HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-23, Page 1TflSd
EiIi unlet ♦ ltilNidbd orrery Rts dw!
Ojks, Market Bpwars, O.dericrh.
Cr Book a.d Job Printing *seceded with
.eatnes mad dispatch.
Tornio of 6A. Theron Signal. -TEN
SHILLINGS per awes d Raid etrktly is
advasee, or Twelve sad Si Peace with
the eapiratioe of the year.
No paper diacoatiased rata arrears are
paid up, Belem the publisher thinks it his
advaata`e to do eo.
Any tadividaal is the country becoming
responsible for cis subscribers, shall re-
ceivt a wveath copy grata.
All letters addressed to the Editor
must be post-paid, or they will not be takes
out of tbe post efface.
Temno of Advertass,sg._-Sia rises and
under, first iaaertaos, AO 2 6
Each subaegsest itsertioa, 0 0 74
Tea lines and under, first iraer., 0 3 4
Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10
Over ten lines, first is. per line, 0 0 4
Each i.beequeat insertion, 0 0 1
g}• A liberal discount wade to those who
advertise by the year•
Adverlwmeots without unites instruc-
tions will be inserted metal forbid, and
charged accordingly ; Rodeo advertisement
discootinued unpaid for at the time of with-
drawel, voles by the cooseet of the pub-
115 *wane..
CI A N be remelted ■t all hour", at
Mr. Le'Tsrre's Boarding Reese,
( formerly the Briti,k Hotel,)
Goderich, April 19(1. 1809. r5
street, Goderich.
' June 1848. 2,195
AT Tan 1115 05 TSB Tana.
Hurrah for Goderich!
HAVE on hand as mimeses Steck of the
very hest Desoriptios .1 BOOTS and
SHOES. en sale at t►a New Brick build
isg, *dietoiag Mr. Hare, W•teh seeker,
which will be sold .t the Lemma Price fs •
Cork or approved mad*, call sod *ie.
7'Tbe highest pries paid in Caak for
Hideo and Sheepskins, ke. A general
Stock of 6ndisge always on hand.
k CO.
Goderich, June 11, 1803. ,6s$0 -1y
Improved Farm for Sale.
BEING Lot No. 12, lad Coo/wawa,
Towasbip of Tuekereenitb. Here•
Road, the property of Jobs P. Smith, Eft,
containing 100 acres, adjolnieg rhe Bodd-
isg Lots is the raring and des,i.11sg vil-
lage of Egmondville, ibe load is of first
rare quality, beautifully bttwt.d ors that
batiks of the Bayfield river, sod well adapt-
ed to agricultural purposes. For ,hrtber
particulars apply on the presumes (if by let
ler pit paid) to the subscriber.
McKillop Poet Office
Tockerruith, Jun* 131b, 11163. ase. -urs
CABINET MAKER, Three doors East e
the Canada Compuy's office, West -
street, Goderich.
August 27th, 1849. 2vn20
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveya.-
eec, Solicitor to Chancery, lilt. has his
office as fortnerty in Stretford.
Stratford, 2nd Jan. 1850. 2vn49
Aug. 25th, 1852. ,6x31
Poet ss'
al 1550/ MC cSato&L•
Prise* eights mired world, whose rayless
From see to age has Mee the human
Taming its krdliaat footings colo mom,
Theo maltreat them early woe* thou would/it
now t.
That guilty throb at which they neem to
Perth is dieiaterested purity;
Crgrse u., thy peer willing dome t.
That MMus isepiree the touch that sew
them free
'Till we at last, thou tenfold molester,
O. deity itself to wettable time.
Wl,gie.'a mantle-Fri*led•htp'1 ►esmi.g
The atat*.as, tad lbws:biter al fame,
The patriot, is his popular devotee,
TM teepee .f el ois*.M. the titled name-
Obpri.g of w►erodes, platter. sword and
lasso -
This two, too. whose scuds a glory ran
All ! 01 ! to shy secoag.ered gresta.se
Al1 .re the gsilty trophies" them haat wes-
The ataudiag army el by proudest GM.
(Ons deur East of C. Cruris Stere.)
WOULD inform the inhabitants of God*
rich and neighborhood that he se pre-
pared to make to order or °therwi's, any
kind of Ladie's and Gentlemen's Fit» or
Fancy work, in the neatest and moat
faahinoahle style. And will also furnish
heavy Boot. and Shoes, to suit the se
comities of those that may favor him with
their custom. His prices will be moderate.
Goderieb, Judy 29th, t851. ,5n19
AUCTIONEER, Accountant and Gene-
ral Agent. Books and aeeouata ad
JOHN 3. E. LINTON, jawed, and all kinds of Deeds draw.. -
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., Sales attended in any part of the commie,.
and Conveyancer, Stratford. Lettere addressed to Mitchell or Harpur-
bey, will be attended to.
April 511, 1853.
Attentive Hustlers always oo hand. & R. SIMM► ON,
GoJerich, Sept. 12, 1850. ,3-n30 W.
ROCERS, Wine Merebaate, Frotterate
Barrister and :Worries at fate, ¢c,. 7t and Wines, No. 17 Deeds* Street,
G DKaiCti 1'. %V. ., London, C. W.
1011N RT1IAC11AN Barrister and Adtor- Fobruary 15(1 1852- s5• -.S
iey •t Law, Notary Publ.c and Coovey-
1 Aitoroey at Law, Solicitor in Chao. HAVING during the past two yeses sets
eery, Conveyancer. Ied in the capacity of GENERAL
Goderich, 17th November, 1E51 • AGENT for the collection of debts, desires
WILLIAM HO DGINS, tt to be generally uaderstoon that he will
tion of
ARCHITECT Al CIVIL ENGINEER doss int107 part of theeUpper Prr the lovince, be -
Office 27, Dundas Street, tween Cobourg in the East and Lake Hume
LONDON, C. ff. in the West. In making this asnounee
Au 1611, 1862. ,5030 sent, he would beg to express bis thinks
g -_ to hu friends for past favours, ad now re-
HORACE HORTON, .pectfully solicit, a continuance of the
[Market -square, Gederiek,) same.
GENT for the Provincial Mutual a.d , • All communications on business, addrew
1� General Insurance Office, Toronto, ed (poet paid) to Ayr 1'. O., North Dum-
%leo Agent for the St. Lawrence County j fries, C. W., will be promptly attended to.
Mutual, Oydeneborg, New York. Local April 1, 1851. ,5.10
%gent for Samuel Moalson's Old Rochester
Nursery. July 1850. 22
A. NASMYTH. LOT No. S0, in the Maitland Cotcee-
�t ARHIONABLE TAILOR, one door of the Township of Goderich,
Weer of W. E. Grace's Stere, West costaiamg 137 acres of the bat laud, of
:itrest Gsd.ricb. which 60 are cleared and well fenced. situ -
Feb. 19, 1852. v5-04 sued on the banks of the Reser Mutlaed,
8 miles from Godeecb. There is an ex-
cellent House and Bare oo the premises,
with an Orchard of the choicest fruits, se-
lected from 11e Nursery is Upeilante, Us -
ted States. For terms apply to the Sale.
British Exehaage Hotel,
28th January, 1853. ,Se59-8m
At tW moment Hatch looked up, sad
seeing Mr. Pulsars wall his face deadly
pale, gazing into its fire, aaclauoed.
" Good Gal, Putnam, what ails your"
sad at the tame time be made a motto° to
"For li 's sake geotlenta., dont
rise," said Mr. l'utiam. "Four of you sit
os kegs of powder-- it is scattered all aroudy
you -o.. movement may bend you all to
eternity. 'Then are two buckets of water
behind tbe bar. But keep your seats for
one minute and you are saved -move and
you are dead mea."
la aa instant every man was perfectly
soberei-not a limb moved -each seemed
paralyzed. 1a leu time then we have takes
to describe this Mantling aeene, Mr. Put-
ty had poured the water and completely
saturated tbe powder on the floor, and ex-
tinguished the fire so that the eaplosiou was
impossible. Then, and not till then, was
there a word spoken.
Before those seven men felt the store
that very night, tbsy pledged themselves
Dever to taste lager or play another gains
of cards.-Ansenain Unto'.
The 'following is a narrative --a tree ase
-describes a score list actually took place
tot mart years lice ta a country tows is
the state of Maine.
Oee evesi.g is the month of December
eighteen bsedred sad thirty-four,• number
of low.smea hod assembled at tive store of
a'frlfTbomas Patella, to talk over mat -
ten and tongs--smoke-drink and do
aaythiag to " kill time."
Tbrre boon thus passed away. 'They
hod laughed, talked std drank, and chatted,
and had a good time, generally; so that
about the small hour of abetting up atop
each particular parte felt first rate.
'Come; said .Cries Hatch, Me of tine
company ' ht's a8 liquor, and thea hare a
game of high -tow -jock"'
' So I say,' esclaired another, who has
got the eardst
'Fetch ea the keerds,' drawled out •
third, 1m epes half closed through the el -
feet' of the hq.or be had drank.
Alter drinking alt round, an old pine ta-
ble was drawn up before the fire -place
where burned brightly a large fire of hem-
lock logs, which would snap and crackle,
throwing bhp bee coals out upon the
All drew around tbe table, seating them-
selves oo whatever came headiest. Four
of them had rotted up to the table some
kegs, which from their weight • were sup-
posed to contain nails.
' Now,' said Hatch, 'bow shall we play.
every mac for himself.
No! bare partners; growled one man.
' I say every man for himself; exclaimed
'No, hanged if I'll play so,' shouted the
former, briagiug bis list down on the table,
knocking one caustic out of the stick, and
another upon ibe floor.
' Come, come,' said Hatch, ' quarrelling
-all who say for havitg putters, stand
Three arose.
The remai.sog four
Agent for Ontario Marine 4. Fire In-
surance Co.
INSURANCE effected on Moose, 8lith
ping aid Goode.
All kinds of Deeds correctly draws, sad
Books and Aceoents adjusted.
Office over the Treasury, Goderich.
uly 99, 1802.
FORWARDER and Commission Met -
2: chant, 8torehours Keeper, general
Agest, for the sale of Wild Lands Cleared
Farm., Hnusekold F.r.iture and Produce
of every description.
Odes, teat door, North of the Kilmer -
hoe Aarms, Geolericb, v6 -a9
Marsh 1411 1861.
F. rk C. H. BUHL,
MANUFACTURERS of Hats, Cape and
Facey Fore, Wholesale and Retail
Deters i. Furs, Buffalo Rubes, Deer Skies,
.}loves, Millen►, ke. lee.
Cask Paid for Furs.
The highest price paid, et all trees is
Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping Fon
byF. k C. H. BUHL.
D.treit, Michigan. Aug. Ital. .8.16
Fanner*' Mutual Insurance Co.,
CAPITAL $I,000,000.
EZRA HOPKINS, Hamilton, Afoot for
the C..ntt.o.f Waterloo amid Huron.
Angnet 17, 1850. 1e11
QU1CK'8 TAVERN, Ise ea Road.
gr May 1881. Nall
fARRIBTER, Solicitor 1s Cba.eery,
Attorney -et -Lew, C..uya.eer, he.
lee. Ogee t O&larie Belidiege, Kiag-t.
oppeeft. the Gere Ea.k, sed the Bask .f
British Nerd Amwics, Hawt•row. 4 10
At the blaryleoene Police Office not
many days ago a man was brought up for
re-examination, charged on his own con-
fession with having• murdered bis wile. -
The police stated that they bad reason to
believe tht prisoner was a single man and
a compositor by trade, amt not sn lets
rig t mind. Now let us tee what evidence
of a disturbed inind was elicited from the
priwoeI by the questions of the magistrate,
THE Subscriber respectfully
nouncea to the iahaMunt* of
Goderich aid eurronadt.g onwntry,
that lee hes pporehased the Stock in Thee,
Imo of Mr. E. Thornhill, in the ahem busi-
ness, and opened t►e Store lately occupied
by H. Barter, Tailor, met doer to Dr.
McD..gall•s saw Brick building, Market
Square, Goderich, when he islesds to car-
ry ea the BOOT AND SHOE Bus'aees n
all Its branches. He is prepared in.x.eete
all orders for every variety of Work, M
the most reuotable teem. sod by steel
attention to beldame hopes to sent .
share of public patronage.
The highest market prim paid for Hetes
and Bark.
Goderlch, May 10, 1852. M6.17
OIYIL ENGIN ERR and !revisals! Led
tlemyev, Oedemas.
Apr*I 30, 1881. eeu11
JAMES WOODS, to ettsd
AUCTI USI.. is pf part .4 the Coked
t+Mie Mese h sal w
G ssMs., use twdasste tense.
Strothed, M. • '510
'II HOSE Premises eeoststhg of Let No.
4, Iro.tiag Light -hoose Point, Gods
ele►, containing see -fourth of as sere .f
loud, with the Cottage there*., formerly
the prep*rty •f P. G. Pelmet, and ks.w.
se " Alehouse Cottage." Pries £200. -
Particulars of Terme, Title, lee., apply (hi
letter or ot1.vwies t.
48 Kong`-etrent, Tomei*.
Termite. let Jones 16th• .11Fiw
...1. MOORE,
OFFICE 1. the Pest OS.. Blur
Jose 711,1383. Milan
Gedsr$eb .
immediately stood
Mr. Broughton.
"'Che prrsouer said: I never had a wife.
My name is Gardener. 1 have been work-
ing in the eonolry ass compositor. 1 came •
up te London last Wednesday week, and
after wandering about witbout either mon-
ey or food, I saw the station- hoes. door
open, there was a fire, and I presented my
self for admittance, but was kicked out, 1
knew not what to do, as I bad nowhere to
go to, and a thought suddenly struck me
that 1 should obtain shelter if I gave myself
up as a murderer of my wife ; having done
so, I was looked upon by the police as a
person of some consequence, and was asked
politely to take a meal, consisting of pota-
toes and bread and cheese. Pnsooer further
said that all he had stated with respect to
the mt rder was a fiction, and that he merely
wanted a lodging for the night, bring en-
tirely destitute of ibe means of paying. Inc a
bed. He was remanded for a week."
Was there ever a clearer case of sound
Wits ; 31r. Gardener applies to the station
house with nothing but watt to plead for
him, and is kicked out, the thought then
strikes .him, that he will offer himself as a
scoundrel, and in the way of business invite
attention. But he bas wit eoougn 10 know
that there are degrees and grades of aroun-
dreli-m, an aristocracy of the thing, which,
as he puts himself io that line at all, be may
as well get the adtaatage of. So he an-
nounces himself as the supreme of scoun-
drels, a murderer. and having done so, im-
mediately looked 'upon by the police as a
person of some importance, and is asked
politely to take a meal, 10 our judgement,
Mr. Gardiner established his sanity in so
very triumphant a manner that we look
upon the magistrate's remand as somewhat
of a harsh proceeding. For being now a
mere mock murderer, of course there is so
end to the politeness, the distinguished
treatment, the comfoi table meals, and woo.
Ile subsides into an ordinary vagabond. and
loses the rewards of his ingenuity. indul-
gence io such casts is only extended in pro-
portion to the atrocity of the offender, and
Mr. Gardiner's atrocity turns out to be
no greater than'ttat of the thousands sharp -
set for a meal who daily task their wits to
find sone in the savage deserts of LcodoO.-
By an ingenious easyist murder has been
considered and treated as one of the Fine
Arts- Let us sugge!t that the author might
carry the &abject farther. It may be doubt-
ed it a suspected coonection with the Fine
Arts would ever he worth a meal to a man,
bet in regard to a suspicion in ronneclion
with murder this no longer admits of a
doubt. -English Papers.
A Ron*w.r Baisseanor -The day
Were yesterday says Galige.uei, some
police spate &teemed themselves at the
termites o1 the Strasburg K.,lway, and
•n the Iran arriving toll a young ova
w ho came by ft, and wbu was shoot to
premed to Hare to embark fur America•
He at firs: r.moasirats, tut on beag show*
a nesse' order accompanied the agents
quietly to the Prefecture. Tb• motive ••
► a arrest is as follow,.-ile had demanded
to marriage • young girl to the o.rebbour
hood o1 Eiden, sad hie offer was accepted.
Havimg ``em through all the moll threat -
tl*. headed over ti lie suitor the lady's stow
ry which cosseted of a good round suss to
gold sail silver, enmdiately, o■ reeer,i'.Q
the mosey, Ib• young man decamped by
the railway for Parts, but was stopped a"
above stated through the ageoey of that
powerful auxiliary to the polies, the es. °-
Iric telegraph. H• bed et his ,).•Nest°",
whoa arrested all the mems, which In ha'
mewed; with the remotion of what he bad
feeble journey. He was sent back in e n
lolly Baden.
Tuto KIt.TIS Tae Paula or ts. Lux.
arsouao.-Tee gay wurlJ of Parti mew
to have bees muco .truck with the commas
uI a aoblemaa• Lord Oeka•y, at the grind
ball gives by the Legislative foodon Easter
Bloomy, to the Emperor and Empress of
Fresco. Tim north no Lord, it to said wore
the hitt• at the g , the hunting hon
the plaid. the kilt, the bonnet, the sporran,
all complete. es Roderick Dbu •r Forges
11•civor," (1. drew more eyes (spin hon
ban .Teo the Hake of B,usrwick, rho was
covered with dawoud•.-[loternesa Cou
DePTH or DRAIna.-A writer in the
Agncu tura Gazette, who represents that
be has had great experience in drainage,
coocludes diet the proper depth of drains
must depend on the texture of tbe soil-
ilut the depth should be the poiut where
saturation is arrested. Experienced per-
sons, he says, can readily tell where this
poiut is; and those inexperieoced may easily
ascertain 11 by haring three short drains
made early in autumn -one 2), one of 3,
and one of 4 feet deep. The drains that
first discharge the wale after a rain will be
at the right depth fur the soil.
You see, Barclay; said Hatch, ' the
majority ars agaiast you. Come will you
Welk, as I don't want to be os the op-
posite stde,I'U play,' said Barclay somewhat
coded down.
Mr. P.taam was sot in the store that
etenieg, tad the clerk, who was busy be -
had the eomster, had takes very little no-
tice of the proceedmp. A►oet half put
tea, Mr. Puterm thoeigbt be would step
ever to the store and s :e that everythiag
was safe. As be west io be walked to-
wards the bra.
Wire within a few Kept of where the
mss were retmg lee storied bask with hor-
Before ham sat sever saes, half crazy
with drink and the exedeuest of playas
cords. 'P8.7 wore within a few feet .(the
Ire jest ds.enled, aid few of them sated
hogs el powder.
~ Dardq, sh was every use, had
pissed is the halal of the keg, irkieh he set
ea, bursting the top loop, awl Massing the
powder sae though the adults. By the
osmium' mesion of their feet. the powder
had become spread around the door, sod
new asserted a erre of two feet ell wooed
MIr. Pitmen's kat asoveeseat mem toward
prohetl., as being mon the whole the
beet for a parlam•ntary arena.
A retrorecitve view of pelt Hermon would
afford the same evderas. Such, Om,
beeig the rule which the people.xes'pli6•d,
under ibe .section of r rx perl•aee
III the eaercua of their Elect • Ptanehise,
lbw* cup be nothing deserving of the eels -
sun which has been bestowed 'mon the
GJteran,eat for proposing a habitation al-
ready saecttoned by those to s bons it io •p -
plied --tiny that the preaertptloe of age le
eaeeeeesarr-*tee granting It, the ubjec-
eoa to negative. Say that ibe rule will,
without •stct.mea4 1. .b *reed as It hes
been is the past -even granting it, the ob-
jector. involves the ad,,,u loo that the
emael.ses% w se r•aaooable, so eoosusar't
to expettesc., and aJ certain in its cape.
dimity, as to be • mere antucupatios of the
maw of public opinion sad electoral • tion;
tee there a In it ho practical impediment,
or repulsive reett ; that +t r• poly snak-
ing the law of conium the law of Paths -
/mot. The vehement reasoning urged
agatesl the proposItioe of the Government,
would, at -rat view, make a uaapls sealed
persue supp--se that the heals of the pew
pre were about to be tied aoa their di.cre
lion despotically fettered• But even these
loners duly applied to the now Coutcrl.-
1a We (louse, the door was open is all
over the age of Twenty -nee. But why
should twenty yearn be the limit Wby
ebuald the opposesrs of the marmots long.
er eadure this paiolul restratotl A boy
of eighteen N often wiser 1.00 some
modern poht.ctasa at thirty; and if the ma-
ple should choose to mod babies io their
'wadding clothes, why should they be in-
terJ.cted by • it tansies! Act of Parltam*ott
L.1 there be • compromtee. Jet the ba-
bies be seat to the tlouw and the m.n to
the Couoetl. The same and similar re-
marks will apply to a property qual.fic•tios
withdrawn from the Lower, but applied to
the Upper House. It was right that per.
suns with little or no property eboul; he
represented as well a moo with wealth. -
The Lower House is tbro*n open; the
reelection a uuly applied to the upper one.
In alt the concern* of public and private
life, property ,a taken as 000 of the ele-
ments o1 probable security. Aa of age, so
of properly may it 6e aced, that all puhlte
and privets bodies, ass general rul., guard
their interests by in,ruat.ag them, not to
those who tie notoriously without property,
but to thugs tether who !au something
at make, and something sal erewrth to be
responsible fur honest) and fidelity. Both
age • rad property, therefore, are gsalifiw-
tins which popular prudence bar geaera:-
Iy in all things Motored, and in practice
observed. They are the proper qualifica•
tions for the Gut otomeat 10 propose, anJ
*Mil the hon. member fur H•Idimaod, on
rr6reuon, ran scarcely dreeprove• The
periodical thanes to the constitution of the
sew Council afr,rds another element as a
cheek upon lee Assembly and upon itself.
W bile this Hous ;undergoes a coma 1 t
change, a dhasolutioe of •I I its component
parts, the new Council would roam a suf5 •
meaty of itself to f,r,n a corr.cu,* nucleus
from the a dations from a sew election
He is no friend to li seriy who unhesilat ug-
ly leaves 10it the fare of occasional ex -
With freedom we ever have and
ever shall meet with aeawoa of impetuosity
with times of popular excitement; serer,
perhaps, again from the 'courage of rote -
rule, but from those commotions of the
public mind sprimglrug from frweJom
,teal(; from the free and independent ex -
1 relators of opinion upon all the great con-
cerns .f the country; from the conflict of
opposing vows in the arena of free discuss
eon; from Ibe battles for party ascendency
under a gnveenmeot based upon party pru-
etple• Know.eg that under this unre•
sir cred freedom • f the mind, of the toogas,
and of the ;tress, there will be eccaconal
encomia, It is an art of wisdom for the pew
plc, as 10 other freec••un•ries, to guard
'gone them, to metra -n their occurrence
and•Ilmil their duration. It would be dos -
tractive or impracticable to do ow ty w:tb
the safety -valve of the stens engine; or
with the ballast or ■'vessel in the atorm.-
Re'nember that in the ease under co•:atd•r-
atiun, the political *army -valve and the
constitutional ballast are adjusted and re-
gulated 6y tie people themselves. With a
certain amoureof age and proper y: end
with a guarded trasalILw under an electo-
ral 'hangs, and with a limited power in the
Executive to dissolve, the country would
hays a now Council little open to o'j seise°
or improyemott.
Me. Coati -rut (of We•itworth) geld, he
had great pleasure in girieg his cordial imp•
port to the prencipt* of ►n elective Legisls.
true Council, ami he thyught the G.rurn-
meat had acted wary is brngin g up this
goesttom dorm ig the same session introduc-
ed the Ill ('or amending the Reproe station.
Alrb-'ugh the measure was objeett'.tal in
some of or entail', yet, to principle of was
good, and wo,tlJ compare favorably with the
resolution introduced before the adjourn-
ment. Ile dud not see, however, that -the
Gnvernmat, in chang-ng the r plan In re-
ference to this q•iesrn'n, merited the censure
bestowed on them by the bran. member for
Kent. Ile thought tory different from that
hon. ieotl•rnai on thin t mot; had the go,-
crone/et refuel to accede to the wishes of
their (mend.; bad they doggedly mainuieed
vewa whah wero unpmlata►Ise to ubeir sop -
porters io the cou.rry and in the Homo;
they would have certainly have deserved
their anathemas; but it was meanly • new
eau*, of cornelrat against s• admaatratioe
that they had yielded to their w,.his. The
hon• gentleman 'might be duapootated he -
MOON a toot ,ra bad not taken place between
them and•thar',tp;rortenn, and beeaum thus
bis pred coons and fond wishes bad not
been real,:+d; this might all be: but the
country wohtd rejoice that they had best aro
sueefaefol r. meg so may .mpnrtant
reea.ures. rhe bus. member (ler Es.') ttm*e, the eip.r(senr 1.1 buss trio". clod
ulk.J about the npres•Cf, of tit. Iu►.r.l ,i ...ry leetaeoe bad hill. Tbwosss1F
t s,.bars Irem U. C. H• 461 h m to t eoo:d not be ddeadnd• 1. ebe peiMtalt
p.tet nut 5 u.I• u.taee of that. 11 was de..tItution of the buses sited, them, wan
TER Iswaxa ANO 1)atse.-At a meeting
of the Six Nautili Iodate at !baulked, to
teenier promote, merits .ere brought into
the eocawpment for sale, but were toetant-
ty wooed by the Conk and poured opus tits
"Depots, darlint, Nettie, what is it you're
doing," ••What, Buddy, Pee trying an ex-
penweOt." "JlurtherWhat Is it r
Whet s, did yon say? Why, It'• gong
bot water to the thickest 1 ase so tatty' 1I
be either laying boiled eggs !"
I'J*Toa0*v, May *S•
tttecrna COUl'e•ts-
Coutiared frost our last.
It baa been said that, coining from the
sante body of electors, aid selected boom ibe
same :ummunuy, there w dl be such • eaou.-
n eva between the love houses as to premot
the oust from being a salutary check on ibx
other; whin some verge to the other ex
teem, and are haunted with fears of ru,n•
um Cullatour mod mortal dead -locks: He
(Mr• R.) would be sorry le ase them tike
the Saweob-twits, always acting alike, end
tbink.og auks, and feeling alike. and memo
✓ ything alike. He *mid raituor ace them
like two (lands, who, thougo with sulflci•
cieotly marked distinctive coaracters, yet
tar -operate amidst their differsot shocks ut
°pmt.'s for alit useful objects. Members of
a Jury agree; why out the wem',ers of our
cu -indicate branches of our Legislature! -
11 they Matteis now, what re.nedy bare
we? Nute• 11 they daa.. dth
new system, bthgrway be unduersul,e-
.1, to b. re-euostructrettersirbod uud.r 16' good
of toe cuyotry. 1f we ►w!eitly as •
eume 1111 the people sett always comaecu-
u,ely return aotagonasttc Howe., they
0,051 take 11. cuosoqueOCS ora folly um
exampled in lbs his ory of the wurld.-
Wbat reuld be duos under the ea.stur
crate .f tbiaga, should oucee.eiye Houses of
Assembly be "at a dead tock" with the
Council/ Noth.og. In either cases the
protracted •v4 must be met, by a pararnoot
authority by the Crown or by the people.-
Aaothn alarmist announces that the elect-
ed Commit will have nor exercise the
satire right a,' the House of Assembly in
addreasong. tuts Crown for tion removal of
ministers, and hence the bugs ars of collis-
ions and dead -locks afresh. Undoubtedly
the House of Lords las the right to do a,
as alas the present, and as also it would
hate the elected Council. But it Is a mat
ter of aoMulutional practice for the L,.da
not to do it; and the *arse practice has and
will pressil bare. Attempts to vetoes it
would moos be mort6rd by failure, and sur
re ted by the slum's authority of tlealec-
tors themselves. It to a anueb mors 4i8i•
cult thug to deliriums the points whisk
abaft distinguish the members of the respec-
tive bream's; which Mall produce a prac-
tical Olney without le teeny, and admit of
that frt*.dly midtown which ugly .ernes to
elicit the truth. Asx is oaf of the qual.6-
caiio•s proposed. 1t bas j tit been sod 14
the bon. member for llaltimand with truth,
that the younger may °free be the wleer
mon, sad he tailed not, as °sial, 10 giro
10011 striking examples. But the boa.
msmbfr forgot that ate illustrations d.1 001
euesattule the rule. Tab.. la rho long ran
(a. it is tersfd,)taken as a gametal rule,
takes as a welter OI *Om,On moment ton, a
eertaa Oistertty is y*are rs thought If me -
core • meats amount of /recusal Lame
safer /uer.tioe 1. the discharge of duty. 1t
ts sot always, bat it's eery (Weevilly true.
Is lb* selectors of a physieiva, wh.rlleea'th
u eoseensd, k. l•urpoa.ly select a ywsg
man, the was of *lees diploewtie seal is
dull warm. Age reperisete, a.d ssst•rl17
ef the nsemsg powers, from their .Ionise
sol cultivation. are welcomed as pr ee i.-
sites for a fell share e1 coa6dese+ 1s the
fearful mann 1et.een life asst de11'h, be-
tween be Iia and dieesee. le depuuat to
soother the saeapmsst of their temp.rd
*,scene, w►ethfr 10 law, er e.wsocee, er
g..*rttl beraees. smek,ad Tree Iuusgvie.-
al, se • g..er.l teat. ler Hist worldly wt•
diem, whorl' serin ibe eseen'y of raper
year* sol tested gwlr8eansse. Tbe name
matt'as .( pr.4.sce and Iuer•tf..n sew
leer to hoes sever•*/ the pe..p.. el Cassia
to the gefrlisseh'p .f their end ad Magi
s hb.rtiew is eselleg as eve awwad tbo
foes to eight, to very aspect beers sof'
%.satt.eooy to the feet, tbe1 a* ago
we thirty has Mee reset .,t1 puWe ap-
Tire Ttaeatoe.-The fireside is a semin-
ary of ts6.ite importaoce, It is of importance
because it is universal, and pecause the ed -
at aeon it bestows, being wove, is with the
woof of childhood, gives form and color to
the whale texture of life. There are few
who can receive the honors of a college,
1.t all ars the graduates of the hearth. -
The Iearniog a the university may fade
from the recollecttos, its classic Ion may
is *be halls of memory; bat tbe sim-
ple lessees of home enameled epos the
het of childhood, defy the rust of years,
sod outlive the more mature but hes vivid
pictures of after days. So deep, w last -
lag, indeed, are the umpresew.s of early
bfe, that you see a man io the embecility
of as. bolding fresh in his recollection the
eveals of ehldbo*d, while all the wide space
between lhet ad the pretest hour .s
Muted and (,-gone. waste. You here
perehe.ee seem an old' sad half obliterated
portrait, sad in the attempt to have it clean-
ed, mid restored. you may have sees it
fade away, while • twitter and snore perfect
pictan panted bossed, is rereakb to view.
This portrait Int drawn spun the coves
is net sept illestntioa of y eith; mad though
it may he co sated by some after design,
giving it tome while fresh, and serviyiag n
decay, Sock is the fireside, the iestitstiois
(..olid by Providesee for the ed.catmos
of mon.
A Cryelal Pales* is to he bent all 01
rr ROM the 6lodeeri .r shoes disbud of the deer, ►at rotisserie" kbassall, M walked
May, • tires yw fid React up rmHerdl the fin. should either of them
15 foo Meet urn, tot ltd kAgst i a ��t r ` tls.gkt-♦si Malleo
thud fwll les beth high • a here (.-tits tato the in
ruwasd will be given fee ..•h nb.emaws Vim
es ell std to the remover, d the sMN glace, where kr a Mtge „wady el 11'e
tl%w/MttMl:dt CHRIST. SHANNON. utak tb musequisrei Ms mare ossify be
Oed•teek, Jen* 4.1h I381. sit tw'siised this domeeibed.
tllo dY wrarimiftwit MOIR»
to 1pr se la I#5S P
tars• al. Moa wilktb sus rN
;sod th• Istlehatisi of
that ahsµ W boss ~ward settle sem-
Rfd wNo M Mord the �. rw -
beas. i of the "Old
w to Root tilt maeeTr.g ,
R*fereases• of U. Casale. he swell st.* rdp
hods/ that is these eaprosereme of sue,
Wept they ked s"t *sly eludes% et Bis rw
emasie' to reform peleelples, 11w u...w'pel•
meat ff • sigh champion is ass seal atoll
eteadi.eee of their attadwat 10 great
p.y.ciples. In dark sad ueoblew ti.... He
. how'd not n•s.les erbatwest
saN about pub.
lis feeling Io Upper
rep!ied to by hie bo.. friend from
rough. to approving the petition chasi-
ng the coaeutuun of the L.gmhatrve
Council, be did earl web to say aaytbrsg
d:srespectful to the bon. geollemen who
wen members o: it. There were soy
there who would reflect credit on •0y Sen-
ate; but, while he adeoted all this, he did
deny, that, ea • body, they commendest the
confides** of the country. It was Dot ne-
testary to go into soy lengthened argum•'.t
In prove this ; it vine as almost uoiversally
adwttted fact, ani could only be acoounte.l
for by mother fact, toot they slid not rip, r-
elent the people of this Province. They
were not to be told (8.1 the re•olurioo• of
the bon. Pruvino:al Secretary woe un -
British. They aught not to bo •yham•rl to
follow a good example, w8 the /.must
is, even eltbo,igb it should be found io the
neighboring Republic. Resides, them was
aro •.logy between the position of thus
colony and that of Great Britain, in ibis re -
meet. le England, the Home of Lord. re•
prenoted • ekes which did not and could
not meet in Canelo, and who, from the
prfstige which rank aril weeith gam them.
pummels cuouJ.rabl• a fluence. 0..1 here
the mere appontmenI of the Executive
could nut give soy get of men inflamer, or
procure for them the cau6Jence of the peo-
ple. to ibis comity the democratic ele-
ment was strung and propreeatng, and that
proved that no Impolate° Dud, euald haws
any degree of mloose• w',ich did not derive
cls •,Ists.w from those for whose benefit
the laws were made. Mill it is said, why
sot let well enough .line 1 that latterly
they had sot rojotted our immures. 11.
asked hon tnesbers who beard the dobato
o. the Representation Bill tb• other dee.
if they had sot • pretty fair mecums of
.bat some of those gentlevah would do tf
they bad the power! Sorsa of thea treat-
ed 1h' popular branch of the Liegaiatore
with otter contempt. and talked as though
the expressos of the popular will by their
r.preNftatlres was autolet at all. He had
the satisfaction of bearing ON bus. gentle -
nes who resides .e the •Dusty which he
had the honor to represent. move • en
months' howl to a BII! about the pa*ieg of
which the people of that couoy were is a
stale of, he might ay, feverish amxtety.-
Look back to old times ; what treatment
did the House of Asa.mbly receive from
thorn then 1 On fourteen d.ff,rect worm
sloes they set a.lde their action on the
question of the Clergy Reserves ! Oh, bot
they were told that this bad Got occurred
suite the introduction of ruepoasible gov-
ernment. Why bad it not occurred tl.00
that timet dimply became the Government
of the day hell the power of aseirtolatisg the
political character of the Upper Homo to
that of the lower. This ova lbs beat pow.
sublets•gum..% m fscor of as elective Le•
Retitle* Council. 1f It hal been de-
sirable tit t the complexion of both Houses
should be partially .nmlar, 4 f riiori, it
was better that they abouls entirely har-
monise ; and this resu:t would be °leaned
most conveniently and effectually by ren-
dering the Upper House Meetly,. Theo it
must be remembered that, since the intros
duction of responsible government, with the
exeeption of three years, the liberal party
han bad the rains of Government. On
tsar return to power, they found the other
House hostile tc them, •nd chisel to their
numbers, sot as members opposite had end•
for the purpose of carrying a ptrtiunlar
measure, Qui, so as to precast an obeirdc•
Moo to the popular will by a hostile msj ir-
rty. This might. to a certain .hest, he
all very well while the R,ttorm•re remained
at the helm. But he. for ons, was sot con•
teat with tiara make -shift eonrtItutt-a. He
was desirous that the liberties of the peo-
ple of this country ahouli rest o. • mon
secure basis. Our constitution should plate
oar rights and liberties beyond the reach
of caprice and when. Bit suppose that an
adm,oatratloO whose political character
was totally different from that of the pre.
not Government should come tato power.
what thea 1 Would they be ab!e to earn
their minuet's through the other H •use
No. Rut, say rho friends of 18. preset
•yrtem, "let them again add to the lege-
Ia3ue Council. and 'h it will m the all right."
Well, lot u* look beyond the supp„fod i.
terregnum of the Tories. What sheet--
heet-Why, that a succeeding liberal sfmisietra-
llon must, in its turn, exercise its en atlas
power. Thus the process might go os .d
fajta/tom. How very compatible ores meth
• plan with the idea of a perfect consoles -
lion, and in opposition to it. how litt:e
weight had the fear of increase! expend'.
tura expressed by the hon. member for
Kest in reference to the Goveremant
?ohm* ! It might be taken for grantee
'hat (he opposition to the resolutions under
onsideratio0 could out be made so mirth in'
the way of defeoding the present llou.e as
in mrntaioing the expediency of having a
s:ngle cha-nber. It wo,rid not be drflf••,.lt
to stow that Oneida' of a single chamber
is twittery to sound theory and to an ex-
pert.nc.. I. tin different ages of the
world in which the attempt was mid*, it
ha proved a failure. Fickleness and ca-
price characterized their legislation and lull
to their abolition. The Italian R.pnblrc•
of the middle ages had but eon chamber,
and to this may be ascribed their 6.sal ruin.
So in the constitution adopted by the
French National Assembly in 1791; thew
by the Fr.ocb Convention In 1793. If they
might judge of the working of a etmgl•
chamber by the National Assembly of
France, they might will doubt the prspw.
ety of adopting .t in Conada. A. 1e the
history of other countries, when a wow
consolation was framed in 1793, the se..s-
sit, for two Houses was folly acknowls4g•
ed. Stell niers recently, note. Louie Phal•
ippe was expatriated, the one brattish eye,
tem was aptn tried, but was ague replotted
by two chambers. Is the ..Ig►borisg re.
public. the States of P.esnyl.a*i. sail
Georgi had angle houses ; they woes ass
ow, Slates of the Usroo that had %bo%
and mow where were they 1 Tho., in the
old and sew Hurd• in remote sod new
tree flat thjey had .1 .71.4 hie Slob saheb.
that they fold not, reckless ofcosset' tennis
made rysremat.e and uau'.eg off tee la
beak .p On Reform piety. The, had not
est vp and wnre►tpped the .dot of sotteltiose
Mies, flat monster wb:eb it mt►t have
bets hoped word lam lid lits fees .s this
age mal IMS an.oary. But it was • vile sod
.sieo.ded suede- to stale that fiery hod,
u .y ar:5.ee, boon 'else to the g.ou•a
pneseplw of Merl ass rel.gto.. Irb.rty. Had
.4•p•.'uo. to preeipitsaaey sod is tbe•u►
due farm. M awt►.rlty. Th. Id.al,lrinub
.1 three preposenties woe M5MM. w Its -
genre .s Ile I.gte41a., .d therefrom *wag
he easefully guarded ageism by • eyosa* d
.beet.. Torres cheeks eue11 siemens Iews1
-e a s.s..d IH.os., properly e.seuteted.-
Tee H' es •., both eferie• • ,d eq.eMFrts-
ige.deet, be14sg thou- nehtl sod ratt-
would setsrsltp thaw frees sash
seUI*5Taey 4.014 Sorb w.N 5 j t155
be iter bog age e•seed to be &ste.leb.d al , eye os three eters*. Thee 4•hkg
whet Mb /row that hewgeollemse be m&Yid haw • powerful efwt is /...webs, woo
hen weedered sl ba citing as .a 15515.51 I and Ire.Ss. of MI tiro. A wee, awjjelb•.
el 15.h raereasey, that they did set reso for ter, knewlsg 11 ..N le b. UN aye=
lie plies of s.tll►ng ibe guesting .f the Cisr- tbe.lty, woof* w be rsb
se et le
gy Reser ee. Way, be sever net.oded to tog N rebs N lett that tmN.er.wf
sotto that tpaeliee by ill : be 4.1 pledre ' u.sepeed.at body Imola on Ib 's
himself % vote stare.' the ne.feettoif a .(I •a Ito Ssstn. he ILMI .ab (lose ur*U
the Clergy Reserves, teat he inert- reel ill* be little dna se K I irldb.j_,J ampiii