HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-26, Page 5- '
":„P"roClucti Of 14/11411
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New Purina Fly Control Aid for:
• . Try Our :Chocolate ',-
Milk Treat
Instant Coffee
SUnkiti No,
Wheat tg:
8.Ourice Jar
Pkg. of 20
7 PtIP
She 13S/S
Pit'0 DOZZI•1
NeW tpoon `Size
2 'OP 254
Fete Saturday bride
afi Cromarty event
Name winners
in Intl parade
Prize winners in the internee
tional .costume parade Thurs-
day were: tots, Tony Kyle, 131.11
Webster, Gordon Mat:Kenzie;
girls, 8 to 12, Beth Cook, Wendy
Webster, Ann Mills; boys,
Michael. Davis, Scott Smith,
John Skea, Lunch was served
at the park,
Mrs. Robert Baker Sr„ who is
not enjoying the best of health,
is spending a few weeks with
her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker, of
Mr% and Mrs. W. S, Shepherd
and grandsons, Larry and Billy
Consitt, are holidaying at 1pper-
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Keys,
Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Love, Kippen, Mrs. J. E. Mc-
Ewen were guests Sunday with
Mrs. Bessie Milan and. Miss
Annie Bendel). at
Sgt, and Mrs. Don Orr of St.
Hubert, Quebec, are holidaying
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Orr and Jim,
Miss Ann Mickle has returned
home after spending a week's
holiday with tier sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Ross MacMillan and David of
Terry Hoy, of Pori Albert, is
holidaying with his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Hoy, Ronnie and Gary.
Sunday, July 29 will conclude
union services in the United
Church with Rev, Ross MacDon-
ald in charge.
Mr. W, F. Riley and Sharon,
of London, spent Friday after-
noon with Mr, and Mrs. Laird
Mickle and Ann.
Sugar and spice
Former resident dies
Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Kinsman
of Chiselhurst reeeived word of
the death of r their aunt, Mrs,
Wm, S, McTaggart, on July 11
alter a brief illness in her Seth
year, Burial was in. Melbourne,.
Surviving is her husband and
one son, Clifford,
Mr. and Airs, MeeTaggart
have made their home hi Mel-
bourne for the past number of
They celebrated their Both
wedding anniversary on June
30 and Mr, MeTaggart had his
00th birthday in. June. He was
the youngest brother of the late
Martin and Anne MacTaggart
of Chiselhurst,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer, Mr.
and Mrs, George Beer, Linda.
and Betty, Mrs. Ralph Mc-
Arthur, Mac and Cam, of Rivers,
Man., F/O John Beer, Mrs.
Beer, David, Johnny and Steven
of Camp Borden, Mrs, Marce
Bogart, Bobbie and Jamie, Win-
nipeg, are vacationing for two
weeks at Lion's Head,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Fiford
and family have returned from
a week's vacation spent at
Kingston, Morrieburg, Ottawa,
back to Peterborough and home.
Miss Suzanne Kyle has return-
ed home after spending a week
holidaying with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Townsend and family of Mit-
chell, She was accompanied
home by her cousin, Miss Barb-
ara Townsend, who will vacation
for a week with Suzanne.
Go 6,700 miles
on western tour
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tra-
quair of Hensall and Mr. and
Airs, Jack Traquair, St. Thomas,
returned home Friday evening
from a three weeks' trip by
motor to the West Coast, visit-
ing a cousin, Wallace Trani),
in Crystal City, Man., anti at-
tending the Calgary Stampede.
While there they visited a niece
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Christie of Calgary, and
Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Weeks of
Eckville, Alta., then on to Banff,
Lake Louise, down into Wash-
ington and the World's Fair at
Seattle where they had the
pleasure of going up in the
needle 600 feel, and had a lovely
view of the city and the fair
While in Seattle the called
on Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bell, the
former a native of Usborne;
then to Yellowstone Park and
During their trip which cov-
ered 6,700 miles they only saw
one minor accident.
Area youth
at barbecue
A chicken barbecue was held
Thursday evening on the lawn
of Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mous-
seau and was sponsored by
South Huron Youth for Christ
with about 120 to 125 attending.
A short program followed
with a special speaker from
Personal items
Mrs. Nelson Hood left Lon-
don Sunday for a month's va-
cation in Kenora. and Winnipeg
where she will visit friends and
Mr. and Mrs. John Keyes and
family, of Varna, visited Sun-
day with Mrs. E, Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowntree
of Rowntree Beach, near Mid-
land, visited a few days with
the former's sister, Mrs. N.
Long and Mr. Long. Saturday
guests were Mr. and Mrs, Ed,
Morton of near Seaforth.
Miss Dorothy Jackson and
Miss Ann Klegis of Owen Sound,
nurses in training at Kitchener-
Waterloo Hospital, visited a
couple of days last week with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Jackson and fam-
Alice Ann Dalrymple, daugh-
ter of Air, and Mrs. Wilmer
Dalrymple, celebrated her sec-
ond birthday Sunday at her
home. Her rather returned to
work Monday at the General
Coach, liensan, having sus-
tained an injury to his foot a
week ago.
Air. \V, L. Male spent a few
days in St. Thomas, the guest
of his sister and brother-in-
law, Mt, and Mrs. Clarence
fr =0.
Perth 4
at Toronto
By MRS. JOHN Tgmpi,gmAN
Jerry Scott and Bole Temple-
man were among the 4-le club
Members from Perth who en-
joyed a title trip to Toronto last
week where they toured the
parliament buildings, Canada
,Packers and the food terminal.
Terry .and Robin Daynard,
Sterea, Floye Dow, Cromarty
and Ken and Douglas
Munro, returned home last week
from a week's motor holiday
through the U.S.A.
Mr. and Airs. William Boles
and lamily, Niagara Falls, New
York, visited recently with Mr,
and Mrs, Ross Smale end fam-
Mrs. Annie Thomps,ohlui rsda anyd
Mrs. Bill Lamport, South
Boundary, visited on a
with Miss Margaret and dames
and Airs, Robert Duncan,
Exeter, visited on Tuesday with
Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
Mr. and Airs, John Templemen
and families.
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Lyall, Ag-
incourt, visited recently with
Mrs, Lyall's parents, Mr. and
Mee. Sam Norris.
Jimmy and Bobby Scott,
Cromerty, spent a week with
their grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Cameron Vivian,
Janice and Faye Duncan,
Kirkton, are holidaying with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Airs. Wilbur Miller,
Brenda Kerslake is attending
the Presbyterian Church camp
at Kintail,
Dennise Kerslake, Cromarty,
holidayed last week with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert McCaughey.
Nancy Fisher, near Mitchell,
is holidaying with her cousin.
Julie and Elliott.
Air. and Mrs. Gerald Agar
and family attended a family
picnic at Port Elgin on Sunday.
Sunday evening guests with
Miss Margaret and James Miller
were Mr, and Mrs. Eldrid Mc-
Nicol and Air. George Miller,
Ronnie Miller holidayed for a
few days with his cousins Rich-
ard and Bobby Bigning, Mitchele
Geraldine and Ruth Temple-
man holidayed last week with
their cousin, Dianne Miller,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hog-
garth and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Drake were among the guests
at the Hoggarth-Maclntosh
wedding in Cromarty Presby-
terian Church on Saturday.
Kay Worden is holidaying with
friends at Grand Bend.
Joan Annis, near Mitchell, is
visiting for a few days with her
grandmother, Mrs. Ernest
Miss Pat Meier, Windsor, and
Mr. R. Meier, Seaforth. visited
on Sunday with err,. and Mrs.
Bob Norris and girls.
Misses Eleanor and. David
Kemp visited over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, lack Aston,
Fenton Falls.
The Staff a UCW held a clean-
ing tip bee at the parsonage on
Thursday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Ale-
Curdy, Centralia visited on Sun-
day with. Mr. and Mrs, Sam
Mrs. Bob Norris and Patti
accompanied AIr, Al. Chabonik,
Winnipeg, to Windsor on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. ,lack Butson
drove lo Mahon on Monday to
meet Mr. and Mrs. Les Butson
who arrived borne by air from
a visit to the west.
Mrs. ,Iohnny Miller, who has
been a patient in Stratford
General Hospital, returned home
on Saturday.
Mrs. john eloggarth enter-
tamed at, a trousseau tea et her
home on Saturday evening,
July le. in honor of her daugh-
ter, Arlene, whose marriage
was an event of Saturday, July
Guests were received during
the evening by the bride-elect
and her mother And the mother
of the groom-elect.
The lace covered tea table
was centred with a bowl of pink
roses and fern and the decora-
tions were pink and white
streamers and wedding bells.
The buffet was centred with a.
three-tiered wedding cake. Mrs,
Christena McKellar, Mitchell,
great aunt of the bride, and
Mrs. J. Richardson, grand-
mother of the groom, and Mrs.
Dunn, Seaforth, great aunt of
the groom, presided at the tea
table during the evening. Serv-
ing were June. and Joyce Munn
and Marion Belt.
The wedding gifts were dis-
played by Margaret Jean Rus-
sell, the shower gifts by Mar-
garet Ann Wallace, fancy work,
linen and bedding by Mrs,
Bruce Coleman and the bride's
trousseau, china and silver-
ware by Nancy Pepper. Many
lovely gifts were received at
the door by Mrs. N, Riley.
Over one hundred guests
signed the register,
Miss Arlene Hoggarth was
guest of honor at a miscellan-
eous shower at the home, of
Airs. Bruce Coleman, RR 4,
Seaforth, when about fifteen
friends gathered for a social
evening. After the gifts were
unwrapped a lunch was served
by the hostess.
Norris Reunion
The Norris reunion was held
on Sunday, July 8, at the home
of Mr. and Airs. Hugh Norris,
Cromarty, Dinner was served
at 1 o'clock with a program of
sports following.
Winners were: Ages one to
three, Susan Norris; girls, four
to seven, Katharine Keely,
Linda Nosaid; boys, Laird
Passmore, Lyle McLeod; girls,
eight to 11, Janice Sillery,
Patsy Story; boys, Dennis Dun-
can Laird Nosaid; 12, 13, 14,
Gail Story, el a r y Norris;
ladies, 15-35, Mary Norris, Lila
Storey; men, Harry Norris,
Doug Norris; ladies, over 35,
Leona Passmore, Hazel Mc-
Leod; men, Don McLeod, Harry
Norris, Kippen.
Three-legged race, Gail and
Patsy Storey; sack race, Barry
McDougald, Patsy Storey; sack
race, Bryce Jacobi, Gail
Storey; ladies, kick the slipper,
Faye Duncan, Lila. Storey:
men, Bob 'Norris, Laird and
Bill. Norris (tie); balloon water
contest, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Duncan; balloon and chair con-
test, Bob Norris' team; orange
relay, Harry Norris' team;
kitchen Contest, Mrs. Jack Dun-
can, Faye Duncan, Leona Pass-
Oldest person, Hugh Norris
Sr„ age 87; youngest person,
Betty Louise Pinder, age two
months; travelling longest dis-
tance, Air. and Mrs, Red Keely,
Family reunion
The Hoggarth, Allen, Mc-
Lachlan reunion was held at
Lion's Park, Mitchell, on Sat-
urday with 45 members in at-
Officers appointed for 1063
were: President, Lloyd Allen;
vice - president, William Mc-
Lachlan; secretary - treasurer,
Lois McLachlan; lunch com-
mittee. Lloyd and Grace Allen,
Russell and Ruth Mulligan, and
Grace Found: sports commit-
tee, Anthony and Dorothy Al-
len, Alfred and Vera Ross.
The sports committee were
not present and no games or
sports were held. it was voted
to hold the 1903 picnic on the
...c.a. 11
Personal Berne
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Carey
had as their guests during the
week Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Taylor
and family, of Toronto, and,
Misses Geri and Kate Seaboyer,
of Havelock.
Miss Joanne Pow visited with
her cousin, Miss Carol. Ann
Dow, last week,
Mr. and Alre. Robert Hama-
ton .and son, John, Airs, J. Beer
And Mr. -Lorne Findlayson left
on Wednesday for a motor trip
through the western provinces.
Misses Agnes and Frances
Scott spent a few holidays at
the home of Mr. and Airs. T,
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Scott,
accompanied by Air, and Airs.
Garry Findlayson, enjoyed a
motor trip through the states
and attended the Grand Ole
Opry at Nashville, Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs, Ulm Wallace
and Debbie visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wal-
lace, Carlingford.
Air, and Mrs. Len Caldwell
and Wendy, of Londesboro,
and Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, of
Clinton, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Sadie Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
of London, spent the weekend
at Goshen
fiy. MRS, '4A.KE McBRIDE
The annual Baby ;Band plcnie
was held at Goshen .United.
Church on Them:ley, July
Sports in the afternoon were
conducted by Airs, Bob Peck
assisted by Mrs. Bert McBride.
Mrs. Roy .McBride, Mrs, George
Simmons and. Mrs, Howard
with Mr. and Mrs. John Wal-
lace. Donald Cadiek returned
home with his parents.
Mrs, L. E. Abbiss, of George-
town, is holidaying with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herold
Mr. and Airs. C. M. Wilson
and Laura, and Mrs, Jennie
Wilson, of Detroit, were guests
of Mr and Mrs. T. L. Scott and
Airs. E. Moore on Saturday.
Mrs. Jennie Wilson remained
for a visit with. Mrs. Moore.
The "Neighbors" of Cromar-
ty Line enjoyed a picnic at the
Pinery on Thursday.
Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mrs.
Frank Hamilton visited on Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Moorehead, Rostock.
Guests with Mr, and Mrs. T.
L. Scott and family during the
week were Dr. and Mrs. A. S.
McKay, Sandra and Valerie,
of New York, on Friday. Mr,
Boyd Ford, of Lindsay, who is
training at the RCAF station at
Clinton, on. Friday evening.
Mrs, R. G. McKay and Miss
Grace McKay, of Thamesford,
on Tuesday,
First place : winners. In the
running races were Mrs. Keith
McOrtcles. class, Mary k-,,,PAt MC"
41,4t, Boy 1,4C-PT:Cik'S.
class, Freddie .Armstrong, airs,
George :Simon's cles$, Marilyn
Keyes; Mrs., Elgin Mcieleelee's.
clees, Wayne Peck; Elgin go*
.Kentey's class, 1)0.11.44 Peck;
lade' writing ;lame on her 'Sore-
head, Mrs. Elmer 1-layier; girls
three legged race, Judy Me.
Bride and Cathy MeKielleeel
boys, Larry McKinley and
WApe. Peck;
Making paper doll out of
newspaper -behind back, Mrs,
Kenneth Parke; kick the slip-
per, Ronnie McBride; guess
beans in jar, Mary Margaret
Oldest grandmother,. Mrs.
Richard Robinson; youngest
baby, julia Armstrong; young
boy's rabbit race, John Mc,
Ki-nley; young girls shoe scram-
ble, Dianne McKinley; breaking
balloons by sitting on then,.,
Wayne Pick's side; young girl's
rabbit race, Barbara Keyes;
lady with best stretch and yawn.
act, Airs. Bruce Keyes. The
games ended with a kiss scram-
ble for the wee ones.
About eighty persoits sat
down to a picnic supper with,
Mrs. Kenneth Parke and group
in charge,
The Sunday School anniver-
sary is to be held next Sunday
.morning, July 29.
A dairy farmer was inter-
viewing a prospective hired
man, "Do you have any bad
habits?" he asked, "Do you
smoke, drink, or cat marga-
.r400 5 4. vy. 26F 194
and district news
Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone $
Mrs, Archie Macgregor, Phone 56
Hensall personals
Mrs. Ralph McArthur and
sons, Mac and Cam of Rivers,
Man.; Mrs. Mane Bogart and
daughters Bobbie and Jamie of
Winnipeg, Man., have left for
home after spending the past
few weeks with Mrs. McArthur's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Beer, and with her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and. Airs.
George Beer and family.
Gregory Corneil, two and a
— Continued from page 4 half years of age, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Cornell fell off Belied" in his career. In other
words, lie's working himself the porch of the verandah on
silly at the job so that he can east side of the house Monday afternoon and was admitted to keep up the payments on his South Huron Hospital, Exeter, house so that he can come home w a fracturedt leg at night and work himself silly
mowing the lawn, weeding the 1:1"lieh knee, He a'iso
eceived in-
garden, painting the trim or ;curies to his eye. He will be
confined to hospital for six building a patio. For a big en- weeks, Dr, Al. Cans of Exeter
tertainment deal, he can take
the family for a little drive and attended,
buy them ice-cream cones, At F/0 John R. Beer of Camp
this age, it doesn't matter much Borden has been posted to the
whether it's winter or summer. RCAF station at Moose Jaw,
Sask., and left this week for
e/e Moose Jaw with his wife and
When a man gets into his family,
sixties, summer should be a LAC Vic Stan, Mrs. Stan and
time of leisure and pleasure. family, of Penfold, Alberta,
By then, he should be able to visited this week with Mr. And
take plenty Of holidays, go fish- Mrs, Jim. Sangster.
ing whenever he feels like it, Air. and Mrs. E. Ellis and
or just sit on the veranda and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Connell, of
rock. In 35 years he has learned Clinton, were recent visitors
how to handle his wife and his with .Air, and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
life, or should have, His chit- man,
dreg have grown up and are Airs. Ruth Paisley and Miss
living in the city. Summer Sharon. Skidmore, of Toronto,
should be a lime of drowsy were weekend visitors with the
peace. latter's parents, Mr, and Airs.
So what does he get? Grand. Arthur Skidmore,
children. Hordes .of them. It's etre. Edna Corbett visited
too hot in the city for the little over the weekend with her son-
daelings, so mummy brings in-law and daughter, Mr. and
them up to visit their granny. Mrs, Archie MacGregor,
For the- whole, horrible sum- Mr. end Mrs, Don Madam,
r"r" they tear up gralliPa's of Teeento, visited river the
flowerbods, disturb his siesta, weekend with the latimee par-
wresk his power mower and exits, and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
Mike him drive them out for m all..
swims on dayt when the sun Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rennie
would stun an: o-x. and daughter, of Toronto, visit-
Yep, the. •nientolles have their etl recently with the fennel's
ups and deselis in summer, For patents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ran-
women, of course, it's different, rile.
They love the Slimmer, Whether Mrs, Geis froth and Jim, of
they're theee, or 83, they go Detroit, spent. the weekend with
around with preetitally nothing the former's mother, Mrs. Lou
on, reduce the cooking to soup Simpson,
and. peetint Witte sas%dwiehes, AIr, and Mrs, Wes Jones, of
and have tests in the Cool Oshawa, visited over the week- •
of the house while their matte end. With the farmer's parents,
are but thing battle. Me, and Mrs. Norman Rifles. •
Flies multiply rapidly. They carry
germs, spread disease, spoil food-
stuffs and contaminate water. The
only good thing about flies is that
they love Purina's NEW FlyChecker.
This new "idea" in fly control is the
E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd, Hensall
fastest, most economical, surest
way to kill flies. Just hang one up
where the flies gather. Then, step
back—Purina's NEW Fly Checker is
the willingest, fly-killingest fly con-
trol on the Canadian market today.
Make sure you get your order in
before my stock is gone, Phone in,
or drop in at my Store with the
Checkerboard Sign.
IN A Plect
F rying
AV *
• 651'b