HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-16, Page 1613rinsley GORDONlay .MORI.gr iree aegaseateeseelefele Personal items ',Rev, Kenneth Hick of Ansa Craig is to be the guest speaker at decoration service at'Ehen. ezer cemetery, con, 4, on Sun, day, August 19, Mr. and Mee, Doeglas Lew. is attended the Shortt reunion at Springbank recently. Mr. Bob Watson is employed by Graham and Graham con- struction company. Many farmers took advantage of the weather to hovvest their oat crop the latter part of the week, Neil Stevenson of London spent some holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Jim 'Morley and fam• ily, DRAIN TILE Sends dogs to missions Last February, Mee. Eileen Currie of the Brialin Lucan, shipped "Smokey", one of her Samoyed dogs, to Mr. Donald efeEwen, of Moosonee. to he used on the sleds in the mission field. Another missionary from Rie pert House, Quebec (a former Hudson Bay post';, and a stu- dent missionary from Northern Ontario were so taken with "Smokey" that they asked Mr. MeEwen to try to get one for each of them. Last Monday Mrs. Currie elupped "Brian- ha's Golden Gleam" and "Brialin's Little Laska" to Mr. McEwee for his two friends, As these dogs are grand- daughters of eSmokey -, no doubt there was a happy dog reunion at Monsonee on their arrival. if ;sirs, Currie cannot herself go to the mission field she is at least sending her dogs. Travellers Cheques are strictly for people who Went to keep their money safe when travelling. Eve,rywhere you go, in Elll'Ope Or Canada, economical Travellere Cheques sold by the B of Al can be cashed quickly and easily—but only by you. You sign then) when you caeh theel. So if your money is for spending —and not for :hurtling - do what modern travellers do —turn it into Travoter% Cheques at the H of M before BANK or MoNntEAL 64444,;),eta Reel et Br ant:hi CHARLES SM111-1. Manager Centrelie (Sets-Agate:Or Minn Tuesday, Thursday sod on Pridev 4,30.6 p.m.) CreditorieSuli.Agency): (Open fefotiday, Wednesday and Priday) Grand Bend 13ratich: DONAU) ROBERTSON, Manager leaslosood (Sob-Agency): Open Mon., Wed, ee flensall Braochl KENNETH cHRISTIAISI, Manager Leon Branch; JACK STEACV, Manager 7titith Branch: IOITN BANNISTER. Merle-eel' 'WOtti(ING %Vim deankaleslae YfJ tvtkV Weal Set 'lift Sltett ill MY BAN f you go. They're available in ,11,fit ON -04 01441 Canadian or U.S. dollars or Sterling, Off the track you'll have a Sure winner for power and efficiency with tsso Tractor Fuels If you are looking for ways and means to lower yout operating costs and increase your profits, don't o\ erlook Esso Tractor Fuels, Both Esso Gasoline and Esso Diesel Fuel are designed to provide maxi. mum efficiency* Esso Tractor Fuels have proven over and over again to give more power; more work per dollar. Invest your fuel dollars wisely like so many others tio. Call. your Imperial Esso Agent arid make sure you use 'Esso Tractor Fuels from now on. EOGRE VRIESE tXETtit ALWAYS 'LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR TH 8 St toetrmtra..4.clernf!Fiftli.v.lcvmmxtri..4ah PPge 16. August 16, 1962 P hone 2a1-11245 •.ee,e'eFee.e.ee:e.eeret.oefieereeeee 'IriersittAiefilettekeetteleiteStitilietteeletteME. Former rector to greet friends Today (Thursday, August lei, Mrs. Murray Hatigins is hold- ing open house for the Rev. P. Prest and family. of Regina, former rector or Lucan and Clandeboye churches. Mr. Prest left Regina June 21 to take a course at Rutgers University at New Brunswick, N.J. While taking the course he lived at the rectory in 'Keansburg, taking three ser- vices each Sunday. For the month of August he will live in the rectory at Brighton, take services there and visit the surrounding country, as well as relatives and friends. As he can only spend the one day en Lucan, he and his family hope many of their Lucan age i.landeboye friends will arcept Nies. Hodgins' kind. invitatiosi to visit the Prest family at her home. Honeymoon trip to New England Lighted candelabra, baskets of white ;lads, and shasta daisies formed the setting in Grace Church on the hilt, Toronto, at 3:30 p.m., Saturday, August 11, for the double-ring marriage ceremony of Donna Jean Sad. leis and John Eugene Hewitt Fa rley. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Ernest Arthur Sadleir of Toronto, and grand• daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Sadleir of Lu- can. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Farley of Landon. Canon H. Craig of- ficiated. Given in marriage by her fa• ther, the bride chose an origi- nal gown of •off.white silk or- ganza with basque bodice, fea- turing a V.neekline outlined with appliqued embroidered or- ganza motif's. The same ern brnidery outlined the waistline and decorated the bouffant skirt, which was might at the waist-line back, by a bustle bow and extended to a full chapel train, Her headdress, en or- ganza appliqued rose held her waist-length, net veil. She ear• vied a plumage bouquet of pink Sweetheart roses and white bra. dal flowers. Mrs. Eric Lambton, sister of the bride as matron of honor and Mrs. Jobe Boynton and Miss Grace S pe netts) v e, as bridesmaids, were similarly at- tired in gowns of Spanish melon pink silk organza, fashioned with full skins and matching boleroe. They wore large pie- lure pals in the same shade and tarried cascades of pink carnations. shaded to rose pen. tree, Wendy And Haven Lambaste nieces of the bride Made charm- leg little flower girls in white organdy dresses, over pink. and rosebud. .headdress, They carried pink and white rinse. gays. The groom chose H J. Know les as his best man and the eshers were Gerald Knecinti, Edward Mellett. and Jobe Ha beret. `A dinner and reception was held at the Guild of All Arts" Where Perfect weather pendit- led holding the retention-line oil the spacious grounds. Mertha's Vineyard Island and rf many prenuptial showers and Rev. E. A. Gagnon made a business trip to Toronto last New England , the couple Will parties as Well as a trousseau peronal itenis Monday. Make their home in Toronto, tea, prior to her marriage to Miss Isabel Netible of Torim- Among the large number of John Eugene Farley August 11 Muriel Abbott, daughter of to is spending a week with Mr, wedding guests were Mr. and in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott, is Mrs. Jack Sadleir eyed flintily of Mrs. Sadleir entertained tot" holidaying with her aunt end "'""--, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs, Fred her daughter et her Lytton uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mein- &article and family of Napariee, Blvd, borne on Friday, Attglist tyre of Ottesve. VOCUUM Mr. and Mrs. 14, J. Knowles 3. Mrs. Herbert Farley. grand- Mr, and Mrs, H. W. Brain- of Liman) and aim Lana Ab. party foe the ensile at her Mrs, }fatty MeCarren Of De., C earters (the former Marilyn Radcliffe mother, of the groom, had a wich of London and Mie. and heel, also or Lucan, bored in St. Thomas. Mr. and troit, were Sunday evening Mrs. G. H. Blake Stevenson guests -fir Mr, and- alts. Al Sates and Sorvicri are Alarm and Mrs. May Stevenson, alto Broinwich and family. ,,„ 4 .y of St. Thomas, entertained Mist Marline 'P,,,evingtOn, who "pa l" "d na gs of " too The fire thgine was railed to with a dihner. The grooni"g has been taking a -course in del- of v"11" clean e rs .1111:, the Beech St. Apartments of Parents ehtertaited, following home econonlice in Toronto, hae nfalialleras Reconditioned,, etlines oi All infixes for sale, Mr. Ralph Lippert on Monday. the rehearsal Atlgllgt 10. rettithed heille. Fortunately the smoky. was knOlig the ninny showee Mr. nod Mrs. alto Mayikt3+ too 0EcK, RR 1 Zurich caused froM a short in the fere hostesses were Mt's, ;rack Sad- and family spent IWO Weeks .s( PhOnil 14ensall babel nave motor so no serious. dam- leir and daughter' Patricia of Ducharne Beath near bieand Age resulted. . Willowdale, Bend. ...i.:......6.....,...,, 0 -*..1,..1.-.: After a hormymoon trip Le Turin, - wee b mos Air, and Mrs, Elmer J. Haas. of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Redden, of :Brant- ford, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. 'Redden. Mrs. Norman Gras, of New- ark, and son, Mr. Edwin Gras, of Annapolis, visited the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Eldon Hodg- son, and Air, Hodgson for a few days, Mrs. Hodgson ac- companied them to Stratford for a five-day visit with an- other_r. alslier,ph AlLrisp.pel r,ell a h Beadle, as sold his home on Concession 4, Bidduiph (at Lucan), to Mr, Don Cox and has moved into the Emery apartment on. Alice street. In the pigeon races from Pe- terboro Saturday, alr. Clar- ence Hardy's bird came 5th in its race, his sons Tom's came first and. Gordon's third, in the Liman Homing Club race, Edward Skelly, is spending part of his vacation with his ter g re ni3dop;ersenotfs .Ceat p and Mrs. Wal' Mani- toba, Skilo, Mani- Mr, Robert Hamilton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton was guest soloist. at the Nes. bitt-Bloxan wedding at St. all- ehaels' and Angels' Angli , can Church, London, Saturday. On Sunday, 14-yearand Ann George and Nancy WatSOn flew home from Prince Edward Is- land where they had been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Knight (Ann's grandparents) since July 5, Dr, and Mrs, 'I'. A, Watson, Beth and etre, Al, E. Barnes met them in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. William Brown- lee Sunday held en out-of•doors dimmer party. Guests inehidel Mr, and Alt's, Cameron Colbert and. family and elr, and Mrs. Percy Colbert and all of liderton, and their three grand= children Viekee, Dale and Ha. thy Brownlee, children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brownlee Jr of Ottawa, .Mrs, Tom Collins accompa- med by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heerlen, daughter and son-in- law of Kirkland Lake spent a few days last week with elm George t awdeh. Mr, and Mrs. raisin 'Haskell have returned from a motor Over 60 descendants of the trip to leeterhoro, Sudbury and ned a shantung suit with black late Mr. and Mrs, Eli Hodgina, the Cummins' cottage in ANS- a"essori-e and corsage of from 'London, Ilderto Den- 1. yellow toses.koea, Thoy brought home their The 'couple will make field, Perlthill, Lucan, Exeter, son melee who had epee ho. their Clinton and Durham held their cr a ving at the cottage, Motile at RR 2 Dorchester, annual family Plank at POPlar, Mt. and Mrs. Joint Campbell Hill last Sunday. In spite (A and son are spending a low Beide ,elett feted showers all enjoyed the two- days with m e , and er rs , seed, meal gelatoagether, den Bevineenn Lucan and Miss Donna Jeien Sadleir, Mr. and -Mks, Charles Grost' Me, and Mrs, Dour rap-men of daughter of Dr, and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs, Bob Hod- Dutton. Ernest Wien', Toronto, and gins were named conveners of Mr, John Tennehill of Sar- granddaughter of the late Mr. the 1963 program, which will he nit is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Sadleir, held at Poplar the third and 'Mrs, -Giarenrt. itaskett. Early articles read to group The senior branch of the Holy Trinity WA held its annual pot The contest is open to resi- luck dinner meeting at the dents in Middlesex county as farm home of. Mr. and Mrs. well as the city of London, Harold Corbett on Wednesday, August 8. Guests and former members able to be present were Mrs. A. C, Calder, Mrs. Frank Hovey, Mrs. :Kenneth McGoun and Miss Holly Martin of London, Mrs. Roy Stanley of St, Thomas, Mrs. Warner McRoberts and Mrs. J. R. Murray of Lucan, A short business meeting was held out on the lawn, in charge of the president, Mrs. Erwin Scott, who announced the work- shop to be held October 20 in Trinity Anglican Church, Birr, St. John's Church, Strathroy, was the setting at 2:30 p.m, Mrs. Calder, Diocesan Presi- Saturday, August 4 for the Wed- dent, spoke briefly and Mrs. ding of Evelyn Edna Hodgins Harold Hodgins, educational and William George Mitchell convener reed two church ar- Zavitz, with the Rev. C. S. tides printed in, 1900 when the Black of 'ilderton, officiating, late Rev, H. A, Thomas was The bride is the daughter of rector .of Lucan and Clande- Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Hodgins, boye churches. RR 4 Derifield and the groom is Mrs. Harold Hodgins offered the son of Mr, and Mrs, Ar• her home for the September ehie Zavitz of RR 2 Dorches. meeting, ter, The bride chose a flootelength gown of while silk organza over slipper satin. The bodice feat. ured Itlypoint sleeves and a ba• teen neckline of Chantilly lace, appliqued with sequins and pearls, lace medallions and a lace peplum, accented the skirt, Her three-quarter length lace trimmed veil was held by a pearl and sequin coronet and she carried a cascade of red roses and white mums. Miss Margaret Hodgins as maid of honor and Miss Linda Zavitz and Miss Sharon Beaten, as bridesmaids were gowned alike in turquoise organza nver taffeta. Gail Zavitz, as flower eirl wore a white nylon chif , fort dress, The groomsman was Russell 7.evitz and Lloyd Hodgins and Jack Zavitz were ushers. - For •tratelling the bride .don- -Couple .marks, 40 Years' 'wed. fey MRS, J. H. .PATOIS CLAN 0 E Air, and Mrs. Ernie Lewis, of Clandeboye, celebrated their 40th wedding enniversary last wek. On Thursday they were entertained at a dinner at the laufferin Hotel in Centralia. This was Attended by the mem- bers of the family, NH's, Ernie Lewis was, formerly Miss Annie Armitage-, of Arve, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis have three sons and 0. daughter, Am old, Cecil and Gerald, and Mrs. Orville (Dorothy Ana) Taylor, all .of Lhcon. There are also 13 gra ridebildren. On Saturday evening e social evening was held in their honor three week vacetion ;at Key Har- bour, Tame wary, Miller Lake and Detroit, Mr, Elmer Darling and friend were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage and. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Feu]- der of Centralia were Monday callers, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Abbott were among the large gather- ing who honored Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Lewis at the Lucan Com- munity Centre last Saturday evening in honour of their 401h wedding anniversary, With the shortage of water in Granton, water is, being trucked from Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Ken- and Mrs, Jim Mugford and nedy and Debora were Sunday other friends. guests of Mrs. .Kennedy's mo- Air. and Mrs, Lionel Kend- ther, Mm's, Charles Johnson of rick and Mrs. Warner McRob- Belmont, erts were among the guests, Cfn Charles Skelly has left who attended a family gather- for a year in Egypt, where he ing at the home of Mr. and will join the United Nation Mrs. Mac Lamond of Cromarty .Emergeney Corps, • on Sunday. The 'Lucan-Clandeboye Young Air, and Mrs. Murray Hodgins 'People held a successful paper and .family have retm•ned from collection drive Saturday. a camping trip at Windy Lake Mr, and Airs. Roy Hamilton t north of Sudbury) and Magne- spent the holiday weekend at tawan. While al the former Tawas, Mich, site they visited Mr, and Mrs. Holiday guests Harold Ribson and family at Ona ping. Mr,and Mrs. William Kit, Roberta and Louise Coch- met and family of Toronto with rane, Margaret Cobleigh. and Air. and Mrs, Louis Kilmer. Betty Ann Lewis are attending Rev. A Aylestock of Chatham, the intermediate girls' camp at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doxen Kee-Mo-Ree, K o 0.1 0 k a this and family and MT, and Mrs. week. Robert Braithwaite and family, Michael Lippert is holidaying all of Toronto, with Mr, and with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Aylestock. Mrs. Floyd Gallagher of Mid- Mr, and Mrs. Douglas King dletniss, and family of learriston with Mrs. Russell Wood, Mrs. Art mes. Annie Fairies. Top•p and daughter Loretta of Mr. and Aire. A. M, Redden, Palmerston were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Brown. of Mr. and Mrs, Win, Aylestock, lee Jr. of Ottawa, Mr, and Mrs. Art Haskett of „„,,,, Toronto sne.nt the weekend with ""' Collins arid son David with Mrs. Liman relatives, George Ba wden, Miss Lina Abbott returned miss Holly Martin of London home on Sunday from a five „en., Skier Mr T A. Hod. day holiday in Toronto, where gy" her '--- • • • • she made headquarters with her cousin, Mrs, william Mason and Air's. Mel Craigie and Air,M family of North Bay with Mrs. and visited a number of her S Stanley. Toronto friends and was a • S. - • guest at the Farley-Satileir Mrs. Howard Thompson, She- wedding on Saturday, ryl Ann, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brenda Plaskett, four-year-old Schantz and family of Owen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cla. Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus renee Haskell, is spending a Thompson. few days with Mr, and Mrs, Miss Pearl Ashworth of To- Glen Prout, (onto with Mr. D. A, Ashworth Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Rummell, and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hod. Lynne and Joyce .enjoyed a gins and family, 1, ?»') liyou lave money to Jurn... NO NEED TO BOTHER WITH TRAVELLERS CHEQUES! at the Lunen Arena which wasservietes at St. aames'a elandie, attended by their host of boyee during the month of Sep- friends, leatelire Was ,played and -timber. .0n Sundey, :September. a very happy evening was en. 2, the 39th armee! Memorial and toyed by all, in fact an evening decoration service wilt be held which will not soon he forgotten at 3 p.m. when the rector, .Rev, by the bride and groom of 40 E. .0. baneee•ter, will da"Ver yea rs, who were reei Ren t e, of the :message, beautiful. gifts in honor of the Bishop W. A. Towrishend, occasion, p.n., will be present to Admin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are Wee the rite of Confirmation oh members of St. James' Ana- Sunday, :September 16, in St. ran Church in Clandeboye, Mr. ,lances' Church, The service Lewis is e member' of the choir, will be at 11 .e.m. and ,41$0- of the cemetery come The -meal Harvest, Thanks- witty and Board of Manage• giving service at Si, James' anent, Mies, Lewis is a past will be on Sunday, .September president of the Ladies' Guild 30, at 11 e,m, and 7:30. of St.Jamee' and also a past president of the Women's They !lave farmedfor many Letter from years in Cleedeboye, St. James SS plonk The Sunday School picnic! of St. James Church, here was held at Riverview Park, Exe- ter , on Tharedaea August 9 with 40 in attendance, Winners in a balloon game were Donald Morgan, lim Lat- ta; foot race, pre-school, Ma- rion Cunningham, Joan Latta; ringing the stick, Jim Latta. Donald Morgan; soda biscuit contest, Glyn Wright, Joan Cun- ningham; what's an the parcel, Mrs, dim Cunningham; clothes pins in a bottle, Mrs. Omar Cunningham, A peanut scramble was held for pre-school children and a ball game was played by the junior congregation, Personal items Mrs, James 'IL Paton is still a patient in Victoria Hospital in London and is undergoing tests, It is hoped that she may soon be back home in good health and able once again to be back as organist at St. James', Diving her absence Mrs. E. 0, Lancaster is supply e"—•ee5, per M Feet Det'd, organst at .St. James' Church. .5"---$85. per M Feet DeI'd. Donald Latta is still in St, 6"--4110.' per M Feet Derd, Joseph's Hospital, London. On 7"---e1e5. per M Feet Del'd. Tuesday he underwent further 8"—$185. per M Feet Del'd, surgery, and is a very cheerful Above prices are based on patient, 1000 Linear Feet, in full truck. Airs. Ed Flynn arrived home loads or more, delivered with. on Sunday, August 5, from St. in 35 mile radius of our plant, Joseph's Hospital, London. Her For detailed prices on all sizes sister, Mrs. Cora Atkinson, of tile, either delivered or FOB London, is shying with Mr. and our plant at Elginfield, write Airs. 'Flynn while hex sister re, Or phone RYDALL BRICK 8, " TILE LTD., RR 2 London — `Prleiel.T.el'esWill he three special Phone 227-4721 Linen. Mrs. Ronald Goddard and three children have returned home to Ottawa after spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chareley, Last Monday was a had day for Mr. Clarence Young of Lucan in the annual Civic Holiday harness racing at Kin- cardine before 1,519 fans, In the first, heat of the 2.22 classi- fied event, his horse, ''The Rocket B", was the victim of interference. In the second heat, "The Rocket B" won but was disqualified and placed sixth. As if that was not enough. Mr, Young came back in the first heat of the junior free-for-all with Frankie Atone and was diseualified from sec- ond to sixth. In both cases there were spills but no in- juries. Airs, Bob Coleman spent last Friday and Saturday in Lon- don, the guest of her brother and sisler-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Dickins. Mrs. Velma 'Ellei•y, of Inger- soll, has returned home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Bernard. Avery, and Mr, Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Atkinson, of Owasso, Mich,, called on Mr. and Mrs, 'Irving Gibson last Tuesday. Lucan and district news Correspondent; Mite Line. AlsOpte Improvements made to lodge - While visiting a friend et the Lucan Lodge Nursing Herne, last Tuesday, the owner, Mr. W. 5, eliddiels showed a friend and. me some of the improvements he has been making, Out$ide, a number of stumps have been removed and the large tree in front of the house cut down, and the lawn levelled, A large cement front verAn. dab and side platform have been built, with comfortable chairs for patients, able to get nut. The verandah will have a top and the side platform, an awning. inside all the partitions, in- stalled by a former owner, have been removed, leaving the large stately old hall tile way it was when the original own- ers, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Stan- ley lived there. When Mrs. .Hussey operated the home, the patients were downstairs, and her living quar- ters, upstairs. Now the patients are upstairs, Most of the rooms have been re-decorated and everything is spotless. As yet, Mr. Riddiek hasn't his sign up, but its erection is among the many improvements he is planning to make, The Lodge has lost some pa- dents recently, so at present there are only six patients in the home, This large old family resi- dence, with its huge lawns and ancient trees, situated on Main St. north, makes an. ideal nur- sing home and Lucanites were delighted when Mr. and Mrs. Riddick decided to reopen it again, For some time it had been used just as a storage building, Picture contest stresses safety The Lucan WI has been ask- ed to help publicize a farm photographic contest sponsored by the Middlesex Farm Safety Council depicting rural accident hazards and scenes of accidents in an effort to stress farm safely. Valuable prizes for slides of $20, $15 and for black and white, and S5 are offered, colored $10 and $15, $10 William 4mos, Frances Sta who will be 9() years of age in October can still grow beautiful Creelrn an. At present he has a bed of 21) feet long with over 300 beautiful blooms and .dozens of buds still to open, which is the envy of his neighbors. Mr. Amos, who was one of Lucan's market gardeners for many years lives alone since the death of Mrs. Amos in De- cember 1959, and, in spite of his four score and ten years, is able to walk up town and look After his own hoose. Both he and Mrs, Amos were great lovers of flowers, Since her death he grows no vege. tables for sale. District native dies in hospital Mrs, Eliza Parkinson, 76, the former Eliza Dickinson and wife of the late Mr. Wesley Parkin- son of con 14 London Township, died suddenly in St. Joseph's Hospital. London, on Tuesday, August; 7. The body rested in the C. Haskett & Son Funeral. Home, Lucan until 2 p.m. Thursday, August 9 when the Rev. W. G, Rose, now of London, conducted funeral services. Interment was in Grove cemetery, London Township, Pall-bearers included Messrs. W. S. O'Neil, Milton Hudson, Allan Sinclair, John Mardlin, Harry Chrome and Ted Maddock. She is survived by two sons, Clifford of London Township, and Ivan. of Port Perry, one sister Mrs. Frank (Laura) Smith and one brother Thomas Dic- kinson both of London Town- ship, Mrs. Parki .n s o n was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Dickinson of Lon- don Township. Nears '90, grows Wiles It is hoped. Lucan photo- graphers will enter this contest and send their entries to the Middlesex Farm Safety Coun- ell, County Building, King and. Ridout Sts., London, by Decem- ber 1, 3962, Church at Birr scene of vows Bantams win overtime game ay STEVE DAVIS In the midget Bantam base• ball league, Dashwdod made a clean sweep of the first three games in the best four out of seven genie series, against the LUcan Bantams, only to be de. boated 15.11 in the 11th inning in the fourth game played at Ltteari last Thursday, Gary Revington sparked the winners with, two doubles and a single twice, when the bases were loaded, Ernie O'Neil we'll the distance as the Liman pit- titer. Hedging reunion GROWS BEAUTIFUL LILLIES AT 90 YEARS OF AGE , William Amos has over 300 outstanding blooms Lucan personal items TRACTOR FUELS tew' Oath 's Beauty Salon RR 1 LUCAN $7.50 BACK-TO-SCHOOL PERMANENT SPECIAL Adults or Children $5.00 Open 9:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. PHONE LUCAN 227-4526 TWO TOP PERFORMERS