HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 13S I MRS, DON WELLS Secretary-Treasurer, Box 818, Exeter Of 23:30c 25 Auction Sales Tho, Tines-Advocate, August 17 Properly for Pent I-lOUSE or two 1 -bedroom aparttnents,. all on g r nn d fjoorl frig and stove supplied in each apartment; 04 beat; available ,September 1. Apply 321 Huron St, W. APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 .rooms, heated, 4- Pieee bath; no pets please; available now. Apply 105 Wil- liam St. or phone 235.0736, evenings. 8:16*tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent LARGE BRICK HOUSE and barn, corner of Main and Sim., cue SL, Exeter, Apply J, W Wein, phone 271.2781 Stratford, 23e 20 Wanted To Rent ............ . HOUSE - Air force man re- quires 3-bedroom house in Ex- eter area by approximately September 1, Write Box JCS, Exeter Times-Advocate, 23:30e 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m, o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962, HURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 7:12-10:4 In the year ending March 31, 1962, payments to the old age security, pension fund to- talled $649 million - $259 mil- lion from personal income tax, $100 million through corpora- tion income tax, $290 million from sales tax; for the cur- rent year the fund's revenues are estimated at $672 million and pension payments at $736 million, 23 I.egal Notices N,QT.10E TO CREWTORS In the Estate of .E1444eth Amy, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Amy, late of .the Town of Ex- eter, in the CottritY of Huron, Widow, who 'died on or about the .81,h day ef March 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Lattgliton, solicitors of. Exeter, OntariO, by the 25th. day of August, 1962, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & La ughton, Solicitors for the Administrator with Will Annexed Exeter, Ont. 9:16:23c 24 Tenders Wanted ONTAR''' GENERAL TRADES FIVE X SIX BAY METAL PATROL GARAGES GRAND BEND, ONTARIO (5 BAY) CLINTON, ONTARIO (6 BAY) SEPARATE SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS properly en- dorsed, on forms supplied by the Department, wilt be receiv- ed by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:15 p.m, (EDT) on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1902 for the General Trades work which includes the Mechanical and Electrical Trades in con- nection with the construction of a Five Bay Metal Patrol Garage for the Department of Highways, Ontario, at Grand Bend, Ontario, and also for the Construction of a similar Six Bay Metal Patrol Garage for the Department of Highways, Ontario, Clinton, Ontario. NOTE: Tenderers may quote on one or both jobs. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 't'704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (Tele- phone No. 365-1079), and may also be viewed at the Builders Exchange, London and Sarnia, Ontario. A $4,000,00 Bid Bond and a 24 Teni.0.4 .Wonted, 100', Performance Bond will be required as specified for each of the above jobs. Tenders will not be considered unless made on, forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein. A Deposit of 15.0.00 CASH, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made Payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will he required per set of tender documents, which will he refunded if documents are returned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeit- ed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings , Toronto, 2, Ontario August 14, 1962. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario.. 16:23c TENDERS WANTED FOR OIL SUPPLY Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed until September 14, 1962, by the undersigned for the supply- ing of furnace oil for the "Precious Blood" separate school, Exeter, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Misc, Items On the premises, Lot 5, Con. 2, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP I mile north of Kirkton, 1 mile east of 23 Highway. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1;00 p.m. The following: Wine chester- field suite; occasional chairs; 9-piece walnut dining room suite; mahogany end table; coffee table; 2 antique chairs; hall seal; 2 end tables with book racks, marble top com- mode; walnut bed; buffet; 6 dining room chairs; rocking chair; high chair; library table; gate leg coffee table; kitchen cabinet; table and 6 chairs; White treadle sewing machine; trilight; several table lamps; 36" Guerney 4-burner electric range with clock; Gilson frig, 25 Auction Sales 11,4 cu. ft.; Beatty washer; 2 sets dinner dishes; odd dishes, some antique .; eannister set; Presto. pressure cooker, large; electric iron; 2 ironing hoards; various kitchen gadgets; sit- verware; drapes; linens; blan- kets; large oil heater, electric heater; 20 sap pails and spiles; frame garage on skids, 16.x10'; numerous other items. In case of rain, sale will be. held under, cover. EMERSON PATON, Prop, JACK „ALE.N.ANDER, Au.ct. Wiogham REDUCTION SALE Of 2$. Pure Bred Yorkshire & Landrace Gilts Duo September and October also Servi c e-Age Boars at Lot 18, Concession 10, LOBO TOWNSHIP, 4 miles north-west of Ilderten. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 at 7:30 p.m, Sale under cover, ROBDALE FARMS LTD. J, C, Robh & Sons, Prop. FILSON & ROBSON, Auctioneers 23c Extensive AUCTION SALE Valuable 100 Acre Farm Tractor, Autos Farm Machinery Complete Line of Household Effects & Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 14, Concession 10, 'USBORNE TOWNSHIP, 11/2 miles south of Farquhar, Hwy. 83, or lea miles east of Winchelsea, thence 1 mile north, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 12:00 p.m. Sale consists of: 100 acre farm; 10x20 int. tractor, on steel; 1951 4-door Plymouth sedan; 1926 Chrysler sedan: full line of farm machinery, household effects, including valuable antique items. Complete list of sale in next week's issue, No Reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate, MRS, GENEVIEVE ALLEN, MR, ALLEN FLETCHER, Administrators for the Estate of the late Trueman Fletcher ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 23c „ .„ ..„.. 25 Au.ction. sat es cleariti rg AUCTION $A,IE. Of Complete Line of 'Valuable flovseliptcl :Effect Carpenter Toots Items On the prendseS, 21'2 miles south of Exeter, 1,1'4 miles east, on SATURDAY, .SEPTEMBER 1 Watch for complete list in next week's issue. ROBERT .1-tEATI1, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16:23c The story in Zion By MISS MURIEL HERN 4,H Calf Club The joint meeting of the Exe- ter 441 calf club was held at the farm of Howard Johns, A class of beef heifers was judged by the members present and oral reasons were given, Mr. Harold Hern gave the cor- rect placing, Mr. M, Huff, summer assist- ant ag rep, spoke on "How In- heritance Works". Personal items Mrs, Louisa. Kyle, Exeter, spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hero. Mrs, Orville Snell, Billy and Jeanette, Grimsby, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Miss Sheila Keller, Exeter, is holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven attended a picnic at Springbank on Sunday. Mrs, Ross Horn, of Detroit, is spending this week at her home', Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Roane of Wyoming and Miss Marion Jeffers, London, visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Jaques. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hem and family, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Mrs. Milton Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Hero and family of Jarvis at- tended a family picnic on Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Strong in Sea- forth. Mrs, Doris Ferguson, Doug it's definite now - North America's top roller skater will headline the annual Chamber of Commerce roller carnival and bingo at the Wondergrove Roller Rink, Grand Bend, Fri- day night. ,John Macdonald, chairman of the committee in charge of the gala affair, reported this week that Beverly Bowers, Toronto, had successfully defended her title at Lincoln, Nebraska over the Civic Holiday weekend, The pert, young miss will be the feature attraction of the floor show at the carnival and will be backed up by 14 other rpornotfoe.ssional skaters from To- Members m the Toronto Rol- ler. Rink School of Skating, they will undoubtedly thrill the spec- tators with their dazzling dis- plays on wheels. The event, which was inaug- urated last year, will also feat- ure the 35-member girls' trum- pet band and the Seaforth High School, who have won acclaim throughout the area. They will lead a parade through the village at 7:30 pm. and judging of the many cos- tumed skaters expected to com- pete in the program will start at 8:00. Silver dollars will be given to the winners of the 21 sections that cover every skater from the youngest to the oldest. The children will be broken down into their respective age groupings and will compete for the top prize of their silver dollars, Second place finishers Persons wanting to clean up some of the "don't wants" around their cottages or homes before the summer is finished will have an excellent oppor- tunity thanks to the Grand Bend Lions, Arid, they won't have to wor- ry about what to do with their excess litter as all they have and. Gwendolyn, of Windsor, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and family, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Jaques and family, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques, Harry and Shirley attended the Elim- ville line picnic on Sunday at ipperwash, nomeffloprinrommossnompmem don't bave any vehicle In trans" i to d tariff is take it to riff Tho- mas' Furniture Store, or if they port t, the Lions will even pick it up. However, before residents think Uie Lions are. trying to put the two local garbage col- lectors out of business, we should .point out they are plan- ning a combined auction-rum- mage sale and they don't exact- ly want garbage, What they do want is cloth- ing, furniture or any other mis- cellaneous articles, that, while they may not he of any value to the present owner, may be of some value to someone else. The sale will be conducted at the Wondergrove Roller Rink on Wednesday, August 29 and Al- vin Wa]per, Dashwood, will conduct the auction. The Lions hope to make the event a real success not only as a money raising project for their many community welfare and service ventures, hut also as a good-will event where peo- ple can come and have a good time and take home a few bar- gains. However, it will depend en- tirely on the contributions of residents and vacationers who are being urged to search through their attics, cellars and back room for any articles that are of no particular value to them and could he donated to the sale. As secretary John Macdonald points out, they don't want mo- ney,. hut "stuff and stuff yOu don't use anymore ... someone else might enjoy buying it." You know the type of things he means - the ones mother donates and father buys back. dressed couple as well as the oldest skater. prize. Skate youngest skater at the rink will also receive a cash Skate and play bingo The judging is expected to be. completed around 9:00 p,m., at which time the show will be turned over to the young To- ronto professionals headed by Miss Bowers. Following this, everyone is invited to either skate or try their luck at the bingo booth. Admission for the action packed event is only 50 cents and this admits persons for the whole show. Proceeds of the night go towards aiding the C 194 Pogo la. of C in then' promotion work. Macdonald, who. is working on the committee along with treas- urer Don Robertson and rink owner, Rd Odbert, reported if the weatherman should spoil the night with rain. they would schedule it for the following night, Saturday, August 25 "However," he added, "we're hoping for good weather and we expect a good crowd." Which appears to he all thal'oi needed. because they have ar. ranged a top night of entertain- ment and fun for persons of all ages. That's Friday, August 21 Get your .costumes ready and join the fun .and excitement, on ti, , Astin odds WHILE THE STOCK LASTS 10:23c Skaters, band, costumes feature of C of C carnival EXTRA SPECIAL ON AUSTIN- HEALY SPRITES If You Want A Sports Car, See Us! Going Out of Business AP E RY SpECI ALS soc AND up co,o0 ,t4 ►Actoths ar oow. 5( YD' SPECIAL eenemeememorlosneerateemmomommonmrommuww..................goom.....mmormrumsrawal Everything must go by September 11 Only 17 Weeks Until Christmas Make us of our bar g ain prices - Buy Christmas Gifts Now. BEAUTIFUL ORLON RUGS, MATS BEDSPREADS ETC. Low, low prices for quick sale, 1962 A60 Austin Sedan IN STOCK No advance in price! THE ULTIMATE IN SECURITY -is offered by the spacious vault in the new Goderich Branch Office of British Mortgage & Trust Company. In the vault are Safety Deposit Boxes of varying sizes which may be rented with free rental until December 31, 1962 Miss Joyce Matthews, of Goderich, in front of the vault door inspects the resilient cork flooring as it, is being laid. Reserve a Safety Deposit Box NOW to have it available as soon as the building is open. early in September, we. hope. 1960 F.kl...C.ON DOR • New tires. S FORD 11•DOS. ;,00 Fan-lane Hardtop. mho, automatic. tu-trine. new tires IIIEVI4 Real shaicp. v,td TUDOR 156 METEOR SEDAN With radio. used 1.1v a young fellow for parking 960 830 11 MINOR BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUS COMPANY Edward Rw Rowlands, Goderich Branch Manager, West arid Waterloo Streets, DIAL JA, 44281 1959 VAUXHALL WAGON Tit-tone 1.9,5,5 MERCUIVV HARDTOP V-t automatic. radio. 1952 P141'M01711 Yo the price, .1511 Mai See Your Local .Agent uth End Service C. V. PICKARD Phone 225.0316 Etefer Russ and Chuck Snell 2354322 EXETER L.