HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-20, Page 8• .1' Were taking Orders for the LIVELY 1963 F EW RDS! Be among the first to own one VAMr; MAMA:: arMialAWAOlgaliriA0 : ,:use,04 Watch for our new car announcement in next week's Times-Advocate then CO E IN TO INS'DECT THE T • For TRACTORS '60 DEXTA DIESEL '57 ALLIS CHALMERS WD, LPTO, power-adjusted rear '57 FORD BALER, used very little '47 FORD and 'Skyline Loader, motor overhauled '49 FORD, motor overhauled .. '49 COCKSHUTT "30" '39 CASE "D" MASSEY HARRIS "30" .... . '52 FORD 2-FURROW PLOW FORD FERGUSON 2-FURROW 12-INCH PLOW 10•0114.1.11, Pickers 52,100 950 850 850 595 250 250 195 150 . $ 75 lye you for cleaner corn and more clean r corn and more 2-ROW Mounts quickly, and eTritsailixofg Tricycle picks large acreages. . pick with a 0 V of it! They're loaded with features for getting more of the ears, cleaner husking and less shelling. We'll show you whyl Only a few- minOures are required to mount this picker on Ford Tricycle or 4.Wheel Tractors. t 7 -..1.4: I:ft:704f, ., :ill 3' ir 1: k4::"A° : it lit ?•11. '') 4! gr Come in and see how Ford's exclusive "Torn Saver" design can help you profit morel Larry Snider Motors Ltdo PORbi PAIkLANSt FALCON AND FORD TRUCKS Phone 2354640 Exeter A-1 USED CARS '61 FORD FAIRLANE 500, automatic, radio, white . ......... . '61 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, really nice '60 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE $2,500 $1,600 $1,250 '59 MONARCH SEDAN—Choice of two beauties $1,795 '58 METEOR COACH—Choice of two $1,150 '58 FORD SEDAN, 6-cyl. $1,150 '58 CHEV COACH, 6 cyl, .• $1,150 '57 PONTIAC COACH, very low mileage $1,000 '57 FORD SEDAN, 6-cyl. $1,000 '57 OLDS HARDTOP, loaded $ 750 '55 CHEVY 4-DOOR RANCHWAGON, V-8, automatic, new motor $ 750 '56 FORD COACH—Choice of two 5 500 '54 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, rebuilt motor 5 395 '53 PONTIAC COACH . $ 195 A," aireI THE LUCAN LODGE HOME FOR THE AGED RATES: PRIVATE ROOM, $200 PER MONTH SEMI-PRIVATE, $150 PER MONTH 4-BED WARD, $135 PER MONTH For further information, phone W. S. RIDDICK LUCAN 227.4473 asionsiorsx.soluossl. LE E ROES YOUR OLD CHAIN SAW SUFFER FROM NERVOUS INDIGESTION HIGH TEMPERATURE JITTERS AND SHAKES OR IS IT !UST PLAIN WORN OUT IF SO, IT'S TIME TO TRADE at MRS. FRED, BP)NIPEN py MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE and Mrs, Lloyd Smith WOODHAAT and Alr. and, Mrs, Bill McLean, Exeter,. „enjoyed a weekend At the .CGIT meeting held . holiday at Dorset. Friday evening the ladies of. the congregation. were. guests, Mr ,and Mrs. George Levy,. Ruth Miller told of the Elizabeth and Marion, 'Russel- tivities of the past year and dale, visited on Sunday' with ddsriepl'aya.ttego.11. j'otLthiLdcwfstilowol! Mr, ;and BAnirsse, a\,nkroaltIsraviLd7y, ed posters and explained the Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Murray, work of 'Christians in other Exeter, were guests nn Sun- lands. day with Air .and Airs. Don M°rPIi Donnaa dl3ra ey. Miss Copelandstarts her final year for her BA de- gree at the University of Western Ontario en Tuesday,. Airs, L. .Copeland and Miss Donna were visitors with Air and Mrs, Verne Holden o' Kintore on Sunday.. Miss Barbara Chatten was weekend guest of Miss Doro- thy Lainon, London, Airs, M. Copeland and Miss Jean were guests on Stmday with Air, and Mrs. Murray Mrs. J, Wareham introduced May and family, Byron, the new study "The Rim of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klotz East Asia" at the UCW meet- of Lanigan, Sask., left for ing on Tuesday, September 11, home on Monday after spend- for which Mrs. J. Rodd was ing two weeks visiting with hostess. their their uncle, Mr, Harry Rodd stressed the purpose of and other friends and rela- the study was to help people fives. understand the human Won- Alr .and Mrs. John Selves tion on the rim of East Asia Thames Road, and Mrs. Edge - and t o understand what it Cudinore, Hensall, visited with meant to be a Christian in that Mrs. Al, Jaques on Tuesday. area,Mrs. L. Copeland and Miss Al rs, N. Hazel wood had Donna attended the Tinney- charge of the worship service. May wedding in Exeter on Discussion on the study was Saturday, led by Airs. Wareham and Rev. and Mrs, J, H. Slade Mrs. A. Butters, and Barry, Fort Erie, have Miss Jean (*eland presided been visiting with Rev, and for the business. Roll call was Mrs, J. Wareham and family. answered by suggestions for Rev, Slade and Rev, Wareham making money. fit was decided have been attending the Gene- to have an exchange of plants ral Council of the United at the October meeting, Church in London, Twenty-four members and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, one visitor were present. Mr. and Airs. Ted Insley, Mr, Personal items and Mrs. Victor Jansson, Ernie Vodden, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Earl, London, Wayne Knight, Ralph Wareham and Murray Copeland were guests at the Hern-Smith wedding in St. Marys on Saturday. Mr. and 'Airs. John. Witte. veen, Sharon and Brian visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ton have returned to their Squire and family, Whalen on home in Windsor after having Sunday, spent the week with Mr, and Air, and Mrs. Fred. Rogers, Mrs. Harry Carroll. Kirkton, were Sunday evening Air, and Mrs. Elfin Woodall guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don of 'Royal Oak, Mich., are Brine. spending several days with Airs, W. Switzer left this past the former's parents, Mr. and week to spend the winter Mrs, ,Toseph. Woodall, and Air. months with her daughter and' and Mrs. Jack Pryde and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mel family at Exeter, Louch, Hamilton. By MRS, MON: RARER PASEIWOOD The first meeting of the sea- son was held Tuesday, Sept. 11 with the historical researeh group in charge and Mrs. John Rader convener. Roll call was answered by paying a penny for each inch of the member's waistline. Mrs. Harold Rader was chairlady. Mrs. Clias. Snell read the motto "Drops of ink make a. Million think". Mrs. John Ra- der took as her topic "Pre- serve the pages of the past", She stressed the keeping of family records, pictures, and newspapers, Mrs. Vic Dinnin and Mrs. Jack. Bannister of Zurich gave demonstrations, the first on making footstools, fro m tin. cans; the latter on making ar- ticles from detergent bottles. Mrs. Chas. Snell and Mrs. Syd Baker were elected dele- gates to the area convention. The county rally will he held at' Bluevale, October 1. An in- Vitation from Zurich Institute was accepted for Oct. 3. The resolutions were voted on. Infant baptized Michael Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nut= was bap- tized Sunday, Sept. 16 in the EUB church by Rev. Merrill James. WSWS meeting At the WSWS meeting of the EUB church held on Friday Mrs. Merrill James showed movies and told about her trip to Estes Park, Colorado, to the Youth Convocation with 1400 EUB youth from every state in ,the Union; also Canada, Nor- way, Germany, and Switzer- land. Mrs. E. Heist and Mr. Har- ry Hoffman sang two numbers. A iunior boys' chorus gave two selections. Youth Fellowship • Tuesday, Sept. 15 the YF held their first meeting for the season. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Mrs. Jack Gaiser will be lead- ers for the Boys and Girls Fel- lowship. Their first meeting will be Sept 26 at 4 p.m. Rev James will meet the catechism class then, too. Dashwood Merry Maids The first meeting of the Dashwood 4-H club, "Dressing up vegetables" was held at the home of the leader, Airs. Hugh Boyle with 12 girls pres- ent, Mrs. Sid Baker assisted. Officers elected were: presi- dent, Nancy Willert; vice-pres- ident, iris Becker: secretary and press reporter. Helen Ra- der. The girls participated in the proper measuring of solids and liquids, Home assignment was to assemble and bring to meet- ing equipment and supplies needed; one vegetable from home; learn the recommenda- tion for vegetables in the Food Guide for Health; fill in score sheet for each day's meals for one week and begin record book and recipe file. The second meeting was held at'-the home of Janet Miller with 11 girls and Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Baker present, The roll call was the vegetable brought from home. The story in Staffa By MRS, JOHN TEMPLEMAN Hibbert Little Lassies Hibhert Little 'Lassies held their first meeting for their new project "Cotton Acees. series for the club girrs Bed- room" on Saturday evening, Sept. 15 in Staffa township hall. Mrs. John Wallace is the leader for this project and Mrs. Carter Kerslake is assistant leader. There were 16 girls and eight mothers present. The leaders explained that each girl had to make a dres- ser scarf and either a bed- spread or throw cushion, chair pad or cover a waste basket.. Samples of materials were passed around. Mary Ellen Doyle and Joyce Kerslake were named a com- mittee to help set up the 4-11 display al the Mitchell Fair. Mrs. John Wallace presided for the election of officers, President is Anna Scott; vice- president, Patsy Coyne; secre- tary-treasurer, Carol Ann Dow: press reporter, Elelnor Kemp: lelenhone girls, Shar- on .Burke, Joanne Tenipleman and Agnes Scott: record hooks. Mary Ellen Doyle. The second meeting is to he held at the home of Carol Ann Dow on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 1 p.m. Personal items Eight ladies under the lead- ership of Mrs. Gerald Agar met a't . the home of Mrs. Lloyd Miller r e cc n tiy and packed the kits for the. TB clin- ic which is to be held in Ste- la Township hall on the eve, tints of October 4 and V. Philip James has returned home after a two-week holiday in California. Samuel Norris, who has been 'a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, is home again, Mrs. Ernest Templemail, Miss Margaret and James Mil. ler were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Cordon Aikelis, to- gan. Terry Daynard has returned to Guelph for his second year At .the CAC. Erie Norris, from the OAC npent the weekend -at his home here., Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family., BrAtriPtOn, .vinited with The .fortners parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris. Plans. for selecting, prepay• mg, cooking, and storing veg- etable was discussed. Each girls helped prepare and cook two vegetables and the making of a white sauce. Personal items. Mr. and. Mrs. Colin Hindle)* and family of London spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Rein- hold Miller. Mr, and. Mrs• Gordon Wei- berg and son of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. Fred Weiberg. Miss Sharon Rader was able to return home on Sunday from South Huron Hospital, Exeter where she had been a patient. for several days with a head injury due to a fall. Air, and Airs, Lloyd Howe and Mary-Jo, Miss Ruthanne Rader and friend of London and Mr. and Airs. Fred Miller of Zion were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, Mrs. Alma Hoperoft returned home from South Huron 1riospi tal on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reste• mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Kraft spent last week at Key River, Rev. Merrill James is at- tending a special session of Canada Conference in Calvary EUB church in Kitchener this week. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Ford of Prince Albert, Sask., are vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penhale, and Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Miller visited recently in Detroit with relatives and also with Mr. Ford's sister, Mrs. Alice Hall. in the hospital, This week in Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM ROHDE • • • .• • • Rall day services A combined Rally Day ser- vice was held on Sunday morning with the Sunday School superintendent, Mr. Vic- tor Jeffery, in charge of the service. Dennis Passmore read the scripture. Mrs, Arnold Cann gave the story "The Terrible Secret of Yong Moon Lee". Rev, Hugh Wilson gave an interesting talk on "A Child In The Midst", Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert, Janet and Ruth and Miss Doris Elford spent the weekend at Sauble Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pass- more spent the weekend at Port Burwell, Niagara Falls and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jef- fery, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Exeter, Mr. Jim Patterson of Hensall visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Airs. Edwin Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Urqu- hart and Garry of Kirkton. visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Miss Sandra de Mooy. Lon- don, spent last week -with her grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Alvin Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier. Michele and Carol Lynn, Brant- ford, spent the weekend with Mr. end Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Air, and Mrs, Albert Ether- In ;ton were Monday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs Milton Sleamon of Exeter Mrs. Percy Passmore of Ex- eter spent the weekend at the homee of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pa csmore. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Woods. Airs. Grobe. Airs. Millions of Calvary, Alta., Mr. ant Airs. Passmore of 'Es-oter. Air. and Mrs. Case de Many of London were Sunday m'ests with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pass- more. Rey. Hugh Wilson attended General Connell in Metropolitan united Church, London. Fri- daY. Mr. and Mrs. ,lamps Ander- sen were "nests at the i-iern- Smith weelditiv at First Pietist St. Marys. on Satur- des "r"'mi is a nenhew of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. In motor vehicle registra- lions Canada ranks fifth in the world, after the the France and West Germany. Canadians own 4,193,099 Pa s- seriver ears and 1,251,009 trucks: the U.S.S.R., with 12 times our nepulation has 000 ears and 3.083,000 trucks. Y f Retreat The annual -Y- F retreat was held at the cottage of Mr. Al- bert Gaiser at St, Joseph's on Sunday, Sept. 16 with 16 .metn- bers and Rek. A, Al, ,Sehlenker Present. The retreat was opened by Erie finkbeiner• the past president. The election of officers was held. President is Ron Weber; vice-president• Carol Hendrick; secretary, Karen Finkbeiner; treasurer, Larry Ratz. Mr. Jack Thompson of Lon- llon conducted it Bible study which was followed by a barbe- cue. Rev, Schlenker was in charge of the evening activities. Colleens meet On Saturday, September 15, the Crediton Colleens held their second meeting. There was an attendance of 17 with four new members, Double-boiler scalloped cab- bage was demonstrated. The next meeting will be held Saturday, September 22 at 9 o'clock. - Denominational day of prayer Next Sunday evening, Sep- tember 23, there will be a ser- vice in the ELM church. The WSWS members will have charge of the denominational day of prayer program and Mrs. AL J. James of Dash- wood, who was a delegate at the Young People's convention of all the conference churches held at Estes Park, Colorado, will show some slides and speak of the convention. This service is open to everyone. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wenzel attended the anniversary ser- vices at Wallace where the latter's brother, Rev. W. Krotz, Golden Lake, gave the message and visited with relatives there on Sunday. Rev, A. Al. Schlenker at- tended the conference board meetings this week at Calvary Church, Kitchener. Seaman Paul Boulianne, who was in the navy, got his re- lease last week and is now at home, - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn and Cathy spent a few days with the latter's mother, Airs. E. e'aist, and attended London Fair. Mrs. W. H. Smith is spend- ing a few weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Violet Young, at Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Art Bailey of St. Catha• rines visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Carl Radford and Shirley. Mr. and Airs, Gerald Wein and family of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. John But- ler on Sunday. Mrs. Earl Walker, the for- mer Gleetis Hill, arrived Tues- day at the home of her son, LIT Leslie and Mrs, Walker, Huron Park, Centralia, Rev, Douglas Walker of- Calgary, son of the late Rev. Earl Walker, who is attending Gen- eral Conference at London, spent Sunday afternoon and evenino b here, callng on Air. Garnet Hill at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Morlock and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ferd Haberer of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs C. Pulford and boys of London visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fink- beiner and family of Kippen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkheiner, Mrs. Gordon Slaght is a patient in Victoria. Hospital, London, under observation. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Fah- ner attended the Lewis-Diets wedding at Centralia airport Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wein and Ross visited with relatives at Morriston on Sunday and Ross returned to school for his second term at Guelph. Mr .and Mrs, Harry Adling- Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, and besday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through• out the week. Larry's Supertest Airs. Norris Webb conducted a graduation ceremony and presenter' pins and certificates to Gwen Lawson, Ruth Miller and Joan Webb. Gwen Lawson and Joan Webb led in worship and Kay Law- son favored with a solo, Lunch in the CGIT color scheme was served by the COLT and their leaders, Mrs. John Rodd and Mrs. Glen Copeland. UCW start new study This coupon is worth $10.0 .0 art the purchase of any new Pioneer"Chain saw. trode-itit Ore accepted On this offer which OXpireS Oct. 31, 1962. Page The Tirtae5*.Ad.y0;000,. September 1942- Demonstrates uses, for tin cans, bottles Message:front. Wood ham CGIT Centralia entertains ladies FAIR WEEK SPECIALS 7-TUl3E SPARTON STEREO, beautiful walnut finish, Reg. $239 FOR $189 13 CO. Ft CORONADO REFRIGERATOR, 2-door, Reg. $299, FAIR WEEK ONLY, $269 18, CU. FT, WESTINGHOUSE DEEP FREEZE, Fair Week Special, ONLY $229: Compare! BEAVERS CREST' HARDWARE 215.101 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tokarz, Air. and Mrs. Don Stephen, Woodstock, Miss Janice Webb, Hyde Park, and Barry Slade, Fort Erie ,spent Friday with Air. and Mrs, Don Morphy and. Bradley, s dial of chain saw gOahty CANADA'S N0.1 CHAIN SAW,„ PIONEE SUPER 6-20 w,rh Iwo I6" 040mi-4224,30,1m irtde* COMPACT NU-17 Aulik 1 cifachrne,n144139.30, 4244 trade TO Exeter Farm Equipment EXETER, ONTARIO VIE ALSO HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF RECONDITIONED SAWS . . . .DEAL DAYS SPECIAL GOOD FOR PERIOD SEPT.15-OCE 31