HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-16, Page 123-DAY WEEK ,1: sr permanent position. in EN- pter office, good salary. Apply Box MS, Exeter Advocate. 3:8tfnc 'KIND WOMAN-M.1,19p care for elderly people. Dignified work in pleasant surroundings Five- day week with duly alternate Sundays, Exeter Nursing Home, phone 235.11810 for appointment. ICc . TILINVe rtirnic for general office work: must he under 25, not married. 'typing experience necessary.. Apply DaShwood Planing Mill. 16:23:30c SANDY ELLLIOT'S 444 Main St, S. Dial 235-0585 16c 2 DEEP FREEZE, used, like new; 1 used meal ease, self- contained unit. Phone 224, Grand Bend, 8:16tfnc GUITAR & CASE, Harmony, arch top, like new, Phone 235, 2593, 16c Don't MISS our advance show- log and sale of new Christmas toys, OVee 11$00 'on display, all iii A. all different; complete stock Of huge toy show, orr,) DMOUNT Note: With the new import tariffS, prico of toys Will be op toff, this Christmas. Be *lac', buy 116w. Free Pepsi.tola titk,ett54t CREST FtAR DWAR E Phone 11 1de GOOD 'MUM MUM, 'Used., Apply Tom Fleming, Mt, Car. 14:a3o LUCAN - Large brick home, completely modernized, on cor- ner lot; large modern kitchen and separate dining room; oil heat; garage; reasonably pric, ed with low down payment, EXETER - Brand new ranch type with attached garage. A most practical floor plan with 3 large bedrooms. Look for our sign on Pryde Blvd. EXETER - Newly decorated 2-bedroom house with oil heat; park-like setting overlooking the river. Terms can be ar• ranged, EXETER - New 3-bedroom; priced below replacement cost; large landscaped lot with gar- age; $71 per month after reasonable down payment. 'EXETER - Older home in excellent repair, on corner lot, nestled amongst stately pines and cedar hedge, A real family home at a realistic price. EXETER - 2-bedroom • with oil heat, located one block from centre of town; attached garage and oil heat, COMMERCIAL property on ex- cellent main street corner ; could he converted to almost any use, Owner is anxious to sell and wilt consider good terms to responsible party. WE HAVE FOR. SALE the site of the Towne & Country res- taurant. A terrific location for A motel. Make us an offer, $50 WILL GIVE YOU the deed to a 76' building lot, Small monthly payments on the hal. once, $500 DOWN WILL BUY a 11- bedroom frame house on ad 82' lot. $25 per month on balance. LIGirr LUNCH and variety store. A. man add wife opera. lion which will provide a good income plus living quarters. OUR FARM of the week is 100 acres, south of Crediton; good buildings, lots of water, all workable; reasonable down payment; easy mortgage, JOHN BURKE Lintited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE sitoKER GENERAL INstIRANCE INCLUDING LIFE bEVor,i BUILDIN6 EXETER Phone 235-1863 7;3 tfnc North Entll .13.4,A Service Complete' Rad Service * Tires 4?;k gittetio§ * L'Obritotions X35-91 0 !OR ) SERVICE WITH A tMlit Real Estate , One of Exeter's Finest Residences Brick home and garage, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, recreation room, awning-covered patio, broadloom throughout, welt. located at the corner of Senior and Gidley Streets, EXETER (Riverview Heights) — 3-bedroom home, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. EXETER — 2-bedroom home with full basement and oil furnace, $1,000 down. Full price $5„000, Page 1`2 The Times,Advocate, August 161 1962 13 For Sole 16 .Properly For Sale 16 Properly for .Sole :, .. „......„.. .. -.... -..............,.......„._......„ C U S T 0 M. COMBINING and ,M;ST.EPHgN. 'T.Frr ROOKS, special coin- BOYS' BICYCLE, 26", good BUILDING LOT, 1,67'x178', at FRAME HOUSE, 3-bedro.oM, swathing, 12 ft self-propelled inertial, in very good condition. condition, Apply Roy Dietrich, corner of Nelson and Cerlin.g with bath and oil furnace, new, combine. No calls on Sunday, AUTO wftEcKgR5. Call 235.068$, Not. 21/2 miles west of Crediton, Sts.; reasonable. .ApplyDave Jy decorated throughout, with Harry Knip, RR 1 Clandeboye, north tet mile, on Gnallen Line, boning, 461 Andrew St., Exeter, garage, en main street, Ben, Each Additional Word 3g 3..2 mile north of Moores9v4Itiec, RR 1 cre.dilon GAS RANGE, 4.:berner; may Phone 234-648e. 16* .. ... . ,.— , . . — Financing can. be errenged. 9:16e sail, close to business section, (Alinimum 85e) phone 228-0218. Behind Centralia Airport be used with propane or nettle, — , , O RE S SMAKING, alterations, Used Tires, layshoeels & Tubes .ex al gas, oversized oven with GRAIN THROW.ER, both in- IMUSE, modern brick in Ex- Call 231 Hensall after 6 Inme visual door, eellent condition. side and outside pipes. Inter- eter, 5 rooms and bath,. full Garfield .Broderick, Hensel), and mending. Beth Walker, 223 Phone 48.6362, Centralia, 16* son P.enliale, first farm east basement, Reasonable down Out, Hic Algonquin Dr,, RCAF Station flatteries, Seal Beams of Elimville, phone 25r17 Kirk- payment, with mortgage nal- ' ' ' ' " U paid by :,,iaturclay following ppy. 122 . ACREh FARM, good teed. last insertion. Centralia. Phone 228-67e4. BOOKS„ 1 set special earn- tor. Ir once at 5V, in monthly brick house, barns, Guaranteed ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN 8;16-9:20 P 11.(1NE 228-6214 mercial. Phone 348W1 Hensel'. , - • • - - • • - -- - • • • • •••• tents, Phone 235-2942 or apply wRil "11-80 i ' 1" 14 Wanted To Buy itta Main St, ssiul poplyandin-linsevfearrmfacilailnl gi4wpattierr. 2 1/2 Fee wiemc) by the undersigned for the „. .. - le' ... . . ' .. . . STOP SCOURS -Get Habitane and McCaskey, in excellent 14" in diameter; also good elm, W C P E A R C E REALTOR235;:914 1 86 Anne St. Phone twithnela. Second Insertion Applications will be received 10 livestock For Sale CASH REGISTERS, t :Minimum 55e i 12:00 noon D.S.T„ Wednesday, to 60 lbs. Phone 235.2695, calves and pigs at Middleton's condition. ,Phone 235-1771, soft maple and hard maple 200 acres, .Seaforth, cash crop Parkhill, Lot 12, •ConcesSion 22, eitah$Onaobtle movfnf:rr„ HOLSTEIN HE1FE.RS, Ireali in .0e_‘hsainsegd Viet" ROCK FLIM for timbers, over - • ' ' • - ' , - - above-mentioned position until WEANER :PIG'S, Laetirace, 4.0 COMpouncl, Sour . Tablets for Write Albert Vincent, RR '3. September 5, 1962. Intee Dregs, 359 Main St., Exeter. 16723C bushlots. Les 'Morley, RR 2 or livestock farming Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. 7;26-9:6* Six Insertions 4:5t,fnc Highway 150 acres . . . , 7:5,9:6 Choice 143 acres, some earl. WARTIME HOUSE e- nvo-bed- (Minimum 45c i Langford, phone 227-4314 Lucan. service. Bob Peek, RR 1 Zer- 9:16P ice, phone Hensall 69er2, A ttention clreds, some fifties. Phone rooin, 2c35o,r.2noe3r5, lot, well-kept, Cal Wein 172 'Anne St, W., renovated throughput, Contact 2c Pee meet:, September and October. Orville FILTER QUEEN sales and HAVING PURCHASED Thomas ;Semi-Display Classifieds qualifications. Salary commensurate with 10 PIGS, 6 weeks old August ' 8:31tInc Bean Is\aiellisahnd4 oSpoenrsa tstialg\s' itn iniloiWil,1 in the market for logs and Box 1,24, Iliae lni; Stores,ilijss BDRupolDexEiburci brick house Salesman 12tfnc (Restricted to One Column) Lowest or any application not 14, well started, Mr. William MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30,00 standing timber in this list. • Phone 235-0477 12tIne 140 ACRE FARM 4-bedroom Allen Becker, 234.6230, after 7 Robert Eagleson, Aliso Craig, Growers brick home, all .modern .cou- verdences, good barn and beild• ., First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 necessarily accepted. Bender, Creditors, or call Mrs• truckload, delivered Apply to Second Insertion-Per Inch S1.25 p.m- 16c or phone 232.4450 Nairn. Minimum one teen accepted ' - 3:22tfne C. V, PIC.KA,RD ings, Apply Julien. Verlinde, RR 2 Hensall, on No. 4 High- only in. multiples of .l Melt. way, .9:16:23;30:6113* 9 Services 15 Wanted C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Slain St., Exeter 8:24e 8:16tfne ILADCO WELL DIGGING-Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening, Highway 85, 1 host, Strayed Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan 6:7*tfnc BA 7-468e. MAN'S WALLET, brown, con- SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED tamed several personal (tom Immediate service, always To 6lis", lost Hensall. Reward available. Harold Butler, Lu- offered. Mr. S. Motley, phonee can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7- 212,1, Hensall. 4312 collect. 5:9etfne 3 Male Help Wanted PORTABLE TV, RCA Victor, Labor 19", never used. Phone 310 Hensall. 7:19tfne Saver G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF -CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 735.0963 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Mein Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 Exeter 16e L%eNcAbvt BY ADDERLEY OUR PRE-CHRISTMAS TOY SALE Ends Aug.4 30 S Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN to supply established eitstorners wit li famon:: nationally advertised iv:ill:ins products. No invest- ment, Earnings of $75 and up weekly 'possible. Full or part- time. Write to M Beaurnier, :130 St, Roth Street. Iviontroai IS. Quebec. '97,1t;Z:,30e anti shell corn, We have a truck to help you Hugh 13611111"er bliblin JOHN WARD, b.t,, nut. r or bmiti g rbur st raw, Ilarry CeateS IIII -1 Centralia t 4/.0KKEEPER ploughing yOur wheat land, Clayton Harris Mitchell CHIROPRACTOR AND and sowing the wheat, and fall for fend and building supply ploughing. Solicitors DRUGLESS THERAPIST business. Mackenzie & Raymond Exeter 15 Wellington St.,. atrost APPLY f'F.NTIIALIA PhOile 235-1815 Sokrefary.TreAturbr front PUC FARMER'S SIiPPLY I.,TF) W. VICTOR l<1-111" _ Arthur Fraser Exeter St, MARYS PHONE 1272 DR I Centralia `Centraha t °Maria 11:16e 1.5:23:1011 clIps$ifiesi Rooe0 5 Help Wanted 9 Services 13 For Sole 13 For Salo 212 Words. .86 20c Off tee'',1"-\(etsee'5; Applications must be submit- ted on forms supplied; these forms may he obtained from the undersigned. Classifications LOCAL MAN REQUIRED We offer a much needed service for farmers and town and city dwellers. This is a full time career position, with no lay-offs and slack periods. -You can start now on a full time basis or on an "Earn. while you learn - part time position, which will lead to a full time position in 90 days. Car required. Experience necessary. Act now by writing In Sales Manager, Box 817, London. On- tario. ge; 9: 16: 23c CLASS '"A" MECHANIC and bus driver. Appl . Exnter Coach Lines. Dash. and 9:16c 4 female Help Wanted 'MECHANICS - Licensed Class A mechanie and school bus driver combined, also mechanic required by E\ vier Coach Lines LtinOt-cl and Dash- wood. Motors. Dashwood. tint. Apply in PProllt at Dashv.t)oti, not. t 6:23c We want you to FEEL IT, TASTE IT, SMELL IT. Don't Ivan.: Call us now: MAN, married nr ex. perienced with machinery for beef farm, steady employment for right person. Write or phone James t1ardiner. Eirk- ton, 21r10 161 DRIVEL reliable. for part-time. with ful1-time possi- bilities. Write Box DIM. Exeter Times ,Advocilc. 194' STENOGRAPHER 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3 Male Help Waived 4. Female help Wanted 5 Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services lie Livestock For Saie 11, Poultry For Sale. 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Properly For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20, Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 23. Auction Sales REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE WHY DO WE SELL We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY - approximately two acres of door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, WANTED - Broiler hatching township land at rear of town Kelvinator was the first to radio and rear speaker, wash- make them. Kelvinator is see- eggs, alo flocks to supply us lot. Comfortable 3 -bedroom SALES .A.,ND SERVICE glass, 19,000 miles, immaculate vinator has 5-side cooling. Con- Case Dealers Call hatching eggs on a weekly down, very modern kitchen, ars, whitewall tires, tinted home, 3-piece bath up, toilet and to none in quality.. Kel- SHAMBLAW & GARTENBUR.G with broiler and egg breed condition, Will accept trade, full basement, oil burning fur- TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT denser tubing is built into WOODHAM year round basis. Large prem- Write: Tveedle Chick Hatch- nace, garage and small barn. Land is best of garden soil. ICE MACHINES D. Robbins, 147 Main Si. 9 ,16c exterior walls, dissipates heat Phone Kirkton 130 ]um paid over market price PHONE 224 GRAND BEND carried by refrigerant and pre- 16c cries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, House may be purchased sop- 5:4tfnc 1960 FORD 4-door, 6-cylinder, vents sweating. Kelvinator has 26:9:23:6:20:4c arately. Low taxes. Terms, automatic, radio and other a 5-year warranty and 3-yew COMFORTABLE three-bedroom ALL TYPES of lawn mowers extras, low mileage, in good food spoilage warranty, We sell SPACE HEATER, Duo Therm, sharpened and repaired. Have condition; $1,745 or best offer; more freezers because we give 75,000 BTU, excellent shape. L. 16 Property For Sale home, Exeter North, almost new condition, convenient kit- them sharpened the Electra- will trade on cheaper car, If more value for less money. E. Johnston, 31 Main St., Ex- keen way, perfect cutting ac- interested, available at 121 Large size Kelvinator chest, eter, phone 235-2130. 16* then, modern bathroom, new tion. Rotary blades balanced Wellington Cres., RCAF Cent- only $239.00. oil burning furnace, garage, Di .Shell Highway 21 South. 11/2 TON TRUCK; 1 piek-up $30. Apply Cottage 49, Norman Call IB at We also solicit your business for true operation. Apply John- rata, evenings only. 16" PORTABLE WASHER, Ken- well kept lawn and garden, low ny's Shell Station, Grand Bend, SANDY ELLIOT more, with timer, like new, taxes, moderate price. 5:24.tfne truck; 1 car; in good condition. Heights, north of Turnbull's 1863 afonrceany type of general insur- LNYONE wishing whitewash- oMfr.CeSn triDalei ealstra, 3 miles east Furniture and Appliances 16* Grove, ing or disinfecting barns for 16:23* 444. Main Street DOUBLE-CAR. GARAGE, metal. brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- YORK WEANER and chunk clad, good condition. Priced. son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. pigs, Jim Miller, Woodham, Phone 235-0585 16ne for quick sale. Can be moved, 5:25 *tine Phone Victor Knip, 235-1815 or phone Kirkton 22r9. 16* 1.6;23:30:6c 235-1422, equipment. See us at once for London, BABY'S CRIB, play pen and GOT TV TROUBLES? - ,lust give us a ring, we'll solve 'em fast. "Know how", prompt- ness, reliability and precision, at reasonable rates. Call Snele grove's, 235.0770. 12tfn JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Huron County Library Co-operative, Box 640„ Goderith, Ontario, Vanderhoek's Mobile Feed Service DASHWOOD PHONE NO. 1 26:9:16:23c FOR FARMERS AND FEEDERS For grinding and mixing of your home-grown grains and roughages, we supply fresh black strap mollasses and top quality feed concentrates. We want you to see the quality feed we can make for your livestock with our new OAFFIN MOBILE FEED SERVICE CARPENTRY Kitchen cupboards, rec, rooms, new additions, alterations and repairs of all types to interior and exterior. Agency for Itasca Metal Products. FREE ESTIMATES DOUG TRIEBNER Phone 335-1907 1:19-]0:4c DEAD ANIMAL ReMovAi. For dead or disabled animals, call DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Lucan 227.4716 License No, 175-C-62 18;28:30e FARMERS William Chafe RR 4 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 84 Now the grain harvest is al. NOTARIES PUBLIC most finished and the beans are coming fast we would like E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1. Science Rig ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. to let you know that we have special bran attachments for tklartin Feeney /0 2 D ubli n C ' LAUGHT°N" LLB. our combines lo Assure you Zori411 Office Tuesday 1111, 1 more job. llobert Gardhaer Afternoons Please contact us for corn- Cromarty PHONE 235.0440 EXETER beans, clever, and pia Agents Bruce Refrigeration 2 HEIFERS, registered, dual purpose Shorthorn, one fresh and one due in August. Phone 441;12 Dublin, Filmer ChaPPel, 16c Cromarty. 16:23' 12 Cars, Trucks for Sale 5 CHUNK Thompson, 4687. 1960 ISETTA, model 300, good condition, priced at $250 for quick sale. Phone 235-2807. 1.6* 13 for Sale C, H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon.. Tues., Thurs.. Fri. 9 • 12, 2 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7.9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1496 MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARLES L. 'MACKENZIE B, Comm, LLB. PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. Hensel! Office Open Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 235.2234 EXETER SHERLOCK • MANNING pianos for the modern home are care- fully built from selected ma- terials to a high standard of piano craftsmanship. Choose from 8 models, 3 finishes, Snel- grove's, 235.0770 Exeter. 4:19tfnc Westinghouse automatic wash- er, completely overhauled • $99.00, Kelvinator refrigerator, large size , $59.00. Two used 21" TV sets, top eie• xeeeteeeeeeeieeseeeo.aeeeeieeaeeeees'ee •••• • e•,..,..A••4titeeeteefe;,•4eWeeliee, value at $69.00, • ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient Serviee at ell times. "Servicei That Satisfies" DASHWOOO EXETER Phone 119 Phono 235-0991 OR, H. H. COWEN 'Phone 235-1033 DENTAL SURGEON L,D.S., Main Street Exeter now a new pattern carried IV closed All Day Saturdays us in Dinnerware as well as Forget-Me-not and Fragrance PHONE 235.0233, patterns. WILSON'S JEWELLERY bk. J. W. CORBETT & GIFTS Ile Heed Office - Exeter, Ont. DENTAL SURGEON DireCtort Devon Building Milton McCurdy RR 1. Kirkton Phone 2351083 Exeter President Closed Wednesday Afternoons Timothy B. Tolley Tut Vice-President Lucan Business Directory USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PATIO STONES and concrete PIGS - Murra 37 stabs. Henry Eisenschink, Sim- phone Lucan 227- coe St., phone 235-2562. 1.6e 26:9:16:23* WEDDING GOWN, size 14, lovely white flowered lace over satin, floor-length. $79.95 to $25.00. Seen at Wilson, .Jewel- lery & Gifts. 9:16c VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Phone HU 24131 Brucefield 2:16:30* CHILD'S CRIB and play pen, Phone Kirkton 30r2, 16* BELL & LAIJOHTON McClary Model $35 EXETER Kelvinator Model , , $45 Deluxe Westinghouse 7 Cu, Ft., like new , 585 e Cie EL Westinghouse, Frost- Free, Across-Top Freezer. eXeellerd. condition only 8145 BEAVERS CREST 'HARDWARE MORE DEEP us 1960 CHEVROLET Impala 2- Freeze Chests ?. Well located town house with riot, paying top cash prices. Special priees on good bard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber, Con- We have one left - tact: Gets Saw Mill at Hen- the very popular sail, phone 1; or write eats CASE MODEL 600 COMBINE Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave., 7:26tinc with grain and bean threshing A special deal on this last high chair. Phone 235-2691, 16* machine. Outstanding perform- ance under all conditions in any kind of crops. CREAM SEPARATOR, elec- tric, DeLaval, large size; also ladies' CCM bicycle; both ar- ticles reasonably priced and in new condition. Phone 27r11, Ralph Weber, Dashwood, 16c SEE SANDY FOR SAVINGS IN USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Cabinet model hi-fi, walnut color, two speakers, radio . . $39,00. WE'VE SLASHED PRICES 1 Good Used Refrigerators LUCAN - Lovely 2-bedroom, on quiet street; oil. heating, Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 ROOM-Phone 235-0382. wall-to-wall broadloom: garage; low down payment. W. IL Hodgson Ltd. Real Estate insUr6hce M. GAltER gx5TER 235,2420 Gran Berid Representatives Williartt Co bate Office Phone 47 Reskiericd, 61r3 First .11/iorigives Arranged • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1960 truck and van. Terms, MOBILE FEED MIXER* With established route of over 50 customers. EXETER — General Store, $2,000 down, BUILMNO Lott IN 'DOW tUBbIVISION Listings irtVitecl. $1600 DOWN EXETER, Huron St. East—Erick home, Medroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, new bit furnace, all modern conveniences. 2 lots, Sale Price, $8,000. 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable. The for- mer Sint nt on s Apartments, Sanders St. East, phone 235- 2012, after 6 p.m. 8:9*tinc APARTMENT,. J.-bedroom, on Main St., available August 1, Gould and Jory, phone 235- 0270. 8:16tIne HOUSE, 3-bedroom, between Exeter and RCAF Station Cent- ralia, on paved road, modern conveniences; available Sept. 1, Phone 228-6258. 9:16c HOUSE, modern conveniences, centrally located, possession immediately, Apply Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235- 2.138. 16* 11011SE, 3-bedroom, 2 bath- rooms, in Exeter, 1 block from school, oil heated; immediate possession. Apply Glenn North- colt, Exeter Post Office, or phone 34r8 Dashwood. ler.