HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-13, Page 18Exchangev ows .
at St, Patrick's three pupils Rev, F. J. Bricklin officiated
a( a wedding ceremony in St,
Medway High School closed at Patrick's R o re a a Catholic
1 p.m. on Thursday to permit Church, when Mary Helen Da.
leachers and pupils to attend teen and Herbert-us G. Ver-
the mass funeral of last Mon, steegh exchanged marriage
day's car victims, three of whom vows.
were Medway pupils. The bride is a daughter of
Going to a ball game at Eve- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Damen,
lyn were Douglas Parkinson, RR 3 Lucan, and the groom is
17, driver, his sister, Brenda, the son of Mr, and. Mrs. Theo-
nine, brothers, Daniel 13, and dore Versteegh, RR 1 London,
Ronald seven, children of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Parkinson of
RR 4 Denfield and their cousin,
Thomas Shoebottom 15, son of
Mrs. Marjorie Shoebottom and
the late Austin C. Shoebottom,
RR 3 Merton.
Coming from the ball tourna-
ment was Bruce Monteith, 17,
RR 1 Belton, driver of the pick-
up truck. All six children were
killed in the head-on collision
which welded the vehicles to-
Rev. Robert Ray of South
Nissouri Presbyterian Church,
officiated for the funeral serv-
ice of Bruce Monteith at the
Edward J. ;tones Funeral Home,
Thorndale. Pallbearers were
Kenneth Tye, James Henderson,
George Taylor, Gary Stephens,
Robert Irwin and. Gerald Ab-
bott, Interment was in Vining
cemetery, West Nissouri,
Rev. W, G. Rose of. Bryan-
ston United Church assisted by
the Rev. Ronald Mills of St.
Marys Baptist Tabernacle and
the Rev, George Simpson of
Avon United Church, conducted
a mass service for the other
five children at the Needham
Memorial Chapel, London,
Pallbearers for Thomas Shoe-
bottom were Ralph Needham,
Alex .Bosley, James Lindsay,
John Sanborn, Douglas McGuire
and James Walker,
Pallbearers for Douglas Park-
inson were George McRobert,
Max McRoberts, Kenneth Park-
inson, Albert Bannister and
George Tilden.
Wayne Parkinson, John Til-
den, John Swinkler, William
Naden, John Hudson and Paul
Kopal Jr., were pallbearers for
Daniel, and Donald Rigney,
Richard Parkinson, Harold Hart-
wick and John Kopal Jr, for
Brenda and for Ronald were
Maurice Crone, Wesley McGufa
fin, Harry Bilyea and Paul
The four Parkinson children
were buried in the one grave
and their cousin beside them in
St. John's cemetery, Arva, with
the rector of the church, Rev.
A. H. Jared, conducting the
grave-side service.
Both funerals were very large-
ly attended. Officially represent-
ing the Medway student body
were Bonnie Henderson, presi-
dent of the student council, and
Robert Frank, vice - president.
Many staff members were also
HS mourns
The bride chose a full-leneth
gown of white organza over taf-
feta, fashioned with a princess
line bodice featuring lily point
sleeves and a scalloped neck-
line appliqued with sequin-
sprinkled lace The full skirt
was styled with matching lace
accents. A pearl coronet held
her elbow-length veil and she
carried a bouquet of white car-
nations and red roses.
Miss Helen Damen, as maid
of honor, and Miss Theresa
Damen and Miss Riny Ver-
steegh as bridesmaids, wore
identical gowns of blue organza
over white taffeta, Mary Kearns
as flower girl wore a frock of
white lace. The ring bearer
was Teddy Meichers,
Cor. Versteegh was best man
and ushers were Theo. Ver-
steegh and Jerry Damen.
Bridesmaids attendants were
Gys Versteegh and. John Da-
For a wedding trip the bride
changed to a green silk suit
with white accessories and a
corsage of white and yellow
The couple will make their
home at RR 2 Ilderton.
Local tragedies
prompt address
Mrs, Harold Hodgins, educa-
tional convener of Holy Trinity
Woman's Auxiliary, was host-
ess at her home for the meet-
ing last Wednesday afternoon
and gave a paper on "Prayer
and what it should mean to
In view of the recent earth-
quake disaster and, the car ac-
cident which took the lives of
four local young people Mrs.
Hodgins chose her subject in
preference to the one she had
President Mrs. Erwin Scott
was in the chair and led in the
devotional period. The annual
Little Helpers party was dis-
cussed and it was decided to
have it earlier than previously
and the date was left with the
convener, Mrs. Jack Murdy,
A number of articles donated
by Miss Lillian Powell, a mis-
sionary on furlough from Japan,
were sold,
..... .... ..... . .
Page la September 13t 1962
Phone 227.4255
• •
and district news.
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Cunningham of Glencoe due to
ClandeboYe couple Rtheev.iElin. e0s.s Leonf eatshteer.reMertQs.r Ltainle-
caster played for the service,
On .Sunday, Sept, 16 the Right ice e ate 5 years fRi.,e‘g%,„"fiishAo.p of iRwan will be
Mrs. T. C. McFarlane and
Mrs. Murdy assisted the host-
esses at the social hour.
The October meeting will
feature the showing of films tak-
en by Miss Joan Hodgins and
Miss Marilyn Brownlee of their
trips to Europe. A tentative
date of October 12 was set in-
stead of the usual first Wednes-
day. This will be an open meet-
CG1T hold wiener roast
Owing to the decided change
in the temperature the CGIT
"cook•out" last Wednesday eve-
ning had to be a "cook-in"
wiener roast in the United
Church basement which was
preceded by games at 4,30 p.m.
The special guest. Mrs. C.
Appleton of Essex, England
(who is holidaying at the par-
sonage) directed a couple of
Mr. Karl O'Neil, a patient in games. Mrs, Appleton is a
St. Joseph's Hospital following Brownie leader in England so
a heart attack last week, is was very much at home with
improving. Lucan's CGIT.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell,
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Thompson and Mrs. Florence
Gamble of Windsor were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy
last Sunday.
Following the wiener roast
Patricia Cobleigh led in a sing-
song as , the girls sat around an
artificial camp-fire. The leader,
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, assisted
by Bette ,lean Smith, conducted
the vesper service.
Auxiliary plans bake sale
At the Holy Trinity Evening
Auxiliary meeting held last
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Pat Crudge with eight
members present, the president,
Mrs. Don Ankers, was assisted
in the worship service by Mrs.
Dwight Henderson.
There was no study taken,
An invitation to join with the
senior branch for the October
meeting was accepted when pic-
tures will he shown by Miss
Joan Hudgins and Mies Marilyn
13towniee, of their trips to
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Young and During the business session it Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett -was d eem e d to hold a hake sale attended the Huron Pioneer in the paris h h al t, Sa l., Sept,
Threshers Reunion at Agricul. 22 at 2 p jrh,
'ain't Park, Illyth, Saturday. The lunch committee coin-
Randy Paul, son of Mr. and prised Mrs. Mert Culbert, Mrs.
Mrs. George- Paul who missed Jack Ityan and Mrs. Jack At-
much schooling last year kinsoh,
through illness, has so far re.
covered that he was able to
return to Medway last week. school
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Larry Me alas and family of next Thurs 'tendon, day
"Shirley Harvester" a terse The official opening of. the
Owned by Mt, Wilmer Stott, new St. Patrick Sehoel, by His
won a first at the Ottawa rates Exedeticy Most Rev. John C,
last Week. Cody,Bishop of London, will be
mr, a n d mrs. Harold Rate held Thursday, Sept, 20 at 8
and daughter Virgy, of Torohte,
were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Classes will begin Monday,
William Aylettock last week. Sept. 17, At present• the Catholic~
Mr. Eldon Hodgson Was able sehools are running two shifts',
to be brought home from St. juniors; 8 to 1 p.m. and seniors
aleseph's Hospital Ott Thursday, 1 to 6 p.it,
.London church
scene of vows
Maitland St. Baptist Church,
London, was the setting for the
marriage ceremony of Dledre
Aim MacDougall and Douglas
Max O'Neil August 25 with the
Rev. F. A. Jewell officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr- And Mrs. Gordon Mae-Dote
gall of London and the groom
is the son of Mrs. George
O'Neil, RR 4 Denfield. and the
late Mr. O'Neil.
The bride chose a traditional
gown of peau de faille and lace.
The bodice featured a jewel
neckline and dolman sleeves.
The bouffant skirt was styled
with a full-draped panel of peau
de faille, edged with lace in
the front, and a similar back
panel, which swept to a train.
A headdress of seed pearls held
her veil of Frengh illusion and
she carried a cascade of gar-
denias and stephanotis.
Miss Linda Jarrell as maid
of honor and Mrs. Meredith
Charlton, sister of the groom,
as bridesmaid, were attired in
gowns of gold peau de sole,
styled like that of the bride.
Stuart O'Neil the groom's
brother was best man and,
guests were ushered by William
Sande and Rodney MacDougall,
brother of the bride.
For a honeymoon trip to
Georgian Bay, the bride changed
to an original ensemble of ruby
red silk velvet, with matching
pill-box hat.
The couple will make their
home in London.
The bride is a graduate of
the University of Western On-
tario and the groom is a grad-
uate of the Ontario Agricultural
College. Both Mr. and Mr.
O'Keil are members of the Med-
way High School staff. They at-
tended public school and Med-
way together and also finished
their training together this sum-
mer at the Ontario College of
WI plans visit
to art studio
The executive of Lucan
has decided to accept the in-
vitation of Mr. and Mrs, James
Clennell to visit their ceramic
art studio at Panecroft during
their four-week exhibition of
work by the finest craftsmen of
Any non WI member will be
made welcome if the president
or secretary is notified so suf-
ficient transportation can be
Monday, Sept, 17 was the
date chosen by the executive to
meet at either the Anglican or
United Church at In a.m. Lunch
will be secured enrolee and
will. be home by 5 p.m.
Lucan personal items
Miss Barbara. Benn is spend-
ing a week with Mr. and Mrs.
,T. Coveny of Chatham.
Tommy Weller. 19-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Weller of Water St., and a star
Medway pupil who had to leave
school owing to a nervous break-
down, this week signed up for a
four-year apprentice term ,with
Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. of
London but still hopes to se-
cure his Grade 13 certificate
by attending night school,
Mr. Graham Thompson while
visiting his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs, Murray
johnaon of Regina, had dinner
with the Rev. and Mrs. J. P.
Prest and family last Tuesday.
Mrs. Karl Eldridge and three
children, of London, spent R.
week with Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Joey Hodgins spent the holi-
day weekend . at Port Franks,
the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph
Strasser. •
.Holiday weekend guests with
Mr. J. S. Bern and Barbara
were Mr. arid Mrs. W. G. Coop-
er of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs.
Neil Munro and family of Wil-
lowdale, Mr. and Mrs. William
Abbott, Billy and Guy of Niag-
Miss 'Edythe. Cook, daughter
of- the Rev. E, M, Cook of Lu-
can, returned on Friday frfr om
a . Vacation in Europe in time
for the re-opening of school,
She is a teacher on the Torontn
M J r. ohn ;lull,. of Toronto,
Was a guest of Mr. Robert Hare-
Mon last Monday,
Andy Hardy, :inn of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hat*. After three
weeks in. St. Joseph's Hospital,
is, showing signs of improve-
merit. Andy. spent
back at
summer out his . at home,
Bishop and Mrs. W. .A. Town-
shend of Letideti called en Rev.
and Mrs, E. 0. Lancaster on
School re-Opened last 'week
with attentlarite in Eindergar-
ten, 25; .Mrs. Cobleigh's Grade
I and 2, 27; Mrs, ROSS Me-
Grades 2 and t, 32;
grs. Areethalls 'Oradea 3 and
4, 30t Mrs. Beteg Grades 5 and
.20i; Mt, ()Weirs Grades 6,
And 7, 33, and Prindpal .Seek-
it's Grade 8, 24, •owing to the
leaving of Catholic children, the
Attendance is down front 211
to :200.
Mr. and. MrS.. Al..), :Minting, a North' lattleferd, Sask.,
whet weekendguests. of Mr.
and Mra. GordonBatitint .•
',Mr, and Mrs, Alan Tindall,
ot. Spent 'the holiday
Rev. Ci. W. ,Sach was in:
charge of the Sunday service,
taking as bis. theme, "The God
we want and the God we need",
0n Sunday, Sept. 16, Rev, C.
W. Paul of North Bar, a dele-
gate to the General Couneil,
will be the guest speaker.
Rally Sunday and a promo-
tion service wilt be held Sept.
A Bible Club, to be held in
the homes, will begin next week.
The VOW meeting will be
held in the schoolroom on
Thursday evening with Mrs. C.
A. Appleton of England, the
guest speaker.
couples 04.
The Couples Club,. with a good
attendance,, held a wiener roast
and an evening of music and
dancing at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs, Don Abbott Saturday
night. All those who bad as•
sisted in programs during the
year were invited as guests.
General Council
The 20th General Council for
all Canada an: overseas will
meet in Metropolitan Church,
London, Sept. 12-21.
The postponed communion
service and missionary Sunday
School service, usually held the
first Sunday in the month were
held this Sunday.
Two students from the Holmes
Theological Seminary at South
Carolina, Tyre March and John
Boag preached, the former in
the morning and the latter in
the evening, with the senior
choir singing in the evening,
Apparently last Sunday's two
services were too much for the
Rev, E. 0. Lancaster because
he had a relapse and has been
sent back to bed for at least
two more weeks,
On Sunday Mr, J. Ernol Cun-
ningham, Glencoe High School
teacher (formerly of Clande.
boye) took the services. In
spite of morning rain junior
choir and League of Loyalty
members were back in goodly
Next Sunday there will be a
morning service which Mr,
Dwight Henderson has offered
to take. Sunday School will be
held at 10 a.m, as usual but
there will be no League of
Loyalty, Lucan candidates for
confirmation are asked to be at
St. James Church by 10.35 a,m,
Institute plans kitchens
At tile meeting of the Jr. In-
stitute, held at the home of
Alice, Kathleen and Tommy
Ryan last Tuesday evening,
Mrs. Don McComb gave an in-
teresting talk on "Planning a
Kitchen" after which a joint
meeting was held with the Jr.
A recreation period in charge
of Judy Scott and Tom Kestle
was followed by lunch.
Lucanite wins prize
No Lucanite has as yet won
the $1,000 at the Western Fair
but Saturday Mr, Russell God-
dard of Water St, won, one of
the $25 consolation prizes.'
Mr, Goddard was playing
cards with friends at Arva when
he heard his number called.
Being at Arva, he had sufficient
time to return to the fair
grounds and pick up his $25.
District YPU
elects officers
The Lucan - Clandeboye YPU
met in the church schoolroom at
7,30 p.m. Sunday. The president,
Margaret Sach, was assisted in
the worship service by Ilene
It was decided to try to in-
crease enrolment by sending in-
vitations to join, to prospective
members. A report on the re-
cent paper collection was en-
couraging as it netted $22.80,
The pastor, the Rev, G. W.
Sach, conducted the election of
officers. President is Dana Cul,
Bert; vice-president, Coralyn
Donaldson; secretary, Ilene
Donaldson; assistant secretary,
Iva Stanley; treasurer, Bob
Mrs. C. A. Appleton of Eng-
land, who was a guest, an-
swered many questions on her
work in England after which all
enjoyed a box lunch.
Recreation activities at the
present time seem ..to be at a
ebb, Steps are being taken
to remedy .0115 situation.
Roller skating will continue
at the arena for Tuesday. and
Thursday of next week only,
The arena is now getting
face lifting in time 'for the fast
approaching winter season,
Teen Town held a meeting on
Sunday ..at the arena and, diS-
bussed their' activities for the
year, the first of which will be
A dance on September 21.
A "meet the recreation di-
rector" meeting was held on
Wednesday, 'Sept. 5 at the arena,
This WAS a Well attended affair
With approximately 35 itten
present. A cordial atmosphere
prevailed, and many aspects of
arena activities were .disetissed.
One Was the 'ProPnsed new
swimming pool--eooling system
vhich is hoped will be formnF
'Wed in the near future,
It is also boned that, hockey
groups in the locality will held
their feedings as soon as
sible to -make .plans .for the
coming season.
• I shall be attending, Western
University for the week
10.14 so .consequently Will be Uri«
ahlo to organize any activity
during that week..
thought 'for the community:
"Let us use our leisure time to.
the maximumsatisfactionof All
Former rector
escapes crash
When the Rev. J. P. Prest
and family were returning to
Regina after a two and a half
month vacation back east, they
narrowly missed what might
have been a. serious accident,
They broke a spring and cut
the brake fluid line, Seeing a
block-off ahead, for a construc-
tion gang, Mr. Prest attempted
to slow down only to find he
had no brakes.
He was faced with the choice
of hitting an oncoming car, the
highway machinery, or. the flag-
man. However by turning off
the key, putting the car in re-
verse; he managed to stop it
just one foot from the flagman.
No one was hurt and no dam-
age done.
Mr. Lancastr was appentel
rector of St. John's Anglican.
(hunch, Milton and St. Marks,
They moved here- a years
ago from Woodstock. They have
two sons in London. They were
remembered with cards And
Personal. items
Mr. Ernol Cunningham of
Glencoe was a guest with 'his
mother, Mrs. Omar Cunning-
ham, following the service at
St. James Church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe
yack of Niagara Falls visited
with the latter's grandmother,
Mrs, Omar Cunningham over
the weekend,
At the meeting of the .Lucan
and Clandeboye Young People
of the United Church Robert
Eaton was elected treasurer.
More .clandekoye news on Pg. 19
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Cliff Abbott, the latter remain-
ing over for a week with her
parents and the former re-
turning for her, this past week-
end, While here, Mrs, Tindall,
accompanied by her mother and
aunt, Mrs. Harry Carroll visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tin-
dall of Grand Bend lest Wed-
As area survey chairman,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington at-
tended a TB survey meeting
at Bryanston last Wednesday,
Another meeting will be held
Sept. 17 to decide which day
in November the survey will
be held.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hardy
and Mr. and Mrs, Mert Culbert
spent last weekend in Ottawa
where the Hardy horses are
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Eizenga
and family of St, Thomas were
weekend guests Of Mr, and Mrs.
Clayton Abbott,
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Crazier
spent the weekend in Toronto
where they attended the sale of
Canadian thoroughbreds at the
exhibition grounds and Were
thrilled at the labttlous prices
bid, They arrived home in time
to take their daughter Julia to
Guelph to begin her second year
at Maedonald Institute.
The fiftieth wedding anniver-
sary was celebrated by Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Whitmore Sr. re-
cently. A fowl supper was held
for the family at the home of
their son, Jack Jr, and. open
house for neighbors and friends
Was held Afterwards.
Mr, Whitmore Arrived in Can-
ada from England 'in 1910, Mrs.
Whitmore in 1912 when they
were married by the Rev, 'W,
J. Pady in Collingwood, Later
they moved to Clandeboye and
in 1920 to Lucan ,Crossing, lle
joined. the CNR section in1926.
They have four boys and two
girtat Robert, Mrs, Palmer
(Florence) Combes, both of
London, William, Sarnia, Jack
Jr„ Gayle and Freddie of RR
1 .Clandeboye,
Pigeon fanciers
capture races
The Lucan Hardy pigeon fan-
ciers continue to win races. On
two recent races from Oshawa,
Tom Hardy came fourth, his
father (Clarence Hardy) came
On the other Mr. jack Hardy
came first, This past week from
Belleville, Tom Hardy won a
first in the London-St. Thomas
race, his father, fifth, and Jack
Hardy sixth and ninth,
Brothers assist at program
Douglas and Donald. HugheN,
Lucan district brothers, pre-
sented one of the five amateur
acts at the London Labor Day
program with a guitar playing
and singing combination,
Each of the five acts re-
ceived a souvenir trophy from
the London and District Labor.
They are .members of St,
James church.
United ..
ccilHvYrclicF1 NEWS.
The Rev. G. W. Sach return-
ed from vacation and took the
service on Sunday, Sept. 9. On
Sunday, Sept. 2 the service
was withdrawn due to the me-
:mortal and decoration service
at St. James. During August
the Rev, E. M. Cook took the
1' dv41C4aemsS elAsisn. oda.iS
Sunday .Schoni was.
On Sunday, Septa the serv-
ice was taken by Mr, Ernol
at St, jam..es Church at 11
for the confirmation of candi-
dates from .Holy Trinity Church,
Mark 30th anniversary
Due to the illness of the Rev.
E. O. Lancaster the 30th wed-
in of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Lancaster was not cele-
Mr. Lancaster was ordained
in May 1932,
On August 27, 1932 Mr. and
Mrs, Lancaster were married
by the Rev. Borden Cunning-
ham in Christ Church, Milver,
ton end later took up residence
in Prince Edward Island where