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Ontario Economic Council
Tourist Industry Committee
The Ontario Economic Council has appointed a Tourist
Industry Committee to study the present and future role
of the tourist industry in the province.
The purpose of the Committee is to assess all aspects
of tourism in Ontario and to formulate recommenda-
tions concerning:
1. The relative effectiveness of current government as-
sistance to and participation in the tourist industry,
2. An evaluation of strengths and weaknesses within
the industry itself,
Public hearings will take place in mid-September in
various parts of the province. Individuals and organi-
zations interested in submissions to the Committee
should submit six (6) copies of their briefs as soon as
possible before September 15, 1962 to the Secretary of
the Committee.
W. H, Cranston, T. C. Clarke, Secretary,
Chairman. Room 286
Parliament Buildings,
Toronto (Telephone 365-1948)
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Dining facilities for
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Attractive flodtiiv
titented under LCIO
Henson personals Stage. concert
for each other
Since fire destroyed CKNX
radio and television station in
•Wirigham last March, it has
been necessary to cancel some
programs including Kiddies
studio Party heard on Saturday
mornings, Miss Greta Lammie'a
pupils have contributed two of
these programs annually during
July. Last Tuesday afternoon
two groups met at her home to
play for each other.
Kay and Michael Davis, Dor-
othy and Dan. Kipfer, Barbara
and Charles Schwalm, Keryn,
Kathie and Gwenneth. Hendrick,
Janice and Larrie Wright, Joyce
and Linda. Ferguson, Deanna,
Nancy and Donnalynn Forrest,
Ruthanne C o l e m a n, Eleanor
Butson, Donna Whitehouse, Ruth
Cudmore, Lynn Faber, Kather-
ine 'AicEwen, Anne Hayter, Lin-
da Workman, Anne Clifton did
piano solos and a duett by Ken,
neth and Grant Jones, Following
the musical numbers the boys
and girls enjoyed games and
CKNX has written to Miss
Lammie that they wilt be in
touch with her when this pro-
gram resumes broadcasting.
Personal items
Nancy Stretton, of Lucan, is
visiting with her grandmother,
Mrs. Minnie Sangster,
Mr, and Mrs. Alex MeMurtrie,
of Toronto, visited relatives in
and around Hensell for a few
days. •
Rev, and Mrs. Pa. C. Winlaw
and Kenneth of Stratford, for-
merly of Hensel], visited with
Flt/Ll. and Mrs. Bill McCrae
Tuesday evening,
Mrs. Harold Parker and Pat-
sy, Mrs, Edna .Corbett and
Cindy Parker are holidaying at
Grand Bend this week,
Mrs. .Grace Harpole left on
Friday for Stittsville where she
will spend several weeks with
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and. Mrs, Doug Peacock
and family. Miss Jarvis Pea-
cock returned home after spend-
ing a month with her grand ,
mother, Mrs. Harpole.
Mr. and Mrs, -Jerry Rannie
and Joanne of Toronto and Miss
Maryanne Rannie of . London
were weekend visitors with their
Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam
aira. Dorothy Weido and. Steve
spent the weekend with rela-
tives in Brantford.
Mrs, Bert Horton and Mrs.
Peter Ma cNatigh ten and mem-
bers of their families are camp-
ing at Schade View, Lake Hur-
Rod Chapman is spending
this week holidaying with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Hollingsworth and also with
his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren,
in Toronto.
Mrs. Mary Ross has returned
home after spending the past
week with her sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Herb
Kercher and Ross.
Mr. and Mrs, Ian Philpott and
Donald, of Rochester, N.Y. have
returned after visiting with the
latter's sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and family. Miss Pat-
ricia Schwalm returned home
with them for a two week's va-
coals and money.
Its best selling job was for
the Strathroy Lions and he re-
ports selling 800 books one year.
Bill received 25 cents a book
for selling most of the tickets
and repo r t e d his returns
"weren't bad."
He also had fair success in
buying tickets, winning a bed-
room suite in Thedford, a
toaster in Zurich and an exten-
sive supply of groceries in Clin-
Travels extensively
The jovial gentleman has also
travelled extensively, making
one round-trip to Florida in a
Model T Ford about 15 years
ago. Three years ago, he hitch-
hiked to Victoria, B.C.
On both occasions he started
out with very little cash in his
pocket, paying his way by
sharpening scissors for house-
wives whenever he needed
some spending money.
Mrs. Pearl Shaddiek spent the
weekend with Mrs, Edna COT-
hell and Mrs, Harold Parker
at their cottage in Grand Bend,
Al Corbett is holdaying with
his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Chaffe at
Miss Betty Paiker, of Lon-
don, is holidaying this week
with her mother, Mrs. Eva
Parker and brother Bill,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brock are
enjoying their vacation motor-
ing to Kingston,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Me-
Clinchey and Jerry have re-
turned home after a pleasant
holiday at Manitoulin Island.
Mr. William Taylor of Mac-
Kenzie Island has returned after
attending the funeral of his
mother, the late Mrs. William
Mrs. Violet Schwalm has re-
turned after a pleasant week's
visit spent with her daughters,
Mrs. May O'Hara of Belleville
and Mrs. Florence Perdue of
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Mr. William Mickle spent
Sunday in Ridgetown owing to
the death of the former's sister-
in-law, Mrs. Frank Mickle. Mr.
and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended
the funeral in Ridgetown on
Mrs. Charles Forrest, Sandra
and Gwen of Sarnia, visited rel-
atives and friends in the vil-
lage last week.
Dr. F. L. Nichols and mother,
Mrs. Margaret Nichols, and
Miss Dorothy Dix RN of To-
ronto have returned home after
spending the past week with
Mrs. Nichol's sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Kercher and Ross and while
there attended the Wright re-
union held in Bayfield at the
cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Harold lledden
and family, Dresden, Mr, and
Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Niagara
Falls, spent the weekend holi-
day with Herb Hedden,
Robert Hoffman and Gary
Eagleson of Dashwood and Pat-
rick and Michael Soldan of Zur-
ich holidayed at Oliphant during
the past week, guess of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Heppler of Water-
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hoy,
Ronnie and Gary, spent the
weekend holiday with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Armstrong of Montreal.
Wright reunion
The 1962 Wright reunion was
held at the cottage of Carl and
Janet Dalton in Bayfield Sun-
day afternoon with 105 present.
A full program of sports were
carried out under direction of
Sack and Tillie Butler, Bob and
Dorothy Dalton.
Winners in races for boys and
girls six and under were Maur-
ice Ruston, Joanne Ross; boys,
six to eight, Gordon Wright,
Larry Wright; girls, Linda Mc-
Donald, Karen Fowler; boys,
eight to 10, Larry Wright, Fos-
ter Fowler; girls, Lois Wright,
Ruth 'Mille; boys, 10 to 12,
John Muir, Don Dalton; girls,
Jean Powell, Blanche Dalton;
teen boys, Bob Ross; teen girls,
Helen Baillie; men, Bob Ross,
Jim Jordon; women, Laureen
Breaking the balloon contest,
Ethel Ross, Jean Ross, Helen
I3aillie; twist contest, Virginia
Dalton, Carl Dalton; dropping
money in milk bottle, Ruth
Baillie, Cathy Aicliwain, Roy
Dalton, Ken Dalton John Fow-
ler Jr.; relay race, hanging out
the washing, Jim Jordon's
team. Esther Wright won the
prize for the lady with the latest
Eldest person present, Mrs,
Margaret Nichols, Toronto;
youngest child present, Nancy
Pepper; coming the farthest
distance, Mr. and Mrs, Laurence
Tteeb, Essex; couple with the
largest family, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Dalton; lucky chair,
prize, Janet Dalton. A Candy
kiss scramble was enjoyed by
the children,
President Carl Dalton con-
ducted the business and invited
the crowd back for the 1963 pic-
nic the last Sunday in July,
Officers elected were: Presi-
dent, Carl. Dalton; secretary-
treasurer, Lanr e e n Ruston;
sports committee, Mr, and Mrs,
Jack Fowler, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Muir; table committee,
Bob and Percy Dalton,
Native 'hare,
doctor dies
Dr. Roswell .P. I. PoUgall,
66, former liposAti physician,
died Wednesday, at his resi-
dence in. Petrolia.
A native of Hensall, Dr.
Dougall. attended VW() where
he obtained .the..degrees of
M.D. and M•Ses He -practiced
In He ms for a number of
years before moving to Pet-
He was a veteran of both
world. wars, serving in the
medical corps of the - Canadian
Army in the seeond major
From 1918 until 1950, he
served with the Canadian de-
partment of immigration in
Europe. He WAS appointed
medical director of immigra-
tion for Ontario in 1953, a post-
tion he held until his retire-
merit last June,
Surviving are his wife, Dr.
Marion Dougall, Petrolia; a
son, Dr. Ross Dougall, London,
England, and two daughters,
Mrs. William Brett, Paris,
France, and Mrs. D. A, Fer-
guson, Chatham; and two
grandchildren; one brother, W.
R. Dougall, Hensall, and one
sister, Mrs. M, R, Rennie,
Funeral service will he held
at the D. M. Bradley funeral
home, Petrolia, on. Saturday,
August 11, at 2 p.m.
parents, Air, and Mrs. Archie
Mrs. Hugh AlcAlurtrie and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillier and
family, Thamesford, are spend-
ing their holidays on Saddle Is-
land, Michigan, at the summer
home of Mrs. R. S. Hopkins,
Mrs. McMurtrie's sister.
Hensall Bantam baseball team
defeated Sebringville for the
WOAA "D" championship Fri-
day night at Sebringville. This
team is sponsored by the Hen-
salt IOOF.
Mrs, Merlin Love, John and
Pamela, of London, have re-
turned home after holidaying
with Mrs. Love's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Armstrong.
.Mrs. Leona Parke and Pat-
lma have returned after spend-
ing a few days at St. Cathe-
rines, Toronto and Niagara
Well known for Quality Watch,
Clock, Jewellery, Electric
Shaver & Spectacle Repairing
Established 1918
Albert Hess
Airs. Margaret Johnston, To-
ronto, and Mrs. William Law-
son, of Listowel, visited over
the holiday with their brother,
W. It, Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bride spent the holiday with
their daughter, Sharon, at Lake
of Bays, Muskoka,
Mr ,and Mrs. Roehus Faber
spent the weekeed. in. Brant-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dic-
kert enjoyed the weekend at
Weekend guests with Mrs.
Dawson were her daughter,
Mrs, Eldin. Kerr, of Winthrop,
and Mrs. Alice Keene, Strat-
Those attending the Evans,
Bean wedding in Wesley United
Church, Brantford, Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs. Roehus
Faber, Mr. and Mrs, Ross
Faber, Mr. and Mrs, Russell
Faber and Mrs. Frank Bean,
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Airs. Norman. Long included
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Armstrong
and family, Owen Sound; Mr.
and Mrs. James Armstrong,
of Staffa.
Mrs, M. Piper
dies i n. Ca:Mlfornia
By MRS. KEN ,McKEtal,-AR
The death of Mrs, Mary
Letitia Piper, a former resident
of Hibbert township, -occurred
in a hospital in Fresno,. p.ii-
fornia, on Monday, July 16 at
the age of ST years,
She was a daughter of the late
Hugh Norris and Mary Horton
and spent the early years of
her life on the farm now owned
14 her brother, Mr. Harry
Norris, lot 11, eon, 10, Hibbert.
She had been a resident of
Fresno, Cal. for the past 53
years having moved there fol-
lowing her marriage to
Piper in 1900. She and her hus-
band owned and operated Pip.
er's grocery store until his death
in 1952.
She was a member of West-
minster Presbyterian (Murrill
and had taught Sunday School
in past years.
Mrs. Piper is survived by
three brothers, Hugh Norris
Sr. of Chiselhurst, Wall Norris
of Detroit, Mich. and Harry
Norris of Cromarty; also two
sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Drake,
Stolle, and .MTS. Rebecca Keil
of Vancouver, B.C. Three broth-
ers and four sisters predeceased
A funeral service was held,
at the Lisle Funeral. Home in
Fresno conducted by the Rev.
E. Bruce Ellithorpe of First
Presbyterian church, interment
was in Belmont Memorial Park.
McKellar reunion
The annual reunion of the
McKellar clan was held in
Lion's Park, Seaforth, on Sun-
day, August 5 with 97 in at-
Horton McDougall was ap-
pointed president and Ina Scott
secretary for 1963; sports com-
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, Duncan
Scott and Bob and Laurie Mc-
Kellar; lunch committee, Mr.
and Mrs. John Drake, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert McCaughey, Mr.
and Airs. Ed. Brooks, Mr, and
airs. Wes Russell; registration
committee, Airs, Sadie Scott
and Mrs. George Wallace.
Results of races are: boys
and girls, five and under, Deb-
bie Wallace; girls, six and sev-
en, Barbara Kerslake, Debbie
Houghton; boys, six and seven,
Fred McCoughey; girls eight to
nine, Geraldine Templeman,
Helen Adams; boys, ' Donald
Cadick; girls, 10.12, Linda
Houghton, Bonnie Kerslake;
boys, Paul lif.eKellar; girls, ar
and over, Janet. Adams; boys,
10 and over, iftigh MtCoughey.„
Jerry Scott; yoUng men, Bon
McKellar, Laverne Wallace;
young ladles,. Airs. Ross Haugh-,
toh, Mrs. Eerg, •AleNellar; kick
the slipper, Mrs. Ross Hough-
top; „Orange relay, Francis
Scotrs team; soda .hiseult
ley, Bill Boughton's team.
Most recently married con,
ple, Mr. and Mrs. •Carlyle
Meikle; oldest lady, Airs. Sadie
Scott; .oldest man, Mr. ,George
Wallace; youngest child, Barb-
ara Meikles persons coming
farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Frank.
Cadick and family; closest wed-
ding anniversary, Mr. and -Mrs.
Ross Houghton; child with clos-
est birthday, Ronnie Scott;
youngest grandmother, Mrs. J.
M. Scott; largest family, Ross
Houghton; longest married cou-
ple, .Mr. id Mrs. George Wal-
Personal items
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. William Hulley were Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Nethercott,
Louann and Deryl. of Glencoe.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Taylor and
family, of Toronto, were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs,
Gerald. Carey and Mrs. F. Tay-
Air. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
Sharon and Donald, of London
attended the McKellar reunion
and visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Wesley Russell.
Misses Margaret Jean Rus-
sell and Margaret Ann Wallace
are spending a week's holidays
with Dr. and Mrs. Alex McKay
of New York, U.S.A.
Mr. Paul Scott, student at
Waterloo College, conducted
the service at Cromarty church
nn Sunday morning in the
_RPM of the minister RevA John
Boyne who is on vacation.: Mr.
„Scott will also, be in .charg*,e. ,•_Qt
next 'Sunday's SerViCe.
Mrs. T. L. Scott WAS guest
speaker at the service at. Zion
United church on Sunday morn-
Mx% and Mrs. K. 'McKellar
spent a few days at the hemp:
of their daughter and son-in,
law, Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Bin-
ning, Mitchell,
Mr, Jas. Miller, Miss Marg-
aret Miller and Mrs. E. Temple.
man were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller.
Gladys: "Do you find mar.
ried life different?"
Gwen; "Not much. I used to
wait up until the early hours
for Jim to go home. Now - I
wait up until the early hours.
for him to come home."
1962 NEW CHEV, 6 cylinder,
standard, wheel discs, white-
wall tires.
1959 PLYMOUTH station wag-
on, 4-door, sports suburban, 8
cylinder, automatic, radio, one
owner, Al condition.
1958 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder,
standard, radio, western car,
no rust.
1955 P O N T I A C, 8 cylinder,
standard, 2-door.
1953 CHEV, 2-door, bortyman
1962 MERCURY 1/2 TON
TRUCK—Big discount on this
Motors Sales
P400. 5 August 9, 1962
and district news
Maude Heiden, Phone
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
— Continued from page 4
Rnd he and some of the other
boys were given 25 cents to go
to the Zurich fair and they
walked both ways.
"It cost 10 cents to go in and
we had plenty of fun and still
had enough money left over to
take some candy home with
us," he said.
Worked in London
When he turned 21, Bill
struck off on his own and went
to London where he was em-
ployed in a cigar box factory
owned by Sir Adam Beck. He
also did gardening for the noted
London industrialist.
Bill, from German stock, re-
called once that he offered to
make Beck some sauerkraut
and he cooked it himself be-
cause the cooks didn't know
how. "They almost chased me
out of the house", he reported,
"but Sir Adam really enjoyed
it, and the cooks even ended up
cleaning up the rest of it."
Bill then moved to Grand
Bend where he sold vegetables
and operated booths for close
to 30 years. "I was a big shot
down here at one time," he jok-
ingly quipped.
When he sold vegetables, his
call as he went from house to
house was: "Potatoes — lim-
burger cheese and kittens," He
explained that he started sel-
ling kittens to the campers and
he picked up about five cents
for each one.
However, he upped his price
to 10 cents each when the mar-
ket would allow, but gave a dis-
count for quantity buying, of-
fering the pets at two for 15
The Dashwood jokester ope-
rated a hot dog and hamburg
booth at the present site of the
Little Beaver on the main
street, and was one of the first
sidewalk concessions in the re-
He operated booths in other
Wirtz of town and. also had a
sik-table pool room in the pre-
sent site of Miss. Ravelle's gift
Alter his years in Grand
Bend, Bill returned to Landon
where he worked out as a han-
dyman and gardener, but his
Mite in Brouglidale burned
down and he moved to his me,
sent abode in Dashwood.
He gained his livelihood by
growing Dutch onion sets and
peddling fish, "When I draVe
tip people always used to ask
if the fish were running," he
stated, "to I finally painted legs
on the fish on the side of my
Bill later gave this up and
took a job as a flagman with
Brennan Construction CoMpahy,
but this WAS marred by an in-
jury when he tripped and fell
On MS head,
He spent six weeks at each of
the two London hospitals and
then six more at the Compen-
sation Board's hospital in. To-
ronto. However, his accident didn't
change him at all and he bad
the hospital in a tizzy one clay
Wh6h he 'r eported he spotted A
A bedbug in his MAW'S
"Ile got in between the
ticks," Bill reported to the dot.
tor Who was altritist ready In
start a Maier eXterinitiatian Job
MI the entire floor
Following ilia release keit
hospital, Bill started into
into "sales," Selling raffle tit,
kets ,throughout Western Oda,
rio. He carried a clipboard and
customers could ItaVe their pick
Of up to a dozen "tickets that
ranged from cars, Boats, ani,
"They didn't have any scis-
sor sharpeners out West," he
reported, explaining how his
eight-pound machine proved to
be so invaluable,
Bill's other long trip was dur-
ing the First World War when
he went overseas to England
with the 96th Regiment. It was
here that he proposed to his
wife, although she was still
back in Canada at her home in
Breslau, near Kitchener.
Although he had only met her
once before going overseas, Bill
proposed in a letter and was
accepted, but when he returned
home he didn't even recognize
his fiance, because she had
changed so much in his ab-•
"She wrote once and said we
were going to raise chickens
and geese and something else,"
Bill reports, "and, that some-
thing else was children, and we
raised 10,"
"I don't know how many
grandchildren," Bill stated
when asked, "but there's Mille
a few,"
Several rumors
One of the several rumors
surrounding Bill is that he ac-
tually motored all the way from.
Florida. With no motor in his
car, "That not trite," he re-
ports, "but I made it from
Winghain to Exeter one day
without my motor running,"
He . explained that a tie-rod
wag broken and he kept asking
passing motorists 'fora push to
the nearest gas station. How-
ever, _when lie got there lie
waited until they had gone and
then he WOW shove the ter
down the road himself and start
the seine request again.
Due to the fact that Bill car-
ries the nick-name "Banker's.,
many people Teti he is quite
Well off financiahy. HOWeVer,
tb dispel that, Bill points out.
"when you raise 10 kids you
don't have Much left to be rich
th explaining his
Bill reported he used to work iii
A private bank in Dashwood
owned by Joe Snell. "1 swept.
the 'nom when I waa a kid
and Joe gave die that naine,"
he stated.
however, while he may net
be rich by nionetary.:standards,.
all 'who hied hint VOW bet
lead ,A "rich life and one that
has been lived
the use of
his Wits to provoke people. Wile
01 think fast 6010 to knew
they freeze Water 'CO Make ice
in Florida, or that they've never
realty seen a sausage hanging
tip in .A butcher shop, because
as BM explains, they hog
PHONE 433 ‘81ilitai'011,11
Comments about
Personal items
Christine Cameron, Brenda Mrs, Edgar Munn, Mrs. Don
Noakes, Lois and Joan Sim- Gooding, Debbie and Donnie
. of Parkhill have returned home mons, Janet, Carol and Chris
tine Betts have returned after after vacationing for a week
spending ten days at Girl Guide at Schade View.
Camp Keewaydin. They were Wendy andBheolbidbayyin Thomas
accompanied accompanied by Pat Rowe, af.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemmon Mrs, H. Betts and Mrs. Tom Va Lavender, who acted as leaders of The
CNR station has a new at the camp, look. The interior and exterior Mr, and Mrs. Frank Docker
have taken up residence in Clin . have been painted. The employ-
ton, ees doing the painting, which
had not been done for 14 years,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hoy and are expecting to finish the pro-
returned after spending and Mrs. Ed Fink ject today (Friday).
two weeks touring the Mari- Mr.
times. Their main stop was at of Birmingham, Mich„ and
and Mrs. Simpson
P.E.I. They also toured Que- Mr. and Mrs, Gus Voth, Royal
bee City and Montreal, w h ere Oak, Mich., spent the weekend
they visited with Rev, and Mrs. with Airs, Lou Simpson. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon White-
merly of Hensel], who expect
P. A. Ferguson and family, for- man and Beverly were in
Hamilton over the weekend at: to visit Ontario during their
vacation in August, tending the assembly of je-
Billy Hoy has r hovah's Witness es.
eturned after Wendy Thom as of London
spending two weeks with Mr. visited with Mrs. Leona. Parke and Mrs. Bill Fink-, Clinton, and Patricia for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noakes AIr. W. R. Crossist. and family, of Hamilton, have vacation- and g at Sauble Beach. returned home after holidaying
for a week with the former's