HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 15The Times.Adtmeate, September 6, 962 Rage "14'
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Air, and Airs. Fred
.111r s. .11.01?ert Breen were Mr, Ion accompanied Mr,
ond Mrs. James Breen of Lon- Lloyd. Vogan .and family ori
ilea Mr. and Mrs. Bruce .weekend trip to Hamilton, weV!
1.)enald of Tavistock. land and Niagara Valls.
Caldwell's North-End
c4.ATfct6 4AcccoONT" 414iiikr 444'
89' ,it,ie L7 Ala N
ta4. 55c
tort 93c
'Community Tacnac
held.. by Staffa vVl
Area girls_ To reside In Tiverton
MRS. JOHN ig.mp4grevAN
Staffa Woolens Institute held.
Its annual community picnic at
Seaforth Park on Wednesday,.
August 29 with around GO in.
Lunch committee for the
event was Mrs. W. Glanville,
Mrs, Tom Laing and Mrs. Ger-
ald Agar, Picnic lunch was en-
joyed at 12:30 followed by
sports. The sports committee
was Joyce Kerslake, Kaye Wor-
don, Margaret Wallace, Shar.
on Agar,
Results of the racea were:
Preschool, Mary Jane Temple.
man; girls, six to 10, Gerald-
ine TempInman: boys, Ronnie
Miller; girls, 10 and over, Ka-
ren Sararns; minute rave, Air,
Tom Laing: honeymoon race,
Airs. Roy MacDonald and Car-
ter .Kerslake,
Snap relay, Russell Worden's
team; balloon relay, Karen
Sararas' team; rlmbarb race,
Geraldine Temploman's team;
questionable contest, Mrs, Car-
ter Kerslake; guessing articles
in box, Airs. Lloyd Miller and
Mr. John Templeman; oldest
lady present, Mrs. Mary Wil-
ler; oldest gentleman, Air. Lyle
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott.
Jerry and Bob TempIonian en-
joyed a holiday at Jamestown,
New York, and the Toronto ex-
Air, and Mrs, Bert Daynard,
Heather and Eleanor Kemp
have returned home after en-
joying a motor trip to the east
Mrs. Ernest Tomplernan
spent a few clays at the home
of her daughter and son•inlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole, Cron.).
Air, and Mrs. Robert Duncan,
Exeter, visited on Thursday
with Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller
and Mr, and Mrs. John Tens•
*man and families.
Mr, and. Mrs. Cameron Vi•
Ni a n and Carol. Ann and Miss
Vera Hanibley holidayed thsi
past week at Grand Bend,
Bob Doupe, Kirkton, has been
holidaying this past week with
les„ Walton, spent last
bolidayng at hayfield.
Air. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman,
visited. over the weekend in.
Hamilton and attended the
wedding of Mr. Bowman's
nephew on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smale,
Ireton, Marion, Elizabeth anri
Bob attended the Toronto ex-
hibition and visited with Mr.
and Airs. Ernest Brooks and
boys, Brampton.
Air, and Mrs. Carter 'Kers-
lake, Brenda and Craig en-
joyed a motor trip along the
St. Lawrence Seaway.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Case
and family, Streetsville, spent
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Smale and fam ily,
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Drake Si. were Air. and Mrs.
Jim McKellar and Gill, London,
Mr. and Airs, Tom Kay and
family, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Pidgeon Sr. and Bill and
Air, and Airs. Pete Pidgeon Jr.
and daughter. Galt,
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Agar
and Gail spent the weekend at
Topics from
Mr. Howard ,Johns and Stey.
en, Mr. Eric Carseadden and
Jim enjoyed a fishing trip up
north at Shining Tree Lake
last week,
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Routly wore Mr. and
Mrs. Don Willcox of Kitchener,
Alr, and Mrs. Gerald Rannie,
Joanne of Toronto,
Miss Carol Johns commenced
her teaching duties on Tues-
day at Bissell's School.
Mrs. Verna Johns of St. Tho-
mas visited Friday and Satur-
day with Air. and Airs, Gilbert
Johns and attended the funeral
to compete
Western Fair Junior Pay,
September IL includes a pro-
gram for 4.11 homemaking
Club members.
Most 'Boron County girls have
chosen the clothing project
"Separates for Summer" and
in the morning will answer a
quiz., identify products or judge
Local members taking part
are Joanne. Marlene, .R11, 2
Creditan; Norma Weigand, RR
Dashwood; June Marenz, Jilt
2 Dashwoocl; Barbara Limn,
Rit 1 Woodham, and Margaret
MacGregor, Julie Chapple and
Helen Elliott, Seaforth,
Miss lean Scott, supervisor
of county and district home
economists, home economics
service, Ontario Department of
Agriculture, will he in charge
of the program Commencing
at 9.30 a.m.
The girls will. he dinner
guests at the fair and will be
given tickets for the grand-
This rn that
—Continued from page 14
lion. There can never he enough
cows' milk for all the world's
children but there is always
plenty of green-staff" said Dr.
When Miss heather Bamford,
England's dairy princess who is
currently visiting in Canada and
attended the CNE, in an inter-
view was asked her opinion of
the discovery she replied, "1
don't think it will ever take the
place of cows' milk."
World council
topic at Caven
Rev. John Boyne told mem-
bers of Casten Congregational
Circle at their meeting `rues,
day evening about. the World
Council of Churches.
He discussed the purpose of
the council saying that it was
made tip of Christian denom-
inations all over the world and
was attempting to bring issues
out into the open for discussion
by all. The speaker spent six
months in Geneva on this
council some time ago,
Roll call for members Was
answered by telling the num-
bee of Years each had been
associated with Caven Presby-
terian church,
Mrs. J. Scott led in the de•
votional and piano selections
were contributed by Miss Caro.
lynne Simmons and Airs. A,
Willard. •
Mrs. _Lee Learn and Mrs.
Nora Taylor convened the
meeting and lunch was served
buffet style.
Toroth Irene Irvin(' damn
her of Air. and NM Alex I)
Irvine, Eli I Si, Marys. and
Joseph Herman Vi'n'i, son, of
Air. and Airs. Herman. Feu,
London, exchanged marriage
vows before Rev. Father J. M.
Williams at St, Peter's Basili-
ca on Saturday, August 2A at
11 a.m..
leer- her isrticlirt,f the bride
wore a floor-length gown of not
over satin. The fitted bodiee
was styled with a high neck-
line forming a V in the back.
Layer upon layer of ruffles
emphasized t h e very full skirt
A satin petat•shapod headpiece
held her bouffant veil in place.
lied roses and lily of the valley
made up her bouquet.
Miss Marian Dunnell, RR 6
Robin, Osborne returned
home on. Saturday after spend.
ing two weeks at Camp Glen-
wood in Belwood, Ont.
Miss Eleanor Mae Hodgins,
a graduate of the 'Victoria lies,
pita), School of Nursing has ac-
cepted a position at the hospi-
tal in St, Marys, She took up
her duties in St. Marys on.
Mr. Larry johnson of London
was a weekend. visitor with the
Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Mean-
der and family are moving this
week to Lucan, Mr, Theander
is employed with :Haskell. Mo-
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and family, Misses
Greta and Amy Laramie were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Airs, Ray Laramie, :Robert and
Jean at their cottage, Beach 0'
Pines, Grand Bend.
Airs, Blanche llodgins of
London. was a Sunday caller at
the home of her cousin, Alt's,
E, Abbott.
Mr. George Baynham, Mr.
and Mi-s. Wm, Haddock at-
tended the funeral of the late
Wilbert J. Mawson in Parkhill
on Saturday.
Mr. Ralph Osborne visited
last week with his parents, Mr.
St, Marys, •,‘4, honor
wcarm:.: bloc sills nreantS
taltel,a styled with mar* lucks
in bodice together
in a scoop neekline and a full
slum, the carried mums.
Raymond Thompson, London,
was best man.
A reception was held on the
lawn of the bride's home
where her mother received
guests in pastel blue PM braid-
erect organza over taffeta, and
the „corm's mother chose blue
and while figured arncl.
p'or a honeymoon trip in
Eastorn Ontario the brldr
changed to a black linen
sheath with white figured over-
skirt, red and white acces-
sories and red carnation cu.
They will reside in. Tiverton.
and Airs. Frank Osborne.
Aliss Marikay Hudgins re-
tooted home last week after
holidaying in London with her
sister and brothor.in-law, Mr,
and Airs, Don Pickering.
Miss Wilda Pollock, BN, re-
turned to Kitchener on Sunday
to resume her duties following
a vacation at the home of Alr.
and Airs, Lorne. Hicks.
Sunday evening visitors with
Air, and Mrs, Russell Schroeder
were Mr. and Airs. T. Smith,
Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Smith, Mr. and Airs, L Hew-
itt and Michael of Toronto.
Mrs, Clarence Young, Caro-
lyn and. Kevin returned to their
home in. Alillbrook on Saturday
following a throe week's vaea•
scow with her parents, Air. and
Mrs. Frank Osborne,
Alr. and Airs, I), Pickering.
and Sheryl. Lynn of London
were visitors wth Air, and
Airs. Kenneth ilodgins over
the weekend,
Air. and Mrs. Ray Shoebot-
tom, Danny and Mary wore
Sunday evening visitors with
Airs, Mary Johnson at Fan.
Mr. and Airs, John Thompson
spent a couple of days last
week in London with Air. and
Mrs, S. Eaton and Bonnie,
Mrs, Doug Wilson, Donna
May .and Minnie of Strathray
were kveokend visitors with
Mrs. Elmer Wilson.
116114; Anestr With Air. _and
Afi Frank Osborne were 'the
flirrner's brother and sistcr.
Air and Mrs Fred Osborne of
Deland, Floriw, and. Mr. and
Mrs. L. Conway of Montreal.
Atr. .and Mrs. S. Molnar of
Agincourt were weekend visi-
tc».s with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Air, and Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
gins.. Keith and Marikay, Miss
Eleanor Mae Hudgins and Air.
Brian Laird wore at Grand
Bond over the holiday week-
Mr. and Airs. Grant Brown
and family of Sarnia were
weekend visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. John Thompson.
Dianne and 'Bruce Breen visit•
cr1 last week with their uncle
and aunt, Alr. and Mrs. D.
Minor in Stratford.
Air. and Airs. Fred Cunning-
ton visited on Friday with Air.
and Mrs. Keith McBride and
family in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs, John MacDonald
attended the Elmira Fair on
Labor Day.
tve ck
Personal items
The Huron County Library
Books will be exchanged at
imville on Tuesday noon, Sept,
11 at the home of Airs. Jack.
son Woods.
Miss Janet Skinner visited
last week with her sister, Airs,
Gerald Shore of London,
Miss Joanne Rannie of To-
ronto spent the weekend with.
her grandparents, Air, and
Mrs. Win, Routly.
Mr. and Airs, Milan Nash
and family of Toronto to spend
the weekend with Mrs, Thos,
Noel, Laurie and Steven.
Skinner of Exeter, spent the
weekend with their grandpar-
ents, Air. and Airs, Franklin
his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Skinner,
Mrs, Russell Miller.
Erie Norris, son of Air. and
Airs. Sam Norris, has returned
to Gueinh for his third year at
the OAC.
Air, and Mrs, Harold Carey,
Cromarty, have moved into the
manse in Staffa this past week.
Mrs, Margaret Kemp has re-
sumed her teaching duties al
SS No, 3 fibbed- this year and
David Kemp is teaching at SS
Nn. 1 Ribbed.
Misses Sharon Agar, Pat
Drake, Janie Parsons, Mary
Dearing, Staffa, Pauline and
Joanne Stapleton, Dublin, Ger-
aldine Dennis and Anne Arehal- of the late Mr, Wm. Johns.
Centralia Comments
PHONE 235.0173
Phone 2354930 Exeter
See the
Smooth Performing
Xk ed Knight
at Centralia
See the
s mooth Performing
Sewing Machine
on Housewives
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2, Who gives you fastest check-out and the most efficient service?
3, Who gives you both great food savings and stamp gifts too?
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5, Who provides you with the greatest variety of quality foods?
6. Who gives you the freshest produce and the best freezer buys?
Fresh Picnic
Pork Shoulders
Lean Pork Butt
Table 'Rite Skinless Wieners
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MOXWOii Hrise Coffee
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tokoly't Tomato. J ul
Norfolk Jam APrits Awe) StftAWMEL`04Y
Cod Fillets
2 POP: 6r
-FraserVale ffrencli Cut
Green Beans
2 7749c
County Pair
French fries
3r cl 49c
Pot Pies
2 top 49