The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-30, Page 16Parrieppnelentf Miss L,ne Ahhett Phone 227.4255
erevele P'4""' •Vaelleleeeleeaarereleartallarliettee&realleireete aateeeee:Peerteeeeeae
Page 16 August 10, 1962 Wain
. tZt4W1.
and district news
Whalen boy
shows beef
'Topics from
Mt, Carmel.
145 Deer Park
Circle, London
GE 4.9502 or
EnquIre at The
Did you know
that Investors specialize in:
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We who make whisky say:
Fine whisky is a luxury and should be treated as
such. And, knowing when to say "no" plays a
great part in the art of sensible living.
Neither whisky nor any other alcoholic
beverage has any place at the wheel of an auto-
mobile. This conviction must be shared by every
thinking person who drives a car, particularly
this Labour Day week-end when many holiday-
ing families will be travelling on Ontario highways,
if you expect to be at the wheel of a car this
week-end, we say to you.: Think before you drink.
Don't drink before you drive.
Junior farmers
enioy outings
The Leen Junior Farmers
have been active during the
month. of August.
On Saturday evening, August
11,e30 members had an enjoy-
ehle wiener roast at Port
Blake (north of the Bend). The
lunch committee comprised
Bruee Henry, Don O'Neil and
Helen Bodgies.
On August 17, a number of
the members attended a dance
Junior Farmers
to meet and honor
junior Farmers from Prinee
'Edward county,
On Saturday, August 18, those
who attended the wiener roast
and dance at Glencoe reported
an enjoyable evening.
Bowling news
Airs. Don Ankers, who suc-
ceeds Airs. Calvin Haskell, as
president of the Lucan Women's
Bowling League, has called a
meeting of all women in Lucan
and vicinity who wish to bowl
this year to meet at the Lem
Lanes Thursday evening, Sep-
tember 6. Their first league
game is scheduled for Monday,
September re.
At 2 p.m„ Sunday September
9, the Alen's League will re-
organize at a meeting at the
Legion Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. William :Rep-
buen. have returned home to To-
ronto after spending a few days
with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Dr, and Mrs. Stuart „I. Morri-
son, the former Martha Rum-
mell and babe Catherine Jean
of Detroit are holidaying with
Airs. Morrisons's parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Ralph Rummell and
also with the doctor's parents
in Parkhill,
Mrs. U. F. Stanley left on
'Wednesday for a two week's
visit in Syracuse with the Rev,
G. A. Moore and family, Mr.
Moore is taking services in Sy-
racuse for a month, while the
pastor from Syracuse is taking
services for Mr. Moore at Pt.
Air, and Airs. R. J. Harper
of Port Perry spent a few days
with Mrs. T. C, McFarlane wo
returned with them for a week's
vacation in the Lake Seugog
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elson of
Richmond Hill were Saturday
guests of Mrs. T, A. .Hodgins,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sholdice
and Mrs. Charles Powers of
London, spent last Sunday with
Mrs, Wes Atkinson,
Mr. Chas. Windsor attended
the funeral of his cousin, Mrs.
Alatha Mathers, in Parkhill last
Kathy and Debra Bernard.
small children of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Bernard of London, are
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Lewis and family.
On their way home from the
Cummins' cottage in Muskoka,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Graham and
family of Chatham (lined with
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
last Saturday.
Mr, John Blair, now of Cal-
gary. who suffered another
stroke in July, is hospitalized.
in Calgary linepital.
airs, Florence Cunningham of
London was a Friday guest of
her sister, Mrs, W, J. McFalle
of Alice St.
While Mr. J. W. Smith, Bry-
An, and Matueen, were visiting
Air. and Mrs. Bonet McGill of
Toronto and attendng the CNE,
ten year old Maureen fell while
playing outside on Wednesday
anti broke her left arm. She
'was taken to the Children's Hos•
pital to have it set. Unfortu-
nately, Maureen is very left
handed so is wondering how
she is going to manage grade
5 when she starts bark to school
/lex! week.
Airs. Lnrette Hicks of Tn•
innte spent last week with
Airs. Alma Price And Miss Ger•
trude Dempsey,
Saturday afternoon, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack 'alleon, assisted by
the litter's mother, Mrs. T. A.
Hodgine, entertained 12 little
girl's in honor of their daugh-
ter Frances' eighth birthday,
The, children were -takeh to.
Eirktriti. park where swimming
and games were enjoyed, 'tot-
lewed . by A barbecue and
birthday cake,
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Bodeens held a family
rLawt gathering at their home
on' "Mein St. north, Guests
were present from Ottawa,
London, Clinton and CrAMMO).
Mr. Earl Carling and deugh-
ter Leslie are now on A. two•
seek ramping lout through
Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Fraser
of Faxetet Are spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. George
Ark ens .
Mrs. Ai. Huddleslott arrived
at her home in See Diego,
completing a safe trip of heat-
ly six thousand miles. Tere.
peratute on the California
desert was lig -degreee. While
here Aire. fluddlesten was the
guest of her btether and sister,
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
131apk, While in Widen she
WAR the guest of Mrs. H.
Maguire and was .entertained
at nuthertille flintier pArtiee
luncheons by her -Many friends,
Nrie Rath and Roger Mason
Three rob
elderly pair
Constable Bob Abra of the
provinvial pobee Lucan detace.
went, is investigating the rob-
bevy of an aged brother and
sister, Mr. Joseph Powe and
Miss Helen Powe of concession
10 and 11 Biddulph near Gm-
tee last Thursday evening by
three men with a gun who got
away with $85 leaving the
couple bound together.
However the couple had a
knife hidden under the bed and
were able to free themselves,
The thieves, which had ran-
sacked tfie house from base-
ment to attic. were frightened
away by Fred Cyre, a neigh.
hor, who dropped in regularly to
see if the pair were all right.
Seeing a light in the attic he
sensed something was wrong
and phoned the police.
Once before the P'owes had
been robbed of $100 and had
been persuaded to give, $1800
to two men, posing as detec-
tives, to help hunt down the
thieves. One of the men talked
Mr, Powe into getting another
$500 but the bank manager
talked him out of withdrawing
the money.
Mr. James O'Shea, who rents
the farm believes both robbe-
ries were the work of the same
last week attended Kee Mo
Kee Camp at Komoka.
Mr, Warren Fairies of Strat-
ford called on Mrs. Annie
Fairies last Tuesday.
Billy Haskett, 11-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Has-
kett, is spending a few weeks
with his 'aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Haskett, of To-
Trudy Eizenga, small daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Eizenga of St, Thomas, is holt-
flaying with her grandparents,
Air. and Mrs. Aleine Eizenga
and Mrs. J. A. Graham of Lu-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ritchie, of
London, were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Haskett
and family.
Mr. George Ward, who has
been a patient in Westminster
Hospital, is able to be home.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage
and family and Mrs. Armitage's
father, Mr. Levi Darling, on
Saturday, Aug. 18, attended the
Steam Threshers' reunion held
at Petrolia. On the way home
they visited with. Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Schram of Arkona.
Airs, Don Hearri and family
are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Shaw, Owen Sound, for
a week.
Kimberly Ann and David
James .Redden, small children
of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Redden
of London, spent last week with
their grandparents. Mr.. and
Mrs. A, Al, Hedden,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier are
taking in the Toronto Ex for
a few days.
Air, and Mrs. J. W. McBriar
of High Falls, Northern Ont.,
have returned home after
spending the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs, Percy Chantey,
Mr. and Airs. Dalton Draper
from Cookstown and Mr. and
Mrs. Art Spindler and family
of London were Sunday guests
of Mt. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkie.
son Two other grandchildren,
Barbara and Rose St, Louis,
of Welland, who returned with
Mrs. Wilkinson early in July,
returned home last Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Hearn
attended the .CultalifeEwan wed•
ding at. St. Marys Saturday.
.Air,. and Mrs. .
of Appin, Ohio, and three eons
Who have been guests of Mrs.
Ira Carling and family, have
returned home and Aire. Ron
Fielayseri, Mark and ,Lynn
were guests last weekend.
Rev. George Flieetiga, Sarnia,
son of Air, and Mrs. Meine
Eizenga of Lucan. who has
never fully recovered from
car accident ...over four years
ago, is Byron Sanitarium
for further X-rays and tests,
Mre. Leon Seeli of Des
Moines, Iowa, is visiting friends
and relatives in the Lucan
district, While at the home. of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott On
Sunday other guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lewis.
of Elginfield, And Mrs,
Young, Lucan.
Mrs. 'Thomas F, Markin Sr,,.
who miderweet surgery in St,
Joseph's hospital August 1, is
able to be home And is mak-
ing satisfactory recovery,
Allan Diekseli.. 11 - year . old
son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Keith
Dickson, has left on a
motor trip to Upper Canada
Village and points east.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Wilbert Stanley included
Mr. end Aire. Peter Wiseman
and family . to 'St-artorti. Mr.
and Mrs, Miss Stanley of
Hamilton, 'glee qpIti Stanley
and Mt. Andrew Elder of To-
Miss„Judy }tasked .has
turned hone alter spending
most of her variation at the
cottage of Mr,-erid. Mrs. Jack
Cuntriiins in Muskoka. „
Piglet .Kayes "Toronto
returned home after etiehding
a reW clays with the 'ellildrele
of lyric and Mts. Clarence
tittle damage
from field fire
Ltioanites again rushed to the
sidewalks Wednesday afternoon.
as the weird sound of the fire
eiren pealed forth, This time it
was e fire in a grain field near
the barn of Mr, Harold. Butler
Jr„ which got out of control,
Fortunately it did little dam-
Former teacher attends reunion
Mrs, Cecil Robb of L,ucan
was one of the 175 who at•
tended a reunion staged by the
ratepayers of SS 3 Huron Town-
ship in Bruce County, August
IL prior to the closing of the
school to become part of an
area school.
lie the gathering, four genera-
tions were represented, so part
of the program was the singing
of songs suitable for each 01
the four generations. Each
former leaener was invited to
speak a few words, as well as
one representative from each
family present.
Following the program a
smorgasbord lunch, provided by
the school section, was enjoyed
by all present, as they chat-
ted over former school days.
Bride-elect honored
Friday night, Airs. Fred
Featherstone of London enter-
tained with a family gathering
in honor of Miss Marion Jean.
Stanley, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Wilbert Stanley, whose
wedding to Mr. Andrew
Elder will take place Septem-
ber 8.
The 35 guests present were
from Hamilton, Strathroy, To-
ronto, Glencoe and Denfield.
Farewell party
Mrs. Ed. Better, last Monday
held a farewell party for her
brother, Mr. Leen Krul of La
Hague, Holland, who has been
visiting her for the past six
The gathering was highlighted
by the showing of films by the
Rev. Hams Veldhuirs, a retired
minister of Dendas, who spent
15 years at Dutch New Guinea,
Mr. Krul left for home on
Personal items
Miss Marline Revington has
received word that she suc-
cessfully passed Part I of a
summer course leading to an
intermediate home economic
certificate, which she attended
in Toronto this summer.
Marilyn Hearn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn, is
holidaying with her cousins,
Diane and Joyce Brown, of
Mrs. Doug Ewan has return-
ed from a four•day vacation
where she was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johns
and family of Toronto. While
there she attended the Canad-
ian National Exhibition,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and
Susan have returned home after
spending a few days with Mr,
and Mrs. E. G. Donnelly of
Fort Credit,
Mrs. E. T. Ranting and sons,
of Ottawa, are spending a week
with Mr. and Airs, Gordon Ran-
Mr. and Mrs, Don Downs
and Diane have returned home
after a week's vacation with
Mr. and. Mrs. Wilbert Beenieg-
ton and Paul, of Bayfield.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Morris, of-
Chatham, spent last weekend
with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack. Alurdy.
Mt. and Mrs. John Wood and
family, of London, were Sunday
guests of Air, and Mrs. Robert
Mrs, Will Haskett is holiday-
ing with her sister, Mrs. 0. C,
Lillie of Bermingham.
John Ward spent a week's hol.
iday at Ipperwaeh with his
mother and friends.
Misses Rose and Ann. Rev.
.legton. and Miss Barbara Mar.
shall spent last Weekend in To.
ronto where they Attended the
Mr. And Mrs, Al Bromwich,
And family and Mr. and Mrs.
Lionel Kendrick spent the week-
end at The Pinery,
Mrs, Burns Smith spent a
five days last week with her
son. Air. Reid Smith end family
of Arva,
Mr. and Airs. Clarke Angold
of Hamilton called on Mr, El.
don Hodgson at St. Joseph's
Hospital last Wednesday and
found him so much better that
they were able to bring him
home to Lucan hut on Friday
he had to return to the hospital
for more X-rays and treatment.
LAC and Mrs. Paul Elconibe
And family, of Tatterboro, who
have been stationed at Moose.
jaw. Sask., have moved into
the house vacated by the late
Mr. Myron Culbert on Alice St,
While they are getting settled
they have left baby. Pamela
with relatives in Peterbote.
Mn, and Mrs. Cecil abbh of
Lucan, daughter and,
law, Air. And Mrs, Jim 13ewt-
enhehner and son Dale of Sar-
his were Tuesday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Berl Bettie of Kincar-
Mr. and Mrs. (1, I. Dewitt and
Sharon were weekend guests of
Mr, and Mrs, tarl it/lathers,
On Stinday all visited the mu
seam at Goderich.
Mrs, Wilson Hodgitts was
among those Who atterided
presentation fat Mrs. George
O'Neil, August 15, prior to het
moving to London, The gather-
frig was held at the home of
Mr. and Mn. IL laeffer of Den'
With the rector, the. Rev. E.
0. Lancaster, still very sick,
the Sunday o'eloCk service
was taken by Mr. Harry Rose,
a. student at Heron College, Mr,
Rose spoke on thetwo command-
Merits; "Thou shalt love thy
God” and 'Pilau shalt love, thy
He went on to show the "to-
getherness" of these two cm-,
mandments and the futility of
isolating one from the other,
He also stressed the word,
Mi'. Larry Lewis of Granton
presided at the organ,
The Ladies' Guild had no
meeting for July,
Rev, G. W. Sach, who Iris
been on vacation, will be in
charge of services next Sunday.
Rev.. E, Al. Cook took the serv-
ice on Sunday, taking as his
text "Life is not a cup to be
drained but a measure to be
filler, Using the story of the
Prodigal Son he demonstrated
how the first part of his life
was all "Give Ale" and the last
part "Make Ale",
School for leaders
Airs. Murray Hodgins, as
CGIT leader and Miss Ilene Don-
aldson as Explorer Counsellor,
attended a two and a half day
School for Leaders at Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, last week.
This school is sponsored by the
Christian e'education Commis-
sion of the United Church, Lon-
don Conference,
Mrs. J. W. Lockyer and Mrs.
Stuart McLellan as Messenger
leaders attended the Wednes-
day class and were taken down
by Mrs. H. B. Lanford and Airs.
John Park,
At the morning service the
senior choir led in the music
and provided special numbers.
Next weekend they will sing at
On Sunday a car-load of young
people left for the Starner Teen
Personal items
Mrs. Ethel Kerr, of Exeter,
was a Sunday guest of Mr, and
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and family.
Ann Culbert, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert,
had her tonsils out at St, Jo-
seph's Hospital Friday,
Darling reunion
Last Sunday 20 members of
the Darling family held a fam-
ily reunion at Springbank.
Guests were present from Lu-
can, Arkona and London.
Following the two-meal gall-,
ering, the evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mor-
ris Darling, of London.
hews .budget from
Mrs. Tomme Collins, with her
sister and her husband have
returned to the village from
Kirkland, Ont.
Air. 1-1. Alerless has sold his
ranch style home beside the
store to Air, Seawood Hill of
At the time of writing Mrs,
J. Paton who .has been
patient in Victoria Hospital for
three weeks when she under-
went surgery on August I? Is
improving and is looking for.
ward to being able to spend
same time soon with her ,dmIgh•
ler, Airs, Wilfred Logan and
Church news
Due to the sudden illness of
the rector of St, James, the
Rev. E, 0, Lancaster, who was
unable to take the service on
August 19 Mr. Robert Lancaster
of Landoll, son of the rector,
was assisted by the rector's
warden John IL Whitmore,
On Sunday, August 26 the
service was taken by Mr. N,
W. Rose of the University of
Western Ontario. Mrs. Lancas-
ter has been supplying the mu-
sic all this month due to the ill-
ness of the organist, Airs.
On Sunday, Sept. 2 the an-
nual memorial and decoration
service will be at 3 p.m.
fiereeensweeeetafeeliee aezeteletele
News budget from
Mrs. Maurice Baker has re-
turned. home after spending the
week with her daughter, Mrs.
Trecioleas of Don Mills.
Miss Noreen Walkom is
spending the week on holidays
at Grand. Bend,
Mr. and Airs. Robert Elston
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Elston and Air, William Elston
were Sunday guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Clare Elston and fam-
ily of London.
Billy Baker of 8th .Line spent
the weekend with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Airs, Alfred
Mr. and. Mrs, Oliver Baker
and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker
were guests of Mr. and Airs.
Harris, Butson, :111u.nro, on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs, Jules De Brab-
afidere and family spent Sun.
day afternoon at Grand Bend
and entertained friends in the
Mr, and Airs. Fred Parkin-
Mx. Allen liodginsWiller on
Thursday for the CNN. lie is
assisting Vol. D. B. Weldon of
PrOSIleet Farm, Arva, with hits
show cattle.
Person al items
Alm Tina ;Kerr, Toronto, And
Airs. Alec Smith, London,
,Aedlexon i3Fargai: with .Mr. and Mrs.
Sue Ann Squire holidayed dur-
ing last week with her aunt,
Mrs, Mac Baron, St. Marys.
Miss .Sharon Squire, Granton,
spent last week with Air. And
Mrs, Norman .Hodgine,
Mr, and Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Roy and Ronnie, visited on Sun-
day with .Air, and Mrs, Jack
Kirkham, Dublin,
Air. and Mrs, Bert Duffield
visited on Sunday With. Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Colbeigh, Lucan,
Mr. and Mrs, William Smith,
Belmont, visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Melville Gunning
and also attended Zion decora•
Hon service.
Miss Catherine ,Maitre is at-
tending camp at "Gay Ven-
ture", Haliburton,
Mrs, Mac Baron, St, Marys,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Airs, Grafton Squire.
Mrs. William Brooks, Mr.
Norman Brooks and Mrs. Ralph
Parkinson, London, were Sun-
day callers with Mr, and Mrs.
Alton Neil.
Sunday guests with Air, and
Airs, Alex Bantle were; Mrs.
Minnie Squire, Kirkton, Air. and
Mrs. James Anderson, Thames
Road, Mrs. Rose Collins, Mrs.
Myrtle Shorthill and Miss Cora
Nuttycomb, London, and Airs,
Ethel Squire, Granlon,
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Squire,
Douglas and Bill, were at Sauble
Beach on Sunday, Douglas re-
maining for a few days,
Mrs. Cora Morley visited on
Sunday with Mr. and. Airs, Rus-
sell Brock, Chiselhuret,
Mr, and Mrs, William Morley,
Janice and Robbie, spent the
weekend at Miramachi Bay with
Dr. and Mrs, R. N, Sherwin at
their cottage.
son arid family were guests of
Air, and Mrs, Jack Picket of
St. Marys on Sunday,
Miss Brenda Parkinson had
as her guests last week Misses
Kathy and Joyce Thacker of
8th Line.
Mr, and Mr. Hugh AieFar-
lane, of Sarnia, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker
and family during the week,
Mrs. David. Holland visited
last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Sheppard, Park-
hill, and while there attended
the funeral of her cousin, Mrs.
Effie Bice of London.
Mr. and etre, Henry Willie
end son of :Blair, Ontario called
on Mrs, -Trainor .and family last
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Masse
and family of Windsor and Miss
Theresa Carey of London spent
a couple of days with Mr. Aed
Mrs, Hubert .Carey,
Mrs, Michael Ryan and boys
visited a few days with her
father, Air. McCarthy and Tom
in ,Resson,
Air. and Airs. Joe Carey and
girls spent the weekend- visit-
ing relatives in Detroit and
Alr, John F. Callaghan of
Cape Cod, Mass., is visiting his
daughter and family, Mrs.
Frank Trainor, Air, and. Airs,
4"—$55 per M Feet Del'd.
$"-.585 per M Feet Del'd.
6"—$110 per M Feet Del'd.
7"—$155 per M Feet Del'd.
8"—$185 per M Feet Del'd.
Above prices based on 1000
Linear Feel, in full truckloads
or more, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F.O.B. our
plant at Eiginfield, write or
LTD., RR 2, London — Phone
227-4721 Lucan.
Earl .Creemer„ Also of rang
Cod, ,called on the latter's sis-
ter Mrs, Trainor And family
over the .v...eekend.
Mr. and Airs, Joe Mogan of -
Merlin coiled on Mr. And Mrs.,
Wilfred Hogan. .and spent •tite.
week at the cottage of Air, and
Mrs, Earl 'Weida arid_ family of
Grand Bend.
Miss Patricia Carey spent
last weekend with Mr. and
Airs, Joe Carey.
State Fair
SEPT. 10
Lucan personal items
Photo Studio
Portraits, Wedding Pictures
and Passpotr Photos
a specialty,
Phone Lucan 227-4756