HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-07, Page 1r•, THE BD*ON SIGNAL L religiose 4. Rr6li held Miery 71118241ip BY GEO. COX. t7f ee, Narks. Brmre, GetieriiL. f:r Hoak ilea Joh renting ezwe6pd with veldwelb 411,8186- Ike .MN RigKol•-TEN 8}i=trGSer Omlie t[ etrie it •dew., Or Twelve aid 54 Pence grit tie elpiratios of the year. T e le • 11 I L L I N G• No paper tliaeoistiaued meth arrears are 111• AAAAA c i . paid up, minas the publisher talks it his --WOISCrer uton advaata;e to do so. Any tadividual is the country becoming responsible for siz subscribers, shell re- ceive a seveeth copy grain. Ow All letters addressed to the Editor meet be post-paid, or they villain be takes out of the post once. Terms of Advertisitag--8iz Ones said uncler, first insertion, LO 2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 7i Ten lines and seder, first inner., 0 3 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 Over tea lines, first 1n. per line, 0 0 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 I CP' A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements without written instruc- tions wall be inserted until forbid, and charged sccordia,l ; and oo adveriiaemeot discontinued unpaid for at the time of witb- drawel, uoles by the consent of tbe pub -I tither. tarp9. I)R. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA N bit !fed et all boor*, st a1.. Le"rvirre's &warding How, (former/NW British Hold.) O.d.rfeb. Aril !9th, 1852. v5 IRA LEWIS, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, kc. West - street', Godericb. June 1848. 2vo23 DANIEL GORDON. cARfNETMAKER,Three dome Earle, the Canada Company's office, West_ street, Goderiehl August 37th, 1849. fvn30 ' DANIEL HOME LIZARS, Signal. "rag QRRA?EIT POS$I ILII 13001) TO TRE OR1AT<3T POSSIBLI NUMBLR•"" VOLUME VI. Hurrah for Goderich ! I CLEAR THE TRACIE11 GObRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY JULY 7, 1859. S TN EI.VF AND !IX PINCE .T Til a*b oe ria Timm NUMBER 23. OLIVER k CO. ',AVE ts no hand alo .meeer Steck of the very beet Drertprlon of DOUTB sod SHOES, tee tele at the New Brook bealu ug, od)utem, 1b. Hare, W•Ieh maker. w witlhemod atthe /ww.trP.ileafou Card our apprpr.d trade. ca/1 and Dell. O"Tbo highest price peed t• Comb ler Hie.. aid Sbeep.kti., kc. A general Stuck of fleabags always es head. OLIVER k CO. Godertcb, June I1, 1863. ,6.10--,y Improved Farm for Sale. BEING Lot No. 12, god Conee.saon. Towne, to of Tuck.r•mi'h, 11 mon Road, the property of John P. South, E.q., commonly 100 scrim, adjoining the Build. ung Lot. as the n.i g and flourishing v,l lege of ERmundvil4a, She land Is of 6r.r rate quality, beautifully situated on the ha, ke of the Bayfield river, and well adapt ed to agricoltural purpose'. Fur further parheulare apply on the premises (if by let ler pre paid) to the *ohm -ober. PETER RAMSAY. McKillop Post (Ace, Tackers•otih, June 43d1, 1853. •n!0 -!m ROBERT SNODGRASS. PASHIONAH,.E BOOT l SHOE MANI FACTUHEK• One door East of C. ereeVe Store.) wOULD inform the inhabitant. of Golfe rich mid neighborbond that he i. pre pared to make to order or otherwise, env ATTORNEY AT LAW, mid Cuneeyae- I kind of Ladle's and Gentlemen's Rine or ver, Solicitor io Chancery, kc. has bis Fsney work, is the neatest and moor fashionable style. And will oleo furnish office is formerly in Stratford, henry Boots and Shore, to soil the ne Stratford. 2nd Jan. 1850. Serial) cesailiee of those that may favor him with their custom. Hie price. will be moderate, Godericb, July 29th, 1852. v5n29 J. DENISON, CIVIL ENGINEER, &e. CODERICH, C. W. Aug. 25th, 1852. .6.81 JOHN J. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.S., and Conveyancer, Stratford. HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Godericb.- Atteative HoM ere always on hand. Goderach, Sept. 12. 1030. vl-a30 STRACHAN AND BROTHER. Barrister and Atomics al Law. 4c,. Genesee C. W. JOHN STUACHAN Bsrnerer and Attor- ney at Law, Notary Public aid Cuovey. sneer. ALEXANDER WOOD STRACHAN, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chan, eery, Conveyancer. Goderieh, 17th November, lsal. WILLIAM HODGINS, ARCHITECT e$ CIVIL ENGINEER Office 27, Dundas Street, LONDON, C. W. August 161h., 1862. lawn HORACE HORTON, • [Market square. Goderiei,J AGENT for the Provincial Woos' and General insurance Office, Turnoto,... A'so Agent for the St. Lawrence County Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. Loenl Agent for Samuel Moulsoo's Old Rochester Nursery. July 1850. 22 A. NASNYTH. r1 A•HIDNABLE TAILOR, see deer a West N W. L. Orap'• Stets, West Street Goderlch. Feb. 19, 1812. 'm' v8-64 THOMAS NICHOLLS', BROKER AND G ENERAL AGENT. Agent for Ontario Marine 4- Fire In- surance Co. NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT AND C•.NVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. ke, INSURANCE fantod on Houser*, Ship- ping and Goode. All kinds of floods correctly drawo, sad R•,ok. mod Accounts adjusted. Once over the Treasury, Goderich. July 22, 1852. v5n26 • E. H. MARLTON, FORWARDER sad Commission Mer. chant, Storebou.e Keeper, general 'keen,. for the sale of Wild Leads Cleared Farms, Household Furniture sod Produce of every daeeriptiop• t)mee, nest door. North of tap Rieear- dirre Amann, Gemerieh, Marek 2011 18116. ya-a9 F. & C. H. BUHL, MANUFACTURERS of Hats, Cape sad 1 Facey Pare, Wholesale and Retail Dralps is Fora, Buffalo Ruben, Deer Skins, l;love., Mitten., ke. ke. Casa Reid for Fur.. Th. highest price paid, .t all t1es ie rash, for ail dseertption. n( Stiipping Furs b7 P. k C. H. BUHL. Ovist, Michigan, Aug. teal. .Sn26 WASHINGTON "armee' Mutual Insurance '1 CAPITAL ,1,000,000. a•ZRA HOPKINti, ilam,ttew, Afor 'be Comities e( Walerts',sad Herrn. %afoot 27, 1620. 3.16 DR. HYNDMAN, gITICR'B TAVERN, Ismierre /sad. May 1861. r ?Mg! R• W. CANA, MITCHELL, AUCTfhNEER, Acconntent and Gene nil Agent. Books and •cennnta ad ;pasted, and all kinds of Dred• drsws.- Sales attended un any part of the reentry. Letters addre.eed 'o Mt,cbell or Harpur- boy, will be a'resded to. April3t1, 1853. v6n10-1y , W. & R. SIMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) GROCERS, Wine Mercheisu, Fruiterer, and O Imes, No. 17 Duodaa Strove', London, C. W. February !Atli 1832. v5-05 RIC}LARD YOoRE, TyAViNG during the pant tee veers act. .d io the capacity of GENERAL AGENT for the collection of debts, dearer ft to he generally usderstoon that be will accept the Agency for the collection of dotes in any pan of the Upper Province, be- tween 1'obrwtg in the Eaet and Lake Huron fa the We',. in making tots announce - Mint, he would beg to 'sprees his thanks to hie friends for past favour., sod now re- spectfully solicits a continuante of the same. All communications on Motions, sddr.n eti (poet amid) to Ayr P. 0.. No,th Dom frier, C. W., will be promptly •ttend.d to. April 1, 1854. .5.10 FARM FOR SALE. LOT No 60, in the Maitland Coneys - Moo of the Toe/estop of Goderrch, containing 137 sere. of the beet land, of which 60 are cleared and well (eveed, rate. Med on the banks of the River Mstlaed, 8 miles from Godericb. There r an ex- eellent House and Barn on the premise., with an Orchard of the cho'ee.t fruit., 'e- lected from the Nurse ry in Upsilaate, ted Slates. For term' apply to the 8abs *crater. 1 RATTENBURY, British Eict.aage Hotel, Godertrb. nth Jasuery, 1853. v5n52-3m NE W BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN GODERICH. TUB Subscriber respectfully an- nounces to the inhebitante of Go,lench and wrroundin, c tint ry. that he has purchased the Stock is Trade, ke., of Mr. F Thornhill. in the above burl• ewes. and opened the Store lately occupied by H. Barter, Tailor, next door to Dr. McDoogatr. now Brick heel'hae, M.rk.t Square, Gnde.ieh, where he Intends tocar- ryes the BOOT AND SHOE Hotness., in 411 rte brewebes• H. Is prepared to Pascal, all orders for army variety of Work, ow no mom reesosib$s term.. sed by airier atte.ilos to bee ems hopes to amen i share of pablto patreemg.. The highest market pries paid for Hid.. sod Bark. it. HILL. iL,L. Goder*cb, May 20, 1851. r6n17 FOR SALE. rJIiOSE Premiere coneosting of Let No. 4. fronting LighthousePoint, Gado rich, containing ono -fourth u( as *ere of land, with Om Cottar thereon, formerly flee properly of P. G. Pala►, and knows es " Alabama Cottage." Price t200.- Particelar. of Terms, Titles Sae., apply (b letter ur otb.rwi*e)) to JOHN YACDOI1ALD. 45 K, teset, Torp.te. Te►e6114Jit Jose, fIt*. •16-Ilw INC JOHN MACARA. 'ARRiOTER. BeHettor is Cbsseoyy, A. J. MOORF, Alt •r"sy-et-Lew, Cee yaaeer. be. ATTOIINST-,IT-L.4W• , Oak*: O.lerie l .ltd..., Esser -Bt OFFict is the Peet Ogee Building., Ilene Ihe Gore Beek. sed the Bask e1 tib Nath Anserina. Baant.*.w. 4 10 O ►' 8 iur 7,141 683. vh 19 Ra. T. N. VOLTA/WORTH, i V I. SNOINggR sad Pesteet•I Lea/ M+Neysr, Gett.ra1. April M 1881. v4a11 JAM/• WOOD•, ty( T10N/!R. le prepared to .Basal 16 Pattie dire a may pert ed the Chimed n1•s, ea m*iers3e Leese. Itta* ,d, Mer HIM. 94.0 14 IBait'•-AVBD FROM the •ebMeibtor Meet the Met of May, a ilei', year e4 B«. e•1se,N (? 1s, rite Meek erre. tell sit leg.. Naads 'boot foamsw Mode high. A eauable reread wIN be ghee ter trsee Isfermstro. se Iia teed le tis vwrawry et the seers uonheed Celt. cMwT. OMAN NOR. lisderkeh, lure Nes IMe. et. THE AULD SCOTCH BANG. Oh! sing to m• the and Scotch sang, 1' the braid Scottish tongoe, The sang my lather loved to hear, The nese my anther auaR; When she sal bervido or cradle, Or crumbed ase oa ber lase, Aa' 1 wades sheep, she nog ami sweet The cord Seetch ear g to me. Yee, sing the avid, the Rude geld sang. Auld Scotia's bumble pride, O' the wirepeng burn, aid money bran, Ar.' the c• ay m girt side: Han, o' the broom aid heather, Sas, o' if, try.Uog toe, The Ia.'roek's lilt, en' the 'aeon's blink, The auld Scotch sang fur me. Yee, sing on, the auld Scotch wigs, The oh,hea"ne and Its sad; Tney rank me moils when 1 am wee, And greet when I am glad, My heart goes heck to mild S:otl.nd, An seat Ironed.. mase e'e, But the Scale* b use loop. mat my vele& A. y• sing Leos seers to tee, Ging OD, sing laiir o' those auld sang', Por every abacus Ie l O' joy .r .orrow a' the past, Where mem'ry loses to dwell, Tb.•ugb bale. eta goy, an' limbs win suW, Until the day f dee, 1.11 blase the Sco+lists tongu. that sings Tae auld Sc•'tcb sang f..r lee. Literature. TIIE WIFEB FORETHOUGHT A 1''KFTCH FOR YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE• PT Ree cos., sa. ARsoa Klru'' bad - bees married about • month. /Its hormone was at tie making, and he had a shop of his ono, and hie w pule stock woe pard for. so he felt quite iadepen- drot, the future looking all clear and bright. ilia wife was nee of those mild, lair ng creatures 'bit hang fondly upon the cater mooed affectioee of the bu•baad, and whose soul may sink or swim with be tots tone* of the beteg it leu sloese as a part- ner. One evening the young couple were sit- ting in 'he -r comfortabie spumoni, the hus- band esgeg.d to reedioe, sod the wife work• o g busily with her needle. H most be op early to -morrow morning, Loom*, for our party starts shortly after moons; said Amos., as he laid down hie pe a per and leaned hackie his chair, 'Thea ynu are going, are yon!' remarked Lrenie. Theis wall jnst regret eoo.gh in her Looe to render her voice less live) Chan usual, but it must bare bees a very keen ob server that could have noticed It. 'O, to 5. lours,' returner the young aa, 13 a gay, ls' ghieg 'oo. 'Yon know the Made to the •ld ahnp go on this salt water fishing exet.rsion every year, and of course I must go with them. We 1.10.1 take our Iedies with us on 'ugh a trip, but you shall have a good time to makeup for 1t.' •You eauso't ,bunk, Anson, that i envy You the pleasure you anticipate. for i ern SLIM that minting call give me more eatu_ faction than to know that you are enjoying yourself.' •I believe you, Liable; and i assure you 1 shall enjoy myself on this trip exceedingly.' So you will be happy too, eh!' •Certainly,' returned the young wife; but Iso word seemed spokes reluctantly, 'Come coils, Lime, you don't speak a. you feel. Now you don't wast me to go,' . aid Anson, with a Liege ofdisappoioMeat In Ms tool. ' if you Moll It would be for your good to go, of course i should stet you to to 'And how can it be otherwi.et' 'You wuo't be offended, Anson, 481 tell you.' 'Toe, what an idea. i be offended at you! Come, tell me your thought..' As the young man spoke be moved hie chair to the ode of his wdo,aod put leu arm about her meek. 'N ell,' rat urned Linens. is an earnest. yet meatiest tone, '1 was thinkiogof the es• pease.' 'Ha, h., he! The ezpenee. Why, It won't be over 1ve dollars at the farthest.' 'But five dollars is coa.ulerable.- You know we are young yet, •pd all we have is the boon we beets, sad your smell shop.' 'And is not that "once 1 How many or my young framed, are there who are not *rem so wolf orse 15.1r •1 tsetse .you aro fortunate, Anson, het n ose ere beyond the reach of mtsforr•ae.- For a few lean woo hod better :ore as eco- .omically .. poseable meta costumes' eejoy • assist.' ali. 1 ntemi to; bet *list Ie 3.e dollars compared with the ■meant 1 Nall be able to lay hp 1•a year.' 'Why. of will make that amseat some eight or Is. dollars elan t.' That's.trasge logia, Leslole-' 'Net at all, Amoss Y re will sped Eve 41.111. is mosey, sad loos the time N tell weans/ days. '•u !nail; bet i tell yes, Llano i it work impagb border for n whw 1 some seek. Ret may ge, ay't 11. TIM ISM see•ODD, wM •poles play(.hI y, sad the lees( w kt..od kis was es kr 'O▪ f swerve yes try,' retuned Liliai., with amine; let 1 seppss 1 earn hare to Ir rubes. n 5114. an. 1 W melee: 'blew meth wee It? 'Foto dollars.' you eon beim that, w courser sad more too, If you west h.' 'Tbat will 5.',sough.' Osseo Kimball took out hie wallet earl handed his wile a five dollar bell, mid the conversation thea turoed upon ether end ammo attire. Agee. Kimbell was like uhouaa*do of oth- ers who are .'lusted in like eireenestaocee. With a free Red ups• heart be marked out his future fur • 8+1d of a li,ym •at, wl thous taklg ears to make muck preoaratroee for '5.'... he might be likaly to meet o', the way. Aad then again like alt ultimo, be mt.tnok list character of lisp's real en) .y - meat. He 1wt sight of some of the It ghat and mors Goble sources of happraese, and Jw.,t toe much la the.atief•ctioa of lb' pby.ical appetite. True, be our joyed hunt. .elf and kept clear of all extreme., tout yet be failed to see that b.• enj•ymeet• were all ephemeral-tbat be was lay'sg up little or sorhi.g fur tune to come A y ear pee.ed away, and the anima, flabng ezeun1001 C•me'a Cour.', elo..g. 'Kill Lome,' said the young sae, 'to morrow the boys go duwo the barh'r, anal I mu going with item. Of eters' you h.., no objections.' 'No,' returned the wife, in her usunl pled. sant torte. 11 you can afford is.' '0i, there's oo trouble about that.' 'Don't you remember the cooter-at,on ae had a year ago on this same subject?' asked Liooi*. 'Yee, -1 remember then you talked abou' saving mosey, but we atnt any pomp now than we should have bees if 1 had staid a' ursine.' 'But tela me, Anson, hare you laid up a. touch during the past year as you had ex- pected for 'W:.y, as for that matter. I haven't last p much of any tli og. Toe tact is, Lli,nie, ou have dr■wo rather harder oo me than 1 :pet's.' •Bui 1',won't spent any more m,.nry for 'b vial affairs ,ad atmua•rnen .than you e.,,•, nems, and 1 don't think 1 have so' much.v 1 didn't meso to blame you, any dear, I Sly uientioo.d the cireurust.oe, to exp,mtn by 1 bad not laid .rp inything. Bo' new - mood, there're tome ',sough yet, end br- ides we're raj •yed ourselves. 1 t sok at. r tam Oohing excursion is ever, however, 1.5.11 begin to dock my ezp.aee. ■ tittle, r 1 suet 1.y up a little somethieg the oral ar.' 'We certainly leave eery thence to save oOey,' returned Wine, -for tomb the hoose d shop are ours without real, and we are ee rrum debt' A..00 K mbalt flirted at that last re- ek, end turned ht. face towardi the wig w. but his wife did not appear to notice ..motto',. 'You know, Anson,' continues Mrs.Kim I1, 'that you promised me I should lure • dollars when von went on another' es - ?Moe and i shall certainly hold yuu t at promise: Of course -that's fan,returned the young n; 'but do you need It Dual' Yrs.' Wiwi are you going to do with elf You won't be off•odeJl' Nu.' Then, to tell you the truth, I owe a !il- eum.' The young moo looked emroestly at bus e, and 'hough he eridentnly wubed to something about leer running to debt, fur reasous best known to himself, t,e t quiet, and headed over the ire dul- 7 e A w r 14 1' 10 7. m an fr run da Os 5, cu th ma • • 'le wt' soy yet kep lar. .town kneed hu old rhopmetee oh their excursion. sad when he returned he Thought ,.nine about begin'ng to cut off some of ht. unnecersary expenses, but he introduced n•, new system of opet..toos. Two air three limes he did refrain Irom indulging some pal y apuettte, but he soon set 11•4 back into the old trick, and the .mal I bits of money ahtped away as tart as ever. Three had mimed away abode the young couple were married, and few could her. '.;bed fur more social comfort than they had enjoyed daring the greater part of that linen. Fur a month or two, how- ever, the young 1,110 544 been gradually growing more sober aed tb.nrghtnd, urlrl •1 lesgth he had become really sad ass door skein teal is w !tilled elide■vuured to *beer Ilan op, though she was ueable to learn the cause of hr. dejection. One evening )net before du.k, Lome ow 1i0 men pass ber window and eater her busbsod's *bop. One of them one tame to be the •her.I6 ail the eueuu.ta,e- oroubled her ant a 11'11.. 81,0 waned hell am Dour fur by buiesud w come to supper, 0.1 be did not appear, a.G ber suff.r.ng• Maga* to be acute. A thousand coojec•urea lined through ber mord, bot they nrought ber se cose.l.uos. sod at length etre de• 'ermined tit gb to *be shop do .r sod free n ebm could sot s,.rheer.rsetbneg of what was peeving wnb s. helm( :het such a emirse •.old at least 5. peedeoeb4. Loco.* *tole out from ser (rasa Iu.t Gad west toward. the ahoy. S5e ',hood her oar to the key •bele .1 el. mood, boo .he ewld oily beer ss lad,et,uet hero .f mimeo, anon wkleb was that of Mr husband. - The fatter tem eerdestly seppl,eati.g, Ma teen were ..r.ost sad riwparlsaed.- hewn tore was a .•, ••.i ele.l t.*w s 15. her, aid ►iasi, ssete.ed beak to *5. been. Rn nag her \wiped intend. - tie linked pie end tromeled, .ed web a ..ween m.vemeet of the meeetee N bk. thee, es though be w',.id have seee.eled Ib. grief Ikat bre Lim does, be took hl. .eat at the table. Poor Li..,. watched bur compsioa an asately almost agonising, but .b• *pike sot a word until after Anso. had set back trout she table. The foal lemmata 010,11 u..tuuebed up •t hes plate • hen be mored awns, mid he would hare left the house bat. loot hu wale stopped him. 'Hu.b.sd,' she said, as a soft, gentle 'oar, at the lame hem laying her Mod op.', hm aro, sat ga. ug i oploriegly tolo h,. vee, 'nkat is it that troubles lout' 'Nothing. Lina'',; hall fretfully return- ed ►e, and he m■d• a ovation as if to re- move his wife's hand from his arm. 'TSere Is something, Anson, I know there it. Come du nut keep it from ...' *There Is nothing that you eyed know. .00 'Br on ut a w1(e eo know a'1 that c.a fret her bu.baod thus. What is 11, An- ' It is aerobia, but my own bust...., a a e ode need nut house ail that.' This hewer .sea harsh and t gushed to Lions* eyes. , My dam nu -band; ebe said, In tender •ereoia, 'to whom, 0, u whom, .huuld yuu '.II your sorrow., f not to her who 1.,... vuu better than lite rt,e 1! ' Forg .. me, forgiv. me, Linn'e-1 excel nut to wound your feelings. 1 anu eery miserable, and 1 loudly know what I ..ad.' •Theo tea me all. Come, est down les airy s.sy chair, for n,y b ow is but and fever 'ab. There. now tell mor' A ter the young Inas hid taken the prof- fered seat he grime for a moment lets the i.e. of his wde, and a Iuuk of deep anguish reefed upon bit. features. ' L mise,' be .aa4, ' 1 ,may as well tell you ill, but yuu mu.: out chh:e nrr, our must you drspunu, tut all is a.,1 as Jars as argot 'e, I am deeply iu debt, rood to•murrow my . hop mid .11 that it cuotaun., will he adver teed ay the Sheriff for sale.' ' lo debt,' murmured the wife. • Yes. Doing the l..( tee years Ihave been purcbaing rock um credo, and paying fur it as it baa been convenient, At Arm ,t .eemed an cagy war of doing bua.neae but it has pru.cd fatal; b'r when 1 received the pay fur u.y go. le, 1 forgot, Or GI least did not soft• ieotly heed, that all that money was not w'oe. i forgot that more than Milo( all the money I recei.ed belonged to be see of whoa, I bad purchased .tock. Twu mise fell due the day b- fore ye.ter day. 'foe man to whom I gave them .ot1 bem in the way of b as:nese to a western firm, and now they must be ped, or ro•taur row au officer will he place d 's c y shop and nearly .rerytbrng will lure to be sold. It is not the lose of my ahoy and tools tnat 1 care so much about, iur I bars b.alth and atreohtb, and 1 sal, earn more, but it is the dtsgrice 0t the thing. Tu think that I .humid 1,11 like Chu, -me -a healthy, sou', gaud wechan,c•' ' How touch do owe!' asked Lu.oi., is a trrmb'ing voice. Bub notes amount to fuur hundred dol ars. 'And haven't you aov part of itT 'Only about fifty dollars that I can col - loci ream,' .' ' Aria if I5 .se two notes were paid, you would be safe.' • Yee.' ' Then, thank God, you will not.uff-r r exclaimed Lion,,. And overcome by her reef' gm see sank upon her husband's neck, and horst into tear.. 'Lion,., bootie,' cre4 the young man, 'what do you mean r •Wait • moment, my husband.' The wife btu ,b.•d the tears from ,he cher k• as she s,oke, and I•-6 the ri,nm,an in. • row ,non,ents .he.retnrned, b'•artug m her heed a e:uall book. There win a brigh •.male upon ber foe., and I,.r husband lout '•d upon her with astonishment. 'lista, ,n, huab.nd; .he .aid, steppin;, to b,j aide and placing the book in hie hand at the fame tone winding her arm .bort h • seek, 'if you carry that to Iho bank Ibe. .111 d've yon *51.00 huodrsd and eeresty. ave dollars fur at.' Three hundred and seventy five d••Il.r.!' repeated th.• a.'ounded mar., hardly credit- ing rhe evidence of his own mens. 'Yes, Arlon,' returned the wile, suiting into her husb,adr 1 y. 'That is mine) that I have been laying up during the tae, tl,rea )ear..' You 1.4 it up, Gest.. Bur where could you have got lir 'You ga es it to is. yon,eolf to ep.ad ter (rife*. Y.ru know I have claimed my .h.,e of roach mosey. D . sot blew* no.. A iren; Wt 1 fared that y .0 Mt not attach milkiest tmportanee to the aggregate of the smell some yea wets a io.0* sally apeaivag - O.se sr twice 1 ...id haws remnasants• , but yes sewn sot be ins*" e'wly to on et. 1 was 11.1 a long gni, tied 1 feared to ret d► a will myosin my boomed. se I resorted to this meow *( proems, Soy pointing!. O. my door l ..band, you carotin ksso moot seem ptee..n I esser,een sow Is Reding tet my ezperrm..t has t.ee rhe aassne .•I rid reed.' if weer tlsewre is egos! t* miss, nen yea moot be Mppy teased,' .xnlai'.eal Aw- •.e, as M drew bra f.,,4 wife to his ►o•om. 'God Nein yo. Luise, ewe make me able 11 ropy yes fee lbs. Nu. I vee to whom yips me. *won this 1,'11. 4 .1t. y*. have •emetiasse w.tr..ted, and whet 1 bites Wood you My.' Y..' reterwd Ge.i., with • emits.._ 'fl wit to pee I .wit them. AM yet, sloe 1414 1m Mw(use m • Let raamag leek, aa e tee est draws geste se much Nun ,heSminemear feed M 'lints. Limare. I k*ow.•l b.ter .pool 10o1e 15.. 1 was as are et, but my eyes aa• epee sew, mod I see II all.' •A.d you do sot blame me for what 1 hose dose.' 'Blare }out' exclaimed Amon, Inrprinl- oe a w.rm ►Ise tepee bot wife's brow. - 'Lot my tutors course show buw fondly rum ere chen•br.,aul bow Willfully 1 wall be gelded by your juJa•ureot .' 1). the nes day, Anson Kimball paid off o.e olio would 5..e sold be stock, aid had the pleasure of teamed hie two soles m pieces. ile .pent .o more 01011b.y fool- .ahl), lades he found the products ct his •bur brginiong 1. ga. bar to bis hand., be home grew brighter, mad his eoj•iyment• were ooere•s.•,. By et.ady degrees be ion to a p,rrtluo cd honorable amuence,but lhroogh all his.ueeAAA he neer lost s'gt.t d the gratitude be nerd lo' he ge Ile (path Col h. ng who had first opened hu cies 1.. + kr outdo- of the secret of purees', and -abed him from pecun'a,y d,ser•ce. 11• was io liunurrd d re.prc'ed man, but he lees heowed t alt to hie %%,rai. Fuas- 1n.t'•aT. REMARKABLE TILik.E HUNT. The following is an eztraet of a letter from Java, of the 19th of December 1832. '1 be letter was written by a "true son 'of the ocean," and is addressed to Lis brother "At retell A. M., ou the 2nd of (ktober last, 1 set out w1th my two sons, a Bet - soekis man in my service, and about fifty natives, armed with pikes and bog spears; 1 was armed with a gun and a shear. The tiger for which we were of the look -out was in a valley about two miles sod a -half dis'ant from our port. The moment we arrived oear him we commenced operations. About nose A. Al. we effectually drove pini out ol Lis den of uuderwond; ind *bele be was doubling Ibe brow of a hill, I bad • rap at itiw, which look effect about sot inches astern of his taferail ; had 1 taken bis tufferuil, it would hare disabled bis tiller -- ryas, and be would have berm forced to heule-tri and we should hare had some sport W05 11111 while in that situation. He now made over to the west side of Ibe valley, arid 'otos thorny hush. In half an hour we started bon attain ; he then ran along the western site of tbe,valley into aootber bush; several spears were now thrown at bon, but without rtleet. We followed, sud soon roused him again ; • be now made a start for his old station on the valley ; he seemed to be very inure fagged oo account of the lied and a want of water, and it became difficult to arouse him ; several spears flew alter hits, but (Iter fell abort. All this time, although pretty close, I could not get a shot at hon, sometimes oo account of my people, and nut wishing to throw • shot away, not knowing how soon 1'night require i1 its sell -defence. Clamto his heels we followed bundtccross the valley. He now saw that he was in danger, so be made a start from that bush to another just at my feet, and lay forst least ten minutes, not ten yards from where! was with one of my sous, woo was making an opening into the 110,11, so that at length 1 got a clear sight of him ; but before we could finish our task, be made a spring with an inleution to clear the heads of three men who were to my right at about a fathom distance ; but they received and put three pikes and a bog - spear into Lim ; the former eor•;ed his belly, the latter entered his starboard shoul- der ; this he took with him, but the pike staves all broke. -I his shock to his debt -ate frame brought him down on ole of tine men. oo whom he Irlt the marks of three of hi, paws, but he got into a bush before 1 could turn round 10 bate a rap at blur. This was his last move. It was now just twelve at noon. We gathered up our broken pike stares, bound up the wounds of Mir mean, and sent him off to The illdl, to wait our arnval ; but acterroined not to give up our prize, we remained quiet for about so four, to rest ourselves. During this time he .{rnwled once, but faintly; he was at that u.n•: drawing. the hog spear out les, !lhrboard shoulder. This gave hire much pas, and made him growl. We now saw the best] shake very much, so again we began oper- ations, by Butting down the small bushes to gri A sight. of him , this was soon dune, and f put a -hot into his bead. Our work was now done, so we went up to him; but I link he was closing his hook mare from the pierces than frnm the shot. 1 had hila car- ried bootie. His weight was 33311s., stood ,lire.• feet three inches high; length of ho` six feet, tail two Ieet four arches. I dres- sed the wounded hooter. He was lourtoen days under my hands. He had ten wounds on lits body, tell arm, and heal' I'hf., you will say, ism, children's play:' Old Scrap -Bair. PROM'S THAT Ate[RICA WAS DISCOt•6*BD ST 1111 SCAtftsAVlARs.--4 he New London Arltereiser says that Dr. N• 8. Perkin•, of that city, bas is his possession a spoon, abut the flan as ralbcr small table spoon. that Was lately dug u,, near the bead of the core near Truman,* brook, front a depth of fifteen feet ; the original beech ka,.e, been covered to that depth by site - resin a remrhi.2s Irom the amr-onoding With the spoon were thrown epsomite pieces of charcoal mud a quantity est clam shells. the latter cruu,b!td away xto the air• it is supposed that ey weir left, there by a crew of a ship some of the "North men," who visited tied described the %bones 01 Long Island Sowed, eight hun- dred year ago. By thele the eoustry was sailed "Vilified," and there are maps sad description of it is the Roypl Library at Cupestegra, at the; time. The spore has bees seat 10 the Ceseeettewt Astigmatism Society, sed they hen proesesred it of Daub► oese.fietere, a nespe.ilioe of WI sweat sed gold. A heart sled w A r.ow- bed dim are ask, ere very p.rf et ; there an she tires older smallerIggseees that ere *eesyer de' The or ',.tow de to take N le The A etitlreeis BeeMay elf alest.ehee a s. Ile A. 14, we •• try's,.. br •diene , • .:� west H 11er1t. OftYr row a, ilkM bf resited Slab ark Irene Winery Per urn* yell%MB& MIMI meet ie ss troll' 00% ?W, hie linter? d..sneo M M try.Berl usreNeimemitleet W yea/ wham abilities here bees meds. der s wine hi their naerieme our piettierw, who, heves( brei elm pet of life in are tempted to throw away the ie despair. Tomas* HAao Waris SOAP. -T fifteen pomade of lard, or soot; sad win borliog, add, slowly, fire gallons of ley sized with oee *altos of wafer. Loam . ell portion ; aid, if no grease rix, t1 dose ; if grease do rise, add try, sod Iron► till no grease rises. Then add three quarts of free salt, and boil it ; if this do not hardru well, on rooliag, add more salt. Cool it. and JO is to be perlurord, melt at nest day. put in tbe perfume, and then ruo it air moulds, or cut it io cakes. Commou bait! Soap is made is the same way, by u.io.: common fat. CteRsse Iw Cab roawu.-A letter fror Baa P,eseiscu a.y.:-A c..u,pany of C' assn la saw coy are about erecting a it large, spaeaoui a•rek and .love wareb,.•• in cola city, lur Ibe eceurnedeli,n „1 1. amrgraau co,.atan lig striking from t*., particular p,ovi. ce. The Trader of this cool play is an educe edemas, and a about to sant. proposals iur 11,a erection of it e oarehuua. by Amy/mane. The Chinaman ►a• already agulfied lel. willingne.s to give to the kr.. W. Speer, cbaplaiu to the Chi - ...e, the sun of ,au thooe..d dollar+ to• eude the erectus" , f a cbapr I and *Mimi for the education of his countrymen, sod t5us aad'ag and ars ring them in becomieg Protostas Christiana." DROw11hD AT SA1DUICy.-Wm, Moore, of Sandssky, sad late of (;odericb, C. W,, was lust overboard Irom the aehooe- sr Elmyra Capt. G. S. 11 ilsoa tie Wed- ge -Way night, at 12 o'clock, of Gree la/ - and. He was standing on the rail 10 dear the jib -sheets from the bag anchor, wheat be lou his balance and fell overboard, perms under the vessel and receiving some seiner thereby. A pl. alt was thrown to hie Mat the 'aslant, but although be was wttbis twee• ty feet of it, he had so'tree/eh to reach K but sank immediately.-Saradis.,iy Regime. Ac .dent. -da .,ecideat, which •g hare terminated very serioudy, un Saturday Diorama the 11th mar, to the Mum of Mr. 3desetgomery, on the Ottani- gen Bridge. A Schooner under prase of canvass wu pasting through the when by some a saa or other, the teas the wheel, whim desired to port US pet tt a -starboard, by which, mesas lbs sprit went completely through the cueing out of like roof. Tie house very much .bakes and displaced from pounce', all the crockery, glasrapp were broken and destroyed. -[K* a\ens. 'The second Locomotive, the " manufactured at .lir. Good', esta was removed Irom the shop ou 11 is for the Northern rail -road, ansa cidedly a supertor article. '1 wo meet Hi the course of coostruatioo of air. WIN). TEMPERANCE LEC'FE3 Joho B. Gough has nearly Mee Irom has tate severe illaev; caused by exertion on the platform, and is a resuche his labors. He leaves te for • speaking tour io Great Britaa.. F. W. Kellogg has been speaking Upper Canada, and lass just rot 1imiaacbusejs. He well speak t ward. lie report. Ca.JA W ripening for the Mane Law. Neal Dow, Geo. S A Caro! Jewett, who have been steminieg to good purpose, are now grlierr, in Olio, on their way Jobo W. 11. Hawkins hes bee* in Massachusetts, and will gest tbroum.h New 11dm,/s;rre. 'filE R'CUES OF VA In the whole multitude - addle different characters who easansose public,' there is not one that oce mach al,ace, or affunh so mach merit, as the twin than. The rea be careful sotto coofauud tLi, far the proud Mau, for we .jrert wit* that on two titingr differ from each more than pride at randy. The is ata uuanslgated calamity -1t himself and ■ h5'beer to ill He is so complete 1y wren' sp t , so tho.oughly mrs•rcmal that be /ease" tic he of motes- oocdd,smptycotwsr se soul or body. where a friar.' or u boor might stick is as atom of or even of common respect, la phrase, " Ile disks so swell e( Hutt he leaves no room for other think of bite." He is, ie shit, stat able bort, and the teas who would renown biro in .m nosy, deserve* 011 (he treed -mill. But our fir is not s proud Bran. lie is lbw rairt man -the man who ere evert indifferent opinion of himself for the very purpose of kering room for the good opinion of others,, h. would step talo the gutter, fou treading on a worm, if. by deiuj could attract Ilie •1te*t,o. of 1►w •' tables," end draw forth owe semi admiration for Ins humane Goad g ron4uc*. 11e I,ter,,Hy lief/ se the o1 tie -reverses/des." His rMR,sa, his range, sad his chsi*s, clad are .11 spread ret is compliateet 1t fined taste of the " better deaf este+ his contempt of hie humble feller proceed. from .o wart* Modes tbhe sire to be respectable. Were it able to shake besds with 'overt and wretchedness with a kiss, he mint enibussaatie fried to his tire. asd leas lertee.ta .e ' se lowg se a !winking* .f eke 'miserable is emend/red law WI &d , he west bear ba hiss es •le wenn he tows% RI is. a mid heartily wish el) Mil tames sod relatiese at Codllarbie other outlast.* repos biles* Ohs •cess -yet betaken be Wee sense they ere An. As the sew sae rises i wisiety rery werieg te ore the Ma, farts he per roils is seise es peskiest, aid hen hie eaperimes preehfr•L. 1im Meet. has tere, his walk wed j isnot ell pees s.itai�hre1