HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-20, Page 7hi
Johns Manville,
$23.95 per sq .
Kiln Dried Spruce
Cove Siding
RegUihr $150.00 M Ft. BM
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Cash mist Carry
$54400 M
'Comments about
Crediton East
'Marriage vows were taken by
Phyllis Hamer of Crediton and
Charles Collett of Galt on Sat-
urday, August 25. Pastor Nor-
man Rowan of tire Temple 'Bap.
tist Church, Preston, officiated.
Personal items
Mrs. Vivian Cliffe and daugh-
ter Marlene Harris and Mrs.
Bayley and Joyce, all of Lon-
don, visited Saturday with Mr,
and Mrs. W. Motz,
Mrs. Beth Heatherly and Mr. DRAIN TILE
and Mrs. Harold Galles of Lon-
don, visited Sunday with the
form Or' S brother and
la"., Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Motz.
Mr, Sam .Rawlings and son
Earl of Ailsa Craig are visiting
the Sims families here.
Mrs. John -Ncdza and baby
son arrived home from South
Huron Hospital on Monday,
Presentation to newlyweds
Friends and neighbors gat!)•
erect at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J, Jesney in honor of their
daughter Phyllis and her hus-
band who were married recent-.
They were presented with a
lamp and coffee table, The
bride and groom both made a
suitable reply.
„Junior goffers.
exchange wins.
John Loch and Bob Grayer
shared first and seem' low
gross scores in Iwo junior golf
club toureaments held during
the past week under the ;gold.•
Brice of -Flee Director Don •Gra.
Loch scored a 40 on the Exe-
ter Golf Course to win 'rues-
day's tourney handily. Grayer
was runner-up with 45.
The net honors also went te
a Lock - Mike - whose han-
dicap gave him a 16. Scott Bur-
ton won a playoff -which had
to be staged to determine sec-
ond low net. Burton, Barry
Greenaere and John Grassiek
all tied with 37's.
Bob Grayer wort Thursday's
competition with a 43 roend,
followed by John Loch with 46.
Net honors wore won by John
Snell, 34, and Scott Burton, 35.
was the first of a series of ,coin-
W. H, Hodgson
Petitions sponsored by the Bet- "The Insurance Men"
ter Bowling Club, a group of
bowling alley proprietors in the PHO.N 235.2420
Londorl region, ,
team, posted the high single of
Jim Gifford, of the junior
235. among the local competi-
,iri)ingO groupi
tiermembers of the
Bill Far-
quhar,. Hank. Gosar, and Don'
aid Campbell,
Teams of young- kiXeler
ers won one division and placed.
second in two others .of a tour-
:lament at Strathroy Saturday,
A Junier low, led by Bryan
Bayfilmn with a triple of 533,
topped its division, The mem-
bers were :presented with indi-
victual' .trophie..,
An intermediate team and a
bantam. team were runners-up
in their respective divisions,
The local bqys competed
as, Woodstock, London, Tillson-
Against teams from St. Thom- Wf
Hodgson .Ltd,
burg, Parkhill, Strathroy and
other centres, The tournament
Juniors win
The Thres-Advocato, September 20, 1962 Pao.
.e ,41,14
Your,fututt is your own buslo
ucss, of course. But helping,
you protect that future is mie
business, We can advise yo4
on what kind of insurance you: should carry .. ,and how
much , on your home and other property, your business
and, your car. And when you need insurance help in case_ of
fire, auto accident or other mishap, you. can c.c.n.illt opr
prompt, friendly and effective service,
Planning your Future?
Count us in on it!
M. Gaiser
"I just remembered what the JEWELLER & OPTICIAN
string was for!"
On the bantam team were
John Godbolt. Jim Darling, BP
Hooper, Merle Idle and Gar
The intermediate team cc
sisted of Bill-Wright, Larry He
kins, Brian Sanders, Rob'
Wolfe and John Nagel.
Assisting the local teams
the tournament were Aub
gehar, Exeter Bowling Lar
proprietor; Mrs. Peter Dur s
and Mrs, Barry Holtzman.
Just one phone call to Conklin's puts your building or home modernization job
into capable hands, Whether it's ordering materials or having Conklin's look
otter the complete job, this one call can solve all your problems . end all
your worries, There's no place like Conklin's for value
111111111r .
x7' -. ONLY $45.95
REGULAR $47.00 M SC). FT.
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Niebrth 11,138 'et any'Conklin
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Phone 235-2111 Exeter
4"--$55 per M Feet Del'd,
5"-385 per M Feet Del'd,
6"-$110 per M Feet Del'd.
7"-5155 per M Feet Del'd.
8"-4185 per M Feet Del'd,
Above prices based on 1000
Linear Feet, in full truckloads
or More, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F.O.B. our
plant at Elginfield, write or
LTD., RR 2, London - Phone
227.4721 Lucan.
Well known for Quality Watch,
Clock, Jewellery, Electric
Shaver & Spectacle Repairing
Established 1918
Albert Hess
131 Thames
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Phone 235-1 422
Cerridr ,Hwys,
81 and' 23
A11eee 7z
Hayti: molitiey to Priddy &DO erdttv
talOtday 8:00 odni, le 4I60 17,M,,
Heusi'II bantams were elimin-
ated from further "ODA play.
downs Salirday morning in lien.
Sall when they lost a 1H..5 deck
:lion to Port .imnblon In .droO
out. of the scmi-final round in
two straleht games.
Thfi big and strong Port.
Lambion crew completely (MM.'
inated play over the Henson
lads and the home team was no
inatCh far the combined bat-
Ling and pitching prowess of the
visiting port team,
The exp•lienced Port Lamb.
ton nine, after taking the best-
of-three series in Iwo straight
games by a couple of eonvine-
mg scores, now move on to the
Ontario bantam "D" final
The visitors got off And wing-
ing right from their first time
at bat. and from then on they
never looked back as llensail
tried to keep the score from gel,' king too far out of proportion,
Port Lambton started with a
single run in the first, three in
the second and one in the third
and fourth before closing out
their spree with eight runs in
the last four innings.
Henson's inning
The Hensall lads had .one big
inning, the -seventh,- when they
counted four runs but it was
too little too late and although
It did pull them to within four
runs of the winners it posed no
serious threat.
liensall managed to get to
Port Lambton fire-bailer Don
Harris for only five hits during
the nine-inning game although
Don't go easyly
- Continued from page, 6
double to open up the fourth
and .Deichert added the final
Zurich run in the ninth when
he scored on an error after
hitting his second single.
Doug O'Brien's three hits
sparked the Kings. Bedard,
Don O'Brien, Overholt and
Deichert each collected two
Walsingham scored two runs
in the first, added another two
in the third on a home run by
Ross, two more In the fifth and
single tallies in the seventh and
Dick Bedard went all the
way for Zurich. Hanson started
for Walsingham but was re-
lieved by George Gates in the
second and Barry in the fifth.
Senators hit hard
Zurich started off well in the
second game, too, scoring
three runs in the first inning,
but the Senators pounded right
hack in their half of the frame.
The, homester's first batter,
Vic Rigole, smashed a homer
which led to a five-run out-
Kings tied the game in the
first of the fifth but that only
sent Walsingham on another
rampage which accounted for
seven more runs and a score
of 12-10. Both clubs added
single tallies in the eighth.
B. Abbott led the Senators
at the plate with a home .run
and Iwo singles, G. Ross col-
lected two singles and winning
pitcher Barry and second-sack-
er Eidelac both cl o tt t e d
Doug O'Brien again led the
Kings, this time with three
hits, one 'If them a homer in
the eighth. Earl Wagner
smashed two doubles and a
single. Two safeties each were
collected by Doug Truschinski,
Don O'Brien, and John Denom-
me, with sinHles registered by
Overholt and Bedard. Kings
out-hit the Senators 16-11.
Don O'Brien started on the
mound for Zurich and was re•
lieved by Truschinskt in the
- Continued from page ii
Murray, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diechert
of Zurich,
Cromarty Young People who
attended the YPS rally at MU-
verton on Sunday evening Were
David Scott, Jelm Scott, Shir-
ley `Gardiner, Anna Scott,
Joyce Kerslake and Gerald
Senn., Rev. J, C. Boyne, was
the guest speaker.
Mr. Deg. Findlayson and Miss
Ina Scott visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Scott and family, Goderith,
Miss Laura Jefferson of
Minnie is a guest at the home
of her sister And brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford
entertained a row friends And
neighbors On Monday night at
A farewell party for MISS Mary
Crawford who is leaving short-
ly to reside hi Mitchell. .
Mr. John Wallace has sold
his 50-acre-fame to Mr. Dutt-
on Scott.
Mrs.' May Green of Calgary
spent the weekend with Mr.
And 11frs. Frank Ha -Milton.
Lloyd Crawford,
to, visited last week with his
parents,.Mr. and Mrs, W.
North End
B-A Service
Complete Rad Service
Tiros & Batteries
Dom•at It
A CoMmere pal
Motors, C ontrols
70 Huron St. Miss
I I have, had the opportunity of seeing
the 1063 Dodge, Valiant and Chrysi- t, a
recent dealer preview and I can say without
hesitation that these new cars are the finest
ever produced by Chrysler, A number of major
changes have been made in styling which
give these Chrysler products even more dis-
tinctive design than ever before.
We'll be pleased to show you them on
Announcement Day, October We can assure
you they are well worth wailing to SOP.
Fred Ri Dobbs
Exeter ,Motor Sales
1154065 135-1250 6•00.§.0 23$1 1 .30 •
. •."7".: "7'
Strong :Pod Lombton
Couldn't score
Although they picked up only
five hits during the game,
Hensall had plenty of (Meer-
Lenity to score as Port Lamb- maotawsimm„::: .
ton pitcher Don Harris issued a.
total of eight walks and his
-team-mates committed five er.
However, any llensall rallies
were always snuffed out by the
alert Port Eambton side and the
homesters left a total of 12 bat-
ters stranded on Vase,
they did cause Port Lambton
some worry with their heady
h.a.se running after getting a.
IrPe PIVS down to first,
Don Cameron WAS the big gun
for the locals with a pair , ,:of
single base hits in five trips to
the batter's box.
Ivan Boa, Bill ChiPehase, and.
Jim McDonald rounded out the
Hensall hitting with a single
- Continued from page 6
frames and lie also went two-for
four at, the plate to round out
the day's activities,
Jack Chipchase' was the lead-
ing slugger• for the winning Hen-
saes as he bashed a triple
Second game of the title tilt,
when Hensall has a chance to
latch onto their second straight
championship, will be played
this Saturday in Walsingham
with game time slated for 3:00
.... . . ..
UCW makes layettes •
The UCW meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Verne
Sharpe on Wednesday evening.
Mrs, Jim Clarke and Mrs, Les
Adams were in charge of de-
votions assisted by Mrs. Karl
The president conducted the
business and it was planned to
make layettes for the Unitarian
Service committee and members
were divided into five groups.
and ha pair of singles in four of,,,it social hour followed,
ficial trips to the plate, Bruce Personal items
Horton, as well as accounting, Mrs, Katie Vincent visited
for Hensall's winning run, g t with her son, Rev. Maurice
Vincent, Mrs, Vincent and fam-
ily in London on Saturday.
Mrs, Don Adams, Mark and
Brock were Sunday visitors with
Cam McDonald, who turned Mrs. Adam's parents, Mr. and
out to be the winning hurler, Mrs, Allan Collie in London.
also contributed a pair of one• Mr, and Mrs, Earl Baker of
base hits while singletons went St, Thomas and Mrs, Roland
to Mock, Mickle, McNaughton, Neil of Ailsa Craig were Tues-
and Moir, day visitors with their mother,
Mrs, Major Baker,
Mr, and Mrs. Les Adams
visited on Sunday with Mr. R.
Finch in London and with. Mrs.
Finch, who is -a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital.
Mrs. Norm McCallum, of
London, was a weekend visitor
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Sweitzer.
Mr., and Mrs, jack Corbett. The story in and l, of Hensall, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
S 'Hugh Morenz and Bill, aintsbury Miss Kathryn Love was a
guest at the Tinney-May wed-
ding in James St, United
Church, Exeter on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. San' Sweitzer,
of Exeter, visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer,
Ron and Barbara.
Mr. Glenn Sharpe went to
Guelph on. Thursday where he is
enrolled at OAC.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Desjar-
dine, Ray and Cindy and Mr's.
Doris Werzba were Sunday visi-
tors with Mrs. Mabel Desjar-
on base five times on two sr
gles, a pair of walks, and a
hit-by-pitcher ruling and he
counted three of Hensall's runs,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rees,
Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Torn 'Rees and
Tom's sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Eleaman,
Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Orval
Rollings, of Clandeboye, were
guests also.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car-
roll attended harvest thanks-
giving service at St. Thomas'
Church, Granton, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Lat-
ta, London, were Sunday visit-
ors with their son, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Latta and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobbs
Jr. were recent guests with
Dr, and Mrs, George Lindsay
at their summer home, Port
Mrs. R. Dickins, Exeter, was
a guest with Mrs, Earl Atkie-
son, Grand Bend, for several
days this past week and they
Were joined by Mrs, Atkin-
son's uncle, aunt and cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman,
Lunn, and Mrs. W, W. Gar-
rett, Denfield, on. Friday,
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. jack Dickins were Mr-
and Mrs. Merton Culbert and
boys, Lucan.
Mrs. Robert Carroll, Science
Mill, spent the past week at
the home of her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Atkinson.
Other visitors during the week
were Mrs. Tom Quinton and
Carol, Mr, and Mrs. Inc Kenip
and Mr, and. Mrs. George At-
kinson and family, all of Lon.
Mr. and Mrs. Keg Andrey-
ehur and children were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
johnSen and boys,
Messrs. Larry and 'Leslie
Greenlee and Gary Barker
were guests at a birthday party
bar their playmate, Danny Cal-
culi., Mooresville, nit Sunday at
the home of Danny's parents,
Me. arid Mrs, Maurice Mae-
Donald, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Atkinson, Mr. and MrS.
Frank Dickies, Ansa Craig,
wore among the guests
day evening at the Stith wed-
ding anniversary dinner for
their aunt And Untie, Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Coleman, !mean,
at the 'Embassy Hotel, Lendbli,
given by their daughter and'
son-in-law, 111r. and Mrs. W
W. Garrett, Danfield, and at
the reeeption at the Koine of
their gratiddanghter and grand.
set, Mr. and Mrs. Don Me.
Taggart, London,
Mr. anti Mrs, Heber
atcOninanied by Mr. 'find Mrs.
Jim Young and jeffrey, Lheati,
capture ji tneyt
Wes Watson and Clarence
Pewit won the Tuesday night
jitney at, the local howling
greens with two wins plus 17
Jtunners-tip Were Wilf Good-
win and Ted Chambers, with
two wins and 13, and Len Me-
Knight and -Wilf Sbapton, two
wins plus 1,2,
Friday night, Len .McKnight
and Lillian Pym topped the
beyiders with 'two wins plus 15.
Second and third places were
won by Fred Tilly and William
Lamport, two wins plus 12:
Wilf Goodwin. and Ivan
one win plus 10.
Watson, Down
attended an Orange parade and
service at Christ's Church,
Forest, Sunday, and called on
their cousins,- Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Noels.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. Atkinson's sister,
Mrs. Ed Balsden, Stratford,
Mrs. Bob Carroll, who is
visiting with her daughter,
Mrs, Atkinson, of this corn-
munity, spent Friday with her
niece and 'nephew, Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Carroll,
in the year 1960 three police.
men were killed by criminal
Action in Canada, and !Our
died accidentally.
"A" .W10.1./P
Inehet s Plyim An11
Spares C. .F.earroillar ;:;0)
P. nrotaras IS. Nagel r:;(11
rug Six Wells C'2,11 . 1
Trafle ,men wood rilifi)
Kingpins (Default,
Ringers Ili. NN'riglil i',2111, 1
loNlrla nes (I.. 141 1 I e 5711 fi
.1 & Ft ,9peoialF ('I'. •Wrigi 1 I ell') 2
L. Snpoi.l'oH II.. RIIMIIPI :Ati 2
P 1Puisikiii ire s (.(1..;),LOn‘ \Viltliinni; 13,7,,,:i'121, . 4
nolgors 4
Trail es ill en 4
Pepsis 4
noreers 1
IL Tlilllards .. ........ ...,...
,1&fl SpscIalm '
I., Sopert.est 2
Hrqups t
RN gis I
King-pips ,„„ A
rat rta n 0 8 • .2....... n
I luslcie. A
Ila.okinnpi4 W. Kios‘s,rtif,1` r,r,e) •,,,
Rol nods at. Pat I onsim lifiro . 1
i,arlis 4
(1-1, Arthur, S .Niali son 6191
\ 1 'est uns iii, Kole 191) 1,
;',. Iii, Simortest (11. fil iggilis filar I
f-lo-Didle.ys (I1 Venison 475) . n
K. 'Tigers (A Finlay'-on 707,1 4
S. Fuels (13. At eFall , ',.;',11 . il
.NIllkinen (I... Smith :1911 4
f .1 ensall 1 De latill I fi
C', Loggers ' (K„lorgensen 71:0 4
Os imp rs I Default I 0
1<lpue‘n Tigers t
Arlis 1
N. irmil Super( est 4
:Milkmen 4
('rri•lal F.,og,;:,,p17, i
ilaultmon 1 s 1
riot Noels . ....... .. 1
Si er11117 Fuels s
\o-Notts 11
Rm. Didleys . 1,
Os lin ers I-,
Hensall . fl
High single: A , Flynn 1255 )
tilizh I riple.: 1', Jorgenson (71),
Hidden sin I's : P. .101'.'alts,
. •
Letter from
. .
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright
of,Mitchell, Mrs. Earl Ross,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie. Baillie
and family visited in Sarnia on
Mr. and Mrs. Art Gallant of
Toronto are spending this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rou-
dell and family.
Mr, Frank Routly visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Law-
rence Mills and Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Mills and . family of
Oakridge Acres. .
Saturday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Doupe were
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Colqu-
houn of Science Hill. Sunday
visitors were. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Simpson of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. jack Weitch of
London and Mrs. Hewins of Nia.
gara Falls, U.S,A„ visited Sun•
day with Mrs. Lavina Copeland
And Miss Ethel Coneland.
St. Paul's Fellowship
St. Paul's Anglican Clunich
fietllowship Club met nn Sun-
day evening with a good attend-
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul
showed colored films of their
recent trip to Europe,
Report on