HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-23, Page 2—Continued from page 1 quested to plan the work
public hearing, is still tinder earlier this year but he had.
scrutiny by provincial officials indicated be had considerable
in Toronto. work on hand, However, he in-
Councillor W ood en, wh o is formed council by letter Mon-
secretary of the planning board, day night that he has inereas-
said five steps still have to be ed his staff and could under-
taken. They are: take the project,
1. Council must pass it, a
nominal procedure since mem-
bers have been over the bylaw
2. Copies of the bylaw and
zoning map must be printed
and distributed to all property
owners within the town as well
as those living within 100 feet
of the boundary.
3. A public hearing must be
held by the Ontario Municipal
4, Council must make some
provisions for enforcement of
the bylaw,
5. Council must appoint a
committee of adjustment to
deal with problems which arise
from the regulations.
Councillor Wooden said he
did not expect-it would be pos-
sible for the municipal board
to hold its hearing before
Plan reconstruction
Council authorized Engineer
B. M. Ross, Goderich, to pre-
pare plans and specifications
for the reconstruction of Main
St., No, 4 highway, including
tclhueirerdepairs of drains if re-
This move is being made in
anticipation of the repaving of
No. 4 to the southern limits of
the town by the department of
highways, This work is expect-
ed to be done in 1963 or 1964.
Engineer Ross had been re-
Let drain contract
Contract for construction of
a drain for the new separate
school on Sanders St. was let
to Sam Sweitzer at his bid. of
The Sweitzer tender was the
only one submitted, Three
area contractors had been in-
vited to tender on the work.
The drain will be taken from
the school to Marlborough St.
Council also:
Requested the Bell Telephone
Co. to erect two new aluminum
telephone booths in front of the
town ball to replace the wooden
ones presently situated at the
north side of the
Requested an enquiry into
whether or not the town has
a working agreement with the
police village of Dashwood over
fire protection, the matter
emanating from the town brig-
ade's recent TIM to the blaze
at the Dashwood Planing Mill;
Authorized Road Chairman
Bailey to proceed with the in-
stallation of new sidewalks
according to the petitions on
hand which include those front
pronerty owners on Carling St.
south of Sanders, and Marl-
borough, from Sanders north;
Approved building permits
to Stan Whiting, for construc-
tion of a home for Charles
Smith on Pryde boulevard:
and to Desmond Page, Mary
St., new siding.
Swamped with safety contest entries
NAME vvvvv ttttt *** t * *Ist•vv.v.srviv*vvi*****vvtivv
4,015RESSvvvvvvv v.1 vvvvvvv *.***************ivsvqt*vg
Att se 10.1011# .11L01404 ********* f g sic
44‘41,2 .*4.141 4.04** *****al 440iirOit
White $2.95 Black $1.95
BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS $3.95, $4.25
BOYS' SAVAGE SHOES, Reg. $5.95 , NOW $4.95
Black and brown.
R.eg 510.50 Now 7.5O
Wuerth's Shoes
Phone 235-0611 Main Street
Ca} Exefe or
Ft, 11 Jttt.MYN 23.5.10g0
New Holland's Model :'616 I " Forage larvester
thisft, built-in knite sharpener. Xnives are
power-sharpened right in the machine in only
4% minutest Automatic atone advancement—
* Now Holland oxehr.sive—gives them a true
bevel edge. Crop is always fine-cut—packs
tightet in the silo, is less likely to spoil.
800 its Mday for v, free' tkaottstrettiott tot The
"6.16"-br Rettaltd'a lopeoptreity Modal
subdivision Friday.
The monsignor, who bad been
proceeding north, was making
a left turn into the Oakwood
gateway when he encountered
a vehicle coming out of the
driveway. Stopping on the high-
waY, he was struck by the
southbound vehicle driven by
Miss Therrien. Damage totalled
$500, according to Pt' West.
Thursday, two other cars met
on No, 21, just south of the in-,
terseetion with No, 83. Alfred
Some, 96. Sarnia, was south-
bound and Airs. Pearl Goossen,
34. McTavish. Man.. north-
bound, when they collided. PC
Reid placed damage at $700.
Request township
to look after roads.
Don't worry,
••••./.1, 1011.
we can
always get
from the
of the imes Advocate'
Traffic experts. ELMER THE SAFETY ELEPHANT and
Doreen Wyatt are nearly submerged in a flood of entry
forms at the Ontario Safety League office.. Thousands
of young readers are entering Elmer's Summer Safety
Contest '('an you find the 7 errors':', They find it fun,
1. Cut thistroment nut of rinott
tra,; neof •11,O•r 4117. Vott,m.
vfmAr 1,t,t .11,1
row 07.r.lr:r it. 7. t•nt rr it 1.010111 PI prjprr
t3if ,r^(•r., H.Fe".1 ,15 , ,.-.t e' ?Melte,
olv Fn.try
e'er'ie f;r1,t prio'r'i,
a Any chid Of tierreftinly.34.4.1w aloy
"004-test No, 4
Five steps to zoning bylaw
are reminded of Dinner's safety rules, and have a
chance to win a superb Raleigh bicycle each week, or
one of the many consolation prizes, See page ?? for
details of this week's competition,
J'Inu'r Summer Safety Contest No. 4
YOd rilidThE ERBM 2
before Auq*291h toy
bwrAttio SAVE !
200 RING' St W.
tOOONtO '6NtAttto
A tractor trailer In wk haul-
ing highway salt dumped part
of its load prematurely at a
detour on No. 31 higiru ay near
'St. Joseph Monday night.
The truck,. driven 1w Alotan-
-der Irwin, 26, Sailna, ivaN un ,
awe, to cumh the steep bank at
the detour after its wheels
slipped on the chloride ‘‘lueli
had been placed ou the surface.
When a wrecker tried to tow
the truck up the incline, the
cable broke and the truck tell
flown, rolling over at the. lint
tool. The vehicle was carrying
about 25 tons ot rock salt.
IV George Mitchell estimated
damages at nano,
Saturday, cars driven hj A
4.V. Reginald Bennett, 38, RCAF
Centralia. and Leon Teichner,
44. RR 1, ilensall, collided on
the county line, a mile west of
Whalen's -Corners.
The Bennett ear. proceeding
east, came up over a sharp hilt
and came upon the Triebner
car entering the intersection
...from the south and making a
left hand turn. Damage totalled
about $500, according to PC
}tarry Reid.
Two airmen's cars collided
early Saturday morning on Al-
gonquin Drive, Huron Park,
Just east of the county road.
Harold. W. Holmes, 38, was
proceeding cast, attempting to
make a left hand turn when he
was struck by an overtaking
car operated by Ronald E. An-
derson, 27, PC D, AI, Westover
estimated damage at $300,
Monsignor Joseph A. Feeney,
57, London, and Miss Rollande
Therrien, 23, RCAF Clinton,
were the drivers of cars in-
volved in a collision on No. 21
.at the entrance to Oakwood
Town topics
'rite &Iworthy property on.
Main St., opposite Beaver Lum-
ber Co., has ben sold, in Mr.
a,nl. Airs. Douglas Robbins, ft
was announced this week by
John Burke, realtor. Miss Mary
Elworthy„. who has been. living
in the house, intends to remain
in the community.
Dr. M, Gans, town, will move
his office into the -Peron build-
ing at the first of the month.
He will occupy the north side
of the ground floor of the office
building located at the corner
of Huron and Main. streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin,
William St., accompanied by
their daughter and son-in.law,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeath,
Kippe.n, were on a motor trip
up throught Bruce county Sun-
Mr. and Mrs, William Post,
Windsor, visited recently with
the latter's. mother, Airs, 3‘..W.
a and Mrs. Leesum Des-
jardine and Mr-, and Mrs. Mill:-
ton Desjardine spent the week-
end at the Revival. Centre,
Toronto, to hear Evangelist A.
A. Allen of Arizona.
Miss Bonnie ,Hogarth is at-
tending McConnell Airlines
School in Minneapolis for the
month of August.
Mrs, Gerald. Godbolt is at-
tending the foor.day 'United.
Church School. for Leaders of
Younger Groups in the. London
Conference at Alma College, St,
Thomas. Mrs. Glenn Fisher
and Mrs, Robert Southeott are
attending today (Thursday).
In the period 1960 to 1960 the
per capita output of goods and
services increased by 90 per
cent in Japan, 85 per cent in
Germany, 75 per cent in Italy,
42 per cent in France, 40 per
cent in the Netherlands, 28 per
cent in Sweden, 24 per cent in
the United Kingdom and 11 per
cent in Canada,
Ausable authority, at an .etiec-
Wive meeting last week, tieeld•
ed to. request the township of
liosanquet to assume responsi-
bility for maintenance of roads
in the authority's subdivision at
Port Franks.
As an -alternative, the author-
ity offered to maintain the
roads. itself if the township
wishes to pay a $600 grant for
the work,
R was revealed. at the meet-
ing that the 'rarnship has never
passed a bylaw to take over the
roads of the subdivision, nor
does provincial legislation re.,
quire the municipatitY to do so
automatically. The authority ,offieials felt
that, in view of the fact that
the general public is using the
roads and that the land is sub-
ject to township taxes, the
township council should assist
in maintaining them.
After being advised that in-
terest rate on authority loans
had been raised from 5' It
per cent, the authority decided
to request delinquent .intinicipal,.
ides to forward their 1.902
levies as soon as possible.
Proceed with appraisal
Althettgh there stilt has been
no decision 'from the Ontario
Ainnicipal Board in regard la
the Parkhill, dam, the authority
agreed .to allow its land frq),
praiser to proceed with his
duties of evaluating the proper..
ty which would be , required for
the project,
The appraiser, Harold Cor-
bett, Lucan, informed the exec-
utive that he wished to go
ahead with the field work now
in view of commitments in the
future, lie .pointed out that, if
the OMB does not approve the
darn project or if for some rea-
son the scheme is dropped, he
would not expect payment for
his services,
Pace. 2 The TillIP4•Acivocatta, Av ust 1962
Truck spreads salt
but on wrongroad
Huron MP bows
— Continued irons page 1
as parliamentary secretary to
the minsiter of agriculture as
welt as to the minister of health
and welfare. Previous to dial
he was the chief government
whip in 1957 and again in 1958
and served in that capacity un-
til he was injured in a fall at
his farm home at Brussels.
Prime Minister Diefenbaker
has shifted the posts a number
of times since he formed the
government in 1957, taking the
view that the seeretaryships
should be passed around in or-
der to give as many back-
benchers as possible some train-
ing for future cabinet or other.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer
motored to Tillsonburg Satur-
day and were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer to
Niagara Falls.
Spooner visits Pinery park
Hon, 4. W, Spooner, .minister of lands and forests, accompanied by several other
dep't officials, landed at Grand Bend airport, Tuesday, to take a tour of the pro-
vincial parks at Ipperwash and the Pinery. Pinery Supt Gar Myers and his assist
ant, Mel Jackson, are shown here being introduced by .Dr. Keith Reynolds, area
forester, Aylmer. Spooner and his party spent the night 'in Grand Bend before
departing to inspect northern parks. —Holiday photo
.101,LEIGH ttCYC
one boy's ntIci One
•soilo,tatts- - tonibinetion titytio Rein and tight
.111.00100 0.1,••••41 •,•••401 41•1•..106
This in the. lost of my Sum.
rnor Safety Contests. The
p;cture is about my tole
"Whore there ore no side.
walk on the left lido
of the toad facing traffic".
I hope you hod fun doing
these contests and that they
helped remind you of my
safety rules.
Meaw send d note with your
entry end toll me if you
would hke another contest
nest summer. Good Luck. 100.1•0.18.11, Amiltimi, ........,..M ailligm0m,
,. AtI•ontrigs be,-.6me the Ortmerbo ci
f,rter 11.h '".1!61y ErePhOrct d 6d tchhr)1 16
A Ch.Y1,0..4 ,,f -vrtioToyets of this news.
the ()mato SotetyLeooue arid
ryt.1¢ Industries (Cdied) Ltd. frir 'iii enter.
7. PArilel 6( the.. 'contest will be so9tt4 sally authOttfies. The. judOris' :iteloors fith61,
Fill Now!
eorge Wiese
Esso OiL