HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 14Lyle Steeper andHAilaa Marikay Hudgins. Several blicmers were also held in the bride's hood. Bost- .eases were airs, Donald Charts UM 'Of St. :Maras in her homet Airs, Harold alawson in her home RR 8 Parkhill: ladies of .isieury'. CC' in the a! it u r c It parlors'. Pupils and teachers. of jubilee Public. •Sehool, Petrone, also b000red the bride with gifts. Following the wedding' rehear- sal Ali', and Mrs. -Cyril Morley entertained the bridal party, Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dots of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensel! 696r2 Silhouette Hair Fashions Specializing in . • HAIR STYLING • TINTING • PERMANENTS O TREATMENTS HOURS: Closed Monday Open Tues., Wed, and Sat. 9 - 6 Thursday and Friday - 9 Phone 235-2951 409 MAIN ST., EXETER PAULINE HENDRICK, Prop, LETS. YOU ENJOY COOKiNG WITH EASE Regardless of where you live, you can took on a modern range with safe, cleats and thrifty, The cost is low and the con- venience 'great Call us today for tomplete inforniation. We soil applialleat tab. HOTSON PROPANE Phone 1-5W Grand` gond WE'RE BACK IN- BUSINESS! Ethel Desiardine wishes to ans bounce she has moved hack into her beauty salon (former. ly Roneves) and , is looking forward to renewing acquaint- ances with former patrons and also meeting Mony new ones at s • Ethers Beauty Salon OPEN DAILY '0:00 A,M, TO :OM P.M. Wreatha Sholdica Sandra 'Gaol `<,/z tarry GoorAy Ethel Dosjardino,, l'iooprietresa PH Nl 18 GRAND tiktb .POR: APPOINTMENT8 MODERN BEAUTY SALON I I sp BRENDA BRENNER PROP. PH .235-1663 4.29 MAIN ST. MEN .. ;WOMEN ... Start training now for a well paid, interesting career in hairdressing! If you are dissatisfied with your present job ... or if you are just completing your secondary education . . . you con enter this profession that knows no depression. X Day and Evening Classes available X Free Aptitude Test. Paul Pogue Beauty Schools Ltd. is Canada's finest and most modern hairdressing school. There's a new course starting soon. Write now for full information. Poirlioe BEAUTY SCHOOLS LIMITED PAUL POGUE BEAUTY SCHOOLS LTD. 219 Queens Ave. London, Ontario. Please send me full information on your course its Hairdressing. NAME 14 4 104 ADDRESS r 44 I I I I I NM MI NINN NM NEI INN NM NON 1INI NO Page 1Z The Tims,A4v9cate, Ally 19, 1962 Catherine Christina Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan, RR 1 Dublin, and Louis Orville Masse. Grand Bond, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Alex Masse, RR 2, Zurich, exchanged marriage vows in St. Columban Roman Catholic Church on Sat- urday, truly 14. Rev. L. G. Coughlin perform- eel the ceremony and the church organist.. Mrs. V. J. Lane played the wedding music and accom- panied the soloists, Misses Marie and Martha Schoonderwoerd, Mitchell. Given in marriage by her father the bride chose a floor- length gown of hand-clipped French scalloped lace over net and satin. The fitted bodice featured a Sabrina neckline and lily-point sleeves and the bouf- fant. skirt was styled with tiers of lace, She carried a cascade of red rases. Miss Joan Ryan, as maid of Wed at St. Town Mr. and Mrs. Sam Talma and family of Fond du Lac, Wis- consin, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Kingma and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Clif- ton McDonald and family, Exe- ter and Mr. and Mrs, Peter Toornstra and family, Wood- ham, The Talmas and King- pink sensational roses and Miss Walls] e Cumber and stephanotis, Mrs. Violet Gilks of Newmark- Guests were present from Bur- et spent several days this week with Mrs, Myrtle Brown, Wil-lington, Brampton. Hamilton, : Toronto, Richmond Hill, Sarnia, ham St, Southampton. St. Marys. Pres- Mr. and Mrs. George Light- ton, London. Centralia. Hensall foot, Susan and Wendy and Mr. and Zurich. and Mrs. R. A. Reid, Stratford, Both Mr. and Mrs. Billington visited over the weekend with are graduates of London Teach- Mr. and Mrs. William Haigh ers' College and are on the and Rickey. teaching staff of the city. Mr. and Mrs. George Boss nell and Miss Grace Babcock, Toronto. visited last Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johns, Simcoe St, Mr. Murray Keys is recup- hly point sleeves and scalloped crating from a fractured ankle neckline. Her headdress was sustained in an accident while white and she carried a white baling hay on his farm. Bible with cascade of red and, Miss Susan Dinney is visit- white roses. mg in Montreal with Mr. and Miss Grace Riley. was maid Mrs, Don Winters. of honor in mauve brocaded Guests at the Cudinore-Mal- taffeta with full skirt, match. lard wedding in Ancaster Sat- ing cummerbund and scoop urday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed neckline. Misses Eleanor Riley Lindenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- and Doris Riley as bridesmaids nold Lindenfield. Mr. and Mrs. were gowned similarly to the Beverly Lindenfield. Mr. and maid of honor with Eleanor in Mrs. Mersyn Cudmore and Mr. yellow and. Doris in green and Mrs, Donald Rooth, Mr. They wore white headdresses and Airs. Gordon Cudmore, and carried pink Colonial car- and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore and nations. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cudmore, Stuart Steckle, RR 2. Zurich Ruth and Leslie Cudmore also was best man and Wayne Claus- attended the wedding. cousin of the bride, and Le- air. and alrs. Ron Johnston row Martin. cousin of the groom, visited on Sunday in St. Marys ushered with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Os- A reception was held on the ler and family. lawn of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs Charles Bea• when h e r mother received man and Jayne. Port Dover, atrests in a turquoise and grey are visiting with Mr. .and airs_ dress of pleated arnel and the Norman Beaman. groom's mother assisted in grey Ricky !Javelin visited with and while silk dress. relatives in Stratford for two Assisting in serving w ere week. Mrs. Don Rader. Misses Re- Mr s . and Mrs, Norman. Floods:. hecia Dorothy, Esther and Windsor. were in Ancaster on Pauline .Steckle. Olive Martin Saturday guests at the cud- and Donna Heywond more - Mallard wedding. Mrs. For sravelland in Northern Floody and Janice are remain- Ontario the bride donned a tur- in for a week with Mr. and quoise and grey dress with Mrs. E. Lindenfield al their white accessories and pink rose summer home Highlands 3. Ca- corsage, dot David Flonds of ('amp tp- counlr will reside at RR perwaah viaded with his grand- 3 Bayheld parents on Sunday. bell shaped skirts and lace bod- ices, They carried cascades of pink delight robes, whi le !repelled monis and ivy, Flow- ergirl, Miss Cheryl Turithein, cousin of the bride, Wore a dress of pink silk organza with appliques of embroidery and lace. She carried a basket of white poms and pink rosettes. Groomsman was air. John Elliot, London, and g u e s ts were ushered by Mr. Donald Gaseho, Hamilton, and Mr. Robert Barber, London. Receiving at a reception in her home, the bride's mother wore a gown of soft green crepe, contrasting white acces- sories and corsage of while feathered carnations. She was assisted by Mrs. Billington, the groom's mother, who wore a shell pink organza sheath dress nsas spent the weekend at Nja- v. , ith matching accessories and gara Falls and on sunday vis- corsage of pink delight roset-iced at Brampton with Mr. and tea '1\r A, Talma and family., For travelling the bride chose .I .s" Kingma and Mrs., 'Ioorn- blue lace over taffeta with stra are sisters and A, 'Palma is matching crystalette redingote, a brothel', white accessories, corsage of Three sisters attend bride The chancel of St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, was decorated with pink gladioli. palms and tall candelabra on Saturday, July 14. when Marion Eleanor Turkheim, Zuric h, and William George Billington, London, exchanged wedding vows in a double-ring cere- mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John M. Turk- beim, Zurich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam N. Billington, London. The Rev, A. J. Datars. Bramp- ton, officiated at the ceremony assisted by the local pastor, Rev, W. P, Fischer. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor length gown of silk organza over tulle and taffeta, featur- ing chantilly lace motifs sprin- kled with pearls and sequins. The bodice was fashioned with a drop waistline, cap sleeves and a scalloped scoop neck- line. The full bouffant skirt swept to a chapel train. A crown of pearls held a double illusion veil, She carried a cas- cade of red roses, stephanotis and ivy. Attending the bride were Miss Jane Horton, Hensall. as maid of honour, Miss Ruth Haberer, Zurich, as bridesmaid and Miss Carrot Stewart. of London, as junior bridesmaid . They wore matching gowns of pink cords taffeta featuring Three sisters were the at- tendants at the wedding of Miss Helen Marlene Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Nel- son Riley, RR 2, Kippen, to Lewis James Gingerich, son of Mr. and Mrs, Noah Gingerich, RR 3 Bayfield, in Blake Men- nonite Church on Saturday. July 14 at 2:30 p.m. Rev, Ephraim Gingerich, as- sisted' by Rev. Orval Jantai, performed the ceremony and a male guar t et comprising Messrs. Irvin Martin. Sturgis, Mich., Stanley Gingerich. Zu- rich, Harvey Martin, Bayfield. and Albert Martin, Breslau. sang a prayer from "The Crus saders" as opening number and "The Voice That Breathes O'er Eden" as the bridal party entered th church. The Lord's Prayer was sung as a solo by Stanley Gingerich and a quar- tet of Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Mar. tin and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gingrich sang several num- hers during the signing of the register and as a -benediction. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a waltz- length gown styled with full skirt of terylene and bodice of rose-patterned nylon late with Area ladies picnic here Huron Waves of Exeter Dis- trict picnicked at Rivers iew Park, Exeter on Thursday with 70 in attendance, Mrs. ROY, Aliarenz had charge of program in the absence of the president, Airs, Ross Krue- ger. Linda Ilauss,11 and Judy Stith entertained with selec tier- on their accordions. Winners in sports in charge of Mrs. G. Nods were; racea. five to eight years. Don Ardiel, Jnyce Bidding; eight to 12, Shirley Elliot, Muriel Glansillc; kick the slipper, Sharon Mor- enz; jtink box, MI's, W, Col- tough, Clintori. The youngest great grand- riother present was Airs. Mar- garet Clark; oldest lady, Mrs. Armin Consitt, 93 years; lady With smallest Waistline, Mrs. Mabel Alderson; lady with larg- eat Waiatline, Mrs, Harold Thiel; guessing candy itt jar, Airs. Avon Wein; guessing raspVer• vies in box, Mrs. Hugh Morena, Tickets 'sold On an -angel cake netted 88.80, Columban honor, wore a white silk or- ganza gown with white lace jacket. tier headdress was of white flowers and she carried a. cascade of pink and white car- nations. Miss Marjorie Masse, Zurich as bridesmaid and Col- leen Cronin, Dublin, niece of the bride, as flower girl were dressed similar to the maid of honor. Rhigearer was Ronnie Realer, Zurich, Andy Duchai'me, Zurich, was best man and Ronald and Ken- neth Ryan, RR 1 Dublin, and Lawrence Masse, Windsor, ush- ered. A wedding reception and din- ner was held at the Bradhagen Hall. For a wedding trip to Buffalo the bride wore a blue linen sheath dress with white and blue polka dot top. The couple -will make their home in Grand Bend. opus Rev. A, G. and Mrs. Van Eels of Fort William, formerly of the Christian Ref or in e d Church, Exeter, visited in Exe- ter on Wednesday and were en- tertained at a social evening in the church Wednesday evening. y ou're a busy summer hostesa, you probably know what a boon molded salads can be for warm weather menus. Either sweet or savors-, main dish, or accompaniment, a molded salad is sure to be a welcome addition to any lunch- eon or dinner plate. To celebrate July as Salad Month, an interestmg new main-dish salad called Molded Tuna `ti' Apple Ring has been developed. Evaporated milk and mayonnaise provide the creamy-smooth base for this gel. atine salad and for texture in- terest there's crunchy diced celery and bright hits of red- skinned apple. We'll wager this attractive mold will make- many an ap- pearance nit your table in the sunny summer days to come. Molded Tuna 'n' Apple Ring .3 13- or 4-ounces 'package lemon idly powder cup boiling water teaspoon salt Lieury United Church was the setting far the ceremony uniting in marriage Mary Anne Steeper, daughter of Air. and Airs, Cyril Steeper. RR S Park- hill, and Meredith Lionel Chad- ton, Strathroy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Charlton, RR 3 Ail- sa Craig on Saturday, July 14 at 2:30 p,m, Rev. H. E. J. Moorenouse of- ficiated and Mrs. Willia act Thompson played the wedding music and accompanied the so- loist, Miss Mary Vernon, Park- hill, who s a n g the Lord's Prayer and the Wedding Prayer. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride chose a floor- length gown of silk organza. RETURN FROM GERMANY Alr. and Mrs. Earl Neil re- turned last Saturday, July 7 after visiting with Mrs. Neil's sister and brother-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. J. Z. Maillet and fam- ily, at RCAF Zweibruchen, Germany. While there the two families visited France, The Nether- lands, Belgium, Switzerland, Mr. and Airs. Neil spent :four clays in London, Eng,, where thy visited with Mrs. W. D. Mack, Crediton, at the YMCA, VISIT HOLLAND Air, and Mrs.. Bruce Cann, Christine and Stephen, left: Thursday 'to visit Mrs, Cann's relatives in Leewarden, Hol- land, for six weeks. Sylvia and Kathleen Cann are visiting with their brether- in-law and sister, Mr. and Airs, Robert Gray in Florida, 's teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoonatie c Worcestershire s n4 cup evaporated milk 1 4 cup lemon juice 1 17-ounce f can tuna ti, h, drained and flaked is cup diced celery 1 teaspoon grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped pint ictito I! cup mayonnaise 1 medium-sized apple. Dissolve jelly powder in boils hag water. Stir in chili powder and Worcestershire sauce. Cool. Stir in 'evaporated milk and lemon juice Mixture may look curdled, but this does not ..af- fect finished product), Chill until softly sel. Stir in tuna, celery. ()trim pimiento and Mayorinaiso. Quickly wash -and dire apple; fold into gelatine 'mixture. Spoon into a A-cup ring mold which has been rinsed with cold water. -Chill until set. 2 to 3 hours. Crimold for serving. •• C HARLTON rooko photo featuring a scoop n e c k I in e taimmcd with lace applique, barque waist, lily-point sleeves and full skirt -trimmed with matching applique. A rhine- stone halo held her shoulder- length veil and she carried a white Bible crested with red roses and white ribbon stream- ers tippdd with red roses. Miss Alma Hodgins, RR 3 Parkhill, as maid of honor wore yellow frosted organza over taffeta styled with bouffant skirt and puff sleeves. She carried bouquet of white mums sprayed yellow around edges. Mrs. Terry Goa era, London, twin sister of the groom, and Airs, Lyle Steeper, RR 8 Parkhill, were bridesmaids dressed sim- ilar lo maid of honor in green frosted organza and carried white mums edged with green, Misses Carrie Anne and Con- nie Steeper, nieces of the bride, as junior bridesmaids were gowned in yellow matching the maid of honor and carried bas- kets of white mLuns sprayed. with yellow, Gerald Charlton was best man for his brother and another brother, George Charlton, and Lyle Steeper, brother of the bride, ushered. A reception was held in the church rooms decorated with white hydrangea and yellow cal- endula, The bride's mother r - c eived guests in blue organza over lace sheath with white ac- cessories and corsage of red rose-s. For travelling to Niagara Falls and Northern Ontario the bride changed to a blue bro- caded sheath dress with match- ing three-quartet- coat and cor- sage of pink roses. The couple will reside in Strathroy. The bride is a gra- duate of London Teachers Col- lege. Tea, showers fete area bride Mrs, Cyril Morley, hieury, was hostess at a trousseau tea in. her home honoring her daughter, Altsry Anne -Steeper whose wedding, to. Meredith L. Chariton d.Strathroy -took place in Lieury United Church, Pink and white tapers, floral arrangements of roses decorated the table which was. covered. with an cent hand crochet lace tablecloth in Queen Anne de- sign. The bride, her mother and Mrs. Earl. Morley received the gueats, Miss Connie Steeper was at the door during the afternoon and Miss Noreen Glendinning in the evening.. Presiding at the afternoon tea table were Airs, Andrew Ers- kin°, Lieury; Mrs. Albert Steep- er, West McGillivray; Miss Euniee Mawson and Miss Phyl- lis Anne Alawsons were serving. Presiding at the evening tea table were Mrs, Freeman Hod- gins, Parkhill, and Mrs, Ken- neth H. Bodgins, Centralia, Miss Beth Reid and Miss Marcia Glendinning were serving, Displaying the trousseau and gifts in the afternoon were Miss Dianne Hicks, Miss Heather Duct', Airs. Frank Sadler, Miss Carrie Anne Steeper; in the eve- ning were Miss Sonja Ritchie, Mrs. Clare McGregor, Mrs, Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PH 235.1533 Perms - Cuts - Sets • Tints CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS JULY 21 to AUG. 7 CATHY ROBBINS, Prop, MR. AND MRS. W, G. BILLINGTON row s, Poen' o Betrothed at Zurich MR. AND MRS. LOUIS MASSE •,-Fop, ler Bo'', Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is pleased to publish these. items, We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 235.1531, i s STAR IN SUMMER MR. AND MRS. MEREDITH L, Exchange vows at Lieury TINY TOTS MOTHERS TOO; COME TO US FOR A LOVELIER YOU" f 14, Nu on ix misi NTI OXN Nal X= um in ton mu sa One rack of COATS at Half Price Summer Dresses 205 Off A great opportunity to save on top quality summer fashions Phone 2 0700 IRWIN S