HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-30, Page 24 .
gyrThe Ale speech trt Dr. Ralph epos
the Pelee Lead Sale Assilithhie Bill,
whack we give ie Ibis umber, contains
seta that le tend sad valuable and will
well repay a perusal, but Hale30 sill sot
wee with the karued Doctor's remarks
maw its close haul% reference to the des-
trecUon of the Ageucies 01 the Canada
Cospaoy, it is hut iliesie may here here
Masora on the ecore of *coattail which in-
duced tbe Canada Comps to make the
clatige,but ueitber °Smolt ity" Der " satis-
m " e give° to tbr Were by tbc
Toronto Monopoly.
eesseripoes bed dud iswisy. Peelers
bees leveed far all the wissies es leant te
rrrrrr to their ieepective sites. Admiral
Saudis it is said would have coesasied of
the fleet of the Dardauellits.
er We direct the attention of Contrac-
tors to the advertisement of the Towo
Council relatite to the Grading and Gravel-
ling of *event of the streets of the 'f own.
er is advertised to leave Toronto no the
10th, autl M expected to call at Goderich
on the 15th of July on her way to the
the Manitouline to distribute the Indian pre -
ZI)io /nutting's Mil.
Weskit:4820P'. Jim 2.3.
Kra. 8.1hat a person Meted that she
lad bees eamillissed to process as Want
lirsai gee ef the city hospitals lot • lady is
Hamilton, who has tly stet with setae
wad arid severe and donwatic edicts/as, but
whose easel we suppress. The story was
so y
bl made and the fact that Ilse lad
The "Qts' *saes ib4t the Soot' fit.
Marto Casa! bee hese coets.eocod. (Hotted
was Woke* oa the atb
mew etaelf the oon meet Peel
when it has espied the lettuces el pipe
pertly and gut reduced tu it• last quer-
who was repeesented as wishing to adopt ler'
The V. S. Steamer l'rirscetori has been
a child is in a high pobition iu society aid - - -
ordered to tbe Ashieg grounds for the pro• in affluent eirceststances, induced her to
Welton of Amei ice's fisheries. She will timid over the tarsal for the eurpo-e, as slie
take Ler departure from Norfolk in a few thought, of being brought to this city. Os
IVetlisesday treeing last Mrs. F. arrived
days. is thie city, and oe the following mesa&
repaired to dee reertleuce of Mts. F. to visit
the thidd: but to leer mortificttios and grief,
found diet the story was a gross fabricatipn
from beginotng to end. The police bade
been apprised of the circumstatice but there
is little gruund fur the Lope that the child
will be restored. 'flit person who took the
child gave leer name as Mrs. Sydney. She
is a low sized womau, pock -fretted. and
has black tatr.-JuuiuI and Ezi»es .
New York, June 27.
The Steamer Baltic arrived here at GI
e. N. yesterday. She encountered 'rester-
ly gales most of the passage. She brings
157 passengers, aming them the Hon. T.
M. Foote, late charge to Austria.
Bowros, June 24.
'l'be Ne fouadland papers contein bitter
complaints of the manner ia Which the
Russia bad reiterated its demand cn
Turkey with the Intimation of the occupation
Of the Danubian Provinces in the event of
a refusal, but no war was expected. the
assurances oldie Emperor we.e con-idered
of a pacific nature, even in the face of the
threat. It b stated that desoaches have
been received is Paris containing assuran-
ces cf the Gzar's unwillingness to do any-
thing tc disturb the peace of Europe ; and
of his anxiety that the dispute between him
and the porte scall be settled without to
appeal to artni. It is stated that the delay
has hectic:tended from ten to fifteen days
iu order to afford time for negotiation., and
even the occupation of the Danubian Pro-
iinces would not necessarily be followed
by war. Meanwhile advice' from Trieste
of the 6t0 inst. state that the French,Eng-
lish, and Prussian officers in the Turkish
army are ectively employed in taking mei-
eures of defence. One of them, Capt.
Jungman is placing the citadel of Bosphor-
us tra a state of defence. Mr. Pettite bad.
been sent to the Ports on the Danube. -
Admiral Slade is engaged in organizing the
fleet. He has riot as yet, howeter been
nppointed to auy command. The Egyptian
Geseral, Solyman, Paella had sailed for
Constantinople on a special missies:1.
Frencheut er drove tbe British fishers:leo
from St. George'a Bay. They my that
the English vessels were compelled to put
to sea, leaving behind all their nets and fish
and that when tome vessels put back on
account of the heavy sea, they were fired
hero by the French cutter. The French
Commander, when remonstrated with, raid
they might thank their own Government,
who had driven the French from Salvador.
Der ReIT, June 24.
The new propeilor Challenge on her first
trip dowo from Chicago on Wednesday.
buret her boiler, killing five of the crew
and rcyerely injuring three others.
Tho remainder of tbe crew with the pas
sengers, wore picked up by the North Star
and brought to this port. The ChsPenge
sunk in five minute". She is full insured.
QYEasc, June 23.
fuselage Is THE bliNisTRY.-Aitornry
General Richard* elevated to the Beech;
succeded by Solicitor General
Mr Caren, elevated to the Beuch con.
templet el •
Mr. Morrwon, Solicitor Gatieral, C. %V
Jame* Morns, Speaker of the Leg islet; vs
Council. Melt elm Catneron, Poetmester
Geueral. Dr President of Um C oun-
cil and Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr.
Sicotte, First Commirconer of Crown
New Yoke, June 21.
Tht Steamer Northern Light from San
Juan, the 16th elJune, wi:b 400 passengers tended be a band of music, and on the
'tweed. Tne Steamer Brother Jonath"ra I maize of the'Clifton !louse jocosely d rclar-
June let ,rived here at thot a. tn. Tire and the independence of the province, botated
transit across the Isthmus woe executed In ; • striped berylkerchief as a substitute fur
r the ;republican flag, appointed a provisional
40 boula and the River wan in good nine i
I government. and annexed Upper Canada to
gable conditiun. The Bea e, ones an,
a late comieg out of San Francteco, pai.ed the United States, the band playing 1 nkee
j) le and the amused crowd of Canadians
and Americans applauding this bloodless
coup de main.
Citesee or TRooPa.-We have it
from good authority that in consequence
of the late disastrous affair in ;Montreal, the
26th Regiment of Catnerouian Higlilauders
is to be transferredcd to Kingstou, and the
4511. Regiment at present in garrison here
will take their place in Montreal. Of course
the gallent Highlanders are in no way
accouutable for the transacton, but it is.
though expedient to remove them from a
scene where their appearance would be 'apt
to recall bad feelings. --Commercial Ad.
Ncw lbuctigcmcuts.
THE Shareholder. of ttm Saltless' Grs
.2. eel Reed Company ere reqeeeted to
meet at the Britt•it LocLang• hotel, on
Saturday everong beat, be 4.4 uf July, to
appeint a Directory, sn4 to transact other
busiimes connected rk AEI the Undertaking.
Goderieb, June 401b, 1653.
N 0 '1' I C E
riniosE Members of the Hume Agriculs
41. tura' Society wise do not pay their
euttecriptioes 00 er Wore the 1st day of
Aegu•t ver at, will hot be sllueed to coos-
, petit for prase at the •hrniel Show.
1 Il• D. A.S.
GaZer;ch. June t9th, 1853. 022-2.
WiTIIDRAWAL Or Tito?rs -The Colo-
nial Secretary has irtimated to Sir Atestan•
der Bannernian, of Prince Edward
that the troops are to he withdrawn from
alt stat:ons in the Ct..locues where there
are cio fel eficetoine to to kept up.
CANADA ANERICItn.-.The followirg ac-
count of an incident which occurred oaring
thsi recent excursion of the New York
State lire:atom and the members of the
press; paste of tho Central Ittillroad Cat.
patsy -from A bany to Niagara Falls, is
taken from the New York Herald to
the forenoon of Sunday a party of the most
humorous of the excursionist'', including
several tif the legislative party, crossed
lo the B•ilish side of the Fells, It -
Property to Groat Britain and
rIMIE Subscriber offers Iseatiaise
2.• for the recovery ol claini• le them
sc untres, lessees numerous correeposiltram
therm limaidee raking pswaveal welts foe
that peepoare. Soso eases Wise charge til
at tem ew• Fork. Itabireares sad further
isformatioa bad es .lista.
No. 4, Royal Escheat* Sol'iliage
Leedue, C. mV., letb May 1883. seen;
Grading and Gravelling Streets
the steamer Golden Gate and clipoor ships,
Sea Serpent and sawn ,o3 bound in. A duel
was to be fought on OM morning tbe
steamer left between Senator Gwynne and
G.M. McCoke, weapons rifles; distance, 30
paces. The cause de said to be some dis-
paraging I•nguagii erred againit Ins anta-
gonist. The steamer California was to
leave freePanania on the Ist of • Jane, with
8350,000 orgold freight..
A destructive fire occurred at San Prat -
steed on the 21.1 May, destroying twenty
building, on California and Kearney streets.
Lose ..10 000.
Jainestou. from Hong Kong arrived it
San Francisco on the 30th Slay, with 200
Chinese passengers, The ship Peer:dent
sailed co the 3111 for Australia with 100 ' some scoundrel, in the middle of the
performancee, mired the cry of 6re. 1.1i!ct. Quarried Stone for Sale.
caused a tooth aenorg the crowd nearie
.Mor.ch 21. Subscriber has at the Maitland
cost several people their lives -Chino Aril Suspension Urge Q:arry a quantity
of Stone. euperir•r to any beretcfore offered
for rale in Goderich, suitable tor rutting
humin Traxeu inTo Fune.-A late and building purposes,. Teems reeeenable.
number of the Sntifidm
ciec erican stifles T1109. JOHNSON,
that the Nanette in the factories incite*
large I Contractor.
le El:gland and Scotiand is cow cessunted. I Goder'cb, June 29(6,1853.
it haviog teen made a peral effer cc, by
act of parliament, ler any fcctery to allow
its smoke to escape. The smoke is all
burnt by simple contrivances of fureicee.-
A committee of povernment first establish-
edothat thpurning of "finite was perfectly
'prsetible, and Pahnment then enforced the
fact by law. The factery and mill owners
soon fund out how to fulfil the coed lion.
EeeLRAD.-In the House of Lords on the
13th last., in answer to' a (motion of the
Marrows of Ciminero -de, Earl Clarendon
stated that it was In couccrt with the
?reach government that the fleet had been
enorted up to the De ighoerbood of -the Dar-
danelles, and that Mica was the most cor-
dialunderstanding between the French and
Engltsb governments on the subject. Both,
governments believe that Coostantioople
will use tbe earns discretion sod modera-
tion exercising the powers entrusted to
them; and be hoped that the measure, whisk
was only one of precautior, would ensure
Money to 'Alan
To Mn us good r eerily th• sum ot
Ps. perimeters apply at ibis Office.
Gedeutch. Jur' 27th, 1153.
1.AI.ED Tenders will be received st this
()Wee, on or before Tueeday to 1211,
nf July neat at six o'cleck; " • M., ror (r5-
ding and Gravel:ng underreehtioned
streets in the Ton of Godetteh-sia: Wee'
Street, from the top of the harbour 1101
road to the Market Sq are; all evitind the
Varlet Srorre; an I,tr 11,e Market Square
throsizh Kingsiou mid Toronto Street. to
the Britannia road, or old Town Boundary
(tans end Specifications. of the work may
be seen, and farther information reeetted,
ty applcet.rin at this ( nice, at any f.balln11-
able time, prations to the op^e.n; ef the
fly Order
T11011A74 Kim!),
rinvn Clerk.
Town Clerk'e Offee,
Goleirch, 2Stis June, 1654.
- -------
rax. -A lesrful loss of life by fire occurred
at the Chinless' Theatre Whampoa. on the
ieth of March, when ao fewer than levy ' '
females were burn 1 to doatb, many other. ALEXANDER LEYS,
beiiy, severely uttered. It irt supported that a
spark from one of the creators bet fire to GENERAL REALBR IN
the mat roof, aril 'from the com7,ustible RY Goode, orercose, mire vrarr,
Datum of the materials,the flames spread co
rapidly that in little more then:a quarter of
an bout the whole theatre was in a blaze.-
the Cheese Theatre, lately erected at the
back of the Taepirgisharm in Hong koog,
8shsenbirr• raters their ii;neere tbeek•
.11. to the ...habitue O
of r:fetich gad arboto-
wig country. lnt Its/ ear petroesae tor•
.10510 upon them while to heatoces is
rich. Tory would now state that they bane
mooted their Wei...es is Goderreh Irvoer ol
M 11A '5Nt.:KN1AN 6. FERGUSON,
tor '4,'honi they would terneetteily Liu
mum eateadcd eupport afforded thenschies.
Goderich, April teltb, 1.53. .6.13
ORN reference to the abote se hays
•• to state that WA have Potatoes"'
the entire Sock of Meagre. GORDON
sic MACKAY, consisting of mot (.1)1)1)5.
CROCKERY. ci.trrinsu.
&C., on the Most InIsilategs..011 terms. The
additioait we are making thereto will render 11
complete is If 0,1ertioenis. To the cow.
n -
wre of thum
e late ras well as the inhabitant,.
generally, we wou'd ray that the facalsties we
possess lot ',archaisinga
in the Mot Mets...Ws
• determioation to adhere to .11b. 1:twine's
Principles of our predeeeseent. ownely-th.•
l'i.ce, 1..',. Sales. Small Profits. enshIrs u•
wt.h Coati3Olms to solicit the support of a
O. lerich, 29th Apr.l,
" vfiet3
II •
figlE Uedersmard 'mime yurchazes11Mse Twisety,
Alto •opr ass their Irmo& and the poiblw. that they womb ruusrpag
on the Youridry Beememe to ail its Ilieeesee; re
tie, Mine; essil tu eneeisfecture Threshing 114achupee, Sesoiaturs.
Ploughs and all 'Ober Agricultural lesplerwesit• 1. milord as to einellos or Ilse Prot lace •
Time aleu aniseed guise tome largely tete the Stoic boosi., end are sew 111..,g
dell g, t•CIL bad Pardue Socotra .1 the latest Panties ei.d Its.elapproses1 rieeteles.
The. %imamsi will be (sifted on, byetbe uridewc.itrioiejiguillit‘ttfikieeee.sum:A1ceindwyrA..00:::. siwy I, co.
?dr. Rlotrert Runners% will conduct hie Ilua.nees rued from am long precticel ial et -
tepee .n Ib. rostoiroetion of malt. machinery end agriculture! Impleeseete, Pete
thorough Inou sedge of all ibe twee" istresest waste is such, fi.els cs1.84ea1 ..t ktcp•
web the lier.
IApprentices a lusted in the moulding and m.11 wright depertn.ests.
rIVIIE Partnership heretofore tending lot-
Ivrcen HOMO tiOttn0 and William
Gamhle Smith se Tanner., is the day dis-
solved by mutual coneent.
The Business will still be carried on by
Wm. G. Smith. All Notes and Acc,unte
due the abuye firm, must be paid to bim,
and Le svill also eettie al I owe.
Goderich, 25th June, 1853. n'itr-3t
Crockery, Slane:cry, Lc., bee..
Corner of Hamilton Street, Market Square,
Julie 25tb, 1853. [122
8.13 .
Goderieu lidarch 2411', te33.
Ifoek Square, C.derick.
IS prepared t 11,1..nd Satire .0 any part
a 11 the United Countec•.
ten 16
Leted r.o.nlies of In,Y . Virtue of a
Huron ant Bruce. iLii Wrtt of Attech-
To Wit: , went issued out of
II tr Alsjosty's Court of queen'. Bette h , aud
to me direcied sgsinst the rotate real as
well as peptone' of George Beneett, an at -
sceridieg or concealed Deb:or, at to suit
el bons BELTON, f -.r the sties of Thirty 6.,,
pounds len shill eg", 1 have meet eil the
ratite rest as well as personal of the paid
(4.0111111 LENNETT, •I1,1 unto"' the said
George Ben twit return %Ain the juricd,c-
turn el the said Court and put in hail to the
son n, or caw.° the tome to be discharged
altLio throe calander months from tho tire*
day of lbs publication 0 this Notice, at'
tbe etiolate teal se well as perannal of the
.ad George Befinett, dr so much thereof as
may lue hecessary, will be held liable fur
the payment, benefit ur Waded:on of the
eco claim, or claims of such other Platutiff
or Plaintttfs re Abel: or may take et, coel-
ing• against the property an t t E.cts of the
aaid George Bennett w....te. 1111 months of
the uruirg of it e alms. Writ.
eimi.ir, Huron it Brine.
Sweeirv's Ornes.
tmaderice, 24th loom 1353. S t2ir-So%
It calculated that the divisions of the
ocaupations or men io the United States le
near ly in the following proportions:
No.enga.'d tia Internal Navigation, 33,070
.1 Ocean, " 56.021
1. learnedprotession .0•5,t55
• ri " Commerce, 119,607
" Manufactures, 721,749
" Agriculture', 3,719,951
Thus it will be seen that these, who are
engaged in agrectilture, are three and a half
timer greater in number than those in all of thts law, and tbe result is, that they save
a great deal of fuel by the operations.
the other divisions. The agriculturists
consequently have the physical and numeri-
cal power and can at any time control every
goverernent in the United States, and give
GODEEICII, June 30, 1S53.
tone to public omaion. Bat do they ?-
No, indeed, for however powerful they may Flour from I5s to 17.64 per bbl.'
I all W beat, to 3s ta 3s Gd, per bush. -
be in number, they are weak in itiflunce,
and this arises from wan: of proper educe- S ting, 2s 10t1 to 3sper bushel.
tion. The stxty-five thousand, twoshund- (Vote, Is Id to Is Sri., per 34 lbs.
Pork, $(41 to $5, per hundred.
red and fifty-five, engaged io the learned Butter, Gd to 00J, per Ib.
coofessions are intellectually stronger than
the three.millions, seven hundred and nine- TORONTO Ji1C9 25, 1853.
teen thousand, nine hundred and fifty one, flour-MIlleral Extra'superfine, per brl
20 a 21 3 -Farmers, 196 lbs 20 a 21 3
engaged in agricultere, and therefore rade Wheat -Fall per bushel, CO ibm4 a 4 7
them. If it were not so, seven eights of Spring, do. de 3 6 3 9
lawyer, anidoctore; nor would all the col' 314"lbel1b19171 26 1 18
the offices in the country would be held by 00:t meal, ip,t,i1r.hber11,,
iPteerrbothel, GO Ib. 2 6 a 3 0.
leges and high schools be endowed princi• Potatoes per buehel, 2 a 2 6
pally for the benefit of the learned proles- Grass Sced, per bushel, 43 lbs '71 a 11 3
Woos. Cover Secd, per bushel, 35 6 a 368.
hay, per ton, '70 a '15.
Farmers, when will you arouse your.
lurk, per 100 lbs 25 a 30.
melees to the dignity and importasee of Bete perICO lbe f6 a 30.
your calling, and educate yourselves to BASCOO, per cwt 40 a 45
tbat height of intelligence which will rink"
you the rulers instead of the ruled of the
other profesaioos 1 There is surely noth-
ing to preveotthis if you will only be true
to yourselves. Look at the nullities so-
h th w away u on the horrid bar -
The City of Southampton had given
Commodore Varderbilt a splendid entertain-
A good deal had been said is Parliament
relative to the imprisonment el:Bre:eh co-
l( red seamen to South Carolina porte.
A sudden burst of sunny weather has
checked speculate feeling in flour and wheat
• .
for consumption,buyers looked for an abate -
meet of sixpence per barrel and 2d per
bushel from extreme quotatters. Coro in
fair request without change in value.
•Political excitement has not only dento•
lobed the piaci' of public socuritiev, but
generally checked disposition to enter
into any financial operatioes. Consols have
been solder dividend &slew itself and closed
this eraniog at 9811.
The Russian question now seems to
have resolved itself into the view which
England and France will take of the entry
of Remits alto the tributary priecipalitots
of Turkey which seems to bare been defi-
cite', decided upon by RUM% in the event
of her ultimatum being again rejected. It
la difficult to conceive bow ouch a step can
be taken without being viewed as a declare -
Doe of war.
1 1' The government of India was largely
gone fete in the House of Lords.
Tire ships WriterfermAdetuide,aoil
, I V
• I ,
/rose h ed arrived from Australia with 74,000
ounces of gold,
The Queen bald the second Drawing
Room:of the season on the lith instant.
The Camp of FY41161011 at Chobbam opens
oil the 14th met. Ten tons of berme are
allowed to each Cavalry regiment, and fif-
teen to infantry. The mon are to live an
tent.. Stables are to be aid a pa
v ill ion Inc tbe (armee.
Dembenaki has addr d a letter to the
Journal des Deka', in which he states he
has not:effered his riervices to Sultan;
but if a command wersoffered him he would
not refuse.
No sews from Spats or Portugal.
Advieee from Vienna say that Lord Wea1.
mortared, sad the Berea de Marpesderf the
Russian Mimeo, Wire bed a long cotter.
eace, end after it couriers were despatched
to Loses" sed St. Petersbers.
Eturr.-Preelese te Illedystrin Pache'e
ellabarkaies fee Cesettstareple tee bed
lest interview with the Lag!lsh Cone&
raseta.-lion• polities sztessaely Asti
ease activity olairval et the navel parte;
bat Um as vidditiesal
nue y. ro o y p
banties of war, or the preparations for it,
and the honor" that are awarded to those
engaged in shedding a brother's blood, and
compare these with the pitiful and down-
right contemptible sums which are grudg-
ingly doled out for your benefit. Every
occupation in the country "ems to be
beentifully provided for, Pave tbat of the
farmer, aced surely no one is to blame for
th.s but yourselves, for if yea choope, you
seed only to speak to your 'soviet', your
ruler*, and • reform might be had at once.
Nader thes• things then,and in the
Legislatures assembled this winter, viva
out end demand equal benefits with the most
favored of the other professusec-Arncrican
AIII:A1) of the RAILRO A D.
riee hari now on hard aed fee
salu at hot NEW GENES A L STOLE.
Market Place, Corlerich. 5 very exteneive
Stock ot ample Dr), Teas,
- 11 iare'Crockery, :$1,e ,
6 Auctier7n. tiat:ilvr
led tor sale &choice sup..
f um.: sut.eriber wept, sa Doive boy well worth the atter, lion of Fatuities sod
I about •uteen tel'. of age, to learn TeA:eil..: ta,:k :C. ::114:1:r. .:.d.kafouor :::,.,1,184,1:o.,:lisfv.:Cefo.iitsp4,,,:,,,.4.i.::
,thnohtfC.Aat.;ippri; lo t% 1Por iii,itber pe_iti t:lat:_,I!trij:.utu;1...:...6...,.
Cede' ich, June 6th, 1E63.
____ _ n19
Crider:eh, 2idtli June, 13.53. v 1 . •.:1
'kV A N T E D .
r11111F. Subscriber wants twelve 11AR.
ji NESS MAKEIIS, to which good
MIN '1117
ate sooty C.712 le IL. 11.f.: ea
Godetich, nit %.1%uate... 8,1.1°8513128 . West at.
tilt) The ro'ailde Ssiezetni.ege Oirlore 10,,, stet"
?ME Sobscribers beg leave in iotimete to
a the ttiOaletanr• of (4 iderieh and -tr-
reseeding eortntry that they harm opense!
oaf on the t2th March, I hereby acknuu.. re the stereo lismil.„De
ledge that 1 was induced to insert the Faird. t7"er from Dr.
by toielepresental ter, eel 1 now al ., t il al :ellheleh
..sn.y.te.ntilul..c.,4.4.1rart.ialz st,:;.a.p,,.,ev,lemo:.o
I tool received •t that time full coneirlota•
tom fur the Note referred to in that paper. Ile'Surt;. oil! GroCcra a cl ever, deeere,..
W A E I) . dor leek of Weedy, Wine", Gra k Rive,
sages vi.li be gismo. FUF Nether particu-
firilish and American Assurance
CAPITAL £100,000.
IIE whobe of which is taken up and a
largo pottiest paid in and invested.
The subscricer trill continues to grant
Assurancee, at the cermet rates of NMI.
Utn, seeinst
On }lotion, Furniture, sioods, Produce,
and other deecriptiuns of property, also
against les. or (Jamey, by the
Oo Cargoes or Vessels, as wadi on the in.
lied %%raters of hos continent as beyond
sea to and from the I'orts of Great Britain.
Forme of Application, with all requisite
information. furnirdied b,
Godench, June 3uth, 1853. r22-ly
12,00TO & zzomo.
West Street, Goderich, al tine sign
Sternging Boot.
J ADIES and Gentlemen listen to the new',
.114Green .till makes op first rate Roots & Shoes;
And •s they're good, Why should we drew Deck,
So now fur his ehop-loirrah. clear the 'nick
of the
I. ITII reference to • No•tice signed by
• • me an o hid h appeared in the Sig -
A N IIION y Domswoomi. non, vali els the y 141011116Pd to • 111 at
G Jonah 11th June, 1833. a0-11
,1,1111; entwerdoer will keolt dolvallatly` es
Our Street, soar the Market Square, and
adjoining Mr. Seeedsller'• Tannery, a
Steck el substantial. serviceable and very
superior articles of thet abase deecriptiori,
wish be will sell cheap for mob. merchantble Produce, ur on epproved credo. Ile
wishes those partie• in march nt a gem;
Reuel.: tit • reaeon•ble pi:et., to Rite Lim a
rail, and he flatters himeelf that his loop
experience in the I.U1/IIICIM will create the
eatiefactIon 48 all urcliesesor.
HENRY mom.
Godcrich, March 15th, 1853. vet,73 I
c.ised cuiu,ne, ny vote° of sev•
Huron and Brawc, AA eral Writs of At-
tacOment iastied out.
to wit :
Iler Mejesty's County Cant for the
United Coirritiosoof Huron and BrUCe, and
to mo directed, spotlit. the estate. rcaLas
Well SI personal, or A LEX OMER MCINTYRE.
an absconding or concealed debtor, at the
reepectro BOOS of lane Carlon!, Thomas
Bates, Morgan J. Ilamilton and Benjamin
Parsene, 1 have seized al: the estate, real as
well se personal, of ehe Paid Alexander
McIntyre ; and °Mese the mod Alexander
McIntyre return within the j medicinal: of
the Patel Croat, and put in 'bail to the ac-
tion, nr cause the -same to be discharged
within three calendar montte from the first
day of the publicetein of nos notice, all tbe
estate, real. as well as personal. of the said
Alexander McIntyre, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, will be held liable for the
payment, benefit or satisfactiovnuweeeKif isoarldi
claim*, or claims of such other plaintiff or
plaintdre as shall or may tvke
against the property and effects a the said
Alexender McIntyre, within six months
from the miming of the above writ.
J. AlcDONALD, Sheriff II. le B.
Gedericb, 22nd June, 1353.1 021-3m .
Sheriff's Office,
his Boots beers nor feet frent wet sold from cold.
By witting the nuns you will live to be old:
Ilame, per cwt 40 a b0. Swedes they last leas, why should we drew beck.
Lard, per lb 0 5 a 0 6 1 So cow for Ms Shop -hurrah, clear the track'
-., ---- He hes.. '.4 1. this Town them two years sod
(,,,0i, Thanks his ired@ forthere austorn, It increases
On Sunday the 26th inotant, Mrs. Theodore I
Reed, Jr., of 14.1. Town, el • roeTh. work being geed, why should we draw beck.
So sow for Green's Sbop--hurreh, clear the
Two in rr n e Tomo wanted.
Goderich. Jane 29ils, 1853.
At Mai:lend Cottage,
28th inst., the lady of A.
r.eri , of a son.
In this Town, cn the
Thomas Bates, of a moo.
Goderich, on the
F . Mootgomery,
t7th in.tatii, Mr".
On Saturday the 111' mei, 1.abelle, the
eldest daughter ef J. K. Gooding, aged 16
Mete TILItsOtil AND MIL A scnoLy•-on
Wednesday last, a respectable looking
woman, earned Mrs. Flint, up William St.
Toronto, emigbt bare been seen is an liotiel
of this city, weeping bitterly for hamlet been
resale the victim of a heartless piece of
kaavery. About oil weeks ago, as in-
fest hey, Ow chid of ose of her neer rela-
tions was left as °ribs& said takes charge
of by Mrs. So close were the ties
of affection which Wiled betweeo Mn. F.
mad the deceleed partats a the "little
erSagee," that she regarded it as almost her
own rid loved it dearly. About a fort-
eiglit ago a female acqsaialeace Worsted
MPTION.-Esery y know
"L' le a flsttering deters. 11 commences
an I progreerom so irsidteusly. *het herons
one is aware of it, %Sol Into are m moil or
ricers, then a sudden exposure or chance
from hest to cold, produces an intIsrnme-
non, and io a few date or weeks, it is said,
ho or site died of Cuneumption. For all
troubled with cough or 'unit complaint, we
week, Wet to the .adteetisement mo the
outride of Otte paper of Judson's Chemical
Es tract rif " Cherry end Lung wort," which
iv raid to be a eertain eure for this sterol
THE Covet, Cooped ler the Vane!
Cosetems of henna sled brace, will
west at the Hares Hotel, thadeviek, we
Trawls! the bus day ef Jetty was.10 perverse
saperesseet from last meeting.
D. 11. RITCHIE, •
Celeste Clerk.
Comity ClerVis Office,
G•krieb. WY Jose, 1869 321-2'
New Goods !!
Sherif' s Sale of Lands.
of Notes and Book accounts, to JAIILS
DONALDSON, boloogiag to the Lion ot
Alexander 61clutire and limes Donatrisen •
W itnese-De vox CVeTELioni.
Gudetich, March 3rd, 1851. 16n6
to nuke over my right, tile and eleim
the very lowvrt ,I.,rallog 1,1(0,16; aid
they tru.t by 11,1e1 silents n lossweies to
merit n 1,1111r13 puhlie ewe -move.
V A N EV 1:!: GOLT211111R1'.
Gstlortche Feb. 24n1, 1453. .6e:/-1
lecroporatedi,o .1c: of Prori•il Psrliatnen
11,!gh r. a M. Werra% Fe -9
M. %V. Browse, •• J. F. Moore,
T. -tor Cersol;, 0 James Odeone, ••
I). (1. Germ, " It,. A. :lodlier,
Jam, Mel n tyre, •• I. (7. Tt.0,,,,er,
J dues. " J alre Wewno.
nclIF, Soto:rarer Lotirg helm appeiror I
Agent at.G.eler.ch, eir the strove high
ly respectabie Co:np:oly, is prepared to
effect Insuratree at the trieet rearionable
rates u nn 11 myna Sl,ipplrg and Genii..
15:t. .3 34
151130!ZTAN•r .NO'I'ICE.
Sheriffs Side of Lands.
United Counties of illtY virtne of revere.
Ilueon and Bryce, " Writ• at nen
To WIT: Facia", newer! ,,rt al
Iler Mejesty's Court of queen's Bench
ai el the County Court Inc the Idea,. ,
Counties of Welliaigton, Wan rloo and
Grey, to me &reefed, against tin !stole awl
tenements of MICHAEL FISHER, de-
ceased, in the hind" of Jacub Clemente,
poreiving Executor of the loot s 01 and
lamest of tho said Michael Felt r, dpceas
cJ. in the tollowing Bull!, _
Quern's Bench.
Beejamin Rosenberger, vs. Jacob Clemene,
Gcc-ze Com -tone, Ye. do do
County Cowed.
James Tenney, ,..Jacob Clemene,
Daniel Crosby, ye. do do
Mores S. DOn man, as. do do
John Miller, vs. do do
1 hove seised and taken in reef -twos Ibe
following tants, .1: lots numbers telt
eleven, twelve, twenty -fire twentyedix,
thirty and thorte-onn in the stooge,' Coe
cession of the Township of Colhorno, ems.
mining by admeasurement nom hundred
and elbly two scree, be the stone more rm
Ids., lots numbers eleven, twelve, thirteen
and fourteen in tho foe( c)t:memo (I...t•
ern Matelot%) in the raid Tow alibi!) of Co:
borne, containing by adineseuremeet five
hundred and th.rty-two arc,., be 11,e Pattie
is ore or less.; which Isode 1 el -all offer for
*ale at the Croat .11nrim. in the Town of
Goderieli, on SATURDAY, the 81X-
TEEN1'it dsy of .11.31.1 xt, at onon.
J. AltDON.11,11.
Sheriff 11. bi. B•
Shetir. Office. Goderich, 1611, Apra. 185'3 t s6,.16-91
Vito pub:1•Ised 30.1. April, 1o83
United Counties of Y 'Virtue of •
Barna nod Bryce,: agg0 Writ of Fieri
To %Yen ) Facies% leaned out of
Her Mejesty's Court of Qtvee's Bench,
and srt Alias Writ of Fieri Paella Issood
oun of the said Court, and to me directed.
siesinet the 1015 .04 tenements of JAS-
Rsttenbery, at the sun a BENJAMIN
BREWSTER, I hare Pei dad and taken in
executien tbe following properly,
Lots monism numbers fnurteen, ninety
rex and ninety seven in the Town .0 4.
rich, each centatning one fourth of an acre,
be the stone more or lege. being the pro
petty n( the stud .,ter Kernbill Gooding.
Alen, 1,01 runtime notriOer 11 ty seven,
contsiteng one tourth of an acre, be the
mine more or Wee; and lot nn'nber six, Cr/D-
emme C. in the Tewn of G elertch, COD,
tensing by idinearturkeent nine acres and
three qeartere, be the same more et less,
being the property of the said Isaac Rene
bury; which landi and tenements. or so
much of slier same MI may be necermary to
satisfy the paid claim, I 'shall offer for este,
et the Court Room. to the Town °Mose-
rich. on FRIDAY, the FIF EH dee ol
AutiusT or xt, at the hour of TWELVE
of the clock noon.
J. MeDON A 1,1),
Shera II. k 0.
Sheriff's OfIke,
Gooderich, 6th May, fri23. S .6.17-61
[First published 14th May. 18Y3.1
Subscriber in now in receipt per
S. Schooner Annexitimi e,8 the !street
and beat seeorinient of STAPLE AND
FANCY GOODS, ever bronght to the.
market; and which he will sell fed Cards
or country produce, cheaper he T W EN rt,
PER CENT, than has ever been sold is
Godench before. Ceinprteing tho newest
stele of Merlin. n‘yeders and other
dreeees. Summer Shawls, Eknaets, ke.
ise • kc.
Gioia ready made CLOTHES, In great
A large assortment of Lediee' and Mom,.
Soots lied Slippers. De. Geste mod Boys.
81018and heavy hardware.
PAINTS, ()IL'. Petty, Pitch, Tar. Ro-
ad% Meeks sad Cordage, Wheatleyby ib.
NI. se getters*.
Hee detect frees Ch,na, per *hip DegJale,
mei whicif will be sie:d at priests te astiesish
Rik SUM all 'tees.
POT ASK RITTI.F.8 foe sale elmap.
Advisee** seediesses comogeessist of Ache'
sell ether red•eo.
If yes tweet baryons fee earth, come ta
seri take $ look botio• trying 'loon bete.
tielletielt, Juse 33, 1861. stlety
Eggibrid rIIIIE Subs• -reser "'night tete-
- nice to the rele,boitets of
G derich and r.tornond.na cooniiv. that ho
has mocha.. I 1,1 Stork •n.I Trade of Mr.
James Colooheil. And it i•itair iv/Tared I..
(.1111111h 10,.o th 1911 livor hurl on'"
their isolfnn•ge„ W.th a!! to:nig of 1400 rs
Ind Silt ).E4,' 'bo 6'101 1414 ,n..fic.; end
he is determieed. by 'tort &Melilla.t in
kecpiur tOnl rerb.k itiwa•••
nn hand,,te gra the puls ic general
One dem; West of M. II. Seymour k.
Godetich, Alsich end, 1853. s6n5
SicriIi 's Sale of Lands
THE nor:cocooned •re tn inform their
.cut,rti-rii, and Teo n and Country
Merchente, ventrally. that iI.ry aro now
tete:vino L con•hrtraisle portion of their
Sprint Aomori:news of
1111115 is to forbid any pompon or person."
s purchasing a Note of hand gi.<66 ty
11.5 10 laver of John 6:bson, dated Apo',
1,553, LIl 130, as I haus received Olivetti°
for the "woe.
Goderich TtAansl.ip,
!roiled Counti,.. of IMO 1( Vim.. of
Hetes and Bruce, JO- Writ of ['left
To %%ler: ierie,.d we( of
the County Court II the blotted Counties
of %Vediegton. M'aterbser and Grey, sad to
me direcle4, evilest the lande and tete.
ileritt el 11F.Nitli PANNARECKER, •1
the suit of ALEXANDER HARVEN, 1
hese se•sed and takes is remotion Lot
tester sine. in 15. first Contemner* (east
division) Towsehrp erf Cot/ora., eeetain
mg by eetwelleseverscot nee hietedeed scrim
be the same mere we lime; Omsk loads 154
tesesseses 1 *hag ellet foe sale at the COWS
ROOM. ill Ike Tows of Goderieb. es net
uAv, the FIF PH dad of AUGUST seat,
at the hour of Fweltrie of the stock, wires.
abets dr. H. k B.
God, rich, 5th "' 1 sO3. t tir6•17-91
1411' Ma!, tau.) _
Rutted fir the p-errent nn I apprenehieg
Serino osde. 1114,,OfIri by i!,"; .1it •losiner •
to 13 ,,l,'r roi New ..k. Arl.1 Re toy hew •
4d(leolt of N. sweet. at dr so porta, ra
reareiedcr of their dhOly :loner war.'
reale, they exeeet to have shortly for.
ward alell aril well i tired .tock of Fee -
lineable Style aol Peery Dry (end -o»
I.p.ry. Ilmenry hibentssliery mut Sriedl
Ware". of 11.• 1,1e11 roser.pren Eylev,
which they Aro 111,6411•41. 644 horo,n4..6.0. t.,
rbroverre of to l'Il E TRADE ONLY, at e.
mn le•ete an advance so an unp Onto(
line.- in (nn,'I,.
Toe" ',it likewise, confines." to reee'soi,
from time in noes; ...mowed.. litione to.
their a'rea.l• r. -i'4' avenrtmens• of
And the stoats hell in their mtiono.rh•norto
meson, will at all t nom ego to merriment
ro the wee( enonnlete faeilit ie., ..it hoe foe
forming te. reo:eerehing a St..ek. no a. ad-
vaotagenue 111.54 14 CAI ho met with In
•nir other Who,cseo lostabli,honent in
AD 14 ITOPE 14. Ce.
Londoe, C. W., %rah 9, v618-3 11
May 3wh, 1153. n16 -3t
(opposite Alesses. Baymend 4' Rosebud,
WIIIMIt May he hnail o'Err MUSIC of
every deecrodion,Instrueiton Ituoks
for el kind• of Instruinon vr, av cheap
es ran be had in Toronto, 1.1.-terf, of New
Alt ittmle el MUSICAL INR I. RI:-
stt:NT14, from it thane rant" d rein to A,
Str.ng ef all kinds, en.1 et reperier
ty isr Snort, OvWfrything lb h.Cot Can Of may
ta a sett and easefully selected
Meier Stns..
The PI %NOS are freers Ile eetahlieb•
meet. of the fnitiallriflik etlehr•ted
Wit: CbleitifIne, Fltlataaft and ae•
lisowlsdgied to be rte beet on ,les part el
tbe glob*. air are Ore MEWL/1ANS, niaeu-
fact area Primr• k Co.
Plano* and NVIN•llslis •old es elves., ono
no as faeriesble treesste'es they ran 1e presi
ern -ea is Toronto, sr from ibe seekre 15... -
!DAMAN Kottl)r.s.
%Got Ils.
Limbs. Jasesre, *534.
ATr. vc licit Weeterl fee • 8' .rnerey.
Sehe...1. al Srt'aool 14.-et.on No. 4 17.0.
with e Strom! or Thlr,l
'atv• linesesbalm erral,cati sn 0 wersested.
Poe •••14. 1'
11411ER, )
AVM. Ile/ill:1%Y. tt Trerteee.
Cotherne, Jane tOth,'11463. • rre t
s-rEra -.woo 4 tttr
ehnol Wsoes.1 lie of Nov
Net, de k r,i *mitt .i.a 0.151 of the tail
ertiite, rethei here 1.141 w' lu
/WORN. tonna, 4 voee• old 1 t.te wetly. Ms
'wore rag v-.10-.1...1 10 pt.*.. preperty poy
oxraoseell ash take ler is ewe,.
91181II ‘e.i.nictroN.
Di I lulpe,. 1.4 21. Id ewe.
As ts,$01. tese4
P021 MA,J'..
Itir. Pieese,ettew saes foe on'. Is' Nee
S. 00 11.5 llorteuse pos.. 044, 7400
G .16411.re r10 wiplossirs spipt. s
WIT .08.