HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 12:Page 12 .The: Times,Advocate, September 1942 16 Property For Sale 17 Properly For Rent HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, newly de. HOUSE, 1 - bedroom, a • piece corated, all modern convert. bath, 71 Simeon St. Phone 235. ienees, Main St„ liensall, At/. 2562, 30:6* ply Roes Jacques, Hensel], 31:6:13'' 9 Services 12 Cars, NOS for Sale APPLES — $1,50 bushel; also pears, Apply It, E. Robinson, Ili, 3 Kip.pen, 6.e 14 Wanted To Buy CARPENTRY '52 OLDS, convertible, .$250, . Kitchen cupboards, ree rooms, Phone 2354667, 6;e3tfne new additions, alterations and CAR, 1956 Meteor Niagara, Vti„ repairs of all types to interior folly autOniatie, 4.door, radio, and exterior, $300. Apply Janis Gulens, Dash. Agency for Rosen Metal wood, evenings. 6* Products. FREE .E$TIMATES '54 MAYFAIR DODGE, moter, DOUG 'I-R.1E011ER brakes and tires in good con.. dition; body in need .of re- Phone ee54907 . pair. Apply to Ross Forrest,. 7:1910:4e- HR 2 Ki-poen , 6* STENOGRAPHER 85 Wards Call JB at 1883 2 MODERN APARTMENT, in Crediton; all appliances pro, vided, reasonable rent. Phone 44-6301, :Lorne Hodge. 8:30tfne 5.DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex- eter offive„ good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times• Advocate 3: etfne Pech Additienal -Werd 30 (Minimum 85c1 CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 17111 St., directly south of and over- looking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advocate, 8:23tRic SOCK ELM for timbers, over 14" in diameter; also good elm, soft maple and hard maple bushlots.• Les Morley, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. 7:5.9;6 . . HAVING PURCHASED Thome Welsh & Sons saw mill in Hen- sail and operating it now, I am in the market for logs and standing timber in this dist- rict, paying top. cash prices, Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple Jogs or standing timber, Con- tact: Oats Saw Mill at Hen- sail, phone 1; or. write Gats Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave., London, 7;261Ine 20c Off APARTMENT, -furnished, avail- able September 1. Apply 73 Heron St,, phone 235.2e20. ft* If paid by Saturday following last insertion. COMPANION - housekeeper for widow: comfortable farm home between St. Marys and Exeter; middle-agerl woman preferred.. Times- HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma Apply Box ABC. Exeter Advocate. stating experience chine dug 1 It. to f.L, diameter and wage expected, 23:30:6e up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85. SEWERS WANTED immediate- Dhoira 1•10 9-3761„ or Lucan l.'---Work at home doing simple BA 7.4680. 6:7*tfue sewing, We supply materials DRES SMAKING, alterations, and pay shipping both ways. LUCAN Lovely 2-bedroom„ on quiet streett oil heating, wall-.to-wall broadloom; garage; low down payment, LUCAN — Large brick home, completely modernized, .on cor- ner lot; large merlon) kitchen and separate dining room; oil heat; garage; reasonably pric- ed with low down payment, EXETER — Brand new ranch type with attached garage, A most practical floor plan with 3 large bedrooms, Look for our sign on Pryde Blvd. 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, en- furnished, .heated, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot and coed water, private entrance, utilities paid; 114 miles west on Huron St.; available ,September Phone 235-2427, 8130tfne APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, ground floor, private entrance, stove, refrigerator, oil heat, utilities paid. Phone 235-1995, before 1:00 p.m. 30:6e • Second Insertion Il Pee weiceo t Minimum eel') $ix Insertions c PER woRo (Minimum 43e) Semi-Display Classifieds —;(ftestricted to One Column) First Insertion--Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,2$ Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of -2 inch. APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, on Main St., available August 1, Gould and Jory, phone 235- 0270, 8 Mine APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable, The for- mer. S i m m o n s Apartments, Sanders St, East, phone 235- 2012, after 6 p,in, 8:99,fne 13 For Sale McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS Ea 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed Geed rate of pay. pi ece wor e, and mending. Beth Walker, 223 APPle: Dept, W'•48, Box 7010, Algonquin Dr., RCAF Station Adelaide Post Office. 'Toronto, Centralia. Phone 228.6724. 8:16.9:20 APARTMENT, upper, 3 rooms, heated, with hath, stove and refrigerator supplied, private entrance, cents 0.1 location; available Sept. I. Apply Russ' Billiards, or phone 235.0477, evenings. 8:16t,thc 2 APARTMENTS, heated, un- furnished, in Exeter, living room and kitchen downstairs; 2 bedrooms, 3.pieee bath with lots, of closet space upstairs. Oil heat, One available Septem- ber 1 and one October 1. Phone 39r3 Kirkton or 235-0906 Ex- eter. 8:16tInc COTTAGE, 'suitable for 1 or 2 persons, central location, available September 1. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. E., phone 235-1076. 8:23tfnc Ontario, Canada. Oen DRESSMAKING, sewing of all types, alterations etc,. 357 'An- WANTED. — Broiler hatching 1965, 30:6:13* with broiler and egg breed hatching eggs on a weekly year round basis, Large prem- ium paid over market price, Write; Tweedle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 26:9:23:6:20:4e EXETER — Newly decorated 2-bedroom house with oil heat; park-like setting overlooking the river, Terms can be ar- ranged. EXETER New 3-bedroom; priced below replacement cost; large landscaped lot with gar- age; $71 per month after reasonable down payment, EXETER — Older home in excellent repair, on corner lot, nestled amongst stately pines and cedar hedge. A real family home at a realistic price. EXETER — 2-bedroom with oil heat, located one block from centre of town; attached garage and oil heat. COMMERCIAL property on ex- cellent main street corner; could be converted to almost any use, Owner is anxious to sell and will consider good terms to responsible party. WE HAVE FOR SALE the site of the Towne & Country res- taurant, A terrific location for a motel. Make us an offer, $50 WILL GIVE YOU the deed to a 76' building lot. Small monthly payments on the bal- ance, $500 DOWN WILL BUY a 3- 'bedroom frame house on an 82' lot. $25 per month on balance, LIGHT LUNCH and variety store. A man and wife opera- tion Which will provide a good income plus living quarters. OUR FARM of the week is 100 acres, south of Crediton; good buildings, lots of water, all , workable; reasonable d o w payment; easy mortgage, IF YOU LIKE PEOPLE ENjOY making friends and want lo earn money, contact your Avon manager, Openings in Stephen and McGillivray, Townships. Write or call collect: MRS. M. M1LLSON 1160 Wellington Rd. S., London. GE 2-9019 43' MOBILE HOME, on con- crete foundation, in Exeter, completely furnished, 3-piece bath, Phone 235-2773 evenings, 235-0950 days, 8;30tthe HOUSE, 5-bedroom, fully mo- dern, and five acres of land; furnace, hot and cold water, 3- piece bath, living room, kitchen with ample cupboard space. West of Exeter, on Highway 83, second farm west of ceme- tery on south side. Mark 'Whit- ney, phone 35111, Dashwood, rew St., Exeter, phone ' 235. eggs, alo flocks to supply us PHONE 228-6214 ROOM & BOARD available by FILTER QUEEN sales and the week. Phone 235.0320. 6c service, Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensel] 696r2. 8:31tfne Classifications BABY SITTING — Frida.y eve- nings and Saturdays, Jane Southcott, phone 235-0625. 6* MIXED SLAB WOOD, 530,00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 Nairn, 3: 22tfne -'1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted r;;:" 5, Help Wanted Business Opportunities Teachers Wanted • .8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale . '12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy .15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17, Property For Rem 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22, Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales TWIN STROLLER — Phone 38r7 Dashwood. 6c COMPLETE 6c Locker and Home Freezer CUTTING BOX — Apply Don Boersma, RR, 1 Exeter, phone 36r22 Dashwood, 6:13* EXPERIENCED Waitress NEW BEAN KNIVES for sale at BASIL O'ROURKE Blacksmith & Welding Shop Brucefield WARTIME HOUSE — Two-bed- 23;30;6^' room, corner lot, well-kept, renovated throughout. Contact Cal. Wein, 172 Anne St, W., Phone 235-2635. 12tfne STORE, Main St., Exeter, Ion. tion of former Exeter Electric, floor area 750 so. ft., suitable for store or office, heated, washroom facilities, storage space, immediate possession. Apply Art Geiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 235.2754 evenings. 9;6 tfne 16 Properly For Sale APPLY BURKLEY RESTAURANT SERVICE All our processing work is guaranteed. You'll like the way we cut, custom package and sharp freeze your meat to re- tain top quality. Locker space available for your surplus supply. 6:13c APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4. piece bath; no pets please.; available now. Apply 1(39 Wil- liam St. or phone 235.0736, evenings. ;16.*tthe HOUSE, in Kirkton, 3 bed- rooms, 3-piece bath, living- room, dining-room and kitchen. Eric Humphreys, phone 50r2 Kirkton. 6* APARTMENT, in Dashwood, 4 rooms, heated, 3-piece bath, large closets, private entrance. Apply Pearl Kraft, Dashwood, phone 81, BEAUTIFY your home with evergreens, Young trees, 3 feet high, for sale, Apply Bert Bax, RR 1 Woodham, 30;6* 5 Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN to supply established customers with famous nationally advertised Watkins products, No invest- ment, Earnings of $75 and up weekly possible. Full or part- time. Write to M. Beaumier, 356 St-Roch Street, Montreal 15. Quebec. 6:13:20:27c C. V. PICKARD LONDON APARTMENT— Suit- able for two school or business girls; close downtown, Apply 557 Ridout. St, N., London, or phone Exeter, 235-2406, after six. 6* WHEEL CHAIR, in good condi- tion, price reasonable, May be seen at Mrs. John A. Ryan's—REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE RR 2 Crediton, phone 234-6229. 30:6;13* We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see PIANO, Newcombe, recently us, tuned and cleaned; clarinet, UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY — B flat, in good condition, Phone Well located town house with 234-6291, Crediton, 30:6* approximately two acres 'of township land at rear of town lot. Comfortable 3 • bedroom home, 3-piece bath up, toilet down, very modern kitchen, full basement, oil burning fur- nace, garage and small barn. Land is best of garden soil, House may be purchased sep- arately. Low taxes. Terms. Exeter Frozen Foods HOUSE, 3-bedroom, between Exeter and RCAF Station Cent- ralia, on paved road, 'modern conveniences; immediate pos- session, Phone 228-6258. 9:Stine Main' St. 6c Phone 235-0400 1 lost, Strayed 8 Situations Wanted 2 LADIES' RINGS, in Exeter STENOGRAPHER with recep- or Highway 4 South. Phone 231- tionist experience would like 1853. Reward. 5* position in Exeter or Centralia office. Phone 235-1767. 6:13c BEAGLE PUPPIES, at a very reasonable price. Apply Bob Wildfong, 132 Huron St. West, or phone 235-2496, 8:30tfne Custom Work Real Estate 3 Male Help Wanted Farmers, now the bean har- vest is here we would like to let you know that our new self - propelled combines are equipped with special bean at- tachments to assure you, the best job ever done at your Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith farm,Welding Shop, Brucefield eow10:25* 9 Services VIKING SEPARATORS AND REPAIRS VIKING MILKERS 2 Units installed $498.00 Third Unit $130.00 Extra RELIABLE married man for beef farm: no milking: no children; separate new hunea. Low:, steady pneition for right perei-in'7 flee -Itose, Box 591, Seaforth, MAN for part-Lime mill work. Amity Cann's Mill Ltd. 6e CUSTOM COMBINING—George Troyer. RR 2 Neilsen,. phone 7Ir7 Zurich. 30:6* COMFORTABLE three-bedroom home, Exeter North, almost 4, new condition, convenient kit• chen, modern bathroom, new oil burning furnace, garage, well kept lawn and garden, low taxes, moderate price. ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat son, phone 37119 Dashwood 5.25*ttne JOHN BURKE Please contact us for com- bining your beans and clover. Take your corn off the easy way this year.. See us about picking and shelling your corn, Any baling clone y e t? W e have the right equipment. And do remember we are able to do your fall work— ploughing, sewing your fall wheat. We also have a full supply of No. 1 Registered, Certified and Comercial seed wheat. Free delivery to your farm. Don't forget, it always pays to see. Exeter and, district's full time all year round custom operator for all your work. 20% OFF Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 7:5 tfne 4, Female Help Wanted Yes, we have reduced all our boxed Christmas cards 20e.e as we are discontinuing this line. Hurry now while they last, WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS 6c We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St„ Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 8:24e SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — immediate service, always available Harold Butler. Lie can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7. 4312 collect 5:9*tfne DEPENDABLE WOMAN want• ed .for kitchen: good weees. Also waitress. Call in person al Rether's Restaurant. 6c ELETCRIC RANGE, Westing- house, 23x39, excellent condi- tion, $100; white enamel steel sink, like new, 24x16, $4. Phone 235-1402, usiness irectory L. ). W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St. Phone 235-1402 122 ACRE FARM, good land with bush; brick house, barns, silo and never failing water supply. This farm can be per- Choice 143 acres. Sonic bun- chased with reasonable offer, clreds, some fifties, owing to health of owner. Stores, Duplex brick house Write Albert Vincent, RR 3 RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Parkhill, Lot 12, Concession 22. BoX. 124, Phorle 235.0477 7:26.9:6* 12.1fne HURON ST. EAST --, Modern 140 ACRE FARM, 4-bedroom a•bedroom ranch Style hiase brick home, all modern con- with full basement, garage and veniences, good barn and build- s t o n e fireplace; reasonably ings. Apply Julien Verlinde, priced, You are invited to see RR 2 Hensall, on. No, 4 High- this well'kept home. K. Otte- Way. 9:16:23:30:6:13* well, Exeter, 9:6Unc 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming One of Exeter's Finest Residences Erick borne and garage, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, recreation room, awning-covered patio, broadloom throughout, well- located at the corner of Senior and. Gidley Streets. EXETER (Riverview Heights) * 3-bedroom home, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down, EXETER — 2-bedroom home with full basement and tail furnace. $1,000 down, Full price $5,000. CARPTENTER TOOLS — Both power and hand; something Highway 150 acres for everyone. Apply Arthur Day,ts, , Exeter, cone r William and Gidley Sts,, , C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mnn., Toes , Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, -5 Ties. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 lay Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 Phone 235•181s W. VICTOR KNIP RR 1 Centralia OIL BURNER, Duo Therm, with 5-gallon tank, in excel- lent condition. Phone 235-1767, after 10:00 a.m. 6:13c ELECTRIC TRAIN, locomotive and 6 cars, Track set on ply- wood; $30 or best cash offer, Russell Goddard, phone 227- 4214 tune, . 6c rEEStt Kit.,ttr) TURKEYS, 40d lb.; sharp froaen Ase lb.; live front range, 290 lb, Order fresh-killed no later than Thurs- day for pick-up on Saturday. Apply Cann & Solis Farm, phone 235-1182, fie 43' CRUISER, Cy press ed. double ender, 6 cylinder Gra y engine, toilet, galley, hunks, anchor, extinguishers, etc., 81,800, See Allen Mac. Donald, North Pier, Gatierich, 6:13:20c SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 2354963 EXETER Ballet -- Tap MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARLES L. MACKENZIE B. Comm., LLB, PETER L, RAYMOND, R.A, Neilsen Office Open Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 235.2234 EXETER Graded ballet and tap lesons every Wednesday, Exeter Public Library. Errington Studios, London: Liliane Merleau Graham, LFA, director, Be ele is * $1600 DOWN EXETER, Huron St. East--Brick home, 3-bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, new oil furnace, all modern conveniences, 2 lots, Sale Price, $8,000. First Mortgages N. L. MARTI11 OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 Learn to Dance National, Novelty and Modern Tap NEW CLASS FOR BOYS AGES 6 - 14 Under the direction of JOYCE WEBER Enroll Today Phone Exeter 235.0454 ALVIN 'WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your enie, large or small, eourteous and efficient service at all timee. "Service That Satisfies" OASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1960 truck and van, Terms, MOBILE FEED M=R — With established route of over. 50 customers. EXETER * General Store, $2,000 down. tU1LDiNG LOTS IN OWN wabivIstow Listings invited. BEAN THESHRR, 13iilwell, Ap- ply Ray Mallard, Lot 2, Con. 22, Stephen Tnwnshiti, 1 mile off 81 Highway, Bit 3 Parkhill. TONIATOES, all Varieties; pep- pers, red, green, yellow, hht; 10 livestock For Sale squash; pie pumpkins. etc., relay now. .1, St. Dickey. HOLSTEIN HEIFER, grade, to C,ori. 2„ Bicidelph, 1)111" road east freshen September loaa .nf Hi gh way at Centralia, herd accredited, vaecinated and t No. 4 Hig hen south, Bin:20* certified. Thomas Hem, Wood- ham, phone Kirkton 4111 3 Deering, in good shape, Phone HOLSTEIN ittirEms, large 11"114c 228292 Cent, due in September, bred Here,- ralta ,6* ford, fully accredited, Whitney onus' T31o.stcor,, me dium Coates, phone '10r3 Kiric ton. 6" size,: l a rge size gym 2 YORK HOGS young. 4 ,oply set of 3_ swings and glider Matt Finkbeiner, Credit() n, Phone - 0524. 6e OR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L„D.S., D.O.S. Mein Street Exeter Closed All bay Seturdayt PHONE 235.0233 Other Services: Wills — Agencies — Executors Administrators — Truttee — Agent for Executors — Property Management Be OSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, ant, Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 1/2.% Industrial .Mortgage & Trust 'Company teeter Represen tative JOHN Burtn .REALTOR AND INSURANCE • • PHONE 2154843 'EXETER OR, J. W. CORBETT L,[7.S,, 0,0,5. DENTAL SURGEON W. 14. Hodgson Ltd. Devon Building Directors Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Phone 235.1683 Exeter President Closed Wednesday Afternoons Timothy B. Toohey tilt 3 Vice-President. Lucan BELL. & LAUGHTO 11.1#'4 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 6* CASE A-6 COMBINE, equipped Miteliell NOTARIES PUBLIC SeienCe Hill c.yGII PIGS, 10 gond weavers. Earl With Scow• extil clover •PluMP 145t5, 7 'Wisconsin motor or power take- eontaves, Available with either E. Clayton Colnulionn RR BELL, off, Apply Allan WeStentl, Ete- :klattin r""" 11TH, 2 1)"1111" %uric}, Office Tuesday 11 Poultry for Sale rtes, phone 235.1808. ge Robort C. Gardiner trit 1 Afternoont , putIpars, r ea dy 1(5 by, for OIL BURNER, fairly good con. immediate delivery URI Oat). tdtlmri, cheap, Apply 7,3 Simeoe bet delivery, Apply Elzar Mon SL 9:6thit 'Seen, Kippen„ 23:30:60 SIAMESE KITTENS, register Sa le ed, I male and 3 females, 12 Cars, Truckt For point, 1 teal-point male, 423 each. Phone 228.6921, :611.1e FORD ECONOMY, g cYl., 4.. • doer, automatic, radio, 81.595. HARDWOOD—Roth ho4Y find Will tratit, ilriwrt Apply 12t limb wood ready for the ttnviti Wellington ('re., ENT,' Station or fireplaee, V, L. Becker and Centralia, eveeketute or eve. %Sons, DasitWOO(1, Phone 60.W, eingt, 30;60 William H. Chafft Real Estate i. Insurance M. 4L GA1SER EXETER 235-2420 Grand Bend Representative: William C, Dace Office Phents d7 Residence. 62e3 CraM11111 44 PHONE ns.ci 0 EXETER Agelifs Hugh., Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR I Centralia ClaYtoti Harris Mitchell tolidtors Micketrie & RaYincind Exete r JOHN WARD, 1),C, CHIROPRACTOR ANO DROGLESs THERAPIST 1$ WellitiMon trott SecreferytTreasurer from PUC Arthur Eraser ExOttlf St., MARYS PRONE 10/ Head riffles! Sarnia. Officest 'Pertitt .and Petritlia 'First Mortgages, Arranged