HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-09, Page 14P:ado 1Z The. Timere.Ad.vp ato, Auoust. 9, 1 '7e SANITONE CARE DOES MORE FOR WASH and WEAR! 'LEANERS AHD tAtiNtiEVERIA 2354131 P TO 6/VE YOUR HAIR THAI kXIRA FLAIR., OUR SECRET THE PROPER \'\ npiiitL jai 'lkillitiSALoNv BRENDA BRENNER PROP. MR. AND MRS. BRUCE CUOMORE WATCH FOR THE Grand Opening .of Exeter's newest Beatify Solon at the former noneve location, vi,hich n 50011 be tinder new management. .1 'STYLING . 'ESPECIALLY ?nit VOL'i 11 4i. • 7 FOR THOS10, SUMMER „ Look smart and yet be comfortable Have your foundation .garments made.to,intasure—crcAd just for you. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong ne W. in 23:3.1020 NOW IS THE TImE FOR. YOUR COLD WAVE BEFORE YOUR. SUMMER VACATION' PERM SPECIALS ARE Regular 810.00 .......... 58,50 Regular $ 8,50 , ..... $7.00 Blouses Coats Uniforms Dresses. Swimsuits Ca rcoats ra First Anniversary With a $7.50 Perm you receive a FREE Container of SPRAY NET Specials from August 9 to August 25 Phone Creditors 234-6384 Doreen's Beauty Nooke AUGUST SALE 1/2r PRICE IRWIN'S Skirts Blouses Pedal Pushers Dresses Slims Bermudas 1/3 OFF Summer Handbags 20% OFF Cotton and Arnel Dusters Children's Sleepers Cotton Shorts Ladies' Summer Sleepvear ELIZABETH ARDEN SOAP Nktge IN BLUE GRASS AND JUNE GERANIUM The event women await eagerly, for this is the one', time every year ±on sari Abel; up on the world's Most luxurious Soap, beautifully fragranced, wonderfully lasting., so finely milled, it lathers to the last sliver! Now, and only now, at remarkable savings, kitely gift.bo:ted, Axil{ :SOAPS—Mut 'Grass tir :lune -Geranium telr)131100 ttilue , . tt. RANI) Sous_Blue Grass Or Alhe '.cranium Box of ;3, Z25 robe , — , 1.Z40 ENTLEr DRUG STORE q'nire 23S.I070 EXETER n Tbiephorio ootario Klopp and Kathryn Louise Klapp. daughters of Mr. and SISTERS WED IN DOUBLE CEREMONY—Mary Mildred aedford Whitney and Mrs. Roy Albert Wentzell respec- tively in a ceremony performed by Rev. W. P. Fischer Mrs. Bertram William Klopp. Zurich, became Mrs. James In St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, Both of the The former will live iti London and the latter hi Stre.throy, brides are leachers and the grooms are t.:WO students, MR. AND M.R.S. RONALD G. PRIDHAM —Photo by Jail% Wedding in Ancaster Ryerson. United Church. An- Mr. and Mrs, codmore caster, Ras the setting for the reside in Toronto, marriage of Deanna Carolyn The bride is a graduate of Mallard. daughter of Mr, and Hamilton Teachers College and Mrs, John E. Mallard, }tenth- the groom graduated from ton, and Mervyn Bruce Cud- Ilamilton Institute of Technol- more, Toronto. son of Mr. and oga, Mrs, Mervyn R. Cudniore, Ex- Bride feted VOWS ou Saturday, Aug,ust. 4 at vier. on Saturday„July, it at 3 p.m. -1 o'clock. Prior to her marriage the Pink .and white gladioli, ferns .and lighted candies formed the Ural setting in St, Andrew's Church, i%ipltcrt, when. Rev, A. H. Johnston officiated at a double ring ceremony uniting in marriage Mary .Eliza- both Turner and Icermeth George Medium on ,Saturday, Jply 25, The bride is the daughter of mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Turner, RR 1 Zurcieb, .and Mr. and. Mrs, James McClure, Walton, are parents of the groom. Douglas Morgan,. Gunton, fiirnishod, the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Don Symons, Clanton, who sang "I'll Walk Beside You" before the ceremony and "Wedding Prayer" during the signing of •the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in nylon organza. The floor- length dress featured embrold. erect appliques on bodice and skirt front and a chapel train, A white organza rose held. her —Photo by Jack Doerr Will reside in London nisbed the wedding music and Mrs. Gordon Sloan and Miss organist of the church, provided acompanied the soloist, 'Mrs' Anne Lyons were co-hostesses the w edd i ng music and ac"rn-Patrick Lloyd, Burlington, who for a shower held at the Dale panted the soloist, Miss Sandra sang The Lord's Prayer and Community Centre, Hamilton, Wa1per, Exeter, cousin of the 0, Perfect Love. Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield and bride,who sang "Wedding Given in marriage by her Mrs. Don Rooth entertained Pra y er " and "Because." father, the bride wore a gown friends and relatives at the lat- Given in marriage by her of faille taffeta styled with ter's home for a miscellaneous f at h er the bride chose a floor. scoop neckline and bell.shaped sh ower . The gills were d rawn length gown of whitest French skirt. A ruse of the same in on a g ay.t y d eoorate d wagon beau de sole. The bodice feat- material held her finger-tip by little Miss Debbie Linden- ured a shallow, scoop neckline veil and She carried a c.as- f ie ld s. silhouetted with appliques of eade of pink and white carna- The staff of Cornelius Park- d eli ca t e Guipure lace, elbow- tions. way School. North York, made length sleeves and slightly Mrs. Gordon sloan, llamil- a presentation to the bride at dropped waist. The skirt was ton, as matron of honor, and their annual staff dinner, styled with a hell effect in the Mrs. Donald Rooth, Exeter, front strewn with medallions of and Miss Sharon Mallard. Ham- matching, lace while a full gowned alike in pink silk or- burprise coup cite forming a bustle, gave thele back. accented by a large ros- gum as bridesmaids, w c r e — effect of an overskirt, sweeping ganza over taffeta, with match- ing bow headdresses with drew- on anniversary to a romantic chapel train, A far veils and carried white car- queen's crown headpiece of nations and stepahnotis. Last Friday evening a num- seed pearls and aurora borealis crystals held her finger-tip veil Fred Aldred, Glencoe, was ber of relatives of Mrs. Roland of . French silk illusion. She hest man and Edward Mallard Williams gathered at the Mk . carried a petite cascade of WED AT WINTHROP—Marjorie. Jean Boyd, RR 2 Wal- and Donald Rooth ushered. hams home as a surprise to while gardenias with trailing ton, and William Laverne Hamilton, RR 1 Hensa11, were A reception was held at mark their 40th wedding anni- stephanotis. married in Cavan United Church by Rev. J, C. Brittain, Mundy's Restaurant, 'Hamilton, versary, Miss Marion Yung,blut, Zur- Seaforth, and will make their home in Seaforth. where, the bride's mother Alter an enjoyable evening kb, as maid of honor, Mrs. Ro- ceived guests in a blue chiffon the celebrants were presented ., , bert Douglas, St. Marys sister —Photo by Fowler Bros. dress with blue petalled hat with two end tablesto --- m a `c " of the bride a'nd .Mrs. M. W. J. and white accessories, She was the decor of their new home, &radian, London England, assisted by the groom's mother Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams sister of the groom, as brides- in anuamarine chiffon with expressed appreciation. maids, were gowned alike in T rousseau tea shaded aquamarine hat and Present: were Mr. and Mrs, almond ;..,reen peat, de sme, white accessories. John McLachlan, Mrs. Violet with cocktail-length bell skirls For travelling in Quebec. the Elgie. Mr. and Mrs. Richard • . honors bride bride donned a blue linen Kinsman, Mr, and Mrs, j, A, . filled . bodices and scooped. ,. necklines. They carried semi- . dress, white flowered hat •' ' • d • — - crescents of white carnations, _ „ `-:- while Sweetheart roses and ivy, Hair Fashions Traquair, Mr. and Mrs. iki Grahame J. Farquhar, Kit- thener, was best man and Ter. 411 Ntilf !alt. sitritt Ct om'it's arnittt 4 •Potttalsii dte. 6tt dobbititzlt 11,41itattt thi 4,1t .1abtltAit1tV4111.Slit'• Sock;, Studs. iitti Atm gle •wth8d,riallttot. tIttt:',.oattatts tteD ttlit Its lett mess li !tr,r, t) tapt ,ohtl lit. Call tin us lorIay 1,11trtIte The bride was feted at ether pre-nuptial el ems. Shower co • hobtettsps here Misses Jean and Jeaneito Tav- Mrs. Eat! Russell at her titer i•nt,age. alt 11911 and Mrs Norval Jones at home of Mrs. Harm-. • ilYt than Eittl iO3;+, 111te'41 dinner party wat.• held h. Mrs. liaire4,indenricaorV Ilotlz,ns and Mrs. McFalls t he heinie of Mrs. McFalls for relatives of the groom. The staff of Shopperd School, Kitchener, of which the Pride was a mem- , presented her with gifts. Mrs, Norah Tay for entertain- white accessories, ed at a trousseau Ica in her home in honor of her daughter. the former Miss Helen Mane Taylor., prior to her marriage to Roy Wove!, licidgins of Exe- ter, The lace co,,n.e.1 tea tai•Q was centred with a floral ar- rangement flanked 1”.- tail pink and "%lute tapes. Miss Jane Dettmer .‘as ui chars of the guest book and Mrs, Taylor. Mrs. Ida llodgins and the bride received guests. Mrs. Frank Taylor and •Mrs. Loreno McInnes. graiiiiino...ei, of the bride. Mrs. Earl Russell, aunt of the bride. and Mrs der- ald MeFalls poured tea. ServMg vvyrc Misses Pa?. Cann. Joan. Taylor. Jeanette Taylor and Mrs. Ronald Viarein.,;.;, Treus. au. wedding and shower gifts ere displayed by Miss Joan I -, Mrs Norval Jones and ,Tim Schroeder K Rev. Harold K. Wright of• afternoon tea at the home of at. L:ateherines. •uncle of we ficiated at the ceremony and Mrs, Edward Mallard Jr., An- groom, pe rform ed the eerc-Paulcaser Daniels, Hamilton, fur- loony and Mr, Lawrence Wein, t, b r id e was goe,t of honor at an Rev, Charles D. Henderson, In an all-white setting of feather hat and corsage of standards of gladioli, fern and white cymbidium orchids. The candelabra in James Street groom's mother chose a sheath United Church, Ruth Ann ale- dress of petal pink organza Bride. daughter of Mr. and over taffeta with gardenia and Mrs. Walter W. McBride, RR stephanotis corsage, 1 Centralia, and Ronald Glenn For travelling the bride don- Pridham, London, son of Dr, ned a gold virgin wool suit with and Mrs, W. E. Pridham, Mit- mink tone accessories and cor- aril, exchanged marriage sage of white cymbidium orch- ids. The couple will reside in Lon- don. The bride is a graduate of London Teachers College and the groom is attending the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, i'y R. O'Brien,en, London, and Specializing ill— Douglas W. McBride, brother • HAIR STYLING of the bride, ushered. 0 TINTING A reception was held in the church rooms where the bride's • PERMANENTS mother received guests in a • TREATMENTS mint green jatket dress of lin , Ilan silk and worsted. white HOURS: their Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Itit. chic Traquair. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman. Mrs. Mary Kinsman. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Villiams and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Kinsman are leaving shortly for West- ern Canada. Living is easier when you rely on -gas TO bring modern 'tone VertienCe into your Unit. SOe• VS• About gas appliartoes, Givos You Plonfy Of hot water To .Mike Ybur WASHDAYS MUCH EASIER Use las in modern appliances to streairiline yoOr heusiiwerio We de. liver tioht to your debrt HOTSON 11 'NE Gertrude Jean. Harris, St. Thomas, and William Charles Pearce, Exeter, were married in Faith Baptist Church, St, Thomas on Wednesday after- noon, July 18. Rev. J. B. Pit- tawny was the officiating cler- gyman, The bride was gowned in a street-length sheath dress of blue linen with white accesso- ries and corsage of roses. The bride's daughter, Mrs. Albert fives, Toronto, as ma- tron of honor wore a beige sheath with corsage of red roses. Attending the groom was his son, Ellis Pearce, London, A reception was held at the Grand Central Hotel and later Mr, and Mrs, Pearce left on. a wedding trip to Northem On- tario. The bride travelled in a two•piece navy and white silk suit, with white accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and. Mrs. Pearce will re- side in Exeter. Closed Monday Open Tues„ Wed. and SaL 0.6 Thursday and Friday 9-g Phone 235,2951 409 MAIN ST., EXETER PAULINE HBNDRICK, Prop. Exchange vows at St. Thomas Silhouette Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PH 235,1533 Dom Perms • Cuts • Sets • Tints ct..OSEp FOP. HOLIDAYS JULY 21 to AUG. 7 CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. eremny at Kippen veil of French She .carried, a cascade of white Sweetheart roses, stephanotis and trailing ivy.. I\1.rs. Alex Townsend, Sea. forth, as matron of honor, and Miss Marjorie Turner, sis- ter of the bride, and Miss, Margaret Skov, Trenton, as bridesmaids, were gowned alike in white flowered nylon over pink taffeta in street-length. 11'hey wore headpieces of pink taffeta petals with veiling and. carried baskets of pink .antirr- hilltops and while pompom thry.santhemuma, Patsy Ander- son, Walton, niece of the groom, was flower girl dressed similarly to the other attend- -,please turn to page 13 ERSMANS BAKERY Will be dosed FOR HOLIDAYS August 13 to 20 inclusive