HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-30, Page 1it• :,i 's f1„ TNR HURON SIGNAL Ir'Witted 4' PutlukaJ every Tkuradat BY GEO. COX. OAce, Market .Square, Co Arid,. rr Book and Job Printing executed with 'wetness and dispateb. T.rwsa gf Ilse Huron Signal. --TEN SHILLINGS per annum if paid strictly in advance, or Twelve and Six Pence with the expiration of the year. No paper discoutiuued until arrears are paid up, unless the publisher thinks it h. advantage to do so. Any individual in the country becoming responsible fur six subscribers, shall re- ceive a seventh copy grafi,. Q} All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid, or they wJ) not be takes out of We pont office. Terve of Advertising, --Six lines and under, firstineerton, g0 ea 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74 Ten lines and under, first fuser., 0 3 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 Over teu lines, first ,n. per line, 0 0 4. Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 elm A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. Adrerl,senieuts without written instruc- tions will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly; and no advertisement di•cootinued unpaid fur at the time of with drawer, unties by the conseut of the pub- isber. , (garbs. -717 DR. P. A. MCDOUGALL, CA N he ennsulted at all boort, at Ser. Le'Turee a Boarding House, (formerly flee British Hotel.) Goderich. April 89th, 1852. v5 iRA LEWIS, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ke. Weet- Nreet, Goderich. June 1818. 2vo25 DANIEL GORDON, GABi NET MAKER, Three doors East the Canada Company's office, West - street, Goderich. August 27th, 1849. 2veS0 DANIEL. HOME LI7.ARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveyan- cer, Solicitor in Chancery, &c. has bio office as formerly in Stretford. Stratford, 2nd Jan. .1830. vn49 ijuron TEN 8 11 I I. L 1 N G y Itr asvaaCS. S "TIIE GRE.tTEST POSSiBLg GOOD To THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NLMBER•" VOL1E VI. GODF.RICII, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY JUNE 30, 1853. igiiat. TWELVE AND SIXF.NCE -�-�- aT sax Ann Oa TOO ►aaa. Hurrah for Goderich ! ! CLEAR TIIE TRACK! ! OLIVER & CO. I1AVE on hsnd an ea.menee Stock of the very beat Description of BOOTH end SHOES, on sale at the New Brick build log, adjoii o g Mr. ...are, Watch -maker, w hicb with be sold at the Lowest !'rices Ju r Carl' nr approved trade. call and see. The highest price pail in ('uh fur irides and Sheepekma, &c. A general Stock of findings always on hand. OLIVER & CO. Goderich, June 11, 1853. v6n2u-Iy Improved Farm for Sale. BEING Lot No. 12, 2nd Conrereion, Township or Tuckersmirh, Huron Road, the property of John P. Smith, E•q., conteintog 100 scree, adjoining the Build. hog Lots in the ruing and flourishing vil- lage of Egmondville, the land is of first rate quality, beautifully situate) on the banks of the Bayfield river, and weal adapt- ed to agricultural purposes. For further particulars apply ou the premises (if by let ler pre paid) to the eubecrtber. PETER RAMSAY. McKillop Post Office, Tuehers'nith, June 13111, 1853. •u20 -tin ROBERT •SNODGRASS. FASHIONAHi.E BOOT & 8110E MANI FACTL'REII• (Ode door East" of C. C'rahb's Stere.) WOULD inform t!:einhabitant. of Gods rich and neighborhood that ho is pro - pared to make to order or otherwise, any kind of Ladle's and Genticmeri s Fine or Fancy week, in the neatest and most fashiooahlo style. And will also furnish heavy Boots and Shoe", to suit the ne eesaities of those that may favor him with their custum. Hie prices well be moderate, J. DENISON, ' Gudericb, July 2.9i h, 1.153. v5n29 CIVIL ENGINEER, &c. — GODERiCH, C. W. R. W. CANA, ,MiTCHIELL, Aog. 251b, 1852. v5o31 AUCTIONEER. Accountant and Gene- rel. Agent. Books and accounts ad JOHN J. E. LINTON, jested, end all kinds of Deeds drawn.— NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., Sales attended in any part of the country. 1 • and Conveyancer, Stratford. Letters addressed to Mitchell or Harpers hey, will be attended to. April6th, 1853. v6r10-ly ise • HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Goderich.— Attentive I[oetlers always on hand. Goderich, Sept. 12, 1850. v3 -n30 STRACHAN AND BROTHER. Barrister and 4lrloraies al Law, 4-c,. Gcnaarcn C. %V. JOAN STRACHAN Barrister and Atter- ■ey at Law, Notary Public and Convey- ancer. ALEXANDER WOOD STRACIIAN, Attorney at Law, Sullciter in Chan. eery, Conveyancer. Godeneb, 17th November, 1851 . WILLIAM HODGINS, ARCHITECT A. CIVIL ENGINEER Office 27, Duwdat Street, LONDO \', C. W. Aeguet IGth, 1853. v5o30 HORACE HORTQN, . [.tfarket.square, Goderic,k,) AGEYT far the Provincial Mutual and General Iesuraaee Office, '1'orento,— Also Agent for the St. Lawrence County Motuai, Oigieeeburg, ,New York. L -cal Arent for Samuel Moulsoo's Old Rochester Nuretry. Jaty 1850. 22 ---` - - A. SAS k1YTHF. ASHiONAR1.F, TAILOR, one door West of W. E. Graces Store, West Street Godtrich. Feb. 19, 1852. v5 -n4 -THOMAS NICHOLLS, BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT. Agent for Ontario Marine 4' Fire In- surance Co. NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT AND CONVEYANCER. COMMISSiONER IN Q. B. fits. INSURANCE, effected on Houses, Ship- i plug and Goode. All kinds of Deeds correctly drawo, sad Books and Accounts adjurted. Office over the Treasury, Goderich. Ju', 22, 1852, v6a24 E. II. MARLTON, re EAf ORWARDR and Commission er• chant, Storehouse Keeper, general Agent, for the sale of -Wild Lands Cleared Farms, iiousehold Furniture and Produce of every description. Office, next door, North of the Kincar- dine Aarme, Godericb, March Stith 1862. ,5_n9 F. & C. H. BUHL, MANUFACTURERS of !late, Cape and Fancy Furs, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furs, Buffalo Rubes, Deer Skins, Gloves, Mittens, kr. ke. Cash Paid for Furs. The bigk n price paid, e1 all ti nee i Cash, for all description• of Shipping Fur by ! F. er. C. H.BUHL. ' ! Detroit, Michigan, Aug. 1861. e5n28 r 3, { WASHINGTON TON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPrrAL .1,000,000. ETRA HOPKfN Hamiltoe, Agent for the Counties o Waterloo and Huron. Asg•.st 27, IS80. 1,16 DR. HYNDMAN, QUICK'S TAVERN, London Road. May 1881. .4.12 MR. JOHN YACARA. BARRH(TFR, Solicitor in Cbseeere. Attnrsey-at_Latr, Coaveyaoeer, tic. be. Oise: (Warts Befldiege, Kier -8t. ooppp.oeits the Oars Beak, and the Beek of Brftsb North America. HaawLTew. 4 10 Ma. T. N. MOI.RSWORTH, /r1ViL BNOINU& and Prosiest.' Lead Serveyer, Godarteb. April IO 1811t. r4s11 J A M Els WOODS, OC'!'?ONU(t, N ptepas'd t. anted PAIN Odes is any part of the UMW Ms IlIstterstw terms. Mie, 1111141. 14-414 W. & R. SIMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL & Co.,) GROCERS, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers and Oilmen, No. 17 Dundee Street, London, C. W. February 25th 1952. e v5 -n5 RICHARD MOORE, HAVING during the past two year. set, a� ed in the capacity of GENERAL AGENT for the collection of debts, eesires it to be generally underetoon that ho will accept the Agency for the collection of dues in any part of the Upper Province, be• 'weep t"obourg to the Eget and Lake lluron in the Weet. In mak.ng this announce- mentehe would beg to express I•'a 4hau is to hes frienda for • peat favours, and now res epectfu!ly solicits a continuacce of the came. All commenicatiens nn husin"es, address- ed (post `paid) to Ayr 1'. O., Ninth Dum- fries, C. W., will be promptly attended to. April 1, 18513. v6010 FARNI FOR SALE. LOT No. 5J. in the Maitland Coocr.- sten of the Towrat.:p of Goderich, containing 197 acres of the beet land, of which 60 are cleared and well fenced, situ• ated,on the banks of the Riper Maitland, 8 miles from Goderich. There is an ex- cellent Douse end Barn oa the p-cmisee, with an Orchard of the choiceet fruits, se- lected from the Nursery in Ups!lante, Um• led States. For terms apply to the Subs scriber. I RATTF.NBURY, Br,t.ab Exchange hotel, Goderich. 26th Jan+nary, 1853. v5n52-3m NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN GODERICII. THE Subscriber respectfully an. pounce' to the inhabitants of Goderich and surronnding cenntry, that he has ppurehaeed the.8toek in Trod", !ex., of Mr. E. Thornhill, in the above hush• nese, and opened the store lately occupied by 11. Barter, Tailor, nett door to Dr. McI)ougall'e new Brick building, Market Square, Goderich, where he intends to car- ry on the BOOT AND SHOE Business in ■I! Ire branches. He is prepared to execute all orders for every variety of Work, on the most reasonable term., and by strict attention to burinese hopes to merit a share of public patronage. The highest market price paid for [tides and Bark. R. HiLL. Goderich, May 20, 1853. v6o17 FOR S.‘L1. THOSE Premires eoasrsting of i,nt No. A- 4, fronting Light h .use Point, Gode- rich, contemn( one-fourth of as acre of land, with the Cottage thereon, formerly the property of F. G. Pelmet, end known as "Althsmt Cottage." Pries C200.— Farticulue of Terms, Title, ice., appy (by letter or otberwiee)) to JOHN MACilONALD. 45Ktag -street, Toronto. Toronto, 1st June, 1863. 019-6* .4. J. MOORE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OFFICE en the Poet Office Buildings, Goderich. June 7t1, I S88, .0.19 STRAYED FROM the Subscriber sheet As lest of May, a three year old Rees 'steered Colt, w,ib Web stsisr tail sad lege, wads shoat feerq.s :suede high. A gettable reward will be green ler sesb Informatics se will lead to the restorer, of the above utesttesed Colt. CHRIST. SHANNON. Goderich, Jose 41b, 1881. *18 Poetr!. TLIE USE OF FLOWERS. IT WART IOWITT. God might have made this earth bring forth Enough fur great and sura,!, The cal -trot aria the cedar•lree, Without a flower at all. Ile m.g(et have made enuugb, enough Fur eery want of ours, Fur luxury, u,ud:clue, and toil, And yet have wade no ;i -Were. The ore within the m0uutato wenn ltcryureth none to grow, Nor doth it seed the lotus -dower To make the river flow. The clouds ought give abundant rats, Tho nightly dews might fail, - The herb that keepeth life ria wan Slight yet have drunk thew ail - Than wbercfure, wherefore were they made All dyed wire ralabow tight, All fashioned with suprewert grace, Up.pnuging day and night ; Springtegpin walleye green and luw, Aed un the mountain lege, And It rho silent wildurnoee, Where no wan pas.tth by 1 Our outward life requires them nut, Then wherefore bad they birth 1 To wioiaterdelight to man. To beautify tee earth ; To whisper hope—to mentor' max, W heou'cr b:a faith is dici ; Fur whose cateth for the ;lowers Will cars much more fur bite. Literature. A 1'IIR$LLiNG LAW SCENE. ET CtlaRLE$ lUaiYEaFiELo. 1 can never forget rey firat,,vision of Julio Taylor, the Tenon of the backwoods, bar and pulpit. it was in the Court House, at Lewisburg, Conway County, Arkansas, in the summer of 1838. 'Ile occasion itself possessed terrible interest. A net con- course of people had aeeewbled to witness the trial of a.young and beautiful girl on en indictment for murder. The judge waited at the utoment fur the sheriff to bring in the prisoner, and the cyee of rho repatieet multitude al centered on the door, w bee suddcniy a stranger entered whose appearance rivetted not I atten- tiue Hera is his portrait—a figure tall, lean, eincwy, and straight ag an arrow; a face callow, blhuue, and twitch:tie Ineeeeantly with nervous irritation ea brow broad, mis- sive, seamed, and filled with wrinkles, but not from age—for he was scarcely forty, eyes, reddish yellow, Ike the wrathful eagle, as bright and piercing; and finally, a mouth, with lips of caallron, )h n, curled, cold and sneering, the intense expression of which looked the living embodefnent of an uobreathed curse. Hewes iiabited in a acw euit ofbuckskio,.urn tmen:e.l after the manner of Indian Costume, white hues, of every color of rho rainbow. . Elbowing hie way slowly through the crowd, and uneonscioua that he was reg.rd- ed as a phenomenon teediog explanation, this a.ogutu being alvanced, and with the haughty air of a king ascending the throne, seated himself within the bar, throne l as t way with the eliac!.ilea o(Cuko and Ciack- tone, several of whom, it was known, es- tmind themselves as far superior to those Id and famous r. a.tcrr. The contrast between the outlandish arb and disdainful countenance of the trooger, excited, especially, the riaibi:ity f the lawvere; and the junior members be- an a suppressed titter, which grew louder nd awed the circle. They doubtless opposed rho intruder to he some wily] tinter of the mountain", w lio had never be - oro seen the interior of a hall of Justice. nstently perceiving the cause and object f the lacghter, he turned his head grade. :ly, se aa to giro each laugher % look—hie cps curled with a killirg kind of iefieite corn—his ye:low eros shot arrows el g!rteoing-his tongue, pretrud'ng through u teeth, literally writhed like a serpent, od ejtculated bis asp•like p.nean 10 a ogle ao;d: "Savages !" No pen can dc- ribo the deli int force which he threw to that term; no pencil can paint the in• real furor of bus utterance, although it udly exceeded a whisper. Bot he accent - every letter as if. it weie a cc perste woolen of fire that scorched his quiver - g lips; laying a horrible emphasis on the lb a1 the beginning and end of the word, Savages '" 1t was th growlof th e e red tiger is the es of a rattle -snake. The Immoral gaze, however, was diverted the advent of th* fate prisooer, wbo en came:0, surrounded by her guard.— be apparition wax enough to drive a swot ad;'for there was a style of beauty 1. wilder the tamest imagteaton, and melt e coldest bur!, liming in both mmag'sa- o and I art a gleaming pratare, taamtlee fire, dad fixed to • tame of gold from elan. 1t was a spell of eeeha.tmeet be felt as well as neon. Yon might feel to the flushes of her coact , clear a dun -beam, ►sliest as thews; in the Meer of het (.stereo, symmetrical as if t by the ebIset of the artist; ie her b.,/ rob sabers rsegflets, lien g *hest a id, softer Mose ilk, laser time gossamer; the oyo, blas so *s heaves .f soothers Ismer, large, 18.4 beauty; is bee sw- am greeohil, awimentsg, I.ke the geode *AMID et s bird's wise is the mewl are; ibs'inros slight, satirist —e sylph's; 0 11 0 g ^e m s ii a GI aC In f e h ed et in bo bf by th •r be th iso sa the 10 it as co co of kit ri to is of tbo rosy lips, so arched, so sere, so star -light, and yet pelmet/ring the pee nage er of msguetrsw to Brill the he cr'e bear t. As the uoforruoate girl, so taste dressed, so incomparable as to pers charms, calm and smiling, took her p before the bar of her Judge, a murmur o niration arose from the multitude, w the prompt interpneetion of the court, b stern order of .-iel.•nce," could hs repross from a wellieg to a deafoan cheer. The Judge turned to the prisoner. '•E.nma JI ace, the Court bis been fountd that your ceunet•t, Col. Lint n, trick; have you employe) any other T' She answered to a voice as sweet as warbling of the nightengtle, and as clear the song cftbe eky•lark: "Sly enemies have bribed all the lawye —even my own—to bu sick; bit GiJ de!ene the leneeent !" At thea roapoese, ee touching in its s pie pothers, a portion of tt s audience bu zed applause and the rest wept. Oo the instate, however, the string whoso sppearaoco bad previously exci .uch inerr.ment, started to his feet, proached the prieoner, and whispered sou thing in Ger ear. She buundeJ sin ins from the door, uttering a p,ercing stir and then stood tremble 0,7 as If to tho 0 sense of a gheat from eternity, whde t singular being wee h i I causer: her meth accountable emotion, Addressed the co in his sharp, ringing voice, senor oust as sou s) of be! l -metal. "Stay it please your honor, I willies': the task of defending the lady." "What!" exclaimeJ_ahe astonished Jud "aro you a liccned attorreyi" Thegceation is irrelevant and fmm serial," replied the stranger with a von 10003 armor, "es ilio recent stature cnittl any peseon to act as counsel at the reyuu of a party." "But does the prieoner request it!" in gcired the ]edge. " Let her epaak for herae!f ,"' mai ho. "i do," wit the answer, as a long draw sigh escape!, that seemed to rend her ver heart -string,. The case iiumeJ:ately progressed; aol had a I ice: of !meiotic mystery; we wi brlel,y epitomise the sebateace of them dence. About twelvemonths before, the dofen ant had arrived in village, and opened a establishment for millinery. Re aiding a row conocctei with her shop, ■nJ a alooe,eho prepared the articles conoecte with ber highly respacteJ and henor:bl trade, with unc•ear.cJ 'abour ao 1 cense m mate taste. Her habit, woo eecl-Jed modest, aol retiring; and hence she mei have hoped to avoid n itoriity, but for th perilous gift, that cxtreor.inary beau: v wbich too often, and to tea poor and !rend Icer, always provci a Cu 130. She was soon sought after by all tiros. glittering fire flies of fashion. But tee beautiful strarger rejected then a!I with unutterathe scorn and lost;;ing Among there rejarteJ cdmniters was ono of a charac- ter from which the fair nib:Leer has every- thing to fear. llirtm Shona was at once opulent, influoat:sl and dissipated. Ho was !IMAM.( licegt, um, brave, and fere. eiously revengeful. it was geoero:ly known that he hal main advances to win the favor uf rho Invoty Emma, ant. lis 1 shared the f•te of all other wooers—a di.- du6Tut repulse. like er u held fully anal lace f ad- hich Y a rdly Ing in. Id the a n will im- z- er ted ap- im bus tak, re - he un urt the me 'JO n es st J 7 d- o III d e c e At nine o'clock on Ch r istmae night, 1837 the peep!. of Lewisburg were startled bya scream of mortal terror, while fel:o .vin) with scarcely an intrrval, same successive reports of fire -urns, one, two, three, with a dozen deafeneng rua-s. They fleet to the shoe of the milliner, whence tea weed proceeded; pushed battle the uafas'one.l;.loor, end a scene of horror presented. There sl.e stood in the centro of do roma, with a remover in each hand, every barrel Oischerg- ed, herf^_aturer pal., her eyes flss!te,l w,!J- ry, but her lips parted w.tt, a fearful 101,1o. And there a1 her feet, weltering tri huh warm blood, hie bosom literally riddled with bullets, lay the all -dreaded duellat. Hiram Shore, gasping in his last agony.-- ile articu:atel bit a single .eetenee— "TeII my mother tbat I am dead and gone to h—II," and instantly expired "In the name of God, who dud thtsr'sa- claimed the appall.e epectatun. "i did n," said the beautiful millin- er. "•i did it 1 o gave by honor." At may be readily imagined, the deo! eaneed an Immense eenra!,on. Public ophmoo, however, was divided; the poorer elegise, crediting the girls memo of the fatter, lauded bis heroism in terms of swam 'lees eulogy. Bot the friends of the deceased, mod ha wealthy f.m!lr, gave a d 6erent end darker coloring to the affair, and deoounced Ibe lonely bomocrdd as an atm .totes crnntsm!. Uafnrtenately for her, the officers) of w be liw, tepecialy the 'cage sad the Sheriff, were devoted comrades of the slain, end displayed their feelwog in re vetting pertw'hty. The Jed(' committed bet without the privilege of bail, and the Sheol!' shamed bet ie the Feloa'e dee tri• Sash k a hoof abstract or the 'items, 'armee* developed is the cxeaewsatroe of the wu.ssses. The t..ii,.usy elosed, sad the Onshore began, Flet of elf, terve infeetatee *pinks ,n eee movies rer the peessetltece ; bet seal er der gen:um, they about equally portiou.J their howling eloquence bete cep the prison er aol her Icather,robed counsel, as if In, doubt wh:cb of the twain was on trial. A. to the stranger, bo appeared not 10 paw the cif/Meet at cotton to his opponents, but re- mained neoten:este with his forehead bowel on lib hand, like one buried in Jeep thought and slumber. When the proper time came, however, he euddenlr reran( to bis feet, crommel the. bar and tool, his stand, almost touehini; the J irv• Ile then commenced in a wet .per sit wild, so clear, so unutterably nog:ug anI &mince as to he the hall trout Blur to pr.l- ieria. At the outset he dealt in pure 10- gic, separating and combining the proven facie till the whulo mites of confused evt- d••nee looked transparent as a globe of Om, through whtch the ibnoeens of bis client shuns brilliant as a eaubeaoi ; and the jurors noised toeacheither of thorough cony etion ; that thrilling whisper and fixed concentration, and the language, simple as a Chet!', had coovin:eJ ■ll. 11e then changed bis posture ee as to sweep tee bar It ■ glance, toe began to tear mod rend his legal adversaries. tits sallow 'visage glow. ed as a heated furnace, his eyes resembling ave coals—and tit■ voice became the cla- mor uf a trumpet. I have never before or +ince listened to such murderous denuncia- tions. 1t was like Jevu's eagle charging a flock of crow,. it was like Jove himself, hurling red -bot thunder -bolts among the quaking ranks of inferrer Bode ! And yet, 'n the bugbear tem,,est of his fury, he seems ed calm ; he employed gra gesture care one, —the flash of a lone:forefinger direct in the eyes ct his fuer. Ile painted their venehty and unmanly meaones, In e0alecc'ne for mo- ney to but t dowe a poor aol friendless wo- man, t:II a cry of winol rage arose from the multitude, and even some of the j iry cried out "shame ' Ile changedthe theme once more. His some grew mournful at a funcrel song, and bis eyes tilled with tears, ae ho traced a ri- me' picture of roan's cruelties eel woiva:i a wroege, with peed' sr illustrations in the case of his client, till enc. -half of the an- d'ence wept like children. But it was at the peroration that he reached the zenith, ..t once of terror and sublimity. Ili+ toe tures were ay livid as those of a corpse ; his very liar seemed to stand on nod ; his very nerves shook as with a pale's; he tossed his bands wd,lly towards heaven. each lin. ger stretched apart, and gnivering as the flame of a candle, as he. ;loud wi•h the hat worde of the decease! ll.ra•n Shore—'Tell my mother that 1 am de id and gone to h—li!' 11.s empliesia on the last word. embolisd the acme and 'dee' of all horror; it was a wail of'mmeasur.ahlo eleaoa:r. No anguago can depict the effect nit ue wh heard it. Men groaned, funnies screamed, and 000 poor mother fainted, and was borne away in convuleioos. The whulo speech occupied but an hour. The jury returned al 'erd,ct of'net ,quiity,' without leaving the box; and tire s cheers, like succcastve roars oil ao e,rthgovke, shook tbo wbula court House from the dome to the corner -stone, tsetifyinr tie joy of the people. After the adjournment elect) took place near sonnet, tiro triumphant selro.ato arose and gave out w ape intuie0t• rl wilt -,reach iu this Meuse to -night at eight o'clock-" Ile then glided off through the crowd. speaking to ne one, thoug.. many attempted to drain ben into conversation. At n.ght o'clock the Curl -!louse was sgsio fir ringed, and tate stranger, accerd- iag to pron•tee, delivered ler sermon. It ovtaced the ,:auto mUnbute ac his previous love ice at tfo big; the ram•, co!np.ct logic, the ea!ne burning veheraosce, and an increased bitterucr, of denunciation. NEW USE OF MILK. A novel discovery hal recently been. :node, whic!, Is hkoly to effect a revelation in the milk trade. In cuoseqIenco uf th advance in the pr.co of olive oil, from 410 per ton to 470, the manufactures of woolen cloths, w'oi use this ort in Targe quantltwe have found out that necessity is the mo- ther of iay.ntiuo. One of them in. the neighbourhood of ThurSto e, near Penis- 10:“2„ enis.10; , tnmJ whether tnil'i; ,nixed with oil. would not answer the purpore. The rex- pcnment exceeded bis mist sang•uco ox- I•cctat.no t:ro niivturo being far better for the purpose than olive oil alone. Tut, c nsequenc- hu been, teat nn k has a.1 - vatic. J to Is 4,1 per ga:lan i0 the neigh borh, of of c neo of the woclon c. ,t b tuaa, and cows aro being bought up in all duce ti res. There wax a br.sic sale al i'nnns tong marked on Thuraasy, ,everything going off at excellent pries.—Lirndes News. AN Ace or (;AI.LC77ray.—Scntt, 10 rant: of his n,vets, inhiria. us that Whir, lkmlefeh parcel his waw to royal favour by throwing tt mantle beneath the feet of Queen EIzebeah, kat they should Le,oilr,l in crossing a puddle of water. Passing up Broadway yesterday, a little acridrnt oc- curred which recalled to our mini! Sir Wal- ter's gallentry. A young and nin.lsomely dressed lady was tripping along a Jda;.idsted sidewalk, i c a k, w h le an iri,hman, who was no respecter of persons, was shovelling dirt into the street. She was in the act of passing, and a spade fill of another eor:h eras cornet; directly towards her olden lid dress and "street bonnet,' when a ynnng man interposed, and received the whole discharge in bis alert bosom. The young lady blushed her gratitude, end the young man immediately cut for a hark etrert.---- Ile ikxrvn some of Sir Walter's eon." fortune. Berke was wrong : tee ago of chivalry has not gone.—N. Y. Minor. I'etri6edMan.--Tire Marina (Ie.) Yoe - man states that not long since, while some men were diggieg in a coal pit, sear the canal, they exhumed the bitty of a man .s a perfect elate of petrifaetroe. From the corduroy cloth in which the legs were ee- easeel, the cords ae.l strain, of which are perfectly defined, it is euppnsed to be the body of one of ilii Irish laborers verged in the eneatreelinn of the vomit. The limbs are nearly perfect, sell are eowp'etely tressfertsed to stone.e-(Rough Notes. their seams ear thew ergemoste are worth Ae American paper .4.,'B" aaa cans aa" mon tilts* ell, 18 the es'rl.Nbg (aft preesnisg. Orators of tape Mood mad [bar jreet any retie to eb eL' .a NUMBER Z:. Vl'L'I.It: LA \1) x.51,1•: .A'ILND- AlENT BILL. . Mr. Reign said, that eousi•lerina the late prrio.l of the seat': et, he was 'anxious i to oerupy as little time a: was consistent a 11 hike boa r..fj W costa a Eris pellet, she p Largest price. Bre{ actual price, /hods) he esteemed tie: jeet. The /)rice ►laoald bo tient to tine ,ctllrtnenl. TrbiBBserefero provides that tlw government may from time to time reeulatu the e. : e er ord.:. that it may be aceornmu.letui to Ow re- quirement of actual settlement, and the In- lere.G, the varying interests, of aettlers.— The: price. Abdul! be ong that wJI sot repel, but encourage settlement. 1l the price hs Melt, the purcha•cr wile J Ks sot settle ss it coo atidrJ to pay it, because the mraey require.' for settlement laic.. is transferred to lee payment; while lite l.idualeiuns pia•-, hating to perform the settlrrneet Julie : has, for that purectee, to abstract eL,! ntieht otherwise be apple," t., the - , • ', gee • - I'he price, 1I..xi,{b it insy not make ,• ,- ., impauiblc, may, meter tee leen', ,, C i purchase will trttleut.rfrt, mit.- it •• ug. The price Jionlcl be . et', ., , bre a pier, but b'oc.t ,,i! ..ii•.• nan to raise•the n•,JfJ•a,,s-,t , , roductis•c eat-th. The pruin-r .r : t , i• niote our agrieulfure, i, to 1. i i .t 1.r • till the ground; •to meltii.ty r...e. fill ei e i : our farmers', an:1•11tereby mein ! t thin eat i -. ral production% of the couuti) lad itterca•.: our elports, and in a corre•peneliae'degr-n our imports; to eueoura,e aryl 311,l313 ai large a clan. a, poeaioho of reler:ul settlers, of apiculture' producers aa 1 incre rant;, consumers; kid thereby enlae,..' mil etre tend our commerce, our iuteru.1 uu,rrure- frieots, and our atwa.tl revenues. It is ler the actual settlement of the. cemitry •1101 r we mot sustain 503 augment our wealth. The revenue we now have of obertt £8J'), - O33, must be traced to its aouree to tits products of the earth, and the cuestas. mines by those who are the producers. Every asst„uncut roll speaks the saw: Laniptne i every tat on the wild Iand of nea-ocespsst ranters bears the sone teatirnoey. It 1t e settlement of the land which is thrtris'ia- urce of your riches; it is the unmake/40i nil which measures our national resources ,applied, and either available, from tieing granted, or lost, as long as uwaed by one: who will neither till nor reasonably II it. But in aidilion to what might be, lied a settlement price, it is desirable to er free grants, though certainly wisnvaed such, l'housauds comity; to onr',Laren ve little money, but have health anJ rength and indrulry ; and these forth a pital. It ought to ou allowed a Gee and sty investment. It is.a capital that pays Targe per cent.; it yields from 23 to 60 J. -It le a living capital, which we find ode:tively invested in faring, in hotime.. J ini all the elertieats of netlonel we-clth, grratnc.is and prasperitt-. It is a capital, the: exe en:littlie of which has made the me country mistime the aspect it now,preseuts; Li • which hu reclaimed the: wilderness, drawl. our t; casures from the vire n soil, and been t. the foundation of all our greattress. What e. it bas done in the past it will do in the ftt- eh tare, Mid more aboit tautly an.' more rapidly n Linde: no eeleiaat and faithful settlement of v.: every fertile region, saved from the waste of to the past, and'coesecrate;l to ties health and s,. strength and iielustty of 'all meritorious em - d_ igrants. Let thein hive the lane is the tee great lines of our highways, gratis as to It itt.tw•y,-bi t well earned by the expenditure ✓ _' of labor rr;.ou ted real aJj,ri•tiuv the lead. ,__ It is, indeed, payment i1 blear. It is alt . . stated in the hill, that tttn.e who pay m that J sway may be proud of their payment, mud O the truly meritorious carreecy in which it hi t made. Snch was the plan adopted iu the d •Calbot settlement by Uro Hon. Col. Talbot, ✓ svlho, like a patriar.•1i, governed and con- t,, summated ibe Colette of Midlle.ct. 'I'bat e hon. and unwearied benefactor of the coon- - try hes left that County as a nanatnneet be - hint him, not may as a m ,nnment to his s own neene'7-, but to the fact th•tt a system . of actual dna coutinoous settler:Lett can be carried on mast "ueces.'fdty, s ttisfacto - 11 aol h ,;limy to all coni :reed. Ile (11r. It.) I was proud of having l.e.:n a'ful!r,t settler. J Ile Ind seen them commence with an axe - on their shoulder, and with thes�pcuelituru of a goal capital of health, strength, and iu- ra .lustry, bring into 6ci,I , as by almost ma- _ Arc, tine Milt mag "rent cnualy on the s continent. The propnseu system is there - fere no viriaaary schema; it has been well tested and proved practicable. it is de- sirable, notwith,tan.ling anm,e difficulties at- ; leaden; it, to, adopt tee credit !1st •tn, and to give suck an extent of credit as will en- cuurage settlers au I facilitate aettlelnellt. 1'pua hest settling is the Bosh, a man needy whatever amorist of capital, generally apeekeng, lin ca, •:ommand. I rpon arriving among ui, the emigrant, necordin; belie Iwmble resources, has to eupedy himself with a slosh of pro,isions, with farming ifn- elerttr:.f•, with cellist and other essentials. Come time before he eau gatLL:r from with au et;•rea'lett n1 Ins views upon the maio pointe in flu mru,urc under cousider- atieu. l'alcr the existing eyatem, nur pob'ie land, as a general ride, was put nit to auction to realize the highest pike in tl e market. rider the proposed system, it was iutinucd to make the first cuneelera- tion, as the general ride, the actual settle- ment of the land whenever fiorted with by the Crown. '!'o sell the public domain as a mere matter of profit, fr un the mere amuuut yielded at an aucti aw, without higher consideraltons, was a furrow, con- tracted, and mischievous view of the sub- ject. The mousy paid by the pu••chaser is soon gone; aur the land remains, ualcas cultivated, still unproductive. lu this coun- try, from the laxity of the system through- out past rears, immense tracts have been accumutated in the hands of absentees auJ speculators. It way be sail 'td represent money in the chest nut put out to interest. It is idle, unproductive capital, instead of yielding silty or a leindreJ fold. Try the question by an extreme case. Suppose all the Ianl in the country sold, and with - so la ut held from improvement in the hope of a un higher value from some expected contio- th se ca on' RS tea at ea ea n fol pr an Kenny. It is plaiu that a wilderness would be iter result. And what is true in such a ease of the whole, country is equally true of just so much uf it as an indefensible po- licy may encourage to pass into the hands of speculatnn, who hold the logit in a state of nature under a calculation that the in- crease of its value at the end of twenty years will yield more than the amount ol- the purchase money put out at interest. It may thus profit the Lo1414. but it ruius the country. It has led- to tine exietencu of large blocks, which are thus abstracted !emu settlerkeut. The re.ereetiun• f;r flee clergy and fur the crown I3•1 operated in the sa' way. The road; sutfera, and they either to he snide turoueh unoecu1,ieJ r glans at the public expense, or by Oct se filers, wlrn, rather than stiffer the evil, b ,tuivcd upon such parts that L'aise • wla ought nal to he abst:acted from their ow dews. '.•lt is fajnrinns to th,ose.wba ha the first:tlafm td coa•idr:atien, aaJ adds their Lur.leus afire retardi lbeirnproi.rc The: whole enure of proceeding hail len .:J to favor the speculator at the expel of the Gana fide cultivator of the soil, i'a1eeltterkJ the earth from the treat p0 pose for which it ba, been made and tri droved with propertien and capabilities, a swcrin•r to the natural wants of men, an respouimg to the command to toll and t dress it. It males a monopoly of ilia properly which was a gift to- mankind, an which governments bold as trnetees fu their good. It prevents, or at best retard- its etar its conversion into homes, titled with th beuatiee of nature and the °Ir•uuots of so tial happiness. it keeps in the state of in dian bunting grounds what the Indian ha surrendered to civilized man for the ape cultural ;imposes of civilized life. it die apl.niuts the just expectslinns of emigrants ! y .uaLlitig to ivied rated to Ltty u, the fir's lucattnus with the pro:i.ect of an increase value, which is due to the inJu,triumi uaan wbo is doomed, to occupy and Improve,in ferior laud br gra elsewhere. It reale the public Jomaiu the haunt, of will ani mal..Yn.teal of Ilse habitation of man. It really aurpei.il g that so indefensible a tirt- Icm thuuld bare prcticafly exists! so long. 'ih,; general gorers,neet of the - United States favors tee policy of settle settlement, though tiny arc not urged to the sante strit-cot rules which suit this coun- try. In the slates, if a settler does ant like; the price as:=c.1 by a land speculator, be ;nes to the pest mill•)a of acres of riot in- tc:ior soil; if ue meets with a ie wt,�{rofi.i r, then her ones 10 another realism of acres lint :raft lavored; and be in try lbws range in his eh.ire from on,• million of acres to anntlw;r lady fur a month, Lid ll.us defy It is rile agaraudi,..nwots of the richest kuru ri c.•ao. Hat ibe fertile regions of Cana.le in the Weal, lb,ueh superlative in co itity, is very Iinutel iu extent; and while it temple tltc nide of capital to malt. inr,•,I- ,ncnlg, tl s -eines, the .M1ltrr within Nr! qt of 11. ,h.duen•'e en he utarke1. 'f', .iia;b 3 lino,, nti.c has this evil gr Awns fl..it Sir. Under, (autihitr wh the, iriini and utterr,ta of Cana,l.i, bitel fly p nenolpnsed iia thee Breed, House of Common., that all unne- ru; ie•l land %bowel lie rem mel by tree (own, paying the owners with debent,ir,., In lar redeemed by the sale an I settlement of the land sr, n •wing!. Tlii, pr, o,ition (right or wrong iia mem iple, i4 immaterial to the pnrnt.) 'haw t di! ette,,t of the evil, anti .lam;, its aauctinn upon the paltry of ac- tual settlement. •fir• late hon. 'Ir. Sulli- van, when cnronIis,iuner of crown lan.l.,en- lertniurd the seine -ease of this great evil, and endeavored to lay lire fomelatinn of a better system, by enlnrcing the perrewte- once "f the settlement in all ease., when it wail the req lith„n unposed 116 any ...ler in coursed, ender Ile prnnity of f.rf •i•ure anti reewry.iion of the lan,A broiled perloJ wax ailowr,J by the or.11•.-r in cnneeil-for Ik land CIaunants is perforin Ili! seltle,neiet tlsrsg% deuce, after which it was open In In»ation Ihoo,h for any one cl.e. This intended corrective, fist lb in some deg.ee, of the present evils frees d • Ile past improvieleoee, has to snnie extent open .1por' canned ant; and it slows how favorably the piss of actual settlement was •rt�nr4.,1. Indeed, from the earliest 1,1111111 el the Protiaee, ..o a late Aerial, teed ;rwnl- ma was alone regutatle.l by the plcaasre and prerogative of Ow crown, and lee eoa- dilinn of menet %et'kstent wag is .rte! ie the emir,,uult,cJ by his labor, rho • ,phi. needed by his farsily. During the carte years of his settlt•meul be has to draw up- oe► his mars; and the his those means are im;w6•,sl by payments, the more can br et- peleieJ npoa his elate add upon the desir- able comforts of his househnbl. Ttteemin- Iry may seem indulgent, bat the cnnntry q 11..' gainer by the extra%inn of the faun, the produce it afTa 3.., and t:ic im,,ort, the fe- linity convenes. lie bevaneo, in a shorter time, a eroitable, tan -;raying, etaetrfut, hap- py inhabitant. I'Iw credit *potent is, is thin country, the best for both parties. 'lie quantity reeeirc.I to he annually cleared is nn ummpnrtant element us the plsn. If trio mach me regnirc'.1, von cause rise settler an cubarravemeut, injnrings both to him std to tho%e interested in hire as s p citizen. His late iaeeit hie dembel apes time, which *rule be otherwise re on his farm. Ire has ogee Wiwi( Ig his settee f. th • Ronda is �M and-m,cr wit n.T ,(, l/i ,K 'leant ie, rsle/m , girls mil, in bail r.str}a,' Fsg eel hwrn hie chop - 1i -I. make salsa brant else at{ws and Isis sa• gar from the two; Ir, lmw b the df•paye,s. 1hM cif ocras,,.sl sick,sevq �.l db weey caNr.l "rh..res,” llle (14r. R.) 1, s% a leiai.e•rw, times etre ter the rce years,andlise Oterwarda,arlt<ht, neral glob, M sap.B►,ig, Amodio* a it point was an s;spllestlna 4a pe tios of the land it•elf, ..r of the pardon* mosey, when so1J, le il.e imp etinotpk 4 IM taweahi, or eosnty is uhirh thio h*, lies. i(lir. B.) nrepertsvillyet, rule.tasee ell Uta hos. tsars far Liiau the to esers.e* SOS 'riot se*y loss hese rte.; *erred ler telltiti e. Not Ow •dii►Nthaw esllVlhtor eree�,�li t ilt>lyl[ w, er the rowing, and Jns.11e ll was to msk. or ',mil, aaht t, and the cwt br, leads tae deeds, but artor'wbwced. -tree tele reeawot wiri Polk (be putties osier it ialifTt been ;list MA the the b1 trlmMlee asmsedl it tler•a hems Alt earridi 'si AJ lase of hoe- Ibie etstNry, ss well es W isturel wealth, harbor% weeld have prr.entrJ a stirs h►erab!e it- settisssow pet; thee it area aim deet is spite of the 400"^” rt. It ii 01117 sifts r isIueseikii s bees d that tis tel the wile to freer apes tie public peaty is