HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-26, Page 3B 4 nci. here Town Toptcs 4 for picnic .Mort Eddy., who retired as a of the plants that are partice• larmer because he "was sick lady interesting to his group. cif shovelling manure." has now ever, he also reported plenty of opportinnt,y to get a that ninny weren't particularly much better grade of air in Ins interested and he said he often capacity as park naturalist at felt like leaving sonic of them the Pinery,, out. in the hush because they give-days a week, The oillek• s p o il the lours for some who evitted little man leads camp.- are interested ees and visitors over one of The naturalist said he has lave nature trails m the park, learned from experience that pointing out the many species it doesn't pay to show .soine sif. plant, animal and bird life of the rare plants or birds' la he seen. nests to bikers, "Some of there have the -grabbits disease" and will pick the flowers or scare the birds," he reported. Mort said he found a rare nighthawks' nest near the rangers' office and made the mistake of showing it to a photographer from a city news, paper. The photographer Want- ed .to place a piece of while boardbehind the nest to photo- graph it, but the naturalist wouldn't let him because it would scare the bird, Ile reported that most people acre - amazed at • the wide variety of things to he seen along the trail and stated that most wouldn't see very much unless it was pointed out to them,. "„If the, group is interested we h ave a wonderful time," he reported, pointing nut that he, often sits down on the trail to hold discussions about some Adopts Korean — Continued (rain page 1 The foster parent promises to contribute $16 monthly for at least one year, Of this sum, the child receives $8 each month as an outright cash, grant. The re- mainder is used for periodic food and new clothing packages, translations of letters, medical services and education, Be' cause each child is treated as an individual, any special needs of the child or his family are taken care of by plan from its general fund. This fund is made up of contributions from the public. To encourage a warm, per- sonal relationship between the foster parent and "his child", the foster' parent receives a hist- ory of the child and a photo- grap h, and correspondence through the plan office is translated both ways. This ex- change bridges the gap be- tween foster parent and child and. gives the youngster the feeling of security and love, he .needs. STORY OF THE CHRIST! Afetro-CoUtla -Mayer presenti Samttel Bronsion's Production THLIRS„ JULY 26 TO WED., AUG. 1 Lyric Theatre i nik , - l'ilirr • alt 1 111. \N" 4c,-sootopl, Arva— Coll Collect G 2-7916 OiSen Evenings III V, Saturdays MI 5:30 * 20 CU. FT. NET SIZE * THREE BASKETS * TWO DIVIDERS * LID LOCK * STORE OVER 800 POUNDS OF MEAT * 1 5-YEAR WARRANTY * FOOD INSURANCE $250 FOB ARVA tALIVEREb AND INSTALLED $2S0 r013 AIWA SUMMER SALE 1 Only — 2-Piece French. Provincial Chesterfield REG. VALUE f244... FOR ONLY $229 I Only — 2-Piece Naugahyde Suite All Summer Forniturf - 2 5°./o Off ONE ONLY Kitchen Set. Complete with table, 4 chairs, 4- place setting of Dinner Wate, Stainless Sten! SilverWAte and Crystal. ALL FOR LOW PRICE OF Only '69.50 OTHER KITCHEN SETS AT REDUCED PRICES One Only Bedroom Suite Reg, Value $195 POR ONLY $149 Magazine Racks Reg, $5 to $7 Value ONLY $2.49 Vinyl Covered Three-Piece Set Settee and Two Chairs SO VALUE , FOR ONLY $65 FLOOR LAMPS, TR1-LITES BOUDOIR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS POLE LAMPS All Greatly Reduced a number of TRI-LITE LAMPS ONLY $2.99 tAcm Unfinished Furniture Mirrors. CHAIRS, ROCKERS, DESKS HIGI CHAIRS, STOOLS Tiemon's Furniture PHONE .8 AS WOOD Colonial Living Room Suite 1 Only — 5-Piece Set REG, VALUE $175 . . FOR ONLY $119 REG. VALUE 5175 S 1 39 . FOR ONLY TWO-PIECE Chesterfield rice,. $1.75 , roe. $139 TWO-PIECE Chesterfield nee, , eon $149 Space-Saver , $5 .2 FOM $42.00 Four immediate counties in this area have no hog cholera problem, at this date, accord• ing to the health of animals di- vision of the Canada Dep't of AgricultOre. Given cletan bills of health were Huron, Perth. Middlesex and Lambton, along with gin. however, nearly 0.000 ani• mats have been destroyed in Ontario and Quebec since the outbreak began early in July. New cases were discovered this week in Peel county. The Huron office of the health of animals division at seaforth reported Wednesday that no case has been diagnosed in flits county. .A total of 18 premises have been quarantined in put-on. however. on suspicion that some of the animals, purchased at sales, may have had contact with known eases. The quarantine period in these cases is 30 days from the date contact is suspected. Dr. ft. G. Liebold is operating the Seaforth office in the ab- sence of Dr, .1. C. MacLennan. who is on vacation, At London, Dr. James M. Mitchell, sub-district velerinar- G E Form SUPPLIES Roy Erb sod Cleveland Gingerich PHONE IMO ZURICH 11111.11111111111111101111111111111111111111114.1111111111eallel Rate your combine with this CASE 600 "Wonderful rob with beans!" "I grow around 100 acres of white beans each year and the 600 just doer a wonderful job of handling this delicate crop, Capacity is more than I had expected and the ease with which this machine handles amazed me, Operational expense is also very good." Knnnttill ttranttsittrink,,*7 Druttdon, Ont. man .of the health of animals Osion. for the a.grieulture de- partment, said no eases have been diagnosed in Middlesex or Khgin .counties. "We've checked a few sus- pect leads but they've all been cleared," he said. All case of infection. have been traced hack to the original outbreak in filengarrY Countl% at the '62 Austin A60 Sedan blue and While '62 Austin 850 Sedan THESE TWO uNrrs_ STILL AT THE OLD PRICE IN ALL MODELS ORDERED AFTER THIS FATE 1959 MEM l In Slob VOl'd Sedan _ nruAtte, 1'ach.0 mhno and golft 1958 CI.T.F.Vniq,1,:r Tudor, real sharp. 1959, VAIXILNIA. if 11, sharp MINOR MO 19511 \ 'Mahon Wagon 1952 PLY MM. III ;Wan 1056 11t11,,OR Rideau So. (tan. fly.ig,,_ht Nth k. 1 atim, Iii-t0110. South End ervice ,chud, stmll P14 13$4321 Tired of .forking -finds fresher air In park Personal Items et Interest In and Areynct Exeter YOU don't have. 10 see to The g,seter Times•Adyocate is pituised to Publish these,. Aims. 'No hare fun at a, ,picnic. and our leadera Are interested in you and your 11'1011 0. Phone R36 "1331° That was proven here Wed nesday by blind persons from 111000 county who met at Riverview Park for their an- nual summer get-together. However, the pholograPher went back to the spot later on his own and put tip the board and the bird has vacated the nest. '"fhe parks are owned by the public," he stated, "hut as keepers we have to use our discretion in protecting it" lie pointed out that if one person in each group picked a flower they would all soon disappear and wouldn't be able to unfold their beauty for other hikers. Started early Mort acquired his lose wildlife as his grandmother was a herbalist in the Paris area and he has been picking h er b s ever si nce he was f o u r flea ancl Mrs, Ron Carroll were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rees. Mr, Gote 'Wenestraum and his brother, Nils of Kalmar, Sweden were Sunday guests with it-hr. and Mrs, Clifford Abbott, Ix- can and Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, On Tuesday they accompanied Miss Marjorie Isaac and Ni'. and Mrs, Don. Simpson of London on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, formerly planted as many as Mr. Wenestraum of Sweden is 5,000 in one year, spending three weeks visiting "You'd think I'd he sick of his brother Gote, who has been t h em ,- he stated. "but I really living in this community for 33 l i ke s t u d y i ng th em ,- years. This is the first time lie has had one of his family to Ile reports that trees Are the visit him. main reason why people entity the Pinery because the oxygen Alessi's. George and Ernie and Miss Ulla Oke Huron_ n- makes the air so pure and dale visited recently with Mr, fresh and flowers on the ..one walking .trail in the park so people may • hike out on their own and Ntill "an and Sue Kesthe, London. have things pointed out to the h ave b een holidaying with their reported. llown or, he doesn't ,„ favor this idea, because as be and Airs. Elgin 140 xtnn , explains it, he could be wrong Owen Sound and Airs. .John liod• 10 pointing something out and Red.. C 011ii.l g"" ar e tourin g peopl e cou ld rea d the s i gns and Great Brittain for three weeks, see that lie is wrong. Mr. and Mr's. Keith Coates E n t, th ere i s little chance tit and, Bradley accompanied by that as lie can id ent ify a bow the former's parents, .Air. and 8,000 diff eren t t orms of nature Alps. Whitney Coates, visited on and can a l so t h e cum b er. Sunday with Mr, and Airs. John Nom, Latin names that aecom- Slight and 'family ' Langton ' pang thein, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stubbs lie explained that he was able and faintly, Cale"ni•R to do this because he has a pho• Airs. B, J. Clark, Lonqueml, tographic memory and after h e Quebec', spent the weekend with has seen a plant or tree once. tier parents, AD, and Mrs, Ted he never forgets it, Sims and brother Paul. Although lie admits he can't Airs. Gordon Eagleson, Sat.. answer all the questions, he nia, left last week by plane for rare!, gels stumped on any- Britain where she and her sis- thing twice because he never ler, Miss Alexia Lostell, will fails to investigate anything he tour the British :Isles, Her son. doesn't kno,v. Erin 'Eagleson. Sarnia, is holi. Shows films (laying with his grandparents, conducting daily Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lostell, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul tours, Mort also organizes the E ag l es o n , Parkhill, [Mee weekly nature series held Sgt. L. Low and Mrs, at the amphitheatre. Every Low, Terry and Wendy, who ThursdaY, shows„ a series' ,of have just tel from Germ- alides of various flowers that no an y, ar e v with Mrs, has photographed and after a 'Low's mother, Mrs. T. Al, Din- short 15 minute talk by a guest ney, Airs, C. Merrill, Inger- speaker, shows a film on na- soil, was a weekend guest. fere, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Douglas of The films are supplied by the Largo, Florida, is visiting with dept of lands and forests or ba” atr, and Mrs. Anima Etbering- the National .Eilm Board and Ion. attendance ranges close to 400 or even over some nights. Mr. and Alt's, Lorne Listoen and family left 'Monday to visit In his flower collection, must relatives in Michigan before It taken in the Pails area, Mort leaving for their home in Winni• has 3D species of wild orchids peg after spending some time and is still looking for the other with Mrs, Lisloen's parents, AD. seven to make his collection and Airs. 'Wellington Efaist, San• complete. dens St., following the funeral lie has other unusual plants of their six-year-old daughter, such as green. Irillums that al- Marilyn, after a lengthy illness. Ways amaze viewers. -They at- Mrs. Leo 'Witmer and Ronnie ways tell me I most h av e Tillsonburg, spent a few days painted them." he stated, with Mr. and Airs. Wes Wit- The naturalist has also write len several newspap e r stor i es Mr. and Airs. Clifford Harve, They participated in contests like those held at a family re- union—passing the grapefruit, animal calling and other com- petitions. And they chatted jttst like long-separated relatives do. it sounded like bees around. a hive. Members of Hurondale Wo- men's Institute served a picnic supper. In charge of the event was S. H. Taylor, local represent• alive Lou' the MUD, along with Ed Wheeler, field secretary, London. l S ors. In charge of the program ibacietil .' visiting for some time and Amy, "Jensen; Mrs. R. D. ' • flay Boudreau, who has were the Lammie sisters, Greta with her rnOther, Mrs. William F,Igie, Kipen, and Mrs. William Hunter, and Miss Elsie Morley Stirling, Hayfield, flew to White Horse, Yukon, Blind persons who attended Airs. :Boudreau to join .her bus- with their escorts were: Airs. Sgt, Boudreau, who has Edgar Fanson and Mrs. Dora been posted there, and Miss Bradt, town: Earl (:veer), Morley for a two-week van- Woodhani Henry Clausius. lion. Zurich: Mrs. Ed Reid, Londes• Air. and Mrs. Wesley .nyek, horn; Miss Iva Switzer, Blythe men. Wendy. Robert. and Walter Illaechler, Goderich: Terry, spent Sunday with *Mr, Gladwyn Dale, Seaforth: Her- and Mrs. D. .1, Keillor, London, Bert Tremeer and Slewart Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weay. Henry: Wingham: Jim Rud- er, Airs. Wallace Hogg and Amy dock. Dunlop Corners. spent the weekend with Sir Guests included Miss Lillian and airs, Hugh Meredith and McKay, Windsor, daughter of other relatives in Chatham, a former principal of Hensall and Mrs, E. L. Howey public school, and Eugene Pike, and family. Ottawa. spent the Newfoundland, a blind student past week with Alr.. and Mrs, tvho is spending several months G. A, Hawkins. 1(vt)ili3.the Ontario division of The. *rimee-AcIvocete„ ,141..y, 26, '1,161 P095 This area found free of hog cholera cases The story in Saintsbury -By MRS, HEBER DAVIS • • • • Mr, and Mrs. P'red Dobbs Jr. 'spent the weekend with Mrs. Dobb's father, Mr. H, S. 'lc- :Lean, Teeawater. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnson received 'word on AlondaY of the Accidental death of Mr, John- son's brother, Don Johnston, of Stoney Creek. The accident took place neat' Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Cochran And Ian of Brock, Sask. and Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Alac• Donald, Lucan, visited .with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dickins last Thursday evening. Mrs, Coch- ran is a cousin of Mr. .Dickins And Airs. MacDonald, years old. He helped her collect roots from the sassafras and worm- wood trees to make lea. - Sas- sa f ra s tea is good,'' lie report- ed, and he still enjoys drinking "But don't try wormwood tea," he said. "It's very bit- ter'." The naturalist has also had plenty of experience with trees. as his father was a forester and Short spent ninny of his younger days planting trees. "I've planted more trees than most people have ever seen," he stated, reporting he guided trials marked too", he '" Rufus Nestle, "Some parks have their grin d neents ';\11. an d mrs, and his favorite topic at the 8°.arbm'nu gh ' and Mi.' and Mrs: pi nm tr i os is the ant lion, He Ron Homan, Hamilton, visited points out then- small funnel- with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer shaped pits and explains that on,,S u"da .‘,% i , ants crawl into them and can't •";.r, vhf's Jars. 'RAI', 11 r',1?„(),,,h,e,,i,%y get out because of the steep ia ir i 6'I ''s m '''''. s'''"'''' ,,i des in the It/milling sand and ...,x.i., visited Friday night and are det.,„,.ed by (he lam ae in Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. the bottom of the holes. Whitney Coe les and family. Mr. and Airs. Russell Holtz-] le explained that most yOung looser. Sandra and Marlene, hikers enjoyed catching ants F a i r oa k s; ai r , an d :Sirs., and putting them into the holes G eorge Rogers Jr., G eorgi e , to watch the action. Craig, Mark and Kevin, Belle. "De work here is fun," he vue. Air. and Mrs. Robert Kam , stated. but added with his ever pian, Alr. and Mrs, Arnold Present .grin: ''It's work as far Temple, Rochester, visited sinh as they're concerned in the of- Mrs. Isabel Wein on Wednes- fice". day evening. The 6.1-year-Old naturalist's Sunday visitors with Sirs, and .. is. Heiman Atkinson and plans call for retirement hack Wein were Mr. and Mrs. Ron- do Sunday their son, air. and The friendly naturalist main on Ins farm in Paris with two aid, Wein„lutianne and Lisa of tamed his interest in wildlife Mrs. George Atkinson and fans- ,tersey cows, six pigs and 1,000 Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald lly were .their guests, and after high school enrolled ca pons, Wein, Monica, Marcus and in the biology course at the Mr. Alvin Weiberg spent Stun- u ni „rs i ty o r Toronto, where . Alitehell. London, 'al r. and MrS. etas at the bionic of Larry and. he Calvin Wein, 'Heather and Mar- Leslie gradua( eel in le23 Greenlee. , 'I'n make a long story short, lye, and Mr• and Airs. Gordon However, he was marriec, there's n o b e tt er way th an t o Stone, Dianne Miss Patsy Smith, daughter of and Bobby, all shortly, after and went farming ' , have the boss walk in. of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Smith. i n the Paris area, spent the weekend at the home I t waan ,t un lit a b ou t sip nil Joan Barker. Her parents. years ago t hat h e returned to 4. alr, and Mrs Jim Harker, ac- active duty in his chosen vait.a. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Don; t.en, although he has always Abbott of Luean spent the week- maintained a keen interest in end. at Alanitoulin Island, nature. Gary Barker was a weekend After retiring from [aniline, guest. with Leslie Greenlee and he started as a part-lime as Jean Barker visited her grand- sist an t a t Rondeau park and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber k e pt thu s job until this sum• Davis, nice when he look on the full- Mr. and Airs. Harry Carroll time summer job at the Pine. and Sir', and 'Mrs. licher Davis rye, spent. several days last week at At present he is making a bin "Twin Oaks" Grand Bend with of all the various trees, plants, Mr, and .Airs, 'Earl Atkinson. animals ,,nd reptiles he has Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sine- found in the park and has also Donald Were guests with Alt'. started an insect eollection. and Mra. Harry Carroll Mon- lie said he hoped to see a day evening. nature museum in the Pinery Mr. Cameron Davis aCCOMPa* SOW clay where persons could sled by Mr. Wayne Carroll is see all the various form of na• li(Aidaying in the Georgian Bay tore to he found in the park. district, lie is also labelling the trees e• Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur. mg the es erring through out the week. Larry's Supertest Paul Temple and Eugene Pennsylvania, --- the lat- ter family are spending the week with Airs. Wein. Mrs, Ada Carter, Dearborn, Alien, visited last 'week with Sirs, Clara Wellington and Mrs. John. Glenn. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hendrick and lichen are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Fritz at their cottage, Georgian Bay. Misses Madeline and Matilda Bertrand, of Detroit, Mich., are vacationing at the Ward Fritz residence. Mrs. William Hunter is visit.- ing with her son-in-law and daughter, Air, and airs. Dalton Heywood and 'family, at Pitt* Tieman's Furniture Dashwood