HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-30, Page 3HURON SIGNAL.
thele. To wee the mimic school by puI with the roaaeM or the Lr;islative the tat .1 an r.ep.et of 'berates intrnd•d to the wcrarrr' ouster;' "porebaeer,' sod
p•e ibis, by man pert of 11 Coolie-IIradof Bur Legislative Assembly of Ino impost d by the By laws oil•.•cb Duties " orcopsat" occur teibis Act. or ib. words
t• Cawac.l.. "hi' car "bit,' or oilier worts d.iguating
spelt, ►rapalp/e sad eaWee the rest, u to the 1 rommce of tipper tang&,conatitate. `the
sorry .sept, oral to elitists the tical. 11 medaseembled by tutus tat. aid seder the! , VII. Aad be it seeded, Th.tl the words deli Moate aiwr rlsomeu perwu
eeadJ be *log se the plea of eclacasiou l• }wtk.inty of res Act paaaeo r aha '.ilia- Treasurer (Averts ai,J sorry cuuuly iu Up- car their berry, executors, or aa.l jar, arJ to
r ('suds .hu►1 esu•. such li,l of Lads
tuelude the singular or p'ural, assorts• or
femtoloe, u ILC Cies may be; sod the word
"Cueuty" shall be construed to include
Unions uI Cwoetese•
1. Treasgrer of the Cowl
(or United Commie.) of du
hereby cortrlr, that 1 have received from.
the Burn of berul
the whole 'mount payable aecordtng to ibe
Inotatues of an Aet et the Province of
Canada, parsed in the sixteenth year of tier
Repiety'r Reign, remelted, obi 4ct to pro
ride for Lbr rrcorrry of tAs rates o■d gores
Intended to ba imposed by certain by -Lava
, f Ike lots Dish id Cursed. of Upper C.r-
nada, and nhaptercd kin r.-
dsmptioc of lot (or part of 1••1, drscri&iag
it, car acres ul lot, as the case may
be,)namher in the
CuuCereiva .4 the lewnahlp of
wbxh wit sold by the Shenfl of the Die.
tract of ("r County of )
for arrears of ossa on the , day of
to tiro year
Dated (Signed)
Thi. Deed is cancelled by mo Tres
surer of the County(or Untied Counties) of
the land described therein
hating been redeemed on the
J,y of lis the year
Usted (Signed.)
giretr*nllhe at ttkmest, w embarrass or re.
tad the aettleramet of Ibe while regions.
It use trt1a�&l to setlk all the .ahool lards
with ar vl.rs; and tiro was' the object of
the Citrus ,ought. The provisions
of thtr 1blM to aurorae awl carry out ached
sitrukimMt ray teem slriugen(• But this
w as ormsttidablc in attauuu, the cad. Those
W ho deal milk the cruses must confide is
the crime. If the crow. had to litigate
with every tnwWea•.tue srltkr or iutruder
+es a aettkr, the delays slid exp•ruse wool l
s serious, sad to the settler ruinous.—
Lendlorde a_d proprietors are armed with
.seat of 1lrt� 1 uNed hamjdam of lerr•t Ln '
tais and It laud, so4 iutttrletl, " Au Act to and arrears of teats to be adserise4 fur the
ire.,mule 1 l'ratiuces of Upper tad Low.' apace of cue mouth iu tam (:ottrnwr ul of-
er Canada, and for the Corermuenl of Ca- &coil Casette, and iu some •toe ueesp.Iper
Nada, and it is herehy euactyd by the author-' putaishe'l wdluu the ('sump, or ii Dnue be
Ity of the saute, That fruit and after the sit published, ea some newspaper in an ad -
I. of any of �oflt• ud,ing (in sewers fur!tale* shallud tie miler abe sequin -
ill of f `ighee Cana-
ccuutrl cal any want ed lit be wade, and red such err( an shall
Ix indudcd w the Collector's lloll, mid iso
.t 1 pp; in . lilt t
the kllerof tee Act Lerciubefore recited, ►o such &Vicar. during- the. 1,11.3i. at )ear; any
ptbarag of this Act, a
the kite MAI Cue.
da ehSM be qua lie d esu
of faeu iic Dau muni uTaay of the rrousi w,
the esaairti east bete 1 t accordance wit& I lauds .ball he sold tor the noes -payment cal
lo.g as such prusisious are iu secoedema I dii.j so the 1 pole (*made .\sscsemi nt Act
ol anui
with the true luted ioerug of tilt of 1$`'s',tu the contrary uotwiihslandina.
m trivial powers; and to carrying out any A, t.I VIII. And Le it umeted,'I tut iu case
ggreat public poLcy; the necessary powers 11. And Le it enacted sed declared, that any lards have liven sine fur arrears of tax-
' �1 elude were calculated and
saws he estruated to those who Lave the
defy to prefacer, and who are responsible
to parhaurtut. Justice to the settleuseut
generally demands 't Every lot should be
any rote co tae, or rates or taxes, iatended in, Inv p
to be imposed ow the lairds ire any cal the claim: d to be slue under any Ily-Law of any
Lon DisUiels ul tipper Canada, by „„y1, of tt:e late Dattict Councils, the Treasurer
of the County in which such lands were situ -
C4/ s r lir-law or by-laws berr.tufure passed by Ise
settled so as to open the road, to condense District liuuucils II.. reuf,autl out dieall•.w- P sled shall eiti.in three month„ after the
the aetilemeit, and thus snake the settlers ed by the Governor, or quashed by any i passiafng
of title
Act,st prep the awl adao vertise
near aeigttbum, enable Mem to assist each (;oust of Compelant jurudictru, slull'tre'
other and have their logging bees, and bar- held to be ralil and usll chargeable oaii and not afterearthredeemed, which list
dm, It bees, and winter bees of all kinds. such lands, so long as the acne Id trot in l shall eliew itis dale of sale, the amount for
The contemplated grant of £30;000 to fa- the whole excret ttoe l'cany11 all Peoa • 1 which the tan 1 or any portion of it was sold
editatc the settleineut of the country. will -currency, per acre, in any nue )car : Pro- the amount of tax which was justly cLarge-
be an important contribution to that ob- i tided always that no il,crr.ae or accumuls able upon the land according to the pro-
ject, if judiciously applied. The sum was lion of sit: h rates, hitttided to be impused t"bens of this set, up to the date ellen it
small, and if spread user the land in any or charged by .:ray such lty-law in crone- was advertised pret.ous to such sale, and
equal and general way,would becomeencenon + also all the taxes which have been pail upon
traaesceut uits usefulness. But if ex- hall be held to belt .tiJ er cbaryeable on I. the land siuce the date of the rale: Pro -
'tended upon district and local improve- the said lands: Provided al.oe that if any iaided always, that if iu any District no Ily-
la, manta, either in ail of local efforts, or in such By last' or 11 -tans shalt have tesed' law was passed imposing a rate on uuoccu-
;' y y pied lauds, orally -law was passed which
doing what local efforts canuot effect, some the lauds in any lh-Irict by the acre un -
of the larger obstructions may be removed, equally so that a different tax was iuteQJed
and some of the mote desirable facilities to be lesic. in Jillerent '1•ono,L+ps or lo -
may be afforded. Ile (\Ir. R.) felt as- calilie'•, or a diflcrent tax upon unoccupied
cured that the expenditure of the sum* would land from that at which laud was rated on
be found, when hereafter laid before the the A5,a•s• poet 1:oits, Ilse niole of the
Howe, to be faithful and judicious, though land in 'such late District shall be held
it will be undoubtedly a difficult task to dial 1 chargeable only with the lowest tax per acre
with the sclusbuess of souse and the oppos- l at which any of the land was so iutendrd to
tog opinions of others. Th. government Ire rated : Provided alio, that nothing in this
must rely open Dm candor of the public Act shall be held to make lawful any 13)s -
and of Parliament. 'fo the fund for iin- law gnashed by any Cuwt of Comt.eteet
proyemeut may be added vi tweeter mss• be jurisdiction aforesaid, or the tax unposed
collected under the clause of the bill whi.b by any Br -law which rated or intruded to
provides that the Connuissioner o1 Crown tete unoccupied land only and not all
Lands shall transmit euartetly to the Ge- land.
ggistrar of every County or lleg'tslratiou III. And he it enacted and declared, able on the land, as Lereinbefore provided,
I)istnct, ■ list of the (rlrrgy and Crown y'bet if ow •
1) -lass. of ,thy of the late
Iands herctrfurc or llercaJter disposed of District t'uuncil, shall have laxed or rated arid, interest thereon from the date of swuch
in such County or Registrationl Distri.:1, laud by tlx acre rt such ttr amt,uut tli"at tlit sale to the date of paymentto
, getherith
Ind upon which a payl*ent I,as been made ; r tis p J 1 1 I th tax of at taxes 1 `rchehave
a e bet1i ;.aid by the oe `ash
wlicb said Crown and Clergy lands shall
be liable to the assessed taxes in the towu-
ship in wht:•h they respectively lie. This
will tend either to piotiLit monopolizine,
purchases, or to make such lauds tributary
tel tlThe t o of apt:-
g r
did not tary,the lax to which such laud was
liable under the Assessment Laws then in
force in 1 pper Canada, it shall not be ng- •
cessary to advertise the lands sold In any
such District, nor shall the lands so sold be
liable to be redeemed iu the manner Pro -
Tided by the suction of this Act next fol -
lo wine.
I:I(. Anil be it enacted, that at any tome
within one year after the date of the first
publication of the advertisement required to
be made by the nest preceeding section, it
shall rend may be lawful for the owner of
any lot orparceI of land, or for any one
duly authorised on Lis behalf, to pay to the
said Treasurer the amount )natty charge-
so imposed totter mi, i e - to the ,
one eighths of a pauuv per acre, ctar„ed c racer, sit i.t qr y
on unoccupied laud,ii lieu ol Statute L.bocr lands, which payment shall be rar ied by
by1 the 'Treasurer to the account of the County:
eg the Act cal l: p ti r Canada passed in the and the said Treasurer shall thereupon,
fie Third year orae lisle. of ct t Mures ssithout any charge, give to the person so
tLe Third, and wliluled, 'Au Act to reeved •d o ins a certificate in the form pre -
to the public gnu syr ci a : part of aril arneud the laws row w hive n ( w
cies io Upper Canada(of Lower Canada ft.."( la
scribed in the Schedule appended to this
lasing out, amc.rJiug and keeping res
be keew less) eught 14°11'144" I° be calm- repair the t'ublic-lhehways and roads is Act, and marked A. that the land has been
goi,Led. 'f he employment of haul agents U1ils province," would in the eh'.k amount redeemed, which Certificate the Registrar
is of no advantage to either the seller or to more than One, Penny Half Peony per of the County is hereby required tori Lister
purchaser of land. It always fat ors .peau- erre, the tax of nue eighth of of a penny spin the payment of a fee of 1 wo Shillings the passage out in about 10 days.
la'loa, fat elitism and L;i1xr \\'bile a and mit lienee. and such certificate and the The Cotton l'orters have struck—de-
y P as aforesaid shall fir held to "Late Incrged re istry en thereof shall annul mal -c t oil
parently giving 0 clonce to all alike, !t iu the idt ii,l,osed by such 1:y -law;, est any the deed formerly el annul andy the Sheoil.
opens a door to fraud and petty tyranny; et the said District Councils .ball have so to thepurchaser*myf the uteri for arrears t
whereas, when it is once understood that lased or rated 11x• lairds, t a' the Distrlet taxes,the aud s:all re-conveyofIicla theo land to the
'IIIc first applicant to head quarters, whit e
may comply with the sellers terms, is cer-
lain of a preference, ssithout reference to
station or class; it ensures a confidence
with the seller, which can be attained by iso 1
other means. All the abuses of the out-
standing ',;curies are charged aeaiusl the
department. The losses by delalcations,
mismanagement and other abasia, would
sustain the whole department. '1 his sys-
tem of agencies has bees destr•eec-1 by the
Canada Company, whi:ii, for the reasons
shore usvgned, bad swept thein away, and
stow conducted their a@stn with simplicity,
economy, a:,d satisfaction, from their head-
quarters at Toronto. In carrying nut this
system, as is all like eaxs, much depends
upon 11.e tcreof society ; upon the cultiva-
tion of a public npmloo in the sett!e:neat;
upon eaereism„ a forbearance consistent
with justice and impartiality ; upon iuduc-
lag the settlers, as for their common good,
10 aid in 'corking, out actual settlement.
lie (Mr. K.) had thus in rapid outline
traced sore of the pt incipal leatures of the
measure. lit left much untouched from
the late period of the Session, and from a
desire not to occupy time, held precious on
both bides of tax !louse. Many poida
would arise is the con iJcratiou of tLc se- ed, a list of all lands previotrdy sold tor
.rale clauses ; and in the practical details Indy on lw'tet 0,,x1 ensrys` a n Isaacs lases and conveyed by the sheriff, but which
las, -se is tietemailere decl.red to he Lave been redeemed in the manner provided
chargcab'r upon it, note' by :o:d' easy h the ninth Section ; And the said tree-
tulunnalpy 10 .ole ley ,ase. by which s c t surer shall at any time after the redemption
t.z, was intended to le Deposed, pruviee,l
;bet .UCL t•y-lasts .:all not :.are been
q•ia.btJ a s slat:le :d.
V. A'td 0o at enacted anti r'eclsret.
Tits:I:ie tubae.I•reat rei,ual 01 atty by-
law of a:.y D':ilei Coma' .,.it nut
Ire sonar tea t i base Liu 1:4 iisee• the ar-
mobilise ia work of this dmcript os is a
public hermit, atMdad, is the oapers,sce
of England at haat, with many senora. aid
panful drawbacks. Nearly ail ort' Eag-
hsh manufactures of the kind have Isms ea-
tioguished by the iutroductioo of machi-
nery, of have beco reposed to suffering aid
decay from other carries. It re, 1Lerelore,
right to rout out taut the manufacturers
of Ireland, besides addressing themse es to
the tastes of the wealthier classes, ther
tlsau the wants of the milliuu, hare a ten-
dency to deem: upon hand labor with the
need).• , the wort paid of all skilled emplor-
meuts, and themost helpless when periods
of pressure and difficulty overtake the
trade ol a country. lo the 'echoes of
hardware and ci tlery the few symptoms of
hope for the intern progress of Irish indus-
try to be gathered from the Exhibition,
may be very briefly stated. Dublin boasts
two gond euamaken--Rigby and Tule-
luck—both of whom show very tine speci-
mens of workmanship. It also manufac-
ture:' as fine churcbbeils as are to be got
in any part of the world. Jn a eouutry
where the demand for organs must be cou-
siderable, Telford and another are the on-
ly organ -makers. Mr. r :ollagh, of Belfast,
the ouly pianoforte -maker in Ireland, died
from an illness brought on y Lis anxiety to
exhibit in Hyde Park, and though a piano
of his own is shown in the present Exhibi-
tion, the manufacturer has ceased. '[here
is a solitary Irish harp and one small case
of brass wind instruments of native make
—perhaps,ntended for " the ban I,"—some
fair specimeus of harness and saddlery
and a little superior bookbinding. A good
collecliou of Irish clocks is shown, and
dressing case and portmanteau manufac-
turet,an excellent kitcken range by Hodges
and San, and two other or three indifferent
lamps and chandeliers. The only other
remarkable fe tures of Irish contributions
are shoes, blushes, bog -oak ornaments,
cork- models, rocking -horses, and wedding
cakes. Shoes are specially exhibited by
Baird of Dublin, made in a particular wav,
with wooden pegs instead of stitching, and
are said to be excellent.
New Yong, June 23.
The steamer Niagara with dates to the
1 lth, arrived at Ilalifas yesterday.
LIVERrooL MARKETS.—Corn market
iu the early part of the week very active,
but with rain buyers become less eager; de-
mand continues good, and maiutains the ad-
vance of e'd on Wheat and 6J on Flour. --
Corn was in large supply and declined 6d.
Continued fine weather, and asettlernent of
the 'Turkish question might produce a re-
action in breadstuffs. United States white
wheat is variously quoted at 7s 4d a7s St'
Western Canal zed Canadian flour, aceord-
i°g to Deniston fit Co., is held at 2 I•s 6J a
a 21s 9J; Philadelphia, Baltimore and Ohio
24s 6d a 25s: white Cora 3ls; yellow 31s
3d. Beef in limited demand and unrhang-
ed. fork --moderate business.- Bacon
The Niagara spoke the Africa a 130
P. M., on the 11th off ItollyluaJ, making
Fat.uao es • Taus os sea Raaratta•
Teac ..--Tb. Telesis ph trout Toledo tithe
161b states, en ash tree Li. teat u ditM-
ter, 1.11 aero.e the yaek of the Northers
Indama Railroad. about I1 o'clock ea Ike
previous night, about 14 utiles tut of La-
porte. Tb. night certify tow r from Chi-
cago, nob fi.e care and !btu paauegers rise
over tt near iwdnight. The lieu,.■ was
killed, the (ragtime's •n•1 feet ..Coad class
passsager* were •easterly buil; the eDotae
and tender were smashed, the baggage and
second class firs user. Open., tta filet oas-
seager car was broken to peaces auu,150 loot
of the track tura up.
tax and the one eisldh of a 1'euuy as afore-
said' together, did not exceed line Penny
Hull fenny per acre, and if the said By-
laws did not eeprassly ralcasc the land -from
the said tax of nuc eie01h of a 1'enay. but
the said tax con•inue.l to be drmawlcd and
received, fre:a the date of the passing of
the said.B;-law, Men the et:occupied land
shall be held also liable to the tax of sue
former owner, and Dive him right to the pos-
ses.,ior., thereof as }fully as if no such Decd
of the Sheriff had bet executed: Provided
ehvays, that if there shall be ary iiuprove-
.:•ents-upon the land,BLtbc laud shall be in the
occupation or possession of any person hav-
ing a lo,w Jule title or claim thereto, eith"r
as the purchaser at the sale for taxer, or by
minding an Increase of wages from 3s to
40 per day. The association cumbers 3,-
500—the matter had not been adjusted at
late advices.
There were 1000 visitors daily to the
yacht North Star. Mr. Vanderbilt had
invited the Mayor and corporation of South-
ampton to visit his vessel.
Il,stilities have been iuvited in Ireland
against the proposed bill for the inspection
eighth of .''luny per Acre.
Deed, Bend or Written Agreement to sell of the\unneries.
1V. Aud be it et -acted a.J,icclared,That from the i.urchaser, the original oweer, be- , meeting was held m Lonslun, Lord
am sum or soiree of many which shall hart fore re-entering into possessian, shall pay g
leen paid- to the Collector of any'fowoslrip, to such occupant reasonable eompensauon Shaftesbury presided, to forward the welfare
fur pus improrrments made •scare the date of fugitiveslases in Canada. The subject
in sessme htlu ie the rales aLeJ Treasurer lhe. of sale, and such compensation shall be de- I is to be agitated.
say Disiiit 1:x oflle ar to floe 'sincot terminc1 in the manner and with the forms
any Di,ihi.1 ur of any County 'since the t provided 1n case of erroneous surveys by
abeLUun of Da tillielt hitufaction of any y
tax upon lead, shall Lot he rice celeLle, at.
I lire forty-ninth and fiftieth Sections of tLe The rumoured recall of Gen. Caned°
ihuuge bud' rate 0r ire may Isco excess Act pie -ed in the twelfth year of Her Ala- from Cuba is contradicted.
ed teat w tech might Irgs:ly tate Leen ( jesty's Reien, and intituled,-' An Act to re- SWITZERLAND.
ur may bate are mipused by : peal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to
an Iuluruul by law of tee and Dt::r,ei • make better provision respecting the ad- The Federal Council annulled all the
Councils; god 04 •arch (rge or add Lona' I mission of feared Sur eeyors and the Surrey sentences passed by the Courts Martial Jur-
demand ani l rs made, if tt, .a MS iso re- I of LaAJs is It province. lug the recant dtsturbanre.
ce.vtd by such t anto:tor or Treasurer full X. And be it enacted,That one ear
.noel el what was legally chargeable.— y RUSSIA AND TURKEY.
And Ili lied for ur in respect of a:oeh any after the date of the advertisement required
such rate or lax baa been so gold, shall bel baffle tnade by the eighth Section of this Up to the 4th inst., the Russians hal not
rei••asee tiont-auy liability or cha•go for the I Act, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer moved to the Pruth. The latest accounts
year or) earls in respect of which such tax- aforesaid to publish iii the manner required were favorable to peace.
sea-pe,•l: bet all tants hay:o to ayrcirm•�ntt for the other adverlisemcuts becere mention- The present Ottoman force numbers
190,000. St. Petersburg letters ray that
the Emperor's course was generally ap-
proved. The attitude taken by the Sul-
tan, is much approved by both Turks and
Greeks In'Syria, as well as in Turkey, col-
uutary subscription was snaking towards
the expense of arming. 'rbc latest ac-
counts were leas favorable to the mainte-
nance of peak. 'i'he messenger sen: from
St. Petersburg is said to have no J scrc-
tionary powers, merely carrying a de and
from the Czar that the Porte dull within
eight days acceede to \lensctikoti's ulti-
matum or take the consequence. A libs-
sian force. of 120,01h) infantry are on the
:Moldavian frontier, aid it is rumoured that
the Czar will himself come to Ismail. It
is stated that the Turks will n -•t make the
Danube but the range of the Balkan their
Zine of dcfen e. While thus preparing for
war the Divan docs not neglect the chance
for peace. Arbitration has been spoken of
and Reached Pavia was is favour of such
a solation. It a rumoured that Austria
offers, informally, to mediate to allow Use.
Czar an apology to retreat with honour.
BY RAIL.—On Muuday of lael week the
first train of the Nortberu Railway reached
Bradford. 'Trains now run daily to that
place, connecting with the steapoer Morn-
ing on Lake Gmcce.
\Ve received last evening the satisfactory
mtelligeuce that Mazzim is ouce more -se-
cure in England. '1'6e fact of his safe re-
turn to thiseouutry from Italy proves how
faithful the people of the coutiueut are
to 11m cause be aslvocates. 1t must
have been in the power of scores, nay''
hundreds during his absence, to have be-
trayed him to Lis pursuers. But be a safe.
Another illustration of popular feeling in
the hands of Austria, is afforded by the
fact that the leader of the insurrection at
Milan was in that city three months be-
fore • the outbreak—Lis errand known to
hundreds, yet his presence not belrayet.
More tlau that, we are iuformed that he
rested securely in that city for a month af-
ter the insurrection had been supposed, and
left Italy w safety for Loudoo.—London
Daily News.
have just received die printed bill of Mr.
liiucks, which hands over the eacise,hcen-
ces, kc., to the several municipalities in
Upper Canada, It gives power to these
bodies to pre cent absolutely the sale of
wine or brandy, or other, spirituous liquors
ale or beer, or any of tlx•rn by retailing,
within the municipality " Selling lice
gallons, .or one dozen bottles not to be held
selling by retail. 'f he last clause makes
provision for the probable passage of a law
"fol f rolibiting or limiting the sale of such
liquors." lVe are advancing! One step
further.-- Sart It Anteriurn.
DRowoen 1'Ensons.=l'he late London
papers relate that on Saturday the '2910
ult., an agricultural laborer named Solomon
Duuford, left the Crown public house, op-
posite the Fountain Hotel, West Cowes,
Ile of Wight, fora few moments, teavieg
his basket and a pint of beer, partly drunk.
but did not return. On Monday of the
next week, at noon, the body was discov-
ered in the water, near the fountain quay..
'The features did not present the same ap-
pearance as is usual in drowned persons; the
face became entirely black. " A novel
process" was used for the recoecry of the
body by one of the coast guard. On Fri-
day monung, the circumstance haring, been
made known to hitn, he assured the by-
standers that if the party was drowses io
the neighbourhood, he would discorer the
body by mcans of a " new loaf of bread, in
-which should be deposited three ouuces of
quicksilver, when the loaf would float till it
rested over the place where the body fright
lay." liowever extraordinary it may ap-
appear, the experiment yeas ttied, and on
the loaf becoming stationery, a boat -hook
seas put over -board beneath it, and brought
up the body. The man states that tins is
the fourth instance in which the experiment
has been tried by Lim with success.
The coatrsetors for the Railroad have
Irate the boning of the first so 4, bees ac-
tively parking the work. A few days ago
:a passing the scenes of operat►oa, we were
agreeably surprised at the este at of the
business already effected. Shanties are
erected, and cuttings comateoced, and the
spade and wheelbarrow are at work oo th
road at varioys points from eight to fifteen
miles distant from (:odericb. %'e beli,ve
there are about one Iwotb ed mea an
large number ot, horses actively en
and others are ddy arrivu.g from the lower
compkted sections of; the road. 'This
vigorous commencem k at gen well for
the early completion o the work.
be should gladly avail himself of the extend-
ed espericnSe of malty members of the
An Ad td y.rori•lc for Orr recovery -J the
Kates arid tiers: intended to Le iotla - 1 11
ed by certain Jly-Laos of tiu:ole die-
kerifl'a Deed and registry thereof, tooet6-
titch Councils of Upper Canada• rra:r of t',a taxes tmpoeoi or intended 10 er with lire interest upon the whole 6fsuch
Whereas the "(rid' i %nuaciis of tete- tie rc doeef by .)leaech By law, suet a Itch sums from the date of the sale to the date
wcrcduc for 11:. )oars previous to the re-
nt of the late Districts of Upper Unread., peal of the B_ law: I'roy,des always; that of eeleutp!ion; and if the 'Treasurer shall
intending to carry into effect the enact- I ontti,g beret r cuntatned, elm!: bo couetrued I or neglect to pny the carne, such total sum
Iner.t%of the Act of the Legislature of this tooc••a•truo the tax kr the )cat to uhrch and interc.t .Lail become a debt due by
prnsince, held in the fourth and fifth year of ruck B)•Iaw oar repealed, acd annttier lav- the County Council of such County, and
aur Majesty's licign, and intituled, "Au law p...eJ to place tnrre•,f, Lei. m all such shall be recoverable in the manner provi-
Artto provide for Ilio better interest Coe -I rases the tax .r ar.•r of 11* *ball for that ded by law for the recovery ol other debts.
eminent of that part of the province, which ' yea' fin I"isKto be ' et ""1"""us01 the re And the Treasurer shall cancel the'heed
1 ped deg Andwbe 0 r woo, Teat a Hee six so surrendered to him, by writing across
formerly constituted the Province of Co-
rer Canada, l.v rhe establislwucu( of iaocal monies ,Iter the regain, re this Act, it the face of it a Ccrificate in the form pres-
and Muuictpal autbontics therein," pare ! !ghee be 'he duty of rho t'reatuter of every Bribed In the SchedaIe appended to this Act
•ng -t the pa•siog of the sail Act, reseed t „u,ny In Ch1• -r ::anal:., end be'. htreby' marked 11, and he shall deliver the Deed
,haers Bv-Laws;.posing retesoetaxes oa , r.tuired to •mkt out a tut 01 ,..„.1; lul 1r iso cancelled to theregislnr of the County
p ' I e u'icls tad Ile rates or I pat! of Int 10 I.rs Cu•:Ity, rpnn w•hIC1 107 in which the land is Situate, who is hereby
of the land, upon the demand tof the pur-
chaser, and the surrender by hint of the
Sheriff's Deed, pay out ofany County money
in his hands the sum for which the land was
sold by the she iff, and the cost of the
i sada in I .e rale VIS
tares so mite se& have been paid by lin !tuts may 1 porn: to tee ase;aid sod :n al re used without any chlr�e to file it with
majority of the inhabitants awl laud-liolicn I roar, she het .Le laid saxes .:ecru•v Mien, q
i0.iein; .% i whereas it appears that the car at er ileeat.L.t.f,mIt ..1 I).tl.ct Cuun- the Crrt heals of the redemption of the
Iota! sum or soma lob eared render such c'1'. And he .na l eel dews oppu.,tu each tame land:
est or part of tut Ibe t.7.1,0..P.741,01:
:d .our wLtab X1. And be it enacts-, That deny land
liy-Ions, and the purposes in winch Boy 1 Ase11 spltar w Le .,due and in arrear up sold for .resale of rues a .foists J •rasa
were to be applied, were tot fir -t deter. to the first day of Jasuuy,tigl.!ccn !.cod not hate been redeemed in the mune*
mired by same of the said District Coma- t,d and fitly -throe, Ise:wong a sack inial end w Ohm the paned, allowed and pro-
!be su::Isattirwrrvlaapportioned to (r.w the ln•pnrtl•,naf e.t.a* fur Umatter v c'st ntdesl 0> it.i d r , .ochail usfolly u shallties they
and rated on the Iands in the acid Dtsu'c a ;end dolt rut ihmg tree t L.pses Cue haloes seed nod bee.;
made under the autb'.rity of
but a certain rate a tax of so much peri ii"
B kw of the late District C .unrd leas the Asse...orent laws is forte in Upper
• w • tat once impose
era web lands,attJ j y C previous to the passing of the
P tet.. farce, the tater Jus 'soder such I) law vtada.
Iliac tf them,
warIlia( the said l3y-Law', or tasmt N By laws. Ind toe 15x00 doe .1100 tae er
were otherwise informal, std stlstaMed/1'o' ! talrhebureat of County Cout.cda. And be
t oxine not strictly in .resew esIb lbs a:
1 Ar■i!e ilca'ale the aonnlol tea duo 00 niers
said Act, and whereas doubts may tzid as i wt ISMs•-cording tribe provrnoos u t ,o Aet
to lie tree messing. eMand� Act, it ei -Caa•da.. ra _ d in aki0 stn.) Actabos• cued or of the of
f of Upper
fort fist section of t moo ,red odd tiled, ",tis Act to repeal the
Act passed ,n the •weltib year of Her
Majssly's Reign, and initialed, "An Aet
to repeal the Aim is fore* se Upper Ca-
nada, relative to the estab5.hm.a, of Lo
elland Mosre'p.l Aulhorrtas, and other
matters of ■ hl* eater*," and
roe aesmsst of or 'nth Vie .ale. to,'" place,
p,edrelrl to yeetart •n1 ase seem al twee. now u f nee re a y W sol p y .zee imposei or
be P 1 1 B I 1
thee t• pr*sti* aur 111"4kit• Piste*" hennaed a 1'rWldfl that
Illadts reeral tlrlNrs•ataa r'1 cal she Uma of each ole the taxes (whether
e!•I 1 �• by sue► By Law N by the Assets•
*led', sad teheteas p 1 atm* a ay Bylaw w were
Aa•►.rseat trews, a eider )"th
d IM raid DidrMMa �� diads 'J (Ibe late (httsitl is whish tM Mod so a ar the sale of t►* IuJs, •od .bat a,l tba re --
I h doubt, as o 1 un to navy. item used ea 1
rl ( „d Web e. ki taint .g-1
t o. and a.ae.sc.esa n 1 te M Ir n a. v aw o
Jarred defective is We, t .rare "kit Iof1D land' as d otlx I rate t prepetty MMU{ tmplsfied .
tear the
bell most
mos .isms of Ibe , out 11,11 P,oviace," and.tbetpeml site of moot Lew: of Upper Cicada, or e beck
aairb►t n *serial 1'ee P. _ .... of Ups', CaaaM, aall1S41mg veers .I saes
Art shave err were 'rho same, esu ase r
the powers iwteaded to Com rc ng and col•eccrwg r;t
vttes or leges his Praline,. and 1.r
DeWitt Ctlsstsia ,ech rate. as. i(! •be rues "Psi end g
ilei t• M
r to the extent required by the
said*Irish bed savior
meld far arrow ttill6sN tt �- re.r was thee 'twinged, eerie Imo f.wce, sl queen, to to the alis ereess•aeal sea
fl r p* ran .w•d b, 'elect,* to tech e.t.a were eumpbed 111115,
gain, I terlag
lett arlbelmsi sled p
ormire (be
.tat he manse. M7 /tails w411116esrst , cbe said Aeto; sal from tie Woe easy .welt
abe IVO, of loch mks, to les- 3f 1aw s. af•wresrd reme tete lures, 10.1 e -
Bre ths*U will, "web r'"' sed ptsgsls- , twig sen ea.ihrwed to t.eeea M /tall rel.
yllhaimdt'er'ete the roe aecarting r wen ofr. a
141014tunrthe wa•we
Ile 14 rirerellmeasset- pf**I.I"ire of the. Act a*
Amsr /middeat Maury, lead t.ace which Isbell he chargeable epos X1f. .tai ba it eo:etti. That wh*aerer
Presided oleo teat nothing berets r,nland
.hall be held to wake valid tie lith, to asv
Inds whish shell hove bees edordgee to be
Invalid by a.y Court of .ump.teat )unsdte.
splendid steamer belonging to the Ontario
and St. Lawrence Company commences
her regular ttips on the American Ex-
press Line one week from to-morrow.—
We paid her a visit one day list week, and
were very much pleased with the taste dis-
played in her fitting up. IIer saloons and
cabins bear the impress of experienced and
skilful hands, and the visitor is assured'at a
*lance that everything that can insure the
case, comfort and safety of the travelling
public, so far as the New York is concern-
ed, bas been attended to. The New York
has accomodation for about 300 cabin pas-
sengers. Besides 44 state rooms, she has
12 double rooms, all fitted up with superb
trimmings, gorgeous ru:tains awl costly
mirrors, and while everything had been done
that cdtrld be conceived to render a trip
cotplcrtable and luxurious, a double care
has been taken for the prevention of acci-
dents -and the safety of passengers. 'Ile
steamer is provided with three fie engines
one amidships worked by the engine, one at
each end of the vessel, made Stationary with
the auction hose passing through the boat
cemmenicating with the water, the leading
hose is ot sufficient length to reach any part
of the vessel, and always ready to work'—
About a hundred floats, of capacity to float
two passengers each, hare been provided
and arc rigged with cords so that the bold
may be preserved. The vessel is also pro-
vided with six small boatsfour of wbicb are
Frrncis' Metallic Life Boats, insiatruct,ble
by fire, and capable of carrying 40 persons
each. To all these precautions are'added 2
lite preserver stools to every state rooms.
Ogdensl ssrgI. Paper.
Fre R.—The'extenaive.aw mill of Messrs
Lowed te Lemon. at ''ort Rebellion was
totally de.trnyed by fire on tho morning of
Suadav last. The orgic.ie,,o far,unknown.
but n u suppose/ that some dissipated cha-
racter effected an entrance during. rho nigh',
and with careless mach l,ghtenrug, caused
the destruction of the premiers. Wo are
pleased to learn that an tnse.ranceof £1,°00
,e ac,urid in the Hartford Etna and Proven
vial Mutual Codtpanics.
(I•'rom the Ti es, Loudon, May 25.]
A)ublio, May 24 --Viewed from •strictly
Irish point of survey, the mon the exhibi-
tion unfolds itself the smaller and less satis-
factory does the display of 'atiosa]industry
appear. A gloss bas bees put over the
real state of the case by shopkeepers and
retail dealer+, who exhibit seder their own
names, large and beautiful assortments of
goods manufaclured is England or Ekotland
or the cootinesl ; bat the sanguine impul-
sive people of this country meat sot comma,
from ibemselver that to the splendid pro -
dock of bum. labor, now collected within
use building is Memos -.quart, they have
sol co.tribated as they ought. To their lies
mawfact.res, their poplar's, their woolens,
their hosiery, eel laces, wird taw be added
!heir sewed mdias,iS which& cossidenbk
trade sante anter i. Bdtast, sad of
whaeh lloldes ad stases are Ilt to ea -
Whit some very film specimens. But here
.gum it is rose M to tr: est that the
employterat of tum •f the kopek
This Commissiou held a second silting at
the British Exchange llotcl in this tows on
Monday the 27th. inst., for the purpose of
takiug evidence on the part of the defence.
The Commission opened at 9 o'clock
A. M. and closed at 3 1'. M. The Com-
missioner Mr. Bell and the defeudant's
Counsel Mr. Beecher leaving on the same
day for London where the Commission was
to have been opeued for au hour or so
on the part of the defeuce, and then to be
closed finally. We trust that Judge Ac -
land and his friends will not complain deny
want ot time being given them, as the
government extended the Commission two
months for the purpose of alloeiue the
Judge to put in any further defence Le
might desire,tbereby spiuniug out this inves.
tigation for a period of five montlu. We
were opposed to the extension of time al-
lowed under the Commissio-,•is every opper-
tunity had been„ giro!' for Mr. Acland'e
defence at its first opening and In our opin-
ion it was unjust to require the Commis-
sioser and C.onlpleioants Couusel to travel
over the ground a second time.
'I'be Commission having been extended and
the Judee's second defence basing been put
in, we now trust the Government will gite
the accused the full benefit of Lis deleace
and the advantage of every doubt, aid an-
swer the prayer of the Complainauts pe-
tition promptly by giting justice in the
premises. The people of Iluron have been
petitioning in this matter for two or three
years, and we may safely eoucbrdethat they
will not take it well of the 1 internment if
any more time iv lost in answering their
THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1y53.
In our advertising columns will be found
a notice oftiie meeting of the Shareholders
in this work for the purpose of appointing-
Directors, &.c., for the road. It appears
that private enterprise has origluatcd a
Joint Stock Company, with the above de-
signation for -the purpose of making a
Gravel Road in conformity with the -Act
12 Viet. Cap. S1, to extend from the
Town of Goderich to a distance of about
six miles out upon the Iluron
'I'he stock is divided into four hundred
shares at £5 each, nearly the whole of
which are already taken up, so that the
work is secure of going into operation.
A large portion of the mud road which
tits undertaking will supersede, has long
been an eyesore to this neighborhood, as in
the spring and fall it is nearly impassable,
and even after an ordinary shower in the
summer mouths locomolien Is mucin re-
tarded by the tenacity of the soil. We
would have been pleased to have seen the
road undertaken as far as Clinton, but as
many difficulties and much delay would have
to be encountered in doing so at preach(,
probably the wiser course las been adopt-
ed, and an extension can isc an after con-
sideration. It is expected that the ria
miles w ill be completed during the preseet
season. Mr. George Brown, County
Treasurer, and tate other gentlemen who
have exerted themselves in this matter are
entitled to the thanks of the travellers on
this road, as are also the members of the
'Gown Council, which body has taken fifty
.hares in the undertaking; although the pro-
ject will undoubtedly be a paying one.
We are glad 'Lat a commencement is
abouts to take place io gravelling the lead-
ing roads of these United Counties, and al-
though the operations in This instance are
epos .leery limited scale, atilt we rejoice in
them as being the commencement of those
efforts which will ultimately secure con-
tinuous lines of good roads throughout the
The coodiuon and prospects of our
Counties require efficient roads, and now
that Perth is oobly making bee own gravel
roads, we are in hope That the Counties
Commit will seriously entertain the sub-
ject, and we doers( not it might be success-
fully btought under notice, at its next
session. We believe the Gravelling of
the Iluron and I. nndon Roads could be
completed for £15;)0), or probably less,
and it is well knows that the Cantles aro
in fully as favorable a polities for undertak-
ing such weeks as the neighboring County
of Perth which kit already toted £20,000
f or that object, and we are co.vi.ced that
sepal enterprise word be mssifested
by the people of those Colm'ies, if the mat-
ter should be nsbmitled to then
The Tannery of Messrs. Oliver and
Bruce of this'1'uwn, was discovered to be
on fire at about two o'clock, oD the morn-
ing of Tuesday last, and' in a very short
apace of time eras burnt to the ground.—
The building was a frame one of consider-
able age. and it is supposed the fire origi-
nated from some defect in the flues. The
principal part of the stock was saved, be-
intl. mostly in the vats at the time. The
building was insured for £350. The w,a.i
was fortunately rely light or tie dwelling
house situated within a few feel of the
burnt building must have gooc likewise.
A large 13.11 to he rang upon the occa-
sion of fires, lee., is much needed, as io our
Town from its wide 'Spread location, a fire,
as in the present instance, may take place
without the majority of the nbantal,ts be-
ing aware of its (raying transpired until the
next day. Occasions may am! probably
will arise when the united excrtions.of the
whole inhabitants will be reginred to pre-
vent the spread of the destructive element.
We Lope that some efmt will be made to
secure the prompt co-operation of the pub-
lic at such disasterow times.
We find the following very imporlsat
(acts relative to this management of tho
Crown Lands department, in the editorial
correspondence of the Toronto "North
American" of of the 19th nit. 1l reflects
the very highest honor upon the dutingmab
head of that department, and will bo highly
gratifying to the whole conclry:
" ■STRt�Cnuasr ASD aaroau.
"1 Lave just seen a statement prepared
in answer to as Address, of the results of
the Hon. Dr. Rolpb's rmproremeots in end
niacin* el administration of the Crown
Lands Departrneot. It appears that the
average produce of the timber duties for
the last three years did oot exceed £25,000.
Last year, after allowing for all deducttona,
ieclnding the amount thrown off on account
of reduced duties, about which Bonito,
made an much noise, the revenue will
amount to upwards of Cb0,000. This in-
crease is chiefly owing to the vigorous and
eucceeeful dyer's of the Comm ,sioaer in
preventing frauds and evasions of the law.
Se much for bating an able, honest man at
the head of an important Department•—
i et the tortes rave while the people thrive.
Dr. Rolph has saved i. his Department
shore enough to pry the salaries and ex -
proves of the terve mtaistry "
Two now I000motivi0 have bees reeeetly
i'apared Prem Petteeios, N• J., for the
Northers R.Uroed. According to our jod
gement of rschaniam, they are decidedly
inferior le weikeaieblp to thaw mas0fSe-
tnrd sl Mr. Oeed's eslabbsbmeet is this
city, and we thiel that the Directors of
railroads will Md it to their advs.l.p to
e.ce.rage home productions, sad e.p.sMlly
whoa they cam obtt►Iy better 'melee at a
tfusta•ablc cost,
The Town Council met on Tuesday
night last. His Worship the Mayor be-
ing absent, the chair was filled by Mr.
\\'allace, the Reeve. The following gen-
ttemen were present, Messrs. Marwood,
Story, Raltcubury, Ifolton, Watson,
White, Smith, llenky and O'Coonor.—
The discussion had principally reference to
the grading and gravelling of some of the
leading streets. including West street,
from the Ilarbor hill, the Markel Square,
Kingston, and portions of Elgin end'1'oroa-
to streets, to the old South Boundary,
which operations are to co.nmence as soon
as the necessary preliminaries are effected.
The Council also takes £250 stock is
the Gravel Road, for which a company is
now forming. 'fo effect these and some
other necessary improvements., including
the erection ot public Schools all of
which will greatly benefit the inhabitants
generally, the Council have wisely deter-
mined to raise money by Debentures to the
amount of £2500, instead ol £2000 as we
on a former occasion reported.
It also appeared to diaetrsion that the
Council had taken the fire Engine from
the hands of the Company which lately
held the same. We hope as Ibe Towi is
nasewaof a re Eagite of its sure
unsnwkrpothe contrcdol of
Fiits Mtmieipal (mss'
that steps will be takes to pet it ie roper
w orking order, as from want dem we 00-
dentand it would prove a.sNity fie rase 01
fire. We have heard it woad? suggested
that the eerviees el a ttamber of Ioung men
might be obtained to esersbe dee salt""'
and act as a fin compea7 bf the tan's.
of the SIM.te labor tat sow eaaetad from
eoeh, or b1 ansa elbIr ateh i ex maty,, the
Statute aio givta da,eral priyilegea ..d
exewptia• to sorolson of fin cjm . isa,