HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-26, Page 7Soft, Grand cqnd Glorious \\\ li'rtd savings too:. cat(be\yoyrs with art, t\ BigtO"\ \WATER\\ SOFTENER by You should do business here We service our units we sell. BECAUSE We do fair business to assure friendship. We aim to be serving you for years to come. '1695 $695 '1195 '695 $595 '60 Valiant Sedan • Maroon with whitewall tires '59 Simca Sedan Blue with whitewalls, 4 cylinders '58 Dodge Regent 4-Door V-8 engine with automatic '56 Dodge Regent Two-tone red, V.8 motor '55 Ford 4-Door Sedan • • V.8 standard transmission, nice tan,1,11M.11111,,1 lllllll .11t1011.011110,0100.11,111.1111.1.111M111.101,111.1111.11111.1.11.11 1 1.1111.o, CHEAP TRANSPORTATION VARIOUS MODELS FROM '53 TO '56 $80 TO $400 111/1111111111101111111111,111111M11111111111101111}1.11,10IMItillffilt11101011f1111111111111lIttM11111.11111,01M11111.11111111,11,10.1 lllll 111111111110k SEE SEE OUR NEW '62 MODELS We have a few new cars on hand from which you may select your favorite unit. Come in for a demonstration. EXETER MOTOR SALES "WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED" Fred 235.0865 235-1250 George 235.1130 ismc Now you can pain) the outside of your home Is 'easily as paiourig total. Cleanup is simple.. with water. tewe Brothers a-100 LATEX HOUSE PAINT is rernarkably tasy to apply, leaves ii sagging Or lap marks and 'dries lightning fast. aierraarient colours stay sparkling bright ... provide a tough flexible finish on W000 510150—W0000 SNAKES ANO SlilAnLES— CONCRET E BLOCK—S111000—BRICK.- ASBESTOS SIDING OR SHINGLES —tgAriSItt --FLEXbOMID—Allislittutd--GAINANIZED ISM * Sow "gang WE" MO' Mauls biliotlORS.,,LAIEX ?MT Vag EXIEMOns *SEW t*tEntOrttPlOuRS -k NEW mmktlittt Ent * NEW tXttglOg DARISILitY IldIfttONG PASt bolero bugs, leaves, Lain or any. thing can mar its beauty. treitroliet SOFT SHEEN-•+ stays denting titan, Sheds dust and dirt that Usually collect, bOtStAStiOkla OttOtiAtdot 'COLOUhfS Slay sparkling blight. -rikrert M.Most ,ANYTIMt 'Ott morning dew, during bright sun or after a rain. IINTLEY DRUG STORE TRAQUAIR HARDWARE 'Exeftr EXETER FD, Ttlephone Ontario 2,35.1010 Greys post Playground patter 8,2 victory catch votleylaaii, borderball, The Timo.4.Adv6oto, July 26, 1962: P. 7 soccer and relays are played.. This week the supervisors at ria and Joan Dettnter was at please contact Boost Or any .of Kin .Park were Judy Tennant, queens Park. the supervisors, The camp is Donnie Turvey and Minarle July 29 we go to camp. If from July 29 to August 5. There Kraft, Marion Kerslake and there are any more registra- is Iota of fen in store for .those Linda Johnston were at Viet°• tiorts for 5oorn's Kin Camp. who are going. N THE POT REC NEW By DON "WPM" GRAWTT Pireetor of .Recreation inimy of the [oval youngsters will he away enjoying the first line response from boys and years, to attend the camp. We fun for all who attend. By the registralion in as yet„ there is held in vonjunetion with the Exeter Kinsmen Playground. annual Vamp program to be Camp .Re9istratiPns girls, ranging in ages from 8-15 promise it will be a barrel of way; it you haven't got your still time. We can handle more, Bonnie Toy Ty, who has her There has hen 'an extremely, From July 29 to August 5, iner and .1 urvey will guide the .ac.brotider and Urea Harness pole to bring home, Besides, the piaster moulding eraits. Bob group will Make miniatures, and Amnarie Kraft, Detainer supervision of Aninarie Kraft and Lonnie a virvea, Juan Deta- will lead an older gruup in the making of a giant-sized totem tivities are with Judy Tennant, and Kralt will also handle the eamplire programs. Gott .lessons will be provided "Boom ' while special event ac- and will accept. registrations, bronze award. is in charge of right up until Saturday , July 28. the swimming program. She will if you're coming, just phone or have help from Greg .Harness, drop a card through the mail. Bola Schroeder and Linda John- Five playground supervisors stun. will attend the camp. ''.1 here are many other items Judy Tennant and Linda John- on the agenda but we won't list ston will be in charge of ,pop- them now, You it be able to sicle stick and raffia crafts, read about them when we arrive Plastic lacing will be under the home, Marion Kerslake \vitt direct the meal program while the Staffa rallies vamp is on. She will be al lam 1-itra. (community Centre) every morning, ;Monday through Fri- —Continued from page 6 day from 0:30 to 11:45 a.m. In leader for the Merchants and the afternoon, Miss laerstake he contributed two singles on will supervise Victoria Park his own behalf. along with the wading poet. Bob McKellar tripled for an- Parents are asked to take their other Stalin hit but he too was children to Victoria Park each left stranded and "Line" Rob- thermion for crafts, etc. fritsch singled for their only Swim Program other safety. run when jack Bell led off with Stephan enthusiastically reports case's long sacrifice fly. rapid clip. a two-bagger, moved to third on that the program over at River- an error, and scored on Chip- view Park is progressing at a Hensall counted their single Swimming instructor Jack Laverne "Porky" Wallace The beginners' classes are scored from third on a liensall booked to capacity while both error for Staffa's sole tally. intermediate and senior classes are starting to fill up. Over 200 Then Hensall infield gave Bell. local and district youths are lots of support during the game. Participating in the local swim- coming up with three double- ming program. plays to cut short any Staffa To make room for more be- rallies. ginners to take part fur in- struction, an hour will be set aside every Friday afternoon Hopf 'cuffs providing there is enough to make up another class, So this is an additional chance to enter tribe 9-1 your youngster for sonic ad- vanced training if you haven't already done so. Just contact Gary Hopf led Staffs to a eon- J ack any day throughout the wincing 0.1 victory over Exeter week from Monday to Friday Mohawks Wednesday, July 18, from 0 a.m. to 5 p.m, by firing a neat two-hitter al the Exeter squad. Mile Swim Club Th e spe e dy Staffa i e fth an a r,r One of the highlights of this was in charge throughout the Years swimming episode be- ame and his mates were given sides the Bronze Classes, is the a ne-halt and one mile swi om- assistance by four Mohawk mots. ming clubs. llopf allowed one Exeter' hit. There are 13 participants in to thick Means, in the third the two elfisses who have al., inning and lie shut out the tribe ready qualified for special a . a lain until ih e seven th inn i ng wards, Passing their half mile tests were lots LoadersIa anon Jim Hennessey picked Up Mike Kearney, 29 min.; wther BoLli Mohawk min'; Gary Ca apbell, 27 atilt; Hans Knocks were singles, Zeehusisen, 20 min.; Marvin The winning lefty went the Bower, >11 Imo,: Jim parker, full eight innings to register min.; ; Roberta Grassiek 25 the triumph. Ile struck out six min,: holy Rumoel, 25 Irmo „ 'aod batters and walked only two. Dennis Hockey, 29 min. Bill Crago hurled for the tribe Qualifiers for the mile swim and he pitched his second eight- includes Mark Hinton, 45 mio,; inning game in three nights. Richard Frayne, 45 min.; Hank The crafty moundsman from Bosch, 45 min, and Karen Hey- lairkton allowed only eight hits wood, 65 m i n , min a Bosc h a l so but he was hampered by some swa m th e h a lf m il e i n 25 mi n , erratic Mohawk defensive work. to es , Laurie McKellar picked up lack and his assistant, Heath- half of Staffa's hits by bang- er Strom, would like to get an mg out foot' straight singles to adult swim class going. So if drive in foot' 'Staffa runs. any adults are interested in Bill Murphy collected the only learning to swim, either con- extra-base hit of the evening, tact yours truly or one of the a booming triple in the last in- two swimming instructors. roag that gave Staffa their final Water Okay run, Tests are continually being Single base hits for the win- Laken of the water at Riverview ning squad were contributed by and to date. each 'test has been George Covene y, Laverne. on the affirmative side. Accord- "Pork" Wallace and Gary liopf. ing to Jack Stephan, who was Count early on life-guard duty at Riverview Three Mohawk errors in the last year, the water this season first inning provided Staffa with is better! We have commented a comfortable sour-run margin on the water situation mainly to and from then on they were straighten out the rumors that never headed as Hopf kept the say is isn't fit to swim in, losing tribe in cheek. These rumors are NOT true. Exeter cut the lead to 3-1 in water is OK, the next frame on atelatills' Playground Activity single and two passed halls .but Attendance on the three play- that was as close as they got ground parks has been on the as Staffa counted one more run brisk side, Although the play- iii the next inning, three times ground members were disap- in the fifth, and once in the pointed because their parade eighth. was washed out by showers the The less evened Crago's 'Me- first week of activity, they'll nial at two wins amid two de- make up for it this week, A feats and it also marked the "Space-Age" parade has been first time this year that the planned with all participants Mohawks have been beaten in living it up oil "freshie" when Exeter after w i n k i n g five they reach their destination al straight games al home. Budget from iddulph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Langford and Moths were Mr. and Mrs, Bev West- man, of Cranton, also Mr. and Mrs. Len Thacker. Woodham. air, and Airs, Dean Gibson, accompanied by Mr, Rick Swanson, spent the week end at Stokes Bay, Mrs, Jessie Lewis is spend- ing two weeks with her daugh- ter, airs. Joe Hodgins. and family, while Jerry Lewis spent the weekend there. air. and Mrs. G. Thompson, Chris and Ann, spent a few clays with their parents, Sir, ancl airs, Chris Fischer, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chris Facher were Alr. and Mrs. Floyd Stanlake and (Torn., Joe Atordush, alt of Lon. 'Visitors during the week with Harry Matties' double was the AL If. and Mrs. Elston were only extra-base hit for the Le- their ti li c i e, Mr. Clarence pion and "Chub" Edward and Fletcher, Woodham, air. Dave Goyetche both added singles to round out the Legion hitting. Errors told the tale for the hapless Legion crew. They erred five times in the field compared to two for Creditors, Kin Park after a march from Victoria. By the time this goes to press, close to 70 youngsters will have made the trip on Wednesday to Listowel to participate in a was field in laincaachne with the Air, an d mrs, Charles Atkins" "MaYdaY" w Plaaagro were their niece and nephew, Ontario, A year age, the meet Sunday evening visitors with it. son, of Parkhill, accompanied track and field meet, which was leate eson. members front an, Over YY a o i,c,,,nway. will take place in .Kincardine. it Sunday- with Leslie and Larry locals really making a day of were ,fir, and Mrs. jack Eagle- held in Exeter last summer, ai r. Al v i n we th erg sp en t is hoped that another bus load Greenlee, Lucan. or two can be gathered up to Miss Joanne iledley, of Lon- make the trip, This is goad, don, is holidaying with her clean and healthy recreation cousin, Brenda. Blair. belonging to the playground snort( Sunday with air, and who cat make the trip, do so. Mrs. Wilfred Hatxtable. and we would advise. everyone Mr. and Mrs. George aleFalla In two weeks time, the annual hay their father, air. James aind Helen and Garry Eagleson, of LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS PROCLAIM Exeter Greys pounded out 17 Jilts In a display of batting prowess to sink RCAF Clinton 13-2 in Exeter Thursday eve- ning. It was the second "close" genie in a row for the Greys but winning pitcher Rose Carey kept the Clinton girls in cheek by scattering a meagre five bits during the seven inning game. Every member of the Exeter squad hit safely at least ow and three Greys collected three hits apiece. lairst-baseman Norma Cole- man led the way with a double and two singles in four trips to the plate, lean Taylor and Dor- othy Wilson each contributed three singles to the home attack to account for five Exeter runs. Shortstop Audrey Pooley club- bed a triple and a single and Mary Graveta cracked out two singles in three times at bat, Dolly Mattson crashed a lead- off home run in the first inning while Rose Carey doubled once and Ann Cronyn and Ann Jor- genson each collected singles. Clinton was paced in a losing cause by Baba McGuire who poled a home run and a double. The Clinton girls opened the scoring in the first inning on a double by McGuire and a single by Carol Ranger. llowever, this was the only lime that the visitors were in the lead and Mattson tied the game with her lead-off blast. and then the Greys counted font times in the second inning and twice in the sixth, Clinton Countered with one rim in the top of the fifth but, they were stifled in all *their attempts as Rose Carey came up with one of her best eve- nings of the year. The Exeter lefthander allowed only four Clinton players to reach base cloning the final six frames. y JOAN pgrrnieR The second week of play , ground opened with several more registrations. We now have a total of 223. Our theme this week was space week. Each day we had a .different craft in connection with this ))note'. These crafts were painting rockets and sate- Iites, making flying saucers and making robot heads and bodies from cardboard boxes, We Planned a space parade for' Friday afternoon but is .was washed out by rain and had to be held Teesday afternoon, Winners in the parade were: Queen's Park — Sharon Ea- wards, Bonnie Swartzentruber, Jim Hackney and Vickie Swart' zentrober. Kin Park — Roberta Gras- sick, Dan and David Sweitzer, Lynn Farduhnr, Victoria Park — Stephen Har- rison, Ross Paraons, Milton Munroe, Judges were Mrs. Terry Thompson and Mrs. Harold Hin- ton, Tuesday afternoon, July 11, Bonnie Turyey and A.nmarie Kraft 'hiked through Dow's bush with 18 nature lovers between the ages of eight and 14 years. Bonnie stressed before the hike that water lovers were to keep their feel dry, Guess who Rec softball — Continued from page 6 Slaght led off again in the fifth inning with a two-base knock and he scored Crediton's fifth run on a follow-up double by Don Finney, The winners counted their last three runs in the .next frame on Roy Smith's triple, a Legion infield error, and a two- run circuit clout by to h[ Bill Schroeder limited Legion to live hits during the game and Reg Stagg got two of them, both singles. Christie, also his son Lloyd and grandchildren David and Ann, all of Edmonton, Alta., Mrs. ahi.mplircv Arthur also Miss Norma Etston and Wilma, of St, Marys, air. William Lam- bourn, liderton, their aunt, airs. H. W, Hodgins, Lucan, and Miss Sophia Richards. Monday visitors were Fit./Lt. S. Coombs and Flt.aCd. David Doyle, of RCAF Centralia. Holiday visitors with air, and Mrs. Charles Atkinson Never... n vetm apaant like this I Children parade in space costumes came home with. wet .feet (131.) fro Tuesday and Thursday We hail a reCOril high of 85 attend- anee at Vietofia Park. We found that after a game 01 floor hockey with Boom, the 10 to a4-year-old boys became very' adept at the game. Now they want to play floor hockey' all the time and supervisors who haven't followed the game too closely have s u d cl -0 m y needed le learn a few rules. To all ond Playday On July 25 we plan to attend Playday in Lislowel, This is competition of games learned at the playground with several• other communities, Each year, games such as, dodgebala A pair of three-member rinks topped first position in the two jitneys staged at the Exeter bowling green this week. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Jean Fawley, Russ Snell and Will Shapton combined to come tip with two wins and a plus of 15. The duo of Art Cann and Don Jackson also recorded the same score. two wins and a plus of 15, hut the trebles rink was given first place by virtue of their total aggregate of 30 com- pared to 22 for the second-place finishers. Third position in the standings was taken by Wes Watson and airs, Mabel McKnight who COM- piled a record of two wins and a plus of 13. On Saturday night, Airs. Pooley was teamed up with Fred. Tilley and Bill Lamport and they finished with. a slate of two wins and a plus of 16, good enough for top spot. Wes Veneer and Lila Smith took second position with two wins and a plus of 13 while Alvin Pym and Clarence Down finished close behind with two victories and a plus of 12. JAKE'S Plumbing and Heating 235.1454 Exeter in jitneys here Name winners By any measurement THERE'S NOTHING "JUST AS GOOD AS" A 1) Refiner :for YOUR GE DEALER 235450 See this big 13 Cu.. Ft. 2-door Zero-zone Refrigerator-Freezer This deluxe two-door model combines. WO- free refrigeration and Zero-Zone freezer, In the eye-level refrigeration sec-lion. the Roto-Cold sy-stem circulates cold air conslantl;c, maintains lust-picked" freshness for days. The big 131- lb. roll-out freezer safely stores frozen foods. permits more economy in food buying and meal planning. Roomy swing-out shelves and vege- table crisper eliminate reaching. Straight-Line design. We will allow 109 for your old Sealed unit trade*iin IN WORKING CONOITION There it a igilod to fit ovOry igerator bluct§et