HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 13APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, in Hensall, available at once. Ap- ply D, C, Joynt, phone 62 Hen- salt. 9:6tfrie APARTMENT, 3 rooms, heat, ed, furnished, on Main St. Phone 235.2375 evenings or ap- ply Mayfair Bakery, 9;6tfne APARTMENT, downstairs, 3 rooms, heated, self contained, furnished, private entrance, No pets. Apply Exeter Times-Ad- vocate, 6c 22 Notices Products Of Motors Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL SUPER PLENAMINS CANADA'S LARGEST SELLING VITAMIN-MINERAL FORMULA MIDDLETON Orbs P PHONE 235-1570 EXETER Headquarters for all Hearing Aid Batteries FREE 4-Oz. Bottle with 16-oz. Reg. $9.17 Value for $6.98 2-0z. Bottle with 8-oz. Size, both for $3,98 "SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST . - THEN BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION TO MIDDLETON'S Model C2534 Pick-up (Fleetside) A p.‹,4 OAP ........ .A.„„ Model C 6303 Chassis-Cab •••Mif:'.4.93...4 :••:: • Model 04303 Chassis-Ca CANADA'S HANDIEST TRUCKS CANADA'S, BIGGEST MONIMAKERS Chevrolet Trucks earn their keep in jobs of every description-110ln hectic city deliveries to rotigh off-the-road hauling. Chevrolet takes it all in its stride. With a choice of eight proven power plants (two SIXeS, four V8's, and two Diesels) automatic and 3-, 4-, and 5-speed Synehro-Mesh transmissions . single And 2-speed tear axles plus 4-wheel drive .. . Chevrolet gives you the versatility you need for the loads you haul. And as for Chevrolet's economy and durability — they've been proven. tithe and again in seine of the largest fleet operations in the country! Per the full story on. Chevrolet Trucks, talk to your local Chevrolet dealers les a story you should hear before you invest'one penny in another truck! A Et.IERAt. MOTORS VAU)E CHEVROLET'S UNMATCHED VERSATILITY AND COSUUTTING ECONOMY MEAN MORE PROFIT IN ANY KIND OF .OPERATIONi, THAT'S WHY TD-DAY THERE ARE MORE, ' CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER OPERATING IN 'CANADA! Bulldozing -- Trucking Sand, Gravel and Soil Backhoe Work, Trenching and Digging Go-Karts PHONE 235.0181 OR 235.0804 EXETER OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT; By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a,m. o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this lith day of June, 1962. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 7:12-10:4 Treasurer's Sate 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Lloyd Wesley Holland, late of Exeter, Ontario, 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm Tractor, Autos Farm Machinery Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items PPR SERVICE WITH A SMILE On the premises, Lot 14, Concession 10, IJS13ORNE TOWNSHIP, 11 4 miles south of Farquh-ar. Highway 83, or 11/4 miles east of 1,41inchelsea, thence 1 mile north, The undersigned auctioneer reeeived instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 12;00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consitts of 100 acres of land, Lot 14, Con. 10, 1.Isborne Township, on which is -satiated a well built 2-storey clearino. AUCTION .•.• Of Finance. Co, RanPseeSsions, 18enhrppt Stocks, Selz. Pros. And, Personal consign- meets of Modern .1-SoVselielcl Furniture, Televisions, Appli, .antes and. tilrencl .New clothin9. Terms of Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 30, days, Sold subject to a reason. able reserve bid, AUTOS & TRACTORS: 1951 Plymouth 4.door sedan, 33,000 actual mileage, in excellent condition; 1926 Chrysler 4-cyl. 4-door sedan, in good running order and condition, splendid antique; 10x20 int. tractor, on steel, FARM MACHINERY: M-I4 7• ft, binder, new condition; 11-rtm grain and fertilizer drill; 3-furrow tractor plow; 3-drum steel roller; 5-section diamond harrows; Frost and Wood grain drill; Frost and Wood 51/2 -ft, cut mower; stiff tooth culti- vator; spring tooth cultivator; all steel wagon; hay rack: learn disc; hay loader; Vessot brand new clothing; plus many grinder; extension ladder; set more items which will be re. of sleighs; root p leased before sale day but not pithier; 2 steel kettles; cream separator; 2 available for publication at buggies; 2 cutters; hay tedder; this time. 2 steel water troughs; 1200.1h, TERMS: CASH on day of platform scales; fanning mill; sa l e: 3,-, sales tax in effect; stone boat; hay fork rope; CHEQUES accep t e d, ensilage cutter; oat roller: NOTE; This is another out. windmill; wagon box; steel posts; .saw frame; single plow; .standing sale of quality met.- chandise. This sale will start pump jack, equipped with gas sharp at 10:30 in the morning motor; pig crate; hay fork; as the hall is booked for other snow fence; set of chimes; team bells; set single harness: "mmittments in the after' sledges; heavy chains; manure noon. spreader; quantity of timber FRANKLIN BUUCK, and lumber; forks; shovels; Auctioneer, barrels; many other miscell- aneous Reins, HOUSEHOLD E F F E C T 5; Player piano and bench, in excellent condition; Philco 7- The story in .ft, refrie•erator, like new; Beat. Returns .,from .tour . of area in Arctic „.. By MRS.. ROBERT RUNPLE Ines visited several days with WOODHAM. llev, and Mrs. -WArellaM :and hol‘1111re'.Sunday id W4hrtgeeri7bacCrni4orn:nd, Chester, .Hazelwood ,0f enjoyable tour of the Arctic DTuelttr$0it or alloodooftnIrS•v.isitFololvniethe sponsored hy the Ontario Teach', Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Crago .01- London spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs, NorrisWebb And fam- ily. Mrs, L. Copeland visited several days with Mr, and Mrs. Murray May and family of Byron. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Maw- an of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. ray visited with Mrs. M. Swit- Ross R obinson and baby Lynn, with Mr, and Mrs, Doe Brine. Qs.ear Brine, llr, and. Mrs. The, Times-Aciyocate, September .'TP00* 13' zer of St Marys on Sunday evening. er were Thursday evening vise. itors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- were Friday evening guests Mrs. IA, Copeland and Mur- Mr. and Mrs. George Wheel- .„. old Bradshaw. Mrs. M. Copeland and jean, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, and Cynthia were Sunda y guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mountain of St. Marys. Miss Yvonne jaques of Zion. spent a few days with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins this past week. Mrs. Chester Hazelwood of De- troit, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wag- horn of Kirkton, and Miss Joyce Delgetab of Science Hill SAM SVifElTZER were Sunday visitors. BEST OF LUCK REXAL SUP R P LENAAVINS North End B-A Service * Complet e Rad 'Service * tires & Batteries * Lubritations Call 235-010 11. Properly for. Rent 25 Auction Sales Auction Soles HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, brick dwelling; large living central location, modern con-and dining room, kitchen and venienees, immediate posses, utility room, 4 bedrooms with Mon. Phone 235.2967. 9:6thic clothes closets; filll site base- ment with newly installed oil APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, neW, furnace; large well-built bank unfurnished, available now. C- barn with adjoining pig stable; Lewis, phone 227-4406 Lit- also drive shed and garage; can, 6 e land of extra choice clay loam; acres mixed bush, remainder HOUSE ,. 3'hOreen), n a r,.1 Y all tillable, well drained, never new, Riverview HeightS, failing water supply- InsPec- eter, all modern conveniences, Lion invited, immediate possession. Apply Richard Elliott, Palmerston, phone 231W. 9:6tine fie Zion Death travels swiftly, but most speeders can catch it. Art Cann's IIPS ON HOW TO MARKET . YOUR HOGS EARLY Cutting down On time to Market and feed to market means greater hog prof- its. One of the surest ways to cut down your total feed cost is to creep feed your baby pigs with Purina Baby Pig Chow and ,Purina Pig Startena. Bet your baps/ pigsaway to flying , StartWithOut Setloack -With these at Twins." They Suppleitera the Sow's Milk and contain built-in Vitet- Mins, minerals, and antibiotic fortifi- cation _needed for fast sturdy growth. Creep feeding your baby pigs with Purina's "Fast-Start Twins" takes vantage of their early urge-to-gtow. This is important to you because it iet4 you take advantage of their early feed converting a fficiency. It takes less than 2 pounds ' f feed to put on a pound of gain when they're young. As your pigs grow Wert they just can't make as efficient gains 'at such low coat. Give enadiant who want bigger profits tomato- rs. Roy Kirk an Edgar ers Federation, at the Clinton Legion Hall From Toronto the party tray- Mills °it S"dav* CLINTON, ONTARIO oiled by I rain to Illoaannee SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 .\Vhere they boarded a plane whichtook them to Great Starting in the Morning at 1000 Whale River, from there to Frobisher Bay and Cape Dor- eoCombnisni asttlinong radio and record Several days were spent at of the following: set pp Ba ffin Island, player; large console model C ane - D orse t Ware flying organ; 2-piece foam rubber south to Povungnituk and zippered cushion chesterf ield Moosonce returning to Toron, suite; kitchen suites; 2•piece , • to by train. davenport suites; 5-piece bed- room suites complete with LIGW met Tuesday bookcase beds, box springs and Mrs. G. Copeland was host- mattresses; 5 TV sets; auto- ess for the UCW meeting held matie washer and dryer; re- on Tuesday, August 21. frigerators and electric ranges; The worship service was in conventional washer; two 39" charge of Mrs. J. Miller, as- continental beds; p 1 at for m sisted by Mrs, W. Dickey, rockers; coffee and step tables; Mrs, L, Jaques, Mrs. J. Thom. tri-light and table lamps; hos- son and Mrs.' L, Thacker. tess and arm chairs; other odd A story entitled "Ipto the pieces of furniture; quantity of Sunset" was given- by Mrs. L. Rock' and Mrs, G. Copeland favored with a solo. Roll call was answered by' naming some- thing you would like clone, ty electric washer; GE radio; • Grahamette 2.burner rangette; Finlay coal and wood range; oak dining room extension By MISS MUR1EL .HE.RN table with 6 matching chairs; ... settee set, including rocker : -.. . .',....,....,,,,,,,,....,,,, .r.,,,,,,, and chair; leather rocker; oak personal items rocker; couch; 2 small tables; Mr. Ross Hern is visiting in music cabinet; buffet and china m a. Detroit this week, cabinet: Raymond sewing Paul Morgan of St. Marys chine; Niagara cycle massage; spent the weekend with his studio couch; 2-door wardrobe; 2 fancy complete toilet sets; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Preliminary results of ' a 2-burner hot plate; kitchen Norman Brock and Bill, study of average incomes re• clock; coal-oil lamps; fancy Alan Hem returned home on lated to education levels in antique parlor lamp: antique Friday after holidaying at the Canada show that in 1959 men dishes; glassware; silverware; home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart with no schooling had an an- novelties; kitchen utensils; 3 Smale and family. nual average income of $1,648, complete bedsteads; dressers; James Cornish returned home finished elementary school $3,- commodes; solid mahogany an- Friday after undergoing an ape 266, finished high school $4,638, time bedstead; rugs; feather pendeclomy in St. Joseph's finished university $7,046, ticks; bedding; fancy quilts: Hospital, London. mats; drapes; cushions; glass Miss Lisa Westcott, Exeter, Creditors and others having cupboard; pine kitchen cup- visited last week with Mr. and claims against the above estate board; platform rocker; kitchen Mrs. Ephraim Horn, are required to send full par- chairs; wooden butter dish Sunday visitors with Mr. dollars of such claims to the and print; 2 ton chestnut coal; and Mrs. Thomas Bern and undersigned on or before the Clinton power lawn mower; family were Mr. and Mrs. Ross 15th . day of September, 1962, garden tools, etc. etc. Ballantyne Brian and James, after which date the estate Please Note: This being an ' . Kirkton, Mrs, W. E. Horn and assets will be distributed hay- extra large sale, selling will. Bill, and Mrs. Gordon Sturdy, ing regard only to claims that start sharp at 12 o'clock. Linda and James of London. have then been received, No Reserve, everything will Miss Sheila Bern returned be sold to settle estate. home with them after holiday- Mackenzie & Raymond, TERMS: Cash. ing in London, Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, ALLEN FLETCHER, Mr. Joe Bailey of Exeter Solicitors for the Adminiatratrix, GENEVIEVE ALLEN, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Helen K. Holland, Administrators for the Estate. Mrs. Milton Brock. 60 of the late Trueman Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill and Paul Morgan were GARNET HIGHS, Clerk. Sunday evening guests at the ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer cottage of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Phone 119, Dashwood Penwarden at Grand Bend, 30:6c Mrs. Thomas Brock and Mrs. Harry Horn and family attended the decoration serv- ice at Clandeboye nn Sunday. Mr. Wayne Horn spent two days last week at the CNE on the Huron. County 4-H judging team. Mr. Edward Bern was on the Junior Farmer bus trip to the CNE on Friday. Personal items Dr. and Mrs. George Morphy and Mr. Terry Gilbert of To- ronto were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Don Morphy, Bradley and Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy and Barry of St. Marys were Sunday guests and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling of London were Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Levy, Mar- garet Rose and David, Miss Caroline lien and Miss Ruth Miller entered training in St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hazel- wood and family visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Henry Bolcaygon, Mr. Ted Insley and Murray spent a few days in Toronto and visited the CNE. Mr. Ross McCurdy spent Saturday at the CNE. Mrs, Harold Williams, Don. na and Daphne of St. Cathcr. Open this Sunday, Wed. nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out the week, Garage Sunday And Evening Service WHO WILL GET THE BLUE RIBBON FOR MINCEMEAT at the Fair? Hunter.Duvar Ltd. • • your baby pigs a quick start on the road to market by creep feeding Purina Baby Pig_ChoW and Purina Pig Startens... You'll inereate your profits by sending more pigs per litter to market, and keep up the St*'S 'condition, t60. See us about the complete Purina t4og Program—the Program Which helps hog, growers produce more Grade A pork at low cost—at the Store with the Checkerboard Sign. for fast, efficient feed kwrite call Cann's Mill Ltd • Hitter .PliOniii.05,41d 'Whalen tortiora Phone .35rIS Klikfon feed PURI NA CHOWS thday I . S OH 235.0660 Plan to support Centralia's, Air ..Force: 'Pay by attending the .showon .Saptemhi.or •frit. FREE 36' Days' Supply with 144-Tablet Bottle - $7.98 . ARE NECESSARY TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH . Don't sacrifice your health by using inferior brands, Internal medicine should be of the highest quality. Your health is your wealth. 72 Days' Supply with 360-TableLBottle , $13.98 04 SUPER PLENAMINS JUNIOR LIQUID VITAMINS At 1 sUf ER rtEMAMIAS 991101 VITAMINS • for children up to 12 years Balanced formula ... 9 Vitamins plus minerals— to help guard your child's nutrition for growth. Candy-flavored. Joe E. Gunn "Service Is A Fact — Not A Motto" PHONE 234-6311 CREDITON FOR A SUCCESSFUL AIR SHOW CY-21at Be Stird to soy Botiente. bit the CBC4V netwOrk eaeh Sunday. Cheek your local, listing for thatuiel mid thte. SNELL BROS. LIMITED they Olds Corvoir nvoy Choy Trucks JORMASTER mum EXETER. ‘ 4 ,