HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-08-09, Page 3First .summer • -- ', Continued from page 7: Itttnfers-up to the winning raban were Leader Jans Ca av- ler•, junior Leader Bill Fele. bairn, Jim Kearney, Barre Bay'nham, John Loader, Larry' Haugh, Ed L,indenfield, Graham Hem, Bill Hooper and Michael Kearney. 'trite track and field meet Wednesday afternoon showed the keen interest of the per- formers. Six events w:eie off M a time with J5 minute intervals. miners of the meet ranted points for their cabins and re- ceived individual ribbons and awards at a "special (tamp. fire" program Wednesday tight, Event winners and chane - pions were as follows: GiR.LS' EVENTS High jump — Junior, Susan Broadly, Jane Broderick, Cathy Lachine; intermediate, Judy Ferguson, Linda Lowery, Naney Gifford; senior, Barb Whiting, Susan Bailey, .Rene Whitney, 100•yard. dash -- Junior, jape .Broderick, Bonnie Laffin, :Sem- en Broadly; intermediate, Linda ]:,owery, JoAnne Whilsmith, ,fudy Ferguson; senior, Susan Bailey, Barb Whiting, Wendy Doerr. 220 -yard dash — Junior, ;lane 'Broderick, Susan Broadly, Bon- nie Laffin; .imermerlia1e, Linda Lowery, Jane Tuckey, Janice Leader senior, Susan 'Bailey', Barb Whiting, Wendy Doerr, Standing broad jump --- Jun- ior, lane Broderick, Susan Broadly, Cathy Lachine; inter. mec(tate, Linda t,aweiy, do•Anne t�rhllstnith, Janice Loader; sen- ior, 'Wendy Doerr, Susan Bailey, Barb Whiting, Softball throw •— Junior, Jane Broderick, Susan Broadly, Con- nie ;Mackie; intermediate, Linda. Lowery, Susan Page, Judy Fer- guson: senior, Susan Bailey, Barb Whiting, Rene Whitney. Volleyball throw -- .Junior, :Bonnie Laffin, Jane Broderick, Susan Broadly; intermediate, lane Ttcekey Janice Loader, Christine Tuckey; senior, Marg Bosch, Susan. Bailey, Linda Wells. volley ball t hr n w — Junior, ,toe Marling, David Halliday, ,Iack f) a r'1.) 'n g; intermediate, f)reham ;Kern, John Loader, Bill Hooper; senior, David Grainger, Bill Beavers, Bob Beavers. flirts' champion and runners. up- --- Junior, Jane Broderick (16 pis.), Susan Broadly (11 pts.); intorinedilite, Linda Low- ery (14 pie.), Jane Tuckey and Judy Ferguson (S pts. each); senior, Swan .Bailey (15 Pte.), Barb 11'hiting (.10 pts.). Girls' grand, champion, Jane Broderick (.16 els.); .r'ttnner•up, Susan :Bailey ( 15 pts.), .Boy's' champions and runners- up -- ,Junior, Jack Darling (14 pts.), Larry Haugh (9 pls.); in- termediate, John Loader (13 pts.), Graham Been (12 pts.); ,enior, Jiob Heavers (16 pts,), f3ilt Farquhar (6 pts.). Boys' gra led champion, Bo Beavers. (36 pts.); runner-up, Jack Darling (14 pts.), BOYS' EVENTS lii'h jump — ,Junior, Lair' Haugh, Jack Darling. Jamie Fulcher; intermediate, John Loader, Jim Darling Jim Gif- ford; senior, Bob Beavers, Hank Gosar, David Grainger. 100 -yard dash — junior, ,Jack Darting, ;toe Darling, .Larry Haugh: in termedJate, Graham Kern, John Loader, Jim Dar- ling; senior, Bob Beavers, Bill Farquhar, Mike Kearney, 220 -yard dash — Junior•, Jack Darling, Larry Haugh, Michael Cooper; intermediate, Graham 1 -Cern, John Loader, Jim Dar- ling; senior, .Bob :Beavers, Bill :Farquhar, .Flank Gosar. 'Standing broad jump — jun. tor, ,Tack Darling, Larry Haugh, Leslie Shan e; intermediate, Graham 1 -Tern, John Loader, Jim Darting: senior, Bob Bea. vers, Hank Gosar, elichael. Kearney. Softball throw -- ,Junior, Joe Cosgrove,Lack Darling, Larry, intermediate, ntermediate, Barr y Faynham, John Loader, Rill Fairbairn; senior, Bob Beavers, Bill. Farquhar. Rill Beavers, Hens,ll council -- Continued from page 1 filed against Silver in the hank- rup(cy action total some $72,• 000. Granted building permits In Jack Caldwell. for the construc- tion onstruetion. of a garage and Murray Baker for an extension to his house. .Decided to leave the tele• phone booth at the town hall in its present location, Council learned that the tele- phone company wished to move it out nearer the street but Mrs, Noakes stated "One wo- man complained of the bill. board being out there. lust think what would happen if we moved the phone booth out on the sidewalk," Exeter council Alan spans Retain clerk .GB in Stephen by combining posts r'eraratian. of plans for let 1 a ltniMi1UQitts rrcuteled rt `� bridges +a'as trrxtered by ,Stephen 1n t,ownahip vour•nefl at its meeting lc, 11'edneatlay, tirand li extd >lrinn4tIiP9tftton council agreed .to .combine the Tuesday. Bonnie '1' u. r v a r' Was the jobs of clerk, tt•eaautet•, tai ca i swimming and lite plans Wilt hr .dr•at+•n fol collector and assessor and .give hop`s ut the kirth Nunn- sRans tin tat 14, von. four' incl thraughattt tyre week the at then.t to Hurray A. Jaen Sar- er's enjoyed swim periods lot 37, south boundary. ('on. dins, in an eL(ga to .keep inn every morning an afternoon, dstruction of the bridges will be peeeettt clerk in the multi- Highlight of the nets pool proat the, discretion of the 166:3 Capably. ;rant saws a swim meet Satw'- """13' ,Lite move, which will mite day afternoon. Helping the Road Superintendent Law- mto effect on January 1 of director at the pool were rence HJII reported that work on 1.968, also set the clerk's new Linda Johnson, Greg Ilar•ness the bridges on concession tten haters(' at 42.590.00 per Yew', and Bob Schroeder, 1lesuits and ie was progressing favor- an iner•ease of e1,000.00 h his were: ably and that both projects were salary, but a .decrease of elm Roy: ,itiitiar, Jack Darling near completion. 10 $2Q0,00 for what they are ' • Approve! petition Jobs done. toe Darling Larry Haugh; in presently paying to have the ter'niedtate, 131 11 leam'hair'n, - c d ictdtion for J • s when Mike Kearney, Raymond :Bea- Council a vepte 1. Council took the step ver: senior, Bob Beavers, Fred drainage works at, lots 10 and (res Jardins reported he had Simmons, Grant .Hooper. 11, south boundary. on the pro• been approached be' another Girls: judger, Jane Bemis- perty of Albert Smith and Em- nrunicipaiity with "an attract. 1•� s A, HOW" Lislow'el, will , r... ' senior Linda wells, prepare survey, plan and re- ager. rick; Susan Broadley; inter_ ere Geiser. Drainage engineer rye salary for the positron of rnediate Janice Loader. ludo • amt ,clerk, treasurer and town- man. Marg Bosch,Barb Whiting, Port To turn down the offer, the Nonswimmers race: Wendy Date for reading of the Aloe• clerk stated he would "expect Doerr. ,lo • Anne Whilsmith, r•issey municipal drain was set a raise here- or else soore. as - Jane Tuekey.for 'J'h.ursda,', August :1e, at suranee 1 would be able to Winning .cabin .two made up a:a0 p,in• better myself and not stay in a camp song which had the 'Treasurer Ross ltaegh re• the sante rut." following words, ported that the total taxes re- "Councils have been good to eeivabie as of ;Iuly 31 amounted me in the past," he stated, Boom ileo Comp In e26,35n.OS. which he described Pointing out his salary had NobJ•ai•ai•af• aikus been increased three times to as 'fairly normal„ Nobody like us, 11 • l reported receipts n( his present, remuneration. of We are the kids from c also .p S7,514.73 in July, including the :t:L500,00 from the 51375,00 when Always lain Camp, per capita grant from the prow• he started. Always a -winning, n ing ince based on the township's po- ,'.I'here's nn argument that MwaAlways a -grinning. gf pulation of 2,793, according to 'nay," he pointed out, "hut we Repeat a•fceling fine,are all looking to better our - Repeat the 1961 census. selves." Other robin members in Receive- approvals Rxceives recommendation rltided: C o u n c 11 received approval '1.'he clerk reported that the Cabin No. 3: Leader, Linda from the sanitation branch of .offer from the other muni. ,Johnston, Junior Leader Cara- the Ontario Dep't of t=teelth for cipality had not come from lynne Simmons, Norma Young, the work which has been tom- hint answering an advertise - Nancy :Brady, Wendy Doerr, meted at Fairfield Cemetery, ment, but that he had been Laura MacMillan, Barb Whit. The gravestones there have been recommended for the job by ing, Darlene Snell, Rene AI hit- r'elocate(1 in a central position, one of, the auditors %viio eheck ney and Elaine Whitney. Council also received ap- the Grand Bend ledgers. Cabin Na. 5: Leader Bob pr•oval from the Ontario Dept 'Would you consider taking Schroeder,Junior Leader Bill of Highways for the gravel eon- on more work': Reeve Bill Farquhar'.Perry Haugh, Don tract at the ,luty meeting. Simudevant questioned. Wolfe, Bill Beavers, Jim :Dar- Reeve Glenn 'Webb presided "Yes, I. would." the clerk re. ling, Norman. Howey and Den. and all members were present. pled. When nis Ferguson, 4ounritior Rollie Caen - Cabin No. 8: Leader Bob 144,e UNDERter asked if be would assumeGOES OPERATION the duties of tax collector ;ins, Junior Leader John Gras- •' le it 1 L ndon where he not wish to take over another leave the meeting in allow council .toconsider his move, and the press was also exclud- ed as the council went into a committee of the whole to dis- cuss it. When he returned, Slur-devacit put the proposition to Jiro and asked if he would aeeept it. "Yes. 1 would, he stated, "but 1 dont want to putthese other men out .of ;t jab." "It's either that or we have to go out and hire a new clerk," the reeve answered, "and where would we do that?" Des Jardine stated he did not think eouneil would have come up with a proposition at the meeting and said he would he quite willing to let it ride until the next meeting. "My word's as good as my bond," he stated, "and I 'wouldn't leave ,•ort until you have decided." "'That`s it," replied Council. lot' Stewart Webb, "we've talk- ed all we want." "The problem eras been put up and it's the only solution," stated Sturde+'ant, The reeve suggested a. letter should go immediately to as• ,sessnr Matt Sweitzer and lax collector Griff Thomas inform- ing them of the move, but .council decided to take no action. "11 I were in their position 1 wouldn't want to read it In the paper," he stated. However, council declined to make such a motion. At present. S+vcitzer• receives 3550.00 a year as assessor and 'Aromas receives approximate- ly 3650,00, depending on the amount of back taxes he re. s, Des Jardine, elerk for the past five rears, is an honor graduate of the Queen's Uni- versity extension course for clerks and is a ,Justice of the Peace in the county of Lamp. ton. GB1 orders Jim Hackney, Ray Bea .'lndren Snelgrove is in Victn- Des Jardine reported he did ' underwent an operation Satur- mans job. Bob Mackie, Fred Simmons (ray night.. • ford Mike Kay Grant Hooper, • , At this point, he offered to — Continued from nage 1 area. He also said police had heen checking on double parking in front of the post office. Area crashes end rolllsion in which damage as estimated at 3400. Both cars were proceeding north, with liasse in the lead. when the 'Zurich driver slowed down to make a right turn. Thursday, Aug, 2, Iwo Zurich persons and a young London. woman were injured when the car in which they were riding hit the ditch, jumped over a eith•ert and struck a tree nn No. 4, about two miles south. of Hensall. Georgina Mary Blue, 21, Lon- don, suffered a fractured jaw and right leg: ,Judith D. Wit. tort, 21, Ztuith, and hes' Hier, Gregory G. Willem, the driver, received facial lacers shoes. Ramage to the car atnnunted to $t,200 aceording In PC t`. 'E. Gibbons. A second hit-and-run acci- dent within a week was report- ed by PC Gibbons 'Tuesday, Mile 31, on the 'B1tse+voter highway, ,just south of St, rfihseph. A, eat driven by Nits. h wila N. Waffle, Attica, Mich.. suf- fered :800 i*tiniBga when it was struck by A station wagon tater recovered nn a May town- ship sidertiact about (our mitts from the stele of the accident. 'The station wagon 1va:S ewe• ad. by Arthur 1,, Brooks, 1(11 5 Stra.tfeed. whit reported the vehicle sullen from Grand Bend the :following day. 11 t'e- r.eived aixittl, :$3300 damage, at Cording le PC Cecil (ihhons. Belt Telephone Co, has been asked to move its public booths from beside the town hall to al- low the police cruiser to park beside the office, Council also: Sold a lot with 30 foot front- age on Marlborough, south of the extension of Sanders St„ to Robert Luxton, who owns the lot immediately south, for the sum of 3300, Was not able to pass bylaws authorizing the investment of some 336,000 worth of taxes in interest-bearing treasury bills because the required number of members —•• seven — was not present. Learned that Charles Gorey had been laid nff the works dep't. lash week when it was dis- covered he had left the sprink- ler disposal system at Canadian Canners Ltd. unattended; Fire Chief Irwin rnrd has replaced him temporarily, 0 K more apartments and 73ruce Fulcher. Cabin No. R — (The Happy Seventeen!): Leader Greg Har- ness, Junior' Leader, David. Grainger, Steven eieKnight, 'Bobby Read, Michael Cooper, David 'Halliday. 'Bruce .Laffin, John Lenk, Jackie Kraft, Allan McLean, :Richard 'Bailey, -Ro- bert Whilsmith, Toe Cosgrove, Len McNeely, Jamie Fulcher, ,tohn Cooper and Peter Mason. Treasure hunt winners The senior girls won the treasure hunt held Thursday afternoon. On the team with leaders Bob Beavers and Greg Harness were Elaine Whitney, Rene Whitney, Barb Whiting, Norman Young, Laura Macltdl.• lan, Darlene Snell, Susan Bail- ey, Nancy Bi'ady and Wendy Doerr. Each of the campers took turn on fag duty throughout the week, They cleaned the dishes, washed and swept the floors. Carolynne Simmons and Nor. man Young were extremely helpful with t.ite' .fags because their past experience helped to iron outthe problems, 'Their volunteered help around the kitchen was. certainly welcomed by all, Several crafts held Various crafts were held throughout the week. Some of these included popsical stick building (the group went through sonic 11,0001, wood craft (In- dian totem poles), plastic lac - log, paper crafts. plaster mould- ing and raffia. All in all the adventure proved \wet worthwhile AS no Serious accidents took place and all a0 campers had a whale of e goad timet Council '1'11esday night ranted conditional approval to Norman E. Walper to build a foc'-unit apartment house on William St, 'rhe proposed one -storey structure will measure' 102'x22` and will he erected nn a 32,5 foot lot owned he' Mr. Walper immediately west nl his Main St. store. The local husinessneen, who appeared at council meeting, said he planned to erect three one -bedroom and nee two -bete room (nil with a utility Mom in the centre. Council, after ennsidrrable discussion, agreed to permit the erection or two units, pro- viding approval roar received from the county health unit, 1f the proposed sewerage projcet is assured, the full four units will he permitted. The proposed huilditig is in the area which designated enm- t tii.eterat in the proposed .nn nJ~ bylaw however, immediately to the horth of it is A re.eerttty'a constructed house owned he formed Councillor Murray Greene. 'four mere bosses round' geented permits ter four more houses, indicating an upswing in eohstruetion fee fall, `Prier were to Fred Hatter, foe a bottie on the north side ii1 Vit LOW, near \farlbhr0ttgh: Albert Geiser, tin Sanders a house the Chir t1 lot bast (rf 1"d- "!'wn • escapes ward: ,Sohn 115, Girot, Mann 51., weekend toll Despite the ittlilibee of arc!. dente in the areath Owedwasn't I sdngle traffic Mishap in Ex- eter nvt0' the holiday, accord• thein 'Chief C. 11, McKrnzre. `ueedaw, le:Weyer, two t rico r ina ++ per - Arnie ui"e Were rl d tt (� 1.1 crash at tire, intersection of ini }on And .Main About 5:15 p'p' t. tgo,ne#s 20, , 'Hur on received ar[aibone S.i iraCdul`e And slight tetietts Ile had loottravelling Alent e Jon east die Huron and fie,, along with the seat "0f his nar, WAS thrown =Clear if The '1wrt vie. Mrs, Arthur Wright, itg, suf.- feted a bruised arm and shoe:. and n' 3 trtratea iii Utah 1turtin hospital by tit, 1J. A. 146r. . Herr husbarttl leas cirl'v- iti . the 'carr south ori lain ;fit., whfoh struck the 3ttNeil tFlr . 'xt trossad til highway, olid thief r 14 1tt4o1Iti tie estihii slid Llai to ,8 :at ll541 a house on taryde 13oltlevard, to be erected by Whiting Gen. §tinction, and tri 1ltiSSelt Ttallc- will, for a honie at tha: north- west corner of John and td - ward. A permit for the latter streeitli'e was 'issued tact 'y'"ear. but Tile. l atkwill did not Pre- toria with eon:5t1`uction, Other permits, were granted Andrew ,eft, Alvin Coltish, to ,r siding for hnluSe; Lawrence. l;urrtpet, for the establishment of a mhbrie Beanie nn a Melba. Tough St, tote: 'Roe Rueter, Edgar . ra c� d Anne SL,.a a g B iti Squire, #dart# Ste trnofing. ENJOY YOU HOLIDAY RE WATER *Inc tit itstioNseseet6teesAissiiicet.' tor wimonna. 401.111.0 Hay dial system ahead of schedule Workmen last week put the finishing touches on the new 3(1,000.00 exchange building for the Hay 'Township �'t.unicipal Telephone System's dial equip- ment although the equipment is not expected to be :installed un- til early in the fail- Oth.er work in connection with the dial system that will cover the 600 subscribers on the Grand Bend exchange "is pret- ty well on schedule" according to plant manager Harold Zehr. "We plan a co-ordination meeting with Northern Electric, rhe Bell Telephone and the On- tario Telephone Service Com- mission on August 8," he re. ported, "and we'll have a bet- ter idea then how we are get- ting along. The Northern Electric ('om- Pant' are providing the equip- ment for the $250;000.00 project and the Sell has to assist in hooking up for long distance calls. The Telephone Ser'viee Com- mission are assisting the Hay group in organizing. and plan- ning the extensive work. trio/ill sett Zehr reported his men were p ' 11in in nista • �entl engaged g thenewtelephone sets in area homes and businesses and 200 of the 600 have already been installed. "We're putting in about 100 phones a month," Zehr stated. and we find.that is a pretty tight schedule." At present, the Telephone Sys- tem has eigh' leen working on the dial. set-up, Ze1tc reported that only two men were added to his staff for the work and he hoped they could complete it without hiring more help. The been are also busy instal, ling a large trunk cable be- tween Zurich and Dashwood that: will connect Zurich with both Dashwood and Grand Bend. Direct dialing Zehr reported that when eut- nvet' is made early in 1963. or sinner. the (Grand Bend sub- scribers will have the benefit of direct dialing on their long dis- tanCe Calls. 'l'tris sortie, at present is only offered to A. limited number of eommuniti's throteghout (7nta• rin. The 1•lay gt'oup lease also put chased 16 new public telephones 51 a cost of $250.00 each. l'hcse are all prepaid units, meaning that callers have to drop their dini.e in before they can dial a number. the ,e n set-up, e e ` the present t , t t rid t p, operator.' r'equcsts tht' dime after the party has been connected with the number he is tatting. i"triter• Sumner Safety Contest No. let44 Here is the recpprf of rey Summer Safety Contests. It's easy, tots et fun to enter, The (lietute ie bated vie my rules "WEER 1)JT PROM BETWEEN FARKEb CARS" epd "PLAT' YOUR (TAMES 1N A SAFE PLACE AWAY FROM 'THE STREET". Staff tight Mow to lied where *tang in Ike picture. You tnbY "win * e " Raleigh hi. tette tit .aSono•Litt. 4 . , . . CanYoO shanty out The Tltnes-AClvoe�atc, Au + st 9, 19 NM Did you neo that :the small chane Jett In your pocket Tar' purse At the and of .day could ln>sat1 a small torten,* for you'7 Ask us how. 1 kf>r v 0 s t Q r ut1 6omit #.4.4 b sh, i t rr r t t ,e P 1-19k,Mett Deer Pat* Circle, London GC 4,4502 or Enquire at '0(-i 'rrtnea Advocat For tate second time this sum. mer, council have decided to make a property owner remove a building because it was erected without gaining a build- ine permit. The question arose when room til were considering licenses for several establishments and councillor :Earl Datars clues - Honed the status of the small fish smoke house on the river road. "He should certainly pay e business tax," Datars stated. The councillor reported lit council that the owner of the building, McCormick. had accosted him an the main street and had grabbed him by Me neck and accused '.Datars rrr Learing' down a sign in front of the building, "T want action nn this before t leave here tonight," Datars said. The question then arose as to whose property the building wee situated on and reeve Bill Stur. rlevent report', it was prnb• ably on the village's property. "Regardless of whose land it's on." he stated, "there was nn building permit issued for dt." Notingthat council had al- ready set a precedent on a building on the niain street mined by 1)on Simpson. he said the natter should he left with the property committee whn should see that ii wa. 1n1.•n down. Although no motion was nas• sed, the decisenn by council was recorded in the minutes and then suegested building suri'k, lye -awned hfill should notify the ow'ner- ERRv 1422 FIs. HERE'S VHAT YOU b0! 1. tut ibis eeritiesl out nt ce64, hkriret 1ia114 line end ti+,ar the Pith:arc. nr eitaw a manta then `loOkt tike the And color it, !. List on sc+nttrale'»t= corer sir! 'sr.�en rtf nyi t twrdny_sheer do fhtt tsrclul!'. Mi1'°rrnlesl., Bind 14s0 )ct addresk 1+n i nary Torn. Don't 46rSi61 1a fr11 tit vCur bathe unci tickets:, 1 • ,try thrid t f klt+nifsniory sda5ot Ytgt eerie rept, -tont-tit No. 2 5 M1 anhrer b ednt! th,E eraeeriy ist t:.mor r16 :So+ery Etetstitinf bed cdnri6l l c ret,,rnrtl d C.h,IBten br'rfijfltlydeti bl IP,* etas-. oter. The finleno Sofkt.' Lea066 dnd )'.e:eree Cycleindustries (Cdneda) Ltd, mew not eh(). •� tont-tit 6 t• M r Y will r l 1 ' e t 1 A traffic safety oalhbr,fi,is. Thi lodges' decrslnrt +s lien. 1,1Alr,1R'.rXY'%4rr4Yi'Y'YlY47,r449,1YY%%,a,r..e.•%,11 AbbiktSS •,,{44444!“„4444!1411144'Y%4r.,f4Yrr Y%tii1I•4,4.4 AUS %r%Y4%rs„t`Ff: CS'�rl�✓i'f S, 4, ar rano.zsv,rr '[t�l'».,,`7lfl,rM ,' • 1 tre'm meta a hiteete Hent t,IJ t'e. t air beim: Aura iStit toy °HUM ttArtrt 11141.1t 208 XING Tx ,. "iiNtorie 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '59 MONARCH RICHELIEU SEDAN, '6u FALCON TUDOR '59 METEOR TUDOR, V'8, automatic '58 FORD SEDAN, 6 -cylinder, lovely '58 CHEV COACH, good '60 VAUXHALL SEDAN '57 FORD SEDAN, 6 -cylinder '57 FORD COACH, V•&, automatic '57 OLDS 4.00OR. HARDTOP SOME JUNKERS AT LOWER loadsd $ 1,1Z3S $1,600 51,40!1 .. 230 51:250 ..,,..., 31,200 $1,1©0 31,000 $ 900 PRICES NEED A A l 9I FQRD LOADER THE NEW 711 O?4E,ARM FARM LOAMK bESIGNEO TO FIT ANY ItOtktI TRACTOR with thepurchase of any new Ford or fro:Edson Tractor Every farmer needs 4 loader , Every farmer deeds o Forti l • TIn1l,nt111141t1„1nr,NrirOMMtrrr„1 -armQui Specic� Ono Oit filter PRE with tits put'cltasn cit two filters on ctitiipletittt1 of Ito Ford Fal m Quiz Entry 1=or'1r Goa `(crura Today!. YOU .con wits $10,000. worth -of to;inou ford Products ViiitTrn„trnl,t,t Mint/ 1r1,M,,,r111111„t,,t1„M1,1,,M1M•n MMM,,, n„MM,t„M,• •,•"M•,1•M,•M1„t11••1,e USED lrRACITORS 'ftQ btkrA b1ESEI., '51 MASSEY.H ttitl 44, singer rtI '47 FbR'D Bird tkl'1hm taiatltr '44 mikttEY }ii til ts% 01< '49 l rAtii. wear bvatliavl'eid '49 W T RLOO "U” J B" ,. Y JOHN t)t±l~R1w Oli 1u1ASSEY.>•iAlt tis welt shod 3 li">rfft S 454 • S "ft24 � 7n. fl 344 '5x25 ew rr°€ix. Larry riidet Motors LiM1 a'l~t) itAietAnt, Palc(ffl *rid 1101'11 ¶`wtl1k$ 0146tLfarlt4f� 1xr."r !t.