HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 151 1 It TRAUTE AITKEN STROLLING ON THE BEACH Just for You ! Come and Test-Drive It! '58 Studebaker Hawk over'dr'ive; and radio '57 Studebaker President With overdrive r Arthur MOTORS LTD. Phone 235.1373 Main St. South r Summer Millinery ON SALE 255 OFF Blouses Sizes 3 to 20 Sleeveless 1/2 Price Sundress and P6ay Set CLEARANCE Y2 Price Bathing Suits Cottons Latex Helenca. Tank Suits Sixes 2 to 42 REDUCZD 20 (Y0 Boys SHORTS - SHIRTS T-SHIRTS - SLACKS To Size 12 ON SALE ENTS. Nearly all the text books are on hand now. Get yours early and avoid the rush. PHONE 235.2973 SUMMER Wear Sleep For Ladies & Children Reduced to Save You Money Bqrgain Table SHORTS - SLIMS SETS. ET('. AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES - • . NOTE TO SHDHS STU • READY-T -EAT SMOKE rtion 531eb am Slices 89F1, alf Shank Portion it1(9 Shank Half 596 B We're 'hamming it up` this week Spare Ribs SIDE LB, 59c Wieners Table.Rite Lb. Package 49 Bologna Table.Rite 4 Sliced, 12-oz. id ANIP Breakfast Bargain YOUR CHOICE OF CHEERIOS WHEATIES or Country Good CORN FLAKES 3c 81 Luscious Fresh . Produce! CORN ON COB TOMATOES GREEN ONIONS RADISHES WE'RE TAKING ORDERS FOR PAILS OF Cherries FREEZER FEATURES Your Choice STOKELY'S Kernel Corn Cut Green Beans Wax Green Beans Lima Beans 200 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchase of Chaise Lounge LawnChair '8.88 SALE Cream ComiE,-a Peaches 1/2 's Tom. Sou? ,,,t3 1 I „ 417. Catsup Tom. Juice Pork 61, 6" eons 7 Pckr, 99c 99c 99c PLENTY or I S FLY SWATTE but she explains that R is ton costly in tlus country la do iiS DIM h as -lie would like. Slit' is alsn a member of the int pointing course at -Centralia. Works steady however, she dov,,n't h ave I nn iii itch time for any of her ies being in great -demand as a model. She stated that her work is steady from Septem.ber .1r:trough to May. "I like the work very mueh," she slated. "especially model- ling swim sult,-;." She points out this is uncommon among most models. although she doesn't know wby. Traute received her high school education in beg home town and then enrolled in a language school which was con- dueled in conjunction with the University of Hamburg. She studied Spanish and English and spent six months in England on an exchange student pro- gram. Although she lived only UM miles front .Berlin, she stated little news of the strife-ridden city reached her. However, she reported that many East Ger- many refugees flocked to Ham- burg continually, The fact that "it's a small in fact, didn't even know that world" has 'wen proven lime May Aitken narrowly es- and again, out p er h aps no caPed death when his Sabre jet grashed. stances have been quite as un- In f act, at the tithe, Traute ilSt4ii as the one •surrounding was thousands of miles away Grand uendts -Treas ur e pi v ot -, ,in her home 59 miles north of 'Traute Aitken. Hamburg, Germany . She didn't learn of the pilot's TrItt". whoa etirs -oh the mishap until a short Gine later local group's .GTI.1-4 TV cooper- when a friend in a Calgary hos- cial every Monday and Tuesday pital wrote to tell her of nights and arrives on the beach ken's mishap. he decided to lake a trip to visit the German girl. who had been so -faiihfult with her letters "Ile'd been drawing full pay while M. the hospital," Traute explained, "and naturally with. no place to spend it, had enough saved up to buy a 'zippy spurts car and take a trip to Ger- many". Ray spent only four weeks in Germany, but it was long enough to make up his mind that this was the girl for him and before returning home he proposed and been accepted, Traule came to Canada in 1937 and the couple were mar- red and moved to Portage La Prairie ‘itere Ray was sta- tioned, having resumed his fly- ing duties .with the RCAF, and they later moved to RCAF Cen- tralia, Traute had -difficulty getting a job in the area, because of her difficulty with the English - language, but she was finally spotted by Paula Brickland, London, who works wth CFPL TV and also has a modelling agency, Paula apparently didn't worry. about 'Prattle's speech problem when she spotted the other "abilities" the 5'7" blue-eyed blonde had. It was through Paula that the C of C managed to arrange to get Traute to do the commer- cials because she was handy to the resort and was a good swim- mer, However, this latter ability hasn't been witnessed by many in the area, because a complica- tion set in when the Catalina swim suit manufacturers made her a gold-sequined suit, While the suit is definitely an eye catcher, especially with Traute in it, it doesn't lend it- self to water and so she has to step off a boat at the dock on the beach rather than swim to shore as was originally plan- ned. However, Traute is an expert swimmer, and has been influ- enced considerably by her hus- band to become a skin diving enthusiast. "lle just loves skin diving,'' she stated, explaining he had been introduced to the popular In- dies while in the West The pair are now both mem- bers in the recently-formed skin diving club at RCAF Centralia.. At present they are still re- ceiving instruction in the swim- ming pool, but Trame said they hoped to move to the lake short- ly, Traute.s major sport is riding, ."The situation didn't -influence mv life very mita," she stated, "and there is little You can do. for them except feel sorry", ,Don't know her Although it sounds ridiculous,. Traute stated she was having trouble giving away the gift certificates in her weekly -tripS to the beach at Grand tlentl , "I think there should be some advertising on the beach," she said, "so people will know what's going on." The shows are periodically .`' • 'We have the Businessman's Lunch Which is $2,75 and the Successful Businessman's Lunch which is *340,...' televised live at the beach .and the tapes are shown on the commercials which are spout- sued jointly by the C of 1' and. h ate the ir who pay $111.0. to nave th eir names app-ear fill the show, It is prpsented on l\7.ontlaY and Tuesday, with the local merchants sponsoring the entire sports show which. appears a- round 11:15 p.m. 'Ires.p.re Started courtship by mail, German .rniss weds pot ante became interested in the RCAF' pilot and started writ- le hand out g IL cell. nettles every Wednesday and Sunday j ng to him, in an effort to help afternoon wouldn't be here ex- him pass the time while he was cept for an airplane crash. recovering from his injuries— The crash occurred in dune a time that lasted a year and of 1955 at a Calgary air show a h a lf, and was the first in a series of events that finally saw Traute Vis i ts pen pal signed up to do the weekly When Ray was finally re- features here. leased from hospital, bearing However, the shapely blonde only a slight limp as a memory wasn't in the plane crash, and of his narrow shave with death, The Times-Advucato, July 19, 1962 Pope—•• See The Times-Advocate' 5. 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