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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 9
Tho, Times,..A.4*gooto, Au9m, 23, 1962 Peggy' 9 Goderith -flusines$,Cottege .214i,Annual Pall Term 'Opens 4epten*..r 4 SgNIQ.R ANo 41,1NIQR COURSg$ appr oved the ..$1,141.10$5 .E.P.VCATORSI ASSOCIATION OF CANADA yipderr;,'.jApipment• Qualified Teachers a Tuition -$.28,911. Tgl4P1.19Nf 72K O0..PERICH, ONTARIO' DON ROOTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic A Commercial Imlottrial Motors, Controls Liehtino 70 Huron St. West 235-0282 By MRS. PRVIN. „RARER DASHWoon 'Vas members of Dashwood WI appeared .o» 11w.. .CFPL.TV .program "Act Fast" Tuesday cvailing .and won sci5 whi ch , th e president., Mrs. Sid Baker, said would be used toward the Web- en of the new centre the eom. triunity are building. 'We never raised so much money and hart ao much fun doing it before" said public re- lations offieer, Mrs, Ervin Rader. Mrs. 0, Dwyer dies in Detri©t Mrs, Oliver Dwyer, the for- rner Margaret Cantin, 35, of. St, Clair Shores, Mich„ died in Detroit Monday, August 20, She is survived by her hus- band, parents and four child- ren, Charles, Jeanette, Jerome and John. The body will arrive Thurs- day at the home of Airs, Val- erie Cantin, St, Joseph. Mass will he sung. at 10:30 a.m, Friday, August 24 by Monsig- nor Bourdeau at the parish church with interment in ad- joining cemetery. The Hoffman funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kretzman and Billie returned to Detroit after vacationing with Airs. Cora Gaiser and other relatives, Mrs. Dan Weber, Miss Thelma Weber o.f London, Rev. C, B. Carr and David of St. Jacob's toured the western provinces travelling 4,000 miles. They were joined by Miss Ruth Weber. of Red Deer, Alberta. and went as far as Lake Louise, B,C, They also visited with Jacob Schroeder And family at North Dakota as well as many other friends. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Genttner and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lockhart, Karen and Kenneth of Fingal; Marion and Marilyn Waun of London; Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Lockhart, Lawrence, Lorraine, Joyce, Ronnie and Wesley, Jim Lock- hart and Stella. Mr. and Mrs. Don LoCkhart, Cathy and Peter, all of Parkhill; Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Lockhart, Harrison and Jim of Caledonia; Mr. and Mrs, George Fuleher, Bruce, Donna and Lynn, of Capreol; David Kilgore of Barrie; Miss Joan Fiddler and Mr. Eric Anderson of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mc- Crrenere and family of London vacationed with Otto Reste- r-1i aver, Mrs. Ken MeCrae and Bon- nie attended a music workshop at Waterloo University Satur- day, August 18. Mr, and .Airs, Harold -Kraft and family vacationed at Key Topics from Woodham By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE Bride honored Miss Grace 'Doupe was lion- nred prior to her marriage at a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening al the church. A program consisted of a singsong. led by Mrs. Glenn Copeland, a duet by Elizabeth and Linda Thacker, readings. by Mrs. Laverne Rodd, Mrs. Jim Miller and Mrs. Leonard 'Thacker, and a contest, Mrs. Bob. Robinson read the address and Grace was pre- sented with many beautiful and useful gifts. Miss Marion Me- Naughton, Miss Orrie Thacker and Mrs. Bill Crago assisted with the gifts. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Gra- sari, of Barrie, Were Saturday evening guests with Air. and Mrs. Don Morphy and Bradley. Atr. and Mrs. Don RiXt)e, Mary Jane, Robert and Peter, of London, were guests on Sun- day with Misses Blanche and Rhea AIMS. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mallen and Barbara attended the Shier reunion al..111r, and Mrs. Art. Ruins' of Thaniesford on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Cynthia were Saturday ,eve. ping guests with Air. and AirS. BOY. Westtnan and Janet, Of Grantbn, Mr, and Mrs. Victor ChattPli were, Tuesday evening .gtiests with Mr.. and MrS. Wilfred Brick, of. St, MATYS. Mrs._ it 11. Copeland and .lean visited Sunday afternoon with. Jr. and Mrs. Stan Mountain, ef,St. Marys. Air. and Mrs. John Rodd and family were Sunday evening -guests with Mr. and Airs. Larne. jOlitiS and family, Mr. arid mrs. Robert Rundle, and , Jack, attended the Gerry 'reunion in Straihroy on Sunday. ••••••••.•••••••••• Really keen! SHDHS Loose-Leaf Binders Rid and. Black Tough Vinyl Covers Imprinted With the SHDHS CREST SPECIAL Et f H1 il>l btik tiOW tifloNt 11$4331 .MAIN itlIkEtt Yoglee Y. mit \ Glenayr Kitten Sweaters '7.95 T. s12.95 "Style Rite" Blouses For Girls,. , Featuring the new button-down collars wtih roll- up or long sleeves, in the latest Fall colors $2.98 and $3.98. Sheath & Pealed Skirts in A.rnel, terylene and: wool priced from $6.95 to $12.95. Boys' School Specials Wash and Wear Slim Ems $4.95 Jeans . $2.98 to $3.95 Penman's T-Shirts, Reg, $1.49 to $2.98 $1.19 and -$1.98 Dress Pants, regular values to $6.95 . Special $2.98 Boy's Windbreakers Regular $5.95 . Special $3.95 NOW'S THE TIME TO START Fon Se in Choose your new Fall fabrics from our latest colors and designs. New Fall Simplicity and McCall pattern hooks plus a host of sewing needs, NEW! MIRACLE- COVERED BUTTONS Nnw for the first tune, a covered button kit that is wrinkle free with any fabric, washable and can't rust. Make covered buttons in a jiffy. Ask for a demonstration. F. A. Ma PHONE 235-0852 EXETER , 0 FOUND THE PLACE WHERE VALUE COSTS LESS . . . WHERE I C N BUY ALL MY SUPPLIES IN ONE SPOT .. . WHERE I CAN BUY Top BRAND-NAME PRODUCTS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. "HERE'S WHY CONKLIN'S CAN BEAT ANY PRICE" Conklin Lumber has 15 yards. Since they buy' in tremendous volume they receive top discounts and can pass their savings on to their customers. Self Service helps Conklin's cut overhead costs. Again these savings are passed on in the form of lower prices. You don't have to spend time and money running `‘ around to three or five different places. Conklin's One Stop Shopping saves again. ASK A CONTRACTOR WHAT HE THINKS OF CONKLIN'S --HE'LL TELL YOU THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE, "I SOLVED MY BURDIN DERNIZATION PROBLE YARDS TO SERVE BEE ARE EXAMPLES OF .CONXI1NS TOP YOU! :QUALITY PRODUCTS AND ROCK 'BOTTOM PRICES mutation Loose in sags Just 7 1 c Per tag Plastic sheathing As LO'Se, as 1 C per $q, Ft, VINYL ASBESTOS MOOR 'flits Low, Low Priced Just lac EMIT WOOD COMBINATION Bargain Priced ONLY 99 00 ASPHALT SHINGLES Prices Start at $6.90 PER SQUARE Arborde Stott< Cokes Only Just 4 7 5'° Per $6. 01. • EXETER 131 Thames Rd, W. liana 235.142'2 GRAND SEND Carnet of Hwys, 81 and 23 Pliotte 74 Hoots: Mott-46y in 1Fri4tiy t) saiorcky -4166 4.10 Ti, s rriil reele---sts, vont' worth S1,08 rib parry tzsakral centre. ieueleieeoeeemeemeneleememeect,, 1 ''WANT TO BUY ON TIME? TAKE IT PROM ME..., THE PLACE TO DO IT IS CONKLIN'S! ,T7T7,77. wins V money ''4,o aid centre ro`ect River last week. The fishing was only fair. Rev. and Mrs. .Bruce •Seebaeh and -boys of Hanover are veep- tianing with Airs. Cora Gaiser. Mr, and Mrs. Gerd Hewett. and Nancy of CollingwoOd spent .a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and. family, Mr. and Airs, Lorne Becker and family and Mrs, Henry Becker spent Sunday at Kit- chener and Waterloo with rela- tives. Air, and Airs. Ed Brandt of Leamington .ealled on the for- mer's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Becker, also Mr. and Airs, Wilmer Pfaff and family and Mr, and Mrs Lorne. Becker and family, Mr, and Mrs. Art Koessel. of Lansing, Alieli„ spent last week with Miss Luella Kuntz and other relatives. Message from Greenway By MRS. c. WOODEIURN Steeper reunion The eighth annual Steeper re- union was held at Poplar Hill with relatives from Kentbridge, London, Tillsonburg, A i ls a Craig and Parkhill attending. Sports under the conveners, Graham. and Anna Eagleson and -Fred and Donna Cox, were enjoyed. Winners in races five year's and tinder were Janis Eagle- son, Teresa Cox; six to eight years, Janet Tweddle, Joey Eagleson; nine to 10, Wayne Tweddle, Irene • Eagleson; it to 1.3, Viola Tweddle, Bonnie Tweddle; ladies, Pauline Wood- burn, Ruth 'Tweddle; married men, Jack Tweddle, Graham Eagleson. There was a peanut scramble for the children, Youngest baby present was Chris. Eagleson; largest family, Jack Tweddle's; oldest person, Mrs. Priscilla Eagleson; spec- ial prizes, men, Carman Wood- burn; ladies, Mrs. Priscilla Eagleson; girls, Viola Tweddle; boys, Johnny Webb; door prize, Russell Smith. A ball game, including men, women and children, was much enjoyed by all those taking part. The captains were Jack Tweddle and Graham Eagle. son, with Jack's side being the winners. Follownig a picnic supper .a short business session was held with officers for 1963 being elected, President is Harold Gliders; vice-president, Gra- ham Eagleson; secretary-trea- surer, Eleanor Steeper; shorts committee, Jack and Ruth Tweddle, Ross and Betty Gard- ner; table committee, Carman and Olive Woodburn, Bruce and Eleanor Steeper. The reunion for 1963 will be held at Poplar Hill August 18. Personal items Miss Muriel F'allis of Sarnia spent a few clays last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mr, and Airs. Glenn Wood- burn and family of Galt are. spending their vacation with rela hives here, Air. and Mrs. Maurice Mur- ray returned home on Saturday after a trip to the West. Miss Lillian thens is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Matthews, in London. Mrs.. Ed Bullock is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leader and family in Bramp- ton. Mn-. and Mrs, Russell Pollock of London visited on Sunday with Mn-, Harold Pollock anti Alsis Ruby Pelleek. Mr. and Mrs. George Blight,. of -Olivet, Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter McPherson, 111.0 story In Saint'SbUrY 131/ MRS: HEBER PAM .Dickins reunion. The Dickins reunion was held At Poplar on Saturday, August 18 with .a small attend - Once owing to the late harvest, but an enjoyable day was had by ail present, A good program of sports was .convened by Mrs. Don AluTaggart, London, and .Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Den- field. Winners in five and under race were David Latta, Jeffrey Young; nine and under, Den- nis Maguire, David Latta; 12 and under, girls, Debby Pin- nell; boys, Leslie Greenlee; 12 and over, boys, Paul Pinnell; young ladies, Sandra Diekins; spot race, Brenda Dickins. Marguerite Greenlee; three- legged race, junior girls, :Bran- da Dickins and. Debbie Pinnell; junior boys, David Latta and Dennis Maguire; senior boys, Paul Pinnell and Larry Green- lee; senior girls, Brenda and Debbie Pennell; shoe scramble, boys, Paul Pinnell; girls, Deb- bie Pinnell, Youngest contestant, Jeffrey 'Young; breaking ball000n tied to ankle, Paul Pinnell, Leslie Greenlee and Larry Greenlee tied; kicking both slippers nearest together, girls, Joan Barker and Alexia Atkinson; boys, Paul Pinnell and Leslie Greenlee; can you guess, Deb- bie Pinnell. Oldest person, Mrs. P. Dic- kins, London; person with birthday closest to picnic date, Joan Barker (August 12); corn- ing greatest distance, Noels family, Aylmer. Relay contests, Leslie Green- lee's team, Sandra Dickins' team, Paul Pinnell's team, Mr. Alfred Dickins, London, president, conducted a business meeting, President for 1963 is Airs, Eari Atkinson; table com- mittee, Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. W. W. Gareett and Mrs, Alf Dickins. A moment's silence was observed. The 1963 picnic is to be held at Springbank. Sunday., June 23; dinner at 12;30. Mrs. Frank Dickins, Ailsa Craig, secretary- treasurer. Personal items Miss Heather Davis spent several days this past week at the home of her cousin, Miss Gloria Myers, London, and Gloria is spending a few days this week with Heather. Jeffrey Young, Lucan, is holidaying with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1-leber Davis, His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, are on a trip to Halifax, where they plan to visit Mr, Young's brother Jack, formerly of .Luean, and his wife.. Airs, Earl Atkinson, Carol Latta, David and Dennis Ma- guire, Airs. Earl Greenlee, Larry and Leslie, Joan Barker, Linda Abbott and Mr. and. Mrs, Heber Davis, Mrs. Maur- ice MaeDonald and Jeffrey Young attended the Dickins reunion at Poplar Hill on Sat- urday, Mrs, Mervin Elston, Mary Alice Glaves, David and Wendy visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Davis Tuesday. Miss Sharon Davis spent several clays recently with Miss Carol Stanley, London. Town- ship. Mr. and Airs. Hugh Davis and. Michael were guests Sun- day with Mr. and Airs. Don Myers, London. Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn. Picker- ing, London, were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Torn Rtes. Mr. and Mrs. nee Carroll visited with Mrs. Henry Had- gins. Welke, and Air, and Mrs. Carfeey Cann, Grand Bend, on Sunday. • Mr. and Airs, liarvty Latta and family spent Sunday with Grandchild 'Canaciette' BY MRS..ARCHIE ,0gwAR BASELINE Airs. Archie Dewar and grand- son, Ronald Marriott of St. Marys have been on tour -the Past week with her daughter. Mr. anti Mrs. Verna Trott of Toronto visiting friends at Port Hope, Kingston, Cornwall, St, Lawrence Seaway and on to Algonquin Park spending a via l pie of days there before return- ing to Toronto to see the Es- bibition where her grandtlaugh- ter tapes part in the Canadettes at the grandstand show, Miss Phyllis Danard, of St, Marys, spent some holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Elston. Mr. Eton "Baker is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Harris Rut- son of Munro, Mrs, -George Wilson attended the trousseau tea for Miss Joan Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Little of Glencoe whose marriage lakes place on Saturday, August 25. Miss Marlene Baker spent the weekend in Wiarton visiting with her cousins. Mr, and Mrs, Fraek Plain end baby were guests with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Coward and family Sunday eve- ning, Mr. and .Mrs, Fred Parkinson and family visited with. Mrs. Ken Kill of Lambeth on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Bodd and family spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parkinson. Karen Rodd remain- ed to spend the week with Brenda. Miss Phyllis Carr of Trans- vaal and Miss Faye Nelhercott of Rannoch visited on Tuesday with Miss Nancy Nethereott at Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Wilson's. Air, and Mrs. Barry Feagan, of Port Colborne, called on Mr, and .Mrs. Wilfred Wilson on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Gihh and Debbie visited Friday and Saturday with their cousins, Air. and Mr.s Wilfred Wilson. Mr. Lawrence Rae was a guest Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson. Mr, John Wilson, of Islington, called on his uncle, Mr. Wil- fred Wilson and Mrs, Wilson Saturday afternoon. Mttkaiwi,7;:: Letter from 13rinsley By GORDON MORLEY Sunday visitor's with Mr. anti Mrs. Douglas Lewis were Air. Clarence Sholdice, Mrs, Bert Sholdice of Exeter, Mrs. Clover Lewis of Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butting of Lucan; also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, Carol and Corlinne of Bier. Rev, and Airs. Kenneth :Hick and family of Ailsa Craig were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgson and family. Ebenezer cemetery held its, annual decoration service on Sunday, August 19, Rev. Ken- neth Hick of. Ailsa Craig was guest speaker far the occasion. Misses Nancy and 'Karen Darling of Clandebaye visited with Brenda Lee on Friday. Mr, and Airs. Earl Atkinson, Grand Bend. Mr. and Airs, Bill Johnson and boys were 'Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Car- roll and in the evening had Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lake, Grand Bend, and Mr, and Airs. Hugh Davis and family to call on them. On Friday, Mrs John- son and boys spent the day with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Farquhar, • Report on Shipka Personal items Mr. Louis Guenther, of 'Eiteln ener, was a Sunday visitor at the home of his brother, Mr. Karl Guenther, Allan Memo. and Tom sell are attending the United Church camp at Goderieh this week. Doug Russell is also at ramp as a junior counsellor, Mr. and Airs. Chris Baningar- len accompanied by Air, and. Mrs. -Charles Brown of Both- well left Monday for a trip to visit relatives in the, western provinces. Air. and Mrs, Winston Bald- win and family, of Cottam, were recent visitors with Air. and Airs. Cliff Russell and family. Wayne, who had been holiday- ing with his cousins, returned home with his parents. Mr. David -Sheppard, of To- ronto, spent a week's holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sheppard. Rachel Levy, of Si, Marys, is visiting her cousin, Barbara Sweitzer. Fred Lampert, of Pickering, spent a week's holidays at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweit- zer accompanied by their daughter, Airs. Norman McCal- lum of London are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rats at Pittsburg. Mr. and Airs, Kenneth Baker and family attended the Prance -reunion at Exeter on Sunday. Miss Cheryl Greenwood, of London, spent last weekend with June and Sharon Morenz, Air, and Mrs. John Greenwood were Sunday guests with Mr. and Airs. Roy Moreau and the girls all returned to London for a week's holidays. Mr. Peter Duncan, of Strat- ford, visited last week with his grandmother, Mrs, Ed Lan and uncle, Mr, Tom Lamport. Mr. and Airs. Ivan. Russell, Geoff and Lorie of La Salle were weekend visitors with Mr, and Airs. Cliff Russell and fam- ily. ABAF Ernest Marco- has re- turned to Shearwater Naval Base, Nova Scotia after a two week's leave at. the home of his parents, Mr. and Airs, RoY Moronz. Air. George Robinson, Brian and Donnie, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther and family. Airs. Rob- inson, Carol. Chris and Cathy returned home after holidaying for a week with the Guenthers, Airs. Harry Sheppard accom- panied by Mrs, Arthur Thomp- son and Ralph of Lieury visited relatives in Toronto last week, Ale, and Mrs. John O'Hara, of Forest, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill, of Grand Bend, were :Sunday .evening 'visitors. Ivith Mr. and Mrs. Poss. Love, Mrs. George Robertson, of Wheatley., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. lierbert kiariton and. gr. Hari:ton. Air. and Mrs. Greg Stone, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raiz, jnan and Paul. Ai rs , Stone 4114 Mrs.. Ra.la are sisters. Misses Nancy and Margaret Harrington,. of Arkona, are vis- iting With their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. Mr. Arid Mrs. ,Kenneth West- man and family and Miss Dorothy Harltoe RN, of LOA- den, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hariton.