HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-26, Page 1316 Properly for Sale 17. Properly for Rent The 'TinveAdvecate, July 26, 19.44 Page 13 sprayed, as many as. .Six or thing terrific," he stated, "and seven times before they are keeps you on your toes trying harvested," k.e reported, to get the top price..n Government inspectors •A r.e The 34 growers held elections stationed at the .Co-Qp to ensure .each yea,- to. Dame their five that all the produce is free from directors, win in ti.;.r.t eis4t o e. Any disease, and if it is spotted of their members as. president, And is spread into. a load, the Eaell man ,,ernes three years wholft load is sent back to the in a ,sta,ggared. setup which sees, farm, where it can either be one new man each year. tossed out or sorted to pick out President this year is Joe what is good. Vandenberk, while, the direr, Busy place tors are: Martin Martens, Hen- Although he doesn't know 17 VandeBurgt,,. and Peter Mennen. what his telephone bill is, Ford John. Keiders indicated it would be high as Fielciman for the Co-Op is be is constantly on the One 47. Bill Richards and plant foreman ing to find the best market for is Case Vandenbygaart. the produce, Gail Waldron, .Grand Bend, however, the expense op. has the tedious chore of book- pears to be warranted as he is ing after the extremely comp. presently getting top prices .and heated bookkeeping, although is pulling the Co-Op hack on its. she does have the help of a feet after a dismal season last $7,800 Burroughs machine. year, Dwayne 'Pinney, Exeter, also "'The market fluctuates some- assists in the office. By MRS. .ER.VIN :RAPER DASH WOOD. Vacation Bible school at Zion. Lutheran Church was brought to a close i"riday noon follow• ing treats provided by Mr. and Airs. Milford Merrier. The theme was "Let's learn about God". The closing exercises were held Thursday evening, The total enrollment for the school was 106, besides 13 teacbers and eight helpers, Mrs. Bob haytev, Mrs, Harold .Sehroeder and Miss Linda Kraft were the teacher's for the nurs- ery classes, Miss 111S Becker and Miss Valerie Gibson were the teachers for the kindergar- ten, Miss. Joanne Martine, Miss Marion Keller, Mrs. Roy Gib- son, and Mrs. Hubert Schroeder were primary leachers;. Mrs. Karl Keller and Mrs, Ken Kel- ler were teachers for the junior department; Misses Pauline and Brenda Becker were teachers for the seniors, The assistant teachers WAIT Mrs. Elmer Rader, Bernice Restemayer, Mary Ann Hayter, Doris Keller, Ivan Miller, David Rader, Mar- garet Salmon and Robert Mil- ler, The Thursday night closing service included two selections by the nursery and kindergar- ten which were directed by Mary Ann Hayter; two by the three older departments were directed by Mrs, Ken Keller. A short sermonet was given by Pastor .Gatz. After the service everyone was invited to the church base- ment to view the projects of the children. Refreshments were served by the assistants, Personals Mr, and Mrs. William Beavis and Barbara, of Detroit, are vacationing with Mrs. Bertha Hayter. Miss Melvina Schacle, of Lon- don, visited with Mr, and Airs, Ervin Schade and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber and daughter, of Burgessville, and Miss Thelma Weber, of London, were visitors during the weekend with Mrs. Dan Weber, Mr, a n d Mi's. 13 oh ert Stormes, of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Lynda. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and Mary-Joe, of London, vaca- tioned with Mr. and Mrs. Er- vin Racier and family. Ervin Rader, David, Paul and Lloyd Howe spent the weekend at Chesley Lake fishing. Misses Maxine Kraft, Eve- lyn Tail and Ruthanne Brinn, nurses from 'l'illsonburg, called on Miss Pearl Kraft and Mrs. Cera Gaiser, Friday. Air. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and family, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Alr, and Mrs. Herbert Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family spent Sunday at Port Elgin and Allenford. Mrs. Rudolph Miller spent a few days last week at .Kitch- SENSATIONAL ! NEW MOORGARD in FLAT FINISH VINYL EXTERIOR PAINT One out of every 4 farm homes will suffer an accident this year ! ARE YOU PROTECTED? W. H. Hodgson LTD. 235.2420 EXETER TRACTORS Eliminate the hazards which cause mishaps in one out of every 4 farm homes 10 e y ales FOR SAFE FARMING MILT ROBBINS & SON 235.0160 THE BEST IN FARM MACHINERY Phone 23S.0400 Main Street Phone 235.1273 William St, rogram conduces school at Dashwood Call JB at 1863 NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough. St, full basement, oil heat, garage, $71 per month after dOW1). payment, 2-BEDROOM on beautiful cor- ner lot, Carling and Thomas streets, Heat for $100 and taxes. only $172. 2-BEDROOM TRAILER .o.n. Wil- liam St, Owner is anxious to sell and will sacrifice. JOHN ST,,,4-bedroom brick, ANDREW ST, — Lovely 'd home, ideal for .doplexing. Priced to sell. MAIN S?'.-.-,3-bedroom brick. RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS — 3, bedroom brick, CARLING & MILL STS. — 2- bedrom rug brick. VACANT STORE and dwelling —$500 down, COMMERCIAL property con- sisting of 2 stores, on Eieter Main St, Suitable for any type of business or could he easily converted to 3 apartments. Terms, 2-BEDROOM within block of Main St., oil heat, full base- ment, attached garage. 2-BEDROOM FRAME, near Riverview Park, full basement with oil heat. SEVERAL good building lots in Exeter. 4-BEDROOM house in Lucan, completely modern, hot water heat, low down payent to re- sponsible party. JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 7:5 tine 17 Property For Rent MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, available immediate- ly, Phone 235-0395, morning or evening, 5&12tfn HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, modern conveniences, immed- iate possession. Phone 235-1771. 12,19,26e APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable, avail- able July 1. The former Sim- mons Apartments, Sanders St. 5-ROOM DUPLEX, in Exeter, newly remodelled and decorat- ed; Immediate possession. Phone Harold Taylor, 39r8 Kirkton, 26* APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, new, unfurnished; available August 1. Phone 227-4406 Lucan, C. H, Lewis. 26c 13-FT. TRAILER, stationed at Pinery Park; sleeps 2 adults, 2 children; furnished, Call 228- 6082, after August. 1, 1962. 26* 11,2 - STOREY HOME, 2-bed- room, completely redecorated: available immediately. 111 Ann St., phone 235.1377, after 6 p.m. 26e APARTMENT* 1-bedromn, on Main St., available August 1. Gould and dory, phone 235- 0270. 26c 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, nice lot, recently redecorated, Anne St. west: children welcome; avail- able August 1, Phone 235-0270 or 235.0685, 26c HOUSE, 3- or 4-bedroom, in llensall, oil heat, modern bath and kitchen. Close to business section, Phone 267,11 Hensall. 26* 30"FRAILER HOME, Drys- dale, private beach; accommo, date 9 adults comfortably; available by the week ,or week , end, commencing August 8; $35 per week; .$20 per weekend. Phone 8-6846. 26e SUMMER COTTAGE, 2-bed- room, at St. joseph's, all .cen. venienees, Open. from August 11 on Contact Mrs. Ross Tue- key, Exeter, 26c 20 Wanted To Rent LAND, from 30 to 250 acres; fall possession. Write Times- Advocate, Box No. 6633, 12,26e 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale QF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of .a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m, o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer, 7:12-10;4 ANYONE wanting wire-hound crates, apply A&H Food Mar- ket. We have hundreds, and they are yours at NO CHARGE for the taking. 26e TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY The Township of McGillivray has assumed responsibility for the maintenance of one aban- doned cemetery under Sec. 60 of the Cemetery Act R.S.O. 1960 Chap. 47. This cemetery is at Pt. of Lot 15, Concession 1. We propose to close this cemetery on September 4, 1962, after which date there will he no further burials or removals. Any persons interested in this property, please contact the township office in Parkhill, be- fore. September 4, 1962. W. J. AMOS, Clerk Township of McGillivray 26:9c Storm Windows for the north windows of the new addition at No. 7 School, located in Zurich. Full description and price to accompany tenders. Tenders are to he in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by Satur- day, August 4, 1962. For further information con- 'tact the secretary - treasurer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, IL W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary-Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario. INVITATIONS • Dries in 30 minutes • Seals out rain resists blistering • Hides old surfaces easily • Clean-up with soapy water • Mildew resistant • Lasts longer x.10, -95 GALLON A 3ENSATIONA1 NEW PAINT PAO/LA Benjamin A Moore pa.nts FISHER'S Hardware 235-/.190 YOUR MOORE DEALER coon with Mr. and Mrs, Sieg,. fried Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Glen ,Guenther and family, of Gary, Indiana, spentlast week with Mr, and Mrs.. Sid Baker; Mn, and Mrs. Stan Green and family, of Dres- den, were Sunday visitors. Misses Margaret Monter and Elizabeth Bartliff are spend- ing some time in Detroit. John Whittier, of Peterbor- ough, is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs, herb Wein, Miss Emma 'Wein, of Clinton, and Robert Wein, of Sudbury, spent the weekend with Mrs, Wein. Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Wild- tong and family, of London, visited with Herb Willert on Sunday, .Area carpenter built ornaments By him ERVIN ,RAPER DAStlWOOD Isaac Lighthearl, 80, who formerly operated a lawnorna. ment business at Sarepta, near Dashwood„ died at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, Sunday, July 22. He had been in ailing health for several yearn his wife predeceased him in 1952. Surviving are four dough- lens, Mrs. Harold (Mae) Fox, of Sarepta, Mt-s. Harry Saedys, of Buff al n, Mrs, Wilfred Schmidt, of Preston, and Mi's, Clifford Cressman„ of Kitchen. er. Funeral services were held at the Ratz-Betchel funeral home, Kitchener, on Tuesday, with interment in the King St. Mennonite Cemetery, Kitchen- er. 'Klondyke —Continued from page 11 A.M. and had their i crops nto the Ce.Op by 10:00 a.m so it wn4.10 not spoil in the sun after cutting. The "hardware crops" such AA potatoes, turnips, onions are stored in sheds or .pits by the farmers and are packaged dur. log the winter months, 1141-4 to kill While the bog hand is ideal for vegetables, it appears to be ideal for pests as well, and Ford reported that sprays sold at the Co-Op from the spring until. the end of June reached $50;000.00.. "There's a fantastic amount of spray used", he reported, stating it included insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. He said that if this didn't work, the farmers got down on, their hands and knees and had their wives and children out pulling weeds. "Some East, phone 235-2012, after 6 24 Tenders Wanted 6:14* tine 3 LARGE ROOMS and bath, TENDERS heated, separate entrance, fur- nished or unfurnished. Avail- able Aug. 1. Apply 169 William The Hay Township School St. or phone 235.0736 12*tfne Area Board is calling for ten- ders for the supplying and in- APARTMENT, I bedroom, tip- stallation of wood or metal per, furnished and heated, pri- vate entrance, hot water sup- plied, no children. Available now. Apply in person, 59 John St. E., Exeter, 7; letthe 26c APARTMENT, tarnished, with stove and frig., private ent- rance, private bath; couple only; available August. 1. Ap- ply 1.09 Huron St., Exeter. 26* ftikTID ENGRAVED EXCELLENT CHOICE OF DESIGNS AND TYPES Times- Advocate 1. Keep Machinery in Good Repair Make sure your equipment is in safe working condition. Keep all guards and safety devices in posi- tion. 2. Operate Tractors Safely Start tractors smoothly and turn corners slowly. Avoid ditches, banks and soft ground. 3. Know and Obey All Traffic Laws Be a safe, courteous driver and drive a safe car. 4. Speak to Animals. When Approaching Them Animals may "bolt" if startled, so calmly assure them of your pre, sence when approaching. Cann's Mill LTD. Your Purina Dealer 235-1782 t crops have to be JULY 22 to JULY 28 Exeter Farm Equipment WITH THE FINEST FAMILY OF FARM MACHINERY Phone 235-1380 Farm 550/16 14.70 Tires! 400/15 10.90 With Escemption Certificate RM SAFETY WEEK S. Be Firesighted Don't smoke around the barn. Don't start fires with kerosene. Be careful with matches. 10. Apply First Aid Promptly Keep first aid kits in the barn, in the home, and on tractors. Seconds count when infections may s!)1: 6. Be A Good Housekeeper Keep things systematic in your home and in your barn. Have a place for .evErything and keep everything in place. 7. Watch Your Step to Prevent Accidents Keep ladders in good repair. Make sure barn floors are free of treach- erous holes. Watch your step, 8. Follow Safety Instructions Follow punted instructions with all equipment. 9. Know and Obey Water Safety Rules Don't swim alone. Know the depth of the water you're swimming in. Sit still in small boats. Exeter Frozen Foods COMPLETE LOCKER. AND HOME 'FREEZER SERVICE This farm safety message sponsored by the firms listed here. Expert Welding 'Doren MacGregor Fuels and .Welditv 1 eer During harvest, Hank had to alight From set sanric thing fightt But he loft It 9n beat'. sneaked up Tetini thie 'teat And chased film — 'sight CAA of tighti You have to COIVIBINIE equipment In safe Working order with safe Working habits if you don't want to harvest a peek of trouble! FARM WEEK iiiidtunot Ciim010141,011 .INTERNAtIONAL HARVE:STER 'F Hutt-able 2351182 • DRINK MILK 'FOR HEALTH Eider Dair - Phone 235.2144