The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-30, Page 15DON
• Domestic
• r -otrimiptrial
• Industrial
Motors, Controls
70 Huron St. Wssi
— Continued from page 14
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
AlcEuven and family of All,
Brydges, They all attended the
Witmer picnic in Springbank
leirek on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Ward,
Dartmouth, N.S.. and Mr. and
Mrs. Al Jacobs, Chatham, vis'
ited Saturday evening with Air.
and Mrs. Robert Southcott at
their summer cottage, Grand
Mr, and Mrs, Corny Nagel
and Judy holidayed at the Pin-
ery last week.
Mrs. Nelta Robinson and
daughter, Luella, Detroit, spent
the weekend with Mrs, Clara
Hackney and other relatives,
Saturday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. William Horney were
Mrs. Edgar Homey and Jo Anne
of Ridgway, Dr. Donald Her-
.pey, Guelph and Mr, and Mrs.
Aldwin .Coilingwood, Ston e ,y
Mr. and Airs. Wilfred Reeves,
Thames Read, arid Mrs. Lloyd
Penman, London, left Wedees.
day morning for Baytoo, Ohio,
to visit relatives and friends
for a few days,
Bearing. and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dearing.
Anne and Preston motored to
Toronto Monday. Gerald as-
sisted his father show the
sheep for judging at the CNE,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Airs. Ed Gaekstetter. Were Ale.
and Mrs. Leslie Smith and
family, Paris, and Air. and
Mrs. William Yearley arid ram-
and Mrs, Chester Taylor.
London, spent Thursday, the
guests of Mrs. 'Bessie Taylor.
Atr. 'Arid Mrs. Bruce Cairn,
Christine and Stephen, roceril•
ly returned from a six-week
visit with _Mrs. conti'.,s rela-
tives in Holland. teMily'e
eldest daughter, Mrs.. RO O(
;ray., is visiting With Mein
here, along with her daughters
Sylvia and 'Cathy, The latter
family has been iki lotida
Where. Air. Gray is attending
An ItCAF course.
..r rr
Teacher's Pei
for back to school fashion
Designed specially for the wonderful world of
school-aged girls, TEACHER'S PET garments
are stylish, well-made anti so easy to Care lot'
Sizes 8 to 14.
UNI Pt RS from $4,08
SKIRTS from $4.98
Reversible pleats $9,95
Giant 13 Cu. Ft. 2-door
Ref era*
Net Volume: 13.1 cu. 11.: 100 III. separately
insulated and refrigerated Freezer: 2 Alumin-
um Ice Trays: convenient Door Shelves; Auto-
matic Defrosting Refrigerator with exclusive
Humidiplate, sturdy Chrome Plated Shelves;
Twin Porcelain Crispers: Package Pantry; Door
Shelves; Butter and Cheese Chests; Twin Port-
able Egg Trays: Magnetic Door Closure Gasket.
Overall. Dimensions: 31" wide. 63" high, 28%"
Centralia Comment
.MRS, FRED ta0wpgm
GETTING READY FOR AN AFTERNOON DIP—Miss Greta Lammie of Bonsai] and
her fellow blind campers take full advantage of the summer centre for the blind
operated by the Canadian National institute for the Blind in Muskoka.
Blind Hensall woman
enjoys holiday centre
"It's been wonderful to get
away from the hustle and bust-
le" stated Miss Greta Lammie
of Hensall. She has just re-
turned from a holiday at the
Lake Joseph Adjustment Train-
ing and Holiday Centre for the
blind operated by the Canadian
National institute for the Blind
in Muskoka.
She commented that the new
centre was an ideal vacation-
land and that its design made
a holiday for blind people a.
real enjoyable experience.
She and her fellow vacation-
ers made good use of their out-
ing and took part in many of
the activities which go on daily
Tit the Lake Joseph Centre.
A paddle boat which permits
Town topics
two people to literally cycle
across the water was a particu-
larly novel experience and
claimed much of Miss Lammie's
leisure time, She and her
friends spent a great deal of
time.on the beach, both in and
out of the water.
"Wind Bells are the only
things missing"' she commented
as she made her way toward
specially marked clothes
"They are a little hard to
find at the moment, so maybe
we will arrange to present the
camp with a few tinklers", The
camp site is equipped with a
number of aids to help the tot-
ally blind find their way about
safely and Miss Lammie's. sug-
gestion that there is a need in
this area will add one more
helpful piece of equipment to
make the holiday centre a little
more complete.
The Adjustment Training and
Holiday Centre for the Blind was
officially opened a year ago
July, It was designed and con-
structed to provide a rehabili-
tation through recreation .serv-
ice to ()Marie's blind per-
Such outdoor sports as shuf-
fleboard, lawn bowling, horse.
shoes anct a variety of water-
front activities make a two-
week outing there a well-packed.
vaeation. More than a mile of
railed nature trait enables even
the totally blind to amble
throughout the 18-acre, site,
along its 2000 feet of shoreline
and through the forested areas
without fear of becoming lost.
Foot paths which vary in their
texture from area to area also
serve as land marks to help the
vacationer determine his where-
All living units and play
areas are identfied with raised
letters which can be read by
Besides Miss Lammie and her
sister, Amy, Stuart Henry of
Wingham and Herbert Collar
now a resident at Tweedsmuir
Hall, London, were among the
more than 500 blind men, wom-
en, children and sighted escorts
who attended the vac ationland
outing this summer,
— Continued from page 14
stirring constantly. Add salad
oil, Remove from. heat and
slowly blend in vinegar. This
makes 11/2 cups, enough for 2
batches of potato salad,
To make delicious potato sal-
ad, cook 4 medium sized pota-
toes in their skins, then peel and
dice. Pour 3/4 cup of hot dres-
sing over the hot potatoes, To
this add the following: 1 tea-
spoon salt and 1 to 2 table-
spoon finely chopped onion, Mix
carefully and let it coot 10 to 15
minutes. Then mix in the follow-
2 tablespoons chopped green
1/2 cup finely cut celery
1/4 sliced cucumber
2 chopped hard cooked eggs
Chill for 3 to 4 hours in the
refrigerator in a shallow pan.
This allows the flavors to blend
and facilitates the cooling pro-
cess. Be sure the salad is kept
in the refrigerator at all times,
except when being prepared and
Incidentally, 1/2 cup com-
pleted salad has only 100 calo-
Sunday School and church
services will be resumed in
the United Church on Sunday
morning following vacation,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroe-
der .attended a family dinner
at the home of their.daughter'
and son-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Lloyd :Hewitt, Landon, honoring
111 r, Schroeder on the occasion
of his birthday.
Mrs, 'Fred Kerr, Miss Clara
Beaver and Miss nettle Sweet
off,ixeter visited with friends
in the village, The former. two
ladies visited with Miss Agnes
Anderson aid Miss Sweet with
Mrs. Ernest Abbott,
Air. and Mrs. Elmore Dunn
and family have returned to
their home in Toronto follow-
mg a two weeks' vacation with
Air, Dunn's parents, Mr. and
Airs. George Dunn,
Guests with Air. and Mr's.
Lorne Hicks and Miss Wilda
Pollock during the past week
were Mrs. James Cumming,
Air, a.nd Mrs, Leslie Cumming
of Saskatoon and Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Gumming of Ripley.
A number from the village
attended the Sunday evening
drive-in service at Shipka and
had the pleasure of hearing the
Salton Bros. Quartette. The
singer's are grandsons of the
tate Rev, S. Salton, a former.
Centralia pastor.
Mrs. Clarence Young, Caro-
lyn and Kevin of Millbrook
are holidaying with the for-
mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Osborne,
Mrs. Arthur McFalls and
Mrs, Samson. McFalls were
Friday visitors with Airs, Lillie
McFalls in Biddulph.
Mr. and Air's. Irvine Mac-
aulay of Montreal spent a few
days last week with Mrs. Mae-
aulay's mother, Mrs. Andrew
Misses Dianne Hewitt and
Sandra Webb of London visited
for a couple of clays last week
with their grandparents, Mr.
and Airs. Russell Schroeder.
Mr. Wesley .Hodgins and Airs,
J. 'McLachlan of London were
Sunday evening visitors with
Mrs, E. Abbott.
Air, and Mrs. John Thomp-
son attended the Thresher-
men's convention held recent-
is, at the Petrolia fair grounds,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ab-
bott were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turnbull at
Mr. Robert Tripp and family
arrived home from Saskatoon
last week. Air. Tripp has oh-
tained his release from the air
September 1
We will go to your rosi.
dertce and advise you on
your planting needs.
Phone 235.2603 Exeter
ifFre following ten years' ser-
vice and he has accepted a
position in London.
Airs. Amos Wright returned
home from South Huron Hos•
pital on Sunday.
Airs. Olive Sea of Des
Moines, Iowa, .Mrs, Don Abbott
.and Paul of Loran and Mrs
Mervin Elston. of Biddolph
were visitors last week at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Mur'
ray Abbott.
Mrs. Samson McPalls, of Ex-
eter, visited for a few days
with her sister, Airs. Arthur
McFalls. On Sunday the two
ladies, accompanied by Miss
:Helen McFalls, visited with.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Glenn
and Randall at Chiselhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dejak
of Windsor were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. 5. Molnar.
Miss Dianne Decaire, North
Bay, has returned to the village
to resume her hookeeping
duties at thelurnip plant.
Mr. and Mrs. jolly Thomp-
son visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Clarence Robinson in Listowei
on Monday,
Air, and Mrs. Victor Over-
holt and .family were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Maloney and family in
Mr, Fred Bowden has return-
ed to his duties with Canada
Packers following a two weeks'
holiday. Mr, and Airs, Bowden
spent several days in lire Mus-
koka district.
A family yr thering was held
at the home of Mr. and Airs.
flay Lammie honoring Mr and
Mrs. Elmore Dunn and family
of Toronto who were holidaying
with rei'tivc
Mr. and Airs. Fred Cunning.
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan
and family, Mr. awl Mrs, Dow-
ard cunnington and family and
Miss Mabel Resoir attended the
Bender family reunion in Su',
nia .on Sunday. Miss Resoir
mained for a visit with Air. and
Mrs. Leopard Bender.
Air'. and Mrs. Roy llarrison
and Debbie were Sunday visi-
tors with Air. and Airs. Joe
Hodgins and family in .St.
Thomas. Jude Hodgins returned
borne following a week's vaca-
tion. with her aunt and uncle,
'Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Ray Lammie last week were
Air. and Mrs, Wellington .Good
of Wyth and Misses Greta and
Amy Lammie of liensall, jean
Lanunie returned home with
the Lammie sisters for the week-
Miss Dorothy Campbell of To-
Tho, 'Time-Athreicato-„, :August 30, 1962 P.09, 1$ •
ronto, Mrs. York of Keswick, of Ilensall were guesls with
Mrs. :Flossie !Atkins of Exeter. anti Airs. hay Lammie nn
Misses Greta and Amy Laramie Tuesday evening.
Business College
21st Annual Fall Term Opens. .Septembi.r 4
approved by the
Modern,Equipment Qualified Teachers t= Tuition MOP
E N Xt 4 at. WIDE RANGE+no.
Year'round luxury
• Save 20% on fuel
ft Complete oornfort—
Lennox equipment is Used In the h.othes
of tomorrow — because they provide
complete comfort a 1On g with exceptional
economy, The tile) savings of Lennox
may sill prise you. But because the luxury features of Lennox are designed
to win costs as. much as they are to
deliver complete comfort, your saving$
add up to Ma or more, Goal, Oil, gas and electric furnaces to choose
Or in contbination with summer air cop. ditioning units,
Phone for complete information and
free estimates.
Lindenfields Limited
Phone 235-2361 Exeter
in smart Canadian togs
Canadiau.made by 'beaver-100rt Super Orlori
Sizes 6 to 12 years, from 33,00 to $6.00
Sktppyo s BY MONARCH
Thickset Crompton Corduroy, from $2,08
Elliot's. will
not 'be
undersold 1
41 it
"I think it's time we got her
a phone of her'own."
2.3" Range
MODEL KRM23D A compact
range or exceptional value femur,.
rug: Rotary 7.11eat Surface Ele-
ment Switches; Appliance Outlet;
trull.Witith Storage Drawer; plus
lbw i1 additional features you will
find on every Nelvinalor Electric
Range. Also available as Model
1rR11123S---identival in features to
the Model 1001.230 but less the
Full-Width Storage Drawer.
T Kelvinator
AUG, 30 TO SEPT. 30
Deluxe Wringer
17 Cubic Foot
Chest Freezer
2-YEAR Pot
Any pails found defective. doe
In faulty material and or work-
manship are replaced or repaired
tree of Any charge including labour
charges, during the first two
years. The main operating mech-
anism carries an additional 10.:
Yalir Guarantee. These guarantees
Apply to the models 'described
MODEL K238P Safe Lovell. Wring-
er; large 6-Vane Gyrator—finger-
lip controlled; Automatic Tinier;
Antrim a ti Pump; Filter Ring;
lifetime Porcelain Finished Tub—
pounds rapacity; Precision
Made Mechanism; rubber itiount-
rd Ilea‘y•Duty Motor; lolly cu-
r-hosed V Belt Drive; i 2.inch,
easy.rollioe, easy•swivelline Cast•
ors; ()noble-TM) ';sir yell" con
struction keeps water 1101 longer
MODEL KCF 172 17 eubie feet. :-.03
pound Storage Captivity. Quality enii
slrueleti m.l•tit‘e and et.
ficirii! operation .. Four sides and Nil-
t,im ill inner liner are refrigerated la
pt -ot ide iimierin cold throughout freezer:
t'ontienser Inhillu Inuit run c sterinr
dissipales heat carried by yr.
Inger:int anti prevent!. eithitlet S‘‘ eating:
1 .4111101.1110:{111T(t ltfi Vali not pop.tip or
littetior floodlight,
14thlis etitomatieally when lid is raised;
Inner Liner and cabinet VAterior art
rustiii•ienert anti finished rtt lifetime
atTylie enamel: A TleMovaitte Wit 0.
Divider and Lift-mil Masker pro-
'titled for conk cnlrnct'. ills-11 ill
1.,i;'4111 glows conlmitally • goes oil if
temperature within treveer rises above
or if I*(1ro service is interrupted;
Treeeerature control is easily acceSS,
ible should ,adiustment be necessary:
T'=rwi'rerl by Kelsinator's world famous
PoeirspliCIT Sealed l'nit, 5-Yea r War-
!Imo- :110 a Year Food Spoilage War-
rims The dimensions are Width All's -.
Depth =front in harlo 3ifil", with lid
:Ind hinges !Vino\ ed 2 II Height
Trade you old oppliontes now and take .odvontoge of the
Sovings on theso KELVINATOit .APPLIANCES
ELLIO 1514614t 11M58$
444 MAIN ST5 S a