HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 10Page '.4t. The Times-Advocate, July 194 1962:
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Graduating class at J. A. D. McCurdy school
These students graduated this year from the J. A. D,
McCurdy School, Huron Park, RCAF Station Centralia,
Top row, from left, Wayne Page, William Colborne, Lee
Ellis, Richard White, Norman McDonald, Brian Brown,
Bruce Gordon, Richard Morris; centre row, Jim John-
son, George Leboutillier, lnez Lightfoot, Lynn Hunt,
Teacher joi). McCarroll, Barbara 'lassie, Pauline
Clarke, Dominique Marchildon, Ernest Fafard (who won
the award for top boy student, Dave Kelly; front row,
Betty McCallum, Gail Lennox (top girl student), Adele
Muirhead, Ann Overton, Donna McLeod, Louise D'Eon,
Kathryn Riddell, Barbara Easton. —Doerr photo
Thirty-five ladies, Staffa WI
members and their friends en-
joyed a bus trip to Stratford
Wednesday evening. Twenty
ladies attended the "Taming of
.the Shrew" at the festival and
fifteen ladies attended the ope-
retta "The Gondoliers" at the
Avon Theatre. Lunch at the
Plaza brought the evening to a
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman
attended --a school reunion near
Hagersville on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Butson
left Friday by jet from Malton
for a visit in the western prov-
Mrs. Ernest Templeman is
visiting for a few days with
.Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and
family, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man and family attended the
Hunkin ' reunion in Riverside
Park, Exeter, on Sunday.
Darlene Templeman is holi-
daying this week with Gail
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor,
St. Marys. visited on Sunday
with Miss Margaret and James
,• •••,
"Wile he was complaining
about the meals last week he
put on another six pounds."
Mr. and Airs. jack Paisley, Miss Sharon Sholdice returned
of Toronto, visited for a week home from Victoria Hospital,
with, the latter's parents, Mr. London, last week,
and Mrs. George Dunn. Mn and Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
Miss Susanne Rannie, of 1-len- gins and Marikay attended the
salt, was a weekend visitor with Hodp,ins family reunion in St,
Miss Jean Laramie, Marys on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebot- Sunday guests at the home of
tom and family have returned Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb and.
home following a two week's Wayne were Mr. Simon Greb,
vacation at their summer home Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love and
in Parry Sound. Maurice of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Noels, Marlene, Mrs. Peter Ravelle and Lori of
Dwight and Ruth, accompanied Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Ur-
by Shirley Elliott and Mrs. E. ban Pfile, Dashwood, Mr. and
C. Appleton attended the Mary Mrs, Oscar GreL and Glen,
Hastings picnic at Riverview Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodg-
Park, Exeter, on Thursday of son and Kay of Waterloo, Miss
last week, Sonia Ritchie of Parkhill, Mrs.
Mr. and Airs. Clifford Abbott, Helen ,loyce, Lorain, Ohio, Cap-
of await, were Sunday evening lain and Mrs. Ralph Joyce and
visitors with Mrs. E. Abbott, Carol of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil and Mrs. Earl Gingerich of
attended their son's wedding in Blake, and Rev. D. M. Guest.
London on Saturday afternoon. Marikay Hodgins is spending
Mrs. Russell Schroeder has a few days with her aunt and
been a patient in South Huron uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Hospital since Friday of last Fralick at their cottage at
week. Grand Bend.
Mrs. Morris Riddell and fam- Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hicks,
fly of Princeton visited for a Mrs, Andrew Hicks, Mr. and
couple of days with her father, Mrs. W. Baker, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. D. M. Guest and with her W. Huxtable and Billie and Rev.
mother, Airs Guest, in South D. M. Guest were guests with
Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Penwarden
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hod- at their cottage at Grand Bend
Keith and Marikay, Mr. on Thursday of last week.
and Mrs. Don Pickering, Miss 2,ttending a family get-to-
Eleanor Mae Hodgins and Mr. ;ether at the home of Mr. and
Brian Laird were guests a the Mrs, George Dunn on Sunday
Chariton-Steeper wedding in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lieury United Church on Sat- Paisley of Toronto, Mr, and
urday afternoon. Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Hurondale,
Miss Jean Lammie is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn
for a few days with her aunts, and Air. and Mrs. Clarence
Misses Greta and Amy Lammie Down of Exeter and Mr, and
Hensall. Mrs, Ray Lammie,
f7,74:,.tr Mrs... Anthony Staffa institute
enjoys festival Centralia Comments former resident
Mrs. J a in e s Anthony, 89,
Hamilton, a former resident of
Exeter, died in the Nora Fran
cos Henderson Hospital, Ham-
Mrs. Lee Smith, of Consecon, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels ilton, on Thursday, July 12,
Ontario, is visiting for a few and family and Miss Margaret
weeks with her nephew and Heist attended the 40th Pressey
niece. Mr. and Mrs. Harold family reunion at Springbank on
Tripp, Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. Anthony re-
tired to Exeter in 1940. They
had previously s e r v e d at
Thames Road and Roy's
churches living at the Thames
Road manse. From Thames
Road they went to Motherwell
retiring from there to Exeter.
Air, Anthony died in March
1952. In recent years Mrs, An-
thony resided with her daugh-
ters in Hamilton.
She was a member of James
Street -United Church while
living in Exeter and was active
in the women's organizations.
She was a life member of the
Woman's Missionary Society.
She is survived by two daugh-
ters, Misses Isabel and Helen
Anthony, Hamilton, and one
sister, Mrs. E, S. Moore, Tor-
Funeral service was held in
the chapel of the Dodsworth
and Brown funeral home, Ham-
ilton on Saturday, July 14 at
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School has .ever been, Vets at
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Children parade pets
on teacher's final day
Beverley and Leslie Young- who ,covered themselves up with.
son's pups who slept stretched tissue in 'their ..cage.
A three-year promise was ful-
filled on closing day. June 25,
when we had Pet Day at Metro-
poitan. School.
First to arrive was Gene
Spence, instigator of the show,
with three-cuddly, brown ham-
sters in a cage,
Soon John and Ross Hern
came along with a cute pair of
kittens each,
Sandra and Karen Bunnell
brought their friendly, little
black dog, Harry. Donna Sire-
ban was accompanied by her
dog, Sandy.
Linda Strohm) proudly ear-
ned her pink-bowed kitten, Tin-
ker-Bell. Kenneth Baker pro-
duced the family of the show,
mumma-cat and her babies.
Bob, Bruce and Jeanie Mills'
large box revealed Brownie,
their pet hen. Kim Mills' .eoll-
tribution was her tiny, black.
dog, Sue. Robert Massey ex-
hibited his gray and white rab-
bit, Aylmer, which he recently
purchased from Tommy Hari-
ton. Jimmie Massey in true
magician fashion pulled his pi-
geon, Sam, out of a bag.
Paul Parkinson showed his
beautiful, white rabbit, Snow
White, adorned with a bow,
Beverley and Leslie Young-
son delighted everyone with
two baby puppies which I
christened Peter and. Paul. Ma-
rie Langford showed her sleek,
black dog, Queenie.
Yes, there was a budgie —
A n n Parkinson, shimmering
green and blue Mickey proud-
ly perched beside his silent
To the delight of all, Tommy
Hutton cantered in on Silver,
his pony. Silver provided free
rides for all,
Those who didn't bring pets
were willing helpers and even
took turns at pet-hitting,
There had to be prizes. First,
a small reward to each exhi-
bitor and then these special
Biggest pet was Tommy Hart-
ton's pony, Silver, and the smal-
lest pet was Ann Parkinson's
budgie, Mickey.
There was some doubt as to
which was the oldest pet but
since Donna Strahan's Sandy is
a son of John Hern's Lassie,
(who is ten years old) he re-
ceived the prize,
The best behaved pets were
10:30 a.m, with committal ser-
vice in Exeter cemetery on ar-
rival there.
fetes bride
A shower was held on Mon•
day evening for Miss Betty Bai-
ley Of Exeter at Elimville
Church Sunday school rooms,
Mrs. Bev, Parsons escorted.
Betty to a prettily decorated
chair and. the gifts were pre-
seined by Miss Laura Johns
and Miss Janet Kerslake. Ails-
ses Kathy Hem, Margaret
Brock, Janet Skinner and Anne
Johns also assisted with dis-
playing the gifts.
Miss Carol Johns announced
the program consisting of a
musical number by the Win-
chelsea girls, piano solo by
Mrs, Toni Campbell, duet by
Carol Bibby and Kathy Hern
and Mrs, Horace Delbridge
conducted a Biblical contest.
WI 'holds picnic
Elimville WI held a picnic in
Riverview Park, Exeter, last
Wednesday with members of
Kirkton WI and Glen Gowrie
WI as guests,
Winners in sports were; get
acquainted bingo, Mrs. Del-
mer Skinner, Mrs. William
Pincombe, Mrs. Norman Ja-
ques; thimble off the stick,
Mrs. Sally Scott; throwing ball
in box, Mrs. Sally Scott; ar-
ticles in tray, Mrs, Toni Hem;
fancy walk, Mrs, Tom Brock;
minute walk, Mrs. Otis Saw-
yer; articles in egg, Mrs. Har-
old Hunter; clothes pins off
rope, Mrs, Don Fletcher,
Mrs. Sawyer's team won both
relays; birthday nearest that
date, Mrs. Floyd Cooper,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Floyd. Cooper,
Kathy and Nancy attended the
Morley picnic at Stratford on
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper,
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Cooper
The best decorated 'pets were
Paul Parkinson's Snow White
and Linda Strahan's Tinker-
The most unusual names reg-
istered. were Snow-White, Tink-
er-Bell, Aylmer, Sue, Harry,
This class WaS:.decided
having a .draw which Robert
Massey won for his Aylmer..
The, best displayed pet was Ann
Parkinson's budgie,-Mickey and.
his cage.
Then the big decision — the
best pet of any type, Realizing
that all were tops. in the eyes
of their owners, it was a diffi-
cult task for the judges, the
pupils of Grades 7 and 8 and
the teacher. Finally, it was nar-
rowed down to three and then
to two, Marie L angf or d 's
Queenie and Jim Mills' Sue
were chosen for their sleek
coats and their owners divided
the prize.
it . was with some concern
this clay was approached, lest
lost; pets be running all over
Blanshard, Jimmie Massey's
pigeon provided a few thrills,
and family visited last Tues-
day evening with Mrs, L. Hod-
gert of Seaforth.
Mr. pad Mrs, Wellington Bell
and Linda of Flint, Michigan
spent last Monday and Tues-
day with. Mrs. Thos. Bell.
Rev, and Mrs. L. C. White
of Kintore and Mrs. Lovies of
Toronto visited on Saturday
with Mr, and Mrs. Win. Rout-
Mr. and Airs, Emerson Pen-
hale enjoyed a motor trip to
North Bay and Manitoulin Is-
land last week. Mrs. R. Bat-
ten of Exeter spent a few days
with the family 'of Mr. and
Mrs. Penhale.
Air. Fred Wright of London,
Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald
and boys of Toronto visited last
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Cooper.
Ralph Batten and Douglas
Penhale are holidaying at
Grand Bend this week with
their grandmother, Mrs. Beth
Mrs. Elson Lynn and family
of Winchelsea, Mrs. Philip
Johns and family, Airs. Lorne
Mord, Ava and Michael, Mrs.
Allen Johns and Marilyn, Mrs,
Delmer Skinner and Frances
are holidaying this week at
Grand Bend.
Miss Brenda Skinner visited
a couple of clays with Miss
Cheryl Hern of Sunshine Line.
out on their desks throughout
the judging.
For best tricks Sandra Dun.
nell's Harry and Marie Lang-
ford's Queenie competed. Being
a girl Queenie put on the best
Most unusual pet seemed to
be Gene Spence's hamsters,
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