HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-16, Page 1341,1 I F Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHOI4! 11 HISSISALL Products Of Genera! Motors BEST CAR BUYS )141 1 ).011 Gingerich S Sales & Service PHONE 34 /URiCH IR( )01 ):4.1 Another Gingerich Guaranteed VALUE 11 Keivinator 30” Electric Range Save $10.001 Get all these features and more: automatic Oven timer, minute nilnet- et, signal lights, full width storage drawer. LIST PRICE $26S.9S WITH „RADE OVIA EXTRA SPECIAL ON AUSTIN- HEALY SPRITES If You Want A Sports Car, See Usl c I 1962 A60 Austin Sedan IN STOCK No advance in price! GET THE COMBIN that gives you MORE earet2i."4„ John Deere Corn Attachment PROVIDES CORN Cob Mix FOR HIGH MOISTURE CORN FEEDING You get a cracked-kernel corn-cob mix with a percent- age of smaller pieces of cob in the grain tank. ONLY WITH JOHN DEERE I ”, :or rie ••• 4 No paymen for 14 months! S IV; AFTER DOWN PAYMENT, OR TRADE YOU NEED NOT PAY ANY MORE UNTIL THE 1963 HARVEST IS IN See us' 1/4 et 4, pro Special Prices On the John Deere • 45 Combine NEW 42 AND 95 S-P CONiBINES IN STOCK WITH BEAN ATTACHMENT. Huron Tractor AND .EQUIPAAgNT .01X '0146NE :235113 XtTtlt THE SLICK SIGN WRITER Dri Mark. ONLY 39c The Times- Advocate 11 :Properly For ,R001. APARTMENT,. upper,. 3 reoritS, heated, with *4111. stove .And refrigerator supplied, private entrance, .'e t .r a l location; Available Sept,, 1- Apply Russ' Billiards, or phone '45.0477, evenings.. A 1,6tfne 14" TRAILER, at Ipperwash or 'Pinery Park, .A18 a week plus park fees. 'For full information phone 228-69e2, evenings, 16* HOUSE, 4-bedroom, in Grand Head, nl o d e r n convenieoces. throughout, possession early September. Phone ;36r14 Grand Pend, MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, available September 1, Phone 235-0a95, mOning evening. ti;1.6*tfrie • • • •- 2 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, in Exeter, living room and kit- chen downstairs, . 2 bedrooms, a-piece bath with lots of closet space upstairs. Oil heat, One available. September 1 and one October 1. Phone 39r3 leirkten or 235.0906 Exeter. .8;161the COTTAGE, suitable for J or 2 persons, central location, available September 1. IL E, Balkwill, 47 john St, E., phone 235.1076, 1.6c BUNGALOW, modern, 3-bed- room, located west on Hwy. 83, Phone 235-0454. 8:19tfnc APARTMENT, furnished, avail- able September 1. Apply 73 Huron St., phone 235-2620. 16c APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please; available now. Apply 169 Wil- liam .St. or phone 235.0736, evenings. 8; 16*tfrit 19 For Sale or Rent WARTIME HOUSE, in Exeter, 2-bedroom; available Septem. her 1. Phone 235.2827, 9:16* 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES , VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said. Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m, o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may he had at any office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this Ilth day of June, 1962. alURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 7:12.10:4 NOTICE Eden and Bethesda cemeteries in the Township of Usborne have been declared abandoned by the Ontario Department of Health and under the care of the Township Council. The Council proposes to clean, level and reseed the grounds and group the stones for easier maintenance, Any person op- posing or wishing to assist ih the project should contact the undersigned clerk of the muni- cipality, 14, 14. C. STRANG', Herisall. R.R. #1 Ont. 9:16e NOTICE RE: BICYCLE RIDING oN SIDEWALKS Under Consolidated By-taw No. 3, 1923, of the -corporation, the, riding of bicycles on side- walks is prohibited in the ToWn of Exeter. Police have been instructed to enforce these regulatioes and notice is hereby giver) that the bicycles of offenders May be confiscat- ed, Owners else are reminded that all bicycles must carry a 1962 licence whirl) can be put- Chased from the police dep't, C. 11. MacKENZIE Chief of Police 16e NOTICE' finless The party who was seen removing the wheels and fifes from the 1958 Chev Snell Bros, Ltd. lot Stinday night returns them irriniediate. l, action Will he taken. 16c 23 iegel NoliCeS NOTigE TO. -c1R.fDIT.PR, In the Estate of Elizabeth Amy, deceased, Allpersons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Amy, late of the .Town of Ex- eter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who, died on or about the 8th day of March 1962, are retittked to file partioul4rs of same with Bell ,& Laughton, solicitors of :Exeter, Ontario, by the 25th day of August, 1962, After whicb date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those eleims of which notice has been received: $0,1 & Laughton, Soileitors for the Administrator with Will Annexed Exeter, OM, 11:16:23c 24 Tenders Wanted ONTAFn0 GENERAL TRADES FIVE & SIX BAY METAL PATROL GARAGES GRAND BEND, ONTARIO (5 BAY) CLINTON, ONTARIO (6 BAY) SEPARATE SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS properly en- dorsed, on forms supplied by the Department, will be receiv- ed by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3;15 p.m. (EDT) on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1962 for the General Trades work which includes the Mechanical and Electrical Trades in con- nection with the ' construction of a Five Bay Metal Patrol. Garage for the Department of Highways, Ontario, at Grand Bend, Ontario, and also for the Construction of a similar Six Bay Metal Patrol Garage for the Department of Highways, Ontario, Clinton, Ontario, NOTE: Tenderers may quote on one or, both jobs. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, . may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De- partment 'of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (Tele- phone No. 365-1079), and may also be viewed at the Builders Exchange, London and Sarnia, Ontario. A $4,000.00 Bid. Bond and a 100% Performance Bond will be required as specified for each of the above jobs. 'renders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein. A Deposit of $50.00 CASH, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within, thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeit- ed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Parliament Buildings , Toronte, 2, Ontario August 14, 1962, J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario, 16:23c TENDERS WANTED FOR OIL SUPPLY Sealed tenders will be re- ceived until August 31, 1962 by the undersigned for the supply- ing of furnaee and stove -oil fot the Biddulph public schools. CLIFFORD A. ABBOTT, Secretary-Treasurer, RR 1 Lueae, Ont. 25 Auction Sates AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Misc. Items On the fieerilises, Lot 5, COn, 2, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP I mile hotel, of Kirkton, 1 mile east. of 23 Highway. The undersigned auctioneer received inStructiohs to sell by public auction oh SATURDAY, AUGUST 2$ at 1;00 p.m. IMO following: Wine thester. field suite; occasional chairs; 9-pieec walnut dining room suite; mahogany end table; coffee table; 2 antique chairs; hall heat; 2 end tables With book racks, marble lop tom. mode; walnut bed; buffet; 6 dining room 'chairs; rocking 'chair' high chair; library table; gate 'leg toffee table; kitchen cabinet; table and 6 chairs"; White treadle sewing machine; trilight; several table lamps; 36" Giierney 4-burner electric ratige with clock; "Gilson frig, 11..3 en. It,; Beatty washer; 2 sets dinner 'dishes; 'odd dishes, genie antique ; cannistet set; Presto pressure cooker large; electric iron; 2 ironing 'hoards; various kitchen gadgets,' sit- verware; drapes; linens; Van- lets; large oil beater.; clectrie heater; 30 Sap pails and spilet; frame garage on skidS, 1.4';x19% liutitereeS tither R014, In Oise of rain, sale 'will be held Under cover, EMERSO' PATON, Prop. JACK ALEXANDER, Mitt. Wirigham i612,3t 2$ Auction Sales. Clearin9 AUCTION $ALE .Complete Lino of Valuable Household Effects Carpenter- Tools Misc. Items On the premises, 21/2 miles south of Exeter, ilia miles east, on SATURDAY, Sg.IITMC3.413. 3 Watch for .complete list in next week's issue, ROBERT HEATH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 160 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, 'Carpenter Tools and Misc, Items On the premises, 316 Carling St., in the TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 at 1130 p.m. Dining room extension table; 6 leather seat matching chairs; clover leaf top centre table; end, tables; centre tables; mag- azine rack; oak rockers; baby buggy, like new; wicker rock- er; °cash:mai chairs; Sparton refrigerator; Thor electric washer; 4-burner electric stove, like new; Yale medium-size sate, brand new condition; electric clock; aluminum lad- der; settee and chairs; platform rocker; china cabinet; small cupboard; Singer sewing ma- chine; hall mirror; electric radio; glass cupboard; electric lamps; library table; 2 oak bedsteads complete with springs and mattresses; dressers; com- modes; coal-oil lamps; fancy antique lamp; antique clock; kitchen clock; couch; toilet set; card table; record player (like new); large assortment of linens, bedding, quilts, mats, comforters; feather tick; pil- lows; floor covering; silver- ware; fancy glassware and antique dishes; complete din- ner set; silver cream and sugar set; kitchen utensils; 5-gal. antique style whiskey jug; coal and wood range; electric stove; electric washer; gale, tubs; step ladder; Swiss bells; fish- ing equipment; large assort- ment of new and used carpen- ter tools, including chisels, hammers, saws, planes, axes, chains, vises, drills, wrenches, etc., etc.; small picket fencing; quantity of lumber; other misc. items. Thi is an extra large sale. Everything in first class con- dition. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash. ENOCH ROWCLIFFE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9:16c Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Garage Equipment &. Accessories Heavy Duty Towing Truck 1/2 -Ton Ford Pick-up Truck Boats, Motors, Household Effects & Mist, Items 25 Auction Sales „,,.. comgiest .assortmeut ,of water skis, life jackets, .etc., etc- HOUSE11040 EFFECTS; Moffat 4-burner electric stove; small rpegette; 3 wooden ward. robes; Servel dual refrigerator; 8 .counter stools; .Schroller pia net and bench; kitchen chairs; TV aerial; record play- er; stand; rug, 9x9; bed- steads, springs 4,0.(1 mattresses; dressers; commodes; restaur- ant dishes and equipment; double electric grill; ,Sylex cof- fee maker; 3 oil heaters; AS, fOrlInent of doors And windows; MeCaskey safe and filing cabi- net; 2 electric radios; riding breeches and boots; 3 power mowers; many other misc. items. PLEASE NOTE: Due to De- partment of Highway restrie. thins, building wilt have to be vacated. No Reeervee-everything will he sold, Remember sale ,dates—Aug, 22 and Aug, 23. TERMS; Cash, JOHN MANQRE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9:16c TIMELY TIPS Records of farm business ope- rations, along with analysis of these records can pinpoint weak areas that might be robbing you of extra profits, advise eco- nomists with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Rec- ords let you assess your opera-, tion accurately, and pick the right answers to your farm bu- siness problems. When selecting gilts or sows for future breeding, look for a disease free herd ,as well as for well-developed udders, sound teats, long deep sides, full hams, and large size for age, say swine researchers at the Ontario Agrcultural College, Ry ION RAIRBAIRN The Ontario Department of Agriculture has assumed full responsibility for any Previntial rparolg Rragasbiitutnadtieorn thaendApgre)VeeullotPli: moot Act. Agriculture Minister Stewart has indicated the department's active role in. ARDA by an- nouncing that he intends to ap- point a full-time director for the ARDA program in the very near future. Ontario will be the first province to take this step, The ARDA director will co-or- dinate the efforts of all provin- mai government departments concerned with rural develop- ment with those of the federal government. Until recently, provincial pro- grams planned under ARDA had been under the jurisdiction of the Department of Lands and Forests but strong representa- tions by the Ontario Federation of A ,g r c ulture, which has whole-heartedly endorsed the ARDA program, maY have been responsible for this change on policy. An OFA committee un- der the chairmanship of Vice- President A. 14, X. Musgrave recently discussed the role of the federatirei in the ARDA pro- gram with the minister and his deputy, Great emphasis is placed on the importance of local committees of people from rural communities who realize the needs of farm pepole in de- veloping ARDA projects, Stress marketing Recent top level changes in the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture reflect the continued emphasis by the government on farm marketing. This swing from production to marketing was first noticed under former Agriculture Minister Goodfel. low with the APpointment of Everett Biggs as .director of marketing. Mr. Biggs is now 01414' minister under Honour- able Wm, A. Stewart who as Awned the agriculture portfolio In the new. cabinet formed hr Primo AVMs* Robarts. Now two assistant deputy min- isters have been named; B. O, Bennett, former chief of the marketing division, who will be in charge of the administrative detail of the department and W. P. Watson, former chief of the production and extension di- vision, Emphasis on marketing does not indicate any slackening the attention On production prob- lems and deVelopments, Mr. Watson who, incidentally, is a former livestock .commissioner, will assist the deputy minister with the various technical .aer, ices of the department. Former assistant deputy min- ister, T. 11., Hilliard was recent- ly appointed deputy minster of the department of energy re- sources of the Ontario govern- ment, Another new appointment in agriculture is that of C. B. Schneller as director of the in- formation branch, a post that has been vacant since Glen War- low returned to teaching at the OAC last fall. Mr. Schneller is a graduate of the OAC with a Special Prices on Austin 850 Models WHILE THE STOCK LASTS 1960 FALCON TUDOR New tires. 1958 FORD TUDOR, 500 Fairlane Hardtop, radio, automatic, tit-trine, new tires, 1058 CHEVROLET TUDOR Real sharp, radio. 1056 METEOR SEDAN With radio, used by a young fellow for parking only. 1059 VAUXHALL SEDAN OF. 1959 VAUXHALL WAGON Tu-tone. 1955 FORD FA1RLAND SEDAN, radio. .1960 850 MORRIS MINOR 1953 CHEV TUDOR HAD- TOP, real sharp, radio, rear seat speaker, 1052 PLYMOUTH Yott tame the price. SouthEnd Service Russ and tlitytk P11 114:111. tXttElt, mas'ter's degree front -.Cornell who has .SerVed as assistant ag* rICUltUre representative in sett. prat Ontario .counties, Oppose Machinery Act? Last winter, the minister also appointed large committee to study the whole question of farm machinery testing, inspec- tion, parts depots and availabi. lity of spare parts, This is a, large group representing fame tee; manufacturers, distribu- tors, dealers and engineering experts but it has been busy holding hearings and receiving and reviewing briefs, However, no reports — even an interim one is available as yet. Nor is there any indication that the previncial government is eon• sidering bringing in Any kind of legislation regardless of the committee's findings. It is extremely doubtful that a Progressive Conservative gov- ernment in Ontario will follow the lead of a CCF government •• in Saskatchewan, which intro- duced an act some years ago, even though both the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the Farmers' Union have been preseing for legislation, While Mr Stewart is sympathetic to- ward some of the farmers' re• quests, especially concerning the availability of spare parts, opposition to a farm machin- ery act by manufacturers, deal- ers and distributors is well or- ganized And powerful. There 1$ feeling in ,pertain groups that of the farm grouPS ree. ommendations could be ample- mented without the introduction of an act. Furrow orid farrow appom men s stress marketing rile TiMePAdvocate, August 16, 194 Page 13 On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 and THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 Commencing at 1;00 p.m. "52 MACK 3-TON WRECKER equipped with Holmes heavy duty model wrecking equip- ment, in A-1 condition. '69 FORD VA F-100 1/2-TON PICKUP-TRUCK, in A.1 condi- tion. Spark plug cleaner; tire pateher; tubeless tire expand-lee er; vulcanizing unit; portable air pressure tank; various h- dratille and inechaeieal jacks; Hein Werner 11/2 -ton jack; tory portable rotary pump; Atlas battery. tester; Alien Dyna a and 12 volt battery charger; large assortment of fan belle, spark plugs, pc:lints, condensers, coils, fuel and Water pumps; ignition equip- merit; new and used tires, vaV, IOUs sizes; ante lights; wiper `blades; chain hoist; spray gun; trouble cords; auto greasing equipnierit; tools; wrenches; mufflers; battery cables; As. Militant of oils and greases; including full line of garage 'equipment. BOATS, MOTORS & ACCES- SORIES: Johnsott Super Sea Horse 40, brand new also 20, 18, 35, 71/2 and 5 outboard motors; boat traders, various sizes; 12-ft. sail boat; 15-ft. fibreglass boat; Tee Ned 15-ft. molded boat, equipped with 35 it.p. Johnsen meter; marine ac- First Mortgages Other Services : Wills — Agencies — Executors Administrators — Trustee — Agent for Executors — Property Management Guaranteed Investment Certificates 51/2 (Yo Industrial Mortgage( & Trust Company Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE PHONE 235-1863 EXETER Head Office: Sarnia' Offices; Forest and Petrolia