HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-09, Page 16• • 7.11r. •, eeeeereee"eee
fugal 14 August 9 1902
cerreependentt Miss Line Abbptt Phone 227-425S
and district news
Area .doctor
war veteran
Dr. Frederick Stanley Kipp,
63, died suddenly at his Crranton
residence, Tuesday. July 31, He
had been a patient in Si, Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, for
sonic time but was Able, to re-
turn home where he died sud-
lie Was a well known .doctor
not only in (-Iranian but in Le-
w and vicinity.
He was a veteran of World
War I and a 1925 graduate lot
the University of wg.stern,
Re is survived by his wife,
the former Sarah Carolina HO-
bard, two WS, William Kipp
of London, and Dr, Paul lfipp
of Detroit, five grandchildren
and one brother, Howard Kipp
of Peinedoo, Ontario.
A private funeral .service} was
held' Friday, August 3 at ,his
late office, Granton, by Rev,
J, Moines with interment in
Beechwood cemetery, Forest. A
Masonic service under the eus-
pices of Grenton Lodge 403
AF AM was held Wednesday
evening, Funeral arrangements
were in charge of C. Haskeet
ante Son, Lucan,
Pallbearers were Allan, Rob-
ert and Howard Kipp jr., Bruce,
Grant, David and James Ander-
Lucan post office
An outdoor stamp machine
has been installed at Lucan's
new post office which, no
doubt, will be of great conveni-
ence to Lueanites. The building
itself is being painted but no
date has, as yet, been set for
the official opening,
Men fight wheat field fire
Last Friday when four com-
bines were cutting a 150-acre
field of wheat for Mr. Clarence
Hardy on the Roman Line a
spark from one of the trucks
set fire to the field.
When it was thought the fire
was getting out of control, the
Lucan Fire Dep't was called
but by the time it arrived the
men bad managed to beat out
the fire with bags. Some of
the fighters lost some hair and
eyebrows but no one was seri-
ously burned. With a large bar-
ley .and bean crop near by it
could have been a serious fire.
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more than 200 scientists and technicians are
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—and to develop new ones. Their research covers
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Another 130 scientists and technicians are work-,
ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways
to find and produce more Canadian crude oil
and natural gas. Imperial does more research than
all other oil companies in Canada combined.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Leeks of
Detroit were Monday visitors
with Mr, Wm, Amos.
Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Gagnon Sunday with have moved to con. 5 Biddulph Mi. andMis. Joe
into the farm home vacated by
Mrs. Delores Munn and family, Mr' and Sir s Toni
who are now liv i ng on Hie,- and Mr. Marty Butler,
way 2g. ton, called on relatives
Sunday guests with Rev. and village last week.
Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster included, Mr. and Airs. Frank R
Mr, and Mrs, Don Ruggles of and daughter, of Detroit, th New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bliadlal y with Mr. and
Earl Staley of Chicago, Mr.
and Mrs. George Thorne and Henry Hays,
of. London, Miss Eva Lan- California, is
caster of St. Marys and Mr. of weeks with
and Mrs. Jack Palmer and Laura Glavin.
family of Woodstock,
'Miss Marilyn Brownlee is
holidaying at the cottage of
Archdeacon and Mrs. C. J.
Queen and family at Kincard-
Jane Corbett, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbett
and Carol Haskett, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haskett,
have returned from a holiday at
the cottage of the latter's grand.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Take at Ipperwash.
Mr. Terrence Culbert, now of
London, is holdaying on Mani-
toulin Island.
Friday guests with Mr, and
Mrs, Clayton Abbott were, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Brock and
family a Thorndale and Suna
day guests were Rev, arid Mrs,.
Ronald Hall and son of Lore,
don, Mr, and Mrs. ,Jack Medi-,
ga of St. Thomas, Air, and Mrs,
Gordon T011esson of Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Mugford of
RR 1 Lucan, and Miss Lorraine
Graham, Paul Graham and
John Armitage of Lucan,
Sir, and Airs, Chas, Windsor
have returned front a motor
trip to Cass City, .Mich„ where
they were guests of Mrs. Ralph
Laney and family.
Mrs. Clarence Lewis spent
last .week in Sarnia with her
daughter, Mrs. Maurice Camp-
bell, white Mr. Campbell was
taking a suinmer course in Tor-
mite. While there Atte. Lewis
amid Mrs. Campbell took a trip
through Northern Michigan,
The Medway Euchre Club
menihers finished their season
with a two meat picnic at the
McComb cottage at Ipperwash,
July 29.
Mt. and Aire, .Tack Darling
have returned front a vacation
(rip, et . Kagawong, Manitoulin,
where they were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Montgomery
(of Lunn), On the wAy home
they tailed on Mr,_ and Mee.
Bob Hyatt of Little Current,
Sir, and Mrs. Ernest Rennedy
and granddaughter Debra, spent
last week_ at their summer tot,
lege atoColpoy Bay.
Mrs. Margaret Madgett of To-
ronto, Mr, jade Cunningham of
Vancouver and Miss Kay Car-
toll of Ottawa were Sunday eve,,
:Ong guests of their cousin, Sirs,
Clarence Lewis and Mr. Lewis,
Personal items
Aer, and Mrs. Thomas. Keogh,
of eititton, visited with Air, and
tars, Vitt Sullivan tar. Ma Sun,
aura, Joe Carey and family, of
11 amoidown, „Mr, and Mrs, Pat
Sullivan, and Jane, Mr, .terOine
Ziegler and fatuity of Waltier-
ton Helen Sullivan
„teN at oareie spent .eunday with
Mr. and Sirs, ,Vat ,1411.4v.an hr.
A'ir'. Vincent Ryan returned
home from Victoria Hospital last
Mr, arid Mrs. Ronald McCoy-,
inie4, at Detroit, called on Air,
tout Mrs, Charles Glavin and
other friends in the village.
Mrs. Pat Fleming has return-
ed home from visiting her datmgh
ter .ana Runde for the pest two
weeks hi Greenock,
Miss Margaret flaps and
filmed, of London, visited Air.
and Airs, Paul Ragas and Ron-
ald last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Leo O'Reilly
spent last Tuesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr.
Airs, Rita Metoche and family
ante Air. Donald Masse of Wind-
sor visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Hubert Carey and Sties Alarg-
eret Carey .returned home to
Windsor fo e a f ew holid a y s,
Mrs. Mary Regan has returned
to her home atter
with at Grand Bend with her son,
Joe and Mrs. Ryan and family
of Toronto.
Rev, Fr. Kelly left fox Florida
on a two-week vacation.
Mr. and Sirs, Joe Hogan,
newly-weds, spent Sunday at
the former's home with Mr, and
Mrs. Wilfred Hogan.
air. Joseph McCann, who is
a patient in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, is improving after
a serious fail.
Mrs, Gerard McCarthy and
children, of Maidstone, are vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. Mike
Ryan Sr. and her relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Dignan,
of London, spent the holiday
weekend with Miss Bernice
Mrs. Norman Ryan and
George visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Fox and family
of RCAF Centralia air station.
Mr. and. Mrs. Danny Enwright
and family, of London, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carey
and Valerie, of Exeter, visited
a couple
in, Mrs.
of H.amil-
in the
of. San
her cous-
Co-op foresees
medical centre
Lucan's. clerk, Mrs. Irving
Gibson, who is also secretary of
the WI group of the Middlesex
Co-ops, :attended the 15th annual
meeting last Monday evening
in the administration budding,
Queen's Park, I Mon. She was
accompanied be Mrs. Warner
McKoberte, Mrs, Erwin Scott
and Mrs. Harold Corbett.
Edward Schofield, secretary
of the Medical. Co-operative
Services of Ontario, was the
guest speaker, speaking to some
225 members, He claimed in the
near future medical co-opera-
tives will have their own build-
ings, doctor's and treatment cen-
tres, where a person can be
treated for anything from the
common cold to major heart
Three directors -were re-elect-
ed for a three-year term—Mrs,
George Byeraft, RR 2 Merton,
Mrs. Andrew Elliott, RR 7 Lon-
don, and Wilbert Stanley, RR 2
The financial statement show-
ed a net profit of $5,505.
At the August 5 service the
Rev. E. G. Lancaster. who has
returned from a month's vaca-
tion, took the service taking as
his text "How many loaves
have ye?" Mr, Lancaster stress-
ed that all should give back to
God as God has blessed them.
Mrs. Lancaster presided at the
organ in the absence of the
With the pastor, Rev. G. W.
$ach, on vacation, the Rev. E.
Cook, retired Lucan and
Clandeboye pastor, took serv-
ices July 29 and August 5.
The YPU are having a paper
drive Saturday, August 11.
The annual Pentecostal. Con-
ference was held at Arthur July
SO-31 followed by camp meeting
all week. ?radically every
member of the Lucan church
attended either the conference
or camp meetings or both last
At last Sunday's 7 p.m. serv-
ice four musical members of
the Firminger family from Wil-
lowdale assisted in the service,
The congregation enjoyed their
Music so much that an invitation
was extended to return and sing
again in September.
Grant McTavish
Takes over
alleys here
Grant :McTavish of New Ham-
burg, who has taken over the
Lucan Lanes Bowling Alley,
has been making extensive in-
side alterations and renova-
Last Saturday evening he held
his official opening, with free
two-game bowling and pop for
a large crowd,
The following local bays as-
sisted two pin setters from New
Hamburg: David Lippert, Bill
Anderson, Philip Lewis, Steve
Davis, Bob Hickson and Stanley
Mr. McTavish, a native of
Shakespeare (who spent some
months with his grandmother,
the late Mrs. J. W, Taylor of
Exeter) has had considerable
bowling experience. After farm-
ing for some years near Shake-
speare, he opened in 1956 a four-
lane alley with three pool tables
and apartment in Shakespeare,
Four years later in 1960, he
opened an eight-lane alley and
lunch rooms, 7 miles east, at
New Hamburg.
At present he is staying at his
cottage at Bayfield and will
motor back and forth for the
summer, In the winter he will
board in Luean. He has left Mr.
Leo Noel in charge of the New
Hamburg alley,
Mrs. G. A. Moore and family
of Fa. Dover and Mrs, Alex Col-
vin and family of Windsor,
have returned home after va-
cationing with Mr. and Mrs. Le
F. Stanley.
Elect officers
for teen town
At a meeting in the Commie
pity Centre last Wednesday
evening officers were elected
for Sr. Teen-town.
President is Mary ?gathers;
secrete ry-treasurer„foa n te-
head executive, Nancy Kestle,
Sharon Blake, Judy S c o
Gayle Hickson, Art ('obleigh and
John McNamee.
The first dance will be Aug-
List 10.
Metropolitan Church, London,
was the setting for a 7,30 p.m.
candlelight wedding Saturday,
August 4 when the Rev. George
(loth united in wedlock Patricia
Taylor and Stephen Taylor (no
relation) of London, Their only
attendants were the bride's aunt
and uncle. Mr. and Airs, Robert
Jenkins. of Lucan,
Meadd,Corbett reunion
On Sunday, July 29, over 70
members of the Meadd-Corbett
family held their annual get-
together, at the farm home of
Mr, and Sirs. Harold Corbett,
Guests were present from
Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, Seabech
iWashington) mt. Brydge s,
Point Edward, Arkona, Clif-
ford, Toronto, Teeswater, St.
Catharines, London, and Lu-
Erect cenotaph
at Legion Hall
A committee of the Lucan
Legion, headed by Mr. W. J.
Smith, has begun work on the
erection of an 8-foot cenotaph
to be placed near the Legion
Hall. Three steps will lead up
to a large cement base, with cut
stone wall. The firm of T, Pryde
& Son of Exeter will build the
Canadian red granite cenotaph
and engrave the Legion crest
and the words "Lest We Forget"
and have completed for the
November 11 service.
Already, one Legion member
and one non-member have made
liberal donations, while others
are giving their work, gratis.
Miss Si, Merle Law of Lon-
don, sister of Mrs. Murray
Hodgins of Lucan, has been re-
elected international secretary
of the National Secretaries As-
sociation at its 17th annual
convention held at the Palmer
House, Chicago.
Mrs. T. Catt of Stratford, the
former Noreen Ornie of Lucan,
called on Lucan friends last
Mr. and Mrs, Harold .Cotirsey
and Mrs. J, R. Murray and Mr.
Bob Murray were last Sunday
guests at the Bert Zurbrigg cot-
tage near Grand Bend.
Prior to her moving, with her
three boys from Butler St., Lu-
can, to Kitchener, to join her
husband, Mrs, Howard Kew,
Was presented with some per-
sonal gifts from her Lucan
friends last Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Cochran
and tan have returned home to
Brock, Sask., after spending a
few days with Air. and Mrs.
Maurice MacDonald,
Mrs, Alex McFarlane has re-
turned home from a three week.
vacation at Rockwood, Shel-
bourne and Riverview.
. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Jenkins
brought the latter's sister, Mrs,
Glen Burk and family to Lucan
last Friday and took them back
to Toronto on Monday.
Mr. and Mee. Stewart Park
and Billie of Pctrolia were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and .Mrs.
Murray Hodgins, bringing Ward
home alter a weere vacation
in eeettolia.
Members of the Lunn cG1T
and their leader, ,saw the pie,
tore "The King of Kings" at the
Lyric Theatre, Exeter, last
Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Brownlee
sheet the holiday weekeed a in
Ottawa with their son, Win.
Brownlee and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Pentland Book
of Grimsby were 'w c e k e n d
guests of. Mr. .and Sirs, Glen
Me, I), A. Asliworth, who at-.
enmpareed his daughter end
son-in-laws, Itev, and Mrs.. E. C.
Attwell of Carrie on. a motor
trip to B.C., arrived home last
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Cente-
Ion of Victoria, arrived
in Lucan by motor on Friday
and eel spend a few weeks here
with the Thinner's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Centelon iif
Main St. south,
Mr. Harvey Hodgins of Alice
St., who has been 'a patient in
St. Joseph's hospital for some
time, underwent surgery last
Following the fa.ylot-Tayiot
wedding in London on Saturday
Sir, and Mrs. Robert Jenkins
had ae over-night guests, Sirs,
John Blackwood, Mies Glenda.
BlaeleiVood and friend Mr, Alan
leiciltisen, all of Don Mills,
Stratford church
scene of-nuptials
ay MRS. 4, H. .1ATc4N.
In a double ring ceremony
Veneta. Aileen Rich! became die
brio of Kenneth Charles Brad-
ley, with the pastor, the Rev.
Philip Ifeiss officiating Ott Sat-
urday, July 28 at 3 p.m. in St,
Peter's Lutheran. Chureli, Strat-
ford, The ,chancel of the church
was decorated with pink and
white snapdragon and white
The bride is the daughter of etre, Harvey ee-, m eld, st ea l•
ford, and the late, Mrs. Riehl,
Mrs. lived for some time
with Mr, and. Mrs, J. 11, Paton
and is a niece of theirs, The
groom is the son of Mrs.
Charles E. Bradley, .$1. Si arys,
end the late Sir, Bradley.
Given In marriage by her
uncle, Wilfred II, Logan, Thorn-
dale, the bride chose a floor,
length gown of silk organza
styled with a bodice of Chan-
tilly lace, lily point sleeves,
scalloped sabrina neckline ac-
cented with iridescent sequins,
The bouffant skirt swept to a
brush train, A crown of pearls
and tear drops held her circular
lace-edged veil. She carried a
crescent bouquet of pink and
white carnations and stephano-
Mrs. Gary Ablard, Stratford,
was matron of honor in pink
organza complimented by a
matching lace jacket, white
petal short veil headdress and
crescent of yellow shasta dais-
ies, Miss Donna Jean Bradley,
St. Marys, sister of the groom,
and Mrs, Keith Savite, Strat-
ford, as bridesmaids and Miss
Myrna Logan, Thorridale, as
junior bridesmaid, were gowned
identically to the matron of lion-
or in ague and pink respective-
John Bradley, St. Marys, was
best man for his brother and
David Bradley, brother of the
groom, and Robert Riche broth-
er of the bride, ushered.
Mrs. L. J. Davidson played the
wedding music and accompanied
the congregation in singing "0
Perfect Love" and "The Lord is
My Shepherd".
A reception was held in Opti-
mist Hall where the bride's
mother received in a mint green
linen sheath dress with jacket,
white accessories and corsage.
of tangerine carnations. The
groom's mother chose nylon
sheer over taffeta in amber
tone with beige accessories and
yellow carnation corsage,
For travelling to North Bay
the bride donned a moss green
sheath with three-quarter length
coat, petal hat in matching
tones and corsage of tangerine
The couple will reside in. Strat-
Personal items
Mr, Ed Flynn returned home
from St. Joseph's Hospital fol-
lowing an operation
Donald. Latta, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Latta, is still a pa-
. • • • • • •
Mrs. Edgar Rodd, of Exeter,
speed several clays recently withh.
Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Rodd
and family.
Mr. and Mrs, William Dickey
anti fancily Attended the
Hams emotion held .at the perk
in Mitchell on Sunday.
bent in St. ,Joseph's Hospital
following an .accident when his
four fingers of his hand were.
injured. The latest report is that
his band is improving.
At time of writing Mrs, J. H.
Paton is a patient in. Victoria.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Miller,.
Bobby end Betty jean visited
with Mies Rnth Miller at Gray-
Atte .and Mrs. William Dickey
and family, Mr, and Mrs. Clay-
ton Brock and family of Guelph
were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Sandy Downes at
Air, 'and Mrs. Clayton Rock
and fanrily of Guelph returned
home on -Sunday after holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. William.
Dickey and family and .ether
friends and relatives, Alias
Sandra Dickey returned home
with them for a time.
Padre George and Mrs, Fee
and Paul of Centralia RCAF
visited at the Dickey home last
Thursday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Alasiniee
and family, of Steuffyille, were,
weekend visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. William Dickey and fam-
ily and attended the Cornish
and Williams reunions Sunday,
Mt Carmel
will be in
at the tionie or
Will their .friernis
Please viBit
fkltpholio them thtro
21.4714, MI that
Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman
and family spent last weekend
e=ntertains former teacher at Long Point.
Mrs. Clarence Hardy last Randy Paul, only child of for Mr. and Mrs. George Paul, is Wednesday held open house
Miss Bette Leake of Sudbury, able to be home after three
who was a former music teacher w eek's treatment in Victoria
at the Lucan Public School. Hospital. Randy. who is a Med-
Miss Leake was on a month's way student, even though he
vacation before returning to her missed so many days from
work in Sudbury, Twenty of her school insisted on trying his ex-
Lucan friends enjoyed a happy arras and nearly made it,
reunion with her. Mrs. .Tack Mrs. Annie Fairies has re-
Steacy assisted Mrs. Hardy turned home after spending a
with the serving, few days with her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. Al- Summer School doses lie Hodgins of London.
Lucan's summer school, which Mrs. Will Hunter of Exeter
this year, was in. charge of two was a recent guest of Mrs.
local girls, Mary Metiers and John Casey and 11r, and Mrs.
Carole Davis. closed Friday Will Lawrence of Detroit were
night, August 3, Friday guests,
Unfortunately the girls were Mrs. Lloyd E. Bissell of Lon
Dot given sufficient notice to don, has returned home after a arrange an Achievement Day to ,o,„ ;
exhibit, to the parents, what had. ',V(,e —"''e Tee"e•eeeeth "'„r st,seet,',
been accomplished during the Murray—e—"; gy. past four weeks, Mrs. Richard Dickies of Ext-
tGIT visit Stratford ter, Mrs, Bob Coleman of Lte
The Lucan CGIT anti their can and Mrs. W. W. Garrett of leader last Tuesday toured tho Edgewood. were Thursday
two Shakespearean museums. guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alf Die-After a pi cn i c l unch i n t h e ions of London,
park. the party visited a con- Mrs. Arthur Maas of Cen-
vention Baptist church and tralia and Mrs. Samson. Mc-
were told how a Baptist church Falls of Exeter called on a
conducts church government and number of Lucan relatives and
corntenines. On the way home friends last Friday.
after an interesting day, they Aire- Percy Charelee and
called at Camp Rimimi, near Mrs. Cecil Robb were recent
Stratford. visitors with the latter's aunt,
Mrs. C. N. Hughes of Fair- Mrs. Armes Parrell, at the
fax, Virginia (the former Ruth home of her daughter, Sirs. ei gsw eeth l a c compani ed them Ken McAllister at Blooming-
and visited relatives in the dale, near Kitchener.
city. Mrs, Lula (Beacom) Elliott
House struck by lightning of lenrulop was a Sunday guest
During Lucan's had of Miss Lina Abbott. electrical Mrs, John McLean, an em. and drivma rain storm. ttiednes' pioyee at Al ma college, St,
dap, July ga e Boirr on
of Thomas, is holidaying at her and AIrs, him" here, cession 5, Biddulph, near N M No, -1
Highway, wa s struck e. ;reek cummins Toron.
to spent last weekend in Lucan bete. tatting home Mrs. Cummins and Both Mr. and Sire. Ruiz were familywho hail rema i ned ,n
in the heuee and the latter was Lucan for two weeks after her fkinroeckteteriptaorttmheonfitoolxr:afisheoniiie Lucan father, Mr. Mitchell liaskettes
scene immediately so the dam. death, to try to sell his house.
age to the house was not exten- Judy and Bruce Haskett are
eive. holidaying at the Cummins'
The house has been up Incottage in Muskoka, tale and someof th e furrlitt'u,"e'' Mr, Jack Coleman has re-
turned to New York alter spehd-already sold as Mr. Ruiz in- ing a few days with Sirs. Bob feeder! moving to Vancouver. Colemen and Mr. and Mrs. W.
The necessary repairs will, no W. Garrett and family, While .1 doubt, delay his mOving.
Meanwhile at the Plea sta- Loran he was joined by Mr'
lion nearby, the bolt rat lightning and Mrs. Don MeTaggart rat I /l den n Sunday blew out the suitehre and nn----"e" Mr. and Mrs. (1. A. Mann, shocked the five men who hap the to be at the station. Two the forme! Edna Rawden, and
the men were knocked to 'Sharon of Toronto were week.
their knees. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
old Hodgins arid family,
PlOttih rant TWO morn Lecaniles -hetet
At the .500-Mile pigeon. rate 'Woe lieniPers at the Coffee
Lucan personal items
from Grand Mere, Quebec, last Club, London, CKSL — Mrs, Mr. an McGugart of the
Seturdey, Lucan pigeon fanciets George Peel and Mrs. Tames Xeates Organ Factory Acton,
uore again arnong the top win. Freeman. sang in the Anglican Church
nets. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Nickles choir on Sunday.
NO of Mr. Clarence lIatde's (the former Thelma flair, for- Sunday gueels with Mir-, Wil,
birds came first and two of his Merly of Lucan) of Calgary Are Tram Amos were tie, And Meie.
father's, Mr, Jack Hardy, came lielidayingwith Parkhill rola- Elmer Amos or tranttord and
third And fourth, tives and friends, Mr„ Alvin Amos of Loederi.
The story in
9P'1-1 of oil oil company product research in Canada
is done by Imperial
Preelieelly anywhere you look today you'll find things that -ate made from
oil. Chemicals from petroleum are. the building bleelisforboricireds of things,
Item 0-tattle toys to etitarriobile tires, Imperial 'Oil research chemists arid
technicians a reWOrkingto develop/here Oftfiest basic clienticals for Canada,