HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 8'4' "What do you mean, we don't go out together any more— don't you drive me to the sta. Lion -every day?" Don't Miss The BIG SHOW! • PHONE 235.0991 MAIN ST., EXETER .9 A Proud The personnel et RCAF Sta- tion Centralia have every 1*.P4301,1 to he proud of their service,.to Canada. We are proud to serve them with the finest in uniforms. Your Tip Top Tailor WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR Hopper Hockey CONGRATULATES RCAF Centralia ON ANOTHER Air Force Day B.e sure to see the show . this Saturday afternoon "WHERE QUALITY IS ECONOMY" Phone 235-1990 Exeter *P;age "Cho Tiolgt.s.Ainooto, '.$Ppfernb.or 1962 SWIMMERS WIN MILE CRESTS—This group of swimmers won crests for swimming the mile during the Exeter Kinsmen program this summer, They and other swim- mers received their awards at a ceremony at Rivet view Pat as twee , ton tow, from left, Richard Frayne, Douglas Taylor, Hans Zeehuisen; back row, Gary Ford, Mark Hinton, Hank Bosch, Marion Walker, with Instructor Jack Stephen. Mile, half-mile crests among swim awards Red Cross Beginners Marlene Overholt, Denise Shane, Douglas Webber, Barb- ara Reid, Bobby Case, Doug, Case, Mike Bache, Doris Fer- guson, Heather Whitney, Mary Bruls, Judy Walters, Barbara Bischoff, Perry Stover, Doug Munn, Gayle Sweet, Paula Sie- bert, Janet Squires, Gwen Clausis, Tom Patterson, Jane Thompson, Barbara Stanlake, Barbara Arnold, Cathy Doerr, Mary Southcott, Sylvia Dietrich, John Dobbs, Cathy Munn, Peggy Pride, Ruth Whiting, Mike Southcott, Jo Anne Gaiser, Marlyn Whit- ney, Debbie Johnston, Yvonne Romaniuk, Gordon Hafefrost, Christine Fisher, Patti Ann, Parker, Bruce Fiddler, Mary Kay Hodgins, Geardra Conlin, Wendy Wedge. Lynne Ambe- dian. PLAYGROUND AWARDS Beginners Jim Kearney, Daniel La. Fre- nier, Guy La Freniere, Paul Armstrong, Peter Armstrong, Terry Hache, Nancy Lewis, Lois Porter, Robert Bray, Barry Millar, Ryan Rose, Dou- gie Fairbairn, Harold Parsons, Jo Ann Gaiser, Jon Gaiser, Glen Cockwill Danny Brintnell, Debbie Fite, Jesse Postill, Ri- chard Bailey, Jim Hackney, Milaneeh Hackney, Shelly web- her, Randy Tiernan. Sandra Munn, Paul Munn, Mark Tuckey, Jo Ann Cronyn, Gayle Cronyn, Cathy Read, Roddy Chapman, Mike Otte- well, Brian Vickerman, Tanya Parkins, Barry Thiel, Debbie Merner, Randy Campbell, Ka- thy McEwen, Malcolm McEw- en, Noel Skinner, Mary Conlin, Cherry Sweet, Bart De Vries, Steve Dettmer, Linda Whiting, Larry Whiting, Ken Smith, Randy Gilfillan. Dannie Jory, Gary Jory, Robert Whilsmith, John Slur- rock, Heather S t ur r o c k, Sturrock, Heather Sturrock, Robbie Porter, Janie Fulcher, Rebecca Fulcher, Nola Fid- dler, Bev. Genttner, Randy Glenn, Martin Dykstra, Helen Tilley, Lynne Farquhar, Bran da Brintnell, Lorna Corbett Barbara O'Dell, Stephen Math ers, Theresa Ronianiuk, Bain! Morley, Jim McGregor, Ger aid Willis, Kathryn Wells, Den nis Noonan, AIR FORCE DAY Kin prevaro -over away! Read them at d return The Exeter Kinsmen Ow, it to the rec office if you have hav e ground beand swimming programs any ideas for future clubs or 1962, promotion. We'll be glad to give gitl;obtetgclhen.ttlrhveg peon:rleteldicesd .a:forgo the After all, that's what we're here swimming itlaoyfgfircoluanlidy p\ovtottitnotcil all the assistance we can. op Wednesday night with a .suc, Activities coming vp c easf ni marshmallow roast, ell- maxing of 1Vith the fall season right in the presentations our laps, many activities will some 184 awa rdsRiv"view take rte-organizing while other Park, new ones will be starting. To FeW people may appreciate name a few, it is hoped .that it, but the Exeter Kinsmen Club the men's recreational basket- are certainly a group that the ball league, rui n er town of Exeter should be proud league, adult artcla bowling -seniorss, of, Each year the local club citizens, ballet and tap school, gets behind the swimming and public school square d a ncing, Playground operations in which Exeter teen town club junior over 404 registrations are ino. 'hand, figure skating club and weivea„ many communities do others will operate again, not enjoy this type of summer program and if they do, cer- tainly not to the extent the Exe- ter one is operated, From our position we can clearly confirm the program's importance to the town people and have nothing hut commendation for the Kins- men in their efforts. Possibly many of the Kins- men themselves are unaware of the number of kids throughout the area, ranging in ages from in happy throughout the sum- tennis club formation should also take place. titer months by providing sound supervisors, These playground leaders, who must complete a special examination, provide clean, wholesome recreation in all fields for the youth of the community an extremely im- portant portion of our young- sters' lives. So, a tip of the oP chapeau to the Exeter Kinsmen Club! Keep up the good work! Many, many people certainly do ap- preciate it! By the way, thanks to play- ground supervisors Judy Ten- nant, Joan Dettmer, Bonnie Turvey, Anniarie Kraft, Linda Johnston and Marion Kerslake along with the swimming con- tingent of Jack Stephan, Heath- er Strom, George Godbolt and Marion Walker for the fine job this summer. It was my pleas- ure working with you, Tourney at Listowel Despite the fact most of the minor ball is over for this sum- mer, there is another baseball tournament coming up, This one is operated by the Lake Huron Zone Recreational Coun- cil and takes place in Listowel Saturday, September 15. A local entry, under the di- rection of Lorne Haugh, has en- tered the squirt playdowns. Lorne has been spending con- siderable time with the local - youngsters up at the ball dia- 1 mond and we wish him the best . of luck in his venture. Players, to be eligible for this tournament, must not hold an OBA —or WOAA card for 1062. By doing this it gives the av- erage youngsters a chance in tournament competition, which hits the main idea of the Lake Huron Recreation Zone theme. Recreation pamphlet The recreation pamphlet we promised to circulate in Sep- tember is in its final stages of completion. The pamphlet will give the people of Exeter and district an idea of the number of activities going on through- out the year and how many people are taking part, Of course all of the recreation ac- tivities are not listed, but, a good many are. When these pamphlets are circulated, don't throw them 11 'ive to 15 that they ate keep- leaders p „ p. grounc I i with Last but not least, have See Centralia's Show ! ON THE SPQT SONIARp By DON ."DOOM" GRAVETT Director of Recreation REC NEWS Along the newer lines, a soc- cer league will be. operated throughout September and part of October, We hope to have an adult square dance club going in Exeter this year along with a physical fitness program which will run from November to May, Children's art classes will also be held this winter on Saturday mornings in the basement of the Exeter Public Library, A SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 — AIR FORCE DAY MOTORS "When On The Ground --Drive A Lark!" PHONE 235.1373 EXETER r•P Graham Arthur e been preparing for three -weeks a new hockey setup for the ;Miner leagues of this. 'The • hockey program inVel..ed some 2130. participants last year And • we plan. to. make it even, Marc inviting this season,' ily th e way, anyone interested in coaching, Maeaging, referee- ing or serving en the Exeter Minor Hockey MSOelatiOn is asked to get in touch with us as soon as pe*Sible We are trying to set up a new system that will prove advan- tamps to all, lint It is im- possible without your help. We already have several new names that are willing to work for better program this winter but we still need more., So Think it over seriously and let us know. if you .accept any type of posi- tion, I'm sure you'll be 'glad. you did. when next spring rolls Around. Form soccer league Tbe school children will have a chance to join forces this month in a soccer league, school, teacher Bon Bogart has offered to help of, ficiate the games which ' will be held each Saturday morning the high school football grounds. Information on • the. league will be circulated through the school, Away next week We will be away at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario from September 10 to 14 attending lectures in the second year of our compulsory recreation di- rector's course. The course is a three-year venture which in- volves home assignments every two weeks from September 28 to June 30, On our return home September 15 .be off with to St. AiarYS on Sunday to th to the .I.45teWel NU hockey meeting.. Activity is get- tournament and then wait travel ting rather brisk agatot RED CROSS AWARDS Senior — Mark Hinton, Kar- en Heywood, Uilke Nagel, Intermediate — Randy We- ber, Marvin Bower, Carol Shapton, Joyce Mayer, Julia Heywood, Mike Kearney, John Loader, Randy Jones, Jack Kraft, Jill. Harness, Junior — Victor Fulcher, David. Keating„ Eleanor Stan- lake, Dianne Oke, Grant Hod- gert, Marlene Webber, Judy Mayer, Timmy Stover, Tim Patterson, Larry Haugh, Judy Estey, Elizabeth Mickle, Lar- ry Smith, Donald Shane. Special crests for one-mile swimmers were presented for the first time at the playground program held Friday night at Riverview Park. Seven swimmers, all of whom swam the mile within the time limit of one hour on a prescribed course at the pond, received the crest. In addition, crests were given for half-mile swmimers the most progressvie boys anti girls in the beginner and junior sections, Award for best swimmer of the season, based on style, co• operation and enthusiasm, went Le Ike Nagel, His older bro- ther John Nagel, received an award of merit, The presentations were made by instructors Jack Stephan, Heather. Strom, and Marion Walker during a ceremony con- ducted by Recreation Director • Don Gravett. A marshmallow : roast followed the awards. Best swimmer — DiIke Na- gel. Most progressive swimmers — Beginners. Marlyn Whitney and John Dobbs; junior, Jo Ann Hndgert, Bobby Sanders. Mile Swimmers — Mark • Flinton, Rick Frayne, 1-Tank Bosch, Karen Heywood, Gary Ford, Marion Walker, Jean Westover. Bronze medallion — Charles Keating, David Grainer, Hank Rosch, Dale Turvey. : Award of merit — John Na- : gel. • Half-mile swimmers — John Loader, Mike Kearney. Gary Campbell, Casey Zeehuisen, Marvin Bower. Jim Parker, Mark Hinton. Roberta Gras- sick. Hank Bosch, Roly Rum- ple, Dennis Hockey. Karen • HeywOod. Julia -Heywood, III- ' he Nagel, Hans Zeehuisen, Da- vid Hinton, Marion Walker, Shirley Genttner. Jack Steph- an, Richard .Frayne. Gary Ford, Don Selkirk, Pete GIor. car. Judy Glover, Heather Strom, air force day Another sound reason to save at Scotidbank Controlled by Semi- Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE), a BOMARC missile it launched. Set the high calibre of skills demandeddeanded by the RCAF of your Air Force'persorinel, Irk.# SAGE AT RCAF STATION CENTRALIA Saturday, Sept. .8 St0flObanknOwpaytyou an increased cash bonus on till Personal Security Program contracts. PS? Is Scotiabariles exclusive life-lniured savings plan. You set your own goal ... saVe in 50 convenient instalments. Should the insurance become payable your estate will receive all the depasits you haVe Mode, plus the full amount of your savings goal, plus this increased cash bonus. Ask for details and your free copy of the PSP folder at your local Scatiabank branch. WWW4tOCWWW BRING YOUR CAMERA AND RECORD YOUR VISIT AT CENTRAL, SATURDAY NINE "It ONE--That is the ratio of grOundcreW per, -Sonnet required to keep an aircrew member of the RCAF in the air. Eighteen grouted personnel are necessary to keep the two-man dreW of ef cF-101,B Voodoo operationpl. Among these are the nooks who prepare the meals, the clerks who attend to the administration, the supply .and safety equipment technicians who keep the crew clothed and equipped, the airframe and engine technitians who -Service the aircraft, and the radar Controller Who guides • them W the target, See your Air Porde+ in action. SF1.- THE illANK OP NOVA SCOTIA Fink's Meat Market EXETER REORESENTATIVE. Hirkte* Dixon Van froes.,.1.1d. ttRiNG YOUR CAPOit RECORD YOUR 1/15lt Phone 2 54313 Exeter - — 6351 London