HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 14Popo. 14 The TiniaPA4ruate, August 23, 1742. , One of Ontario `s first.
pubic health .nurses.
Aire• v r a rd Myers, lenivereity of Weetere ()uteri°.
Grand Bend, one of the. first She received a iueritarlotia
ard the ing. p u blic health nurses in the prey' w -.8,he from marriedK ' James Little, wee. died in South Huron tios, Ingersoll, who died a year later.
.p'ital on Saturday, August 313. in 1944 she married Everard
Born in Centralia sin, \s-as the Myers, Grand Bend who died.
former Irene I:landlord, (laugh• She operated the information
ter of the late Thomas and booth and was librarian at
Mrs. Handford. At an early age Grand Bend for several yeare.
she moved. with her family to Surviving are a sister, Mrs.
Exeter %there she received her James (Labelle) .Dowds. Dela ,
elementary and secondary edit- ware, one niece, Mr;,,. Robert
cation. Donaldson. Detroit, and one
She trained for a ,nursing nephew, Edward (Ted) Munn,.
career at St. Luke's Hospital, Hamilton.
New York. In 1914 she event Funeral services were held.
overseas serving as a volunteer at the T. Harry Hoffman fu,
nurse with. the French army, neral home, Dashwoud, on 'rues,
later joining the Canadian day, August 21 with interment.
army.. On her return she was in Grand Bend ccmtery. Rev.
superintendent of • nurses at C. Brittain, Greed Bend Of-
Nanaimo, B.C. ficiated assisted by Rev. Edgar
In 1920 she joined her par- Rouiston.
eats who had moved to Inger- Pallbearers were Messrs.
soll from Exeter.. She was made James Prance, Fred Nigryn,
public health nurse at Wood- Wally Desjardine, John Young,
stock, one of the first in the Maurice Quance and Reg Win-
province, graduating from the sor.
Northern WI work
outlined to district
Regardless of where you live, you
tan cook on a modern range With
VAS safe, tleari and thrifty.
The cost is low and the con-
venience great Call us todey
for complete information. We
self appliances too.
Phone 156W
Grand Bend
Phone 235-1663 Main Street, Exeter
$10.00 Perm for '6,50
$12.50 Perm for s8,50
Open Mon. to Sat., 9 a,m, to 6 p,m.
Also Tues. and Thurs. evenings.
Sharp Frozen
Live Turkeys
Le. 29c
Orders for . Fresh Killed Turkeys must be placed
not later than Friday morning and picked up Sat-
urday at Feed Mill. Frozen and Live Turkeys
picked up at farm,
$1.1111111.1111 101.
Hey Girls!
Knee Skimmer
Custom sized to save you the cost
of alterations for 3'1", 5"4",i
Plains and
Diagonal Tweeds
Prseise $5,95
See the new
fall blouses too!
Sign of Satisfaction
for preserving your fruits and vegetables
* Curing * Smoking * Slaughtering
* Cutting * Frozen Foods * Meat at Wholesale
* Specialties * Zero Locker Storage
* Processing for Home Freezers
As .frozen food specialists, we're equipped to
offer you all of the essential services listed above
, . . and we're ready and willing at all times to
give free advice on any questions you might have
regarding lockers, home freezers, frozen foods,
meats and packaging materials,
Exeter Frozen Foods
PHONE 235.0400 C. Morley Hall EXETER
For the woman
who wants the
This is the range created for the woman who wants
the finest! No other range can offer an array of
features to match it — this one has them alit
With Easy-Matic Timer, Roast-Guide, Automatic
Rotisserie, Radiant Heat Barbecue and Timed Senso.
Therm element, this range gives you the ultimate
in cooking convenience, But that's not even half
the story, This McClary-lasy also has timed appli,
mice outlet, electric clock, minute minder, S-in-one
broiler, panorama oven window, oven light, lift-out
elements, removable oven door, giant storage
drawer and much, much more
The perfect way to.
cook good food
DRONE 115-151i
Mrs. George Wilson, RR 6, Highway when she was living
St. Marys, public relations of there, Mrs. Hough is at the
Wm-present time visiting these fiver for the Federated nrhn branches hoping to ens Institutes of Canada in the establish more institutes, She
Northwest Territories and the says "The Indians and Eskimos
Yukon addressed the Middlesex are in need of friendly assist-
County WI in Springbank Park ance in the adjustment of
on "The Open Door" last Tues- changing to a modern civilized
day. life; and homemakers, who
Mrs. Wilson told of the work have moved to the north with
of the four branches. in the their husbands, are in need of
Mackenzie Basin, Fort Provi- company and an outside inter-
dence, Discovery, Fort MePher- est. This, the WI program is
son and intmik, and one in the ideally fitted to do.
Yukon, Haines Junction. The Mrs. Wilson concluded "This
story is an interesting one for is the greatest opportunity for
the WI was carried to Alberta service for home and country
She carried white daisy mums by one of the early WI' officers, since that night of February
and pink Sweetheart roses. Mrs. Al. E. Graham, of Aliso 19, 1897, when the WI was
Bridesmaids, Mrs, Robert Gar- Craig and Parkhill, founded.
rett, RR 3 Granton, and airs. Mrs, \Villain Hough, Strat- The Middlesex County WI
Ross Robinson, RR i St. Marys ford, organized the first WI voted $200 to help train an
were gowned similarly to the north of the 60th parallel at Indian or Eskimo girl as a
maid of honor. Haines Junction on the Alaska certified nurses' aide,
Flower girls, Rosemary Slime-
son and Brenda McCurdy, both
of Kirkton, were dressed in
pink organza and carried bas-
kets of while daisy mums and
pink roses.
Ross Robinson, RR 1 St,
Marys, was best man and Reg
McCurdy, Woodham, and Wayne Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter Stephen, RR 1 St. Marys. ush- The Exeter TIntes,Advocate is pleased to publish these. Items. We ered. and our readers are interested In you and yOur friends. Phone 235.1331, A reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received in an olive
green lace gown over taffeta. Mr. and Airs. John Malcolm,
with matching hat, black and Munro, Mich., visited during the
beige accessories and corsage past week with Mr, and Mrs,
of light brown cymbidium or- B. W. F, Beavers,
chids. The groom's mother chose
a queen's blue silk shantung
dress with matching hat, black
and white accessories and cor-
sage of pink cymbidium or-
For travelling in Northern
Ontario and United States the
bride changed to a nutmeg lin-
en lace dress with beige and
light brown accessories.
The couple will reside in
Mr William W, Splan, of In-
nisfail, Alta, returned home
after visiting with his son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Cerson. Mr, Splan, who
is 90 years of age, made the trip
by motor with other relatives.
Air, and Mrs. Percy Mel ails
were guests at the MacLean
Carson wedding in Toronto on
Saturday and also visited with
Mr, and Mrs, W, N. Murdock,
Jim and Tom Patterson are armed forces display at the
at Camp Hiawatha, Goderich, .Canadian National Exhibition.
this week.
Mrs. Wes Wein entertained
Mr. and Airs. William Smith
Thursday evening. Her grand-
daughter, Miss Diane Stone, is
spending this week with her,
Air, and Mrs, Ross Jeffery,
Edmonton, Air, and Mrs. Don-
ald Jeffery!, Douglas and Nancy,
Preston, spent the weekend
with Air, and Airs, Harold Jef-
fers.. A Jeffery family get-to-
gether was held at Riverview
Park on Sunday.
Len Harvey and his son, Bob,
and Gilbert Wittier, town, found
the fishing fine al a lake near
Timmins to which they flew in
last week. They were accom•
panted by three friends from
New Liskeard,
Several employees from the
Conklin Lumber Centre here at-
tended a picnic for the firm's
personnel at Rondeau Park Sun-
dae:. They included Mr, and
Airs. Terry Thompson and Mr.
and Airs, Ted Webb and their
families. Gail Farquhar and
Dale Turvee.
Mrs. Gordon Eagleson, Sae.
ma. and her sister, Miss Alexia
Lead], Exeter, arrived home
on Monday from Great Britain,
Miss Lostell has been teaching
in England the past year.
Mr. and :Mrs. Morley Hall
and family, Mein St., recently
returned from a 4.000.ntile trip
to the east coast, during which.
they visited the provinces of
New .flrunswiek. Nova Scotia
and Prince Edward Island.
Mrs. Jed: Tanner and two
sons. of lima. is visiting with
the formeres parents. Mr. and
Mrs.. Bill Ellerington, and other
relatives in the community this
own Topics
Exeter's travelling t r a I. I c r
families enjoyed a group hole
day during the past week.
They established camp in the
French River district. Among
the group were the Ray Jorys,
Fred Wrights, Graham Arthurs,
Bill. Triebners, Roy Baynhams
and Ross Taylors.
Visitors with Airs. Frank
Brierley last week were her
sister and her husband, Mr,
and Mrs. William Smith, De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jackson and boys, Thorndale.
Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fisher,
Mr, and Mrs, Bennett Fisher,
Randy and Cindy, Air, and
Mrs. Glenn Fisher, Yvonne and
Glenda, Miss Laura McMillan
and Mr. and Airs, Wallace C,
Fisher visited!' with Mr, and
Airs. Amos Warwick and boys
at Port Huron on Sunday.
Lt. 3. 111, Gibson, Wel-
lington St., is serving with the
Saks and Service
Repairs and bags of all 1110.
dels of vacuum cleaners and
polishers. Reconditioned ma-
chines of all makes for sale.
BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich
Phone Hensall 696r2
An arrangement of pink and
white gladioli, ferns and cande-
la bra formed the setting in
Woodham United. Church for the
marriage of Grace Margaret
Doupe, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Doupe, RR 6 St,
Marys, and Donald William
Brine, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Brine, Woodham, on Sat-
urday, August 18 at 12 o'clock
Rev, J. R. Wareham perform-
ed the ceremony and Miss Rhea
Mills played the wedding music
and accompanied the soloist,
Ray Exeter, who sang
Wedding Prayer and I'll Walk
Beside You.
Given in marriage by her
Sather the bride wore a floor-
length gown of nylon over tar-
ieta. The fitted bodice was
styled with lily point sleeves
and scoop neckline accented
with lace motifs. The aisle-wide
bouffant skirt featured a bow
effect at the back, Her veil
of silk illusion trimmed with
lace medallions and sequins
was held in place by a sequin
tiara. She carried pink Sweet-
heart roses, stephanotis and ivy,
Miss Marion. MeNa.ughton,
RR 6 St, Mary's wore aqua or-
ganza over taffeta with fitted
bodice and frilled overskirts
with large how at the back.
Lois Marie Perkins, dausih ,
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Per-
kins, Kingsville, became the
bride of Philip John Charrette,
son of Mr. and Airs, Dennis
Charrette, Dashwood, in a
ceremony performed in St
John de Brebeuf Roman Callue
he Church with Rev. Fr ell-
chael Dalton officiating on Sal ,
urday, August 18.
Help decorate
:the parsonage
At the meetine
of the Chal-
lengers of the Exeter Pente-
costal church et the home of
Arts, Stuart. Triebner it was de,
ended. to help with the decorat-
ing of the parsonage.
The message of the evening
was given by Mrs. Vern Postal"
on "The Goodness of Jesus". A
poem Was read by Mrs. Hugh
Williams. Miss Marion -Theis,-
ner, Mrs, Williams, Alm Larry
Talbot and Mrs. Triehner led
in prayer.
Miss Trebner played the or,
gan and led in a couple of
choruses. The hostess also pre-
sided for the meeting.
Huron girls
to food fair
Miss Marjorie Papple, BR 4,
Seaforth is one of two Ontario
441 Homemaking club girls
Who has been chosen by the
Marketing Board, ()Mario De.
partment of Agriculture, to as-
sist with the Ontario exhibit at
the British Foods Fair in Lon-
The exhibit is part of a much
larger Canadian Food exhibit
and has been planned to pro-
mote the ttse of Canadian Foods
'abroad. The girls will be edu-
eating through food samples and
answering questions and will
actually be representing the
Whole of Canada through the
irnistessiott they give.
Marjorie has completed 13
homernaking clubs, having act-
ed as both leader and member
in the last project she attend-
ed. She has been active also in
Faffridee and Junior In-
stitute and is at present presi-
dent of the Huron County Junior
institutee. She is a rural school
The group expect to be in
'England three weeks, They will
be accompanied by Hon. W. A.
Stesearts Minister Of Agrictd-
For her wedding, the bride
chose a floor-length gown of
white nylon mist over taffeta
fashioned with scoop neckline
short sleeves and petal over-
skirt. A petalled tiara of ny-
lon mist sprinkled with seed
pearls held her three-tiered
led of nylon illusion. She car-
ried a white prayer book crest-
ed with a white orchid, yellow
stephanotis and streamers.
Miss Monica Charrette. sis-
ter of the groom, was maid of
honor and bridesmaids were
elese Rose-Ann Charrette, sis-
ter of the groom, and Miss Mary
Perkins. sister of the bride.
John Hall. London. was hest
man and groomsmen were Tony
Charrette, brother of the
groom, and Richard Perkins.
brother of the bride. Toe [b-
ean. London, and ,Tim Perkins.
brother of the bride, ushered.
For travelling, the bride
changed to a sapphire blue
sheath with white accessories
and an orchid corsage.
The couple will make their
home in .Simeoe where the
groom is on the staff of Shreve
District High School.
With the $10 monthly in-
0-ease in the universal old-age
pension. it is estimated that
current spending power of Can-
adians aged 65 and over will
average about $123 monthly.
compared to $122 monthly for
personal disposable income for
the population as a whole.
Field. and orchard are yield-
ing their bounty of late ememer
fruits and while they are atm ,
dant is the time to make jams,
jellies conserves and m a rm a-
lades for use hi the winter
As you know fruit when fully
ripe has the best color arid
'laver but et this stage few
contain sufficient pectin lo form
a gel. That's why the combine-
thee of ripe and enderripc fruit
is used in the long boil method
and even thee the mixture must
be boiled until there is sufficient
concentration of pectin to form
a gel.
With the short boil method
you start with they ripe !:twit,
add setting power with either
liquid or powdered pectin and
boil for only a minute. The jam
or jelly sets perfectly and bas
a true fruit flavor and color. in
addition you'll get extra jars
for the cooking time is so short,
the fruit mixture does not boil
Earlier in the season we gave
in this column a recipe for
s wberry jam using uncooked
fruit and it proved quite .popu-
late General Foods have now
released methods for peach
lain, grape jelly and pear and
orange conserve using the un-
cooked fruit.
Peach Jam
2 cups prepared fruit (about
1 quart ripe peaches)
4 cups sugar;
to tp ascorbic acid
;LI bCits:IPp‘ovN3v.tdeeli•ed fruit pectin.
First prepare the fruit. Wash,
peel and pit about 1 quart fully
ripe peaches. Chop very fine.
Measure 2 eons. Combine sugar
and acid which prevents the
browning of the fruit. Mix well.
Mix water and powdered fruit
pectin in a small saucepan.
Bring g to a boil and boil hard'.
I minute, stirring constantly,
Add to the frith, mixture; mix.
Then stir until sugar is dis-
solved—about '3 minutes, (e. few
undissolved crystals may be
left) Ladle into glasses or free?,
cc containers. Cover al once
with tight lids or seals. Let
stand at room temperature 24
hours. Then store in freezer or,
if jam is to be used within 2
or 3 weeks, it may be stared in
Uncooked Grape Jelly
2i cups prepared juice (about
2 quarts ripe Concord grapes)
4 cups sugar.
Je vim water
is bottle liquid fruit .pectin.
First, prepare t h c juice.
Wash, stem and thoroughly
crush about 2 quarts Concord
grapes. Place crushed fruit in
jelly .cloth or bag and squeeze
out juice. Measure 21 .cups juice
into a large bowl or Pare of de-
sired, 26 - cups bottled grape
juice may he used.) Add sugar
to juice, mixing well.
Combine water and liquid
fruit pectin in a small sauce-
pan. Bring to a boil, stirring
.constantly. Add to fruit juice
and stir' Well, Continue stirring
until sugar dissolves, about 3
minutes. Ladle into glasses or
freezer' containers. Cover al
once with tight lids or seals,
Let stand al room temperature
21 hours. Store as for peach
Pear and Orange conserve
(Uncooked fruit)
3 cups prepared fruit II
orange and about 16 qUariS pears
iS cup finely ,elespeeti
54. cups sugar
I box powdered fruit pectin
cup water
Grate the, rind from the
orange. Section orange, remov-
ing membrane and seeds. Grind
or chop pulp. Peel arid core
alma 16 quarts fully ripe peers.
Grind or cheer very fine. Mix
well with pule and rind, Meas-
ure 3 cups into large pan or
bowl, Add chopped walnuts.
• Measure sugar. .Add to fruit,
stir and set, aside. Mix wales
and powdered fruit pectin in ii
small saucepan. Bring to a boil.
hard I minute, stirring con-
5t2relse Mid to fruit mixture
stirring well, Proceed as in
above recipes.
Rosy Banana Peach slam
Also included with these rec-
ipes is one for rosy banana
peach jam,
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
(about 3 mediumI
31 cups mashed ripe peaches
—Please tern to page 15
-noto Oln .r, ;gay?.
Nuptials at Woodburn
Will live in Simeon