HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-06, Page 7Licosalt juveniles battle it A couple more rims scored
hack from the point of ,elimina- in the top of the fifth inning
lion Monday afternoon to nip when. Kendal came to life with
Kendal. 1443 in the second game a walk and two straight hits
of their best-of-three ODA semi. for a 5.1 lead.
final me damage could. have been
Kendal trounced the locals by more serious but Chipeitase
A convincing 17.9 count in the nailed a runner going into see-
opening game of the round Fri- and base on an attempted
day in &mint and needed only steal with a man on third base
one more win to wrap up the and two down,
series and advance to the On- Hens0.11 responds
WM '0" 'Mats.
However, the Ilensall nine Hensall ea.= to life in the
we,„e n ot to h e„ bottom .of th e fifth inning and
overca me "h'utiVe'tv.'or after bein g down 54 they plated
margi ns during the nine in. seven big runs before they
nings to nail the Kendal squad were fhlished,
in the bottom of the final in. A walls and two straight in-
ning in the game on Labour field errors loaded the bags
D ay, for the Ilensall. squad and then.
Kennedy walked in his second.
Deciding game Saturday run of the game after working
With the two teams tied with McNaughton to a 3.2 count be.
one win apiece in the simi-final fore losing him.
round, the third and deciding Harry Moir brought the lien-
game of the affair is slated for sail lads to within one run with
a neutral diamond this Salmi.- a two-run double into the hole
day, between centre and right
The 11 ens all management That was all for Kennedy
hasn't heard ye( where the game but. Tarry Carleton, Kendal's will take place b ut they figure next pitcher, had little more
on it being played somewhere luck and he walked thr ee m en
in the flapilton district, in a row to give Hensall two
runs and a 6.5 margin.
The Hensall nine wasn't fin-
ished yet and Bruce Horton
Square series greeted Kendal's next pitcher,
John Quantrill, with a drive
Robert meNaughton's timely into left field that counted
bloop single into short centre- two runs.
field in the bottom of the final
inning brought in the winning Regain edge Kendal. fought back in the run from third base as Hen-
salt juveniles out-lasted Ken- next inning and counted five
dal 14.13 in, a Labour Day eon- runs for a 1043 lead. The big
test in Hensel', blow of the inning was a grand
slam home run by Gary 'Moore
McNaughton's safety, his first that went into the bush in
of the game, scored Jack Chip- right field.
chase from third •after he had flensall was not to he denied
singled to open the bottom of i n th eir h ome park an d th e y
(he ninth inning with the score jumped into the lead again in
lied at 13.13. their half of the inning with
The Itensall victory in the four runs on a walk, an error,
second game of the series was two straight singles by Dennis
a wierd affair with the lead Mock and Bob Alickle and a
changing hands eight times long two•base blast by Bill
during the game. It was an ex- Shaddick,
citing up-and-down contest and Kendal counts
was marked by some' mediocre
pitching at times and excel- Excitement and tension
lent pitching at other spots, mounted 'as the game went in-
some shoddy fielding plays to its final stages with the two
and some brilliant fielding e i. teams battling on even terms,
forts, Kendal broke the ice first with
three runs in the top of the
Hensel' takes lead eighth inning.
After retiring the Kendal Cam MacDonald, who 'had
order in handy fashion in the replaced Shaddick in Kendal's
top of the first inning, Hen- five-run sixth inning rally, ran
salt jumped into a slim 1.0 into trouble and a walk, a long
lead in their half Of the in double, a Hensall infield er-
ning, roc and two straight singles
Shortstop Dennis Mock led gave Kendal three more runs
off with a looping shot into and a 13-12 lead,
short centre, The Hensall H„„ii rallies
speedster stole second, his first however, that was as close of three pilfered bases during
the afternoon's performance, Ifenctal ever came to win-
and he was walked hothe as rung the game and. Hensall tied
Kendal hurler 'Ralph Kennedy the score in, the bottom of the
had trouble finding the plateeigthth on Larry Jones' sharp
and issued three free passes stlgle to right and a follow-up
single by Bruce Dorton, in a row. MeNaughton's shot in the
Both teams were held score- n i nt h i nn i ng gave K en d a l the i r
less in the second frame but wi nn i ng run after MacDona ld
K e ndal came to life in the had shut. out thO power of the
third inning and got to Bensall Kendall batting order in the
starter Bill, Shaddick for a pair top of the
of tallies and a 2-I. edge.
Kennedy led off with Ken- Shoddy affair
dal's first hit of the game, a The game wasn't of the
sharp single to right, and then highest calibre of baseball and
another Kendal batter, short. the two teams committed a
stop Bill Elliott, gained life total of 10 errors during the
when a play on Kennedy went nine innings to go with the 10
wild. free passes issued by the five
Both runs scored on a Hen- pitchers used by both sides.
call infield error and a follow. Hensall picked up 11 base hits
up wild pitch by Shaddick, during the three-hour contest
Raise margin while Kendal finished close be-
The visitors grabbed a 3-1 hind with 10, Cameron MacDonald, toiling
lead in the next inning when in rel i ef of Ilensall starter Bill
second-baseman Larry Miller Shaddick was the winning pit-
moved all. the way around from cher while Quantrill. absorbed
first to home on three .passed th e l oss f or K en d al .
balls as catcher Jack Chmchase MacDonald is only a fi rst.
had difficulty in latching onto year mid ge t h ut h e ,h as be e n
some of Shaddick's breaking turning in sonic fine games
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In two
gain semi
with a single run in their balt • •ot the :frame to tie the
ante u n r w and then they jumped into
10-7 .edge with. a three run
fifth inning.
liensall j?iclwd up three more
runs in the next three innings
but Oshweken went ahead with.
a single tally in the bottom of.
the eighth.
chipchase was again the
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hero for the winning Iiens01
nine as he came through with
a long double in the top of the
ninth that scored two men from
second and third to give Hen-
sall their 12.11 edge,
Crash 14 hits
The liensall lads hanged out
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both on the mound and in the
field for the juvenile, squad,
Dennis Mock led the Hen.
salt nine at the plate with three
singles in four official drips
while Bruce Dorton was the
leading slugger with a two-
run double in the fifth and a
single in the eighth that stored
one lima rnn.
Shaky in first
An eight-run first inning car-
ried Kendal juveniles to a 17,9
win Over ilensall in the first
game of their OBA semi-final
series played. in Kendal :Fri-
The home squad jumped on
liensall starter Bill. Shaddick
for five hits and two walks to
go with a number of Henson
infield errors for their hefty
margin in the first frame,
After the disastrous opening
inning the ilensall lads stayed
with the Kendal squad and
each team counted nine runs
during the final eight innings
of play.
Out-hit winners
The visiting liensall nine ()W-
hit the Kendal squad 14-13 but
they were unable to turn their
hits into scoring plays while
helping out the winners with
some shoddy fielding.
After' falling behind 8-0 after
one inning, Hensall cut the mar-
gin with three runs in their
third time at bat.
Kendal upped their lead with
single runs in the third and
fourth innings and four more
in the fifth.
Ilensall retaliated with a pair
of runs in each of the sixth,
seventh and eighth innings but
it was too little too late and
Kendal finished off their scor-
ing splurge with three more
runs in the bottom of the
Hit Quantrill
Hensall was able to hit Ken-
dal starter John Quantrill with
apparent ease but they could
never get a sustained drive un-
der way.
The locals had three players
that hanged out three safe-
ties each during the nine-inning
game, Bill Shaddick, Jack Chip-
chase and Dave Small all
cracked out three hits each
with Shaddick and Smale col-
lecting one double along with
a pair of singles.
Bob Miekle also had a two
base-hit for the losers as well
as a single while Bruce Hor-
ton, and Harry Moir both gar-
nered single base hits.
The Hensall infield booted
the ball five times during the
game as they gave three Hen-
sail hurlers, Fill Shaddick,
Cam MacDonald, and Bruce
Horton, little support through
most of the game.
Ilensall bantams came up
with a couple of exciting last-in.
fling victories in •their OBA
playdowns with oshweken this
week to take the. quarter-final
set from the Indian team in
two straight games,
The liensall nine topped the
series by scoring an unearned
run in the bottom of the ninth
inning for a 5.4 edge in the
second' game of the affair
which was played in Herman
Saturday afternoon,
The area team look the first
game of the set. by a Sil»ilar
on-run margin in Oshweken
Thursday Afternoon when two
runs in the top of the final
frame gave them a 12.11 vie-
Play Port Lambton
By virtue of their, two vielo•
ries in the round the Hensall
youngsters gained the right to
advance to the Ontario semi-
finals against a strong Port
Lamblon entry.
First game of their two-out-of
three . series is tentatively set
for this Sunday afternoon in
Port Lamhton. although plans
have not been finalized as of
.press time Wednesday.
Error wins it
A throwing error in the bot-
tom of the final inning gave
Hensall bantams their winning
margin as the local squad ed-
ged Oshweken 5.4 in the sec-
ond game of their best-of-three
TheOshwelten error, incur-
red when the pitcher tried to
nail Hensall runner Bill Chip.
chase off second and threw the
halt into centre-field instead,
gave the liensall squad one run.
and pulled them out of a 4-4
tie with the Indian lads.
The bantam squad from the
Oshweken reserve staged a de-
termined rally in the final two
innings after being down 4-0
anti they counted a pair of
runs in the eighth anti ninth in-
nings to draw even.
Tosses six-hitter
Densall hurler Bill Soldan
turned in an excellent game for
the area team, firing a six-hit-
ter at the visiting tribe and
allowing only one hit up to the
eighth inning.
The young right-bander gave
up a single in the first frame
but from then until the second
last. inning he couldn't he
touched Only two into reached
base during the six-inning
stretch from the first to
The Hensall batting order
managed to nip Osweken pitch-
er Charley Davis for six base
knocks during the game, two
of them for extra-bases.
Third-baseman Bah Moir led
(lie lte.nsall nine with a pair of
safeties, a double and a sin-
Soldan whacked a Iriple for
the winners while single base
hits were registered by Dan
Cameron, Bill Chinchase, Keith
llay, and Tod Mock.
Move into lead
The home squad moved Min
a slight. lead in the opening
stanza when Mob' doubled and
then scored on a couple of Osh-
weken miscues.
Winning pitcher Bill Soldan
gave his team a commanding
4.0 lead in the bottom of the
fifth inning. A walk to Moir,
an Oshweltert infield error. and
aforwi;ii lk b(1)(fi ntintagy
Jan that eluded
outfielders and
Hensall runs.
Rally for tie
The Indian squad rallied for
a pair of runs in the top of the
eighth frame when the first
two men both singled, moved
around on a ground•ont and
then scored on a well-placed
single by Davis.
The visitors drew even with
the area team in the ninth on
A pair of back.to.back doubles
by Longboat and Thomas with
Thomas scoring the second run.
of the inning on a ground.out.
Error wins it
Moir and Chipehase led off
the Hensel]. half of 11w final
frame with a pair of singles
but Moir was nailed going into
thirstOveken hurler Charley Da-
nis then tried to catch Chip-
chase off second hut his throw
went wild and into the outfield
and the Bonsai] youngster
raced all the way home with
the winning marker,
The Hensall defensive squad
was at its prime for the
game, giving Solcian excellent
support both in the infield and
outfield and committing only
two errors during the contest.
Right to the wire
Ilensall .bantams counte d
two runs in the top of the ninth
inning to hang a 12.11 defeat
on Oshweken in the first game
of their series played in Osh-
weken Thursday afternoon.
The visiting liensall nine
came up with three runs in
their last two times at hat
while holding their opposition
to one to squeak by the Indian
lads in a thrilling contest that
went right clown to the wire.
The Oshweken squad, play-
ing in their home park roared
into an early lead in the game
and were ahead 6-1 after only
twoinnings of play.
However, the liensall lads
finally found their bearings and
retaliated with six runs in the
third inning to jump into a 7-ti
The reserve team came hack
a State Fair
SEPT, 10
14 lilts during .the game watt
catcher Bill ChipebaSe leading
the way with three hits in bour
official times at hat.
The Hensall youth clubbed a
single, double, and triple,
walked twice, scored une
— Please turn to 'page 0
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