Elder,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a cocktail
length Swiss brocade gown,
featuring a fitted bodice, shal-
low scoop neckline, elbow length
sleeves and a bell-shaped skirt
with full back, A veil of French
pure silk fell from a pill-box
head piece. She carried a cas-
cade of gardenias and stepha-
Mrs. Peter Wiseman of Agin-
court, as matron of honor for
her sister, wore a copperdow
crystal charm dress styled the
same as that of the bride's, She
carried yellow roses and amber
.lulie Adams of Birr, niece of
the bride, made a charming
little flower girl in yellow ny-
lon, carrying a basket of yel-
low roses,
Harold S. Day of Clarkson
was best matt and George
Stanley of Hamilton was usher.
The church organist proVided
traditional wedding music and
accompanied the church soloist
who sang.
A dinner and reception were
held at the Guild of All Arts,
Toronto, where perfect Weather
permitted the holding of the
reception line on the spacious
lawn, The bride's mother re-
ceived in a printed grey silk
ensemble, grey hat And cor-
sage of pink roses.
For a heeeymoon trip to
Jamaica the bride changed to a
honey beige suit, enulti-colored
hat, bone accessories and match.
ing corsage.
The co pie will make their
home in Toronto.
iseeses -. . *th.eve
Topics from
Mt Carmel
Personal items.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerome jingler
and family of Walkerton spent
Senday with latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr.
end relatives,
'Miss Mary Meleeever and
Miss Eleanor Dietrich have
regiatered for another year at
the St. Joseph Academy in
Mr. Donald O'Rourke entered
Christ the King College for an-
other year this week.
Miss Nora Hall, nurse-in-
training from St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, Spent the week-
end with her parents.
Rev, Father Hugh Fleming,
PP, of Aylmer, spent Sunday
with his mother, Mrs. Pat
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dignan
of. London are on vacation and
visiting with Miss Bernie Mad-
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wilflin
And Billy of Blair, Ont., spent
Sunday With Mrs, Mary Train-
or and family, The latter's fa,
titer Mr, John F. Callaghan re-
turned home with them,
Mr. Scotty Realer is in
Joseph's Hospital, London. He
was operated on last week for
Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Sar-
nia visited with the latter's
sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Ryan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan
spent Sunday with their son,
Vincent, in Windsor at Assump-
tion College.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Patterson
of Fort Francis are ' the proud
parents of a new daughter and
a first grandchild for Mr. Jo-
seph Dietrich,
Miss Wendy Trainor visited
Miss Lynn Ferguson at RCAF,
Mrs. Lawrence Howard and
Mrs. Mac Ferguson of Huron
Park, RCAF Centralia, called
on Mrs. Mary Trainor and
Speaking on the text, "To
love is to listen", Rev. G. W.
Paul of North Bay, a commis-
sioner to the General Council
meeting in the Metropolitan
Church, London, was the guest
speaker at the 11 o'clock serv-
At 7.30 some Lucan members
attended the Service of Witness
held in the London Arena where
the guest speaker was Rev. Dr.
Jas. R. Mutchmor, newly elect-
ed moderator,
UCW hear about England
Mrs. C. A. Appleton of Eng-
land, a visitor with Rev, and
Mrs. Sach at the parsonage was
guest speaker at the UCW meet-
ing held in the church school-
room Thursday. She talked
about her home town and the
differences in the customs here
and there, Mrs. Appleton was
thanked by Mrs. R. Squire.
President Mrs, C, H. George
was in the chair and Mrs. Ross
McRoberts and Mrs. G. W. Sach
assisted with the devotional.
The Young People held their
first fall meeting Friday eve-
ning with the president, Patil
Graham in the chair.
Assisted by Vicky' Eizenga
and Lorraine Graham trio vocal
numbers were presented. Paul
also was the speaker, speaking
on "The Ten Virgins",
At the WA meeting held at
the church Thursday evening
the electio.. of officers was held.
President is Mrs. Howard.
Currie; vice - presideht ; Mrs.
Rufus Thompson; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs, J. A. Graham;
fourth board member, Mrs. E.
A.. Gagnon.
With the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
still confined to his bed, Mr.
Joe Wooden, MA, of the Exeter
High Sehiml staff and a lay
reader, will take the service
Sunday, Sept. 23,
Mr. Dwight Henderson who
Was to have taken the service
at 9 a.m. on Sunday was called
to work at Chatham to repair
hydro lines after last Thurs-
day's storm so was unable to be
peesent, However, M. Frank
Egan,. the Sunday Sehool'e young
etipmetrimident consented to take
it and did splendid:3e Consider-
ing the early hour there was a
nice attendance present many
of whoni alto attended the con-
firmation service at St. James
church at it A.m.
Cbrbett reunion
Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton Car-
belt of Toronto and four sisters,
Mrs. Wade Wolfe, Misses Christ-
able, Ikathleen and Frances
Corbett of Spokane, Washing-
ton, (who haven't been together
for 10 years) have been visiting
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Corbett. Oil Sunday a
family gathering of 38 had a
happy reiu.ion and getto-gether
at the Cerbett farm home in
McGillivray township.
Personal items
Dr. Merrill Edwards haS re-
imbed home after spending last
Weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Don
Downs and family, Mrs. Ed4
Wavle (the former Marian
The 13ooks of Remeinbrance
in the Parliament Building's
Peace Tower in Ottawa list the
names of 66,651 Canadians "Who
died on active, service in World
War I and 48,981 Who
World War IL.
Of the 96,108 'manufacturing
establialunents in . Cantata in
IMP, 30,788 had 1054 theft At)
Carter and Fred John Whit-
From Holy Trinity Church,
Leman, Mrs, Isobel Madeline
Ann Shipway, Misses Susan
Edith Shipway, Lynn, Darlene
Arnold, Mrs. Sandra Jene
Noyes, William Stephen Davis.
and ..Stanley Gordon' Whitehead,
Gary MeFelle assisted the Bish-
op in, parrying his staff.
The candidates were present-
ed by Mr, Robert Lancaster in
the absence, due to illness, of
the rector, the Rev, E. 0, Lan-
The biSlihp took as his text
"For the son of man is come
to seek and to save that which.
was lot", He stressed thrill-
ference or don't care attitude
as a great peril, "The devil ed-
mite there is a God but there
is lots of time" he said. The
Huron Church News with the
added Churchman give many
answers to help young people,
aiwilfseoo Ht :yen Church House with
its literature. He urged all 'to he
Church of God
of a membershipto in
strate Christianity in every clay
Mrs, Lancaster played for the
service and. accompanied Airs.
K. Egan, Tatman, who was guest
Life poetess told
Mrs, Donald Pettigrew, con-
vener of citizenship and educa-
tion of Clandeboye WI, present-
ed a program at its meeting
last Wednesday evening with a
story of the life of Pauline
Johnston and showed pictures
of her home near Toronto. A
poem. written by Miss Johnston
"The Song My Paddle Sings"
was read by Miss Agnes North-
Mrs. Ernest Lewis gave a pa-
per on "How the Leaves Turn
Color" and also conducted a
contest on naming fruits which
was won by President Mrs. Da-
vid Kestle. Roll call was an-
swered by naming a Canadian
poet or author.
Requests for old clothing or
rags suitable for making mats
was heard from WI members
in the North West Territories
for the Indians who would have.
instructors to teach them the
art of mat making. Hostess
prize was won by Mrs.- Wilmer
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Andy Carter who
was assisted in the lunch hour
by Mrs. Charles Coughlin, Mrs,
Arnold Blake and Mrs, George
safety test
Tractor machinery, driving
.and safety competition was held
tS by the
lion with. the Middlesex plowing
on the
Don O'Neil won the highest
score, also won a tractor um-
brella donated by Massey Ferg-
uson Plested, London, HigheFt
safety prize
lin t a P i'0tWite
by John Deere, Western Tvie•
for Co., London, Written tiata
was won by Joey O'Neil, a 11
ton hydraulic jack donated by
.1. I, Case, London,
Tractor default quiz was won
by Bruce Henry, a grease gun
A l lis s " C11anrs, 11rid sgee°CleoattidendIT
speeiAl tractor driving =nee -
lion won by Pat Harrigan,
tractor cushion seat donated b"
Barney Tye, Cockshutt aryl
David Brown, Thoredalei leet'e
leen Ryan won second prize and
Karen O'Neil, third,
Church news
On Sunday, Sept. 23 the spry-
ice, in St. James will be at
9:45 a.m. when Mr. Joe Wood-
en, MA, of Exeter, will take
the service due to the illness of
Mr, Lancaster.
Op Sunday, Sept, 30 Harvest
Thanksgiving services will be
held at St. James,
The Rev. G, W. Sach will
continue service at 9:45 .an1,
at the United Church until the •
Harvest Thanksgiving service
in October.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Skonieczny
of Granton have taken up res-
idence in Arnold Lewis' house,
Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Joyce
of Lucan, have returned to the
former ,toe Armitage home,
where Mrs. Joyce and sons
Robert and Elmer resided
while her husband was over
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Paton ob-
served their forty-eighth wed
ding anniversary on Sunday
with their niece, Mrs. Harvey
Riehl and son Bob of Stra
ford, their son - in - law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Logan and daughter Myr-
na of Thorndale and Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Paton and Jimmie
a n d William Allwright, as
Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin o[
London, also Mr. and Mrs
Maurice Cobleigh on Sunda'
evening called on Mr. and Mr:.
Clare Paton,
At St. James church here on.
Sunday, Sept, 16 the Right Rev,
W. A, Townshead,„Seffragan
Bishop of Huron ,eonfirmed 17
From St. James church,. the
first four names_ are sisters,
And daughters of Mr. and Mrs,
Joe. Carter: Misses Edith Her-
riet CAroline. Carter, Alice 13 ,
eke Carter, Gladys Vernetta
Carter and Margaret Jo-Ann
Carter; Elizabeth Alice Hill,
load Elizabeth Cunningham,.
Barbara Ann Cunningham,
Hazel Jean Cunningham, Dar-
lene Reva- .Carter, Carol Ida
News budget. from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Naughton were guests with Mrs.
McNaughton's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. David Sheppard of Park-
Guests with Me, and Mrs.
George Wilson on Friday were
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly, To-
ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Wegood of Campbellville,
Saturday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Parkinson and fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. C. Tess-
man and family of London.
Mr.. and Mrs. David Holland
and Ed, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Smith of St. Paul's
on Sunday.
Guests at the home of Mr.
John Rinn on Friday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. William
Taskard of London,
Several families of the Base
Line attended the Zion West
anniversary services on Sunday
when the former pastor, Rev.
H. Slade of Fort Erie had
charge of the service,
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Coward,
David and Paul, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chambers at
Windham over the weekend.
Billy Baker, 8th Line, is
spending the week at his uncle's
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker,
while his mother is in St. Marys
Memorial Hospital having un-
dergone surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Butson
and Susan and her father, Mr.
Herb Beer and Anna of Munro
were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Oliver Baker and Elton on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trott
and Betty of Toronto visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Dewar on Sunday.
Mr, and. Mrs, Vernon Trott
and. Betty of Toronto visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Dewar on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker
attended Beaverton Fair on Sat-
urday where Mr. Baker was
Shorthorn judge.
Mr, Robert Barr is a patient
of St. Joseph's Hospital suffer-
ing with pneumonia.
The Rev. E. M. Cook has re-
turned home after spending the
weekend in Toronto, with his
daughter, Miss Edythe Cook of
the Toronto teaching staff, af-
ter officiating at the Elder-
Stanley wedding in Knox United
Church, Agin court.
Mrs, Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. G. E. Nicholson are reg-
istering for night school at the
adult community centre, Lon-
don, Sept. 27, and have ac-
commodation for two others
wishing to attend.
Mrs. Eva Fraser and. Mrs. A,
E. Salisbury of Sarnia, were
Thursday guests of Mrs.. Her-
man Young.
The Teachers' Convention be-
ing Friday gave the children an
opportunity of seeing the Fair,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr and
Mr. Stuart McLellan made a
hurried trip to Morris, Man.,
leaving on Monday and return-
ing on Friday, to attend the
funeral of Mr. Wm. Begley, 51,
who died of a heart attack,
Mrs. John Park and Mrs. H.
B. Langford, were in charge of
the Canadian Cancer Society
booth at the Western Fair, from
4 to 7 p.m. Thursday.
Mr.. and Mrs, Wilbert Stan-
ley after attending their daugh-
ter's wedding spent the week-
end, with Mr, and Mrs. George
Stanley of Hamilton, and also
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
German at Brantford.
Mrs. C, W. Hawkshaw, who
has been a. patient at the Lucan
Lodge for some time is now
able to sit tip.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins is spend.
frig a week with her sister, Mrs.
Lily O'Neil of Detroit, who is
recuperating from her second
cataract operation.
/Mr. Milton Brown of Montreal
act Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Ward of Arva were Saturday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Leuis Kilmer; Tuesday guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mccullock., Mrs. Mary Thomas
of Lofiden and a friend from
Hamilton, Scotland.
Mr, and Mrs, Calvin Miller
and family have rented And
nioved into the home of Mr.
Lloyd Acheson, Main St.. north.
'Three more pupils enrolled in
Grade 8 last Monday at the
public school.
Nelson Ashbary.of Orillia
(brother of ?ales. Millson rif
Clandeboye) has Moved. into
eefr. Bernard Avery's home.
corner of Beech and Market
Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson
sitid Mrs, Herman .young were
Sunday guests of Mr... and Mrs.
Charles Wilkinson of Burgess-
eetr. Paul fronliri. of Kitchener,
was a leticley overnight guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ifeekelt
acid fentily..Feidey. evening .he
arid Alts. HaSkett visited Mr.
Graham Thompson at his els.
ter's in Ingertell. Patti Will be
Lucan personal items