HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-13, Page 107grs. R. D. Jermyn, Grade
teacher of Exeter bite
School spoke on "How to help
Your Child at Sehoet" at the
first Home and School meeting
of the current school year on
Monday evening.
"The ;parents' attitude to-
ward their child is moat
portant ... expect the best, but
don't expect MON" said Airs.
Jermyn. She continued by say,
ing that a parent has a duty
to teach his or her child a sense
of responsibility such as look-
ing after jaekets, mittens, boots
and books.
"Reading is probably the
most controversial subject on
the curriculum as far as meth..
Topics from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brine and
Paul of Base Line, Mr. and
Mrs. George Levy and family
of Russeldale, Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Hazelwood and family
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and. Mrs. Oliver Hazelwood,
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Mc-
Curdy of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy McCurdy and family of
Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs, Reg Mc-
Curdy were guests on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Ira Mc-
Mrs. Ivy Galbraith. and Mrs.
Annie Laughton of Appin were,
Tuesday visitors with Rev, and
oda are •eooeerned" said the
speaker and she further stated
that the mph, •eritleized method
is only used for the first three
months of the grade .one year
to establish vocabulary of 50
or 0.1 sight words and thereby
immediately interest the child
in reading — after this the
spend method is taught.
In discussing arith •ns etie
Mrs, Jerilyn said being able to.
practically apply numbers to
circumstances is of far greater
value before the child begins
grade one than simply being
able to count to 100,
From her experience the
grade one teacher said it was
quite apparent which ehildree
have attended kindergarten be-
cause these children have
learned s i in p 1 e instructions
such as sitting still or listening
to what is told them.
Mrs. Jerilyn. was introduced
by President Mrs, Erie Hey-
wood and Principal A. B, idle
introduced the other teachers
of the staff,
Numerous books were 'en
display from book shops, the
school library and the public
library that would be of value
as readingi material for the
grade one and two pupil,
Highest attendance for par-
ents at the meeting came
from Mrs, Jermyn's and Mrs.
Heimrieh's rooms. One hun-
dred per cent return of slips
was reported by the rooms of
Mrs, D. Hughson, Mrs. G.
Moffatt, Mrs. C. Jory, Mrs. E.
Moore, Mrs. A. Des Jardins
and Mr. C,
It was voted to sell candy
again this year at the Exeter
Fair. Grade eight mothers
Mrs. 3, Wareham and family. ser ve • h cn.
Mrs. Wilson Yule of Science
Hill visited on Monday with
Famous last words 41.11 ha A careless man is lust an de,
Won't filin his, -I Won't dint vident ping •soniewliere- to harts
Mines" pen.
Electric Dryer
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13.y MRS. C. .1619QPIWRN-
Appear ,on Teaching methods .Attendrit Noe, The Times-Advecete, '5epternber 13, 1952
See :European lands 'TV show .explained to H in US city
durin g vtstt overseas
The "fairyland" of Switaer-
land, .exceptional hospitality in
Austria, crude living conditions
in. Northern Italy and dampness
of English summers were ex- •
minced. by. Principal H. L.
Sturgis and Mrs. Sturgis during
their two - month visit in the
United Kingdom. and 'Europe this
The couple returned recently
following a visit with their son,
James, and his wife in London.
They also took a two-week bus
tour of the continent during the
Among other highlights were
a rough crossing of the English
channel, a hazardous drive over
the Alps, attendance at the im-
mense open-air opera in the
Roman ruins and at some of the
top-ranking English theatre pro-
Although lie found the bus
tour of the continent strenuous.
Mr. Sturgis felt it was one of
the best ways to view living
conditions outside the main cit.
This week in
Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Atkinson
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Heber Davis' attended the weds
cli n g of their cousin, a nti=
ateCool MD ,son of Mr,
and Mrs. John MeCool, to Joan
Marie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ford IL Fisher, also of
Traverse City, on September 1
at .Grace Episeopal Church , Tra-
verse City.-
TIM,' Were guests at the re-
ception which followed a-t the
Traverse City Golf and Country
Club and a buffet luncheon at
the home of the bride's parents
in the evening. They spent Sun-
al7CoNovlitial n. dMrr•etatulindtedMiirtnejolol ini
P ersonal items
Marylou Tiedall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall, was
baptised at Centralia United
Church on Sunday morning, Vol-
lowing the service nr, and Mrs.
Tindall had as guests at their
home, Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Tindall, Grand Bend, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross McFalls and boys,
Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Tindall, Wharton, Mrs. Richard
Diekins, Exeter, Mr, and. Airs.
Heber Davis, Mr. and Mra.
Jim Barker and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Young and Jeffrey,
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Carroll
visited recently with their aunt,
Mrs. Ada lags, London,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank. Squire,
Mrs, Ethel Squire, Air, and
Mrs. Grafton. Squire, Paul and
Sue Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Squire, Granton, Mr. and Mrs,
Will O'Neil of Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Glover, Manitoulin
Island were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Dickins. On Wednesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins were
guests with Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Noels, Forest.
ies in. European countries.Some
of the scenery during the trip.
he described as "absolutely
thrilling". As far as living con-
ditions are concerned, however,
he says Canada remains a Ma-
try of luxury.
Following the crossing of a
stormy English channel, the tour
went directly across
into Switzerland, then through
the wealthy summer resort
area along Lake Maggiore in
Italy. In both Italy and Switzer-
land. Mr, and Mrs. sturgis
found scenic agriculture coue•
try with beautiful vineyards.
In Rome, along with the ruins,
the couple were impressed \kith
the size of the open-air opera
which permitted a east of 1,000
to perform to an audience of
some 40,000. Preparations for
the Olympic games erected by
Mussolini and churches also
were viewed „n Rome. They saw
hardly any houses in the city
and discovered that the people
live almost entirely in apart-
In Florence, views of the art
treasures were a highlight. The
shops there were found to be
remarkably small, to the ex-
tent that only two customers
could enter at once.
Crossing the Alps to Aust-
ria was delightful, thanks to
the scenery, and the trip through
Austria was a highlight of the
tour because of the hospitality,
cleanliness and excellent food
in that country,
Back in Switzerland, the
Sturgis's were impressed with
the clean, wide streets of Zur-
ich, In France, however, they
found the villages run-down, old
and dirty.
"Paris generally didn't look
very good to me, although per-
haps my impression was prej-
udiced by our poor accommoda-
tion there. The city was dimly
lit, dirty and not very impres-
sive," Mr. Sturgis recalled,
The period spent in England
was marred by cool, wet weath-
er but the couple enjoyed sev-
eral tours. one into the lake
country and another into Sus-
six, where they attended the
festival modelled on the one
in Stratford, Canada, and feat-
uring some of the top theatrical.
names in England.
While in London, Mr, and
Mrs. Sturgis attended a num-
ber of the current musical hits,
some of which featured Canad-
ian talent, and enjoyed leisurely
visits to the city's landmarks.
Their son, Jim, is studying
for his MA in history at the
University of London.
aa-a • — Mrs, Arthur Hopkins,
Mrs. Fred Harrison, Mrs. Topics from
Ray Harrison and Debbie of
Centralia, Mr. Frank Levy,
Rachel, Helen and Hilda were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Personal items -
Mrs. Merle Willis of Clinton.
Mrs. Mae McDonald of Siun-
ka, Mr. James Willis of Kirk-
ton, Mr. Albert Etherington at-
tended the funeral of their
aunt, the former Ida Willis, of
South Bend, Indiana on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. William Snow
and Jimmy spent the weekend
with. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy El-
liott at their cottage at Bay-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eth-
erington spent a few days re-
cently at Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom-
son, Janice Earl, Vernon and
Brian of Woodham visited on
Sunday evening with Mr. and.
Mrs. Glenn Jeffery.
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bor-
land of Regina, Sask., Mr.
Chas. Borland of Exeter were
Sunday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Borland.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hog-
garth of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Orriss of Boissevain,
Man., Mr. and Mrs. James Hod-
gert of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Cann, Judith and
Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hodgert and Diane were Wed-
nesday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgert and a-a •
family, the occasion being the •
Several men and ladies in this
vicinity appeared on "Take
Your Choice" on -CFPL-TV on
Saturday evening, sponsored by
Cloverdale Women's institute.
UCW. starts Asia study
At. the UCW .meeting held in
the Sunday School rooms Airs,
Arthur Brophey introduced the
new study book, "On the Fun
of East Aaia".
The worship period was taken
by airs, Harvey Milner, Mrs.
Roy Whiting and Mrs. Lloyd
Brophey. The roil call, "Where
were you baptised and by
Whom?" started much reminis-
cing amongst the members.
Mrs. J. Geromette gave a stew-
ardship reading,
President Mrs. Joe Horner
read a letter from 11ev, and.
Mrs, Irwin, missionaries in
Sorel and it was decided to send
lesson helps, Sunday School pic-
tures and sttudy books to them,
Final plans were made for
the turkey supper on October
5. Airs. Elton Curls was host-
ess for the meeting.
Personal items
Rev. E. J. Roulstdn of Exeter
will be guest minister in the
United Church on Sunday at
9,15 a.m. Rev. C. Tavener of
Grand Bend will occupy the
pulpit on September 23 and Dr.
Godsell of Pontiac, Michigan on
September an while the minister
.F.CN*. C. A. Brittain is on vaca-
Mrs. Fred Steeper is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Steep-
er and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Steeper and families.
air. and Mrs,. Lawrence Curts
spent a few days Iast week
with air, and Mrs. Lloyd Watm.
of Sarnia at a cottage at Buck-
horn, north of Peterboro.
Joey and Stephen Thompson
of East Williams spent the week-
end with their grandparents,
Mr, and airs. Joe Horner.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Southcott
and daughters of Toronto who
are vacationing at Grand Bend
visited last week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Mr, and Mrs. William Wilson,
of Hamilton, called on relatives
here last week,
Mrs. Harold Honsberger, of
Vineland, spent a few days last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Thomp-
son and sons of East. Williams
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Air's. Stuart Bullock and family.
Mrs, W. Thompson, of Bramp-
ton, spent a few days wth Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock.
Mr. Thomas Fowler, of Dun-
gannon, is the teacher in the
school north of Greenway this
This Week's SPECIALS
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Come in to see our
all Samples of New
Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. Mrs. Dickins is a juror on the
Mary Smith. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE fall assizes now being held in
Air. and Mrs. Gary Henry of maaazatcmamw;:L,a?,;i,-A;L;z,j London.
Appin were Saturday guests Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnson
with Rev, and Mrs. J. Ware- UCW plans bazaar entertained Mr, and Mrs. Hugh
ham and family, Mrs. Harry Klahre and. Mrs. Davis, Heather and Michael. last
Mr, and Mrs. Michael Klotz Eric Atwood were hostesses for Wednesday evening in honor of
of Saskatchewan have been the UCW meeting held at the their son, Dennis, Who was cele-
spending some time with Mr. church on. Thursday evening. braling his birthday. On Sunday
Harry Rodd and visited Sunday The theme of the meeting Mr, and Mrs. Johnson and boys
with Misses Blanche and Rhea was "The church and this Day". and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car-
and Mr. Edgar Mills, Mrs. William Morley was in roll visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd and charge of the worship service Fred Bailey, Lakeview and Mr.
family visited with Mr. and assisted by Mrs. Bert Duffield. and Mrs. Jim Leslie, Toronto.
Mrs. James Allen and family The travelling basket was Mr.and Mrs George Atkin.
of London on Sunday evening, brought in with proceeds a- son, London, *w e r e Sunday
Mrs. Robert Elliott of St. mounting to $16. Mrs. Cecil .guests with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
Marys is visiting with. Mrs. al. Squire read the verses that were man Atkinson,
Jaques and they spent the included in the basket. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ilea-
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arrangements were discussed man, Barrie, were recent guests
John Selves of HensalL for the coming bazaar in early with Mr, and Mrs. Toni Rees. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheel-Mr. and Mrs. George Me
ST l:sails, October. It was decided to pa er visited with Mr, and Mrs. the
Mr, and Mrs. Carman Wood- Keith Spakman of Stratford on cost of the bathroom re- Centralia, Mrs. Irene Hicks and
burn visited on Sunday cently installed at the manse. Bill of Clio, Michigan were re- Wath wedding anniversary of Happenings in
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hodgert. ning with Mr. and Mr. Cecil. m eve- Sunday. Mrs. Maitre took the mission cent guests with Mr, and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs, John Temple- ow Hartle and sons of West Corners land, Mrs, 111, Co l d and 6 U - .
' r, and Mrs. Glenn Cope- .
pe an t dy• Hugh Davis.
man and family of Staffa vie ulanshard a nd attended anniversary ecru- jean visited Mrs. Copelana•s Personal items Mrs. Harvey Latta and fasn-
ices at Brinsley United Church vi s- and. Mr. Mrs Robert ited on Sunday with Mr. and sister in Strathroy Middlesex Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie ans. • and•
Mrs. Robert Mayer and lam- By MRS. GLAPWYN HOOPER when Rev, C. E. Beacomof Hospital Elliott and Craig, London, spent on Sunday. iced on Thursday afternoon with several days at Grand Bend the
ily. . . Arva, a former Greenway min- M Mr. and Mrs, Alex Duncan • ister was guest speaker.
Mr. Percy Becker and Mr. Mrs. Minnie Squire of Kirkton. last week of
Neil Nutt of St. Marys had Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman, holidays.
of Exeter visited on Sunday Personal items charge of the church service Roy and Ronnie, were Sunday Michael Davis celebrated his
with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dun- seventh birthday on Saturday
alr. and Mrs, Jack Thomson on Sunday morning, speaking visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Hodgert and family spent Sunday at Youth report for the Gideon work, while Kirkham, Dublin, and entertained nine of his can.
Springbank. Rev, J, R. Wareham, chair- Miss Donna Cowley, St. Thom- P. • me and David McFalls DannY
laymatest Mark Atkinson, Don-
a Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim.
Love, Ginger, Debbie and John Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black- on conference man of the Perth Presbytery, as, spent Wednesday evening • • and Tommy Fischer, Gary
man of St, Marys were Sunday assisted at the opening ser- with Miss Avis HotIgins. Isaac, Jeffrey Young and Den- of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd At the first meeting for the ' • vices of the new Central Unit- Mr and Mrs Grafton Souire • ' nis and. Brian Johnson. Robert Cann, Mr, and Mrs. Thomson and family, fall season of South Huron ed Church in Stratford. Sue Ann and Paul and Mr. and
Ray Cann were Friday eve- Mr, and Mrs. Claire Sisson Youth for Christ held Saturday Air, and Mrs, Alex Garton - Mrs, Ron Squire visited on Sat -
ring guests with Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at Bogies' Beach night in. Clinton Public School burg• • have . returned from a urday evening with Mr. and Reg Hodgert and family, the
Hod- at Mrs. McDonald's cottage. Sandra Westlake and Ena Zon- • trip to the west coast. Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lucas.
occasion being Bren da.Air, and Mrs. Jas. B. Bryan dig, two members of the Clin- Misses Blanche and Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Don Pullen, of gert's second birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner and Robin of Prospect Hill, Mr. ton quiz team which won a trip Mill have enjoyed a trip to the Guelph, spent last week with
and Mr.s Gerald Bryan, David, to Glen Rocks, gave a report. east toast with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen. Don and Shirley of Sarnia visited on Ray Nancy and Cynthia of Ebenezer of the youth conference there, - *
Mills of Exeter resumed his fourth year at the
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Er- were Sunday evening guests of The film "Flight 107" was Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Brine OAC on Monday. nest Pm. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, shown and special music was attended the opening services Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen at- Mr. Laverne Kellett and Miss Mrs. James Mossey is spend- contributed by "The Kings of Central United Church in tended the CNE last week and
Verda Kellett of Eliniville vis- ing some time with Mrs. Cecil Quartette" of Pool, Ontario. Stratford on Sunday and visit- also holidayed at Lake Simcoe ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mossey. ed with Mrs. Walter Brine. and. at Orillia, Mrs. George Kellett. Mr, Cecil Massey is a patient
. School news Mr. and Mrs, Ray Adarria, A number from this corn- in Downsview Hospital, To- Guests were Donna and. Linda Beginners starting s c h 0 o I London, visited. on Sunday with triunity attended a Miller lam-
Strahan, Sandra and Karen were: Henry Speck, Mel Hazel, Mr, and Mrs. Alton Neil, ronto - t time 0 - a f writing, Hy gathering at Staffa Halt on • • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- Dunnell, Ruth and Jean Mills, wood, David Thomson, Julie Mrs. Ole flavis, Scarboro,
Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Miner Pass- tin of St. Mar,ys spent Friday Marie L a n g f o r d, Beverley Webb and Janet Tomlinson. and Mrs. Minnie Squire, Kirk= •
Mrs, Cecil Massey and oungson, Jeanette Hooper. Those leaving for grade nine ton, visited on SatUrday with more. David, Dennis, Darlene With Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mr, and Mrs. Donna Jones, Ann Parkinson, to Exeter are: Jaquelinc Bee- Mrs. Cora Morley. and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore, Sharon, Paul, Beth W. B. Young and Miss Isobel Gwen Mills and Maxine Mc- .kett, Kay Lawson and Bob Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Shier,
and Keith attended 'Tames St. Lorquoctale Young of St. M Marys were Wed- • - ' Millert to St. Marys, Linda Granton, Mrs, Eva Stevenson,
nesday and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. MissJane Bickel of Ander- Thacker, P e t e r Gartenburg, Thorndale„ were Sunday guests
United Church on Sunday, Moss** and boys were Sunday son spent Monday evening with Dennis Webb and Don Lang- with Mr, Frank Parkinson and when Mark Edward, son of Mr. alias Veryl Hooper, ford. Glenn. and Mrs. Fravne Parsons, was visitors.
christened. They all w e r e Airs. Eileen Hartwick of Ehe-
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Par- nezer held a surprise birthday
sons of Huron dinner party on Thursday eve-
dale for dinner ning in honor of Miss Carrie on Sunday. Thacker. Mr. and airs, Leonard
'UCW study church inembershiP Thacker. Elizabeth, Lind a,
At the UCW meeting held on Cathy and Joy were also guests.
Wednesday evening in t Is e Mrs. MeCorquodale and Miss
church basement. Mts. William Nettie Ball, all of Embro, visits
Cann, president, was in charge ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
with the theme, 'Members of Grant MeCorquodale.
the Church". Mrs. Edwin Mil. Mrs. Leonard Miller enters
ter conducted the Bible study Wiled to a birthday Nina for
on 'Romans the twelfth chapter Kim on Friday a f t e r n 0 0 ft,
which all read in unison ,..
Mrs. Victor Jeffery discus-
sed the study on "Declining
Get protection
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Main s1 Exeter
Standards" and "Men Work-
hie which WAS quite interest-
The business was conducted
1W Mrs. Cann when it was de-
cided to have a baking sale.
candy and apron booth saints•
where in Exeter in the near
future, Mrs. Hugh Wilson gave.
a stewardship reading.
Hostess was_ Mrs., Arthur Ham.
ris assisted , by Mrs. , Leonard
Harris and Mrs, Ed Coward.
before you
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