HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-09, Page 15MR, AND MRS. LLOYD HODGINS Cic RETTES ALL I3RANDS CARTONS Teacher weds constable Personal Items of Interest In and Arovn eter The Exoter Tunea.Arivocate is pleased to puhlish these. itema We and our readers are Interested in yoy and your iriends. Phone A35. 1311. own optcs in a double ring ceremony in. C.aven Presbyterian C h u r e h, Exeter, Melon Marie Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Taylor and the late James W. Taylor, Exeter, became the bride of Roy Lloyd ilodgins, Exeter, son of Mrs, Hodgins and the late R. L, Hodgins, London, on Saturday, July 25 at 3:30 p.m, Rev. John C. Boyne offi , ciated before a background of baskets of white gladioli and white shasta daisies, fern and, candelabra. Mrs. W. G, Coch- rane, Grand • Bend, furnished, the wedding music and accom- panied the soloist, Douglas Fleischauer, Clinton, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect, Love." Given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Edwin It i I 1 .5, Waterloo, the bride wore a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace over peau de sole fash- ioned with lily point sleeves and scoop neckline accented with seed pearls. The bouffant skirt was styled with peau do sole binding and rosettes and swept to a brush train. .tier elbow-length tiered veil was held by a tiara of pearls and aurora borealis and she car- ried a cascade of American Beauty roses, ivy and stephano- tis. Mrs, Edwin Mills, Waterloo, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Jeanette Taylor, Exeter, was brides- maid, They were gowned alike in turquoise silk organza with bell shaped skirts, matching headdresses and white accesso- ries. They carried hand bou- quets of shasta daisies. Gerald 'AleFalls, Exeter, was best man and Jack Taylor, Exeter, cousin of the bride, and Walter Hodgins, Sarnia, ushered. A reception was held in the church rooms where the bride's mother received guests wearing a dress of champagne silk or• ganza and lace with green ac- cessories and corsage of green orchids. The groom's mother chose a blue and white silk and lace dress, white accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds. For travelling the bride changed to a white Swiss eye- let dress with matching jacket, brown and white accessories and corsage of bronze mums. Tire couple will reside in. Exeter where the groom is a constable with the Exeter Po- lice Department. The bride is a graduate of London 'feath- ers College and has been on the staff of Sheppherd School. Kitchener, for the past three years. if you're interested in cutting twenty strokes off your golf score—cheat, Mrs. John Payne, of Wood- bridge, is visiting at •the home of Miss Isabel Stanlake and in Dashwood with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Larry Estey and Judy are visiting in Alone- ton, N.B., with their families and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith and son ColM, formerly station ed at RCAF Vancouver and now on. transfer to Grotesquin, France, are visiting with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Corny Nagel and Judy spent the holiday weekend in Wallaeciburg, Richard Raveling is visiting with relatives in Stratford for two weeks, Miss Evelyn Howard, Toron- to, was a weekend visitor with Air, and Mrs. William Mar- shall, Mrs. Edith Foley of. Ottawa visited for a week with friends In Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbert Boa. nell, Toronto, spent a few clays recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, McClure-Turner — Continued from page 12 pink pompoms. ants and carried. a nosegay of David McClure, Walton., was .ringbearer. Glen McClure was best man for his brother and ushers were Robert Turner, brother of the bride, and Don. McClure, brother of the groom. A reception was held in the church rooms where the bride's mother, received guests in a gown of printed beige silk, green accessories and corsage of tawny gold roses, The groom's mother chose brown and white figured silk, white accessories and tawny rose corsage. For a honeymoon in Northern Ontario, the bride travelled in an aqua-colored jacket dress, white accessories and pink rose corsage, The couple will make their home in Seaforth, Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Repairs and bags of all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensall 69br2 nrS. Jean Nair and Joanne returned home Sunday after spending a week's holiday at Westlake Motor Cain!). Mr. and Alt's. Elmer Haas of Buffalo, N.Y., and Rev. Dr. Harold 1, Haas, and family of Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Ind., spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Andrew Douai and Air. and Airs. 1.terb Ford. Mr. and Alts, Frank johns ot Toronto visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Maas, Mr. Johns sang at .lames Street Coiled Church in the =ruing and the Drive-1n service in the evening, Airs. Carl Fletcher of New Salem, N.S., is visiting rela• tivc's and friends in Exeter, Mrs, Robert C. Dennis, who flew by jet from Las Angeles to attend the funeral of her father, the late Lee Wilson, met in Toronto by her brother, Ted Wilson, Her return trip was also made by plane from London to Cleveland thence by jet direct to Los Angeles. Miss lihr:an Harris, London, .1 ,1 1)(111(1w. ..tug for a vreetc Wttls Barbara LamPort. Mfg, Harry WhotIon, II toil .was a t•isitor whir .Alm ('harlot Rms. last week. li71. and Airs. J. A. Cann. Alarylene, Cathy sod Nancy nl Belleville are holidaying this wcek with. Mrs. Jean Mail.. and Mrs. A .Ferguson and other relatives 111 the eninittun4. Mr. and Airs. Charles Harris, Bobby and Debbie are spend ing a few days with Mr, .a.nd Airs. Milton .Pfall. Alr. and Mrs. William Wright aecompanied Mr. and Mrs, ry Koller, Poor and Bonnie of Chatham on a trip up the St. Lawrence Seaway by way of Kingston, Thou.sand islands. Cornwall, Ottawa and other northern [minis. They also vis- ited Air and Mrs, Harry Pen- hale nil Colborne, Air. and Mrs. Leo Witmer ;led Ronnie of Tillsonhurg spent Ihe holiday weekend with Alt'. and. Airs. Wes Witmer. Carole L. Fletcher. BSCN, left Tuesday for Toronto where she will lake. up her duties August with the North. York Victorian Order of Noises. Mrs Fred May left last 'Wed nesday for a trip to the west mast visiting al Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver, Victoria., Seattle, Portland and ('ain'', rug. Atou,„1-s. 1-1, At Fiancii, It ly Fletehee ilecompamed lie nod Mrs. L. Pier. of Mount 1)ora, Florida. who are visititig will>. Mr. Frances. were in Port Huron Sunday altending a birthday eidebration for Mrs Amanda Tomple, formerly of Exeter. Bob joluison cif -Willowd,ale spent a few days with his par- ent',. M r and Mrs, I tohn- son. Ills brother. Dity,d, re- immod v.:1)1 him for a few hot- Ways. '0 and Airs, Jim limn), Ka ren. Gail. Debbie and Steven of Ottawa .visited with Air. and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell, William St,. the first week of August. Mr. and Mrs. Robert: South- colt, .11111e and Barry. holidayed last week in Midland and Al- gomium Park. Mr. and Mrs. John itiehy and Ronnie. leave on Sunday for a three week trip to Western Canada. Mr. Cliff ord 9tranve holi- dayed ivt week in Montreal, 'Toronto And London, Visitors with Mr and Mrs. James Johnson were Alr. anti Airs. William. Hall, Youngs- town. Ohio, and Mrs. Aideroft of England who has been trisiting with the Halls, It has been 35 years since. the Johnsoes have seen Mrs. Aid- croft, she having, been their aeiehber in England. Mr. Bob Nicol spent lavt week in Toronto. Miss Greta harness has re- turned after holidaying at Kin- cardine Beach with Mr. and Airs. C. W, Hall and family, St. Maly s. Alt's. Mabel Hockey and Alr. and XJ,1'..;. Harold _Hockey were in London last Alonday attend- ing the funeral of their cousin. the late Fred Saul. Page "1';'. Youth for Christ enjoy oarbecue7. A About SO members of Yettih for Christ me At the "home nr Mr. and Mrs. Gordon WeStlaXPI Blttewater Iiighway, BaYfield, on Friday evening, July 2'r. for A haytide And. barbecue After the hayride all gathered around an open fireside whorl l'astor Les Robbins gave a, message and a singsong was led by John Campbell, BlYtb. A trio composed of Misses .Ann .and Rosalie Westlake .and 741. vin Cinimere favored withMo numbers accompanied on tilt) aceordion by Miss Rose IBrue. barber, Clinton. The evening closed with wiener and marshmallow roast, • • .1.0ty," . THE ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES PER ANNUM For 1 & 2 Years Interest Payable Half-Yearly by Coupon or Cheque. Inquiries Welcomed. Do you know that, on request, our Company's debentures issued to an individual solely, can be cashed on death in case of need? ONTARIO LOA & DEBENTURE CO. Serving London and District since 1870 Dundas St. at Market Lane and Market Square, London, Ont, REPRESENTATIVES CONSIDERED The Tlines.A4vocate, August 9, 1962 Inswausaimessmaiwzyr,-Lwiziownovramenraturnewanewasswinaosuimmamarmommaimiie with PULL 'N CLEAN OVEN CLOCK TIMER STORAGE DRAWER OVEN LIGHT GLASS DOOR Delivered and Installed MODEL NO. ROG 39-61 Area Coll Collect GE 2-7916 Open Evenings 'Til 9, Saturdays 'Tit 5:30 ell••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• That's what it is Fred Darling says; "We're proud to introduce this revolts. tionary new development in the merchandising of one of Cana. da's favorite foods . flavor- ful, tender chicken. 1GA is the first in Canada to bring you FLASH FROZEN FRYERS, which have become an instant hit in the USA, Predictions are that in three years everyone will be buying thicken this way, Look to IGA to bring It to you FIRST. That's our .trot., to; "Growth through PRO. GRESS". Table-Ride Cry 0-Vac REV lash Grade A Whole L vorful fryer you .ever ate! lb, Freshest, tastiest, tenderest, most fl MA Margarine 19' Lake Brand Halves Choke Peaches RecIpath Graholatecl Sugar 10 lbs. 79c TABLE-RITE RINDLESS Side TABLE-RITE ener TABLE-RITE Bologn PLENTY 'OP IGA CATSUP 11-Oz. Bottle with purchase of 3 M TON T 1ES FOR 19' DO