HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-13, Page 1416 Property For Sale 16 Property For Sale Two stores with two apart- C'HOIP'l ':51-11:LI)TISI4 r--'0T, W il ments above. Whole Miilding is choice location on Main St, lsVt.A.,I3•.drri.11,1‘elly l'slo°!,'ILL:9f-aln8Isci:'.1),01e:(111.0'.- .seteellrlar;e113(bha esealtieidentsOiliorSesiltaOlielse. Box 141' Ilmes'Adv"ate ' looking R.1 N:e,rview Park. Apply reeenlovavteeiclit, tili7r2ougliii:no'nuto.w;Citio.n1NasPFt.t: Two-bed- room, corner Phone 235-2633, 1.2tfne R7oL hEaS;er,AerliTep&ts INSURANCE 0 roister!, ROUSE, 4 bedrooms, newly de-. buy, 11 you wish tP sell, see ietiees, Mea l% Snti.o,delirenasaP11°,"AePn: us. ply Ross Jevons, .lien3sia:161,:13, BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK -- ,Pa'pultrtbmaellni trsoemAspaa lt kenitieshe en lseai iiii NEW MODERN HOME and ready for occupancy. Rea, 3 bed- sonable price. Terms, rooms, 4.-plece bath, la'rge liv. ing room and kitchen, storm UNUSUAL OPPOR'PUNITy _ windows and sereens, full base- Well located town house with ment with walk-out basement approximately two acres of door, Located on choice wood- townshiplole,3-p l iaenccel at rear of town ed lot in Pineclale Subdivision, lot. Comfortable 3 - bedroom 1 mile south of Grand Bend. i bath up, toilet Low down payment, terms ar. down, very modern kitchen, ranged. Call R. W, Edmonds, full basement, oil burning fur- phone 1.000 Listowel, 13e nace, garage and small barn, Land is best of garden soil, LARGE FRAME BARN, with House may be purchased sep, steel roof, Apply Box 444, Ex- arately. Low taxes. Terms, eter Times-Advocate. 13* C. V. PICKARD BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC BIG VALUES ELMER D BELL Q.C. V. LAUGHTON. Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office 'Tuesday Big 18 cu. ft. ft; rumens I1 :'EP FREEZE CHEST PHONE 239,0440 EXETER JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROBRAtTOR ANti DRUGLESS 'THERAPIST THERAPIST 1$• Wellington, ,etroSi T. ern PUC PHONE Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE PHONE 235-1863 EXETER Head Office: Sarnia Offices: Forest and Pettolia All deluxe features, s-year guarantee, food insurance, Ordy $330.00 delivered to your home. SANDY Phalle 235,05A5 he there Exeter Pair Sept, 19.20, See 'our display. 0;13(Ine W. H. Hodgson Ltd. Real Estate Insurance M, L GAISER EXETER 2354420 Grand Bend Representative: William C. Dace Office Phone 47 Retidente, 4621'.3 First Mortga.ges', Arr d ang COMFORTABLE three-bedroom home, Exeter North, almost new condition, convenient kit- ehen. modern bathroom, new oil burning furnace, garage, well kept lawn and garden, low taxes, moderate price. FOR RENT-Two apartments. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 9:13c 122 ACRE FARM, good land with bush; brick house, barns, silo and never failing water supply. This farm can be 'Pur- chased with reasonable offer. Write Albert Vincent, RR, 3 Parkhill., Lot 12, Concession 22. 9:1340:18*, 99 ACRE FARM. with build- ings, in Hilibert Township. School on corner of farm, Phone Kirkton 8r14, Hector Mc- Phail, Cromarty. 13:20'4 DIAL 2354331 to place your Want-Ad Real Estate s.„ One of Exeter's Finest Residences Brick home and garage, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, recreation room, awning-covered patio, broadloom throughout, well- located at the corner of Senior and Gidley Streets. EXETER (Riverview Heights) -- 3-bedroom home, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. EXETER - 2-bedroom home, with full basement and oil furnace. $1,000 down. Full price $5,000. 47%*FV $1600 DOWN EXETER, Huron St. East-Brick home, 3-beciroOre, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, new oil furnace, all modern conveniences, 2 lots. Sale Price, $8,000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. MILK. ROUTE (Exeter area)---_ $8,500; 1060 tract and vail. Terms. MOBILE FEED MIXER - With established route of over 50 customers. EXETER - General Store, $2,000 down, BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION Listings invited. 4 The .Tiriles,A.OVO.cate, September 19,07. BILLER-CLERK TYPIST. ex- tensive experience (general of , fire work), seeks permanent employment. Apply Box Q3Z, Exeter Times-A.dvocate. CARPENTRY Kitchen cupboards, rec rooms, new additions, alterations and repairs of all types to interior and exterior. Agency for Rosso Metal Products. FREE ESTIMATES DOUG TRIEBNER Phone 235-1907 7:1940:4c IIADCO WELL DIGGING-Ma chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85. Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan BA 7,4680, 6:7,11ne D R H S SHAKING, alterations, and mending. Beth Walker, 223 Algonquin Dr.; RCAF Station Centralia. Phone 228-6724. 8:16,9:20 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, Kirkton, High- way 83, 11 .1s miles east of Farquhar. phone Kirkton 211-4. 0:13-10:18' 3 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due to freshen. Earl Turner. RR 8 Parkhill, or phone 294-6525. 13* 230 PULLETS. Golden Neck Layers. 5 months old, ready to lay, Phone 293.3104 Ailsa Craig, 13e Phone 235-1815 W. VICTOR KNIP 550 PULLETS, Sussex and RR 1 Centralia Hampshire: 250 Rhode Island. Reds and Rocks. Gordon Wren. 6;13:20c Kipper', phone 36333. 13" MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARLES L. MACKENZIE B. Comm,, IT B. PHONE 235.0963 EXETER. PETER I,. RAYMOND, B.A. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Skeet, Exeter Open E‘ cry W rekciay Except Wednesda3, For Appointment Ph 235.2433 DR, H, H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235-0233 Classified Rates 22 Words .85 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 855) Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5 Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted B. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale it Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Properly For Sale Property For Rent 13. For Rent 19. For Sale, or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales STENOGRAPHER 5-DA's WEEK For permanent position eter office, good salary Box NAS, Exeter Advocate. EXPERIENCED Waitress FOR NIGHT WORK APPLY BURKLEY RESTAURANT 5 Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN to supply established customers tiv i t h famous nationally advertised Watkins products. No invest- ment. Earnings of $75 and up weekly possible. Full or part- time Write to M. Beatimier, 330 St-Koch Street. Montreal 13. Quebec. 6:13:20:27c 6 Business Opportunities CAREER SCHOOL - Watch- maker Jeweller, Barbering. Hairdressing Ask for prospec- tus. transportation allowance and henefits. Trans • Canada Beauty Industries Ltd., Monc- ton. N.B. 13;20;27c 8 Situations Wanted STENOGRAPHER with recep- tionist experience would like position in. Exeter or Centralia office. Phone 235-1767. 6:13c BABY SITTING. experienced. Will look after children in my own home during day. For further particulars. phone Ailsa Craig 293-3173. 13c STENOGRAPHER, capable and Ballet -- Tap experienced, wishes full time employment. Please write to Box CIF. Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 134 9 Services ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wet• son, phone 37r19 Dashwood 5:25"tfor Custom Work Farmers. now the bean har- vest is here we would like to let you know that our new self - propelled combines are equipped with special bean at- tachments to assure you the hest job ever clone at your farm. Please contact us for com- bining 1-our beans and clover. Take your corn off the easy way this year. See us about picking and shelling your corn. And do remember we are able to do your fall work- ploughing, sowing your fall wheat. Don't forget, it always pays . see Exeter and district's full time all year round custom operator for all your work. Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 Hensel) Offite Open Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 235.2234 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For wiur sale. large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 USBORNE & HIBIBERT MUTUAL FIRE DR, J. W, CO'RBETT INSURANCE COMPANY D,D.s. Head Office - Exeter, Ont, DENTAL SURGEON Directors Devon Building Milton McCurdy Pat 1 Kirkton President Timothy 13. 'rnolloy lit 3 Vice-President Lucan William If. Chalk, PLR 4 Mitchell E. 'Clayton (.7olquimen 1111 1 Science. Hill Martin FrPtity 11R 2 Dublin Robert G. 'Gardiner RR 1 (imam Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR.'entrain.' 'Clayton Harris Mitehell Mackenzie & Raymond txtter S6t to a eyctrosurer Arthur Praser Meta 12 Cars Trucks For Sale 1054 FORD TUDOR, V8. radio, in above average condition, reasonably priced. Phone Ailsa Craig 293.3173. 13e 13 For Sale MeSTE PH EN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, \Vheela & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peek, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 6961-2, 8:31tine MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30,00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn. 3:22ttne WHEEL CHAIR, in good conchs tion, price reasonable, Slay he seen at Mrs. john A. Ryan's, RR 2 Crediton, phone 234-6229. _ 30:6:13* BEAGLE PUPPIES. at a very reasonable price. Apply Bob Wildfong, 132 Huron St. West, or phone 235.2496. 8:301fric ELETCRIC RANGE, Westing- house, 23x39, excellent condi- tion, $1.00; white enamel steel sink, like new. 24x16, $4. Phone 2354402. 6:13c OIL BURNER, Duo Therm, with 5-gallon tank, in excel- lent condition. Phone 235-1767, after 10:00 a.m. 6:13c TOMATOES. all varieties: pep- pers, red. green, yellow, hot; squash; pie pumpkins. etc., ready now. 3. & J. Dickey, Con. 2, Biddulph, one road east of No. 4 Highway at Centralia, then south. 6:13:20* OIL BURNER. fairly good con- dition, cheap. Apply 73 Simcoe St. 9:6Unc SIAMESE KITTENS, register- ed. 1 male and 3 females, lilac point. 1 feal-point male, 525 each, Phone 228-6924. 6:13c RUG & UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOO ! Super Foam, an amazing cleaner for ear and home. 'Inc bottle cleans one 3-piece chesterfield. one 9x12 rug and one 6x9 rug. It also carries the Chatelaine Seal of Ap- proval. SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St 9:1311'ne - - CRIB, taret size, with plastic' mattress: laree size high chair; both in very good condition. Apply 126 Algonquin Dr., RC'At' (`Ontralia 13 CORN FOR SALE - Apply S. Decistra, RR 1 Centralia. 13:20 13 For Sale Less Ironing with the new Maytag drier. Exclusive electric control shuts drier off before wrinkles are baked in, Bave electricity, Save ironing. 11's all new, SANDY .ELL1OT. 444 Main St. See the new Mayt'ags at Exeter Fair Sept, 19.20. 9:13tfne SPACE HEATER, Quaker; section steel kitchen cupboard with draining board, also top section with 4 shelves; 1 pair fibreglass drapes for dining room, complete with rod, also matching curtain for door. Phone 235-1553. 13:20c 2 SPACE HEATERS, 1 small and 1 with fan; 5 double flu- orescent lights. Phone 235- 0915, 9:13tfnc HAVING PURCHASED Thomas Welsh & Sons saw mill in .Hen- sail and operating it now', I am. in the market for logs and standing timber in this dist- rict, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber, Con- tact: Cats Saw Mill at Hen- sail, phone 1; or write Gats Saw Mitt, 290 Ashland Ave., London, 7:26tfnc CUTTING BOX - Apply Don Boersma, RR 1 Exeter, phone 36r22 Dashwood. 6,13* BELL -School or church. bell. Phone Lucan 227,4680, 13c COINS-Canadian, Queen Vic- toria, King Edward VII. King George V, all denominations, in very good condition; also 1948 silver dollars, 505 pieces, dimes and nickles, 1947 Maple Leaf .505 pieces and. Canadian silver dollars. Write, with full de- scriptions of coins, to E. Davis, 123 North ChrislenaSt., Sarnia. 13;20" HALL FEAT; old glass cup- board; music cabinet: coal oil 'hanging lamp. Phone 235-2242. 13e 16 Property For Sale HURON ST. EAST - Modern 3-bedroom ranch style house with full basement, garage and stone fireplace; reasonably priced. You are invited to see this well-kept borne. K. Otte- well, Exeter. 9:ethic 140 ACRE FARM, 4-bedroom brick home, all modern eon veniences, good barn and build inns, Apply Julien Verlinde RR 2 Hensall, on No, 4 High Way. 9:1.6:23:30:6;13 W. C. P.EARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St. Phone 235.1402 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming Highway 150 acres Choice 143 acres. Some hun- dreds, some fifties. Stores, Duplex 'brick house RI:SS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 1.2anc • 13 For Sale ......... BOYS' BICYCLE, 26" Brea, John hats, 103 Simeon St., phone 235-0721. - 13c TELEVISION, RCA Victor, '58 model, priced for quick sale. Apply Gordon Prance. first farm north of Winchelsea. 13* I FALL COAT, 1 winter coat, girls', size 12; double bed, slat springs; 1 head and end board. Phone 235-0594 or 2354373, 13c SEWING MACHINE, electric, Singer, portable, $30. Phone Alvin Gingerich, 90r6 Zurich, 13* CREAM SEPARATOR, elec- tric, Viking, practically new, Stephen Dundas, Crediton, phone 234-6242. 1.3* CHESTERFIELD, custom built, like new, cost $450, for $120, Other miscellaneous articles for sale, cheap, David Rime., Lucan, 4th concession, phone 227,4284. 13c Graded ballet and tap lessons every Wednesday, 4-$ p.m. Exeter Public Library, Errington Studios, London; Libane• Marleau. Graham, LEA, director. 6:13c 10 livestock For Sale 55 WEANER PIGS - Apply Lorne Weiberg, second conces- sion. Bidulph, '11 .4 miles east of No. 4 Highway, phone Kirkton. 1.03r14. 13 M Fx Apply Times, 3:81fnc C. H. RODER, D.C. G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario • OFFICE HOURS CLOSED WEDNESDAY Mon , Toes Thurs Fri. For Appointment Ph 235,1680 9 - 12. 2 -5 LAWN BOWLS; lathe and chisels: in new condition, Phone 235-2242. 13c SLEEP on a Simmons Beautyrest mat- tress. Costs less per year than your breakfast coffee. See the new Dimon nylon quilted foam padded covers; pretty pat- terns; water and stain resist- ant; alergy free; exclusive with Simmons. Nothing else like it on the market. ' See' our display at Exeter Fair September 19-20. SANDY. ELLIOT for Simmons values. 9:13tfne 1.-TIORSE MOTOR available, cheap. Wuerth's, phone 235-0611 Exeter. 13c USF,D wringer washer. $30; used refrigerator, fully guaran- teed, only 850; used ranges and ironer. Sandy Elliot, phone 235-0585. 9:13tfn.e PORTABLE VNLOADER; 2 false end gates for forage racks. Apply Howard Pym, phone Kirkton 9002, or John. Pym, phone Exeter 235,0627. 1.3* COMBINE, Massey-Harris, 21A S P standard and wire cylin- ders, new motor. Combine in A4 condition, Phone 2354380 for immediate delivery. 13* TREE 'POPS, all kinds, suit- able for stove ;wood. See or write. M. Thompson, Green Acres, Grand Bend. 13c 9 CU. FT. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR 5169.00 with trade SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Phone 235-0585 9:13tfne SEWING MACHINE, auto- matic, White, cabinet model, almost new, 5140. Phone 228- 661.1, Extension 349. 1.3c • 20c Off U paid by Saturday following last insertion. Second Insertion 21/2 PER Wtarici iMuumum 55ci Six Insertions 2 c PER WORE) (Minimum 455) Semi-Display Classifieds • (Restricted to One Column) list Insertion-Per Inch $1,40 SeCond Insertion-Per Inch 51.25 Minimum one men. accepted only in multiples of II inch. 1 Lost, Strayed 2 LADIES' RINGS, in Exeter or Highway 4 South. Phone 235- 1853. Reward. 13c 2 Found YEARLING STEER, approxi- mately 3 weeks ago, on prem- ises of John Arts. Owner please phone 234-6439 and identify. 13c WEDDING RING. gold, with. inscription, at Port Blake Phone 235-1082. 13c 3 Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED MAN or bov for poultry, cattle and general farm. Must he reliable. Apply in person to Edison Forrest. H.ensall, 13 6:13c HOUSEKEEPER, for young children, at once, to live in. all Conveniences. Phone 235. 1372. 13c WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE-If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regidar- ly 'each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic .clients on a route to he established in and around Exeter. and are willing; to make light deliver, ies. etc., write 'Studio. Girl Cosnleties, Dept. CWS-61, $40 Lafleur Ave.. Montreal 32. 'guts will pay up to 53 00 per hour, 13:20:27" - AVON COSMETICS Needs Mature, ambitious. ener- getic Woman with car to rep• resent these lop-quality pro- ducts. Openings in Stephen and McGillivray townships. Write or collect: MRS. MILL SON 960 Wellington Rd. S., London GE 2.0010 5 Help Wanted SECRETARY - TREASURER The Exeter Community Centres Board requires a Secretary- Treastirer. This job includes a I tendaece at approxim al els 12 evening meetings throligh the year, and applicant most be able to do the regular ;lc• counting, correspondence and reporting of the board, Applications will be accept- ed wits td September 20, 1.062, and ShOuld he addressed to: Exeter Community Centres Board, '''`• T. Mae:Millati, Acting,' Secretary, .130 9 Services DRESSMAKING, sewing of all types, alterations etc. 357 An- rew St.,. Exeter, phone 235, 1963, • 0: 6: IV SEPTIC TANWS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler. Lu.- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 Qollect.• - 5:9*tfne SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PERSONALIZED CARDS 11 Poultry For Sale This year have your Christmas cards personalized with your name printed attractively on each card for as little as $1,95 per box of 25 cards inclusive, WILSON'S JEWELLERY ' HY-LINE PULLETS, ready to & GIFTS 13e lay, Apply Bruce Roy. Londes- bora, Ont.. phone Blyth 28r6. • 4 Female Help Wanted Business Directory Buy it with a money-back guarantee - only $1.75. 1. COMBINE, Massey Clipper. 6- font cut. power take-off. tandem wheels, ie good eontlition. Pric- ed to SPIT. 'Terence Laird, RTI..1 Thetiford. Ontario, phone 206- 4433. 13:10e 'I WO AQUARIUMS •-• One 8- fool, the oilier 10-loot. eon,- plete with hoods,. lights, filters, pump and tropical fish. ('heats for ouick sale. Also Super Phone 1354083 'Exeter Ilicoliflex reflex camera, COM. tiosed Arrin „d3„, Aoptriains plete with flash unit and loa• tiler tarrying rase, like new. (All 235-2694 Exeter. Vine RABBITS, New Zealand, white, healthy stock, over 100 to choose from, aim Donaldson, 14 Wanted To Buy Clandeboye. 13:20:27c GOOD t SEE) Washers 2 Bendix Automatic Washing Machines 2 Wringer Washers GE and Simplicity All in good shape, reasonably prieed. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 23541505 First Mortgages Other Servicest Wills - Agencies - Executors Administrators - Trustee - Agent for Executors - Property Management Guaranteed Investment Certificates 6(Yo For one and two years Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company