HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-13, Page 1516 Properly For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 25 Auction Sales cows. Also selling arc daugh- ters of today's most prominent Unit and artificially used sires, including Smithcroft Snowball FrASer 'Butter Roy, Rom andale Re-Echo. Rocket, Rosafe Citation It; Glenalten Milestone, .01enafton Benefae' tor. This is 4A extra good herd with good type, size and. oual- itY. Ail ealthood. vaccinated and Brucellosis certified, TRACTORS i$4 FARM MA- CHINERY: Oliver 90 on. rub- ber, in A-1 condition; Fords= 1950 on rubber, all newly over, hauled; Case 10-ft, fertilizer spreader, recently purchased; M-1-1 No. 11 tractor spreader, like new; M-11, 7-ft. cut power take-off mower, used one sea- son; MePeering 4-bar rake on steel; 40-plate double disc; heavy duty ruhber tire wagon and rack; 30-ft, hay elevator equipped with 3A. h.p, motor; 3-furrow Oliver tractor plow on rubber; 3-section diamond harrows; 18-tooth spring tooth cultivator; quantity of cedar posts; and many other miscell- aneous items. MILKING EQUIPMENT: Surge 4-unit milking machine, complete with piping for 38 ,cows, new condition; Copeland 12-can automatic milk cooler and sprayer, recently purchas- ed; Hiput 16-gal, hot water unit; 38-80 lb. milk cans; milk pails and strainer; 2 steel water troughs. FEED: 3500 bales of choice mixed hay. PLEASE NOTE; This being an extra large sale, selling will ,start sharp on time, No' Reserve, as owner is moving to Sarnia, Lunch booth on grounds, TERMS; Cash, WILLEM DEJONG, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 13:20e The. Thres-Advocete, :Se ternber 13, 1962: Pa Come to Exeter See the NEW 1963 R PICKUP! Smarter Styling Better Value than ever before! We need Used Pickups TRADE TODAY at Sniderific Savings Try the Ford Farm Family QUIZ At Next Week's Exeter FAIR Some farm family will win 4 Ford Farm Implements plus Fordson Dexta Gas Tractor, 1962 Station Wagon and Pickup ! ! IT MIGHT AS WELL BE YOU , . . ! SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR OR AT OUR SHOWROOM L. S. M. F. T. 19 MONARCH SEDAN, automatic radio $1,895 '59 MONARCH SEDAN, power brakes, power steer. ing, power seats, radio, new rubber $1,893 '59 METEOR V-8 automatic 2-door, radio, new tires $1,350 18 FORD SEDAN, 6-cylinder, standard shift $1,200 "58 METEOR TUDOR, one owner, 6-cylinder $1,250 '60 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, radio, rebuilt motor $1,250 '61 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, radio, original 22,000 miles $1,600 "58 FORD SEDAN, 6 standard . $1,200 '58 CHEV 2-DOOR ••• 51,200 '58 METEOR TUDOR $1,200 '57 FORD 6, Fordor, radio, 2-tone paint $1,000 '57 OLDS 4.DOOR HARDTOP, needs a paint job $ 800 '55 CHEV WAGON, V.8 automatic, new molar $ 800 '36 FORD COACH, 2 to choose from $ 450 '53 PONTIAC $ 250 A few tough ones, yours from $50 to $150 TRACTORS '60 Dexta DieSel '54 FERGUSON '57 ALLIS CHALMERS, Wt) Model, wheels, hydraulic '47 FORD and Skyline Loader. 'mete '49 cockSHUTT ."50" '49 FORD, motor overhauled MASSE? "50" '60 CORN PICKER, good condition '57 FORD BALER, like new '52 FORD 2.FURROW PLOW 140 ALLIS CHALMERS POWER RAKE 1 NEW FORD 7-FOOT MOWER $2,100 $ 850 power-adjusted $ 980 vothaulecl $ 850 '$ 300 $ 620 $ 10$ $ 050 850 Uti $ 100 $ 400 Larry Snider Motors LIMITED lord, Eairlalle, 'Oetditirt and :POI 11 "Trucks PHONE 2351640 EXETER EXETER — Older home in excellent repair, on corner lot, nestled amongst stately pines and cedar hedge. A real family home at a realistic price. EXETER — 2-bedroom with ' oil heat, located one block from centre of town; attached garage and oil heat, COMMERCIAL property on ex- cellent main street corner; could be converted to almost any use, Owner is anxious to sell and will consider good terms to responsible party. WE HAVE FOR SALE the site of the Towne & Country res- taurant, A terrific location for a motel. Make us an offer, 550 WILL GIVE YOU the deed to a 76' buildini, lot. Small monthly payments on the bal- ance. 8500 DOWN WILL BUY a 3- bedroom frame house on an 82' lot. $25 per month on balance. LIGHT LUNCH and variety store. A man and wife opera- tion which will provide a good income plus living quarters. OUR FARM of the week is 100 acres, south of Crediton; good buildings, lots of water, all workable; reasonable down payment; easy mortgage. JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 7;5 tfnc 17 Property For Rent - APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, on Main St., available August 1. Gould and Jory, phone 235- 0270. 8:16tfn c APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable. The for- mer Simmons Apartments, Sanders St. East, phone 235- " 2012, after 6 p.m. 8:Pane „, "There isn't much demand for chauffeurs for compacts." A special message to all parents of boys and girls now in high school You can guarantee your youngster's College Education in partnership with 'MY SAN .' 03/A11110N CAVADMAS BANK OF MONTREAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION PROGRA A comprehensive, life-insured plan for financing a college education for boys and, girls non' in, high, school If you are like most parents with children. in high school, you are probably wondering how you are going to meet the costs of financ- ing your youngster's college edu- cation, To help parents solve this problem, the Bank of Montreal has introduced its University Educa- tion Programme—the first lif e- insured plan of its kind in Canada, Under this comprehensive pro- gramme,parents; guardians and sponsors of high-school students Can spread the cost of a university education over periods of up to nine years, thus keeping monthly payments to amounts they can af- ford without hardship, And the cost to the parent is only a fraction o the interest paid. on, a straight loan programme. HOW THE PROGRAMME WORKS Linder" the basic plan, 'the parent agrees to Mike Monthly payments to the Bank starting, say, two years be- fere the student enters university, and terminating one year After grad- nation, in return, the parent receives pia Annual srrni from the tank At the start of each of the four university vars. 4... • • • * VARIANTS OF THE PLAN. Several optional plans are available under the programme, and these vary as to the number of years in which the parent wishes to make monthly payments, as well as to the amount required annually for university ex- penses, Plans are based on objectives ranging from $1,000 to $8,000 pay- able to the parent in four annual instalments, Here is en example of Taow one of the basic plans ran be varied to snit pour needs: OBJECTIVE: $4,000 To ti pAid tdilietareht rn Nit annual Ameunti of 11,030 flich OPTIONS YOU PAY MONTHLY PERIODS OF PAYMENT YOUR, PAYMENTS BEGIN Plan A $49.$5 7 years bet Years unwidiv Plan B 42,78 8 years 3 yes Ulm wo arw / . Plan C $1.66 9 years . .. s t 4 oo y unxa ear mv LIFE-INSURANCE FEATURE If the parent concerned should die after the start of the programme, the funds for education Aped- tied in the agreement will be, advanced by the Bank each year without any fur- ther payments being made by the flintily or the estate. 1 I di • * HOW TO JOIN THE PROGRAMME See the people at your neighbour- hood B of M branch, You will re- ceive a warm welcome from a staff who will be pleased to give you further details and to help you select a plan suited to your needs, Ask forpm& copy of the Bank of Montreal 1107'o-sit?, Education Programme folder, P.S. If you need help in financing a student. already in University or .planning to register this year—talk to your B of M 'Manager. Chances are he can arrange a tuition loan with extended payments adapted to your circumstances. BANK Or Mot TI:08AL d4444,:i '9eut Sari - WitH .'dAi1/41.AblANt t'Vt - WALK OP L1P SIN't EXETER — Brand new ranch type with attached garage, A most practical floor plan with 3 large bedrooms, Look for our sign on Pryde Blvd. EXETER — Newly decorated 2-bedroom house with oil heat; park-like setting overlooking the river. Terms can be ar- ranged. EXETER — New 3-bedroom; priced below replacement cost; large landscaped lot with gar- a'4e: $71 per month after reasonable down payment. APARTMENT, upper, 3 rooms, heated, with bath, stove and refrigerator supplied, private entrance, central location; available Sept. 1. Apply Russ' Billiards, or phone 235.0477, evenings, 8:16tinc APARTMENT, heate d, un- furnished, in Exeter, 'living room and kitchen downstairs; 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath with lots of closet space upstairs. Oil heat, Available October 1, Phone 39r3 Kirkton or 235-0906 Exeter. 8:16tinc COTTAGE, suitable for 1 or 2 persons, central location. II. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. E., phone 235-1076. 8:23tfnc APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please; available now, Apply 169 Wit- liam St. or phone 235.0736, evenings. 8:1641fnc APARTMENT, furnished, avail- able September 1. Apply 73 Huron St, W., phone 235-2620, 13" APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, tin- furnished, heated, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot, and cold water, private entrance, utilities paid; 1',1 miles west on Huron St.; available September 1, Phone 235-2427, 8:30tinc APARTMENT, I bedroom, ground floor, private entrance, stove, refrigerator, oil heat, utilitiespaid, Phone 235-1995, before 1:00 p.m. 134 STORE, Main St., Exeter, loca, tioil of former Exeter Mettle, floor area 750 sq. ft., suitable for store or office, heated, washroom facilities, storage stoace, immediate possession. Apply Art flaiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 235.2754 evenings. 9:6 thic 1101.1SE, 3-bedroom, hearty new, Riverview Heights, EX. titer, all modern conveniences, immediate possestion, Apply Richard Elliott, Palmerston, phone 231W. 916tfric available At bride. Ap. ply IL C. ,toynt, phone 62 'gen- salt APARTMENT, 3 roomst heat. ed, furnished, on Main St, Phone. 235-2376 tvenings Or an. ply Mayfair Bakery. 916tinc AP AR'PM ENT, (lowest a its, 3 rooms, heated, self Contained, furnished, private entrance. No pets. Apply Exeter Tiino-Ad- VOcate, 6:13c . . APARTMENT , Apply Fink's Meat Market.. 13c. . , MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, available October Phone 235-0395, morning or evening. 13" APARTMKNT, .2-bedroom, all modern ..conveniences; separate entrance, • private bath. Phone 235-0915. 0:13.tfnc COZY APARTMENT, furnish, .ed and heated, private ant' ranee, suitable for two, Avail-. able September 25. Apply 179 Carling ......„ „...... . HOUSE, 2-bedroom, winterized, in Green Acres, hot and cold water on tap, Available Octo- ber 1, Apply M, Thompson, Grand Bend, Ontario, 13c COUNTRY HOME, 4-bedroom, on Highway No, 4, 1 mile north of Hensall, oil furnace, modern conveniences. Avail- able October 1. Apply J, G. Smillie, phone 274J2 Hensall, 13:20:27" LOWER APARTMENT, Main St, S., Lucan, 2 ' bedrooms, kitchen, living room, 3-piece bath, private entrance; all utilities paid; $65 per month, Phone Lucan 227-4369, 13:20c STORE on Main Street, op- posite the Exeter post office. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate, 9: t1-3P 18 For Rent CAMPING TRAILER, 12', 5- berth, $25 per week. Apply 162 Andrew St„ Exeter, 13* 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer 7:12.10:4 WOULD PARTY who removed Dormeyer Mix Master from premises of Ed Cuillerier, lot 4, concession 2, Stephen Town- ship, Please return same or action will be taken. 13" WILL PARTY, known, please bring back ornamental dog taken on Saturday night from Ken Greb's lawn. If replaced, no action taken. 13c HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron. County Council will meet on Friday, Sep- tember 21, 1962 at 10:00 A,M, for one day only, for the September Session of County Council, Notice of any documents or deputations must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than Tuesday, Sep- tember 18th, 1962. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 25 Auction Sales Complete Holstein DISPERSAL SALE Of 60 Registered and Grade Cows, Heifers and Yearlings,: Complete Line of Farm Machinery, Tractors and Feed On the premises, Lot 32, Concession EAST WAWANOSH TWP, 1 mile &1st of Auburn or 4I/ miles West of 13lyth, on paved' road. public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 at 12 o'clock 48 registered Itolstein COWS and heifers, selected froni lead- ing bloodlines arid predUders1 12 grade cows ranging in age from 4 to 7 years old, all Milk- ing and Of outstanding dalibre, kept only for their high quality, including 84 lbs, per day 5 Auction Sales Clearing A14.cTION...$4F Of Tractors,. Combines Auto, farm Implements. Livestock, Poultry and Misc. Items Thc undersigned auctioneer is instructed 10 sell by public auetion on SEPTEMBER On the premises, Lot 3, Con, 3„ McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 2 miles. South of Centralia RCAF Station, Complete list of sale in next week's issue. MRS. ELMER WILSON, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable° Household Effects, Electric Appliances Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Watch for complete list in next week's issue, LYDIA GINGERICH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13c 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION $A1„g. Of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. items on the premises, 244 Main St., in the TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Complete list of sale in next week's issue. MARY ELWORTHY, Prop, ALV1N WALPER, Auctioneer 13c The, health, officer .called up a farmer and told him he could take ,c.leWn. the Smallpox quarantine sign now that the children were all recovered, "I don't want it Own," the farmer replied. "Since Y011 put the sign up, we havon't bad .a. bill collector or salesman on the place." At a party a 'doctor 'was ..COTO.* pl4iiljlig about all the women Who approached him for ad- vice on these occasions.. "You know," be said to the man sit, Ling beside him, "you're a lawyer. Do you think I should charge them. for this .advice, even. if I give it after office hours?" "By all means," said the lawyer. "Advice is advice." Next day the doctor received an, envelope from the lawyer. The bill read simply, "For ad- vice—$50," Call JB at 1363 LUCAN Lovely 2-bedroom, on quiet street; oil heating, wall-to-wall broadloom; garage; low down payment. LUCAN — Large brick home, completely inedernized, on cor- ner lot; large modern kitchen and separate dining room; oil " heat; garage; reasonably pric- ed with low down payment, ApARTNIENT, 24)cdroom, in The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by