The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-30, Page 8JOURNALISM AWARD
„ Bob Schroeder
The story in
Grand Bend
the two AVM a total of 15 ap-
plications received ft-ant stn-
.dents in 14 western Ontario
counties, Naming two winners
was on unprecedented ntor-
which judges explained may not
he regular practise.
"The high calibre of interest
and intelligence compelled us,
to recognize two applicants in-
stead of the usual one," they
Judges included: H, ld, Pos-
tiff. principle of Strathroy Cot-
legiate Institute; Prof. J. L.
Wild, head of the school of
journalism University of West-
ern Ontario; and W. Ivor Wil-
liams, managing editor, The
Free Press,
Topics from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Avers',
of St,. Thomas, visited over the
weekend v-ith Mr, and Airs, Wil-
liam R
Misses Marie and Joan Lohb,
of Clinton, are holidaying this
weekend with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Pym and family,
Mrs, James Sinclair and fatu-
ity, of London, visited on Mon-
day with Mrs. William Routly.
Mr. and Mrs, John Miners
and family spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jaques
and family of Zion and attend-
ed deco.ation day at. Zion .cem-
Mrs. Maynard Alarginson and
Mrs. John Grunbins, of Lon-
don, and Mrs, Vera Johns of
Exeter visited on Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner,
Edward and Frances, Miss Gail
McBride of Zurich, Air, and.
Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr, and
Airs. Don Parsons, Susan, Gail
and Debbie, Miss. Marion Par-
sons and Ronnie Parsons of
Hensall, Miss Barbara Ann Mor-
ley of Exeter and Mr, Ken
Loves.' of Grand Bend were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Floyd Cooper and family.
Air. and Mrs, Emerson Cor-
nish of Exeter, Cpl. and Mrs.
Woods and Linda Lou of Tren-
ton visited on Sunday with Miss
Verde and Mr. Laverne Kellett.
This week in
Mrs. Lyla Stafford of Mon-
treal, Mrs. Arthur Rundle of
Si, Marys and Mrs. Margaret
Hawkins of Exeter visited on
Monday at Grand Bend with
Mrs. Eric Mcilroy,
Miss Cheryl Horn, of Sun.
shine Line, visited this week.
with Jan t Hero.
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Day-
man and family of .Kippen and
Mrs. Joseph Dayman of Exe-
ter visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, William Walters and
at the Pinery,
Air, and Mrs. Phil Here and
family and Air, and Mrs. John
Coward attended a family pic-
nic on Sunday at the Pinery.
Mrs, Garnet Miners visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Eric Carscadden and family of
Air. and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan,
Grant and Barbara Ann attend-
ed a family picnic on Sunday
at the lake.
Mr. and Airs. Toni Campbell
and Helen spent the weekend.
with Mr, and Mrs, Watt and
of Guelph,
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Journalism award
to- Bob Schroeder
a' T,
Name director
of MD appeal
2'; Huggins of Point Edward
has been appointed director of
the, 1962 fund drive of the
Lambton County Muscular Dys-
trophy Association, to be held
the third week of November,
Mr, Huggins, a long service
employee of Imperial Oil Lim-
ited, served on the Point Ed-
ward public school hoard and
municipal council. The new
drive chairman has arranged to
open the 1962 campaign with a
kick-off dinner which will. be at-
tended and addressed by a
prominent sporting celebrity,
and plans to meet personally,
representatives of all the march-
ing groups both in the city and
throughout the county during the
next three months,
New Goderich: branch of
British Mortgage & Trust .Corn-
pany wilt be officially opened
Friday, •September 7, Wilfrid
P. Gregory, QC, eSeentive yice-
Oreshie.nt and managing .direc-
tor has announced,
A brief ceremony at 2:00
p,m, will he followed by open.
house when everyone is invited
to inspect the building and
meet the staff, Guests will also
be welcomed Friday evening
from 7 to 9 o'clock, and -SOttlr
day from 2. to 5 and 7 to 9
Master of ceremonies for
the opening will be W. H.
Gregory, the president. His DRIVE CHAIRMAN Worship Mayor Ernie Fisher'
Huggins, Point Edward of Goderich will cut the golden
ribbon on the large glass Elgin
Avenue door. Guests of honor
invited include L. E. Cardiff
MP, Hon. C, S, MacNaughton
MPP, Warden George AlcCutch-
eon, C, F. T. Rounthwaite,
architect, ..Don Smith, contract-
or, and Wilfrid P. Gregory,
QC,. executive vice - president
and managing director of Brit-
ish Mortgage & Trust Company,
A wide range of trust- and
financial services will be pro-
vided by the Goderich branch
office, Among these are sav-
ings accounts, guaranteed in-
vestment certificates, retire.-
Unique trust office
to open at Goderich
"Do you mind if I call my
office for instructions? This
Is the first time I've gotten
past the receptionist"
Personal items
Rev, and Mrs. Campbell Ta.
vener spent last week with
Miss Ella Murrill at Thorn-
Mrs, Ethel Laing and Mrs.
N, Drinkwater of London spent
Friday with Air. and Mrs. W.
H. Love and attended. the car-
nival. Their neices, Miss April
Whiting of Parkhill and Miss
Donna Ruth Sturdevant re-
turned with them to spend the
week in London.
Mr, William Baker of To-
ronto, spent last week with his
sister, Mrs, Mary Gill and his
daughter and family Mr. and
Mrs. Manford Luther.
Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Mc-
Allister and Patti of Toronto
spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Airs, John Stoc-
ker and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Webb of Pickering, Mr. and
• sas &a • Mrs. Stan Murdoch from Will-
Lake visited on Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Min-coxwih Mr. anti Airs, j. Stocker. ers and family of Beachyille Grant Hodgert of Thames-
spent Friday with Mr. and Road spent last week with Gin-Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Mrs, ger and Debbie Love.
E. Trewartha returned with ,Weekend visitors with Mr. them after spending the past and Mrs. Wellwood Gill were
two months with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Knight and Langford. Robert of London, Miss Mae
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Park- Patterson of Newmarket and inson and family attended the Mr. and Mrs, John Evola of
Dann get-together at Gibbons'
Park, London, Sunday after- Detroit, Mich.
Air. and Mrs. Earl. Weiberg noon. visited last Stunday with Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson, and Mrs. Ervin Latta at Kit-Mrs. Lawrence Grasby and chener.
Debbie attended the Aluxtow Mrs, Jack Eagleson and Miss
reunion at Port Franks Satur- Marion Gill attended the School day.
Cathy and for Leaders at Alma College,
Joy Thacker spent St. Thomas, last week.
Monday with Anne and Paul On Sunday, September 2, at
Parkinsoand Joy Thacker enter-
n, 4
p.m, Mrs. James Haggerty of Cathy nee, tamed their friends different era apa
president of the fed-
Women's institutes of days last week—Janice Thom- Canada and Mrs. L. G. Lym-
son, Jeanette Hooper and Bren- burner of Port Colborne, pres-
da Parkinson. ident of Federated Women's
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac- Institutes of Ontario will ap-ker visited Sunday evening ,pear on the program "Country with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patti- Calendar"on CBC-TV. They
son of St. Marys, will tell the story of the growth Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Women's Institutes through.. Grasby- and Debbie of London out the world,
spent Friday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Claire Sisson,
Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth
and Jeanette attended the Kirk-
By MRS. HEBER DAVIS ton Horticulture flower show
Jimrny Maier, youngest son
of Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Maier,
met, with a painful accident on
Tuesday, while playing on a.
homemade hammock.
With quick action of his mo-
ther the bleeding was stopped,
and then he was rushed to the
doctor where it was necessary
to have seven stitches in the
top of his head.
Personal items
Misses Margaret Mernet', jo-
anne and Janice Hasler spent
a few days in Zurieh with.
their aunt, Miss Frieda Babe-
Mrs. Bruce Seehach and boys
of Hamilton spent some time
with her mother. Mrs. Cora
Alr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader.
David, Paul, and Sharon spent
Message from
Personal items
Baptismal service will be held
in the United Church on Sum
day at 0.45 a..m,
Mr. and Airs. Joe Hodge and
Jeanette of Detroit spent a few
days last week with their aunt,
Airs. Albert Pollock.
Mr. and Airs. Anson Coleman,
of Varna, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Carman
Mr. Donald MacPherson, of
Hamilton, called on his father.
Air, Walter MacPherson and
Airs, MacPherson on Sunday.
Miss Teresa Stoyle and broth-
er Donald, of Goderich, spent a
few days last week with their
uncle, Mr. Manuel Curts and
aunt. Miss Evelyn Curls.
Airs, Fred Rinker and Chris,
of Sarnia, spent a few days last
week with her parents, Mr, and
Airs. Lloyd Brophey,
Mr, Joe Carruthers is a pa-
tient in Victoria hospital, Lon-
don. having undergone an eye
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray
and family, of St. Thomas, visit-
ed on Friday with Mr. Gordon
liens and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Adair and Orno.
Mr, and Mrs. John Blakey,
of Willow Bunch, Sask., and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson
of London visited on Thursday
with Mr. and Alrs. Walter Mac-
Pherson. Mrs. Blakey is a sister
of Mrs. MacPherson and they
hadn't seen each other for 32
Alr. and Mrs. Ross Pollock
and family, of Chatham, spent
the weekend with his father,
Air. Milton Pollock..
Mr. Jan Lagerwerf lost his
valuable racing dog last Week.
The story in
St, Patrick's service
Rev. Lyle Bennett was in
charge of the service at St.
Patrick's Church, Saintsbury,
tienclay morning,
The flowers in the chancel
were placed there in memory
of the late Henry Hodgins by
Personal items
Mr. and Airs. Harvey Lana
anal family were Sunday guests
e:th Air. and Mrs. Garfield
Latta. London.
Mrs. Earl Atkinson entertain-
rat Mrs. Whitney Coates. Exe-
ter, at Twin Oaks, Grand Bend,
last week.
Miss Gail Fairbairn,
thaw, and Air. Arnold Firby,
S' Thomas, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill John-
Miss Carol Latta visited with
Miss Jane Crozier, Lucan, dur-
ing the past week and Jane
Issited with Carol at her home
for a couple of days.
Larry and Leslie Greenlee are
belittles:mg with their grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis,
Mr. and Airs. Eli Carroll,
Bothwell, and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Dolan, Watford, were
Thursday evening guests with
Mr and Airs, Harry Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dacia
and Sharon accompanied Air.
and Mrs. Cliff Abbott, ',mean,
nn a trip In Wiarton where they
;seed with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Mr. and Mrs ,Tack Dickins
spent several days last week
et Grand Bend.
Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mrs.
Sophia Richards were guests on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ca rroll,
Mr. and Airs. Bob Tindall and
girls were Sunday gtieSts with
Air, and Mrs, Howard Clarke,
Misses Muriel and Heather
Davis spent a few days this
week with Mr, and Mrs, Harry
Mr. and Mrs. George Simp-
son and family. Clandeboye,
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs, Bon Car-
roll. 'George was celebrating a
Mr. and Mrs. William
MAtreal, and Mr. and 'Mrs,
Med Dobbs Exeter, Were
rr-rent guests with Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Dobbs Jr. The Hills are
atIril and uncle of Mrs. paha.
Little Miss Sandra Atkinson,
toedeal, is holidaying with her
grs 1dparents, Mr. and Mrs.
1-I+,nmari Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davie
and family were Sunday guests
weh Air And Mts. George re-
Falls, Miss Paint COP-
fralie, was their guest earlier
In (he week.
at Russeldale Hall on Wednes-
day evening. Jeanette took
part in the program.
Miss Anne Thomson, Miss
Noreen Walkout are holidaying
this week at Grand Bend.
Barry Thomson went on Tees-
day evening to spend the re•
mainder of the week with
Alr. and Mrs. Harry Kerr
and Kenneth of New Hamburg
spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Glatlwyn Hooper.
Edwin and Donna Jones
spent part of last week. with
David. Cynthia and Nancy
Brine of Ebenezer.
Mr. and Mrs. William G,
;Tories and Carl were Sunday
evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Bryan, Ebenezer.
In 1961 the five leading
sources of Canada's imports
were the United States, the
United Kingdom, Venezuela,
West Germany and Javan: the
five leading sources of exports
were the United States, the
United Kingdom, .lapan, West
Germany, communist China.
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed.
nesday afternoon And dor-
ing the evening through-
out the week.
Larry Snider
North End
* Complete Rad Service
* Tires & Batteries
* Lubrications
Call 2354910
Anether TsA sports editor has
won an award this past week.
SIMS gradu.le Bob .Sehree-
der, who took over the sports
post for Bill Batten this sum-
mer, was one or two Western
Ontario students to receive the
annual newspaper editorial
award offered by The London
Free Press.
The award orries a cash
Value of $250 a year toward tu-
ition at the University of West-
ern Ontario and guarantee on-
the-job training in editorial
work. with The Free Press at
not less than $1,000 each sum•
trier until graduation.
Last week The 'T-A's regular
sports editor, Bill Batten, won
second Prize for his page in the
national competitions of the Ca-
nadian Weekly Newspapers As-
sociation. Batten currently is
editor of Grand Bend Holiday
but will return to the T-A
sports desk this fall.
Bob Schroeder is the son of
Air. and Alt's, John Schroeder,
Huron St. He worked in the
composing room of The TA af-
ter school for several years be-
fore tackling sports writing last
summer. He also was a mem-
ber of the paper staff at SLIDES
for two years.
In addition, the Exeter youth
has been a member of the
school's basketball and volley-
ball teams, the athletic society
and the Bible Club, He was a
delegate to the Toe Alpha con-
ference in Toronto two years
Bob was born in Exeter. His
parents settled here after his
father was discharged from the
The Free Press award also
was won by Susanne Manning,
Guelph, a graduate of the
Guelph Collegiate institute.
The panel of judges selected
Report on
Personal items
Mrs. Don. Adams, Mark and.
Brock visited last week with
Mrs. Adam's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Collie in London.
M.N. and Mrs. Roy Sherwood
of Hamilton and. Mr. and Mrs,
Cliff Linenburg of Smithville
were Friday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs, Stuart Sweitzer and
fa mily.
Mr. and Airs. Geo. Ingram of
Hensall were Wednesday visi-
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh
Mr. and Airs. Earl Russell
and .family of Essex visited
during last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Russell and family.
Airs, Clyde Nicholson of
Brigden visited last week with
herparents, Air. and Airs. Her-
bert }Tarlton and with her sis-
ter, Airs. Karl Guenther, Mr.
Guenther and family.
Bill Morenz is visiting with
Gary Deitz at Kippen.
Mrs, Borden Sanders of Wel-
land spent Wednesday with her
parents, Mr. and Alt's. Arthur
Finkbeiner, David returned
home with his mother after hol-
idaying with his grandparents
Mrs. Nelda Rutledge of Lon-
don spent last week with her
sister Mrs, Milton Rata and
mother, Mrs. Philip Fassold
Bruce Russell is holidaying
with his cousins in Essex,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Melton \Vetoer
and Kathy were Sunday visi-
tors with . Mrs. Milton Rata and
Mrs, Philip Fassold.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweit-
zer and Sandra are holiday-
ing this week with relatives in
Fenwick and Welland.
Canada's population is about
one-tenth the population of the
United States — 18,5 million
compared to 184 million.
Ottawa chosen
over five cities
Not many Canadians know
that Ottawa was chosen the
capital_ of Canada by Queen
Victoria over the competing
claims of five other Canadian
cities—Montreal, Quebec City,
Toronto, Kingston and Hamil-
It was the least likely look-
ing place at the time (aside
from its magnificent location
at the confluence of three
rivers) — a rough lumbering
town on the edge of nowhere —
but visitors 'to Canada's capital
today are inclined to agree
that the Queen made a wise
"The Queen's Choice", re-
cently printed by the Queen's
Printer, Ottawa, tells the fas-
cinating story of Ottawa front
the time the first white man
travelling in a birchbark canoe
passed by its impressive site,
A glimpse is also given on the
future planned for it as a great
world capital. The book was.
specially prepared for the Na-
tional Capital Commission.
Wilfrid Eggleston, the author,
is a well-known Canadian
writer and professor of journal-
ism at Carleton University, Ot-
tawa. He has woven into his-
tory much colorful material
that makes the book good read-
ing for those interested in
Canadian history and in the
planning of our capital city.
A special deluxe red-bound
volume has been prepared for
presentation to the Queen..
anent sayings plan, deposit re.
ceipts, mortgage loans, •estate
actin nistration, investment
management, a g e n, c y ,.and
Strategically located at the.
junction of Highways 8 and 21,
the ultra-modern building is a
unique tri-sided glass .struc-
Uwe. This unusual design was
specially created by architects
:Rounthwaite and Associates of
Toronto to suit the triangular-
shaped building int. The three
curved cantitivered walls ap-
peal: to float over a continuous
doublellazed window wall from
ground. level to 7'6" high,
The remarkable feature of
this entirely new concept: in
architectural .design is that no
portion of these walls is sup-
ported from. the ground, Walls
are _constructed of Indiana
white limestone.
From the. start the building
was planned so It will he con-
venient and comfortable: Com-
pletely encircled by double-
glazed plate glass, the office
will always he bright. Curtain-
ing of a soft handwoven fabric
will ensure privacy without de-
stroying the friendly transpar- of the building.
An interesting and unique
feature is a public conference
roomthe "Community Room",
This room, which comfortably
seats 12 persons, is convenient-
ly located downstairs in the
new building. It can be re-
served at no charge for meet-
ings of any local clubs, or-
ganizations or sonieties. Ap-
pointed in ..deep blue and teak
wood, the room is curved at
the four corners, with walls
that also curve to meet a par-
tially suspended ceiling.
Edward Rowlands, manager,
and his staff will move to the
new location before the official
opening sir that business can he
carried on from the moment
the building is opened,
Canadian air carriers trans-
ported 4,949,283 revenue pas-
sengers in 1961, an, increase of
222,000 over 1960,
Get protection
Snell Bros.
Noe .The Timo.Aciyopto, Augu st 3.Q, 1962
'Dashwood boy .hur.„
in fail from hammoc...,.
Will hear
A clergyman-physicist, Rev.
William 0. Swan of Midland,
Mich„ will be the featured
speaker of the final service at
the Starlite Drive-in Theatre
this coming Sunday night,
Air. Swan is employed in
physics research by the Dow
Chemical Co., Sarnia, He is
also assistant minister at St.
John's Episcopal (Anglican)
Church, Midland, Mich.
Before beginning his theotogis
cal studies which led to his or-
dination, he served in the mili-
tary defence research field for
five years.
His present ministry, he
states, is "witnessing to the
fact that you can accept the
present-day supernatural, mir-
aculous, unpredictable activities
of God and still he a genuine-
ly scientific person."
The, service concludes the
summer series at the drive-in
theatre which has attracted ex-
cellent crowds.
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Howe and Mary-Jo. of
Mrs. Matilda Piefer spent
several weeks in London with
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird,
Mary Ruth Jaent, Dianne Pe
riard, and Donald MelSane,
all of Detroit, spent the week •
end with Mrs. Lucinda Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Spear, Pamela,
Anita. Susie, and Sally Iiitali
of Detroit are vacationing with
Mrs. Lucinda Alciseac,
Misses Diane Becker and Jo-
anne Pfaff and Bruce Pfaff
had their tonsils removed at
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. harry Hoff-
man attended the Webber-Mal-
lett wedding at St Lu
The•Gercien on Saturday, Aug-
ust 25 Harry was guest solo-
ist The bride was formerly
from Zurich
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hussey
and family have sold their cab-
rn trailer and have taken up
residence in Petrolie.
Miss Sheila Maier returned
lime after spending two weeks
with her grandparents, Mr.
and Airs. IS'm Cutting of Exc.
Family gathering
A Patterson family gather-
ing was held at the roadside
park or. Sunday, Attending
from Dashwood N5 ere Mr. and
Airs Garnet Patterson and Mr.
and Airs. Ervin Rader, David,
Paul, and Sharon. Others at-
tended from London, Newninr-
ket, Exeter. Zion and Grand
Happenings in