The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-20, Page 11Treasurer's Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of .Tune, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962,. and that copies of the said list May be bad at my office. TREASURER.'S 'OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 7:12.10:4 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The next regular meeting of Stephen Township Council will be held in the Township Office, Crediton, Friday, September 28, 7 pm. ROSS HAUGH, Township Clerk, TENDERS WANTED Firm, signed quotations are invited for the supply of the following types of equipment required for the new secondary school programme at Clinton. 1. (a) HAND TOOLS, AUTO SHOP (b) HAND TOOLS, CARPENTRY SHOP (c) HAND TOOLS, ELECTRICITY SHOP (d) HAND TOOLS, MACHINE SHOP 2. CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT (cutlery, crockery, glassware, etc.) 3. OFFICE EQUIPMENT (filing cabinets, filing baskets, staplers, etc,) Complete listings of equipment, may be obtained from Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clinton, Ontario. All quotations should be submitted on or before October 12, 1962 and addressed to; Mr. D. J. Coch- rane, Principal, Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clinton, Ontario. • •, "How was I doing up to this point?" U • 4-19 rung Features SyndrAttbse„ 1962 World sights reserved 'The Times-AchlPsetet September 20, 194 emand for services increases over.g0004, 11 Property For Rent APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, un Moin. St,, available August 1, Could And Jory, phone 235- 0270, '8:161the APARTMENT, furnished, 2- bedroom, modern and. comfort- able.The former Simmons Apartments, Sanders St. East, phone 235.2012, after 6 p,m, 8: *tine APARTMENT, upper, 3 rooms, heated, with bath, stove and refrigerator supplied, private ,entrance,, cent r a l location; Available Sept. 1. Apply Russ' Billiards, or phone 230-0477, evenings, 8:16tfric APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- Dished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please; available now. Apply 169. 'Wil- liam St. or phone 235.0736, evenings. 8:16*tfne APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, un- furnished, heated, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot and cold water, private entrance, utilities paid; 114 miles west on Huron St.; available September 1. Phone 235-2427, 8:30thic APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, ground floor, private entrance, stove, refrigerator, oil heat, utilities paid. Phone 2354995, before 1:00 p.m, 1,3:200 STORE, Main St., Exeter, loca- tion of former Exeter Electric, floor area 750 so, ft,, suitable for store or office, heated, washroom facilities, storage space, immediate possession, Apply Art Gaiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 235.2754 evenings. 0:6 tfnc APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, all modern conveniences; separate entrance, • private bath, Phone 235-0915. 9 : 13tfnc COUNTRY HOME, 4-bedroom, on Highway No. 4, 1 mile north of Hensel], oil furnace, modern conveniences. Avail- able October 1, Apply J. C. Smillie, phone 274J2 Hensel], 13'20:27* STORE on. Main Street, op- posite the Exeter host office. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 9:113f* APARTMENT, upper, 4 rooms with bath, private entrance, heated, hydro paid, on High- bury Ave., 8 miles north of London. Apply Harold Weaver, phone Granton 82r11, or Mur- ray Gibson, phone Granton 82r7. 20', APARTMENT, heated, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 3- piece bath, 3 large closets, private entrance. Phone 81 Dashwood. 20:27c HOUSE, in Parkhill, modern, furnished, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, oil heat. Phone GE 4-2377 London. 20c APARTMENT, modern, 2-bed- room, all conveniences, utilities paid, reasonable rent, Phone 234.6301 Crediton. 20c .3:BEDROOM residence, Grand Bend, well winterized, heat and hydro provided, Available October 1. E. R. Guenther, Dashwood, phone 13W, 20:27c 22 Notices 22 Notices WARNING RWA,S1.1 CAMP RIFLE RAN.PE. The 1st Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment will carry out night firing exercises at. Camp Ipperwash between 2000 and 2200 hours every night of the following periods: 24 to 28 Sep 62 and ist to 5 Oct 62. Ipperwash Ranges comprise all and singular that certain parcel or tract. of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Bosanquel, in the County of Lambtoe and Province of Ontario being composed of parts of lots 1.2-3-4-5-6 and 7 Concession A. Lots 1.2-3-4-5- 6-7-8, Concessions B and C and lots 1.2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Con- cession D which parcel may be more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the North east corner of the road junc- tion Queens Highway No. 21 and the road leading north to the Ontario Provincial Park (Entrance Gate to Camp Ipperwash) thence nor- therly along the Provincial Park Road No 28" 21' W 9240,00' to a point thence N 61° 11' 15" E 2616.24' to a point thence N 28' 08' W to the present water line of Lake Huron thence easterly along water line to a point 870.5 feet to the west of un- opened road allowance be- tween Concession D and lot No, 41 thence S 28' 08' E 400' more or less to a point thence N 67 0 31' E 870.5 feet to a point on road allowance between Concession 1) and lot 41 thence S 28° 08' E 9640 feet more or less to a point thence S 61" 11' 15" W along No. 21 Highway 10,464.96' to the point of beginning. No fences exist on this pro- perty and only one sign is in existence being situated at the South easterly side of property facing No, 21 Highway, STRAY AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVE OBJECTS Bombs, grenades, shells and similar explosive objects are a hazard to life and limb. Do not pick up or retain such objects as souvenirs. If you have found or have in your possession any object which you believe to be an explo- sive, notify your local police and arrangements will be made to dispose of it. The danger area is clearly defined by danger signs and trespassing in this area is pro• hibited. The Crown will not accept responsibility for any claims which may arise out of damage or injury (including death) to persons or property resulting from disregard of this notice. BY ORDER E. B. Armstrong Deputy Minister Department of National Defence OTTAWA, Canada HQ 4570.1 Vol 5 August 15, 1962. 24 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS clearly marked TENDERS FOR OIL will be received by the under- signed until noon Monday, October 1, 1962, for the supply of oil for the heating season of 1962/63. Since this is a new installation in our enlarged school quantity required cannot be estimated. Tank capacity- 10,000 gallons. Please quote on number 5 and include full de- tails of composition of fuel proposed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1-f. C. LAWSON, Sec,-Treas. Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, Box 9, Clinton, Ontario. 20:27c VILLAGE OF HENSALL ERECTION OF GARAGE Sealed tenders will be re• ceived up to 6 n'elock, Satur- day, September 29th, for the erection of a garage at the rear of the Town Hall, Hensall. Building to be 19 feet by 30 feet With cement foundation, cement block walls, asphalt built-tin roof. Contractor to sup- ply all material. Plans May be seen at the Clerk's Office, Hensall, Lowest or anytender not necessarily accepted. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk 20:27c 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales ing. bloodlines and producers; 12 .grade cows ranging in, age from 4 to 7 years old, all milk. leg and of outstanding calibre, kept only for their high quality, including 84 lbs. per day cows, Also. selling are daugh- ters of today's most prominent Unit. and artificially used sires, including Smithcroft Snowball Rocket, Fraser Butter Boy, Romandale• Re-Echo Rocket, Rosafe Citation It; Glenafton Milestone, .G.lenafton Benefac- tor, This is an extra good herd with good .type, size and ,qual-ity. All calfhood vaccinated and Brucellosis certified, TRACTORS & FARM MA. CHINERY: -Oliver 99 on reb• her, in A-1 condition; Fordson 1950 on rubber, all newly over- hauled; Case 10-ft, fertilizer spreader, recently purchased; M.11 No. 11 tractor spreader, like new; M.IT 7-ft. cut power take-off mower, used one sea- son; McDeering 4-bar fake on steel; 40-plate double disc; heavy duty rubber tire wagon and rack; 30-ft, hay elevator equipped with IA h,p. motor; 3-furrow Oliver tractor plow on rubber; 3-section diamond. harrows; 18-tooth spring tooth cultivator; quantity of cedar posts; and manyother miscell- aneous M IL KIN G EQUIPMENT: Surge 4-unit milking machine, complete with piping for 38 cows, new condition; Copeland 12-can automatic milk cooler and sprayer, recently purchas- ed: Hiput 16-gal. hot water unit; 38-80 lb. milk cans; milk pails and strainer; 2 steel water troughs. FEED: 3500 hales of choice mixed hay. PLEASE NOTE: This being an extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. No Reserve, as owner is moving to Sarnia. Lunch booth on grounds. TERMS: Cash, WILLEM DEJONG, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 13:20c Farm Sold — Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Cattle, Sow and Litter Implements, Grain and Household Effects For A. ROY WHITING Lot 15, Concession 8, McGILLIVRAY TWP, West Centre Road; 21/2 Miles South-west of Greenway. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 at 1:30 p.m. Cattle: 2 cows, with calves by side; 5 cows, due in spring, bred to imported Shorthorn bull from Oxford Unit; heifer, due in December; 5 yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers; 6 calves. The above cattle arc exceptionally good Shorthorn quality and well worth any- one's time to see them, SOW & LITTER. IMPLEMENTS: VA Case tractor, excellent condition; 2- furrow Case plow; Internation- al cultivator; Case cultipacker; M.M. 28-plate disc, real good; Cockshutt 5-ft. mower, short tongue; Case 4-bar side rake; manure spreader; scales, 2000; 4-section harrows; 111.H. fertil- izer and grain drill; rubber tired wagon and racks, real good shape; trailer, with live- stock racks; bob sleighs; fan- ning mill; oil drums; iron ket- tle, and numerous other 'use- ful articles found at a clearing farm sale, Also will be offered a quan- tity of mixed grain and Rodney oats; plus a few household effects. TERMS:' Cash. H, FILSON & T. ROBSON, Auctioneers Phone Ilderton Collect 20c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques Electric Appliances and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH First, house smith of Mennonite Church, Goshen St. North. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 at U00 p.m. Oak dining room extension table; 6 dining room chairs; china cabinet; occasional chairs; various oak rockers; 2 platform rockers; settee with matching chair and rocker; organ and stool, in new condi. tion; antique writing desk; chest of drawers; mirrors; 9 ft., refrigerator; drop leaf table; kitchen table and chairs; .MeClary electrie washing ma- ohihe; 4-brinier electric; stove; coal and wood apace beater: electric radio; steel bed, springs and mattress; 3 oak bedsteads, springs and matt- resses; dressers; commodes; war d r ob e; coal-oil lamps; large assortment mats, quilts, bedspreads, linens, cushions; congoteum and tapestry rugs; toilet sets; large variety glass- ware, silverware, antique dish- es; complete dinner set; kit- chen utensils; sealers; crocks; potted plants; step ladder; galv. tubs; Miler; cellar table; garden tools; many articles toe nut erous 10 Mention, Please Note: Listed items consigned by Gerald Gingerich include: 2 Due Therm oil space healer S; coal and wood fur. lined; Oil tank; Fleetwood radio and record player; Westing. house outOtotitie washer.; fat 4-burner electric range; • 15 *lien Sales combination ,coal, wood ,and ,eleetrie range; stoker and eon- trots; oil burner. conversion.; 2 refrigerator cabinets; refrig- erator .compressors; power lawn mowers; Beatty sump PUmp; _electric motors; glee, trie irops; toasters Arid ether items, Everything in guaranteed condition and will be sold with- out reserve. In case of rain, sale will be held in Zurich Arena. Plan to Attend this extra large sale. TERMS:PrCoopsrliie.tre„, MRS. LYDIA • .G1NGERIC1.1., GERALD GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20;27e AUCTION C SALE Iaring Of Tractors, Combine Auto, Farm Implements Livestock, Poultry and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 3, Con, 3, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 2 Miles South of Centralia RCAF Station, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 at 1:00 TRACTORS, COMBINE & AUTO; Int. Standard "C" tractor equipped with manure loader and seuffler, in guaran- teed condition; John Deere BR Standard tractor, in A-1. condition; McDeering No. 64 combine with motor, in A-1 condition; 1939 Dodge 2-door sedan. FARM IMPLEMENTS: MI1 13 - run grain and fertilizer drill; tractor manure spreader; steel roller; disc; set diamond harrows; 2 cultivators; 2 rub- ber tire wagons; hay rack; grain blower and pipes; grain auger; 2-wheel trailer; Woods 2-unit milking machine, in A-1 condition; 2-furrow plow; walk- ing plow; 2 electric motors; root pulper; heavy duty vise; rake; horse drawn mower; 2 tarpaulins; large steel water tank; grain sacks; electric brooder; fountains and feeders; milk cans; strainer; block and tackle; hay fork; fence posts; chicken wire; lawn mower; shovels; forks; chains; other misc. items. CATTLE & POULTRY: 2 Hereford cows, milking, due in March; part Hereford and Hol- stein cow, due in November; Holstein cow, fresh 2 weeks, calf at foot; Holstein cow, due in November; 4 Hereford spring calves. Cattle all choice qual- ity. 75 N.H. x Rock yearling hens. No Reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, MRS. ELMER WILSON, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood. 20:27c CANCELLATION AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Due to conditions beyond control, sale cancelled, MARY ELWORTHY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20c 25 Auction. Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate,. Implements, Household, .Effects And Misc, Items On the premises, Lot 7,. ,CeneesSien.11, HAY TOWNSHIP, 3 Miles South of Zurich or 11/4 Miles East of Dashwood, thence 2 Miles North, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on. WEONE$PAY, OCTOBER 10 et 1;00. p.m, REAL ESTATE; Parcel No. 1—Lot 7, ,Con, 11, 100 acres of land on which is situated a modern frame dwelling cover. ed with asphalt siding, Large kitchen with built-in cupboards; living and dining room; utility room, Second floor-3 bedrooms with clothes closets; 3-piece bathroom, Full size basement with newly installed coal and wood furnace, Large hank barn with good stabling; silo; large drive shed and double garage. Buildings all in first class con- dition, Land choice clay loam; 7 acres mixed bush; small orchard; remainder never failing water supply. Farm nicely situated; paved road with school bus conven- ience. Convince yourself by inspect- ing this farm before sale date, Parcel No, 2-125-acre pas- ture -farm, Lot 9, North '/ of 8, with no buildings; 25 acres mixed bush consisting of elm, maple and white ash; 25 acres poplar trees; remainder pasture land with never failing water supply, Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 105 on day of sale. Balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, Remainder of items to be listed in next week's issue. Estate of the late Theodore Rader GLEN WEBB, Clerk. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20c Doubt value of shelters The United Church recom- mends that the government of Canada take a fresh look at the whole matter of civil defense. In the international affairs re- port to the twentieth general council of the church, meeting in London, the government was urged to review in particular its plan for fallout shelters. No plan has been forthcoming to provide shelters for those who cannot afford to build them or those who live in multiple dwellings. Moreover, we do not believe that shelters are likely to be an adequate de- fence against the blast, heat and air contamination in the im- mediate vicinity of a heavy nuclear explosion", the report stated. NES service for executives m D. a ger,...NaMaeoLne4eid$,;‘m ,p Gloo yd nermienbt Service, indicates a new ser. vice is being previded for per- sons in the .executive arid professional category. In future, .executive andpre- fessional services will be pro- 3 ided. At key .centres which Colter :larger Ce4MSlai.og A ntM geographical r e area local offices. Executive and. professional applicants and vacancies for the entire area will be serviced at the key of- fice by properly qualified of- ficers 'who will, Also visit eat- ployers throughout their whole district, This system has been in effect in London for some time now and it has proved very satisfactory. Better selection can be made when the place- ment officers have more ap- plicants to choose and all ap- plicants from which to choose and .all applicants are consid- ered against a greater number of vacancies. The Goderich. local office area will be included in the With Canadian consumers spending About $25 billion a year for goods and services,. shifts of a single percentage point in. the proportions spent for services, versus durable and nondurable goods, can have significant effects on the whole economy. So says the Bank of Mont- real's Business Review for August, just issued, which traces the changing patterns of spending by Canadians in the years of 1954 to 1961. Kitchener executive and Pro- fessional office along with Walkerton, Stratford, Listowel, Guelph and Galt. This service is available to people who are working as well as the unemployed, In those eight years, Cana-- la's population rose some 19 per cent, while personal come .after taxes increased-4r 50 per -cent, the 'bank says. In the same years, Wbile. expenditures for all goods services also increased by about 50 per cent, spending' on services went up by more than 60 per cent. Thus in broad, figures, 'set. vices increased their share of the total between 7.654 and 1961 by about three per cent. In the same polled, by .eort., trast, the shares of the 'due-. able and non-durable sectors dropped about one and two per cent respectively. "Structural significance" The shifts which have .oc. eurred. in the relative import- ance of spending in the three categories "are manifestations of a trend that has consider- able structural significance for the economy as a whOle," the B of M believes, In the shorter run, how.eur, "the course of expenditures ;in each of the three categoeiGt throughout the business.cy.elv, has had a more immediati ,i1n4` pact on the level of busifia's Activity and the prosperity :11f individual industries. "The regular upward move- ment of spending on services and on non-durable goods hag provided a generally steadying b u. t exansionary influence, whereas changes in outlays on durable goods have tended to reinforce the cyclical pattern of economic activity," the B of M review concludes. ....111111YINWO Special, Prices:, on Austin 850 Models WHILE THE STOCK LASTS EXTRA SPECIAL ON AUSTIN. HEALY SPRITES If You Want A '• Sports Car, See Us1: • . 1962 A6o,, Austin Sedan IN STOCK Na advance in price. 'Aga .1m. 1960 FALCON TUDOR New tires. 1958 FORD TUtOR, Fairlane Hardtop. radrk,;" automatic. tu-tone, new tires. •tA 1958 CHEVROLET TUDOR' Real sharp, radio. 1960 850 MORRIS MINI5R! 1956 FORD Fairlane Sedan, V8 fltitOrtlatiCi, Better than new. • 1956 FORD HARM? V8 automatic, radio, zert. and black (good). * 1952 PLYMOUTH SE1/46 1 , 4 Good transportation., 1.960 ANGLIA 7, Perfect second car, 1953 AUSTIN SEDAN • 4*" ,440 South 'End: 6 e, ServIce Russ arid Chuck Sqeif PH 235•2322 ExeTE,R, .iiii.i66661616666666iiiiiiiii64661661066416610 DIAL 2354331 0 place your Want-Ad Complete Holstein DISPERSAL SALE Of 60 Registered and Grade Cows, Heifers and Yearlings, Complete Line of Farm Machinery, Tractors and Feed On the prenilseS, Let 32, Concession I, EAST wAwAlloat Twr, 1 mile East of Auburn or miles West Of Blyth, on paved road. The 'undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction cn PRIDAY, SEPTtlYIBER 21 et 12. o'clock 48 registered 110iStele and heifers, selected from FARMERS: Get a contract for winter barley Available Now GENESSEE SEED WHEAT NOW IN STOCK COOK BROS. MILLING CO, LTD4 Phone 24 Haman' "We did well on. this trip—got better than twenty miles to the argument." WHAT'S THE "INSTALMENT PLAN" WAY TO SAVE FOR THE F E Suppose, for example, he has the makings of a concert pianist,, . or a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, or a statesman. Now is the time to ensure that, when the time comes for it, you can afford his training. It's time to start looking after his future with the help of Scotiabank's Personal Security Program, or PSP—a protected savings plan that's exclusive with The Bank of Nova Scotia. Here's how PS? works; you select a savings goal (from $100 to $2,500), which you reach in SO equal payments. As you save, you're life-insured for the full amount of your goal—at no added cost to you. When you reach your goal, you collect all you've saved, plus a cash bonus. PSP is the ideal way to save for any future, for a holiday abroad, or a boat, or a new home. Ask about PSP at your nearest Scotiabank1 taBFINK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .Makt. THAW 600 -OPFICEt. ACROSS CANAl5A AND ,A13P0All