HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 770: C .E scares re $qvad. Centralia stayed with the Exe- ter Greys for six full innings before bowing. to the powerful Exeter attack 17-10 in a game .played under, the lights at the air' station Tuesday night. Time Centralia ladies gave the Greys their biggest scare of the season by matching Exeter run- let...run to make the score read two tor the locals after six Innings, However, the Exeter ,ladies responded to the pressure by counting .seven more runs their last time at bat to rack Ito their tenth straight victory without a loss. The two teams pounded out tOtfl I of 32 hits during the con- test with the Greys collecting 22 of them, Catcher Ann Jorgenson led the way for Exeter by hammering a home run, a double, and two singles to account for five runs. Jean Taylor pi eked up four RBI's with a triple and two singles and lead-off hitter Ann Cronyn singled safely four times in succession. Dorothy Wilson spear-headed the rally in the last inning with a two-run homer and she also picked up a single earlier in the contest. Dolly Mattson doubled and singled for the winners while Mary Cravat, Rose Carey and Darlene Snell all cracked out two singles. Leading hitter for the Cen- tralia nine was Sicky. She club- bed a home run, double and single in four appearances. Left-hander Rose Carey pitch- ed the full seven innings to re- cord the win for Exeter. Greys roll to 11-4 win Tallying runs in every in- ning except the first and the last, Exeter Greys rolled to an easy 11.4 victory over Bruce• field here .Friday evening, The Exeter team continued their powerful hitting by crack- ing six extra-base hits, three of them home runs. Brucefield retaliated with four doubles. Third-baseman Jean Taylor paced the locals' attack with a home run, a double, and a single in three straight appear- ances, alary Gravelt banged a horny run and one single. The other Exeter circuit clout was col- looted by Dolly Mattson. Winning pitcher Rose Carey garnered two singles and every other member of the learn connected for one hit, Norma Coleman and Ann Cronyn both poled doubles while Audrey Pooley, Ann ;Jorgenson and Dorothy Wilson all collected singles, Although the Brucefield ladies came tip with an equal number of hits, they couldn't turn them into successful scoring plays, Betty Graham picked up two doubles anti a single for Bruce- field and Thelma Jones and dean Bell both hit safely twice. Exeter bunched 10 of their runs into the middle innings with three in the third and fifth and four in the fourth. Message from Blake By MISS EMMA FINLAY Mr, and Mrs. Herbert This- selman were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs, Peter Gin- gevieh of illake, Miss Emma Dinsmore of London is spending a few boll- days with Mr, and airs, Thom- as Dinsmore and friends of this Douglas Manson of Toronto is spending a few holidays with Mr, and Mrs, Newell Gei- ger and John and Mrs. Mary Manson and Robert. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride and' family of Windsor are spending a few days at their farm on the town line. Mrs. Minnie Wei& of 'Ur- al visited one day last week with Mrs. Archie Mustard and boys, ; BOOTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTCOR A Doritestic Commercial Industrial Motors., Controli, Lighting 70 Huron St. Wetst 235-0282 The Times-Advocate, Ally 19, 1962 Page-7 HEATING and '00.041W; .1`.40.0W.1Pg. IMA/Pg-Hur, • Year 'round luxury • Save 20% on NO • complete comfort— rootn-to-room .4 TR40•14•Fcti .4,11:414TICIMD Lennox ,equipment is used. In the homes of torm.rrow ,because they provhje complete Comfort alone With excemitoial economy, The fuel savings of Lerr't% May surprise you, But because the luxury featVres of Lennox .are designed to trim costs as much as they are to deliver .complete comfoit, your savings acid un to $5G0 nr 11101'0, Coal, air, q aa and eteCtric furnaces to. Choose from, or in combination with summer air can. clitioning units. Phone for complete Information And free estimates, Li ndenfield Limited Phone 235-2361 gxeter Here's a Gingerich Guaranteed VALU efrigerator WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST Only WITH TRADE Sales & Service PHONE 34 ZURICH Phone .:2354820 ART CLARKE 55 Ford 4-door V-8 Motor, Standard Shill Nice silriiiSli pink shack $595 Our buyers say over and over again: "THIS is the Fi ES Ft' DOBBS FOR They love its easy steering, long DODGE mileage and whisper quietness, If you haven't tried Dodge yet, you're missing a thrill! Come in today to try the new Dodge Dart 830 with SPOIZTSWEEPS STYLING! '60 Valiant Deluxe 4-door Sedan 1 5 Srtiart maroon * 69 with Whitewalls EXETER MOTOR SALES "WHERE THE filkOM1Ie IS 'PeRPORMeti" Prod 235.0065 113,1156 Soorgo 2$.1130 • • • # W • fc , • • • • • • • • 4 11 o # . 4. 4! # • Arsiii, •a• Playgrotino patter .program open , ,crafts sports to the league final and their opponents will probebiy be Clin- ton. According to Coach Jim "Red" Loader, the first game of the final set will probably be played at th'e end of this week. Wrap up series Exeter .pee-wees counted 11 runs in the first three innings and from then on were never headed as the locals dropped St. Marys 18-14 in the second game. After building up their big lead in the early stages the local lads became a bit over. confident towards the end of the game and St, Marys re- sponded by notching 12 runs in three innings. However, the Exeter young- sters retaliated with seven runs in the fifth and sixth in- nings to preserve the victory, Peter Lawson played his sec- ond stand-out game of the se- ries with a three-for-four per- formance at the plate. The hard-hitting third-baseman clubbed a triple, double, and single to lead the Exeter squad, Catcher Dill Fairhairn and Unite Nagel each collected two singles while single base hits were banged out by John Loa- der, Allan Diller, Donald Campbell and Randy Weber, Glenn Stites started for Exe- ter and he picked up the vic- tory although lie gave way in the fifth inning to Randy We- ber. St. Marys nut-hit the -Exeter nine 14 to 11 but the fine has- running of the homesters en- abled them to keep on top of the visitors throughout the game. Swamped in first game Exeter pee-wees came tip with one of their beat games of Crediton hitters fatten averages Crediton midgets tallied six runs in the first inning and then coasted home with an 11.3 verdict over Luean Tues- day night, The Crediton squad pounded out a total of 11 base hits dur- ing the five-inning contest and only one Crediton player fail- ed to pick up at least one hit. Terry Seymour paced the Crediton attack with a triple and a single in three attempts. Bob Thompson banged a double and a single for the winners and Bob Burns managed two singles, Dick Coulter and Jim Pfaff both poled triples for Crediton while John Loch had a two- bagger. jim Rattray and Bob Morrissey both collected singles. John Loch started for the. home Crediton nine but be ran into trouble in the second in- ning when a three-run home run by Gary Revington gave the losers all their runs, Jim Rattray finished up for the winners anti he turned. in a masterful performance, al- lowing only one hit and fanning nine batters in .the last four innings. Crediton squad edged by 'Burg Crediton midgets wore dump- ed 4.2 by leagtie-leading. New Hamburg in Crediton Friday evening, Dennis Debrody of New Ham- burg and an Pfaff of Credi- ion hooked up in a tight pitch- ing duel for the seven-inning contest, Debrody struck out nine While Pratt fanned seven, New Hamburg tallied one run in the first inning. two in the third, one more in the top of the fifth. Crediton finally got untrack- ed and countered with one run in the fifth when Neff doubted and stored on an error. The locals added one more iti the sixth when an error and two straight walks rot the margin to 4-2, BOWeVer, this _Was as close as they got and Debrody Te• tired the side in the seventh to preserve the victor:!, County rink takes prizes The Exeter Lawn Bowling club hosted a very successful tournament for Western On- tario bowlers at the local green last Wednesday, July .11. A total of 24 rinks from as far away as Goderich, London, and Clinton competed in the invitation affair, Each rink played three games and a Goderich pair, Earl Allison and Pete Bisset,. placed first in the twilight competition with their perfect record of three wins and a plus of 34. John Sutter and Walter New- combe, of Clinton, copped sec- ond position with their slate of three wins and a plus of 24. Third spot in the standings was taken by an Ailsa Craig duo, Sinclair McIntosh and Charles Morton with three wins and a plus 21, Highest standing mode by a local rink was that of Wes Vernier and George Thompson who placed sixth with a record of two wins and . a plus of 23, Two highly - favored r i n 'k s from London journeyed to Exe- ter to play in the tournament hut both finished out of the prizes. Canadian Canners Limited donated 38 packages of canned goods that were distributed to each of the contestants finish- ing lower than sixth position. 1 61 champs take losses After its first-place finish last year, Lieury is having trouble getting started again this year year in the McGillivray Soft- ball league. The Lieury squad was dumped in two games this week, once by last-place Grand Bend. The resort crew notched its second win of the season Tues- day evening with a 15.8 decision over last year's leaders. Sylvan moved into a tie with West Corners for, first place in the league standings with an 11-7 win over Lieury Thursday. West Corners was idl e th i s week but still maintained their bold on first position.. The West. Corners lads have compiled a. five-and.two record while Syl- van has lost one more game. Lieury is entrenched in third spot with four wins and five losses and Grand Bend is in the cellar at the present with two victories in eight attempts. In the past five years federal governMent spending on wel- fare and social security has increased from $L3 billion to $2.3 billion. When every minute counts Make sure you have a good supply of Shell gasoline on hand before you start harvesting. , And cheek your supply of these oilier farm equip- ment needs , motor oil, lubricants. hydraulic fluid, and Dieselinc. When you phone in your order be sure to ask kit your free copy of the Shell Farm Handbook, You'll And it a real help in keeping your tractor in top shape, SHELL '`\\W By JUDY TFRNANT The first week of Exeter Einamen Pleyground opened with a dull rear proceeding front the arena where we .held activities due to Inclement weather. On the first day children from ell three parks were brought to the arena at Kin park where we played tag and .other games and made paper bag laces. Tuesday afternoon, in the areas around all three parks, Housewives were harassed by .playgrounders begging for (or more likely dent ending Pipe- cleaners, old brooms and books, crayons, boxes, paper plates and other invaluable equipment, At the end of the afternoon the winners were declared with John Parker's team of Jim :Kearney, Gordon .MacDonald, Rob Alickle, Jim Parker and Gregg Wragg winning at Kin Park. At Victoria Park Joan Campbell's team won and Jim- my Gifford's team were victor- lolls at Queens. Wednesday afternoon track and field were run off at the playgrounds, Each playgrounder has a record sheet on which his limes and distances in all track and field events are re- corded and he tries to better his own marks. During (hese events the younger children Personal items Air. Lloyd Wein, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 'Wein, spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs, Ken Baxter and girls at Le Fray. Mrs. S. S. Wuerth joined her husband, Mr. S. S. Wuerth, at Le Froy with Mr, and Mrs. K. Baxter, Mrs. Carl Lippert and child- ren spent last week with her father, Mr, McDonald, at Sim- cue, Quite a number of members of the Huron Waves attended the picnic at Riverview Park at Exeter, Thursday, Air. and Mrs. Roy Wolfe of Detroit spent, a few clays this week with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Geiser. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fink- helper and family of Barrie are holidaying with All'. and Airs. Joseph lainkbeiner. Alr. and Mrs, E m erson Shu'oeder are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. llaist and attend- ed morning worship last Sun- day. Last Wednesday visitors with alt'. and airs. William Bender and air. anti Mrs. Allan Becker were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cas- well and Dennis of London and Air. anti Mrs. Carl Butler of Nashville, Tennessee. Ladies Aid and \VSWS mem- bers of DUB church attended the joint meeting with Dash- wood at Zurich on Tuesday, Dashwod had charge of study book; Crediton sports, and Zurich served the lunch, Mr. and Airs, Larry Kipling and girls, who have been re- siding with the latter's mother, Mi's. Mary Gunn. left Monday for Trenton where they left by jet aircraft for Zweibrucken, Germany, on Tuesday for four years. lie has been stationed at Centralia airport. Mr. Glen 'Feltner of Sudbury called on his aunt and uncle, alp, anti Mrs. .Lorne Morlock, on Sunday. DRAIN TILE 4"--$.55. per M Feet Del'cl. 5"--$85. per M Feet Del'd, 6"—$110, per M Feet Del'd. 7"—$155. per M Feet Dad. 8"—$185. per M Feet Derd. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within :15 mile radius of our plant, For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield, write or phone RYDALL RICK St TILE LTD., RR 2, don Phone 227.4721 . Liken. played games. Later all Play- grounds Made various crafts such as potato carving and kites. Also, Wednesday, a dart throwing contest allowed SO V" oral sharpies to show off their skill. However Barbara Reid managed to ease out .Darrell Wyatt for first place. Thursday morning the regu- hit schedule of games, both quiet and active, was in ..effect. In the afternoon the older groups began a plaster of .parts craft. Friday afternoon the play- grounders carved their plaster of Paris moulds into such de- signs as horses, rocket ships and their own names. Also on Friday, the senior boys engaged in three 20-minute periods of floor hockey. We had several volunteers this Week. Peter De Vries, Rick Schroeder and Paul Mason from Exeter and Gloria Williamson from London who was visiting Anmarie Kraft. Time wading pool was open during the week from 1:30 10 3:13u, On Saturday and Sunday .loan Defamer was in charge of the pout front 1:30 to 3;30. We are operating on a space age theme for the second week which should prove to be a Bla sit Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Fink- beiner, Mr .and Mrs. Ross Haugh and family, Mrs. Robert Lamhie and boys were at Westminster Hospital, London, on Sunday and all enjoyed a picnic lunch at Spripgbank Park, Mrs. Albert King dies in Windsor Airs. Elizabeth King, who spent most of her life in Credi- ton and who lived in Windsor and Detroit of late years with her daughters, died in Hotel Dieu Hospital in Windsor on Saturday, ;Italy 14, on her 91st birthday, Site was the widow of the late Albert King and was Aunt Lizzie to many Crediton Survivors are a son, Fred Either; daughter's, Mrs, Olive 'Rodgers, Mrs. Roy (Laura) Bennett, all of Detroit; Mrs. Raymond (Vera) Lavigne, of Windsor; one sister, Mr's. O. Devitt, Saginaw Mich.: three grandchildren and five great The .story -.1n, Grand fiend By .YVA1,1,..WQOP GIL L Personal items Mr. and Airs. Harold Emil and Betty Ann of Detroit Yls- Red with Mrs. E. Keown on. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, E. Brooks, Nancy and Paul of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Rendle during the past week. Mr. and IVIrs. Allan Guenther, Gary and friend and Mr. glid Airs. Dettglati C011.14 son and John all of London visited with Mr. .and Ales. Ron- die on Sunday, Misses. Mary .Rawlings, Chris- tine Ritchie, Frances Patter- son, Maureen Kemp, Ida Bur- ley and Cathy Adams, all of the Forest. District High Sellout, spent Wednesday and Thursday with Onalee and :Janice Gill. Mrs. Gertrude Adams and Air. Win. Robinson of Bramp- ton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gill and Joe at their cottage here, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Pat- terson and family visited with. relatives in Sarnia on Tues- day. Mrs, Mel. Dowdy of Streets. ville visited with friends in Grand Bend on Tuesday. Airs. Ethel Laing of London spent the weekend with alt. and Mrs, Colin Love and Jerry. Weekend visitors with Mt'. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Bradley were Air, and Mrs. Haskell Wiggington of St. Clair Shores, Mr, and Mrs. Erhardt. Bradke of Detroit, Mi's. Harry Lewis and 'Eger Lewis of Credi- ton, and Mr, Jim Smith of Montreal, Airs, David Leigh and chil- dren of Oakville spent two weeks with her parents, air, and Mrs. Herman Gill. Mr. David Brodrick of Ham- Rion is holidaying with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Brodrick. Mrs. W. G. Evans, Mr. and Airs, J. Burns and air, and Mrs. Ray Sharen and daughter of Wallaceburg visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Newman Sharon. Mr. and Airs. Melvin DeaJar- dine left on Sunday for Califor- nia and from San Diego, Cali- fornia on to Honolulu. Ha- waiian islands and will return home by the Canadian West. Mr. and Airs, Ron Mitchell. Wayne and Dennis visited on. Sunday with air. and Mrs. Ro- bert MacDonald and Dean of Clinton. WO. 2 Vincent and Mrs. floy of Church spent last Reek with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Bariteau at Duke's Ranch. grandchildren, The body arrived on Monn1,1 and rested at hopper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, where burial look place at Crecliton EUB cemetery on Tuesde‘ afternoon. Rev, R. S. Hiliz of- ficiated. P'wee.s ~~iminate 5191 in first .round playoffs Exeter pee woos racked up a the year in the first .game of pair of impressive 'victories their play-off round to clobbee sh'or .St. Marys this week in Sl, Marys 1.9•4 in their home the first round of their league park Friday. play-offs, The Exeter stilled responded The local youngsters set to the pressure of the ploy-offs. down the St. Marys crew in by hanging out 14 hits during two straight games in the best- seven innings, committing only of-three semi-final round for one error in the infield, and their league championship, running the base-paths to per- _Friday evening in St. Marys .fectiun. the laxeter crew rolled to a de- Exeter's two, hurlers, Randy cisive 10-4 victory in the first Weber and (;lean .Stites, also inn of the series and then turned in masterful perform- Monday night in Exeter they antics for the winners. Weber wrapped up the play.downs pitched the first four Innings, with an. 18.14 verdict over the giving Up only two runs and visitors, striking out eight, batters in the The pair of victories gave proeess, the locals the right to advance Peter Lawson ea me up with a sparkling performance by crashing a triple, double, and a single to account for five Exe- ter runs. Barry Baynham singled three times in five trips for the win- ners while John .Loader and Allan Diller both collected two safeties. Bin Fairbairn, Ricky 'Weber, Graham Bern, and Randy We- ber all notched singles, Exeter failed to tally at least one run in only one inning, the last, and the total team ex- ploded for three-run frames while holding the opposition to one. 44444(14144144444144. +la aY Crediton Comments By MRS, M. FAIST