HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-16, Page 17EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, August 19, 1962 9:45 a.m.— Sunday School for all ages, 11:00 a.m.—Wining Worship 7:30 pnt.—EVengelistie ‘Service Wed., 3 lion.—Prayer and Bible Study Ps, 11.22a1—,"I was glad when they said unto the. Let us go into the house of the Lord," THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder; Pastor 10:30 A.M .—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Melt Bible Class All Are Weleonte DRIVE IN SERVICES (Crediton HighWay, 5 miles east tit Grand ton& jug at Shipka) Sunday, August 19 I:00 pit, Choir at Shipka Church 8:00 p.m. Speaker: IA, COlonet John Nelson, Lb rid . Music by Salvation Army Band, Wood. stOck EACH TUESDAY', EVENING PLAN TO SEE THE FILM SHOW AT THE PINERY PAWS VESOEF SEVICES Friday Night iaraat **< ro 0 14 tr 7' 14c c? C OI mysteFickus lslan=_ Brownie...1,s Drive-In - Theatre Ltd.:, CLINTON Two Complete Shows. Nigh„tl7 Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY' August 16:17 Hit No, 1—Shown at• 9:00 'only "SNOW WHITE AND THE 3 STOOGES" "", Carol Heiss • The 3 Stooges (Color — Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 10:50 7, "THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME!' Jimmie Rogers Chill Wills (Color — Scope) (Certain) FREE POPCORN For the Children Before 9:15 on Thursday, Aug. 16 01114' SAT., MON. TUES, '„ August 18.20.21 Hit No, 1—Shown at 9:00 only "WILD IN THE COUNTRY" ,- Elvis Presley • Hope Lame Tuesday Weld Adult Entertainment (Color — Scope) 'Hit No. 2—Shown at 10:55 "APRIL LOVE" Pat Boone • Shirley Jones (Color — Scope) (Carto01) WED,, THURS., FRI. August 22-23.24 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:00 only "THE SECOND TIME AROUND" Andy Griffith - Juliet Frown Debbie Reynolds (Color — Scope) Hit No, 2—Shown at 10:40 "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" Suzy Parker • Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment (Color — Scope) (Cartoon) r ANNOUNCEMENTS 17.e117,reare111,fi,aaleaWalaraneaaarelaaiesevlea They Times-Advocate, August 1962 Fog9,). BIRTHS—, FORD — Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ford, RR 3 Dashwood, an. pounee the birth of a detigli. ter at South Huron Hospital, August 9, POISON—Mr. and. Mrs. Ross ALDERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Dobson, Andrew St., announce Bette(' Alderson, Ingersoll, the birth of a daughter, are happy to announce the ,belly Diane, At South iluron arrival of their son at St. Hospital, August 8 — first Joseph's Hospital, London, grandchild for Mr, and Mrs. August 14 — a brother for Orville Witmer, 4ttrieh. Wayne and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, Ex- eter, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School 10:00 a.m. — Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Services Sermon T h e m e: "Branded e a with Freedom" UNITED SUMMER SERVICES Main St. and James St, congregations in JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH during August SERVICE AT 11 A.M. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bran de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, August 19, 1962 Ninth Sunday after Trinity 830 a.m,—Quiet Communion. 11:00 a.m,—Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School. BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a,m, — Morning Servi and Baptism 11:15 8,M,—Sunday School sip() p.m.—Evening Service All Welcome VISITORS WELCOME Join the FUN! GRAND BEND LIONS CLUB'S Sixth Atinuat Personal items Mrs. Lorne Morlock is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent surgery last Thursday, Mrs, Mary Faist returned home last Sunday .from Bobcay. goers where she was !tandem for two Weeks. Mrs. 'Wm. Haviland returned home after spending a few Weeks with her son, Mr. and Mrs. G. Haviland and family at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser and. Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Wolfe of Detroit spent Saturday and Sunday on a trip to Toronto, and Barrie. Mrs. W. J, Berge and girls of Camp Borden is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and family, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Alor. lock, Mrs, jno. Morlock, Mrs. Ezra Feist and Nola and Mrs. Hillard Spading visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Morn and Cathy at Hanover on Sunday. Mrs. Spading returned home to Walkerton. Mrs, M. Martui.s and daugh- ter Kester were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martens and family and are spending some time at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Small, Mr, Allen and Clifford Ford all of Wallacetown were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Brow- ning and boys on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Radford is visit- ing with her mother at Wilno near Golden Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Wood- all, Mr. and Mrs, Ken, Wood- all and son Tom of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Woodall on Sunday. Miss Joan Jamieson and Mr.. Chas Hayden of Granton vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Finkbeiner and Mr, and. Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Men- ders and family of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- mer Wein last Tuesday. Mr. Jr R. Wolfe of Detroit is home on holidays with his mo- ther, Mrs. A. 'Wolfe. Miss Velma. Guettinger re- turned to Chicago Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with her father, Mr, E. Guettinger. Miss Anne Caron of Clinton spent the weekend with Trira. M. Gunn and Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sims attended the Sims reunion al, Riverview Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan of McCreary, Man., visited with the latter's aunt and 'In- dic, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Fink- beiner, last week and on Sun- day about 75 relatives gathered at . the Finkbeiner home and held a reception for the newly weds and presented them with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. William Bender and Mr, and Mrs, Allen Bec- ker and their families spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Caswell of London. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rode of New Dundee, Mrs. Pearl Faulhafer, Kitchener, and Mr. Lloyd Shantz of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Becker. VAN HUSSELT.„ — TO. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Van Russell, RR at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a daughter, Marjorie Ann, August 2 — a sister for Frank and George. The family of the late Mrs. Shank wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and floral tributes during their recent loss of a dear mother. We also wish to thank alt those 'who remembered mother with cards, flowers and visits dur- ing her recent illness, 16* Mrs, D. M. Guest, Centralia, wishes to express sincere ap- preciation to her many friends of the Centralia pastoral charge and surrounding com- munities for the expressions of kindness while she was a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, 'Exeter, and since return- ing to her home, especially Dr. E. A. McMaster, Grand Bend; Dr. IL A. Pickard, London; Dr. R. W, Read, Exeter; Miss Claypole, RN, and hospital staff. 16e Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with visits, flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in Victoria -Hospital and since returning home. — Hazel Williams. iCc EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev, M. J. James, B.A., B,D, 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m,—Sunday School Sunday, August 19 2:00 p.m—Sunday School for all ages. 3:00 p.m.—Worship Service Wed_ S p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery provided for pre-school children. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: T, Leslie Hobbins, B.A. 10:00 a.m.—Bible Study 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Topic: "The man who wholly followed the Lord" 7;30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service Topic; "lie who laughs last" Wed.. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Ser- vice "Prophecy for 'Today'" "A cordial welcome to all to conic and worship with us" ST. PETER'S CHURCH Highway #.4 Sunday, August 19 Holy Mass — 11:00 a.m, Pastor: Rev. J. E. Kelly CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10:00 a,m.—Worship in English 8:00 pon,—Worship in Dutch 6:15 p.m. -- tack to God Ito CIILO (680 Ice.) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister; Rev. John C, -Boyne, S.A., S.D. Organist; Mrs, W. G. Cochrane Choir Leader; Mr. W. G. Cochrane No Sunday School during ittly and August. 10:00 a.m. — Church Service each Sunday, Sunday. Attg. 19 — Speaker: Rev, R. M. Bassett Von are invited to worship with its, CARDS .OF THANKS- 1 wish to thank my many friends and. neighbors for their acts of kindness, treats, visits and cards during my recent Illness. Special thanks to the Bluewater 'Shrine Club for their thoughtful gift of flowers. — Ted Stanlake, 16* I would like to take this op, portnnitY to thank those who sent cards and expressions of sympathy and to the neighbors who sent flowers in memory of my deceased sister, Mrs, Lilly 0.nitrpin, London. These were very much. appreciated during my time of sorrow—Mrs, Ted Staple ke. 16* I would like to take this op- portunity to thank all those who remembered me with visits, :flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in South Huron. Hospital. My special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff and to Dr. M. Gans for their many acts of kindness.— Judy Willert, Zurich, 161;' I would like to thank all those who remembered me with visits, treats, flowers and cards while f was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Pastor Getz and Pastor Molitoris, also the nurses on Floor 2E, Dr. Gulens, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Gibson, — Mrs. Rose Kraft, 16* I wish to thank everyone very kindly for the visits, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in South (Huron Hos- pital and since returning home. Special. thanks to Barb, Irene and Dick, Dr, Gans and the nurses at South Huron Hos- pitaL—Mrs, Fred Harrison. 16* RODD—in loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Edgar George Rodd, wbo . passed away 2 years ago August 18, 1962. When ties of love are broken And loved ones have to 'part, It leaves a wound that never heals Also a broken heart. But' looking back with memor- ies t'pon the path we trod, We bless the. years we shared with him And leave the rest to God. —.Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his Wife Mabel, daughters Ferne and Audrey and son LaVerne and families, 16* Check gladioli, burn bad bulbs Now is the time to check your gladioli for signs of disease, say _horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Dig up bulb and an of every stunted or yellow coloeed gla- diolus plant, and burn it, Dotal leave it lying around or add it to the compost heap, Diseased gladioli are un likely to flower or produce good corms, so you will loose nothing by 'diseardipg them now. The big advantage in, discarding them at this stage, is that you will help to prevent healthy plants froni becoming infected, and will keep the soil free from disease, Later when the plants have begun to bloom, :remove .dead blooms from the spikes. Doing this has several advantages. The spikes will remain attractive much longer and you will. pro. vent unwanted seed produttion. I3otrytis blight Will also develop rapidly on dead blooms, It you want to use the &die- li for tut flowers, leave as Many leaves as possible on the plant when you remove the -epike, A good method of cut- ting is to slide the lattek of a knife down the stein as fat es possible and then tilt the blade toward _The gent and tut up. Ward. Place one toot at the be of the plant to prevent pulling it up by the roots. Ae tows were graeieg near: a . highway, a huge, tank truck of milk rumbled. by with sign, "Pnstettriy,ed, homogeti, Feed, standardited, vitamin A added," mithlaZoned 'on its side. One Cow turned. to the other and mooed, "Makes yell feel Vitt of inadequate: doesn't New kitchen burned A fire of unknown origin de- stroyed the new kitchen of the Arnett home south of the village early Thursday morn- ing of last week. The village and. airport fire engines 'were called to the scene and 'volunteer workers succeeded in saving the front part of the house but extensive damage was caused by water and smoke. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hicks returned home on Saturday evening following a week's vacation with. Miss Wilda Pol- lock of Kitchener and Miss Emma Schaah of Cooksville at the Astonia Cottages on Lake Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Ab- bott, attended the 40th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Lewis, Luean, in the Lucan Community Cen- tre on. Saturday evening. Miss Sharon Vogan, Listowel, is holidaying with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Cunnington, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Overholt and Martin attended the. Ellis- Don Company annual barbecue at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend, on Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Elmore Dunn and family of Toronto are holi- daying with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Lyon and family of Leamington were weekend goests with Mrs. Lyon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy. Miss Wilda Pollock, RN, of Kitchener, is holidaying at the home of her sister and brother- in-law, Air and Mrs, Lorne Hicks. son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen- warden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penwarden, Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. Andrew Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks, Miss Wilda Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Love. Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Maguire and family of Scotland were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott. "1 wouldn't worry if your son makes mud pies. it's quite normal," said the psychiatrist. "Well," said the mother, "I don't think it is, and neither does his wife." LAKEVIEW' CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra 11111111l1.111110111.1111.11111111$110111111111,11110111 Lions Holiday Bali FRIDAY, AUG. 17 ''''' TWIST NIGHTS EVERY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY (Except Friday, Aug. 17) "THE CRESCENDOS" VISIT GB MUSEUM—For an enjoyable afternoon, visit the Eisenbach. Museum at Grand Bend, west side of No. 21 -Highway, 11/2 blocks north of main intersection. Operated by Bluewater Shrine Club, Admis- sion 500, Open 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. 7:5-8:30e F RAYNE PICNIC—Remember the annual Frayne picnic will be held Sunday, August 26, 1962, at Forest Arena grounds, 164 CHICKEN BARBECUE — Aug, 29, 1962, at Woodham -United Church. 16e CENTENARY Decoration Services Staffa Cemetery Sunday, Aug, 19 2:30 p.m, Speaker: REV. E. 3.. BOULSTON Mitchell Legion Baud will be in attendance. Presentation 4Sts Dance for JIM AND MARY ORR (nee Dixon) Sat, Aug. 18 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch eaeaaneaaa Letter from Crediton By MRS. M FAIST McCANN — Don and Marilyn McCann (nee Hicks) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Wayne Donald, at South Huron Hospital, August S. E NGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearson Charters, :RR 3 Kippen, On- tario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie jean, to Gene. Fergu- son Middleton, son of Mr. and „Mrs. T, A, Middleton, 303 Wolfe Street, London, Ontario. The marriage wilt take place on Saturday, September 8, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Kippen, Ontario, • 164 Mr And Mrs. Charles Ken- neth Lewis, RR 2 Centralia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole, to Stew- art Milton Deitz, son of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Heitz, Zurich. The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 15 in the Protestant Chapel, at RCAF Station Centralia, at 3 o'clock. 16c Comments about Crediton East By MRS, W. MOTZ BIRTHS. -- HILL. — Don and Helen Hill (nee Snell) announce the birth of a daughter; Sandra Lynn, at Oshawa General Hospital, August a — a sister CARDS OF THANKS — for -David and John. IN MEMORIAM—. BERTRAM—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, .ao.emreatereeerat Peter G. Bertram, who pass- ed away one year ago, August 20, 1961. He, bad no one a last farewell And he said goodbye to none; The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice said 'Come', The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought his death was near, Only those who have lost can The sorrow of parting without farewell. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Mary and family. 16* Main St. and James St. SIMS-1n loving memory of a Sunday Schools each at 10 a.m. EMMANUEL a wonderful mother, Mrs. Rev. S. E. Lewis On duty for BAPTIST CHURCH Rachel Sims, who passed both churches during this away August 15, 1900. month. In Bethel Reformed Church Peaceful be thy rest, dear Huron St. E. mother, it is sweet to breathe thy Pastor: name; .1. Wallace Stephenson, B,Th, in life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same; Away in the beautiful hills of God By the. valley of rest so fair; Some time, sonic day, :I know not when We will meet, dear mother, there; The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shall never lade away. -Lovingly remembered by fem. Sunday, August 19 ily, 16c Field notes on "Leisure', Mrs. lierry Lewis and Eber Air. and Mrs. Don Heenn' and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of London were weekend vied. Wein and Mr. and Mrs, Mar- ors with Mr. and Airs. John rin Wein and family and Mr. Thompson, Their daughter and. Mre, John Sims attended Karen returned home with the Sims reunion at Riverview them. Park, Exeter, on Sunday. Murray Glanville has re• Alr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott turned home after holidaying union al the home of Mr, and attended the Davie family re. for some time with his grand- Airs. Heber Davis, Saintsbut'y, parents, 11x, and Mrs. Regele on Sunday. near Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning- Mr. and Mee. Jim Ryden ton, Miss Mabel 'Waite Shatoe and daughter of Eiginfield Vogan, Mr. anti Mrs. Howard spent Sunday with her grand- Clinnington and family Elialw nrntouttsieelli: Mrs. S. Baynhate and ville, visited on Sunday with Al:'. and Mrs. Gordon Bender Miss Margaret Heist returned And Family in Dashwood. home Sunday after attettditig Sunday guests with Mr. and .1tohie, t .hCtGpriarst.,e‘avittleikt , al. Goderieh Mrs. Wilfred Ho:table and Billie were Mrs. Elmer Wil- Holiday Boll FRIDAY, AUG 17 Lakeview Casino, .G0 JOHNNY DOWNS AND IUS ORCIMSTEA Danclog 00 p.m, to I A.M. 1,1iChtS$4.00 per porson. Ettfrot Luncheon SUPPOWr commuNrry WELPAAt PROSItCTS • ''' '' ' .':aaaelalainaelaltnerattiMearlitteareixalitaeSMIlitirele Centralia Comments Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroe- der held a family reunion honoring their daughter, Mrs. Morley Baldwin, who was home Mr. Lloyd Morgan has taken on vacation. Mrs. Baldwin left charge of the services in the on Sunday for her home in 'United. Church the past two San Bernadino, Calif. She made Sundays while the pastor, the the trip by plane. Rev. D. M. Guest, is on vaca- tion, The services will be cancelled for the remaining two Sundays in August, Parade 7136 ttkOM VittdiklA tsAtti< For those of us concerned crowd. with. the conservation and wise Should he be aiming 'for a use of the renewable natural lake resort, he will find that resources of our valley, the his fellows have employed their above term Ls one with which leisure in more remunerative i.e are not particularly lam- pursuits and are able to tow iliar. This is no prideful. boast elegant outboard motorboats be- whieh we wish to shout from the hind their cars. roof tops; conversely, it is The motorboats once- launched, something which we all toe of- will turn the lake into a noisy, len lose. sight of in attempting and often dangerous liquid high- to vomplete our daily rounds, as way, on which to dip a reflee. well as being a necessary ad- tive paddle from a quiet Canoe. junet la the every-day re-crea. would be hazardous folly. lion of this world's most basic Nor can the worker enjoy a resource — man himself. relaxing trip hack to his home Whatever happened. to "leis- after the outing, as the nerve- ore"? Where are we going — wracking jockeying for position so fast a.nd so far? What is the in solid lines of traffic pre- ultimate end of the pace mod- eludes it, ern man has set himself? The hnsineasman in former Labor now has a 40-hour week years looked forward to an gr- and aims for one of 10 hours. 'terneon on the golf course with Does this create a sense of .leis- his bag on his shoulder and COMING EVENTS ore in the worker? Not at ail, much good. exercise him, Figuratively, instead of induc• now he drags in a cart a club or ins; him to putter around in .his iron for every shot. The bags, own garden, it gives him time I am informed, are too tiring to to he gainfully employed as carry and also the cart speeds some other persons's gardener, up the game considerably. The monetary rewards of his If the businessman has suf- efforts and probably his wife's fered the ubiquitous "coronary" ton, enable him to buy a faster he can still play golf by riding ear so that he may outstrip his in a motorized go-cart, the ex- neighbor's on the highway in excise being obtained by taking the hope of reaching a holiday strokes and keeping score. area before the usual weekend What of solitude? Can mod- By MRS, FRED BOWDEN ,taalaaieeKtiaeakeeMeelriaaganiediMIReaeleaeiZaeleVffleateatialifeeefaleee • SATURDAY & MONDAY August 18 20 Tethnicolor Panavision rosentbirWAROItil EROS kze*tall HAM teNtiletteelata LOW hexed attCatolbibf Ora KEINE seelieleseeepie teatateittteeeeire ,RICTOVISIINED rAtibr4'A li rT r nsto EA FRT4is EtENAN WYNN.IYAMIUE '"Tith4Zrtelatit'ft; ern man bear to be alone with with Ms reason .sets him apart himself? .1719weVer., there is no from other creatures —. ins apep, need to be .alone: Televiatan. and tree willl radio provide ,continuous diver- sion. By the .very nature of our modern-day living the .en:toy merit of solitude has been lost „ is this why we need more and more psychiatrists to straighten out the peraonal tensions and tangles resulting from a lack of thoughtful self - recognition? sometimes wish that a moraa. torture of a few .:tuotaths could be declared in conservation work to give us time to digest, reject, and review our stand- ads. if3L.U.EWATER:. One final question to ponder: Must we continue to he carried, DA.NCELAND along without protest in the strong current of modern living, or can we join, with others in to 1:3a ,spreading the belief that pe• docile releases from the pres- sures of existence are a means of progress? The solution to this lies in that inherent essential characteristic of mart which DanCin.4 Every Friday Night Music by DES,TARDINWS Orchestra StCirlite' Drive-In Theatre S MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Mate First Show at Dusk • Sox office opens at Children Under 12 in Cars Frco THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 16, 17 Double Feature (Adult Enfertainmeni); -,an, dor TUESDAY & W5D4 SbAY August 21. 22 (ADULT NTEkTAINMENT1 Return To Warbow" (color, PHIL, CAREY KATHY NeCLARY C57Afaz—ei FRANK &MIRA DEMI MA/ MN SAMMY DAVIS*. PETS!! LAWFOBB AMIE DICKINOW, bowl' vow -art THE alukoH tritytert EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT