HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 16telerlee""'''''''.1In'en"SearleeltitteSeZe,""''' ,..Page. 16 August 23, 1962 1. ucan and district news 227-4255 ;Peres Pendent: Mite sine Abbott .•.s.lak'e:K''''e''saeatseee'.tf.,'Tea-"..t.ereeeesa.ttreaEtateiee.'Wte.eas;,eeaaee.serae.eessee., „seer seek e• • Benn 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MuolcIpel AudIfOrs ,•.1 . , DEVON BUILDING • PH 235-0120 EXETER .• Office Hours .9 14.1O. to' S. p.k . • CANADIAN • AUG.17-SEPT3NATIONALTORONTO EXHIBITION CNE NOT OPEN SUNDAY THE SHOWCASE OF THE NATION EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACULAR l'CANADIANA '62" produced by Jack Arthur—featuring FOUR TREMENDOUS PRODUCTION NUMBERS! OVER FOUR HUNDRED SINGERS, DANCERS AND MUSICIANS ...with world-acclaimed Canadian soprano Teresa Stratas and many internationally famed entertainers. See the sensational Fireworks Finale! WIN A NEW 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 14 FREE CARS, one each night at the Grandstand! Showtime 8:15 p.m.—Aug. 17 to Sept. 1. THE THREE STOOGES IN THE GRANDSTAND "MATINEE FUN-FEST" Every youngster's favourite TV fureteaM will be on stage with world-famous aerial• ists, clowns and the renowned Hanneford Family of acrobatic riders! Performance 2:30 p.m., Aug. 20 to Sept, I. OPENING THIS YEAR, THE NEW "BETTER LIVING CENTRE" Explore this new multi-million dollar CNE Building designed on revolutionary freeform lines, containing 210,000 square feet of exhibit space for appliances and home furnishings. VETESCOPE '62 Modern veterinary medicine—its practice, research and importance to human health as explained and demonstrated by Ontario veterinarians. MAGNIFICENT 90-PIECE NORAD BAND of the North American Air Defense Command entertains in free concerts twice daily at the gigantic CNE Bandshell, NATIONAL HORSE SHOW features horses and horsemanship of world renown in breath-taking competition. Aug. 17 to 23. Matinees Aug. 17, 18 and 21. An a 0000 oll eompanY research to eriments7 Al, Imperial—yds, fruit groWe ohe Of Many 'prefects tarried nut trnperial'stabo- Research into hey' petrolen in can atsitt Canadian farmers and ratories.,,the largest petroleuni research la boratories Canada. 90% of all Oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, More than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum products— and to develop new ones. Their research covers many fields, frail gasolines to household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are *irk- ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find arid produce more Canadian Chide oil and natural gas. Imperial dot more research( then all -other oil companies in Canada combined, ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE SST Exchange vows, to live in Kirkton At 5 pm. August 4, the Rev. E. At Cook of ,Lucan officiated. at a double-ring marriage cere- mony at his home an Math St. _south when he united in wed- lock Marion Shirley Moore and Kenneth Wilbert Chappell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Moore of Granton and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert -Chappell of RR I Worthen). The bride chose a street length gown of orange ice nylon. over taffeta, with white acces- sories. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Trevor Foster of St. Marys, as matron of honor, who wore a frosted blue nylon down over taffeta. Alen Chappel was best man for his brother. The couple will make their home in Kirkton, WI assists native girls The seventh annual Middle sex Comity Rally was held at Springbank last Tuesday with representatives from 34 branch-. es in attendance, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, vice- president for North Middlesex and a past president of the Lu- can WI was among those pres- ent. Following an address by Mrs. George Wilson, RR 6 St, Marys, public relations officer for the North West Territories of Fed- erated Women's Institutes of. Canada, $200 was voted to fi- nance education for Indian and Eskimo girls, who are training as nurses' aids. The main speaker for the rally was Arthur Cartier, public service supervisor of the Lon- don Free Pb'ess, Mr. Carter said "The realization that we arc part of a larger scheme of eternity can help to bridge the little divisions and lead to har- mony." Miss Lois Smith, the new home economist for Middlesex. introduced Gladys O'Neil of Penfield, who received the WI scholarship. Mrs. J. A. Little of Glencoe was elected treasurer, Mrs. George Zasetz, president, welcomed the guests and greet- -Ines were extended by Mrs. Wilfred. Keays, a past chairman -'of the London area convention, William Young area decorator William Robert Young, 45, died suddenly Friday, Aug. 10 in London. The body rested in the John T, Donohue Funeral Home. London, until Tuesday. ;Aug.14 when it was taken to St. Martin's Catholic Church for Requiem High Mass at 9 a.m. 'Rev. Father Hennesy officiated. Pallbearers were six London friends. Mr. Young had no family, so :besides h i s wife, Margaret (Peg), he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Viola Young (Doti of Lucan, one brother. John, of Mitchell, three sisters, Mrs. Len (Dallas) Harvey of Exeter, Mrs. Harold (Eileen) Aitkins of Clan- rieboye and Mrs. James (Donna) Freeman of Lucan. Mr. Young was the eldest child of the late Herman Young and Mrs. Young and was born nn concession 2. McGillivray, while his father taught in SS I McGillivray, He also lived three years in Couriright, 13 in Park- hill and five in Lucan before moving to London. For years he was an interior decorator for Simpson's until he opened up his own business last April and was making a success of it, when he had a nervous break-down. Dairy sold The Park Bros. of Lucan have sold their Petrolia 'Dairy to the Sarnia City Dairy, who took over August I. Mr. Stewart Park who has been in charge of the Petrolia Dairy, has made no definite plans for the future. Al present he is supervising a dairy at Port Dover where he will he joined by Mrs. Park and Billie for a week's visit. They still have their Peliana home which they expect to hold for another year to permit Billie to complete Grade 12. Open house Last Thursday Aka. Murray liodgins held open house in hon- or of the key. J. P. Prest and family. Assisting Mrs. liodgins in the afternooh were Mrs. Calvin Hackett and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, And in the. evening Mrs. Hay LEgail and Mrs. Clare Stan- ley. In July 1960, having tendered his resignation a,r teeter of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan,. and St. ,Tames Church, Clareleboye, Mr. ?rest left for Regina to take up his new duties as education- al secretary for the Saskatche- wan Temperance Assottation, His sum in er course, at Rutgers rniversity at New Brunswick, and the taking of thurph serv- ices at the„ and Brighton gave him and hie family an opportunity to vitit Many of their 'Ontarie friends. entor. Innately Mr. Prest Was only able to spend one day in 7yu- ca Below are the names of Le- eon and district Medway atti- dents and their Grade 1.3 re- sults. Some of these are Grade t2 students who made use of "spares" to take one Grade 13 subject this .ear, Michael Dewan Eng. Comp, 61, Eng. Lit. 55, History 52„ Botany 51, French Authors 62, French Comp, 56. Ilene Donaldson — Zoology 63. Judy Haskett — Zoology 78. Larry Lewis — Eng. Comp. 64, Erg. Lit 61, Botany 63, Latin Authors 65, Latin Comp. 78, French Authors 54, French Camp. 64. Harry Menders — Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 68, History 76, Geometry 55, Trig. 50, Botany 75, Zoology 59, French Authors 56, French Comp. 50. Harvey Poole — Eng. Comp 57, Eng, Lit, 55, Zoology 55, Chemistry 53. Bernard Stanley — Zoology 62. Sharon Stanley — Zoology 52, Paul Steacy — Zoology 53. Wilhelmina V a a Bassett — Zoology 69. Carolyn Odd — Geometry 51, Trig. .54, Jack Garrett — Algebra 51, Geometry 51, Botany 57, Physics 67, Chemistry 50. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Banting of Sarnia, Coralyn Donaldson and London friend spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Banting. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dixon and family are moving to )3rucefield on Saturday so Mr. Dixon will be more central for his work. Cpl, and Mrs. Charles Frost and family of Petawawa have returned home after a week's holiday with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Froet and family. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wiseman and family of Toronto and Mrs. George Stanley of lamilton, Mr. George Stanley was attend- ing a convention in Minneapolis. Teressa Leadbetter, of Lon- don, was a guest of her friend, Ruth Frost, last week, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee included Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee of Lon- don, Mr.. and Mrs. George Lee and Brenda of Brinsley and Miss Patricia Carter of Clan- deboye. Following the decoration serv- ice at Ebenezer church on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cob- leigh, Ilene and Coralyn Don- aldson and Mr. .and Mrs. Got don Banting were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis of Mc- Gillivray, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Logan and five children, of liderton, have moved nto the house on Butler St., vacated by Mr, and Mrs, Howard Kew and family, who moved to Kitchener. Two Lucanites, Mrs. Martin Van Arenthals of the PS staff and Miss Joan Hodgins of the Kitchener PS staff were among the 700 teachers who attended the Teachers' Federation meet- ing in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Wednesday and Thursday. Rev, and Mrs, E. C. Atttwell and family of Gorrie were Mon- day guests of Mr. D. A, Ash- worth and Mr. and .Ros- coe liodgins and family, prior to moving to Ottawa next week. Miss Margaret Eizenga, of Learniegtoh, spent last weekend with her parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Aleine Eizenga of Main St. south. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Wobbles of Hagersville and a ft-iend from Holland were guests a week ago, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage, last Wednesday, took Miss Clara Howard AS far as Goderich to visit her sister and brother.in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Lackie and then went on to Port Elgin and Southampton, returning home an Thursday. On Sunday Mr. Armitage and Sheila went back for Miss How- ard. Clifford Copeland, of Dor- chester, is spending part of his vacation with the Shipway chil- dren .of Alice St. Mrs. H, J, Ktiowles, the fete trier Marilyn Radcliffe, of TO- Tonto, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mee. J, S, Radcliffe, Mr. David Hertel of London, eon-in-laW of Mr and We, Art McLean (keit:et1y Lucan) is still in a coma in Victoria Iloe- pital, tendon. Carla Revington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington, and '.Gary Revington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan 'Revington, went to Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family for a holiday in 'Toronto and to attend the F. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown- lee attended the &tetetire) service et Arva lest Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Park: spent Stitiday in Port Dover with Mr. Stewart, Park. Mrs. l3 o b Coleman, Mi-s. Meettiee MacDonald and Midi- AO, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jint young, were Lutati'S rep- resentatives at the Diekins pic- nic heir) at Poplar Hill 'Satur- day, unite at French unit Cpl. A. J. (Sandy) liodgine, sae of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hodgins of Lucan (who has been stationed at Metz, France for the past, three years) and Sgt. Laidler were warm friends at the leCAle Aylmer Station. Thursday, the latter called at Lucan to see if Mr, and Mrs, Hodgins had any particular messages for their son and family as he . was flying to France, August 31 where he too will be stationed , at No. 1 headquarters at Metz for the next four years, so the friends will have at least one more year together before Cpl. Hod- gips returns to Canada. Sgt. Laidler appeared on TV last Saturday night as the last person leave the RCAF Sta- tion at Aylmer, prior to its closing, Birr WI hears about V 0 N Speaking on the VON organi- zation and the care of patients, Miss Margaret Nesbitt district director of the Victorian Order of Nurses addressed the meeting of. Birr WI held Wednesday, August 8 at the home of Mrs. Jack Legg. Mrs. Emerson Stanley presid- ed at the meeting. Roll call was answered by, "How to keep your figure and vigor", Mrs. Allan McNair spoke on the meeting's motto, "Whether a fellow ends up with a nest or a goose egg depends on the girl he marries". Mrs. Alma Olmstead of Flint, Mich., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Hardy, and other Lucan relatives, re- turned home with her daughter, son-in-law and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes and Jim of Detroit, who came over for her. Eleanor Butson, of Staffa, is spending a week with her cous- in Kathy Taylor, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Orville Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lynch, of Toronto, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Birtch for a few days, spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ab- bott. Andy Hardy, n, only child of Mr. and Airs. Jack Hardy, who has been on the sick list for three months, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital for further tereatment and check-up, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomp- son and Suzanne of St. Cath- arines were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Thompson. Mrs, Wes Revington and her sister, Mrs. R. J. Wise, of Lon- don, have returned from a three week's holiday in England where they were guest of three aunts, Mrs. E, Gollings and Mrs. B. Elderkin of Peterboro (Eng,) and Mrs. W. Osborne-Smith of Wiggington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins returned on Sunday from a four- day visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blackwood of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington and. Ronnie Were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hepburn of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Grose and. Mr. Lawrence Grose who have been summering on their farm in London Township (for- merly owned by the late Air. Ernest Guest) returned to To- ronto on Thursday in, time for Mr, Grose Sr. to assist at the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Marilyn Brownlee left on Thursday for a four-day visit with her brother, Air. William Brownlee and Mrs. Brownlee Of Ottawa, taking home her three nieces, Cathy, Vicky and Dale, who have been holidaying with their grandparents, Air, and Mrs. William Brownlee Sr. Mr, Harry Butler Sr., of To- ronto, is spending a week with Mr, and Mrs, H. B, Langford. Mrs. Annie Fairies spent last Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Doug- las King and family of. Harris- ton bringing home her grand- daughter Joanne for a holiday in Leon. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of Detroit spent the day with her and took Joanne back to liArristoh and on Friday Mrs. Fairies had as her guest Mrs. A. .1, Morrow of British Columbia who gradu- ated with her at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital in leis, Miss Hate Bowyer, formerly of Beech St., Lucan, now of De- troit, spent a couple Of days in Lucan last week and called oh a number of friends. Miss Florence Chown has re- turned to St. Thomas after spending a week's vacation with her sister, Miss Eels Chown. Rev, and Mrs, Harold Dick- ies of Rechester And grand- daughter, eight-year-old Betty Ann Knapp of St. Thothes were Monday guests of Mrs. Dickin's sister., Mee, Bob Colenide. Jeanne and Cheryl Atkinson, small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson, and Ellen and Jennifer Smout, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Marvin &rota bf London, have returned home after holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. Wes Atkin, son, Mrs. John McLean,, who has been an employee at Mitts Col- lege,.St. Thomas, left On Thurs- day ter Termite where she has accepted a now position. Mr, Untie O'Neil,. of Mongom- ery, Pa., is' speeding, a few weeks with his stint and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Hart °Weil,. Church news .ANPI,JcAN. Owing M a sudden. and severe attack of the the the rector the Bev. B, 0. 'Lancaster is von- fined to his bed and was ties able to take the service Suns day morning. Mr. Dwight Hee- derean ably filled in, on eliort notice, Mrs. Clarence Hardy presided ..at the :organ AO Mrs. .Kay Egan sang a solo, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS. The WA meeting held at the. home of Mrs. Howard Cecile last Tuesday with the president, Mrs Rufus Thompson, presiding And leading in devotions, was given over to the making of curtains for the Sunday School and the Tolling of bandages for the leper colony, U'4ITED CHURC H With the pastor, the Rev. Cr, W. Sash, still on vacation, the Rev. E. Al, Cook took the 11 o'clock service, preaching from the text, "Necessity is laid up- oil me, Woe is me if I preach not the gospel", Mr. Cook based his theme on the poem "A Prisoner of Love", part of which he repeated. He then went on to give examples of many people of note, who were driven on by an inner compulsion to good or evil. Stanley. picnic On Sunday 55 descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley enjoyed a two-meal pic- nic and. get - to • gether at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Stanley, Mrs, George Stanley and Airs. Thomas Barr were in charge of a splendid line-up of sports, including a ball game, Guests were present from Toronto, Hamilton, Glencoe, London, Den- field and Strathroy. Mr. Fred Featherstone as president and Mrs. Verne Tow- ers as secretary, were re-elect- ed for next year. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, lim Drummond have returned to Toronto after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Hardy and family, Tom Hardy returned with them for a holiday in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cook and small daughter Kathy spent Thursday and. Friday with Mr. Cook's father, the Rev. E. M. Cook, before going on to visit Mrs. Cook's relatives at Lam- beth. From there they expect to take a cottage at Rondeau Park for a week, before return- ing home. Mrs. Harry Atkinson of To- ronto, the former Minnie Neil of Lucan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, last week fell in her home and broke her collar bone. Mr. Brian Vance and sister Miss Rosemary Vance of By- ron and Miss Camela Hogan of Kingsville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier and family. Mrs. Crozier is par- ticularly proud of her niece, Rosemary, who passed all her Grade 13 subjects in one year with 76% and will enter West- ern University in the fall, and her nephew, Brian, who passed his teacher's course in London and will be teaching at Kings- ville in September. Mrs. Dave Park and family are holidaying with Air, and Mrs. S. E. Jeffery of Virginia Town, Northern Ontario. From there they will go on to Ot- tawa. On Monday Mr. Park flew to join them at Ottawa, All will return by motor the end of the .week. Mrs. Clarence Frost, who un- derwent surgery in St. Joseph's.' Hospital, expects to be able to accompany Mr, Frost on a va- cation trip, to visit her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allaston of Warkworth, near Peterboro this week. Mr, and Airs, Fred Ford have returned to Detroit after spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs and family. Joanna Engel, small daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Engel is sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Loreen Pattison and family of London Township were Saturday evening callers on Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hodgins, arid Mr. and Airs. George Cham- bers and family of St. Marys were Sunday guests, Mr. and Airs. Harold Bison and Steven of Parkhill called on Mr. and Mrs, James Sigs- worth on Sunday and took home eight-year-old Libby, who had spent a week With the Sigsworth children. Mrs, Ernest Ross, a clerk at the Micah bake shop, spent her two week's Vacation on a motor trip with her son, Mr. Ken Simpson of Ottawa and friend, Miss Heather Allison, to Win- nipeg, Nepawa and Ottawa, At Winnipeg she visited another son, Mr. Lee Simpson and fair- ly, She returned home from Ot- tawa by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dickson And sons, Allah and Harry, Are spending a few days at Toronto Ex. While they are away Mr. Dieksoes mother and sister, Marjorie, of London are looking after the home here and the baby, Scott Dickson, Mr. And Airs. W. W. Garrett of Edgewood. Mr. and Mrs. Don MeTaggart of tendon and Mrs. Bob Coleman of Lucan had a picnic At the trailer of Mr, and Mrs. Bennedict at Ipperwash, last Senday. Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Abbott, of 1111 1 Lateen and Mr, andrs. Mrs. Duncan Tindall And Meio•l v of Listowel were Sunday gtiet s of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Abbott of London, Miss Vieky Eizenga is holiday. ing in Toronto with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice GrAhain. Mr. Mattrice Darling, of ten- don, was a Sunday guest of Mr, and Airs, Cecil Atreltage. Mr, Eldon liodgsoii, Another Alice St. resident, was rushed to St, Joseph's' Hospital. last Tuesday, On Thursday he Un- derwent a -minor operation and since then is being X-rayed And checked, Couple wed 60 years MOVNT CARMEL Air. and Mrs. freeman Ma - fliers, who were. married 60. Years ago by a Justice of the Peace in Port ,Huron, cele- brated their diamond .anniver- sary Saturday with a family dinner at their home near Mount .Cartuel. For the first 17 years of their married life they lived in Parkhill, then to Forest for one yea r, After living in London for over 30 years they moved to their present home just west of Mount Carnet. They have a family of eight: one son, Milton Mathers. Lon- don; seven daughters, Airs. Ed- ward Flagg, Airs, W. W. Hood, Airs, Stanley. (Helen) Collard, and Airs, Wil- lem (Idelle.) Rechico, all of London, Mrs, George (Myrtle) Gnattok, Hamilton, Mrs. fe, 0. (Leona) Littleton, Kipper), and. Mrs. David (Shirley) Ball, Parkhill, They have 25 grand- children and 13 great grand- children. Mr, Mathers was a brick- layer until he refired six years ago. Mrs, Mathers' bobby is making quilts and braiding mats which are found in the homes of many of her family. Personal items Mrs, Charles Glavin visited relatives in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Lane have returned to -their home in. Detroit, Mr. Stephen Dietrich's new house is almost under comple- tion. Sgt, and Mrs. Morkin anti family of Brantford have re- turned to their home after vacationing at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Morkin also visited with her mother, Mrs. M. Regan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCann spent Sunday with relatives in Zurich. Rev, Fr. Fleming or Aylmer spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. P. Fleming, and brother Thomas. Miss Judy Voisin ahs return- ed home after a month's illness in St, Joseph's Hospital. Miss Sheehan of Windsor is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Isle- Cann. Miss Judy Ryan returned home to London with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. Dignan last Sun- day for a week's vacation, Misses Anne and Angela Regier spent a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Lane and family of Detroit visited Mrs. Laura McCann and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diet- rich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glavin and Miss Madeline Glavin attended a special ceremony in the Basil- mer's niece's wedding in Win- tan Order where Lawrence Dietrich received his first vows in Toronto. Wednesday last. Mrs. PM Fleming and Toni entertained et a family re• union in their borne on Sun. day and those present were Rev. Fr. Hugh Fleming, of. Aylmer; Rev, alothee Lauren- tia, Mother Etheirita, Alr. and. Airs. Lawrence Kuntz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming and family and Pat- ricia Fleming and family, of Detroit, The occasion marked a gathering together before the two tIrselinc 'reaching .Sis, tors loft to start their school year in Western Canada. George Ryan spent a few days with his .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan. Mr. and Alt's. Leo Regier spent the weekend in Toronto visiting friends. Mrs. Paul KaPis end Ronald left by bus to attend the for- ntrieg While there airs. ..ltagis hopes to visit a sister whom. she hasn't seen in 18 years. Miss Carolyn Hall and Miss joanne Dietrich attended a \Ts m ee ti n g during the past week in Windsor. Miss Mary '.14Ynn and Therese Dietrich are attending camp, for a week in London, Miss. Nellie Ryan and rother John, of Chicago, visited Mrs, MikeRyan and family for a few .da ys, Area. pupils Airmen pass exams. Lucan personal items CANADMILNATIONALEXHIBMON MIBUST,11101ABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 3 1811801ast 1181 oit !Open' Won P 18111(85 maul 810551 *UM GPI NOM