HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-09, Page 13Car! Cann's ON THE LOW-COST WAY TO PROTECT BABY PIGS FROM ANAEMIA e."4" PPP.. *le IA, PURINA ell..., PIGEMIA 101111cT Alikg 100 bsol• Ilahtime tnell.14*.l.ttl, Dal*, awtrera RALSTON pURIMA COMPANY nIMMILM969.M1 41, M'CLARY EASY 16 Properly For Sale Call ,18 at 1863 NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough St., full basement, oil heat, garage, $71 per month after down payment. g-liBDROOM on beautiful eore ncr lot, Carling and 'Thomas streets. Heat for WO and taxes only $172. 2-BEDROOM TRAILER .on liam $1. Owner is anxious to sell and will sacrifice, JOHN ST.-4-beclroom brick. ANDREW ST, — Lovely 'd home, ideal for duplexing. Priced to sell, MAIN ST,-3-bedroom brick. RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS 3- bedroom brick. CARLING & MILL STS. — 2- bedrom rug brick. VACANT STORE and dwelling —$500 down. COMMERCIAL property con , sisting of 2 stores, on Exeter Main SI. Suitable for any type of business or could be easily converted to 3 apartments, Terms, 2-BEDROOM within block of Main St., oil heat, full base- ment, attached garage. 2-BEDROOM FRAME, near Riverview Park, full basement with oil heat, SEVERAL good building lots in Exeter. 4-BEDROOM house in Lucan, completely modern, hot water heat, low clown payent to re- sponsible party, JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 7:5 tfnc 17 Property For Rent HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, modern conveniences, immed- iate possession. Phone 235-1771. 9:16:23:30c APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable, avail- able July 1. The former Sim- mons Apartments, Sanders St. East, phone 235-2012, after 6 p.m. 6;14* tfnc 3 LARGE ROOMS and bath, heated, separate entrance, fur- nished or unfurnished. Avail- able Aug, 1, Apply 169 William St. or phone 235-0736 12*tfnc 5-ROOM DUPLEX, in Exeter, newly remodelled and decorat- ed; immediate possession. Phone Harold Taylor, 39r8 Kirkton. 9* APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, on Main St„ available August 1. Gould and Jory, phone 235- 0270. 26`.9c 36' TRAILER HOME, Drys- dale, private beach; accommo- date 6 adults comfortably; available by the week or week- end, commencing August 8; $35 per, week; $20 per weekend. Phone AC 8-6846. 26:9c HOUSE, 1 bedroom, in Exeter, full basement, modern con- veniences, immediate posses- sion, Apply .176 Main St., phone 235.0626, APARTMENT, in Exeter, Sept. 1, Oct. 1,, 2 bedrooms, 3-plece bath, good closet space, oil heated, located 88 Sanders St, W, Phone Mrs. Whitney Coates, Kirkton 39r3, 8:9tfric 17 Properly For Rent 'MUM 1 bedroom, 3-plece bath, living room, modern kit- then, automatic oil furnace: available now. Phone Ltleart 227-4465. 9c HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in Exeter, on Carling St., possession. Sept. 17. Apply 157 Main St., Exeter. 9:16c HOUSE, 2-bedroom, between, Exeter and RCAF :Station Cent- ralia, en paved road, modern conveniences;, available Sept, 1. Phone 48,08, 9;16c 43' MOBILE HOME, on ,con- erete loonflation,, in Exeter, completely furnished, 3-piece bath, Phone 235-2773 evenings, 2350960 days. HOUSE, 3-bedroom, Centralia village, all modern conven, iences, with oil furnace; avail- able immediately. Phone 228- 6605. 9c HOUSE, modern conveniences, centrally located, possession immediately, Apply Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235- 2438. 9* LARGE HOUSE, 4 lAdroorns; available September 1. Apply at Times-Advocate. 8:9tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent LARGE BRICK HOUSE and barn, corner of Main and Sim- coe Sts., Exeter, J, W. Wein, phone 271.2781 Stratford. 9c WARTIME HOUSE, in Exeter, 2-bedroom; available Septem- ber 1, Phone 235-2827. 9:16* 20 Wanted To Rent 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the. ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Trees tirer. 7:12-10:4 TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY The Township of McGillivray has assumed responsibility for the maintenance of one aban- doned cemetery under Sec. 60 of the Cemetery Act R.S.O. 1960 Chap. 47, This cemetery is at Pt. of Lot 15, Concession 1. We propose to close this cemetery on September 4, 1962, after which date there will be no further burials or removals. Any persons interested in this property, please contact the township office in Parkhill, be- fore September 4, 1962. W, J. AMOS, Clerk Township of McGillivray 26:9c Success comes before work only in the dictionary. 22 Notices NOTICE Eden and Bethesda cemeteries in the Township of 1.1sherne have been deelared abandoned by the Ontario Department of Health and under the care of the Township Council. The Ueuncil, proposes to clean, level and reseed the grounds and group the stones for easier maintenance, Any person op- posing or wishing to assist in the project should contact the undersigned clerk of the muni- cipality, If. G. SPRANG, Hensall, R,R, #1 Ont. 9:16e 23 Legal Notices , I • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Amy, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Amy, late of the Town of Ex- eter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 8th day of March 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 25th day of August, 1962, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator with. Will. Annexed Exeter, Ont. 9:16:23c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Goshen St. North, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 at 1:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT S: Chesterfield suite; occasional chairs; solid walnut dining room suite, including 6 chairs, buffet and china cabinet; mo- dern solid oak dining room suite, 5 chairs, buffet and china cabinet; chrome kitchen table and 5 chairs; round top exten- sion table, kitchen chairs; 2 writing desks; daybed and mattress; cabinet radio; hall seat and mirror; book shelf; mahogany settee; end tables; Doherty organ and stool; rock- ing chairs; veranda chairs; folding lawn chairs; wash stand; 2 oak bedsteads with springs and mattress; vanity steel bedstead; dressers; corn- modes; bedroom chairs; elec- tric lamps; medicine cabinet; pictures; bird cages; large as- sortment of dishes; silverware; electric toaster; hot water heater with thermostat; hockey outfit, size 16; boys' bicycle; baby buggy; step stools; clothes basket; ' 51 Chev car seat covers; wood heater; coal-oil heater; sealers; ladder; wheel- barrow; turning lathe complete with chisels; assortment of carpenter tools; grease gun; chains; many other mist, items. 25 Auction :Sales No Reserve, everything will be sold. 'TERMS; Cash. PLEASE NOT4.1 .Everything in first class condition. in case of rain sale will he held in Zurt.ch Arena. HAROLD. .JOHNSTON, Prop. STADE, & WEIDD, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood AUCTION SALE Of .1-le‘..oehblcl Effects AO 1141.K, Item” 103 Andrew Street, TOWN OF EXETER, SATURDAY,. AUGUST 11. Commencing at .6:00 p,m. Frig; electric stove; chester- field; oak dresser; chairs; cellar table; fallen leaf bevel edge table; cabinet top; lamps and shades; stove screen; mantle and electric grate; bed- room toilet set; curtains; scat- ter rugs; drapes; shower cur- tains; carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner; porcelain cof- fee set; sandwich toaster; toaster; silver; granite dishes; cannister set; quantity dishes; several antiques; granite ware; pots and pans; sealers, quarts and pints; tools; work bench; bed pan, earthen ware; bed table; laundry bench; garbage can; television; washing ma- chine; 2 single beds, springs and mattresses; annex; kitchen cupboard; sewing machine; dresser; 6 kitchen chairs; frig; 2 chemical toilets; other items too numerous to mention, STANLEY LOVE, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 9c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Carpenter Tools and Misc. Items On the premises, 318 Carling St., in the • TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 at 1:30 p.m. Dining room extension table; 6 leather seat matching chairs; clover leaf top centre table; end tables; centre tables; mag- azine rack; oak rockers; baby buggy, like new; wicker rock- er; occasional chairs; Bell up- right piano, in new condition; settee and chairs; platform rocker; china cabinet; small cupboard; Singer sewing ma- chine; hall mirror; electric radio; glass cupboard; electric lamps; library table; 2 oak bedsteads complete with springs and mattresses; dressers; com- modes; coal-oil lamps; fancy antique lamp; antique clock; kitchen clock; couch; toilet set; card table; record player (like new); large assortment of linens, bedding, quilts, mats, comforters; feather tick; pil- lows; floor covering; silver- ware; fancy glassware and antique dishes; complete din- ner set; silver cream and sugar set; kitchen utensils; 5-gal. antique style whiskey jug; , coal and wood range; electric stove; electric washer; galv. tubs; step ladder; Swiss bells; fish, ing equipment; large assort- ment of new i and used carpen- ter tools, including chisels, 25 .Auction Soles. hammers. saws,planes, axes,. chains, vises, „drills, wrenches, etc., etc'.; small picket fencing; quantity of lumber; other mioc, items. Thi is an .extra large sale. Everything in first class con- dition. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash. ENOCH ROWCLIFFE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9.;16e Extensive AUCTION SALg Of Valuable Garage Equipment & Accessories Heavy Duty Towing Truck. IA-Ten ford Pick-up Truck Boats, Motors, Household Effects & Misc, Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND The undersigned auctioneer received. instructions to sell by public auction on wEpNgspAy, AUGUST 22 and THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 Commencing at 1:00 p,m. '52 MACK 5-TON WRECKER equipped with Holmes heavy duly model wrecking equip- ment, in A-1 condition, '60 FORD V8 F.100 ti-TON PICKUP-TRUCK, in A-1 conch-. tion. Spark plug cleaner; tire patches; tubeless tire expand- er; vulcanizing unit; portable air pressure tank; various hy- draulic and mechanical jacks; Hein Werner 11/2 -ton jack; Mer- cury portable rotary pump; Atlas battery tester; Allen Dyna 6 and 12 volt battery charger; large assortment of fan belts, spark plugs, points, condensers, coils, fuel and water pumps; ignition equip- ment; new and used tires, var- ious sizes; auto lights; wiper blades; chain hoist; spray gun; trouble cords; auto greasing equipment; tools; wrenches; mufflers; battery cables; as- sortment of oils and greases; including full line of garage equipment, BOATS, MOTORS & ACCES- SORIES; Johnson Super Sea Horse 40, brand new; also 20, 18, 35, 71 and 5 outboard motors; boat trailers, various sizes; 12-ft. sail boat; 15-ft. fibreglass boat; Tee Nee 15-fl. molded boat, equipped with 35 h.p. Johnson motor; marine ac- cessories; assortment of water skis, life jackets, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT S: Moffat 4-burner electric stove; small rangette; 3 wooden ward- robes; Servel dual refrigerator; 8 counter stools; Schroller piano and bench; kitchen chairs; TV aerial; record play- er; stand; rug, 9x9; 2 bed- 25 Auction Sales steads, springs And mattresses; dressers;. commodes; restaur, ant dishes and equipment; double electric grill; .Sylex. cof- fee maker; 3 oil heaters; as- sortment of. doors and windows; McCaokey .safe and filing .cabi- net; 2 electric radios; riding breeches and boots; 3 power mowers; many other items. PLEASE NOTE: Due to De• partment of Highway restric- tions, building will have to he vacated. No Reserve—everything will be sold. Remember sale dates—Aug, 22 and Aug. 23. TERMS: Cash. JOHN MANORE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9:16c Thamps..Rgad, -Continued from page .9. William Rohde called At the Marriott Funeral Home, St, Marys, on Monday evening bat where the late Mrs. Frank Levy of St. Marys lay at rest. Mrs. Ernest Pyin returned home on the weekend after hay,. ing spent the past month in. Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Wanner. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman. and family of :Erribro, Mrs. Ruth Knight of SeAforth visited on Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. Ernest ?ym. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner and Shirley, of .Sarnia, Mrs. Russell Wapner, of Grand Rend. visited on Monday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pyin. • Miss Ginger Love, of Grand Bend, holidayed last week with her grandparents, Mr. And Mrs,... Robert :Cann. F /L Jack and Mrs. Cann, Mary Arm, Cathy and Nappy. pi. Belleville, Are holidaying 000 week with relatives in th0 ,come =Pity, Rev. Thigh: and. Mrs. Wilson left on Tuesday ntOrMag last tor a month's •holiflays at their cottage at Tobermory, Rev.. Edgar Rmilpton of Bxe- ter will be guest speaker on Sunday morning at the church service. Re will speak on "Forty,, Five Years in the Ministry". Mr. and Mrs. James Ethe- rington, of Kingston, Miss Mary Abram, of London, spent the weekend: with Mr. and. Mrs. Archie Ktberington, Mr. and Mrs, .Arlbur Harris and Ronnie were Sunday guests. with. Mr. and Mn,s Charles Harris in London. The Times-Advec te, August 9, 1962 Page 1.I HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in Exeter, near school, by October, Phone 235-1462. 9* Lowest cost per cubic foot! Canadians who want healthier profits tomorrow use Sows' milk does not supply enough iron to protect your baby pigs against iron-deficiency anaemia! The effective, low-cost, easy-to-use answer to this problem is Purina Injectable Pigemia. Just give baby pigs one shot of Purina Pigemia when they are 2 to 4 days old and you have supplied the positive deterrent to this profit- stealing annoyance. (If the pigs are to be raised in confinement, give them another shot at 2 weeks to complete the Purina confinement program.) Pick up a sterile, self-sealing bottle of Purina Injectable Pigemia the next time you're near our Store with the Checkerboard Sign. It's just one of the many Purina Health Aids we carry that can be a big aid to you in keeping stock health good and profits high I for fast, efficient feed service call Cann's Mill Ltd. Exeter Phone 235-1782 Whalen Corners Phone 35r1S Kirkton PURINA HEALTH AIDS today! 11.1111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111/11,11111W aaaaaamana•manasswasaass•ananate S Milk can't be beat as a refreshing, energy-building drink, Serve our cool, farm. fresh Milk to your family daily! 2354144 Exeter Dairy La SERVE MILK .0"V;',O4Ye,, Daly Delivery ...,,.,.e.,,rh."Zsmm"..W.YMMMANMMNMM5Nmwritiwiwmsraom77 Modern, low-cost way to stretch food and food budgets F McClary Easy 18 and 23 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezers with exclusive PAST PREEZI8 COMPARTMENT, which captures food flavors and textures at their best; bandy basket slides back and forth to make loading and unloading fast and easy, Mc(lary-Easy gives you all the benefits of frozen foods at a price that makes them the biggest freezer values ever! IOW MANY BANKING SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE HERE? A complete range of banking services because this is the site of a new branch Of a chartered bank /Future customers will come here to do all their banking, because only in a chartered bank is it possible for all banking to be done under one roof /Each branch, large or small, offers a full banking service, from cashing a cheque to financing ,foreign trade, Each has a staff trained and eager to render the high Standard of service that features chartered banking in Canada.. THE C A.RTtAED f3AN.KS $ 'EWING YOUR commuNITY