HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-09, Page 3• r Kr 1I s have received the int weber of W Peurboro' Ravine, pubih•bed aid edit- ed by sir. Themes White, later cossetted' with the EdstO.isl department of the (lite - bee Gazette. 1t is a neat sheet and is to be pebllabcd Semi-weekly. la politica it is liberal. We wish it every wccets. (7We are tadebted to the floe. M. Cameron for oumeroue Parit•m.otary sad other paper*. :Ibis'Homming'S Mail. FIRE AT BRANTFORD. Bre.tfurd. lass 6 -At 3 o'clock this afterstos. a ere bruke out is Mr. Doe, upboleterer'e, shop. The wiod►tiag wiry high at the time, fare were enteritis - rad far the %h' It of Colborne 8'rest. The following is a h.t of the prineipel beeee ge which were destroyed: -D4'. Uuhu'eterers Seop; Jaime- II••t.•I; Young • Hotel: Ilun('a Grocery; V•1. .lint's Shoe ttture; \Veirh.m'a B kerma, end eonfectteaery Slum; Roleineon'• Gr. cert' ; Tripp's Hotel: Strorbridge k Debate's Tailor Stop, in- juring their stutu maleteely, a'so goods cont.mrd thereto• T. Metbodlet Chapel was alio eI.'irely con-umed. About 20 l efelines were cuosam.' altogether. Qt. EBEC, June 4th. Last night after the report left, oo moTo comineuce with the most alarmsng - '; item -shit of the 133 violent deaths -we can trop to go tuan \1 lo Committee or. Richard's sono reduce this sum to figures far less Supplementary School Bill. alanning. Of these fatal accidents 41 oe- '1r. Brown meted, that it be an in- carred to trespasser,, being neither passen- .'ruCtioo to th_ committee that they have l tiers nor serraots of the companies, who •fowei to make proel'I u w the Bill (or the lost their lives by wilfully or inadvertently repeal of such clauses of the School Acts of i ktrin •oInc businesss tile line at w all. - DEATHS DEATHS BY RAILROAD. The railroad daagltsr in tb• Visited States may be eeutruted will that 0f Ea - ;lead, tseetesed Ilius a The Leedom Tem The public will learn with coseidaeibis lereu that Ila general aecooa4 s(slihrnsy. sec1441• be. bottomed' up to tb Asa of lot goat, 60 tube setae' state of lMA quatioa can etgsl •aeertaieed. TM re- sults are before.. is a "reter0 of the saws her cad nature of the mettles**, and LM ie - juries to life and limb, watch have occurred of all the railways in Great Britaia sad Ire• load, frons the 1st July to the 91st Decem- ber, 1$52, nether with lbs member of passengers conveyed dung that period.' Our first brief anpuwcersest of the tut bere disclosed will create, we fear, terrible dismay. In the six mouths terwisntn` as aforesaid, there were killed upoa tie railroads of this Kingdom one hundred sod thirty-three persons, while there were im- jured three budged and eighty -seven. - These amounts appear perfectly ter rible.-- hlany a pitched battle has been woo with smaller loss of life; io fact the great fight of Meenauee, which destroyed the Ameers and gave Sir Charts' Napier the commeod of eictn(e,cote the British force but souse 300 wounded and 60 or 70 killed. The total number of sufferers shown is the return is 520 for the 6 months, which, if the rate is maintained, would gine upwards of a ; thousand casualties for a single year. We shall presently offer some explenatioss which will materially modify these concls- I sions, but the result will still deserve very serious reflections. HURON SIGNAL.. WuaT Per:T.-A• (agNfaee Yeakw. NNW Co B4. swell te• e et111 way ost sag Comps. Iver hearts en the steel puede luau prise mita Albsel !Web, to getri•1 U. ieinilioa 0• • howbeit,' says that • the map who sue. swede is batsg the public, is sure to b. salted • bombug by hsem who cannel.' Upper Canada now in force, as authorise i Thos class of caetalities, therefore, forming the estaelislenent or continuance of -separate ;Dearly one-third of the whole, must clearly 'School., am the removal from sup- eroJ regne.l: i San. gnle elm -teary bill 81!1 re t06'01ti9a of any pot- � lie &test place, *J servants of the comps- bels. Bl 68j: Weston' Caval, 4800 bila s1 ,sets or worbmin employed by contractors 62; for Ca,,u5un to straight state. u�u of the community it a sectarian papa- met with their deaths by tbeir uwo care- Gaatr.-Demand fur wa eat fair for ex - city. lessness or misconduct -so that we have now pori; arrivals Peeled. \!r. Christie, of Ilreutworth, moved ea nearly two-thirds of the amount accounted OAT* firmer in demand; 4Sc a 30c for a:oetl.iment that the words, "and also to for without any censure attaching to the slate and weet.rn. compau,cs, or any risk shown to accrue to B -gale. 400 bush, two rowed, nuke; roci•ion that in management of any traffic ge0eeally. •fluidly, we God 12 pals- 6x' . ee:ymnn sehoel which derives any portion augers killed by no fault -as the report of I:- ' ',wort from the funds of the Pro- assu. es us --cut tbeir •owu. Forty deaths si'.ce, trete shall be uu teaching or any only remain, therefore, ascribable to rail• practice permitted which cau in any -way way mauagemeut-'hal u to say, as hay proceeded from causes beyond, tbe control Ju riohoce to tI religious feelings or open- of the sufferers ; and, as 31 of the victims of uudertc II Township. tins of any chile, or of the parent or guardi- were corn)panies' servants or,work-people, , an of any child, attending such common the acltal number of passengers killed by . MO, Scbaol " be added at clic rad thereof. railway accidents, in the usual sense of the I 1 e C'•Ibnree, May 23n!, M.ry ReiJ. • 1,1. Jet tuns on Mr. BTowti • amendment I phrase is reduced to 9. molter of Robert Yourg. Aged 83 year;. • Oil the other hand, if we turn to the list The deeeemel was a Dative of Kllwinotng, vas -Yeas, 16; Nays 4'.. of the wounded, we discover in the very Scotland. The division on Mr. Christie's-Yeas, IlI first item that no fewer than 316 Nissen - 11; Nays Pi. ger' are admitted to have been injured Mr. RicbarJ's bill was then passed without omcasen faulton coufessonl tbeir road own prrte,aod A. J. MOORE, through Committee. y y .4TTURNF.Y-RT-G4ii'. tn months oo- 'f 's number, fora nod f six e This OFFICE is the Post Office Buildings. f be 'louse resolved into committee on ly, meat be fete to be quite alarming; nor the hill to amend the act to provide for I do we know that we can offer any efr.ctual a 7115, ch. pJune 716,1833. v6o19 the tormation of incorporated Joint l inittcation of its purport. it is true that • EMowass AND CAPADJAN YAlrs.- By so order of tie Post Master Getters! is Esglaad, all corresposdeses specially Smarted "ly the Caudate Mail Packet,' wed beocefortb hernia by that conveyance letters will bs charged one 'billing per ball' ovate, books one shilling per pound, cad newspapers will be sent free. 'Ilse postage may be either pre -paid. or other- wise. MARKETS. GODLRICII, Julie 9, 1953. Flour from 15s to 17s 6J per bbl. Fall Wheat, to 3s to Js 6d. per bush. - Spring, 2s 104 to 3s per bushel. Oats, is 1J to Is 8d., per 34 lbs. Pork, $-l. to $5, per hundred. Butter, 84 to 00d, per Ib. Toao•To. June 4, 1853. Sour -Miller" Extra surefire, per be 30 a 31 1 -Farrows, 196 ib. 20 a 21 3 W'.eat-Fall per bu.hel, 60 :ba 4 a 4 7 Spring, do. du 3 6 • 3 9 Oatmeal, per bel, 196 Ib. 17 6 • 18 9 041., per bushel, 34 lbs 1 9 a 2 Pee,, per basket, W Ibe 2 6 . 3 0. Potatoes per bushel, 2 a 2 8 • Gra.. Beed, per bushel, 48 Ib. 7 6 a Il 3 Closer Beed, per bushel, 33 6 a 36 8. 1 11ay, per ton, 70 a 75. Pork, per 100 Ib. 23 a 30. Beef, per100 Is. 36 a 30. Bacon, por cwt 30 6 a 45 llama, per ewt40a50. Lard, per le 0 b a 0 6. item 3, 1853. FLoce.-Western brands nwrt remit cry ole heavy: beater grades •late Gnu sou d for1 l ( the be deducted from the gross account 10 C „d t I 23u WANTED. i`HR thubmrriber oasts w wive bol about melees )ears u1 age, to had. •a. Corset bestseee. For leakier parte outer. airy tut DANIEL GORDON. Gederim, les* 111, 1 •lit. m 19 WANTED. 'rue Rubeerther r..w WM. neer. NESS MAKERS. ter which good wages wed1 be giv.. Fur further Mrlw.• Mrs apply to W. STOTTS. West at. Goderieb, 7th June, 1153. •1• N ()TICE. '1111E undersigned havrsg a 'Metro wish 10 Pay what he twee a compo:led 1.' inform all those aha are indsbttJ to him !bat they oust at nue• pay bin, 0r ale,. elm Day aid be sued w thout tiny (Nese- 1100 or Ivor and he put W coals. Their •ccounu are now put ., the hand. of Thew W•Ison, Eaq , 801iciest. also has lull power to adjust all he claims. Wed. ROBINSON. (i'dcrich, 411 Julie, 1853. 819 -if FOR SALE. 'rllf)SE Premises contesting of Lot No. 4, ironnng L'ght-h.•u.. etas, Gods - 'id), containing one-fourth u( an acre of and, will, the Cutter th.reu., formerly be property 01 F. G. Pelmet, and know• Ad ••-Alabama Curare." Price £200.- Fa►trculau "f Terms, Title, tee., apply (be tetter or etherwt.e) to JOHN SIACDONALD. 43 Km -street, Toronto. Turunto, let June, ten. n19 -6w 111a rrirb. On the 4th tree , by the 1.ev. E. L Ellwood, John Alien, Innkeeper, to Mary Tuchburo, Stott :.ompanys for -manufacturing, media_ (the return is swelled by the extraordinary ace', and chemical purposes, and rose and reported progress. The !louse assented to the amendments cf the C'ouoril to the Pet.rboro' and Port Ilupe 1:adroaJ Company. Also to the Fleece I:deare r aiiroad Company. Also .to amen : the Registry Laws. ©niton of Mr. Druuunoud, the 'louse resolved unto committee, and passed a series of re`olutioas with respect to the salaries of odicers'ofJuotice in Lower Canada. Sir. Drummond soul that the Govern - number of sufferers in one or two particular 8T It AYE D SHERIFF'S SALE. Property in Great 13ritaiu and! Ireland. "inv. 8uberrewe uta to wp•rrur 1•eitiflito r. Joe the recovery .f ela.w• io tame eceetrwa, eaves( user.•* tome., este Here, Iseetisdbakeeg personal n.eu fur drat perpoitansi ceases tale." charge u1 •t lie own rah. Refugees" ar.1 further ietwesasties bed .. at!rpttreuon. J.%Mkt1 '111 SON. No. 4, Roof Eachase, Beechegs, Le.doa, C. W., i•ih May 1833. tesla. United C. unfir, of By Vutne of se Iluron and Bruer, D las Writ of Fie - To %Vie: ri Fina issued uut et Iler Meesty's County' ('curt f.•r the (Jetted (emetics of Iluron and Bruce, end to me directed al/must the Guoee and Chatie:m of Alrxmnle: 6lclnty:e, at the -tit of 'Ih..m.• Craig, 1 have seized and 1.1•n .n Ex•euunn the I..'• of leti NUM RER THREE HUNDRED and TWEN 1'Y-FelUR *nth the Frame budding and improvements thereon, on the 'Pure •1 Goderieh, which 1'tali eff.r for Sale at the Court Room in the Teen of Godertcl, on SeaorJay the Eighteenth day of June',eat, at the hour cf 1'welee of the cluck, noon. �. 11rDVNA1.D. • Sheri, 11. ti 8• Sher re Office, Goderieh, 30th May, 1832. # v6o16-et accidents, welt as ;bat at Redhill, on the FROM the Subscriber about the last t.l 1st of Nov., when 71 passengers were May, a three year old Roes coloured injured together, and that on the Maul•es- Colt, web black mail, lot soil leg., rands ter, ehriTeld, and Lincolnshire line, where about fourteen bands high. A suitable 42 met a similar fate. It may be also truereward wilt be deco for ouch inf.rm.tten ab' insinuated in the report, that a veal wet lead to the recovery of tbu abose ou:nber of these injuries were 'very slight. 'mentioned Cult. CHRIST. SHANNON. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. G,derich, June 4th, 1853. .19 QOEarc. May 28th, 1853. PATN.TS u1 I,vrsTlo7. II,. Excelescy tee Governor General hu been further plet esti to grant Letters Patent of Invention for a period of fo,,r eeo years from the dare thereof, to the follows talent were not prepared to say what they, persons vis: would do on the subject of calling upon the i ,,caDamcl Smith Merritt. of the Toe °ship seignors to deliver in tbe statement and tmof nc0ved a rnB(ecand'thfecd ng and flying rout -rolls ar(euz el dc.aoui&eule.tla welch sack works for Seism and Water `Jew they are cbli,ed to gine to the Crown, and Stills." Dated 11 h Mar lwell1833. N"eliam Antrobus Ho, of the Coy astatetoeut of the aouual revenue arising ; of Q• ebee, Storekeeper of Her Maj•t-Iy's from casual rights in their reepettire setg- Ord...nee, for •• A new ani nsefol Improve Durk!, deriug a given number of days. most in tn•emcunn of Reins or &ala•, ' be calleod ' Tia Desk: safety Rein. "' Mr. Drummond introduced a bat , t to I Dated 12th May, 1153. %meal an Act passed is the present. session, Z:naa Everitt, of the Township of Flam- i borapyh \Vet, Y.•nmao, for " An lueproved ca,,owenne certain Couhly Municipalities Calder." Died 12'h Slay, 1853. in Lower Lauda to take stock is Railroad Companies. I 'fua CIti:lEsu 1tt.etuoy.-The This morningMr. Brown said that as Friend of China urges that it is for the intnrest of the European powers to come news had been received that abet -loyal sant- to the rescue of the Emperor. It is urged, tion had been given to the Clergy Reserves that were the present dynasty subver.ed, Bill, be desired to move the resolutions of and a state of anarchy to ensue, the pre.- wbreh he bad given notice with a view of seltliO$ the questeoo this session. Mr. 1)r uinmond amid it is entirely out of the ques- ervation of quiet on her frontier would give Russia, plau eble grounds for icterfer eine, if sot for annexation. Forty thousand Russian troops could probably bold China tics. proper more easily than 11e same number Mr.Brown said be would move his reso- of English could hold Ilindostan. The Lon- don Times thinks no intervention is desi- rable to maintain -the Emperor, mm a•uch Tee sale .e1 put'Iic bighways Bill was read as no change of dysury at Nankin could • aeeosd time and referred. affect the commercial relations of China Tb. Bill to r*p.ol provisions reepeotieg I sad Europe. The political dean of the the destruction of wild ant -nate la C. W.,rebellion Is involved in obscurity . 'nos was read a second u.... ! dethronement of the reigning emperor, how - Mr. Dexo.'. Bill to enable titles and • ever, is now tbe avowed object. He be. towns to elect their Wyors, wasordered 11°°P to the Mantcboo Tartan dynasty to be read a second time this day n: which subdued the Clouse two htmdr.d years ago, and het' the throne ewer since. months. I Some pretender -who or what be is does - ; sot appear -Is among the insurgents, cad Monday, Joe. 6th• I cad be is to be made king, not emperor, in No Telegraphic Report from Q-wbee to- ' ease of success. sight, os account •f the el ctrit(fty i■ Out Caaamse P o, Caron. -At Toper'•tateapbere. IgM eresp'eg plants are .a beautiful as they are yarrow• TMy foyer the steam of tbe t taw rhsot ever the top branches of 8aturday,eays :-•'Sereetime never i Intending f Masel+. to breach and from peon en yesterday, • mat demised In a ,tree to tete ver a cementite). esetnt of word; border' g the fort paths, roodsg wKb verdure sed bloom 11e eet1re thicket completely shorting out the [.uses light e nd beet of the blasting poi-preseroong • proto.., vaned and web mass .f t►'meet eet pewees green (tote. the inaes Itgt; abetter Armagh Use ls$s.prest Immo while their cremate! i..dti he him( wreat Mtoenmy Mtere'e '.ylt..t arbour.-- droopga isg sero.. is rles& of gorg.ess 11e4•em, rd, yellow, potpie, blue and white par 11 teem .oll ad 1517, .male u 1irg1 w • pseny m0454, e41c10eIsg yen I1uas • tiro osmium .1 gslteri0g leaves 'brooch wb►eb Om po►►01 and boesm1ag ►heti• on ...,cantly Mottos. N.o the vegetal taboo bead, .Arch w whom with • whrtoll se lova( hese, sod ewe loNat been reviler ea N 1/ Ms tee, closely r ssr.Mfsg he h gametes. Mew se of diem orspuoc pleas es .f Mop 11m00saese ant ere sated jos.glo repot beteg se H •• a oak, d •Iewlp tomtit* as y MOW) esM., wbis1wtl n► Mmbko, •p artoTu Muamse.-The BenekTHM Free l �i0• beton hark Beat, whits bet sad 1,811.n pae- ealsore same •*knows, was dtseovered issrdei.d is the most brutal manse,, .bout o Iwmile. fres. Breakadb, he 1141 dtreet0M 1l' Soltle Falls. Tee laetrihh toad was perpetrated with • honey .1.k. Uwe befog •i here ere..4 ea the forehe04, and wrslb•e slaw sort sof .hie. Ho wee fosse to woof, rata which lb. people 1. the sorb. borh.dd wave they sow twee sus osier 7•41 ae•dey morons', sod eller thea r asvosd ehswt/7 .11••, whn le 5*MI 5d to N sea •Fans, ree.stly l(bsral.d from the P.•t'., usep. The rrrbRsd Ms bee set sees ,.togsfse4, floe sew Ilse is IM ywd .Mr.e's8 to ens' •Nett jail Mannas mss sole t• lbcosgs Jt...lefels Woes 16.'5led d1.s three.'s11.sL� Hoose wee rseerms . r the averder. OM �tMr i sold is torn. .d with fist gI.sS 1y 1M wt•s /e41 Is chi •Y�8 �eNrwrt of Oho snrbe. Tomo M a mow elms *Abed' moil wogs sot• 4.1•111116 together 's the monis/ sear Lye." 14 - 0 Iluron Dirision No. 123 Sons of Temperance. ASPECIAL Meeting will be held at the Hall of the Son. el Trmperacce or Thursday the 16th prox.,at 10 o'clock, a.GI. Ga 1 e Div non intend beteg present (we regalia mad banners), .t the Detnonstrahor connected with the comm.roen.ent of 1l.. works on the Boffalo, Brantford and Gerle rich Medway. All members of set 1 Dive• .fon are requested to be in attendance. By order R. B. RENOLDS, R. R. Gnderich, May 301h, 1853. Sheriff's Sale of LANDS. GOOCtI O(DRfl! THE Upiersi1ird basing potehased the (J.Jerieb Foetid'''. tee to •d prise reale Ineadssud Ibe pulite, 'bat they intrad retryielf e• the Fnwsdry Perseae in all Its Breeches; to construes Glut sed Paw Millet awe 1. masufeesuu Thrs•hirg Marhier,, flefarslunr Ploughs and 8111 other Aerie,stterel tepees Sete rt quire' 1n 11.18 acetate of the Pronate - Thee also reword goteg mete largely e. 0 th. Slone busieess, and ere Sow 8tlisg up, latest Palte,n• "Id moss., r, red principle•. .' eekur, bee sad Porter Stoves . f lbs 'rb• bushes.' will be carr:ed or, 1y-deucderel¢wo1, under the Fina of Story tic Co. A CARD • N'ILI.' \\1 S•I'011Y. THE BaSeenbtrs recur• 'herr e;acere t1.nke se 11e (ebabu••ue(• Gederich sad ad)ou • tag u.lory. fee da ..ry lib -rot patrwaee be• stowed epos theta %1511. 1u temper to Gale• rie1. Tarr week' sew a..rr dist .My hoot rewgped "stir tomato. le (i.drneh to (0.00; .1 Metra. BANNE)RMAN eh. FERGUBON. fpr who,bey would r.apeeiMDy ..heir ,b. 8530. extesd•d .appnn .R rMd t1.em,tl,ra. (:Olt WN A 11AC1(AY. Gud•ric6, Aril 20th, t63J. .6'13 filifIN reference to Ile above we hale a I.4 .tate that or have pen -heated rh. entire Seek .f 151teare GORtX)N & MACKAY. courtrooms! or DRY GOOD +. GROCERIES. CROCKERY. CLOTHING, die., es the meat sdeuugeous terra.. 1' hr wWiti... wt •re m.kiee therm.) %ill render r1 can pl•tt ie at1 itsdep.nmea'S: d. 7. . adore- mereof ahs tate Frim .. wed as elu rshobitarS (•senile. we termed85y'hot'1h. fruhlies perces.We p..•. for perehasiog iu Lha Soot M•r►eu, step • determination to wiherr to its. Deemer' Pri•ciples of net peelers..ns. ..incl,-O,e Pre,, Larne Sale*, femme ;mime •n.bler •. .1.b c.i34.se• to solicit the sepptrI til a dia- cer•ia( pubhr. BANNERMAN & FERGISON. Gode,ich, 10x15 April, 185:1. .60IJ LUMBER• ritlhESub.eriber• are now prepared to me ++ ,cute nide!. for all ken.'• 01 balding and fencing Lumber. They Aare .Iso re- ceived per scJiooner Annexation. • rhotce assortment o Aloe and raw. wood lumber, which they offer at low rains for Caste JOHN McDONAI.0 k Cu. Goderieh, Seam Paw M111, April 27th, 1833. v6 -n13 Unifrd Covoti.s of ItY Virtue of a writ Iluron 4. 11, ace. of'\'eudntom Ex - 70 wiT: pons issued out of Iter Meeraty'm County Court for the Um ed C•'untiro of Huron pod Bru:e, arJ 1.• enc directed &garnet the Lanes ,end Terre meow u f It:chard Darliep ion al the matt of htos. Rolcrtsen.l hate.r.zeil mod taken in Execution as brloneerg t:. the said Richard Darlington, IMI number tone 111 the seventh Cuoce-ton (Ease to Dteuinn). Telenet'', et Colbor.•e, c.mtain' ng by adm.asurrmem ,ne hnndred acres be the rima more or res.. \V htrh Lands I shall offer for sale at the Court Roum re the 'Yuen of Gnderich, .n Sestird.y the Feevoii ls day •,1 June next at U0 hour of ter we of the clock, noon. • J. el'DONALD, Sheriff, 11.B .11. Severe Otlice, Goderieh. 37th May, 1853. t s6n18 et NOTICE. [ ALEXANDER McINTIRE, do agree to ,.k• over my eget, tae ane eon. of Note. and Book account*, to JAMES D'ON ALDSON, belonging to the firm of u'txander McIntire ari Jtmee Retards, n• 5, 11,INTIRE• Witness -Deem Csterre e. Gederlch, Much 3rd, 1858. %G:,G SEW BOOT AND SIIOE STORE IN GODERiCH. rrilE Rubrcnbnr respectfully an- al1 nnunce0 to the Ir.habitantc of ©Wench an.l surruun.ln¢ ce•untry, hat be hoe porehmae,t the Steck .n Trade, face., c(elr. 5. l burrhill. in theabnve busi- ness., uinnes., and opened the Store lately ocrupted to Dr o, 11. B+rt.', T.ei,.r, next door biotite new Bieck bWine, equate, Goderieh, 'dere h• intends lu car y on Ibe (BOOT AND SLIDE Baseness t .1! its branches. Ile is prepared to ',recut ,1 orders for every sanely of \Volk, o he most reasonable terser. one by retie .ttenuon to bcsineas hetet' to merit -hare of p.b'ic patronage. The h'gheat market pr ice pod for Aide end Bark. R. *01."«• G.•der`.eh, May 20, 1853. e6s17 e 0 • • GEORGE I.. AIAKWOOD. ROBERT RUNCIVrtN. Mr. Robert Runris•an will conduct '1. Bustuers .,:4 hum net bong praet,r>1 eaprr- "'ace .• Ili. eo,►lruttluo of ,,.ill., macllnere and agrcufturel Imp'eutealr, tri.) fr.m bre thorough knee leege til .11 the latest iu rot tun ol. 10 aeah, f.c s e ofiJci.t d,f k.ep- tel pace with tear Timer. N. B. Apprsnt•cee wanted to the muuldine and mail %fight departments. God.ern March 241h. 1.53. vena GI:O. M. '1'RUEMAN, AUCTIONEER 4- COMMISSION MERCHANT. ;lark,: Square, C.derich. IS prepared u., • tend Salm to nay part • t f t he U re to i Coen et. 18014 k'OIt tMA1.E:. T11E Suhodium •rrrh.r for rale Lot No. e. nn the Harbour Ftat, IS the lime of Gouench. leer psrticelare Arnie to WILLIAM J. TAYLOR. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. flailed Counties of) 1111t1 virlua of severs! Heron and IJ, ace, ( 11 Weis of Feer1 To Wile a Facia., leveed not 01 Her Majesty's Court of Quern's Beech At J :he County Court for the t'o.te- ('o•euiem of W.11ingion, Wee deo AD.' Grey, to me d.rrrud, apaunst the I,.•ds •n•' tenements of MICIIAEI. FISHER, 11, ceased, in ih• bands of Jacob Clement., , rurvivinr ExIecutor ..f the a•t w1..an1 trs- lament of 1158 said M.chael Fetter, deceps- ed. to the following ..ries, viz: Queen's Bench. Benjamin Rosenberger, n. Jacob Cleme,.a, Executer. George Clemente vs. do do County (:ower. Junes Tecoef, vs. Jacob Clemens, Eeteetea. Done' Crosby, vs. du do Muses 5. Bowman, vs. • do du • John Miller, vs. do do 1 have seized "DJ ease In ezecut•oo the feilowinr land., ca: Iota nut l era 119. elesee, tnelve, uaenty-fife teeutc-.ix. thirty and thirty-, no 10 the Mlailand Cnn• cement uf the Toern.hip of Colborne, ten - mining by aduteasurrmenl nine hundred and eighty too acres, be the sanie mere .r :ear; lues numbers eleven, twelve, tl, rteeu and fourteen in the fi..1 cnnce.Slon 010 Division) to the .ale T. wnehif, el' Co borne. mintier -mg by admea.nrrn'eot bee hnndred and thirty-two acres, be the alone u ore or lee.; which loads I *ball neer fur *.le at the Co'trt Room. in the Town of Gteerch, on NAT UR DA Y. the SIX - T! EN'I'H day of JULY next, as noes. J. AleDGNAI.D, beerfff 1I. be B• Sherff'. Ole,, Gudrr•ch, 1-611 Atnil, 1833 161-16-91 (Firer lubhsbed 30:h April, 1853.) STATEMENT' OF LiCE.WES Issued in the Counties of Huron and Bruce from 1st March to the 4th of June inclusive, for the year 1853. r,erdplro8 N.. Licence telteeph lanttk, u 1 !.John C toper, .. 3lEJwarl Looby, to 41Juhn Ratienbury, a ilJane Balk well, a Thomas Kelm, a 71ThomaaJohnston, .r Chimes Gentler'. 9 Wdllsm VanEgmond, 10 August VanEtruwsd, II R••bert lenne¢h, 19 Georg* Robson, 13 W. W. Crustier, 14 Matthew Rodger., 15 WJlimm Robotism', 16Rattesbory Is Dark, 17.Aluandor Doak, 18 Cheer Blatme, I9John Craig, 20 Jobe Alley, 31 Robert Filo, -� 31 Thomas W. Rtanly, 113•Wm Rattoabu►y, !Micah" Get's'', 98'Pst'k Mellhargr, eitlWrlham Logan, " 27IJols Bowes, 164Joos tomitre, totTbo.se Webb, ,11 lasses 0.trney, William Berge, W. 11. Ryas. JIr. Hawthorn, Rbop A.11111, W . E. Gert, „ VuEvery k Guldtborp, Robert Domogb, of Jk emus-. 01 44 Di Ueuorse, Statiey, 1 do do t1.Mrae, jTucke ram. t h, Goderieh Toe o, do Tuckersm.t15, do IGoderten Town, do 1Stanley, (Ueboree, Colborne, Gud.rich Tows, Bayfield, Stanley, (iodercb Town, do Io Blddulpb, Tuckerumithe Btddu!pb, Ju Colborne, McGillivray': du Beelulph, tar 1, . w• h a nos , ulph, nock, St. Mart., G,.doneb Toter' Do DJ Total, duty. -sem 0--0 3 8 3 4 1d 3 4 16 3 0 0 4 4 1t 3 4 It 1t 4 4 7 14 4 3 9 IS IJ 3 4 4 5 7 1 4 s 3 6 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 Ie 8 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 IS to 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 3 Chilhun, 11+y 111h, 1133. a6n19-lin inners rxtrn."vu a+s•.rtmrert0 of Hartle/re and Grucery 1 ",d•• FA'I\!NG !MILLS :AND PUMPS. BBUCHANAN, YOUNG kfe- HamiilUn, 511 ch 3, ISM sb,7-3n EARLY ft•PI4I\l1 I MPOlt'r.t'FIONM fpIIP: SUBSCBIBEIt begs to tr..,ioe their Jl Cuolr.mrrr, a..J 1',81 1,444 ¢t new'Ir, that the late eteamere arrtyed .1 New York ,,,411..'.'n. ha,., broueet . n r1 ' 11,!r. NEWP.%N('Y .'oST.APL1: r.\nttics, Srr.rble for foe Ylnia;j Sonde of which .re Mouldy loressre to h1.n. Ihnn; art, as 11. 8reau,ers u..w •acct rt hews on rare their heavy" Dune'"[ Impure 'aliens, they eeo•et to ho11 a tell Sloth of FREKII GOODS, rnmprrlrcndtnp all th.. ;.cert 5L►lee of the feiropeto 'goatee/ " ►y the nnJulet n( the mane', The •ubacr ber- continue to held at ■,t '11'11E select bre will keep roaaanlir on I ".and .l the GODF.RICII FANNiNG MILL AND PUMP FAC'I'OI(Y, ua Ar ilea Street, seer the Varlet Square, and .,leentrg Mr. 1k4gM "ler'. •P•unery, • St..ck .l .ul.otantal, serviceable •nJ very auptri,•r Attic:e, of the above d:.eriptiun, *tech he wail seri cheap f..r ea.h, tperchenl- ab!• Peal:am or oaf pprove•l cede. Ile *abed rh'•.e puce• 1e search of a guod e tude at a n aeonsblr epee, to gale bun • :811. sod be 11.11010 himself that bee lung xperr.•nce en the business will ensure the eatlsf.ctwo of el pure harem HENRY DODD. Gode.ich, Wier), ISth, 1853. 160711 To Qua. ry-omen and Labourers. 0 • • 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1W ANTED immrdeafe!r, a few good •Qnar,r men sod labourers to wane .t the Martl., d Brialy'. to wh..m go, d elites veil be gives. Also slone•cu tent. %pply l0 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 £231 7 • To Dimes. Lts1R8, El11QUnRl, • Clerk of the Peace, Huron and Bruce, (Signed] CHARLES, WITHER, avenue Inspector, Huron & Bruce Certibed to be a true copy. DAN. LiZARS, Clerk of the Pence. Office of the Clerk of the !'eau', Goderieh, Rile SAL t < , JOI:N8GN k McEW.1Na ec Contracture. Gee.rtrh. Ph Apra. :sAl( %Rr1O NOTICE. IIERI;RY caution any veno or Sermon • purchasing n Note .•f Mimi ;farm or n.0 o Ii'our of Jol.n Doe.wurlb, ter for, ii; •' a the sum of twenty five pounds cerr.nes. cervlrg isle in J.,1.wry last *tech I nn n. t disposed to pay, binmg trot received value fur fee awn... ANTHONY DODSWORTII. Stanley, :dth Sled, 1853. s3ss18 NEW GROCERY ON7E'412) ICI GI 77,8 niwbk Sirproce bej... (hr auto .ladling '! ►It1IF. Suha•ribers bee Learn to intimate to the lohab'lmu. of G ,derrclu •nJ .ur- ruunding country that t'eey 1 ..e e'.ne,t to 11.e above :toe, in %V •.t Street, it ie door from Dr. MnD•.u.al1'. Br'ck ma I line *hero they *ill C1n.lanrlr keep n• hard) a choice sot.• ton of Tea., Sager., Wines l.rquore,, erd Gn•eerem of re.ry •:e•nnp. ei„ry whtcll tl, y ere dtteru.tned 311'•6 r •t the very lowest remunerating' price.; *nil they trust by strict al entl••n to bee owe to mcril o .hare of pnhlte prlree.ee. VAN EVERY ez 0•*1.1)111OailP. Gudench, Feb. fere, 16.3. 16.3-1 ea 1• ONTARIO MARINE ANI) Fh tJR.1\ CuMP.\NYltt.lNS :eeo(p rr.ired by ..el' of Proc.: v'1 Pdrlia,wea Gunnell -i O, 11EAD OFFIC!: AT1Od1.1O J1IOL.. TON. Urascroasi ILagh C. deter. E.q. Al. ?Merritt, Fsq. 11. W. Browne, .1. F. Sl.",re, " Teeter Carrot:, " James Osborne, et D. C. (inns, at thea A. elealser, " James ,McIntyre, " E. C. Thorium, " t r ah Witsues dladnet Jia h eroo, J n \ •� . et " '15111. Silber -reser harts' heen int fntel Buffalo, Brantford and GJderich ARe'tl at G,..ler ce. (.,r 11.0 above both• . ly ream -00,1e Company. is prepared i'. R IAI.Vs' AY. effect lnatlrence •t the most teatonable races upon H eteee, they""¢ and livid.. !■ n sen n n fr ■IR 1 1' I1 I[1 1b 1 - THOMAS NiCIit11.LS, Agent. • GnJo►ren, 156 Sr,'., 1561. c6.33 i IMPORTANT NOTICE. ,fail. Suh,erc' ser" well "mesa 11 Mr. 1. l Kartenbrrrt's Il..lel. GuJcnc.l. on eh• 1501. 16111 an.1 171h Jure. f4 the pn•oow of purchasing HORSE:4 ••til.bIn for Itallw.v p"rpus•r, 410 w 111 our C•.h. on J•L•rerr.- F .r 'archer inf• nutrition aonly-ru lite:'). 31. 1'KUh:\IAN, Ano'p•n.er, Goderieh. MELLISH, Mtl1!(ELL k (:t'S: EL L 0.o1rae'er•. Coderid.,May 2931•. 1853. .11-02 NOTICE. 14111S Is to forbid any pereoe or perms. pu,ch.smrg • N.,re u1 hand grvrn by nil• fo t•.ur oI Jubn G1Laon. dated Apti . 1853, 418 15 0, c. 1 have etceived co value ler the stmt, \\ M. P.\P.T. Goderieh Township, May 30th, 1853. 815-3' NOTI('E. T 115 managing G•mnarrc • f tie Moen .Sheriff's Sole of Lands. 1Ihrsry A .ociali••r aao litellon c• In• settee hate meet anan¢rmrnts (car the do ( series a .r.lure. oto rue (roiled Counties of BY Virtue of a 1 To Wm: F'•ru•,tnatd nut of Her Maj•ety's Court of Were' 1t-•neh, cad an Aliso Writ or Fieri Facies ,.teed eve of the said Court, and to me d,rretc,', ■ e.1nsr rhe Inde and tenements of JAS. PEN KERB AI.I. GOODING mad I..ar. Rsn•ehorr. at the suit of BEN IA MI el BRE\VSTER. 1 have .eixed a,rd taken in executie• the tollowene I roperey, • .: (.els runway numbers (onr'sen, *i0Ny• ✓