HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 17Golf is a good deal like taxes. You drive hard to get to the green Then you wind up in the hole, LAKEVIEW :CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra 1111 1111,111 1 1111 11,1111111 1,11111111111t11111111111111111 TWIST NIGHTS .Have Fun! Everybody's Doing Ill with "THE CRESCENDOS" EVERY WED. AND FRIDAY Admission $1,00 DRIVE-IN SERVICES (Crediton Highway, 5 miles cast of Grand Bend, just at Shipka) Sunday, August 26 7:00 p.m.-Choir at Shipka Church 8:00 pint,-Speaker: Rev, D. Binmons, London Music by Temple Ladies Trio and The Salton Bros. Quartette Sunda yy, Septembor 2 8t00 p.m, -Streaker: :Rev. 'Wm, 0, Swain, assistant Minister Of St, Bpiscopal can) Church, Midland,• Mich., and a physicist employed in research at the Dow Choinical EACH TUESOAY EVEN1N6 PLAN TO SEE THE FILM SHOWN Al' THE PINERY FAkX1 VESPER SERVICES Welcome to the Unveiling of HI S TORICAL PLAQUE in recognition of the contribution of Hon. James G. Gardiner SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2:30 P.M. Thames Road United Church Chicken Barbecue with homemade salads, pie with ice cream WOODHAM ed, August 29 .30 TO ?! AdtpissiOn: Adults $1.50, rhitdroi ?not SPONSOR BD BY (.Ill H('11 ‘VOMRN SUN Bean Vt, AT JACK PECK'S FARM 1 1/4 Miles West of Kippen Thursday, Aug. 30, 8 a.m. HEAR DR. HOWARD SNOW, Canada Dept of Agricul-_, tune, Harrow: and WENDELL SNOW and DICK FRAiNK, of Western Ontario Agricultural School, See the Test Plots! ISE r THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY & MONDAY August 23, 24, 25, 27 "Flutari" (Color) John Wayno, Red Buttona TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 28, 29 "Lad A Do (Color) Peter Brock, Peggy McCay KIDDIES SHOW •'i-Hour of Cartoons Free Pepsi for Kids...; Free draw for all ticket holders on Tuesday night. Picnic Coolers and Pepsi ••,11,0406•14.4461•1,10,, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1 "The Mon Who Shot Liberty Vglance" James Stewart, John Wayne DON']' F(51k0Oit`9it,FlUiteH SgRvICIS tVititY ISUNbAY 141GHT • BIRTHS CARDS OF THANKS- Latter front spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs, William Ward, of MOnitten, Airs. SttieY, Of ranton,„ visiting with Mrs Albert lank. Cecil Smith; sports committee. gy ,MRS, HAROLD DAVIS. Mrs, Isaac Sims and Mrs, Wil- fred Harback, London, Kirkton Oldest person present was Airs. Earl Berry and Air. Mrs, Jack Kydd, Exeter; young- Donald Berry left Monday of est, Cathy Urquhart, London; last week for a trip to the West coming the farthest, Mrs, fa. eoast. Argunart, Tbornfigie, Sports and Mr, and. Mrs. Clayton Smith a picnic supper oectipied the attended the wedding of their afternoon. nephew at Welland on Satur- The WO picnic is to be held day. the second Sunday in Septem- Miss Linda- johns spent the her at the .same place, weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Bill. Stock, of Wavistock. Air, and Airs. William Scott visited Sunday with Air. and Mrs, Bert Gordon of St. Marys. Air. Tom Atthill, of Kitchen- er and Mr. and Airs. Harvey Harvieux, of Algoma Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Museroft, of New Brunswick, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Jarvis. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs, Norris Atthill were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Museroft and ;family, of New Brunswick, Air and Mrs. Harvey Harvieux, of Algoma. Mills, MY. and Mt's. Charlie Atihill and family, of Exeter, Mr. Toni Atthili, of Kitchener, and MI'S, Dan Jar- vis. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, of Toronto, visited. Monday with Mr. and Airs, Miller ale- 'Curdy and celled on friends in the village. Mr. and airs. William Black• ler visited. Sunday with Air. and Airs. Leslie Fairbairn and family, of London. Mrs. Cliff Scott, Jo-Anne and Rickey, Mrs. Harvey Squire BIRTHS, 13.AYNI-IAM Mr. and Mrs, 4Aines .flaynham, London, announce the birth of A. son, At Victoria Hospital, August 21- first grandchild for Mr. And Mrs. Dale Nixon, Sea- forth, and Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Bayeham, Ili ail coSsgt.41N-F/0 J, P. A, Cos- sena, Main Si,, Exeter, an- nom= the birth of a son, Jean Paul Michel, at South Heren Hospital, August 12. DALLAS-Mr, and Mrs, Win Liam Dallas, RR 1 Brucefiekl, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, August 20 - a brother for Steven. FINKHEINER-Matt and Irene Finkbeiner, RR 2 Creditor, announce the. birth of a son. at South Huron Hospital, August 13 - a brother for Randy and Ricky, HERN - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Herr, RR 1 Granton, an• nounce the birth of a son, Paul Ernest, at South Huron Hospital, August 11.-a bro- ther for Judy and Donald, Ste. ..... . UNITED SUMMER SERVICES Main St. and James St, congregations in JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH during August SERVICE AT 11 A.M. Main St. and James St. Sunday Schools each at 10 a.m. Rev, S. re, Lewis on duty for both churches during this month. VISITORS WELCOME • EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: J. Wallace Stephenson, B,Th. Sunday, August 26, 1962 2:00 p.m.-Sunday School for all ages. 3:00 p,m,-Worship Service Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Service Nursery provided for pre-school children. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A. Sunday, August 26 10:00 a.m.-Bible Study 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon: "Hell: A Dance, A A Dream or Damnation" 7;30 p.m Evangelistic Service Sermon; "Behold the Bride- groom Cometh!" Wed., 8:00 p.m.-Prayer Ser- vice CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rey. John C, Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs, W. G. Cochrane Choir Leader: Mr. W. G. Cochrane No Sunday School during July and August, 10:00 ann. - Church Service each Sunday. Sunday, Aug. to - Speaker: Rev. R. Ai. Biseett Yeti are invited to worship with us. MA1ER And Airs, ;Ger. aid Mater (nee Kellerman), DashWood, announce the birth of a daughter, Karen .Anne, at South Huron 11.0Spital, August 1. MTCKLI and Mrs, Wil- liam Miekle, lienSall, an- nounce the birth of .a son, .John William Laird, at South Huron Hospital, August 21 - a brother for Pamela and .1 kid Rh, CARDS OF 'T.HANKS- We would like to thank all our friends end neighbors for their kindness in remembering us with cards and nice gifts, also flowers, for our fiftieth golden wedding anniversary on August 15; and also special thanks to Rev, and Mrs E, 0, Lancaster and the Ladies Guild of St. James Church.-Mr. and Airs. J. 11, Whltmore Sr., RR 1 Clandeboye, Ont. 23a ZION CHURCH.,.., Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, August 26 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School 8:00 p.m.-Drive-In Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, August 26, 1962 Tenth Sunday after Trinity 8:30 a.m.-Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev, William Getz Communion Sunday Sermon: "Branded with Gen- erosity-Galations 6:17 BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Alorning Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School 8:00 p.m,-Evening Service All Welcome 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7;30 p.m.-Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:00 p.m, - Prayer and Bible Study A Hearty Welcome To All THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 ann.-Worship Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All Are Welcome EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. 10:00 A.111.-Stinday School 11;15 a,rn ,-Alereing Worship Rev. A, M. Schlenker preach- ing. Murray and Joan :Keys would like to thank those who re- membered Joan with cards, visits and gifts while a .patient in Victoria Hospital and those who sent cards and helped Murray with the farm work Liter his aeeident, 23e We wish to express our Sin- cere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of .kindneas, messages of sympathy and floral tributes during our recent loss, We also wish to thank those who re- membered dad with cards, flowers and visits while In hospital.--Airs, W. j. Hay and family. 23a Ron and Helen Swartz would like to thank everyone who sent flowers, cards, treats and visit- ed Helen while a patient in the hospital and since return- ing home, Special thanks to Dr, Eeker and Dr. Read and the staff at the hospital, 23* I wish to thank my many friends who remembered me with visits, cards and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital and at home. Special thanks to Ted Ducharme; also to Dr. Gulens, Miss Claypole and staff, Many thanks.-Keith Ayotte, 23* Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Chap- man of Grand Bend, Ontario, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Carol. Anne, to Dr. Ronald Robert Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Hanna, Alber- ta, The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 15, at two o'clock, in the Grand Bend United Church. 23c The engagement is announc- ed of Miss Myra Hildagarde Stokes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Stokes, Chatham, to Mr. Keith Ray Lovell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 16, at "The Little Stone House", Thamesville. 23* Mr. and Mrs. C, Medley May, RR 1 Centralia, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their y o u n g e r daughter, Marian Pearl, to Mr. Dwayne Garvin Tinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney, RR 1 Exeter, The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 15, at 3 o'clock, at James Street Unit- ed Church, Exeter, Ontario, 23nc IN MEMORIAM - RICHARD-In loving memory of John Richard, husband, father and grandfather, who passed away August 19, 1941. Somewhere there is no part- ing, Somewhere there is no pain, Somewhere loved ones are wait- ing To greet us once again. And though beyond our under- standing, May this set our hearts at rest, Somewhere in all His wisdom. Our loving God knows best, -Always remembered by his wife Jessie and family,. 23c HODGINS-In loving memory of a dear husband, dad and grandpa, Henry W. Hodgins, who passed away one year ago, August 26, God saw you getting weary, He did what He thought best; He put His arms around you Anti whispered 'come and rest'. The golden gates stood open, One year ago today; With goodbyes left unspoken You gently slipped away. He died as he lived, every- one's friend. -Lovingly remembered by his wife ire and family. 23e Topics from Whalen By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire, Betty Jean and. Joey, of Bit- Min gh in , Midi. were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mee. Nor- man ilodgins, Mr. anti Mrs. William Smith, Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Morley, Mr. and Airs. Clarence Knight and Mr. and Alm Win Ham Rodd, Exeter, were Sun- dae guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning. Mr. Frahk Parkinson and Glenn Weeded a Shier .get-to- nether at the hand of Me, and Mts. Art Minn, Thanieslord, ulr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Squire, Sharon, Marion and Colleen, Who spent several Weeks at Titseein Arizeita, and other points, arrived ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins on Monday, Since &Jilting heine they have purchased the faint of Airs. Gordon 'Jones, 10th liet, BlAnsheed. Air. and Alt's. Alex Benne Were in London for, a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Simpson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norther; lied. gins and rattily attended the 4.11 Kirkteri beef deb meeting ion Thursday evening At the limbo of Mr. jne., O'Shea,- Mrs, Gordon Kirk, Donald andCathenee. 1000, visited nn Tuesday with Atte. Cleve rattan. Mr. arid Mrs. jitit MeCiend of Detreit were Saturday vist. Airs. Harry Al. Cole, 46, of Waterloo St., Exeter, died in Victoria Hospital, London. on Tuesday, August 31. She was the former KWh .Cameron Hendrick, daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Hendrick, Dashwood. She train- ed as a nurse in Stratford and Seatorth hospitals. In 1042 she was married to Harry Al. Cole, arid they have made their home in Exeter since then. Mrs, Cole was a member of James Street Veit- ed Church, being a leacher' in the Sunday School and active in the young women's organ- izations, She was a member of Pride of Huron Rebekah. Lodge -under whose auspices a service will he held at the Dinney funeral home, Thursday evening at 9:30 p.m. Surviving are her husband and one daughter, Helen Lou. ise; one sister, Airs. Fred (Ruby) Bell, Utica, Mich.; five brothers, Edmond Ilendriek, Crediton, Samuel, Exeter, Don, Lloyd and Laird Hendrick, all of Dashwood. The body is resting at the '1', Item lioffman funeral home, Dashwood, until Thurs- day at 5 p.m„ then al R. C, Dinney funeral home, Exeter, for Thursday evening for a Re- bekah service al 9.30 p.m. Fu- neral service will take place !Friday, August 24 at 2,30 p.m. at the T. Harry Hoffman .funer- al home, Dashwood with inter- ment in Exeter cemetery. Letter from Crediton By MRS. M, FAIST Personal items Mr and Mrs. William Leary, of Detroit, spent a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. Sam Lamport, last week. Mr. and Airs, Lloyd Hey and Lorne Voigt spent the weekend at Detroit with the former's brothers, Mr. and Airs. Joseph Fink- beiner are spending a .LOW days with their son, Mr, and Airs, Eugene Finkbeiner and family at Barrie, Mr. and Mt's. Paul Schenk and Howard are holidaying at Sudbury and Kirkland Lake, Peter Heist of Grand Bend visited with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick and family last week. Mrs. Lorne Morlock returned home from St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday, much im- proved. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Beaver were Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Beaver of Pittsburg, Air, and Mrs. Eugene Beaver arid boys of Exeter, Mr. Howard Beaver, Hamilton and air. and Mrs, Al., Beaver, town. Mrs. W, D. Mack returned home last Thursday from her six weeks' .tour. She visited friends and relatives while in the British Isles. Mr. Don Bergen and .:iciAlgh- ters Jo-Ellen and Dickie-Lee, of Detroit, visited with Mrs; Al, Gunn and Joe over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszler and children, of London, spent a few day with Mrs. William Roeszler and family this week. Mrs. Lloyd England, who spent a few months m Montreal, returned home last week, Mr. Eldon Smith accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Sper- ling of Walkerton are this week on a trip to Montreal and the St, Lawrence Seaway. Dr, and Mrs. Frederick Mor- lock and family, of Waterloo. spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Morlock. Air, and Mrs. Howard Krue- ger, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rees Krueger and Jean. Mr, and Mrs, E. Al, 'Fahrner, F/L Robert and Mrs. Palmer, Shirley. Beth and Mack of To- ronto, air, and Mrs. Roy Raft and Miss Lillian Heist - spent Sunday with Mr. Calvin Fehr- ner at Selkirk and attended morning services at Roinham and Selkirk E V 13 churches where Calvin is serving, Mr. Robert Crawlaird, Gode- .rich, spent last week with Mr. and Airs. 'Rosa Krueger and Jean, henry AL Brown spent Sun- day visiting his brother and niece with their families in To- tont°, Mr. and Mrs. Alurdoeh Leod, of Walkerton, visited with air, and Mrs. William Hodge and family last week. Sharon and Billy Hedge returned with them •for a week's holidays. COMING EVENTS- VISIT GB MUSEUM-For ati enjoyable afternoon, visit the Bisenbach Aluseum at Grand Bend, west side of No 21 -Highway, blocks north of main intersection. Operated by illuensater Shrine Club. sion 50e, Open 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. 7;5-8:30e THE ANNUAL Memorial Day service will be held at Zion Cemetery, Usbortie Township. On Sunday, August 26. at 2:30 p.tii. DST. 'Lien Cemetery As. sociation, Mr. Ross W. Horn, Secretary • Treasurer, Grentnn, Ont. -- 23e - All' .and airs. Frank Allen of tronintey will be. at lump to their friends en Tuesday, Ann 28, afternoon and evening, the occasion of their fiftieth worn dirig Anniverserv. No oat St please, 23e tors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry leblire. Can Sunday Mr. and Mrs, '0, .1. ?avilz, Tereeto, also varied the Klahre`a. Mr. and Aire. Miler Pullen AltrIlded a faintly picnic 1)11 day al the brittle or Mr, and Mrs. 11111 Strong, Soh-wilt Batten reunion. The eighth annual Batten picnic was held in •Seaforth .1.•ions Park on Sunday, August 19 with 52 in attendance. This year's president was Orville •Oke, and Mrs. Orville tike was secretary-treasurer. Tbe sports were conducted by Air, and Airs. llow.ard lobos, Carol johns. Mr, and mrs. Rhiny Heekinen and Marion Heckel an. Winners in the races were: pre-school children, L a u r a Johns tied with Bain!). Batten; girls, eight and under, Mary Oke, Helen Batten; gees, and under, Dianne Oke, Linda hleekinan; boys, 12 and tinder, Steve Johns; young ladies, Elaine Oke, Kathryn Oke; young men, Ron Oke, Mien Heckman; ladies kicking the slipper, Kathryn Oke, Dianne Oke; men, Ron Oke, John. Bata ten. The lifesaver and toothpick relay, the straw and water re- lay and the string and pencil relay were each won by Mrs, Wilma Oke's side. Mrs, Wilma Oke and Mrs. Cora Perkins tied in the jelly bean contest,. The weight of the mystery ob- ject contest was won by Airs. Emma. Oke; wedding annivers- ary closest to the picnic, Mrs. Thelma Wright. Next year's picnic is to he held at. Riverview Park, Ex- eter, on the third Sunday in August. Officers elected were: president, Wilt r e d Perkins; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ida Archer; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Oke, Mr. and Airs. John Miners; table com- mittee, Air.' and Mrs. John Batten, Mr, and Mrs, Emerson Penhale, Sims gathering The Sims reunion was held in Riverview Park, Exeter, lag Sunday with 68 in attendance, President elected was Mrs. William Wareing; secretary- treasurer, airs. Myrtle Hunter; table conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Topics from Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Personal items Sunday visitors with alr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and family were Mr. and Airs, Fred. Long and family of Atwood, Mrs. Verna Johns of St, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Ratcliffe and family of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fraser and family, Mr. and Mrs. James.Grinney and family of Mount Pleasant, Air. and Airs. Lloyd Knoblough and Stephen of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns and fain- •ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cassel. and Terri of London, Mr.'Wil- liam Johns and Airs, Galbraith. Air. and Mrs. William Routly entertained the Routly family to a picnic on Sunday when 40 relatives were present from St. Marys„ Aylmer, Thornciale and Toronto airs. Ella Venner, .of Thorold, is visiting two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and family, Mr, and Mrs.Albert Faye and family, of London, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Campbell, Airs. Fred Spike, of Petawawa visited this week with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Skinner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Atureh, of Pethwawa, visited this week with Air. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Miss Anne Herdman is holi- daying this week with her sister end husband, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Coates of Exeter, South line picnic The Eliinville South Line pic- nic was held on Sunday at 1p- perwash. Alr, and airs, Howard Pyle and. Mr,,. and Mrs.. Norman Jaques were on the table com- mittee and miss Shirley ,Jaques had charge of the sports. The new table committee in charge for next year is Mr. and Airs, Alvin Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitiers, Happenings in Elan shardl By MRS, GLADWYN HOOPER Personal items Miss Sharon Thomson is spending this week with Miss Nancy Brine of St, Marys, Miss Marion Thomson. and. Miss Ruth 0, Hooper were guests at the Brine-]loupe wed- ding at Woodharn United Church, on ,Sa turday. Air, and Mrs. Leonard Thack- er, cathyOrrained, JEolyiz,a .ALlainrdva, iri .liartwick atteneed the CNE at Toronto on Saturday. Orrie competed in the Dairy Princess contest representing P e r County. Miss Elizabeth and Linda Thacker remained in To- ronto with Mr. and Airs, Alex Dobson until Wednesday, They will spend the rest of the week with Air. and Airs, Jack Mor- gan of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs, Morley Waugh spent Friday with Mr. and Airs, Leonard Thanker, Mr. and Mrs, Morris Robert- son and family, of Byron, were Sunday guests of Alr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Mossey, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Young ' of St, Alarys, are spending two weeks at Muskoka, airs. Lottie Jones, St, Marys, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. Jones. Rev. and. Mrs, Joe Lindsay, of. Port Huron, spent Monday evening with Air. and Mrs. Win. G. Jones. Air, and Mrs. Chas. Knox and family of Embro, air. John Muir of Lakeside were Sunday visitors of air, and Mrs. Grant AlcCorquodale. Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and Jeanette spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth. Langford, Miss Jane 13ickell, of Ander- son, spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Veryl Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Fred Petch of Strathroy and also visited with the latter's great, great aunt, Mrs, Joseph Peteihsa a.l Ruth G. Hooper attend- ed the CNE in Toronto on. Tues- clay. WHAT'S DOING? Read this page every week Dancing Every Friday Night BLUEWATER DANCELAND 10 to 1:30 Music by DESJARDINE'S Orchestra ell. • Mr„ and Mrs, Alfred. Alitehell, spent their August vacation with Mrs. Martha Russell„ at Bobeaynenn. They will return September 10. rownte-s Theatre Ltd, CLINTON ' Twn Complete Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 23.24 Hit No. 1-Shown at 9:00 Only "THE SECOND TIME, AROUND" Juliet Prowse • Andy Griffith laebble Reynolds (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2-Shown at 10:40 "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" Suzy Parker • Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment (Coley:. - Scope). (Cartoon) SAT., MON,, TUES. , August 25.27.28 Hit No. 1-Shown at 8:50 only "RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" Carol Lynley - Jeff Chandler Adult Entertainment (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2-Shown at 10:50 "THE LONG HOT SUMMER" Paul Newman Joanne Woodward Adult, Entertainment (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon} WED., THURS., FRI. - August 29-30.31 Hit No. 1-Shown at 8:45 only "THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES" 3 Stooges - Vicki Trickett Hit No. 2-Shown at 10:15 "WARRIOR EMPRESS" Kerwin Mathews Tina Louise (Colour - Scope) (Cartoon) FREE STOOGE RINGS For Everbody on Wed., Thurs., Fri, tarhte Drive-In Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly.--Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Box office opens at 8 nave Children Under 12 in Cars Free nnea."narn'. e • - "a"."enalaar." ANNOUNCEMENTS • ' ....:. • , . • • . • • Mrs.....ft .Colo active in church REUNION Tina Tirnea,A4vocato, Avovat 23, 1962 Pap 11 I sincerely thank all who re- membered me with visits, flowers, cards and gifts while a patient in St. toseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. JONES - alr. and Mrs. J, M. -Alexia Flynn. 23c Jones, RCAF Station Cent- Many thanks to those who retie, announce the birth of remembered; me with cards a son, at South Huron Hos- and flowers during my recent pital, August 21 -- a brother illness. Special thanks to Rev. for Shelley. Brittain.-Mes. J, Richard. 23e 'ST. PETER'S CHURCH EXETER PENTECOSTAL Highway #4 TABERNACLE Sunday, August 26 Larry Talbot, Pastor Holy Mass - 11:00 a.m. Services of inspiration and Blessing Pastor; Rev. J. E. Kelly ent5 a.m.-Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10:00 a.m.-Worship in English 8:00 p,m.-Worship in butch 6:15 p.m, - Back to God Hour CHU) (680 kc,) ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Me- , aAasea..ee,ma aresainaatananianana= intosh, of Clandeboye, Ontario, Wish to announce the forth- coming in a r ri a g e of their daughter, Janice Anne, to Mr. Raymond Bruce Karr, son of Mrs. Ray Karr and the late Mr. Karr, of Forest, Ontario. The wedding will take place at 2 p.m., Saturday, September nsa'aaaasmaiaeMsWaiaetkesaeikM . :,.azauziken 15, 1962, at their home. 23nc