HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 7flotk-To-School
Parades Liquid 0.00, $1.75, $1.25
Paramett6 Syrup $3,50., $5.50, 0.50
Infantol $5.25, $3:50,, $2.25, $1.25
$4.25,. $2.95, $t65
Vi-Daylin $5,55, an5, $1.65
Paramettes Special, 25-day •size FREE with $(i.00
One-A-Day 'Multiple Vitamins $2.75, $1,40
Vita,l'ops $2,50
Italiborange, T"Ilablets, 'IOU for 0„80
lqallevoi Vitamin and Iron Tonic $2.50
ti tut stott
SaioNooNawNa"wes+iaaesNas, Phone 235-2603 Exeter
Sport seen: playoffs
sonic of tile playoff games. The players will ap,
predate it and you'll never regret it.
We took a run out to the Exeter Golf Course
last Sunday and we were amazed at the number
of people who were out banging the ball around
the local links.
Allan Westcott has been working indust-
riously on the course and it is shaping up better
and better every week. With their close proxim-
ity to a course, more and more people are turning
out every clay to enjoy what is fast becoming one
of the area's major sports.
As the local course is becoming better and
more playable, so arc the area duffers and con-
grtulations are in order for Lloyd. Greenacre who
registered the first par over the nine-hole layout
last week,
at A&H
Shredded Wheat
Pko, of 69
Salado Tea Bags
Liquid Starch
Maxwell House
Margarine Color-Quik Bag
Cheese Slices
Tomato Juice
3 Diamond Fancy
Solid Tuna
Ballet All Colors
Toilet Tissue
Robin Hood Pouch-Pak
Cake Mixes
Aylmer Frozen
Apple Pie
La rge 24.0once
Pork Chops 'la p 69c
Maple Leaf
Mac & Cheese L oaf 49c
Local, flavOrful
6.qt. bkl.
L-ot a I ly grown
3-1b. po ly bag
New crep
3 lbS.
Wealthy Apples 29
DIAL 235-0212
Olsen Friday Nights
Utitil 10 p.m.
12.otmse pkgs.
32-ounce bottle
One pound bag
One pound
$.ounc e pkg.
20.ounce tins
4 FoR 49 4
T•ounce tin
R oll Pkg.
25 4
OR 29c
, #atallAlaal';alaaaiaaa..
New '62 ,Darts a.nd Chryslers-
'62 Dodge Dart 330
6-cylinder automatic, lot black with
while Sportsweep whitewalls,
'6'Dodge Dart V041
Automatic transmission, Cordovan
brown with whitewall tiros,
'62 Chrysler Sedan
Power steering, power brakes,
beautiful sapphire blue shade.
.Sitotti Sedal0
the prkel
23$ 1250
"WHER - Tl-11 PROMSE l5 Pt00A
George 205.1130
West Corners, GB
win softball ..openers
Weeklong preparation.s were
made for this summer's grand
.finale Friday night,
A parade with playground
members dressed according to
the combination theme of "Gyp-
sy and Hobo—Cowboy and In-
dian" proceeded to the arena
from Victoria Park.
At the arena children and
parents alike participal ed
the season's biggest event, the
annual Penny Carnival.
This year's parade topped
any in previous years in en-
tousiastic turn-out. The parade
was led by drum major Danny
Laing followed by the Exeter
Legion Band.
Jack Taylor and Mayor Sim-
moos escorted the summer
playground royally, Kino Jim
Darling and Queen Kathy''llolla.-
man to the arena.
The two fire trucks, driven by
Hill Musser and Roy Hunter,
helped transport the children to
their destination.
Ron Heywood drove the float
carrying the parade elite, the
gypsies and hobos,
The cowboy float was lent to
us by Larry Snider and driven
by Cal Wein,
The tribe of Indians on Sam
Sweitzer's truck was led in a
series of blood-curdling war
hoops by Big Chief (lord Bayn-
The swimming supervisor,
jack Stephen, assistant, Heath-
er Strom and life guard George
Godbolt also entered a gaily
decorated float courtesy of Fred
Added attractions in the pa-
rade were John Webster's car,
a ear from South End Service
driven by Brian Sanders and a
pony and cart driven by Don
Tuckey Beverages gave us a
float which carried the prizes
donated by interested Exeter
businessmen. The float was dec-
orated with banners recogniz-
ing the people who donated.
These prizes went to those
who proved their skill in such
games as the dart throw, smash
'em, candle squirt, howling,
beat the goalie, penny toss and
the volleyball toss.
The inain attraction was of
course, the horror house.
The penny carnival ran from
8:15 to 10;15 followed by a
stage show put on by the super-
The playground staff thanks,
not only those who helped with
the parade and penny carnival,
but also any, who, throughout
the year gave us assistance.
September 1
We will go to your resi-
clence and advise you on
your planting needs.
Free cmg. flows
Through the co-operation. of
the Comm unity Programmes
Branch,. Toronto, 1 have been
able to Obtain some 50 free
tickets to the grandstand show
on September 3 at the Canadian
National Exhibition.
This grandstand show features
the Fitness Festival, starling at
2 p.m. with sonic 00 organiza-
tions participating in a parade.
with repreaeotatives from each
of the 10 provinces. The theme
of the day is "Choose Your'
Way to Fitness" and there will
be a grandstaod demonstration
of a variety of aellyities.
Tickets may be obtained from
the recreation office free of
charge, although there will be
the usual charge to get into the
exhibition grounds.
Since plans arc being made
for a physical fitness class here
this winter, the 'Choose Your
Way to Fitness" day at the e x-
hibition ties In very nicely. So,
if you're interested, please con-
tact us as soon as possible for
your FREE tickets.
Kin playground
On behalf of the Exeter Kins-
men Club, we express sincere
appreciation to everyone from
Exeter and district who helped
to make the closing of the six-
week summer playground pro-
gram such a success last. Fri-
day, To the children and par-
ents alike, your co-operation in
participating in the parade and
the Penny Carnival was really
The parade was one of the
hest attended we've seen since
we entered the recreation field
a little Over a year ago, It was
also a pleasure to see the adults
along with their' children enjoy
the penny carnival too. A tip
to the or chapeau must go out
to the Exeter merchants as
well for their co-operation with
prize donations, Without it, the
carnival. certainly would not
have been a succes, Thanks
Prize winners
Prize winners at the penny
carnival included: Mrs. "Pop"
Watson, Centralia; Mrs. Ruth
Buccicone. Gary, Indianna;
Mrs, .Jennie Hofekost, Marlbor-
ough St., Exeter; Penny Schroe-
der, Gary MacLean and John
Grassiek, all of Exeter,
ten Tiernan.
Winners fur best armed COS-
m es in the parade were Lor-
raine 1.'ilipowitch.. Allan Mae.
Lean and Teresa .Romanink.
Costumes were judged by
Mrs, Aubrey Tennant and 'Mr.
„John Lenk.
Swim program
Despite the fact that the play-
ground program has finished,
the swimming lessons continue
i \,
Riverviewks Park. for two more
During the first week in Sep-
ternber, an awards night will
he held for all swimmers who
successfully passed their various
tests throughout the summer
months, There may be another
West Corners and Grand Bend
recorded d ins in the opening
games of the McGillivray semi
final softball playdowns this
The Grand Bond squad used
a late rally to sink last year's
league-leading laeury nine by
an 11-5 count ‘shile Weal Cor-
ners, alter finishing in first
place in 'he league schedule.
nipped Sylvan 54 in the other
marshmallow roast as a ..final
sendoff to the '02 swim pro-
gram but we'll have more on
this at a later date.
Play at St, Marys
,Inn "Red" Loader will he
taking the Exeter pee weer over
IQ St. Marys tonight (Thurs.-
day) for a 6:00 p.m, game in
a Recreation Neck program
held there. All pee woes want-
Mg to make the trip should get
in touch with "lied" as soon
as possible,
. •
The rookie was thriving the
garbage truck through the
camp when one of the mules
fell dead. Ile jumped clown
from the wagon and ran to the
rookie, "one of nle just
Sorge," called
cialilteds thet
dropped. dead!"
"Well, what d'ya expeet hoe
to do about it?'' asked the sea.
geaul. "Why don't you bury
"I will," answered the
rookie. "I just wanted to notify
his next of kin first."
Dick Weber copped the low
gross honors in the first all-
male tournament held at the
.Exeter Golf course last week,
The Exeter golfer toured the
nine-hole layout in even par
34 to take first place in the
tournament for members of the
local course. He was only the
second golfer this year to shoot
par at the Exeter course and
be collected first prize of four
new golf balls.
Low net honors were taken
by Don "Boom" Gravett who
shot a 37 to go with a handicap
of three for another 34. He was
awarded three golf balls for his
Second place in the low gross
standings went to Lloyd Cush-
man who finished five strokes
DOW0 by four runs going into
the final Mining, the resort crew
rallied to tin the game in their
last time at bat and they then
proceeded to sl,vainp the Lieury
team with four more nuns in
the overtime.
Sylvan also tried to rally in
their game with the West Cor-
ners nine but a Sylvan nuttier
was caught leading off in the
final inning for the third out to
cod the game and give West
Corners the decision, •
The two se.m inal series,
which. are identical to the two
playoff rounds last year In that
the same teams are competing
against each other, are three-
oui3Of-live affairs while the two
winning squads will meet in a
best-of-seven league final.
All the games are played at
the Lieury park under the lights
with game time Slated for 9:00
The schedule for the two play-
off series is as follows;
Fri.. August 24
West Corners and Sylvan
Mutt., August 27
Grand Bend and .Lieury
Tues., August 28
West Corners and Sylvan
Wed., August 29
Grand Bend and Lieury
Fri.. August. 31
Grand Bend and Lieury
Sat"WSeesr eCiellrbneer 1 rs and Sylvan
Wed., September 5
West Corners and Sylvan
Thurs., September 6
Grand Bend and Cleary,
behind Weber with a 39,
Don Stephen copped second
spot in the low net with a 16
handicap to go with his 51 for
a runner la total of 35. Both
duffers received two golf balls.
Golf balls were also awarded
to golfer's for their scores on
"hidden" holes. Low score on
the second hole went to Wally
Burton a.nd to Don Wells on
the eighth hole.
Frank Boyle was awarded
high hidden hole honors for his
score on the fourth hole while
high score on the seventh hole
was picked up by Charles
The tourney was held Thurs-
day evening and was arranged
by Derry .Boyle for members
of the local course.
Crediton took another giant
stride towards tine Bee Sott•
ball finals Wednesday, A3gust
15; when they registered a eon-
vincing 10.6 win over Exeter
The meeting was the third in
the semifinal set between the
two clubs god Crediton has woo
two while the Lanes have one
win to their credit.
Crediton used a seven-run
fourth inning to sink the local.
squad while winning pitcher
Gord Stight limited the losers
to a pair of two-run (carries .and
two one-run innings.
Crediton nicked two Lanes
hurlers, Toni Burke and Jack
Fuller, for a total of 11 hits
in the six times they were at.
bat, .John Wade .and .Slaght-
paved their attack with a couple:
of singles each.
Crediton banged out four two.
base hits and they were cola
heeled by Bob liodgins, New
Finkbeiner,. Al Smith and Roy
Exeter's Bill Gilfillart led both_
teams at the plate with .Iris
slate of two singles and a dot ,
hie in four trips.
Ron Heywood a n d
Haugh cracked two-base ,hits
while Burke .and .Jinn qtecit'
Loader added singletons.
Tine Iwo teams traded .three
runs in the first two innings be.
fore Crediton iced the contest
in the bottom of the fourth when
they erupted for six hits, two
walks, and a 10.3 lead,
Exeter countered with three
more runs in the final innings
but they couldn't mount a
strong enough attack to over•
come the big edge,
Jim Darling and Cathy Holtzman led final parade
Playground patter
Parade, carnival
best finale ever
Director of Recreation,
Thu Titnes.Advo;ate, August 23, 1962 Page 7
Two repeaters
in lawn bowling
There were a couple of re-
peat winner's in the two ,jitneys
staged this week at the Exeter
bowling greens,
Luther Reynolds placed first
on both Saturday and Tuesday
and flay Mills copped first poi-
lion one evening and second
the other.
On Tuesday evening the two
ardent, bowlers teamed up with
Clarence Down to form a trebles
rink that chalked op'two wins
and a plus of 13,
Second position that night was
taken by the mixed rink of
Russ Snell and Mrs. Lillian
P'ym who hart two wins and a
plus of 10.
Ray Smith and Mrs. Mabel
.‘leKnight captured third spot
by virtue of their single vic-
tory and a plus of 10.
Saturday night. Reynolds drew
Wes Venner as leis partner and
the pair took first prize with
two wins and a plus of 11.
Mills teamed up with Mrs.
jean Pooley to finish second in
the standings with two victories
and a plus of seven,
Seventh at Stratford
A trebles rink from Exeter
placed seventh in a tournament
held recently at the Manufae-
tut: er's Bowling Green in Strat-
The Exeter rink of Ray Mills,
ArtCann, and Bob Middleton
copped seventh prize money in
competition with 81 oilier rinks
Drawing the lucky tickets at, in an afternoon tourney on Wed-
the carnival stage show were; nesday, August 15.
Mrs. Sally Laing, Sirs, audrey A total of 12 members of the
McDonald, Mrs. MacLean, Stirs, Exeter bowling club made the
Elaine Skinner and Mrs. Dor- trip to Stratford for the affair.
Weber takes tourney
with par 34 round
Credlt9n takes
2-1 series lead
1'' I .