HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-26, Page 8WINS COOKING CROWN . . Mrs. F, Glanville Topics from Woodham CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. By MRS. M. PAW. -CtIFDITON Mrs. Frank Glanville, Credi- tan, 196n champion cook and 1961 jam and jelly trophy win- ner at Exeter Fell Fair, was crowned cook book queen for her baking at the Mary Hast- ings central .picnic held at .Springbank Park on Saturday. She won the most prizes in five articles: Applesauce cake, date and nut loaf, loaf of white bread, marmalade and rasp- berry jam. Besides it rime• atone crown she won a cup and saucer for first prize in mar- malade, two tumblers for sec- ond prizes for applesauce cake and loaf of bread. Airs, Les Adams, RR 2, flesh- wood, won firto prizes for date and nut loaf and loaf of bread, and Gloria Adams was award- ed second price for cherry pie. Mrs. Adams also won first prize for hand-made Quilt and Mrs. Barry Sheperd third, Mrs. Ross Krueger received first for hand made rug and Mrs. Ed- ward Lamport also of RR 2, Dashwood won second for cro• dieted rug. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. William Gil- martin and family. Danny and Kerry, of Port Hope, who spent last week at ipperwash, This week in Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Personal items airs. Allan Wanner and Shir- ley. of Sarnia, spent the week- end with her parents. Mr, and Mee. Ernest Pyrn. ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES 2-o PER ANNUM Ior gt, 2 Years Interest Payable Half-Yearly by Coupon or Cheque, ilittlAtiet Welcomed, iAn you know that, on request, nor Company's debentures issued to an individual solely., tan be -cashed .deathin Mee Of heed? ttit ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURE CO, Serving Lender( and Didrict since li170 bUnclat Si, of Matket 'Lane arid Morkof Square, London, Ont. itEPREtENTAtivkt tONSIDEREb son and Linda of Munro and Mr. and Airs. Sheril Marriott and David, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elston and William were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Tessman and .family, of London, were Wed.. nesday evening guests of. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Parkinson after which they attended the Kirk- ton Garden Party, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Elston and family, Air. and Mrs. Jesse Elston and Mr. William Elston, Mr. David Christie and son, Mr. Lloyd Christie and family were. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur, 3rd line, Mr. Christie and- who are visiting her from Ed- monton, are leaving today to spend a few days in Windsor and then return to their home in the west. Mr. Billie Esson has returned. home after spending a week's holidays in Sarnia, Members of the McNatighton and Scale clan held a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNaughton and family on. Sunday, Lloyd Jaques end family, Den- nis remained for holidays with hte cousins, Queen's HOTEL Seaforth Dining facilities for banquets and weddings Attractive Rooms VISIT. OUR BEAUTIFUL :HURON LOUNGE Licensed under LCIIO PHONE 433 SEAFORTH Air Extra Extra Special ! HALF PRICE CLEARANCE. TABLE Pants - Sport Shirts - Sox - Belts Underwear Sweaters Pyjamas - Caps ALL CUT TO HALF PRICE ! Made-To-Measure Suit Sale 20% Off ex Mash Slacks, Sport Coats ORbER NOW FOR SAVINGS alper's I ews WEAR /35.0991 Jantzen Swim Suits I:Voo 298 Cabana Sets *845 REGULAR 411M 25% OFF. Most Summer Sports 'Wear 1:• aattatk:Cominx.1.t*.itts?&Mdzeki Topics from. Min-ovine By .MRS. ROSS SKINNER XY Personal items Mr. and. Airs. Howard Pym,„ Joan, Brian and Elaine; visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs, Bert Lobb, of Clinton, Air. and Mrs, Squire Herd- man and Anne, Mr, John Herd- man, of Exeter, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Airs, George Hayden and Mrs. Thomas Hay- den, of Molesworth. REARING AID SERVICE CLINIC Thurs., .August 1:00 p.m. to 3;00 p,m. Middleton's Drugs. If you wish. To Have Your Hearing Tested Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to All Makes of Hearing Aide E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener esseeesSte'e. • we're saving some for you! We specialize in giving our policyholders the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that they have enough insure ance the right kinds of insurance. Make sure your family, home, car, business are fully protected, Call us for )kour peace of mind. W. H. Hodgson Ltd. W. H. Hodgson M. J. Gaiser "The Insurance Men” PHONE 235-24:.) EXETER Airs. Heigh Wilson, Thames Road, gave an interesting talk in the schoolroom of Hie United Church. OA Thursday afternoon when the 'VCW Were hostesses to the babies on the nursery roll, the mothers and the Mee- s en pre. Mrs. Wilson described a plane trip with her husband, -Rev, Wilson to alellowitelfe Park where they visited with their son, .who serves with the RCMP, And his family, Musical numbers on the pro• gram were piano solos by Mari-. _kay Ilodgins, Janet McDowell, and Marie 'Powe, vocal solo by Repaid illesery, The Blair girls wig with „Judy Bleb' et - the piano, Mrs. William Allison tread a story. Personal items Rural Life Sunday was el), served in the United Church on host to nursery roll By MRS. Fgg.p. opwPgt.fr SeilldaY morning with the Bev. I), Guest delivering a fine message on the subject. Miss- Carol AleCurely returned to London Jest week to resume her duties at St. Joseph's Hos- PitAl After spending a three hweere p's9ar.selts4o parents, att home ir, ile et and. C, Misses . 'Betty and Margaret McCurdy and with her, sister Amos, Edith and Edna Morley And brother-in-law, Dr, .and spent Tuesday at loperwesin Airs, It K. leYon end family in Leamington. Cr Airs.s„ Laura Slake of Ailsa Craig is visiting with 'Airs. Gor. Mrs, J, L. Andrew, Georgia don. Allison, and Philip left on Thursday for Marilyn Kemp, of Penfield, their dome in Edmonton after has been holidaying with. Mr, vacationing. with Mr. and Airs, and Airs, Dean White, George Flicks and Air, and Mrs, Airs, Vie Atancnten and Sandra Frank Hicks and of Buffalo visited with Mr. and . Airs. David Morley over the weekend, Centralia women Mr, And Mrs. Gerald :Shore Rev. E. ,Ronlston„ of Exeter, GORDON.. .M9.44Y- and Mary Ellen, of London, will be gue5t preacher at the limsixy Air. and Mrs. Grant :Skinner Ellinville clutrot services for Mr. Jonathan Hugill of Sea- and Joan, of Exeter, visited Ott August 5. and la while Rev, and forth is erecting one of the 'high, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Airs. H. Wilson Are on vaca- est silos in McGillivray .town-:Franklin Skinner, lion.. the Air, .and. Mrs, William hourly st4li fsoitos.a ti4iTtLgyli on son.1,s,ssensf $"kloannsall",,11 sCipaelnli Plaasri Mrs, Dor Willcox. of Kitchen. week with their grandparents, Persenel items .er. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Copper. Mr. :and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Miss Marilyn Weber. 4 etir.' La rg Edward and Larry, Mr Wil- gessviile. is visiting with Miss e .s.do . ham Johns and Airs. Galbraith Frances Johns, visited ,on Monday evening with The Eliniville WI will be. fr :ormsl ev, Mr- and AIM Fred Lon .and guests Kirkton Institute — - - fpmily1 At Atwood. Thursday evening (tonight), Camp., visited on Saturday with Air. and Airs. Joseph. Woodall. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Mor- leek and Borden Geiser are holidaying at their summer home At Dorset. Mrs. Joe Cam spent some time with her mother. Mrs. Al. Clark, and visited with her husband, Mr. McCann, who is e patient in South Huron Hos- pital, the result of an injury to his back. Air. and Mrs. Blake Heathe of Galt, Mrs. .11. .1. Kuhn, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Beta Tay- lor of Lloydminster were call- ers at the home of Mrs. AL Feist on Saturday enroete 10 the Kienzle reunion at Pinery Pa rk. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Weneel attended a funeral of a rela• live at Listowel on Saturday. Susan Grigg of Deshwood is spending a few days with her grandparents, Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser. Mr. and Airs, Oren Grace and babe of Gibraltar, Mich,, and Mr. and Mrs, L. Listoen, of Winnipeg, attended morning worship on Sunday morning at FUR church. Mrs. John Ayres and boys of Toronto spent last week with her father, Mr. Everett Fehr- ner. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Airs. J. Wade were Mr. and Mrs. A, Johan- nesson of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and girls of Ancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wade and Todd of Lon- don, Quite a number attended the Schenkuay. reunion at Brinsley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finks twiner, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and boys and Sam and Joseph Wein spent the weekend at a cot- Mrs, Jennie Moore. Mr. and tage at Ipperwash. Mrs. William Snow, Billy, Bobby Mrs. R. Mollard is spending and Jimmy were Wednesday some time with her daughter evening guests with Mr. and at Beardmore. Mrs. Sandy Elliot at their cot- Mr. and Mrs. ,Toe Swartz of tape at Bayfield. Detroit spent a few days with Mr. and Airs. Roy Swartz and Mr and Mrs, Robert Ryan of London over the weekend. Mrs. A, Hutchinn and Mrs, T. N'icolle of Rexdale are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith and family. The Vacation Bible School of the EIJB church and United Church is being held in the EUB church this week with an attendance of 60 and 11 teach- er' Mrs. Pearl Faulhafer of Kitch- ener, Miss Mabel Refoir of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curt- nington of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beceer. and Brenda 'egged race. boys. Douglas Web- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. her and Jack Mayer, Douglas William Bender and family. Rohde and David Rassmore wheelbarrow race, Glen Rohde and Paul Passmore, Jack Ala- • - tier and Douglas Webber. The story in Air, and Mrs. George Andrews -.spent Thursday evening with a.>,1 family of .Bellvie, Peen... Grand Bend Mr anti Mrs. Gordon Stone ate! famile By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Listoen, Danny. Wayne and Janet of Winnipeg, Manitoba were Satin- dee guests with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Passmore. Danny visite! _a few days last week with David and Dennis Passmore. Mr. and Alre. William Rohde, .Glenn and Calvin vieited on Sunday eventeg with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Turnbull and Mantle of Lea.side. and Mr. an,' Airs. David Millar at the home of Air. and Mrs Milton Sleamon of Exeter. Mr. anti Mrs. ''ton Wein and .lehe .Atie of Royal Oak, alichi. pan. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heitehauser and. Sandra of lair Oaks. Penn., spent the weekend 'web Air end Mrs. Gordon Stone and family. Air and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and „alert were Sunday guests eviell Mr. and Mrs. Jishn Me- Lamellate and family of Lam- beth. Airs. John Bray. Miss Pearl Duncan, Mr. Perry Nwel, and M;ss Agee:: Bray were guests es the McIntosh-lioggarth wed. ding in ('ram arty Presbyterian fluireh on Saturday. Miss Agnes Brae was the nrga.mst, Mrs. Eva Baynes of WeIlburre Mise Sharon Desiardine, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bete and nurse-in-training at Woodstock, leraneos of Belton Nestled nn spent the weekend with her pate eierelay evening with Mr. anti Mee. William Elford. evils. Mr. and Mrs. Welly Des- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mailer. .lardire and Bud. ALss 'Beulah Hell RN of Tn. trim tarry anti Barbara spent vireo and Air and Mrs. Irwin bee week at Res1nule Lake IIPAT Holt end fah-lily tif Winnipeg North Bee, are holidaying. with their moth• Anse Darlene Pasemore re- .. Mrs. olt ferried home on Sunday afte er r Mr, and Mae Mrs, Bennie. Webh, heeing spent the past week with her emelt, and aunt. Mr. and Sand and Jan°. °f t And"' are on holidays here at Grand Mrs, Oren Grace re' thin-alter. Bend. .Michizan Vh.. and Mrs.. Ahner Mrs. Erste' Rader and Sharon ?rev, David. Dente an Dale of riashw"iri and airs.. Lloyd art"), a winprt family Ilewe end MaryeTo London visited on Pridey with Mr, and. Prinz et Springbeek an siteday. mrq. W. Gin, 1.e.s. ;lane Milne cif Molten. are Airs. ,John Cutting fe hoi:daying with her aunt end slid and little daughter, of KIng.1T,Tck.M1.' M". Doll'"" have been holidaying with his Saturday "fit" most% parents. Mr. and Mrs. slim Cot ,. and Mrs. Grirdon Sto.ne tang, titere Mr. aerl Mrs,. Carl Temple e Roger Ean!eL*''' Ati- and Eugene of Monica. Peensyl• "one .15' sperloPlg -a few dayfs this verea, Air, and Mrs. Russell week With 1/41.'' And 1‘1114 ' 1°11 'Arne of Fair Oak, Penh., Mr, and Mrs. Ron Wein, ielianne and Lisa of Royal Oak. Min_ Mr. ante Mrs. Cal Wein. Heather, OM Marilyn, Mrs, Isabelle Wein and Cameron of Exeter. Davies Grant Denning I3enn P,a,90 a The Tinlaa-Advocate, .11.1i 6, 1907 Top Crediton :cook wins LQndan honors, Quite a nuns her from this community attended the Kirk- ton Garden Party on Wednes- day evening. Mr, and airs. Hugh Love. le.rs. Lorne Luker or. Hensel) eleited on Sunday with Mr, and MN. William Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart. Sylvia, Robbie., Ronnie and Donna, air. and Airs. Reg }lodg- er!, Grant and Brenda wore on a picnic to Rock Glen on Sun- day. In last week's report of the raves of the Sunday. School pic- nic it should have read Three- Personal items Mr, John Lorimer, of. To- ronto, spent last week and Air, and Mrs. Ron Hill and Debbie, of Mimic°, are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Stocker. Mr.. Wedeln Pask of Detroit, Mich., Mr, Tavern Pack of °Talton, and Mrs. Anne Teifer and daughter of London visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hamill. Hugh and Noreen. of London, are on holidays here and Nor- ern is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle McGregor. Ian Smith. of Petrolie, is vis- iting his grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Ezra Webb. Julian Burr. of Lawrence Ste- Hon, is visiting his grandpar- ems. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet F'at- terson. Air. and Mrs. Ronald Webb. Jackie and Terry of Brandon. Manitoba have returned home after spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Webb, tertilzhauser. Sandra and Mar- Mitchell and family, The modern college president has three iMportent prOblems eahiriee for the profes'so'rs, fnetball for the alumni And parking space for the students. By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE -.....,;3wAkftgaNtrix Mrs, Clifton Jaques and Mrs. Ross Jaques of Hensall visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. Mr. .and Mrs. Miller Mc- Curdy of Kirkton visited Satur- day evening with Mr, William Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Barbara of Shipka were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Airs. jack Smith and Mrs. Frank Levy, Air, and Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Smith. Lloyd and family. Mrs, 'Eva Sawyer and Airs. William Urquhart. visited on Saturday with Mrs. W. L. Swit- zer, Air, and Mrs, John Witteveen, Sharon and Brian visited Sun- day with Air. and Mrs. Pete Bouwhuis and family, Mr. and Airs. George Landman and family, of Grand Valley. Miss Jeanette Landman returned for a week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy visited Saturday evening with Air, and Airs. Earl Watson of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Swit- zer of London spent the week- end with the former's mother, Mrs. W. L. Switzer, Mr, and Mrs. William Simp- son of Mount Pleasant were Saturday evening guests with Mrs. Ada Butters. Air, and Mrs, Wilbert Small and Craig of Culloden were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb and family, Mrs. Ben Ruston of Russel- dale was a caller last week with Mrs. Ada Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack and Robert Wareham visited with Miss Ann Gordon of Woodstock and Mr, and Airs, Charles Crane of Thameeford on Sunday eve- ning. Miss Key Lewsot spent the past week with .Misses Pamela and Paulette Dick of Inger- soil Eddie Lawson spent the past week with Mr. ,and Airs. Bill Sheath of Mentreet Misses Dianne Smith and Retty Jean Miller are attending Bimini Camp this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lam- bert, Marilyn and Dannis, of Davidson. Mich,, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mr. and mr.t. RN of Kitchener, Rev, and Mrs, Mills and Lin- Danny Rogers, of St. IqarY, da, Air, and Airs. Durr, Miss was a weekend visitor with Iris ene Gould an d Miss Carol grAndparents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Smidth of St. Marys were Sun- EsserY , day guests of Air, and David Holland and family. mrs. Mrs. Leda Williamson of De- troit and Mrs, Elmer Atkinson Miss Debbie westman is of Marine City were weekend spending the week with her Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Holland, Mr, Maurice Baker attended the Field Day Shorthorn dem- onstration held at the 0 A C, Guelph, on Friday, Mr. Len Talbot and. Robert, of Bayfield, and Mr. Ernie Vod- den, of Woodham, visited at Mr. Archie Dewar's on Sunday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Baker on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Beer and Anna, Mr. and Airs. Harris But- guests with. Arthur Mc- ;,:14:.s.minTravv,*exos News budget from • Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE. DEWAR • ."4114.0..sttaltegfe John Rinn, of St, Marys, is spending a few holidays at the home of his grandfather, Mr, John Rinn. Mrs. B. Abbott And her .daugh- ter, .M.rs, Howard Granstoe of London were visitors with Mrs E. Abbott on Thursday, Mr. and Airs. Fred Dixon, of London, Air, and Airs, Everett Adams and family, of Detroit, were guests with Mr. and Airs, William Elliott on Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Noels and Wayne, of ()Hotline, were weekend guests with the for- mer'e brother, Air, and Airs, Percy Noels and family, Miss Flossie Davey, of Exe- ter, was a visitor with Mrs. Arthur McEells on Thursday. , Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hicks were Mr. and Mrs, Orme Pollock of Kincar- dine and Miss Wilda Pollack Air. Kenneth Whiteford, of Ingersoll, visited a few days last week with his uncles, Amos and Herman Herdman, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper visited on Sunday with Mr, and Falls. „Mrs. Wesley Johns, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis Mr. and Mrs. R, Neil (newly- and Neil, of Cannington, are weds) visited over the weekend visiting a few weeks with Mrs. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Coultis at her own G. Neil, home. Miss Mabel Refoir, of London, Mr, and Aire. Ralph W. Tay- is visiting with ber cousins, Mr. tor, of Massapequa, N.Y., are and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. visiting with Mrs, Thos, Bell. Mr, and Airs. John Thompson Miss Betty Stephens returned spent the weekend in London home after a two week vaca- with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lion in the New 'York area. 'Eaton and Bonnie and accom- Saturday and Sunday guests panied them to Birchville Park, with Airs. Thos. Bell were Mr. Michigan on Sunday. and Mrs. Milan Nash, Larry Mr. and Airs. Elmer p eeve and daughter Vicki, of Toronto, andis,A „ familyllan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Laurie Stephens, m i n Riple y, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Don- Elaine and Marie remained for aid Stephen, of Exeter, Alt', a week's holidays. and Airs. Andrew Houston, of Air. and Airs, Harvey Smith Seaforth, Mr.. and Airs, Charles were guests at the Smith- Bailey Stephen and Betty, of Elim- wedding in. Elimville United ville, Mr, and Airs. jack Rob- Church on Saturday afternoon. inson, and family, of Kirkton. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Miners, Ernest Abbott were Mrs. W. Douglas and Connie, visited on Spencer and Mrs , R ; Hit c h of Monday at Niagara Falls. St. Thomas and Mrs. Lorne Miss Elizabeth Miners spent Moote of London, the day with Miss Shirley David Elliott was in South Jaques, of Zion. Huron Hospital last week for a tonsilectomy, Gary and Daryl were guests at the reception, in Tripp had their tonsils removed the church parlors, following it tnr d aoyuth Huron Hospital on Sat- the 'Hamilton-Boyd wedding in the Winthrop United Church on Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott Saturday afternoon,