HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 9THE 1.,VCAN 'LODGE
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St ff ins alive
with La o ay win
wigs upset tribe
in first HAP ,playoff
Tho.. Volpe...A el vocal}, tPrrilm 0, 190 P 9
'Extend series
Staffa. Merchants used a
three-run rally in the bottom of
the seventh inning to stave off
elimination in their playoff
set with Caledonia as they
squeaked by the southern team
13-12 in Staffa Monday.
The home team used four
three-run innings and a one-
run second frame to count ail
their runs while Caledonia man-
aged one big stanza, the sixth,
in which they counted six
times before being retired.
All the Caledonia scoring
was confined to three innings
as they plated four runs in the
openine inning and two in the
seventh to go with their six
other runs.
Staffa ()Whit the visiting team
11-0 in what was a ''must"
win for the Merchants who
have to win all three of the
remaining games of the series
to stay alive,
The two teams used a total
of seven pitchers during the
slugging marathon and none
was tno effective although Slaf-
fa's Gary Hopf, who came on
to ouch the Caledonia uprising
in the sixth, blanked the visi-
tors through the final two
frames to record the win, -
Lead-off hitter Charley West•
man and Ferg McKellar picked
up a pair of singles each for
Staffa while centre-fielder Line
Rohfritsch had a double and a
single in four trips.
Staffa starter George Cove-
neyram.med a two-base hit for
the winners while singles were
collected by Bob McKellar,
Laurie 'McKellar, Bob Norris,
and Roger Pauli.
Score early
Both teams counted early in
the contest with Caledonia
scoring four times in their first
time at hat but the Staffa lads
quickly got them back with
three runs in the first and an-
other in the second,
The home team jumped' into
a three-run lead in the next
frame when a couple of walks,
a single by Laurie McKellar,
and a Caledonia error gave
them a 7.4 margin.
They retained their edge
through two innings before Ca-
ledonia erupted for six runs in
the sixth on five straight hits
sandwiched between a pair of
Staffs errors.
Staffa took a one-run lead in
their half of the inning but it
too was short-lived as Caledo-
nia came back-with two in the
However, Staffa decided',the
issue in the bottom of the stan-
za when two singles by }'erg
M"Kellar and Westman, a sac-
rifice fly by Bob Sadler and a
booming double by Rohfritseh
gave them three runs and a 13-
12 edge.
The victory for the Staffa,
nine was the first they have
managed in two years over the
Caledonia squad. Last sum-
Ladies top
jitneys here
The Women members of the
Exeter Lawn Bowling Club
dominated the lop .positions at
the three jitneys held at the
local greens this week.
Ittthe: first, tourney for dab
members en. .Saturday night
two ladies, Betty Tilley and
Lillian Pym, teamed up to cop
top spot over their Male count-
erparts while second place went
to Lila Smith and Alvin Pyra.
Betty Tilley was again a wine
nee jitney held Labour pay
afternoon as she and Len Mc-
Knight eattibitled to sweep the
linnets, Lila Smith again placed
second competing with Gary
Middleton and Ivan Itertzel in
A trebles rink,
'Tuesday evening, the men
finally broke the ladies' hold on
first plate and Bay Smith and
Bill Lamport turned the trick
for top showing while the ,coM-
hination , el Art Cann and tee
Webber finished .a close second.
Third place went. to -Verne
Smith and Lillian ilym.
Staffa turned in one of their
poorest. exhibitions , the sea-
son .Sunday afternoon when
they. received a '1as1 drubbing
from .Caledonia in the third
game of their playoff series.
The hapless Staffa nine suf-
fered their worst drubbing of
the year as they turned in in.
effective performances both on
the field and at the plate. Num-
erous errors and shoddy Pilch'
ing led to their downfall.
Caledonia had one big inning,
the third, that saw them count
half of their runs on only five
Jilts to pull out of reach of the
losing .Staffa squad.
Only three Staffa batters
were able to pick up a hit dur-
ing the full nine-inning game as
Caledonia pitcher Gary Phil-
ips throttled the visitors com-
Gary Hopf's double and
singles by Charley 'Weetman
and Laurie McKellar accounted
for all of Staffa's hits.
The Caledonia win gave
them a commencing 3.0 edge
in games in their best-of-seven
OBA finals with the area team.
Drop 7-4 verdict
A four-run sixth inning car-
ried Caledonia to a 7-3 win
over Staffa in the second game
of their, playoffs in Staffa Wed-
nesday, August 29.
The teams battled on even
terms through the first five in.
nines of the game before the
strong Caledonia squad de-
cided the issue in the top of
the sixth with their four-run
Caledonia touched St a f f a
starter George Coveney and
his reliefer Gary Hoof for 10
base knocks during the game
and they were. also aided in
their efforts by four Staffa er-
Staffa could only manage
four safeties during the contest
and they were all of the sin-
gle variety. Ferg McKellar
banged out a pair of them
while single strokes went to
Line Rohfritsch and Bob Nor-
Hoof took over for Coveney
in the disastrous sixth inning
and the little left-hander hurled
shut-out ball during the final
three frames after getting out
of the jam in the sixth,
Reenter centre-fielder Cord
Viirie',!handled.. the chucking
chores for his chill and the
fire - balling righty kept the
Staffa order off balance
throughout the afternoon.
He fanned H men in going
the distance and his fastball
was still hopping at the end of
the game.
The Caledonia precinct was
also handy with the hickory
and. he crashed two doubles and
A single in four times at hat.
Hockey play e r
Roy lfdwards, sub-goalie for
the Chicago. :[hack hawks last
season, also dons a baseball
Uniform during the summer
months and plays for the Cale-
donia nine,
.His stick-work at the plate
leaves little to he desired as
he lucked up a couple of hits
and two .11,13t to go with his.
three-for-five performance in
the first game of the round.
Greys win
first of final
Although they didn't enjoy
one of their better nights of
the season, Exeter Greys were
still able to pin a 1240 defeat
on Brussels in the first game
of their Huron Softball finals.
The game, which was played
under the lights in Bonsai).
Tuesday evening, was marked
by some slip-shod fielding and
pitching performances and
careless and daring base-run-
ning, particularly on the part
of - the losing 'Brussels team,
The Brussels ladies took. a
number of dangerous chances
on the base-paths and it led to
their downfall as they were
repeatedly cut down by the ac-
curate and hard tosses of the
Exeter infield,
The Greys were never head-
ed in the seven-inning game
although the Brussels nine did
draw within one run in the
sixth inning and they were
also rallying in the final frame
before Exeter picked a runner
off third base for the final out
of the game.
Continue. hitting
The local ladies continued
their lusty hitting by banging
out 13 hits during the game
although they picked up only
e couple of safeties in the
middle innings.
Shortstop Au d r e y Pooley
again led the Exeter assault as
she drove in four runs with a
home run, a triple and a
double in four official times at
Dolly Mattson also picked up
three hits for the winners with
all of them going for one base,
while Norma Coleman chipped
in with a pair of two-base
knocks and a single in three
Jean Taylor added a two-run
home run in the bottom of the
second frame and single base
hits were recorded by Ann
Cronyn, Mary Gra.vett and
Dorothy Wilson.
Jim Russell
Golf titles
to Russell
Jim Russell, Exeter Me-
hawks' star pitcher, proved his
versatility in sports over the
weekend by winning both match
and medal play championships
of the Exeter Golf Club.
The lanky athlete shot 73 and
75 games in two playoffs at the
Oakwood course, Grand Bend,
Labor Day,
Ile won the match title by
defeating Lorne Kleinstiver,
Dashwood, three and two in
the morning with his 73 score,
Kleinstiver, a past president of
the club, posted a 79 during the
round and was up after the
first nine before Russell started
firing birdies. The champ toured
the back nine in a two-under-par
Russell had to break two ties
to win the medal play champ-,
ionahip front a three-time form-
er winner, .Morley Sanders.
Both shot 73's in the weekend
tournament and they deadlocked
with 75's after 18 holes in their
playoff Monday afternoon. Rus-
sell birdied the ninteenth hole
to beat Sander's par,
The. trophies were presented
at the golf club's banquet Wed-
nesday night at Oakwood Inn,
Grand Bend,
Locals win
at Goderich
Zurich. Lumber Kings, who
finished in the cellar of the
littron-Perth loop, took one
step towards pulling a major
upset in the league's final as
they drubbed Exeter 10 here,
Four .clubs
remain tied
The two .seml-final rounds in.
the McGillivray softball league
are going right down to the
wire and it looks as if any team
in the loop is capable of taking
the championship.
After this week's playoff ac-
tion, all four teams in :the semis
final affair have picked up two
wins in both three-out-of-five
Grand Bend and Lieury split
in the two games they played
this week with Grand Bend taks
ing the opener 7.5 and the
Lieury nine rebounding for an
8.5 win in the fourth game of
the set.
League-leading West Corners
fought back from the brink of
elimination by hosting Sylvan
7-4 to tie up their series at two
wins each.
Finals this week
The filial round for the league
grand championship should be,
gin this week as both first-
round playdowns will be com-
pleted by this evening (Thurs-
West Corners and Sylvan de-
cided their finalist contender
last night (Wednesday) while
the evenly-matched Grand Bend
and Lieury clubs meet Thurs-
day night to determine which
team will face the winner of
the West Corners-Sylvan bout,
London nine
top tourney
A softball team from London,
London Gaire's, showed their,
ability at an invitation. tourna-
ment staged at Lieury on Labor
The strong London team
scored an 11-inning triumph.
over an Exeter entry to claim
lop spot in the tourney. Gaire's,
down 5.4 going into the last
inning managed to count one
run in the bottom the ninth to
send the game into overtime
and they decided the outcome
with another run in the last of
the eleventh for a 6-5 victory.
The London squad gained the
final round by defeating Cen-
tralia 5-2 in the first game of
the afternoon.
Exeter edges Lieury
Aided by some timely long
ball clouting, the Exeter nine,
comprised mainly of the Exeter
Lanes from the lies League,
squeaked by Lieury in the most
popular game of the semi-final
round to advance to the finals.
Winning pitcher, Don "Din-
ger" Bell, who toils for Lieury
in the McGillivray softball
league, provided the big blow
of the game, a three-run home
run that tied up the game in
the fifth inning.
Bill Gilfilian then won the
contest in the seventh inning
with a solo circuit shot that
gave Exeter their 7.6 margin,
There were almost 4,400,000
pupils in attendance at Cana.
(la's elementary or secondary
schools in the academic year
just ended, and another 129,000
were enrolled at university ar
The win gave them a 1.-0
lead in the hest-of-seven final
for the top donors.
The Mohawks, still smarting
from their pasting at the hands
of CaMpbellyille in the Onta-
rio "a" playoffs, showed lit-
tle of the form they exhibited
in edging Listowel to get into
the final set.
With Dick Bedard bolding
the Tribe to a lone single in the
first three innings, his mates
jumped On Mohawk ace, Jim
Russel) for four rues In the
Two walks, three errors and
a single by Ducharme aes
counted for the tallies in the up-
The Mohawks got back in
the contest in the bottom of
the fourth when they picked up
two runs en two towering beets-
to-back home runs by Russell
and Bogart,
With one out, Russell pow-
ered one of Bedard's offerings
deep into left field and it rol-
led almost to the race track
before Doug O'Brien managed
to catch up to it.
Bogart then duplicated the
feat when lie polled a towering
fly ball into deep right.
Pull out of reach
However, Zurich took com-
plete control of the match in
the next frame when they
sent seven runners across the
plate as 13 men came to bat.
Doug O'Brien started it off
with' a eurcuit clout off Rus-
sell who was forced to toss
curve balls most of the way
due to a stiff arm.
Overholt, Bedard and Wag-
ner added singles in the frame
and they were aided by four
free passes and one error as
Russell and rellefer, Bill Cra-
go, bad trouble finding the tar-
The Mohawks rhanaged a
single run in the bottom of the
Inning on singles by George
Wright and Simon Nagel who
drove in Jim Hennessey who
started the inning with a free
The game was called at the
end of the fifth clue to dark-
Catcher Earl Wagner paced
the seven-hit Zurich attack
with a pair of safeties, while
Doug O'Brien, Overholt, Del-
ehert, Bedard and. Ducharme
accounted for one each,
Nagel, Wright, Russell, Bo-
gart and. Wooden supplied the
punch for the Tribe with a hit
Bedard s t r u c k out five
batsmen and issued two walks
in recording the win, while
Russell and Crago fanned seven
and allowed eight men to get
free passes to first,
— Continued from page 8,
sail run and drove in four
Four players, Dan Cameron,
Bill Soldan, Jim MacDonald,
and Ted Mock, all collected
two hits for the winning side
with one of M aeD on a 1 d's
three-run double in the big
third inning.
Bob Moir, Keith Hay, and
Ken Smale all singled once for
the visitors,
Ken Smale went the complete
route for the winners and he
was nicked for 12 hits by the
Oshweken batting order.
Don `t Miss
the Fair
Staffa Merelmuls are on the rater they were eliminated from
point of ,elimination in their OBA pidY when they dropped
Ontario final playdown set the first three games of a hest-
with Caledonia after this week's Of-fire series and they (=-
playoff activity, :United their losing skein with
- The, Merchaels managed to three defeats in a row in this
edge the high-flying .Ozdedoeia year's finals.
crew 1342 in a Labour Day
contest in Rafe to give them
their sole win of the best- ,
1"..ake drub.bing seven affair while Caledonia ,
. A
took a pair of games by 164
and 7.4 'scorea to record their
second and :third wins of the
The Caledonia squad, 013A
finalists last year after Clim
inating Staff in the semi-final,
gets a chance to wrap up
their round and claim the On-
tario intermediate ''C" champ-
ionship this Sunday when the
Merchants travel there for the
fifth game of the set.
Rec playdowns
— Continued from page 6
men' hack to the bench via the
strike-out route.
John Wade came in to hart
three innings and allowed the
other .eight tallies.
Crediton jumped into a 1.0
lead ienhe opening frame when
Russ Beaver circled the paths
after managing a sharp single
off Al Wiper.
They increased the margin
to a pair of runs in the third
when Bob Dinney clouted a
four bagger and they took
complete control of the contest
with nine big nee in the
Slaght was the only man in
the Crediton lineup who failed
to cross the plate. in the in-
ning, while John. Wade. turned
the trick twice.
Vets come close
Coasting along on their 11-
run .ntargin, Crediton removed
Slaght for Wade and the Legion
crew jumped on him tot' four
runs in the sixth and two More
in both the seventh and eighth
however, Slaght came hack
to hurl the frame, and af-
ter being greeted by a. home
off the .hat of Murray
Brintnell struck out the next
three men to preserve the
Bob Dinuty, :Huss Beaver.
tob .Galloway, John WAde'And
Al Flynn paced the Crediton
Attack with twn hits each,. while
Roy Smith and Mel Pinknether
picked up one each in the 12-
hit barrage,.
hatcher Murray 131itittiell
was the top threat .for the Le-
gion as lie banged net three
nits. ,Tint Pinder added a pair
for the toSers, while Jim llett-
nessey and Al Wiper had one
'Pinder and thintnell had a
'bonier each fOr tlic Legion,
Hold tournament 'Dinney hit for the cur-
The Exeter bowlers played cull for the whiners.
hest to turrierette other bowling
enthusiasts from throughout
Western Ontario In iteirriaa ,
meet held. at the Exeter greens Get I;Itirotection.
Wednesday afterlietie.
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Spread scoring
Both teams spread their
scoring over the full six in-
nings with the Greys being
shut out in the two middle
frames and Brussels counting The local horse topped the
runs in every frame but one. final standing with a first and
After trading two runs in second because the Parkhill
the first stanza, the locals horse faded to sixth in the see-
roared into a sizeable lead. and heat,
with six rims in their next Driving Charlie Godbolt's
time at bat and they managed Dustabout in the featured 2:23
to retain their edge through- class, Yearley drove two mast-
out the remainder of the game entail races to bring the. steady-
with a three-run rally in the going pacer home in front both
bottom of the sixth deciding times.
the issue in their favour. He nosed nut Deep Run Dan-
The Exeter girls have a ray in 2:11 in an exciting
chance to take a 2.0 edge in stretch drive in the first heat
their best-of-seven, final series and came back to duplicate
with Brussels when they travel the effort in the commendable
there for a game today (Thus- time of 2:09 4.-5 in the second
day evening). heat.
Two Exeter horses, both
driven by Tom Yearley, cop-
ped their divisions at the an-
nual race meet staged in God-
erich, Monday.
The veteran .reinsman di-
rected his own colt, Casey
to a first in the second heat of
the 2:30 class after finishing
second to Miss Anther Abbe,
owned by Don McGregor, Park-
hill, in the first heat,
when the weather is good
Stake:I'm -6k load, delivered $30 00
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Lake Huron District comprises the Counties
of Brant, Bruce, Grey, Halton, Huron, Oxford,
Perth, Waterloo, Wellington and Wentworth.
FOX—September 1, 1962 to August 31, 1963, in.
RABBIT—October 17, 19(32, to February 213. 1963,
RACCOON--September 1, 1962, to August 31, 1963,
SQUIRREL—October 6, 1962, to December 15. 1962,
SON'S SNIPE-11:00 a.m. VLST. October 6, to De.
cember 15, inclusive.
GE,ESEl---11:00 a.m EST, October 6, to December
1.5, Inclusive.
WOODCOCK—October 6 to December 15, inclusive.
List hunting seasons
for Lake Huron area
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