HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-16, Page 5••• sisS'sgstie.: ,S• Sr.'s • • Page 5 August 10, 1902 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone S Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 4•4 itlefieftaStfei.V:StSeSsaet*Sgeks-SSS.resktilsgsiSVASISA0eNeersdIseesizsttillteliSsSs..... : EMT YOUR ,HOLIDAY BE WATER WISE! Hess CERTIFIED 'Watchmaker Report on Shipka ''',4"4".•••0•-•,,,•-afemeszt.W$$018V20 Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, Mark and. Brock. Paul, who had been vacationing with Mark and Brock, returned home with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sweit- zer, Jim, Bonnie, Miss Sandra -Sweitzer and Terry attend the Comfort reunion at Selkirk on Sunday. Gary Deitz and Les Coleman of Kippen spent last week with Bill Morenz. David Sanders of Welland is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbein- en. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Wets .Coleman, Agnes, Anne, and George of London were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mor. enz and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweit• zer accompanied by t he i daughter, Mrs. Norm McCal- lum, are visiting this week with relatives in Toronto, Miss Brenda Clarke _is ,yisit- ing this week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Winegarten, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Drum- mond and Miss Lyn Keyes of Toronto visited Monday and Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. John Guenther spent the weekend with his parents, Mn, and Mrs. Carl Guenther. Air. and Mrs, Jim Clarke and family attended the Clarke re- union on Sunday, Mrs. Jack Ratz had as Wed- nesday _luncheon guests Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. Jack Cow- an and Mrss Oliver Gidley of London and Mrs,. Milton Rat,. _ Mrs. George RObinsott, Carol, Chris, and Kathy of London are .visiting with ?Jr, and Mrs, Karl Guenther, Janet and Ka- ren. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hanlon visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ilailtOri and family at Gratiten, CANADIAN NATIONAL CNE NOT OPEN ON SUNDAY EXHIBITION EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACULAR "CANADIANA '62" produced by Jack Arthur—featuring FOUR TREMENDOUS PRODUCTION NUMBERS!OVER FOUR HUNDRED SINGERS, DANCERS AND MUSI- CIANS - , . with world-acclaimed Canadian soprano Teresa Stratas and many internationally famed entertainers, See the sensational Fireworks Finale! WIN A NEW 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 14 FREE CARS, one each night at the Grandstand! Showtime 8:15 p.m.—Aug. 17 tc Sept. 1. THE THREE STOOGES IN THE GRANDSTAND "MATINEE FUN-FEST" Every youngster's favourite TV fun- team will be on stage with world- famous aerialists, clowns and the renowned Hanneford Family of acrobatic riders! Performance 2:30 p.m., Aug. 20 to Sept. 1. WRITE NOW FOR ADVANCETICKET ORDER FORM EXCITEMENT AND THRILLS RUN SKY-HIGH ON THE MILE-LONG MIDWAY! TORONTO OPENING THIS YEAR, THE NEW "BETTER LIVING CENTRE" Explore this new multi-million dollar CNE Building designed on revolutionary free-form lines, containing 210,000 square feet of exhibit space for appliances and home furnishings. VETESCOPE '62 Modern veterinary medicine—its practice, research and importance to human health as explained and demonstrated by Ontario veterinarians. MAGNIFICENT 90-PIECE NORAD BAND of the North American Air Defence Command entertains in free concerts twice daily at the gigantic CNE Bandshell, CNE MARATHON SWIM (OPENING DAY, AUGUST 17th) with $15,000 In .prizes for the world's best distance swimmers! INTERNATIONAL SHOPPERS' MARKET Rare and exotic products from eighteen countries will be displayed and sold. NATIONAL HORSE SHOW features horses and horsemanship of world renown in breath-taking corn petition. Aug. 17 to 23. Matinees Aug. 17, 18 and 21. 4 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXIIIBMON ANNA. Tit smut OF IV sum *We . , - ovttotilikti St: MARMALADE Aylmer Brand 10-ounce TOMATO SOUP Super Save S-ounce jar INSTANT COFFEE York Brand 16-00ine ice.box jar WW1. BUTTER 24-0z; tiNs 35c 45c 69c 39 SHOP AL'S FRESH Side Pork 451 Ring Bologna 39•Fb Pork Chops '65, Stewing Beef 5456 HEN ALL Attend funeral Mr. and .Mrs, Albert Alexan- der attended the funeral of their sister-in.law, the late Mrs, Charles C. Alexander of Inwood Drive, Brantford, on Wednesday last. Mrs, Alexan- der was horn in Prince Edward County, the former Mary Jean Scarfs, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Abram Seeds, She was a member of Sycl. enham United Church, a life member of the WMS, former 'member of Brantford TOPE' and member of the Golf and Country Club. Her late husband, Dr. Charles Cleland Alexander, died in 1943, Funeral services were held from Beckett Funeral Home, Brantford, with interment in Farringdon Burial Ground. Home 'Ect WI topic By MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Mrs. Russell Worden was hostess for the home economics and health meeting of the Staf- fa Women's institute when Mrs. Gerald Agar read an in- tereating paper on hepatitus and Mrs, Tom Laing read "Pantry Shelf." Roll call was answered by a recipe using a dairy product. Mrs, Wilbur Glanville chose homemaking as her topic and Mrs. John Templeman gave a five-minute talk on the histo- rical background of the Mari- times. Mrs. Wilbur Glanville presided for the program, Mrs. Russell Worden, con- ducted the business and final plans were made for the com- munity picnic to be held in Seaforth park on Wednesday, August 29. Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. John Wallace were asked to remain as leaders for the fall project for the 4-H girls, Members were reminded that the training school for the 4-1-I leaders and the local leaders would he Sept 6 and 7 in Mit- chell. The meeting closed with an auction sale with Mrs. Roy Mc- Donald as auctioneer, Personal items Teresa Miller and five-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller broke her leg last week and is a patient in St, Joseph's hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Barr, To- ronto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Worden and family and other friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid McNi. col and Mr. George Miller, London, visited on Wednesday with Miss Margaret and James Miller. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family, Brampton holi- dayed for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Nor- ris. Mrs. Ernest Templeman spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, Cromarty. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chabonik, Linda and Sheila of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh, Jackie and Joan, Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Longman Of Londsborough. At time of writing Mr. Sam Norris is a patient in Seaforth General Hotpital, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Solo- mon, Rebecca, David and Eli, zabeth of Shelbyville, Indiana, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family, Mr. Ralph Millet, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Miller, Debra and David, Kalamazoo, Michigan, visited With rela lives in the community last Weekend. Sunday evening visitors with Mt, and Mrs, Russell Miller and family were Mr. and Alts, Russell Munro, Hanover. ttliArm-k,tmemti6g..wk&sr.vbotat, Message from Blake By MISS EMMA FINLAY ..,...;ssisgfeatette Personal items Miss Evelyn Ducharine and Mr, Peter Jeffrey spent a week's holiday at Midland, Mr, and Mrs. Guss Clarke And Teddy ofOttawa visited with Mr. William Clarke of Blake. Misses Margaret and Emma „lane Finlay visited Tuesday evening with Misses Doreen, Phyllis a a d Marjorie Du- charme, Mr, Lloyd McBride and Da- yid. of Windsor spent the Week- en d at their farm on the town line. Mr, William Londsborough of thnton visited 'Monday AAR) Mr. Harold Finlay, JIM,• Mar. garet'And EmMa ;lane. Mrs, John McBride and baby daughter have returned twine item Clinton Hospital. Miss Margaret Finlay has re. ttlrned home after Spending two weeks holidays With her sister and brother-in-1a% Mr. and Alit. Ilareid Hendrick and Biggar reunion held at Pinery The Biggar reunion was held at the Hesshaven cottage at the Pinery over the weekend with 70 members of the elan from Biggar, Sask,, Watford, Strath. roy, Sarnia, Forest, Gait, Ham- ilton, London, Baden, and lien- sail attending, Prize for the eldest present went to Mr, John Hoist of Ba- den; youngest, three weeks old granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, .Bill Doan, Forest; family com- ing the farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs. West, Hamilton. Mrs. Wm. Zimick of Sarnia and Mrs, George Hess of Hen- tall conducted a program of sports. It was voted to hold the 1963 reunion at the Hesshaven Cot- tage, Sports committee ap- pointed for 1963 were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark, Mr, and Mrs. Dewar, London, Ses-SgMeff Comments about Cromarty By MRS. KEN McKELLAR ,YKOAMMOUNOMMOVAWSWWOMW Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Knechtel and Mr, Henry Eggert of Rostock and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moorehead, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diechert and baby daugh- ter, Clinton, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Coleman. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hocking of Harriston were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Hocking. Miss Joan Kicks of London is holidaying with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Gordon Dow. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and fam- ily were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Givens of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and daughter Shirley of Stratford. Shirley is visiting this week with Brenda Kerslake, Mrs, E. Moore is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and family near Lindsay. Gary and Allan Sararas spent a few holidays with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Roy McDonald, Staffa. Severe,' members of the Chappel connection from this area attended a family gather- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Chappel, Kirk- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family, Goderich. Miss Catharine Scott of Go- derich is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Debbie Wallace. Miss Joyce Kerslake visited for a few days with Miss Elaine Ross. Mr. A. 1, Dow has returned home from Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Geth- k.e and Warren of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John 'McLeod, Debbie and Mary Lou of Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips and John of London were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Erle Dow, Mrs. Millie Klea of Sarnia spent a week with her niece, Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mr, Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Burn- ell Wilker, Brenda and Barrie, of Sarnia visited at the Gar- diner home on Friday and Mrs. Elea rotudned home with them. Mr. and Mrs, Watson Gar- bett of Mitchell have returned home after spending the past Week with Mrs. Gordon Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and son Jim of Stratford called on several Cromarty friends on Sunday. Mr, Norman Hat•burn is a pa- tient in Stratford General Hos- pital, having undergone sur- gery on his eye, Gordon Davies of London is holidaying With his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Calder Mc- Xaig, Your library — Continued from page 4 power from it is scheduled for 1965. From ah elevated platform an official 'explained the purpose el the various buildings tinder construction and the'process by which nuclear power is pro- duced, Needless to Say Much of it was beyond our understand- ing but we found a book "Ato- mic Science, Bombs and Power" inyour library which is the story of the atom and the peacettil uses of atomic energy, in the preface the author, David Diet, writes "in this book I have sought to tell what atomic _energy is and what it Meant for the future of eivill- %OW, Mankind it' laced today with the choied between utter destruction and the Most gle- rietis era in the history of the World. The right decisions tan be made by an infOtmed ruth• lie, My AIM has been to fur nish the reader With a unified and orgardiecl picture of MO mie energy." We found' this Wet-back book very readable and inter, Kinette executive. meet The ,Hensall .Kinettes held an executive meeting at the home Of Mrs, William . Clement. The books were turned over to the new executive with Mrs, John Heal, the in-coming president, taking charge of the Meeting, fleshless for the coming year was discussed, and committees were formed, The budget was also set for the year 1962.63. steSsletteeisseanteektaResalS1s2gestei Comments about Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG Personal items Mrs. W. L, Mellis visited Mon- day with her mother, Mrs. John Gibson and other relatives in Wroxeter. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McBride visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie of. Wing- ham, Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Jones and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jones and family of. St, Thomas. Mr, and. Mrs. Parker Lee, Miss Agnes Harvey and Miss Della Harvey of Regina, Sask., motored to Ontario and visited their cousins, Nelson. Hood and Mrs, Eleanor McKenzie of Brucefield, Visitors during the week with Mrs. Dowson included Mrs. J. Deitweiller of Kitchener, .M.3% and 'Mrs. Wm. Franks and Mr. George Franks of London. Miss Ella. Wright, Guelph, and Mr. Lloyd Dowson, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries- tap of near Mitchell visited the latter's lather, Mr. Robert Thomson, during last week, Miss Eleanor Fisher and nephew of Winnipeg, Man,, who have been visiting friends and relatives, returned home on Friday. Mr. and Airs. Andy Verja- lainen and family of Toronto visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. Par- sons of Thamesford visited on Sunday with their parents. eating even though we are not science-minded. The Man 1-Weihset, We have Mentioned before about the series of "Canadian Portraits" that is currently be- ing written With the thought that the story of a country is best read in the lives of its pee- pie. One of the Mere Iteetiii. in qizi. series' is "The Mari Hunters" in which the reader is intro, dtteed to anthrOptilogy thrOtigh the lives Of three anthrepole. gists: 1)111 MM antiess, this /Iarbeau and William Wins thinberg. All three of these men, have contributed much to lint' knowledge of the Canadian Indian and the EskimO. The Writer, Nansi Swayie, stn. died anthropology at. the Uni' versity of Toronto and is tieing fled work iii. New Guinea, Mrs. 'theta Charles was vis. ited on Saturday by her (Nigh' tens and husbands from London and New York, Mn, and. Mrs. Chris Aasen, and youngest son, Garth, Regi- na, Sask., Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Ereller and son Kelvin, Mrs. Alice Brown, Edmonton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. Aasen is the youngest Sister of Mrs, Hess and Mr, Kreller, a native of Varney, s Mrs, Hess' cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold :Hedden and family of Dresden visited over the weekend with Mr, Herb Hedden, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon White- man and Beverly are spending this week with relatives in Ot- tawa. Miss Sharon Riley, London, is holidaying this week with Miss Ann Mickle, Mr. Wm. Smale, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cousins and Danny, and Terry Glover, London, spent the weekend at Stokes Bay, Mr, and Mrs. Sim Roobol are vacationing this week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don Dodds, Seaforth, Christine Cousins, London, is spending a week with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sm ale, Mrs, Sarah Glazier is visiting with her sister Mrs. Pollard at Klnburn, for a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann visited on Sunday with their cousin Mrs, Evelyn Tol- son and her sister, Miss Beck- ton, of London, Miss Joan Hopkinson, who has been visiting with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Cook, has returned to her home in. Lion's Head, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann, have returned after vacationing for three weeks up north as far as Hearst. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClin- chey of Clinton are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Eyre at Eckford Camp near Restoule. Mrs. Guy Bedard, Brockville, spent a weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell and accompanied her parents on their holidays for a week, Carolyn Cook, Linda Keys, Beth Cook, and Arlene Chip- chase are attending the United Church Girls Summer Camp, north of Goderich, this week, Mr. George Hess is a patient in St, Toseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mrs. Verna Twitchell returned home Saturday from a month's visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Davidson and family, Fort Colborne: and also visited with her son and daughter-in-law, Alr, and Mrs, Murney Twitch- ell, London, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann spent the hol- iday weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Eyre at Eck- ford Camp, near Restoule. Mr, and Airs. Marshal] Gil- more and family, Dundas, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Streder and family, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McEwen, Catherine and Mal- colm, at their summer cottage at St, Joseph's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell lied- den and family, St. Catharines, are spending a week holidaying with Herb Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Pauline and Ann returned home from a three-week vaca- tion at Burks Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man spent the weekend visit• ing with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren. Rod Chapman ac- companied them home follow- ing a week's vacation in To. ronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, in company with M. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor, Varna, spent the weekend at Sauble Beach. Mrs. Gorden Vickers and family of Newmarket are boll. (laying with the former's sis- ters, Mrs. Bert Horton and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, at Behade View, Lake Huron. Miss Phyllis Dougall of To- ronto spent the weekend with her father, Mr. W. R. Dougall, and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and sons, Mr, Earl Bell of Toronto visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Glenn E, Bell. Misses Marion and Sandra Schroeder, Ken Schroeder and Wayne Corbett spent a few clays last week with their grandmother, Mrs, Edna Cor- bett, and aunt, Mrs, Harold Parker, at Grand Bend, Rev, Ross MacDonald con- ducted service in Carmel Pres- byterian church on Sunday. Mrs. William Brown was solo- ist and Miss Carol Brown pre- sided at the organ, Mr. and Mrs, Asa Deeves left on Sunday for a three weeks' vacation to Western Canada. Miss Geraldine Parker, Lon- don, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Parker. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mousseau and. Mrs. Luella Willert, re- turned home Monday evening from a two weeks trip through Algonquin Park, Ottawa, around by Peterborough and then home. In the trip, which they covered by motor, they travel- led over 1,500 miles. Miss Bernice Dilling, and Miss Wilma Coates, have en- joyed a vacation in Washing- ton, D.C., Pittsburg, Pa„ and Cleveland, Ohio. While in Wash- ington they toured the White House, visited the Capitol and saw the senate in session, Mr. and Mrs, Asa Deeves left Sunday for a three weeks vaca- tion to the western provinces. The Misses Amy and Greta Lammie, Miss Kathryn Sells, London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie are vacationing for a week at Lake Joseph Holiday Centre, near Parry Sound for a week. Mss Jarvis Peacock, who has been holidaying for five weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Grace Harpole, returned to her home at Ottawa, accompanied by her grandmother who will spend two weeks v a cation there, • TINTING • SETTING • STYLING Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6 Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9 WE FEATURE School Girl Perms—$6.00 Regular $8.50 Be-N-Jay BEAUTY SALON MOVED to new location, 2 doors east of Bank of Montreal Personal items Janice Morley, Carol John son, Jackie and Joanne Fink- betner, Hillary and Jennifer At• wood are attending camp at Minehaha this week. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Pole, Sharon and Donald of Chatham were Sunday guests with Mn, and Mrs. Norman liodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. .Simpson and Mrs. Eva McNaughton, Lon- don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Baillie, Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Pullman, Roy and Ronnie attended a fam- ily gathering at the home of Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter, on Sunday honoring the 81st birthday of Mr. Menzer Her- bert, Miss Avis Ilipidgins. visited her friend, Miss Donna Cowley, St. Thomas, on. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melville ,Gun- ring and Muriel, Mr. Wilfred Herbert, Mr. ,and Mrs. Bert. Duffield and Mrs,. Wynne called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of. Belmont on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Smith, who was a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, for nine weeks, returned to her borne on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. french and family and Mrs. Cora Mor- ley visited on Sunday at Chisel- burst with. Mr. and Mrs, Rus- sell Brock, and Mrs. Garrett Veneto and family, Strathroy, visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson. Mr. E. Ferguson has sold his farm to Mr, F, Litoborski, Lon- don. Possession is to be given October 1. Mr. Frank Gunning, Exeter,. is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. "Milne Pullen. Well known for Quality Watch, Clock, ,Jewellery, Electric Shaver & Spectacle Repairing. Established 191.a Albert Hess JEWELLER & OPTICIAN ZURICH Hensall personals IM1.917,2110= Topics from The New Styles Whalen MRS. FRANK SQUIRE